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Concrete Pumping Risk Assessment

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Main Task / Activity: Concrete Pumping Risk Assessment

Location: Department: Date of Assessment:
RA Reference: Revision: 00 PTW Reference:

Assessment Team:
Client: Contractor Representatives: Page 1 of 5

General Guidelines:
1. Task Risk Assessment (also called Job Safety Analysis) is a qualitative hazard identification technique used for identifying, assessing and controlling major hazard(s) associated with a
specific task or operation where Permit to Work (PTW) precautions are deemed insufficient to execute the job safely.
2. No such work should be allowed to proceed until Risk Assessment has been completed and approved by a competent authority (normally Site Manager/Superintendent).
3. Risk Assessment should be carried out by a competent person and conducted in a team environment, involving all relevant parties.
4. Only trained and experienced staff should be deployed to execute high-risk jobs.
5. Conduct TRA well in advance as part of the work planning process.
6. Address all direct and indirect hazards associated with the task.
7. This TRA shall be conducted in conjunction with the above referenced PTW. A copy of the approved Risk Assessment must be attached to the permit throughout the work duration.
8. Use 5x5 Risk Assessment Matrix (provided separately) to assess the potential risks.
9. When determining safeguards, consider the ‘Hierarchy of Hazard Controls’ provided on this page.
10. Communicate TRA to all relevant personnel through meetings/toolbox talks before starting work.
11. Record Risk Assessment and revise if necessary.

Hierarchy of Hazard Controls:

(In order from most effective to least effective)
Elimination (by design or process changes)
Substitution (with less hazardous material or equipment)
Isolation (with barriers, machine guards)
Engineering Controls (interlocks, ESD system)
Administrative Controls (procedures, job rotations, training)
Warning Systems (signs, labels)
Personal Protective Equipment

HSE Documents-Risk Assessment for Concrete Pumping

*CPO-Concrete Pump Operator

S/N Hazard Who Will be Control Measures Residual Additional

Initial Risk Action by
Affected? Risk Recommendation
L S R L S R s
1. Supervisor/CPO
Collapse or settlement of pump Operator,  Ensure ground conditions at set up are adequate 1 2 2 Only competent
due to ground conditions / Workers, for a load of pump. personals should be
the overturning of the pump, or Visitors,  Provide sufficient support (timbers, steel sheets) assigned the tasks,
the collapse of the boom due to Others 5 3 15 as required and ensure there is adequate space follow complete,
insufficient stability around the pump for the full deployment of Safety personnel
outriggers. surveillance, giving
 Ensure outriggers are extended to the appropriate first aid, & proper
position. Sole plates are provided for placement toolbox talk.
below outrigger feet to support the pump. training
2. Crush or impact by the boom, Operator,  CPO to operate via remote control unit from a Supervisor/CPO
or struck by placing hose, Workers, position of safety.
during set up or during “off Visitors,  Hirer to ensure sufficient setup space and
the boom” placement of Others adequate light levels to ensure safe pump set up.
concrete 4 3 12  Ensure personnel remain clear of the area and 1 3 3
any operative controlling the position of the
 placing hose should hold it at arm’s length.
 Person(s) shall be nominated to converse with
and signal the CPO for minor boom positioning.
3. Contact with overhead Operator,  Industry guidance specifies the minimum safe Supervisor/CPO
cables Workers, working distance from electric cables is
Visitors,  6m, this includes the fully extended boom radius.
Others Exceptions may apply and closer distances may
be permitted where controls are provided, 1 3 3
5 3 15 however, they must be managed by a Written Only competent
Safe System of Work. Where set up cannot be personals should be
clear of overhead cables, consideration should be assigned the tasks,
given to the provision of a ground-level pipeline. follow complete,
4. Vehicle Movements (reversing) Operator,  Keep site personnel out of reversing area. Supervisor/CPO Safety personnel
– crushing or trapping of Workers,  A competent Traffic Marshall should direct the surveillance, giving
persons when moving the pump Visitors, moving vehicle and look out for anyone in the first aid, & proper
to work in a position Others danger area. toolbox talk.
 Vehicles fitted with reversing sirens and amber 1 5 5 training
3 3 9 flashing lights should have these engaged. High
visibility clothing must be worn and do not back
truck on out of view of
 mixer driver who will be reversing using mirrors.
5. Back injury due to Operator, 2 3 6  Use of ropes and good manual handling practices 1 5 5 Supervisor/CPO
moving ground pipes Workers, to be adopted

HSE Documents-Risk Assessment for Concrete Pumping

*CPO-Concrete Pump Operator

6. Washout of pump Operator,  The hirer/site management shall provide Supervisor/CPO

Workers, adequate washout facilities for concrete residues.
Visitors,  The CPO to only wash out in areas defined and
Others 1 3 3 authorised by site management. If there is no 1 1 1
suitable area washout can be taken away but this
is an extra charge and should be agreed at the
time of booking
7. The collapse of placing boom Operator,  All hydraulic rams are fitted with lock valves to Supervisor/CPO
due to failure of hydraulics Workers, limit movement should a failure occur. All
or structural failure of Visitors, 5 2 3 pumps undergo a boom test (which is 1 1 1
pump / boom Others certificated) and are also inspected as part of the
regular servicing schedule.
8. Contact with pump Operator,  All moving parts on the concrete pump are fully Supervisor/CPO
moving parts Workers, guarded, ensure the CPO has carried out his Only competent
Visitors, 3 2 3 required daily / weekly checks 1 2 2 personals should be
Others  No personnel other than the CPO may operate assigned the tasks,
the pump or climb onto the pump deck. follow complete,
Concrete splashing into Operator,  Full PPE to be worn inc, helmet, goggles, gloves, Supervisor/CPO Safety personnel
eyes from the end hose / Workers, safety wellingtons and barrier cream must be surveillance, giving
3 1 3 1 2 2
Concrete burns to hands Visitors, worn first aid, & proper
and feet Others toolbox talk.
10. Potential injury to persons Operator,  Ensure that the pour area has adequate protection Supervisor/CPO training
and property damage due Workers, to contain any concrete spray or spillage.
to concrete spillage / Visitors, 2 1 2 1 2 2
splatter (predominantly Others
from upper floors)
11. High-pressure concrete Operator,  Only pipes, hoses, clips of sufficient safety rating Supervisor/CPO
and aggregate going Workers, shall be used. Wear and damage
into eyes, face or any Visitors,  shall be monitored by the CPO and checked
exposed skin due to Others during scheduled services. Excessively
3 2 6 1 2 2
standing or working damaged/worn components shall be withdrawn.
in front of end hose, or Also, see Blockages section below
opening up pipe joints
when pumping
12. Broken limbs, severe Operator,  Do not kink placing hoses in the ground line. Supervisor/CPO
injury caused by Workers,  Do not attempt to pump very old concrete or
the whiplash of placing hoses. Visitors, concrete other than a pump mix.
Others 2 3 6 1 2 2
 The danger zone is the area around the end hose
in which it can strikeout. The diameter of the
zone is twice the length of the end hose.
13. Injury from splash due Operator,  Keep hopper full and inform mixer driver of risk. Supervisor/CPO
to blowback from Workers,  Full PPE to be worn. 1 3 3
concrete pump hopper Visitors,
14. Working at height Operator,  Access shall be restricted to “short duration” no Supervisor/CPO
(upon pump deck) Workers, hirer personnel shall be permitted to
3 3 9 1 3 3
Visitors,  access the pump deck unless express permission
Others is given by the CPO.

HSE Documents-Risk Assessment for Concrete Pumping

*CPO-Concrete Pump Operator

15. Potential blockages Operator,  Only “single-ended” hoses shall be used – double Supervisor/CPO Only competent
at start or restart of Workers, / steel collared ended hoses shall personals should be
pump, use of suspended Visitors,  not be used “off the boom”. assigned the tasks,
hose “of the boom” Others  The CPO shall request that all persons remain follow complete,
resulting in hose clear (a radial distance of at least twice the length Safety personnel
whipping into danger 3 2 6 1 2 2
of the hose) of the suspended hose at each start surveillance, giving
area or restart of the pump and until “smooth flow” first aid, & proper
has been achieved. Also, see Blockages section toolbox talk.
below training
 Full PPE to be worn.
16. Bursting of pipelines / Operator,  Only pipes, hoses, clips of sufficient safety rating Supervisor/CPO
hoses under pressure Workers, shall be used. Wear and damage
Visitors,  shall be monitored by the CPO and checked
4 3 12 1 2 2
Others during scheduled services. Excessively
damaged/worn components shall be withdrawn.
Also, see Blockages section below
17. Forceful ejection of air / Operator,  Pipe jointing seals shall be clean and in good Supervisor/CPO
concrete from the end Workers, order. Concrete level in the pump hopper O, S
of the pipeline. Air sucked Visitors,  must be maintained at the required
into line and compressed Others level, where the CPO is required to
3 4 12 position himself remote of the 1 3 3
pump appoint a competent person
to monitor deliveries and hopper
 level (to ensure air is not pumped into the pipe
18. Pressurised concrete Operator,  CPO to ensure the pipeline is depressurized Supervisor/CPO
release – dismantling Workers, before freeing jointing clips, hirer personnel must
4 4 16 1 3 3
of line Visitors, not uncouple pipes without the express
Others permission of the CPO
19. Pipeline cleaning with Operator,  A demarcated and access restricted area shall be Supervisor/CPO
compressed air – Workers, provided at the end of the pipeline that is to be
pressurised release / Visitors, 2 3 6 air cleansed. 1 3 3
ejection of sponge ball / Others
concrete / water / air

HSE Documents-Risk Assessment for Concrete Pumping

*CPO-Concrete Pump Operator

Blockages – Why do they occur? Risk Reduction / Control

Segregation of concrete / aggregates as it is pressurised through the pipeline with It shall be ensured that the appropriate grout mix is used. Maximum pipeline and delivery hose length shall be
the primer / grout considered – grouting may be more successful in shorter sections

Inappropriate concrete mix design or consistency – not suitable for pumping Only concrete that is of “pump mix design” and appropriate quality should be specified for delivery to

Hardening of the concrete in boom / pipeline from standing too long (usually when CPO shall circulate or move the concrete in the hopper / boom / pipeline. Deliveries shall be time managed and
awaiting delivery of fresh concrete) planned appropriately

Flexible placing hose become kinked The hose should never become kinked, it should be suspended vertically when used “off the boom”

Foreign objects delivered from visiting mixer drums The quality of the concrete should be monitored
Blockages – Reacting To

Where possible the CPO will stop the pump action and reverse the pumping direction (this may free the blockage). Before the CPO restarts the pumping action, he should ensure all persons retreat to a safe
distance away from the boom / pipeline. Should the blockage persist, the CPO will stop the pump, depressurize the line and investigate the location of the blockage before taking appropriate action (ie
disconnecting pipework to locate and remove the blockage).

A momentary blockage may occur that frees immediately this is often accompanied by increased engine / pump revs and noise. The CPO shall endeavour where possible to warn persons in the vicinity to
stand clear. However, the release is likely to cause the delivery hose and/or boom to move or “kick” before the pump action can be stopped.

The Risk Matrix Likelihood

Consequences People Assets Environment Reputation
5-Almost Certain Multiple Fatalities Extensive damage Extensive International impact 5 0 5 10 15 20 25
4-Very Likely Single fatality or Permanent total Severe damage Severe Effect National impact 4 0 4 8 12 16 20
3 0 3 6 9 12 15

3-Likely Major injury or health effects (long Major damage Major Effect Major impact 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
term or permanent partial disability)
1 0 1 2 3 4 5
2- Unlikely Minor injury or health effects leading Minor effect Minor Effect Minor impact
to LTI/RWC/MTC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1- Very Unlikely Single injury or health effects, Slight effect Slight Effect Slight impact 0 1 2 3 4 5
requiring first aid
Risk=Likelihood x Severity
0- Zero to Very

Acceptabl Review Required Unacceptable

Risk Assessment by: e


HSE Documents-Risk Assessment for Concrete Pumping

*CPO-Concrete Pump Operator

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