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Battlefield Modern Combat Prima Official Eguide

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David Knight

Prima Games
A Division of Random House, Inc.

3000 Lava Ridge Court, Suite 100

Roseville, CA 95661

The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc.,

registered in the United States and other countries. Primagames.com is a
registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United Basic Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
States. Prima Games is a division of Random House, Inc.
Infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
© 2005 Digital Illusions CE AB. All rights reserved. Battlefield 2 and Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat are trademarks of Digital Illusions CE AB. Almaty Region Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Electronic Arts, EA and the EA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Mangystau Region Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Almaty Region Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
Mangystau Region Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage or retrieval system without written permission from Qyzylorda Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Electronic Arts Inc. Finale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Product Manager: Jill Hinckley Single-Player Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Editor: Amanda Peckham Backstab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Design and Layout: Graphic Applications Group, Inc.
The Black Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Please be advised that the ESRB Ratings icons, "EC," "E," "E10+," "T," "M," "AO," Bridge Too Far. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
and "RP" are trademarks owned by the Entertainment Software Association, and
Cold Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
may only be used with their permission and authority. For information regarding
whether a product has been rated by the ESRB, please visit www.esrb.org. For Dammage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
permission to use the Ratings icons, please contact the ESA at esrblicenseinfo.com. Deadly Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Important: Harbor Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in Honor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed
Little Big Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this
book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either incidental or Missile Crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
consequential, that may result from using the information in this book. The The Nest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
publisher cannot provide information regarding game play, hints and strategies, or
problems with hardware or software. Questions should be directed to the support Russian Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
numbers provided by the game and device manufacturers in their documentation. Special Op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Some game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before
the desired result is achieved.
Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

ISBN: 0-7615-4886-6
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004116431 Acknowledgments:
Printed in the United States of America Prima and the author would like to thank Tom Farrer and Marcus Nilsson at
Dice and Rich Briggs, Mike Cox, Dan Blackstone, and Karl Fitzhugh at EA.
05 06 07 08 GG 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Welcome to Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Even if you're CONTROLS (continued)
familiar with the previous Battlefield games for the PC, Helicopters (Type 1)
think of this section as a refresher course. Although many Enter/Exit Vehicle u 2
of the gameplay concepts have remained untouched, there Steer (backwards, forwards and side to side) left analog stick left analog stick
Aim (rotation and altitude) right analog stick right analog stick
are plenty of new additions to the game you should be Fire weapon R 8
aware of before rushing into the action. So whether you're Change position i 6
a veteran or a rookie, set your gear aside for a few Helicopters (Type 2)
minutes and read up. Enter/Exit Vehicle u 2
Steer (backwards, forwards and rotates) left analog stick left analog stick
Aim (side to side and altitude) right analog stick right analog stick
Change position

Moving your soldier around the battlefield is simple,

especially if you've played any other FPS games. On both
the PS2 and Xbox versions, the left analog stick controls
forward, backward, and lateral movements. Meanwhile, the
right analog stick is used to aim and look around—this is
the way you change your directional heading when moving.
In ground vehicles, the left analog stick controls all
movements (acceleration, reverse, and steering) while the
right analog stick is used to rotate the vehicle's turret,
assuming it has one. If you're new to this sort of game, the
controls may take a while to get used to. But with some
time and practice, you'll eventually get the hang of it.
Action PS2 Xbox NOTE It's possible to move while peering through your
Move left analog stick left analog stick weapon's scope, but the scope "bobs," making aiming difficult.
Aim right analog stick right analog stick
Strafe left analog stick left analog stick
Stand, crouch, prone L and l respectively 3 In addition to standing upright, your soldier can also
Dive to prone tap l twice when standing tap 3 twice when standing
Jump from prone to feet tap L twice when prone tap 3 twice when prone crouch or drop prone. While crouched, your soldier can
Jump L when standing 1 when standing duck behind low objects for cover. It's possible to move
Fire weapon R 8
while crouched too, but speed is reduced. Dropping prone
Reload weapon o 4
Change weapon hold r and select hold 7 and select is the best way to stay out of sight, as well as evade
using right analog stick using right analog stick incoming gunfire when there's no cover available. Crawling
Scope Zoom B press right analog stick
Enter/Exit stationary weapon u 2 on your belly is the slowest way to move around, but it's
Parachute i when in air 6 when in air also the stealthiest. Snipers and other reconnaissance-
Pick up kit i when standing 6 when standing
above a dropped kit above a dropped kit
oriented troops should always stay as low as possible to
Hotswap (SP Only) p 4 avoid being detected. The crouched and prone stances
Team speak (MP Only) p 5 also improve the accuracy of firearms—more on this later.
Display map full screen ; a
Zoom map in/out [ and / w and x
3D map ' d SWIMMING
Ground Vehicles
If you find yourself in deep water, you can swim by using
Enter/Exit vehicle u 2
Steer/accelerate/brake/reverse left analog stick left analog stick the left and right analog sticks. While swimming, you can't
Aim Turret right analog stick right analog stick dive under water—you're stuck on the surface until you
Accelerate L — make it to a shallow spot. However, you can still access
Brake/Reverse l —
Fire weapon R 8 your kit's weapons, so don't forget to defend yourself if
Change position i 6 you come under attack. As a rule, avoid swimming. Not

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Basic Training
only is it slow, but trigger. For more precise aim, and a boost in accuracy, zoom
bobbing around in the in on the target—if the firearm is equipped with a scope, this
water leaves you brings up the scope's view. When engaging infantry, always
open to incoming fire. aim for their upper torso to maximize the chances of scoring
If you must cross a hit. The crosshairs "grow" slightly to indicate inaccuracy
large bodies of water, when firing a weapon. If you hit an enemy, a red, triangular
look for shallow areas flash appears around the crosshairs icon. Use this hit infor-
or hitch a ride on a mation to place your following rounds in approximately the
boat or amphibious same area. Although scoring a headshot is often fatal, an
vehicle. The less time opponent's head is much smaller than his torso and is difficult
you spend paddling to hit unless you're using a sniper rifle.
around in the water, the longer you're likely to survive.
PARACHUTING Firearm accuracy is
affected primarily by
Whether jumping out
movement and
of a damaged aircraft
stance. While there is
or hopping off a tall
no technical change in
building, you can
accuracy between
avoid slamming into
standing still and
the ground by
running, it is notably
deploying your
more difficult to take
parachute. While in
aim when running. Try
freefall, tap the
to fire from stationary positions whenever possible.
parachute button
Accuracy can be increased even more by crouching or
once to deploy the
dropping prone. Crouched firing is the most practical of the
chute. Pressing the parachute button once the chute is
two stances, particularly when on the move. Make a habit
already deployed causes you to lose your chute and
of bending a knee before squeezing off a few rounds. To
resume freefall. Parachutes can be used multiple times, so
fully maximize your weapon's accuracy, drop prone and use
don't worry if it takes a few jumps to descend a deep
your weapon's zoom/scope function. This combination is
canyon or multitiered structure. But the longer you're in
the most stable and accurate firing position available.
the air, the more attention you're likely to attract. For this
Support troops benefit most from firing in a prone position,
reason, freefall as long as possible and open the
as it helps stabilize their cumbersome machine guns.
parachute just before you reach the ground. This is a
great way to sneak into enemy-held control points, and in Reloading
the single-player campaign it can earn you some medals.
Once ammunition has
It's also possible to use your troop kit's weapons while
been expended from a
drifting down in your parachute harness, but your
magazine, it's
accuracy isn't that great. At high altitudes, try dropping
necessary to reload
grenades on enemy infantry below—just make sure they
before firing can
explode long before you reach the ground.
resume. If the Auto
WEAPONS TRAINING Reload function is
checked in the Options
Although there are menu, reloading
more than 20 different occurs automatically
types of firearms every time a magazine runs dry. In multiplayer mode, Auto
available to infantry, Reload is the default and can't be turned off. In single-player
they all function mode, it's better to reload the weapon yourself. You should
similarly. Aiming your keep a full magazine at all times, as you never know when
weapon is as simple as you'll need every last round. But you also need to conserve
moving the right ammunition, unless an ammo crate is nearby. As a rule,
analog stick. Place the reload your weapon once the magazine reaches the half
crosshairs over your capacity mark. You can monitor how much ammo is left in
target and pull the

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a magazine by glancing at the ammo meter in the bottom, SINGLE-PLAYER CAMPAIGN

right-hand corner of the screen. In the single-player The single-player
campaign, once you've completely run out of magazines, a campaign consists of
restocking phase automatically begins, indicated by a 20 missions as you
status bar above the weapon icon. During this period, you take control of both
can not use the weapon until the restocking phase is NATO and Chinese
complete. At this time, your soldier begins with a fresh forces fighting in
supply of magazines. Kazakhstan. All of the
missions are objective
TIP If you're face-to-face with an enemy, and your primary
oriented, requiring you
weapon has run out of ammo, switch to your pistol. It's much
faster than reloading. to complete a number
of tasks. At the start
of each mission, you're assigned an initial objective. This
NAVIGATION usually requires you to move to a certain location on the
While the maps vary map. Green objective markers, both on the HUD and mini-
in size from small to map, mark where you need to go. The objective marker on
quite large, they all the mini-map shows up as a green vector, and the marker on
require some the HUD is a green circle. The HUD's objective marker also
rudimentary naviga- shows how far away the objective is, measured in meters.
tional skills to find After completing one objective, a new one is often assigned.
your way around. Keep moving from one objective to the next until the mission
There are a couple of is complete. Note that should you die in a mission, you will
ways to do so. The incur a 5,000-point death penalty. To avoid this, hotswap to
first is the mini-map in another allied troop before yours goes under.
the upper, right-hand
corner of the screen. At the center of the map is a white HOTSWAP
vector. You are always in the center of the mini-map, and In all of the single-
the vector shows which way you are facing, with north at player missions, you
the top of the mini-map (unless you have the Rotate Mini- start off as just one
Map option turned off). The mini-map is used for seeing your soldier in a much
surroundings, the location of control points, and any nearby larger team.
friendly or enemy troops. Your troops appear in blue while However, you aren't
enemy units appear in red. In multiplayer you can zoom in restricted to playing
and out of the mini-map using the directional pad. that one soldier. The
An expanded view can also be accessed in multiplayer, hotswap function is a
causing a large map overlay to appear on the screen. This unique way to switch
shows you the whole battlefield and the position of all your from one friendly
friendly units. Use this larger map to get an overall view of soldier to another. Simply aim at a friendly unit until the
the battle's status. Since the fog of war is in effect on all troop kit icon over his head turns from blue to white—this
the maps, you can't see the location of enemies unless indicates you have the unit targeted for a hotswap. Push
they are detected by a sniper's forward observer. the hotswap button and watch as the camera zooms to
Unoccupied vehicles, support structures, and artillery the targeted unit, allowing you to take control. In some
appear as gray icons. situations you can't make the troop kit icon turn white.
This is because you must have a direct line of sight with
In addition to the two maps, you can also toggle flag
the targeted unit. If a solid object is between you and the
icons to appear on your HUD to show you the direction
desired unit, a hotswap cannot be performed.
and distance to the control points in conquest mode or the
location of flags in CTF. In many missions it's necessary to hotswap to a
different troop kit or vehicle to complete a mission. So if
NOTE In multiplayer mode, if an enemy neutralizes a you're having trouble completing an objective, look around
friendly flag, it starts to flash red as he captures it on your for other friendly units who have the proper tools for the
mini-map. If a friendly player neutralizes or captures an enemy job. Hotswapping is also an extremely quick way to move
flag, it flashes blue on your mini-map.
around the battlefield. If a friendly unit is already near an
objective, simply hotswap to him to avoid a lengthy hike.
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Basic Training
ENHANCEMENTS can earn a star by destroying all instances of one of these
objects. However, the flags (one in each region) cannot be
The ring around the destroyed. You must complete these tasks by simply standing
mini-map is called the near the pole until a flag is raised. See the following table for
enhancement meter. the number and distribution of field tasks. For more precise
This slowly fills up in information on the exact locations of each field task object,
a clockwise fashion see the labeled maps in Appendix B in the back of the guide.
every time you make
several successive FIELD TASKS
kills in a short period Object Count Region
of time. The meter is Aerials 31 All
broken up into five Ammo Huts 5 Almaty
separate sections. As
Bells 3 All
each section is filled, your soldier benefits from various
Billboards 17 Qyzylorda
enhancements, which temporarily improve his capabilities.
Think of this as an adrenaline factor—the more heated the Buoys 5 Mangystau
battle becomes, the more alert and proficient your soldier Burning Barrels 5 Almaty
is. The enhancements provided are as follows. Flags 3 All
Sea Mines 10 Mangystau
ENHANCEMENTS Oil Wells 3 Qyzylorda
Health Damage Armor Ammunition Physical
Road Signs 26 All
x1.5 x1.5 Light Fire Rate Movement
Speed Speakers 11 Mangystau
x2 x3 Medium Quick Fall Statues 2 Qyzylorda
Reload Distance Water Towers 3 Almaty
x3 Splash Heavy Quick Jump

— Invulnerable

Distance At the end of each
single-player mission,
The first row of enhancements is available at the beginning stars are awarded.
of the campaign as a Private. As you progress in rank, you Up to ten stars can
unlock more advanced enhancements, such as splash damage be earned per mission
and invulnerability. But remember, all of these enhancements based on five criteria.
are temporary. As the action dies down and there are fewer First is your mission
enemies to kill, the enhancement meter reverses direction, score, accounting for
slowly removing one bonus at a time. For a more detailed five possible stars—
breakdown of which enhancements are available to each rank, the higher the score,
see Appendix A in the back of the guide. the more stars you
earn. Time is the next factor and is worth a total of two
FIELD TASKS possible stars. Each mission has an ideal preset time in
As you cruise around which all objectives must be achieved. Finish the mission
the single-player under this time, and you earn the two stars. Style is worth
missions, notice that two stars as well—this refers to how efficiently you use
some static objects teammates through hotswapping. This not only takes into
can be destroyed. account the number of hotswaps you've completed, but
These are called field also the total distance covered. The next condition is
tasks. There are a accuracy. Each mission has a different accuracy
total of 13 different requirement to earn a star. The final factor is casualties,
types of field task tallying how many friendly troops died during the mission.
objects, and they can As with the time factor, there's a preset number of
be destroyed with acceptable casualties per mission. If these values are
either explosives or repetitive hits from small arms fire. You exceeded, you can lose up to two stars.

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Now that you have stars, you can move up in rank. UPGRADES
Each promotion requires a specific number of stars. As
Weapon/Equipment Upgrade Type Stars
previously mentioned, moving up in rank unlocks new and
Pistol 23-Round Clip 6
more powerful enhancements. Most of the ranks also
Sub-Machine Gun 45-Round Clip 13
unlock challenges. These are like mini-games that test
your skills with weapons, vehicles, and hotswapping. They Rocket Launcher Increased Ammo (8) 19
also allow you to earn more stars. You can earn up to Pistol Increased Ammo (45) 25
three stars per challenge, depending on how well you Assault Rifle 45-Round Clip 32
perform. The following table details how many stars are Machine Gun 150-Round Clip 38
needed for each rank and which challenges are associated Sniper Rifle 8-Round Clip 44
with each promotion. Shotgun 12-Round Clip 51
Machine Gun (V) Increased Ammo (1,500–3,000) 57
Rank Required Stars Unlocked Challenges Grenade Launcher Increased Ammo (5) 63
Private 0 Hotswap: The Ruins, Race: Sub-Machine Gun Increased Ammo (225) 70
Humvee, Weapon: Assault Rifle Rocket Launcher Increased Zoom 76
Private 1st Class 5 Hotswap: The Oil Platform Assault Rifle Increased Ammo (225) 82
Corporal 11 Race: Light Patrol Boat Blowtorch Increased Ammo (1,500) 89
Sergeant 18 Weapon: RPG Sniper Rifle Increased Ammo (15) 95
Sergeant 1st Class 26 Hotswap: The Factory C4 Explosive Increased Ammo (6) 101
Master Sergeant 35 Race: Eagle MTV Grenade Launcher (V) Increased Ammo (90) 108
Sgt. Major 44 Weapon: Sniper Rifle Shotgun Increased Ammo (48) 114
Command Sgt. Major 55 Hotswap: The North Docks Forward Observer Increased Ammo (6) 120
Warrant Officer 67 Race: BK-1990 Sub-Machine Gun Increased Zoom 126
Chief Warrant Officer 79 Weapon: Frag Grenade 23mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (3,000) 133
2nd Lieutenant 93 Hotswap: The Plaza 25mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (3,000) 133
1st Lieutenant 108 Race: Apache Helicopter 30mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (750) 133
Captain 123 Weapon: Shotgun 40mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (3,000) 133
Major 140 Hotswap: The Village 90mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (150) 133
Lieutenant Colonel 157 Race: Fast Attack Vehicle 105mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (150) 133
Colonel 176 Weapon: Machine Gun 120mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (150) 133
Brigadier General 195 — 125mm Cannon (V) Increased Ammo (150) 133
Major General 216 — Machine Gun Increased Ammo (300) 139
Lieutenant General 237 — Smoke Grenade Increased Ammo (5) 145
4-Star General 259 — Smoke Grenade Increased Ammo (5) 145
Battlefield General 332 — Assault Rifle Increased Zoom 152
Auto-Injector Increased Ammo (5) 158
EQUIPMENT UPGRADES Sniper Rifle Increased Zoom 164
Antitank Missile (V) Increased Ammo (75) 171
In addition to moving
up in ranks, earning 70mm Rocket (V) Increased Ammo (150) 171
stars also unlocks Mine Increased Ammo (5) 177
weapon and Forward Observer Extended Blip Duration 183
equipment upgrades. Stun Grenade Increased Ammo (5) 190
These upgrades are Frag Grenade Increased Ammo (5) 196
applied at the end of
Laser Target Designator Increased Ammo (2) 202
each mission, once all
Mortar Strike Increased Ammo (2) 209
earned stars have
been applied to your Locking Missile (V) Increased Ammo (6) 215
profile. The following Sniper Rifle Armor-Piercing Bullets 221
table lists all of the upgrades available. Rocket Launcher Homing Missile 228

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Basic Training
UPGRADES (cont’d) systems are totally different. This section goes through the
Weapon/Equipment Upgrade Type Stars basics of multiplayer, including information on the two game
Laser Target Designator Increased Zoom 234 modes, the scoring systems for each, and details on ranks.
Sub-Machine Gun Armor-Piercing Bullets 240
Laser Target Designator Bunker Buster (added splash damage) 247
Assault Rifle Armor-Piercing Bullets 253
Mortar Strike Carpet Bomb 259
Machine Gun Armor-Piercing Bullets 266
(V) = Vehicle/Stationary Weapons

Want to unlock all the weapons? Simply enter the code
below. This code must be entered during gameplay with
less than a one second interval between button presses.
Cheat PS2 Xbox
Unlock All Hold l+r then Hold 5+6 then
Weapons press ',',/,[,;,; press d,d,x,w,a,a CONQUEST SCORING
Action Score
Kill enemy soldier +1
MEDALS Kill enemy soldier by destroying his vehicle +2
Medals are earned Driver assist (secondary position gets kill) +1
by performing Neutralize flag (first in radius) +2
difficult and poten- Neutralize flag assist +1
tially dangerous Capture flag (first in radius) +3
tasks during the Capture flag assist +1
campaign. For
Kill capturing soldier +2
instance, you can
Heal teammate 30% +1
earn medals by killing
multiple enemies with Repair manned friendly vehicle 30% +1
a single magazine, or Team Kill: first offense -1
by freefalling great Team Kill: second offense -2
distances without opening your parachute. In total, there Team Kill: third offense -3
are 78 different medals, and each group of medals is Team Kill: fourth and future offenses -6
worth one star. All medals and their requirements are
covered in Appendix C in the back of the guide. Conquest is the heart and soul of Battlefield, requiring
two teams to fight for control of a map. This is accom-
plished by capturing and defending flagged positions known
MULTIPLAYER as control points. In conquest mode, there are numerous
Although the single- ways to earn points. Killing opponents is the most obvious
player campaign is way to boost your score, but you can also rack up some
fun and challenging, big points by capturing control points. However, you can
you haven't fully also lose points by accidentally (or intentionally) killing
experienced Battlefield yourself and teammates. The penalty for team kills
until you've hopped increases with each incident of friendly fire, so be mindful
online and tested your of your aim and exercise extreme caution when using
skills against friends explosives. If you kill too many teammates, you may be
and strangers. voted off the server—nobody likes a team killer. Let's take
Multiplayer differs a quick look at the elements of a conquest game.
significantly from the
single-player mode, as there are no enhancements, weapon
upgrades, or hotswaps. Furthermore, the rank and award

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There are a total of three different battle types, each Tickets represent
with its own distinct rules. the number of
reinforcements your
Double Assault team has at any given
On these maps, each side usually begins with one time. These fluctuating
control point. A ticket drain can be initiated on the numbers are promi-
opposing team by controlling the majority of the map's nently displayed in the
control points. For example, if your team has two upper, right-hand
control points and the enemy only has one, the enemy's corner of the screen—
tickets are slowly drained. A quick victory can be just below the mini-
achieved by capturing all of the control points, denying
map. Every time a
the opposing team a spawn point.
teammate dies, one ticket is subtracted from your team's
Assault total count. Tickets can also be steadily drained if your team
During assault battles, there is always an attacker and a controls fewer control points than the enemy. This is why it's
defender. The attacker begins with at least one base that important to control as much territory as possible. The team
cannot be captured. Defenders usually hold most of the with the most tickets at the end of the game wins; the team
map's control points, but all of them can be captured. with the least (or no) tickets loses—see the table below for
It's the attacker's job to capture all of the control points specific victory conditions. Every ticket is precious, so take
on the map, preventing the defender from spawning new the time to seek out a medical crate to heal if you're
troops. The attacker begins the battle with more tickets, wounded. Support soldiers can also help prevent ticket loss
but a ticket drain is in effect until the attacking team by treating wounded teammates with the auto-injector.
captures a majority of the map's control points.
Head-On Rating Criteria
In head-on battles, both sides are on an even footing, Major Victory 50% or more friendly tickets remain
each beginning with a base on opposite sides of the Victory 25–49% friendly tickets remain
map. In most cases, all of the control points are neutral
Minor Victory 0–24% friendly tickets remain
to begin with, often resulting in races to capture the
Minor Defeat 0–24% enemy tickets remain
most. As in the other games, bleeding the opposing
side's tickets is possible by holding a majority of the Defeat 25–49% enemy tickets remain
map's control points—bases included. Since the bases Major Defeat 50% or more enemy tickets remain
cannot be captured, each side always has at least one
spawn point. Control Points
These are locations
Spawn Screen of strategic
importance that can
This is where you
be captured by either
select your troop kit
side. You can view
and your spawn point
the location of a
at the beginning of a
battlefield's control
game and whenever
points on the mini-
you die. Your team's
map in the upper,
spawn points are
right-hand corner of
represented by blue
the screen, or by
dots on the map and
expanding the map view with the directional pad. On the
are usually located
map, the control points are marked by small circle icons
next to control
indicating their locations, as well as their current state.
points. Before spawning in, take a quick look at the map
When a control point is held by your team, it shows up
and determine what kind of troop kit would best serve
as a blue circle. A red circle indicates the control point is
your team. For instance, if an enemy tank is attacking a
held by your opponent. Control points can also be
friendly control point, spawn in as an engineer and use the
neutral, represented by a white square icon on the map.
rocket launcher to blast the armored invader.
In addition to being spawn points, most control points

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Basic Training
also produce vehicles when captured. The types and
number of assets produced by a control point vary based
on the map and nationality of the occupier.

TIP Some of the

conquest maps are equipped
with a command computer.
This terminal can be used by
both teams to call in artillery
strikes. Simply access the
computer and place the
crosshairs on the desired
target zone on the map.
Artillery strikes cover a wide
area and aren't completely CTF SCORING
accurate, so make sure your teammates (the blue dots) are
Action Score
far from the target zone to avoid team kills. Once an artillery
strike has been called in, the command computer enters a Kill enemy soldier +1
recharge phase for several minutes. When an artillery strike Kill enemy soldier by destroying his vehicle +2
is available, a message flashes across the screen—get to the Driver assist (secondary position gets kill) +1
computer before your enemy does.
Heal teammate 30% +1
Repair manned friendly vehicle 30% +1
Pick up enemy flag +1
Control Point Capture Capture flag +5
You must occupy a
Return your flag +1
control point's radius
Capture Assist: return your flag, and a capture +1
to capture it. Think
occurs within 15 seconds
of this as a large,
Capture Assist: kill the enemy flag carrier, and a +2
invisible dome
capture occurs within 15 seconds
emanating from the
Capture Assist: drive flag carrier +2
flagpole. The capture
progress meter Kill enemy flag carrier +3
appears at the Kill enemy near enemy flag +2
bottom of the screen Kill enemy within 15 meters of your team's flag carrier +2
when you're within a Kill enemy who injured your team's flag carrier +3
control point's radius; it disappears when you move out. (within 30 seconds)
Use this to scout the boundaries of the radius, as well Kill enemy who is in your home base +2
as monitor the status of the conversion process. No Heal your flag carrier +2
opponents can be present within the control point's Repair flag carrier vehicle +2
radius at the time of capture, so all resistance must be
Suicide -1
routed or eliminated. Multiple teammates gathered
Team Kill: first offense -1
within the radius can reduce the amount of time
necessary to capture the control point. Team Kill: second offense -2
Team Kill: third offense -3
TIP A steady pilot can capture control points by hovering Team Kill: fourth and all future offenses -6
near the flagpole. However, entering a hover makes the
chopper a ripe target for enemy troops. CTF VICTORY CONDITIONS
Rating Criteria
Major Victory/Defeat 50%+ Score Disparity
Victory/Defeat 25%–49% Score Disparity
Minor Victory/Defeat 0–24% Score Disparity

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CTF is a classic multiplayer mode, made all the more fun MULTIPLAYER RANK REQUIREMENTS (cont’d)
by Battlefield's vehicles and fast-paced style of play. Unlike Rank Name Medals Score PPH*
conquest, there are no tickets in CTF. Team scoring is Major General 10 16,000 80
based on the number of times your team captures the
enemy's flag. The enemy's flag is usually located at the Lieutenant General 11 22,000 90
enemy base. To get it, simply touch the flagpole and return
the flag to your base's flagpole to score a point—your 5-Star General 12 32,000 100
team's flag must be present to do so. You can capture a
flag while in a vehicle, but you have to run over it, often * = Points Per Hour Average
causing the vehicle slight damage and reducing its speed.
Although many of the ranks in multiplayer are similar to
If killed while heading back to your base with the enemy
those in the single-player mode, the requirements
flag, you drop it. This allows a teammate to pick it up and
necessary for promotion are completely different.
continue the journey or an enemy to touch it to return it
Achieving ranks in multiplayer is based on three
to his base. If untouched, dropped flags automatically
separate criteria: medals earned, total score, and a
return to their bases within a few seconds.
points per hour average. The points per hour average,
RANKS or PPH, is calculated by dividing your total score by the
last 10 hours played. Even novice players should be
MULTIPLAYER RANK REQUIREMENTS able to average at least 20 points per hour.
Rank Name Medals Score PPH*
Private — — —

Private 1st Class 0 25 10

Corporal 1 50 12

Sergeant 1 100 15

Sergeant 1st Class 2 150 18

Master Sergeant 2 225 25

Sergeant Major 3 360 28

Command Sergeant Major 3 550 30

Warrant Officer 4 750 32

Chief Warrant Officer 4 1,050 35

2nd Lieutenant 5 1,500 40

1st Lieutenant 5 2,000 42

Captain 6 2,800 50

Major 6 4,000 55

Lieutenant Colonel 7 5,800 60

Colonel 8 8,000 65

Brigadier General 9 12,000 70

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Basic Training
AWARDS practically everything you've ever done in every online game
you've played. Included are statistics on your most-played
There are two types of awards available in multiplayer: vehicles and weapons—it even logs how long you've played
medals and ribbons. Medals are awarded for feats online, down to the second. Last is the Leaderboards
performed within a single game round. For instance, if you screen, where you can track your statistics against
kill five enemies without dying while only using troop kit everyone else in the online community. You can sort data
weapons, you're awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. based on scores, kits, vehicles, and even individual kit
Ribbons are awarded for your overall online performance, equipment.
taking into account the number of rounds you've completed
and victories achieved. There are fifteen medals and eight
ribbons in all, each with its own unique and challenging
requirements. For details on each award, see Appendix C
Battlefield 1942 spawned an enthusiastic gaming
at the back of the guide.
community, even before its release. Over the years, the
community has grown even larger, fueled largely by mods
BF:HQ and organized team play. It only takes a few minutes of
poking around the internet to find numerous fan sites
When you first start dedicated to everything Battlefield. Now that console
an online game, gamers are getting in on the action, the community is
you're prompted to poised for another major growth spurt.
create a multiplayer
profile. This is really
easy. Simply come up
with a nickname, then MODERN COMBAT WEB SITE
enter your e-mail
address and a
password. Your
profile is used to keep This is EA's official site and should be your first stop for
track of all of your gameplay stats. These stats determine official news.
your rank, as well as your eligibility for ribbons.
To take a look at your stats, click the BF:HQ button on
the main menu. The Profile Summary screen shows the http://www.planetbattlefield.com
basics, including your rank, score, points per hour, and This is one of the most comprehensive and frequently
awards. Within the BF:HQ option, there are four more updated Battlefield sites on the web. Check it for news, as
options at the top of the screen. The first tab leads to the well as details on clans and upcoming tournaments. The
Friends screen, where you can add players you've met forums are also an excellent source of information.
online to your friends list and even send them messages. Bookmark this one.
Next is the Clan tab, an integrated system allowing you to
create or join a clan for organized team play. If you're new BATTLEFIELD NATION
to this sort of thing, clans are groups of players who play
and practice regularly. Most clans also take part in
tournaments and organized events. If you're serious about Here's another great source for news with frequent
multiplayer, shop around and join a clan that best suits updates and links to other community web sites around
your style of play and schedule. The Stats screen lists the world.

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In Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, nothing is predictable.
The tactical situation changes from minute to minute,
Primary Weapon: M4 Carbine/M203
Damage: Medium
requiring your team to respond to a variety of threats
and opportunities. Success largely hinges on picking the Accuracy: Medium
right tools for the job and applying them in a way to best Fire Mode: Full Auto
benefit the team’s progress. The five available troop kits The M4 is a lightweight
all have their own strengths and weaknesses. A version of the M16 and
competent player should be familiar with the nuances of fires the same type of
each and know how to apply them to the ever-changing ammunition. It has similar handling and accuracy but
situation on the battlefield. This section explores each does less damage.
troop kit and offers some tips on how to use them. It
also outlines the stationary weapons, vital to any
defensive effort.
Magazine Ammo
ASSAULT Weapon/Item Capacity Count
L85A2 30 180
The assault soldier is the spearhead of most offensive
Glock 17 15 45
operations. Armed with an assault rifle, grenade
M203 Grenade Launcher 1 3
launcher, pistol, fragmentation grenades, and smoke
grenades, assault troops are prepared for any kind M61 Frag Grenade — 3
of action. AN-M8 Smoke Grenade — 3

Weapon/Equipment Upgrade Type Stars Primary Weapon: L85A2/M203
Assault Rifle 45-round Clip 32 Damage: Medium
Grenade Launcher Increased Ammo (5) 63 Accuracy: Medium
Assault Rifle Increased Ammo (225) 82 Fire Mode: Full Auto
Smoke Grenade Increased Ammo (5) 145 Used mainly by British forces,
Assault Rifle Increased Zoom 152 the A2 model is an updated
Assault Rifle Armor-Piercing Bullets 253 version, offering increased
reliability in the field.
Weapon/Item Capacity Count Magazine Ammo
M4 Carbine 30 180 Weapon/Item Capacity Count
Type 95 30 180
M9 15 45
QSZ-92 15 45
M203 Grenade Launcher 1 3
Type 91 Grenade Launcher 1 3
M61 Frag Grenade — 3
Type 77-1 Frag Grenade — 3
AN-M8 Smoke Grenade — 3
AN-M8 Smoke Grenade — 3

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Primary Weapon: Type 95/Type 91 launcher, mounted below the weapon. By elevating the rifle’s
barrel, grenades can be lobbed at impressive distances. While
Damage: Medium
intended primarily as an anti-infantry weapon, the grenade
Accuracy: Medium launcher can also inflict heavy damage against vehicles and
Fire Mode: Full Auto stationary weapons. Unlike hand grenades, launched grenades
This lightweight weapon shares explode on impact, dealing more direct damage to the target.
similarities with the French The assault soldier also carries smoke grenades. These hand-
FAMAS bull-pup design. High tossed canisters dispense a thick cloud of white smoke that
reliability and versatility make lasts for a few precious seconds. Smoke screens are vital
the Type 95 an accurate and deadly weapon for the PLA. when crossing known fields of fire. Use them in urban settings
to avoid being cut down by enemy snipers and machine

MEC ASSAULT gunners when you’re crossing streets or other open areas.


Magazine Ammo
Weapon/Item Capacity Count
The handyman of the unit, the engineer can fix vehicles
AK-47 30 180
with his blowtorch. He can also kill enemies with it. In
Tariq 15 45
addition, the engineer carries a shotgun, pistol, rocket
GP-25 Grenade Launcher 1 3 launcher, and antivehicle mines.
RGO-78 Frag Grenade — 3
Weapon/Equipment Upgrade Type Stars
Rocket Launcher Increased Ammo (8) 19
Primary Weapon: AK-47/GP-25 Shotgun 12-round clip 51
Damage: Medium Rocket Launcher Increased Zoom 76
Accuracy: Medium Blowtorch Increased Ammo (1,500) 89
Fire Mode: Full Auto Shotgun Increased Ammo (48) 114
The most produced assault Mine Increased Ammo (5) 177
rifle in the world, the AK-47 Rocket Launcher Homing Missile 228
sports a rugged design with
the ability to mount a
grenade launcher.
Magazine Ammo
Capacity Count
SPAS-12 8 40
AN-M8 Smoke Grenade M9 15 45
When deployed, this grenade sends out clouds of SMAW Rocket Launcher 1 5
smoke, useful for concealing your team when Antivehicle Mine — 3
moving across enemy fields of fire. You can Blowtorch Repair Kit — 1,000
throw grenades at varying lengths, depending on
the angle at which you throw it.
Primary Weapon: SPAS-12
Damage: Light/Medium
Accuracy: Low
ASSAULT TACTICS Fire Mode: Semi-Auto
When you’re not quite sure what kind of resistance you might The Italian-designed
face, the well-rounded assault kit is always a good choice. The Sporting Purpose Automatic Shotgun (SPAS) is popular
assault rifles associated with this kit offer a fine balance of with special forces and SWAT teams for close-quarter
accuracy and firepower, useful for downing enemy infantry at combat.
any range. Each assault rifle is also equipped with a grenade

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The Shoulder-launched
Multipurpose Assault
Magazine Ammo
Weapon (SMAW) fires Weapon/Item Capacity Count
an 83mm armor- RMB-93 8 40
piercing rocket QSZ-92 15 45
designed to destroy
PF-98 Rocket Launcher 1 5
main battle tanks and
Antivehicle Mine — 3
infantry fortifications.
Blowtorch Repair Kit — 1,000
EU ENGINEER KIT Primary Weapon: RMB-93
Magazine Ammo Damage: Light/Heavy
Weapon/Item Capacity Count Accuracy: Low
M3 8 40
Fire Mode:
Glock 17 15 45 Pump-Action
Carl Gustav M3 1 5
Rocket Launcher The RMB-93 is a pump-
action shotgun. The hand
Antivehicle Mine — 3
guard has a forward-back movement instead of the classic
Blowtorch Repair Kit — 1,000
back-forward moving barrel.

Primary Weapon: M3 Rocket Launcher: PF-98

Damage: The PF-98 is
Light/Heavy becoming the PLA’s
Accuracy: Low primary light
antitank weapon to
Fire Mode:
Pump-Action replace the obsolete
recoilless guns. The
This standard pump-action shotgun is the tactical PF-98 is a recoilless rocket launcher used primarily by
version of the popular M3 Super 90, featuring a folding infantry forces for engagement and defeat of enemy armor
butt-stock. at short distances.

Rocket Launcher: Carl Gustav M3

The M3 is an
updated version of MEC ENGINEER KIT
the original Carl Magazine Ammo
Gustav antitank Weapon/Item Capacity Count
weapon, first Mossberg 500 8 40
introduced in the Tariq 15 45
1940s. Used by RPG-7V Rocket Launcher 1 5
many NATO countries, the M3 is a recoilless antitank Antivehicle Mine — 3
weapon that fires an 84mm rocket from a reusable
Blowtorch Repair Kit — 1,000
carbon fiber tube. The breach-loading M3 takes longer to
load than the other rocket launchers, but its rocket flies
much faster. Primary Weapon: Mossberg 500
Accuracy: Low
Fire Mode:

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The smooth-bore, pump-action Mossberg 500 is one of the diminishes drastically over distance. Unless conducting
most popular American-produced shotguns. This model close-quarter combat, engineers are better off using their
features a polymer stock for reduced weight. pistol. It causes less damage but is much more likely to hit
distant targets. The engineer’s rocket launcher is best
Rocket Launcher: RPG-7V deployed against vehicles but can be fired at infantry too.
The armor-piercing rocket doesn’t inflict much splash
The RPG-7V is a
damage, so make sure it detonates as close to the target
recoilless, shoulder-
as possible. When engaging tanks and other armored
fired, muzzle-loaded,
vehicles, always try to hit the weak underside and rear
reloadable, antitank
armor for a quick kill—it takes one rocket to destroy an
grenade launcher that
APC from the rear and two rockets to knock out a tank.
is light enough to be
carried and fired by one person.
TIP Need to drop some mines fast? Try dropping them out
of a moving vehicle like a heavy jeep or even a transport
SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT helicopter. But you must be sitting in a passenger spot that
allows you to access your kit. You can even drop mines while
parachuting, as a last ditch effort at survival when you find
Antivehicle Mine yourself drifting toward an enemy tank.

The trigger mechanism on these

mines can only be activated by the
weight of a vehicle. But infantry can SNIPER
detonate these mines with gunfire.
Mines can also be destroyed by In addition to the sniper rifle with multiple zoom ranges,
explosive splash damage. A string of mines (with overlapping the sniper comes armed with a pistol, smoke grenades,
blast radiuses) and one well-aimed bullet can make for an and a laser target designator. He can also reveal enemy
impressive fireworks show. In multiplayer, each friendly mine positions via his forward observer.
is marked with a red, triangular icon appearing above it,
making it easier to spot. SINGLE-PLAYER UPGRADES
Weapon/Equipment Upgrade Type Stars
Sniper Rifle 8-round clip 44
Blowtorch Repair Kit Sniper Rifle Increased Ammo (15) 95
This portable welding blowtorch can repair Forward Observer Increased Ammo (6) 120
vehicles. It can also be used as a close- Smoke Grenade Increased Ammo (5) 145
combat weapon against another player at Sniper Rifle Increased Zoom 164
point-blank range. Forward Observer Extended Blip Duration 183
Laser Target Designator Increased Ammo (2) 202
ENGINEER TACTICS Sniper Rifle Armor-Piercing Bullets 221
The engineer is the master of repairs and antivehicle Laser Target Designator Increased Zoom 234
mayhem. If it can be damaged, the engineer can fix it—or Laser Target Designator Bunker Buster 247
destroy it. Use the blowtorch to restore vehicles to full (added splash damage)
strength. The engineer’s mines are only effective against
vehicles—they don’t explode if you step on one. These are
useful in defensive situations, when it’s necessary to close
off roads, bridges, or other narrow chokepoints to vehicle US SNIPER KIT
traffic. One mine is enough to turn any vehicle into a Magazine Ammo
flaming hulk of charred metal, and mines don’t distinguish Weapon/Item Capacity Count
between friend or foe, so think twice before dropping M95 5 20
them. No more than nine mines can be dropped at one M9 (silenced) 15 45
time. Each engineer is also armed with a shotgun, a AN-M8 Smoke Grenade — 3
weapon that is nearly useless at intermediate and long PAQ-1 Laser Target — 1
ranges but is outright devastating at close range. When Designator
fired, the shotgun spits out several spherical pellets from Forward Observer — 3
the barrel in a cone-shaped spread. As such, accuracy

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Primary Weapon: M95 Primary Weapon: Type 88

Damage: Heavy Damage: Heavy
Accuracy: High Accuracy: High
Fire Mode: Bolt-Action Fire Mode: Bolt-Action
The M95 Barret is a This is the sniper version
shortened bolt-action of the Type 95 assault
variation of the massive semi-auto M82A1. It fires rifle. It has a longer and
12.7mm (.50) ammunition and can accurately engage heavier barrel and a bipod in this role.
targets up to one mile away.
EU SNIPER KIT Magazine Ammo
Magazine Ammo Weapon/Item Capacity Count
Weapon/Item Capacity Count Dragunov SVD 5 20
SVU 5 20 Tariq (silenced) 15 45
MP-445 Varjag (silenced) 15 45 AN-M8 Smoke Grenade — 3
AN-M8 Smoke Grenade — 3 1PN90 Laser Target — 1
PAQ-1 Laser Target — 1 Designator
Designator Forward Observer — 3
Forward Observer — 3
Primary Weapon: Dragunov SVD
Damage: Heavy
Accuracy: High
Fire Mode:
Primary Weapon: SVU The SVD is a light-
Damage: Heavy weight rifle used for midrange sharp shooting. Developed
Accuracy: High in the late 1960s, the Dragunov SVD was the standard
military sniper rifle of the Soviet era and remains in
Fire Mode: Bolt-Action
widespread service today.
The SVU is a shortened
bull-pup version of the
Dragunov sniper rifle and is used primarily by Russia’s elite
law enforcement agencies. Laser Target Designator (LTD)
Any vehicle (manned or unmanned)
CHINESE SNIPER can be “painted” with the laser
target designator. Simply center the
CHINESE SNIPER KIT vehicle in the LTD’s sight and hold
Magazine Ammo
Weapon/Item Capacity Count down the fire button as white
Type 88 5 20 brackets appear around the target.
When the brackets constrict to
QSZ-92 (silenced) 15 45
form a tight red box, a lock is
AN-M8 Smoke Grenade — 3
achieved—the incoming laser-guided
1PN90 Laser Target — 1 missile does the rest. Even if the
targeted vehicle is moving, the
Forward Observer — 3 missile finds its mark.

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Forward Observer
TIP If you’re in a vehicle and you hear a beeping sound,
This is a mini computer equipped someone is trying to lock onto you. Either maneuver to break
with GPS that allows the sniper the line of sight (this breaks the lock), or locate and eliminate
to retrieve satellite data. While the culprit. If a lock is achieved (listen for the clear tone), bail
it’s equipped, press the fire out and get as far away from the vehicle as possible. However,
you may be able to save your vehicle by parking beneath a
button to temporarily reveal
bridge or driving into a building, as all laser-guided munitions
enemy positions in your area— fall from the sky.
these appear as red icons on the mini-map. In multiplayer
games, this information is relayed to teammates, offering
all a brief glimpse of enemy positions. Note that this SPECIAL OPS
equipment takes time to recharge after each use. The special ops soldier is trained in stealth and sabotage.
His sub-machine gun and pistol are equipped with
silencers. His C4 explosives, however, are not. Special ops
SNIPER TACTICS also carry knives and stun grenades that temporarily blind
nearby soldiers.
Although popular, the sniper is one of the most difficult
kits to master, as stealth and patience are just as SINGLE-PLAYER UPGRADES
important as marksmanship. The rifles provided by this kit Weapon/Equipment Upgrade Type Stars
are the most powerful and accurate firearms in the game. Sub-Machine Gun 45-round clip 13
Nobody is safe from the reach of the sniper rifle, including Sub-Machine Gun Increased Ammo (225) 70
helicopter pilots. But their power is balanced by the use of C4 Explosive Increased Ammo (6) 101
tracer rounds, allowing opponents to easily zero in on a
Sub-Machine Gun Increased Zoom 126
sniper’s location. This makes constant movement a
Stun Grenade Increased Ammo (5) 190
necessity. When engaging enemies at long range through
the scope, the most difficult aspect of scoring a hit is Sub-Machine Gun Armor-Piercing Bullets 240
determining how much to lead a moving target. This all
depends on the direction and speed of movement. For US SPECIAL OPS
instance, you need to lead a sprinting target a bit more
than one who is just walking. For the most part, this is all US SPECIAL OPS KIT
guess work. But with practice, you can accurately predict Magazine Ammo
Weapon/Item Capacity Count
where your bullet and target will converge down range,
MP-5N 30 180
increasing the likelihood of scoring a hit. But before taking
M9 (silenced) 15 45
your first shot, you need to find a well-concealed place to
hide. To maximize concealment, try to stick to natural Randall Model 1 Knife — —
settings as much as possible, using bushes, grass, and C4 Explosives — 4
rocks for cover. In urban environments, seek the cover of XM84 Stun Grenade — 3
building interiors and only take to rooftops if objects are
available to hide behind. When sniping, the background is
just as important as the foreground, as it reduces the Primary Weapon: MP-5N
visibility of the sniper’s silhouette—a sniper outlined Damage: Light/Medium
against the blue sky makes an easy target for everyone. Accuracy: Medium/High
The sniper’s ability to remain concealed for long periods of Fire Mode: Full Auto
time makes this kit useful for reconnaissance. By using
The MP-5N has a lower
their GPS-enabled forward observer device, snipers can
range than the M4 and
briefly reveal nearby enemy locations, appearing as red
has less stopping power.
icons on every teammate’s mini-map. Each sniper is also
It can, however, be quite effective because of its high
equipped with a laser target designator (or LTD) used to
accuracy. The silencer makes it easier to avoid being
call in air strikes. Only vehicles can be targeted with the
designator. If no antiair weapons are around, try using it
against a pesky enemy helicopter.

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Magazine Ammo Magazine Ammo
Weapon/Item Capacity Count Weapon/Item Capacity Count
UMP 45 30 180 OTS-02 Kiparis 30 180
Glock 17 (silenced) 15 45 Tariq (silenced) 15 45
Randall Model 1 Knife — — Kukri — —
C4 Explosives — 4 C4 Explosives — 4
XM84 Stun Grenade — 3 XM84 Stun Grenade — 3

Primary Weapon: UMP 45 Primary Weapon: OTS-02 Kiparis

Damage: Light/Medium
Damage: Light/Medium
Accuracy: Medium/High
Accuracy: Medium/High
Fire Mode: Full Auto
Fire Mode: Full Auto
Its compact design and
Developed in the 1990s for
lightweight polymer fabri-
the Russian police, the
cation make the UMP 45
Kiparis features a folding
a popular choice for
stock and can be fitted with a silencer, making it popular
special forces units around
with special ops troops.
the world. This model is fitted with a silencer, reducing
sound and muzzle flash.
C4 Explosives
Magazine Ammo C4 is an extremely powerful
Weapon/Item Capacity Count explosive charge that can be
Type 85 30 180 attached to vehicles and structures.
QSZ-92 (silenced) 15 45 A remote detonator is used to set
Type 95 Bayonet — — off the explosive. It is very effective
against vehicles or as a booby trap—just make sure you
C4 Explosives — 4
are at a safe distance before you press the detonator, as
XM84 Stun Grenade — 3
it has a large blast radius. Plant C4 by pressing the fire
button. You can place up to nine charges before
detonating. After placing a charge, press reload to switch
Primary Weapon: Type 85 back and place another. When you are done you automat-
Damage: Light/Medium ically switch to the remote detonator, which you trigger by
Accuracy: Medium/High pressing the fire button again. Like mines, C4 can also be
Fire Mode: Full Auto detonated with gun fire or explosive splash damage.
A predecessor of the Type
64 sub-machinegun, the XM84 Stun Grenade
Type 85 is lighter and This grenade creates a flash of light that
equipped with an integrated silencer. For greater accuracy, temporarily blinds and deafens nearby
the weapon’s sights are calibrated for subsonic soldiers. The closer you are to the flash, the
ammunition. more intense the effects are. The blinding
effect is greatly reduced if you’re facing away
from the flash when it detonates. For best
results, use at least two grenades to render
your opponents blind and deaf.

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prior to entering enemy-held buildings. Like other hand-
Knife thrown grenades, stun grenades can be banked off walls
The knife kills in one hit but can only and other surfaces. For optimal effect, make sure they
be used at extremely close range. detonate as close to the target as possible.
Unless you’re challenged to a knife
duel, there aren’t too many opportu- TIP The special ops kit is the fastest of the five troop kits.
nities to put the knife to use. The assault and sniper classes are a bit slower, and the
However, if your opponent is engineer and support classes are the slowest.
attempting to reload a firearm, try
rushing in close for a quick stab. You
can also use it when sneaking up SUPPORT
behind enemies for a quick, stealthy
kill. The concept of a knife fight may The support soldier doubles as combat troop and medic.
sound a bit silly in a game loaded He carries a machine gun, fragmentation grenades, and a
with so many projectile weapons, but pistol, and he can call in artillery strikes. He also carries
it’s something you should prepare an auto-injector that can boost his own health or the
for. The best way to defend against a health of teammates.
knife attack is by strafing left and SINGLE-PLAYER UPGRADES
right while continually facing your opponent. Look for Weapon/Equipment Upgrade Type Stars
opportunities to strike, then lunge forward to stab, and Machine Gun 150-round clip 38
immediately step back to avoid the inevitable counter- Machine Gun Increased Ammo (300) 139
thrust. Depending on the skill of the combatants, knife
Auto-Injector Increased Ammo (5) 158
fights can last anywhere from a couple of seconds to more
Mortar Strike Increased Ammo (2) 209
than a minute. By the way, it’s considered bad etiquette to
pull out your firearm and shoot your opponent once a knife Mortar Strike Carpet Bomb 259
fight has been initiated—then again, honor isn’t one of the Machine Gun Armor-Piercing Bullets 266
stats tracked by the game.
Magazine Ammo
Like the assault kit, the special ops kit is another well- Weapon/Item Capacity Count
rounded option capable of filling both offensive and M249 SAW 100 200
defensive roles. The silenced sub-machine guns offered by
M9 15 45
this kit are a bit more accurate than the assault rifles, but
M61 Frag Grenade — 3
not as powerful. Still, the SMGs make up for their lack of
power with rate of fire and stealth. Not only can these Auto-Injector — 3
weapons unload a solid stream of bullets within a few Mortar Strike — 1
seconds, but they do so with no muzzle flash and minimal
report. Speaking of stealth, the special ops kit is the only
one equipped with a knife. Knives are a quick way to Primary Weapon: M249 SAW
dispatch an enemy with one hit. Try sneaking up on unsus- Damage: Medium
pecting snipers or other stationary enemies. Use special Accuracy:
ops for sneak attacks and sabotage missions behind Low/Medium
enemy lines. By using light jeeps, boats, or helicopters for Fire Mode:
transport, a small squad of special forces troops can Full Auto
successfully conduct surprise attacks on enemy-held
The M249 Squad
positions, especially if they’re lightly defended. On defense,
Automatic Weapon (SAW) is a heavy machine gun that has
the special ops’ C4 can be used to booby-trap control
a larger clip and more stopping power then the M4
points, bridges, and other areas where opponents are
Carbine but can become more inaccurate unless used in a
likely to move. Special ops troops also carry stun
controlled manner.
grenades, capable of temporarily blinding enemy (and
friendly) troops. These are best deployed in urban raids,

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Magazine Ammo Magazine Ammo
Weapon/Item Capacity Count Weapon/Item Capacity Count
PKM 100 200 PKM 100 200
MP-445 Varjag 15 45 Tariq 15 45
M61 Frag Grenade — 3 RGO-78 Frag Grenade — 3
Auto-Injector — 3 Auto-Injector — 3
Mortar Strike — 1 Mortar Strike — 1

Primary Weapon: PKM Primary Weapon: PKM

Damage: Medium Damage: Medium
Accuracy: Accuracy:
Low/Medium Low/Medium
Fire Mode: Fire Mode:
Full Auto Full Auto
The 7.62mm PKM The 7.62mm PKM
is a 16 kilo machine gun that has amazing firepower is a 16 kilo machine gun that has amazing firepower
but is extremely inaccurate due to its massive recoil. but is extremely inaccurate due to its massive recoil.
Best results are achieved when firing from a prone, Best results are achieved when firing from a prone,
stationary position. stationary position.


Magazine Ammo
Weapon/Item Capacity Count Auto-Injector
QJY-88 100 200 The auto-injector allows you to heal
QSZ-92 15 45 yourself or comrades. When you press
Type 77-1 Frag Grenade — 3 the fire button, the auto-injector fires a
round of healing substance into the
Auto-Injector — 3
subject (either you or another player). This
Mortar Strike — 1
causes the subject’s health to increase.

Primary Weapon: QJY-88 Mortar Strike

Damage: Medium To call for a mortar strike, target the area where you
Accuracy: want the strike and press the fire button. You then receive
Low/Medium a radio response confirming your order or telling you that
Fire Mode: Full Auto the strike is unavailable (because it is reloading). However,
in multiplayer mode, the mortar strike doesn't reaload
The QJY-88 is the
automatically; you must restock it manually.
PLA’s next generation
heavy machine gun set
to replace other
machine guns currently in service.
Laying down suppressive fire has never been easier (or more
fun) than with the support kit’s machine gun. What these
hulking automatic weapons lack in accuracy, they make up for
in volume, capable of spraying the battlefield with a sustained

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barrage of hot lead. For best results, always drop prone
before firing these weapons. At the very least, take a knee.
MP-445 Varjag
Affiliation: EU
Attempting to fire while standing causes these weapons to
buck wildly about, usually hitting everything except your Damage: Light
target. But accuracy improves dramatically when fired from a Accuracy: Medium
stationary prone position. As such, this kit is great for Fire Mode: Semi-Auto
defensive roles, especially when covering narrow chokepoints
Carried by the EU sniper, the Varjag is a powerful .40
like streets, alleys, and bridges. Like any automatic weapon,
caliber handgun with a frame constructed of high-grade
fire in short bursts to keep the weapon on target. Even more
composite materials.
firepower can be unleashed with the support kit’s mortar
strike capability. This works a bit like the sniper’s laser target
designator, but the support troop can call in mortar strikes on QSZ-92
any location on the map. A few seconds after the request is Affiliation: China
made, several mortar shells rain down on the target area, but Damage: Light
with far less precision than the sniper’s air strike. Each
Accuracy: Medium
support solider only has one mortar strike, but by standing
Fire Mode: Semi-Auto
next to an ammo crate, it’s possible to call in continuous
mortar strikes, one after another. Support troops can also The QSZ-92 is a recoil-operated semiautomatic pistol built
heal themselves and teammates with the auto-injector. Look for the PLA. It fires 5.8mm ammunition and has 15 shots
for teammates with low health, indicated by the green health in a clip.
bar below their name. The auto-injector must be used at point-
blank range to heal a teammate. Tariq
Affiliation: MEC
Accuracy: Medium
PISTOLS Fire Mode: Semi-Auto
The Tariq is an Iraqi-made 9mm handgun which is a knock-
SINGLE-PLAYER UPGRADES off of the Italian-designed M9 used by US forces.
Upgrade Type Stars
23-round clip 6
Increased Ammo (45) 25
Upgrade Type Stars
M9 Increased Ammo (5) 196
Affiliation: US
Damage: Light Hand grenades can be
Accuracy: Medium thrown long distance.
Fire Mode: Semi-Auto Try bouncing them off
surfaces for more
The M9 is a 9mm semiautomatic pistol that carries 15
precise deployment.
rounds in the magazine. The reliable pistol is used by
Hold down the trigger
military and law enforcement all over the world.
to “cook” the grenade,
allowing the timer to advance before throwing—don’t
Glock 17 worry, it won’t blow up in your face. By “cooking” a
Affiliation: EU grenade, you can cause it to explode in the air, useful for
Damage: Light taking out enemies hiding behind low walls or other cover.
Accuracy: Medium
Fire Mode: Semi-Auto
This reliable, lightweight 9mm pistol is standard issue for
many European armies and police forces.

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of the deadliest anti-infantry weapons in the game and a

STATIONARY WEAPONS great asset for defenders. Before assaulting an enemy-
held position, make note of the grenade launchers and
MACHINE GUN move around them.

Upgrade Type Stars
Increased Ammo (1,500) 57
Upgrade Type Stars
Ammo Count: 1,000 Increased Ammo (75) 171

Damage: Heavy Ammo Count: 50

Accuracy: Medium Damage: Heavy
Fire Mode: Full Auto (armor-piercing)
In multiplayer games, Accuracy: High
stationary machine guns Fire Mode: Single-Shot
are often found at control
The stationary AT
points, usually configured in
missile launcher is just
a defensive arrangement.
like the ones mounted
There are three types of
on the BMP-2 and
machine guns affiliated with
BMD-3 APCs. Although
the different nationalities:
they take a long time to reload, these missiles pack a
the US/EU M2, the Chinese
serious punch, capable of heavily damaging main battle
W85, and the MEC Kord.
tanks and completely destroying anything else. However,
All three weapons function
the missiles leave behind a smoke trail, making it easy for
identically and fire 12.7mm (.50 caliber) ammunition. The
enemies to zero in on the operator. For best results, fire a
stability of these weapons greatly enhances their accuracy,
missile and vacate the area before you get hit by retal-
making them surprisingly effective at mowing down enemy
iatory fire.
infantry. With sustained fire, they can even damage tanks.
But like any stationary weapon, don’t stand behind one for
too long unless you want to become the victim of an
Upgrade Type Stars
GRENADE LAUNCHER Increased Ammo (6) 215


Upgrade Type Stars
Increased Ammo (90) 108 Damage: Heavy
Accuracy: High (Heat-Seeking)
Ammo Count: 60 Fire Mode: Single-Shot
Damage: Heavy (splash Of all the stationary weapons, the
damage) Stingers are the trickiest to master.
Accuracy: Medium Since these are heat-seeking
Fire Mode: Full Auto antiaircraft missiles, the seeker head
must attain a lock on a heat source
These stationary variants
before the missile can launch. To do
are identical to the grenade
this, hold down the trigger while
launchers equipped in the
aiming the launcher at a helicopter. Eventually, white
Desert Patrol Vehicle
brackets appear around the chopper. Keep holding down the
(MK19) and Fast Attack
trigger as the brackets constrict, forming a tight red box
Vehicle (Type 87). Their
around the target. At this point, the missile automatically
ability to rapidly fire
launches and pursues the target. Whether on the ground or
grenades makes them one
in the air, be aware of all Stinger turret locations.

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COMMAND COMPUTER Medical and ammo
Command computers crates are scattered
can be found in both around multiplayer
the single-player maps, providing all
campaign and the players with health and
multiplayer conquest ammunition. To use a
maps. By interacting crate, simply stand
with the computer you next to it. The longer
can call in a devas- you’re next to the
tating artillery strike on crate, the more health
any location on the or ammo you receive.
map—the red icons But some of these
represent the real-time positions of enemy units. Once the crates may serve as
strike is initiated, watch from a satellite view as the target bait for enemy snipers
area is thoroughly pummeled with multiple shells. This is a or special ops troops
fantastic way to wipe out high concentrations of enemy itching to ambush you
troops. But artillery is far from precise. Make sure friendly with C4—don’t let your
units (blue icons) are a safe distance away from the target guard down.
zone before calling in the strike.

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Like the infantry troop kits, the vehicles in Battlefield 2:
Modern Combat are tools that must be understood and
mastered if you hope to lead your team to victory. This They’re not much to look at, but the car and pickup
section examines every vehicle, as well as offers some tips truck offer a quick way to move across the map,
on how to get your helicopter into the air without especially when no other vehicles are available.
crashing. Furthermore, they’re capable of absorbing a fair
amount of small arms fire before eventually exploding.
Their expendability also makes them ideal for car
CIVILIAN VEHICLES bombs. Simply toss a C4 charge on the front of the
vehicle and drive it into an enemy tank. Of course, you
CAR must bail out before impact. Watch your vehicle crash
into the tank, and detonate the explosives immediately
Affiliation: None following the collision. This inflicts three separate
Speed: Fast incidents of damage on the enemy tank: the collision,
Armor: Light the C4 detonation, and the vehicle explosion. This tried
The car is a nonde- and proven tactic is a favorite of Battlefield veterans.
script sedan, often
found in urban areas.
The driver has no
access to firepower,
but the passenger can
hang out the car’s DESERT PATROL VEHICLE (DPV)
sunroof and open fire with his troop kit’s selected weapon. Affiliation: US
CAR ARMAMENT Speed: Very Fast
Crew Position Weapon Ammo Armor: None
Driver — —
What it lacks in armor it
Passenger Troop Kit —
makes up for in agility and
firepower. The Desert
PICKUP TRUCK Patrol Vehicle (DPV) has two
gunner positions—one for the grenade
Affiliation: None
launcher and the other for the heavy
Speed: Fast machine gun. It is not very effective against armored
Armor: Light vehicles, but it can help clear out infantry.
Like the car, pickup
trucks are likely to be DPV ARMAMENT
found abandoned in Crew Position Weapon Ammo
cities and towns. The Driver — —
vehicle has room for Gunner 1 MK19 Grenade Launcher 60
one passenger, standing Gunner 2 M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000
in the truck’s bed.


Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Driver — —
Passenger Troop Kit —

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FAST ATTACK VEHICLE (FAV) The American HMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose
Wheeled Vehicle, or “Humvee”) sets the world’s standard
Affiliation: China for light, high-performance military trucks. The Humvee was
Speed: Very Fast designed as a multipurpose infantry vehicle for use in all
Armor: None areas of the modern battlefield. It can easily maneuver over
trenches and steep slopes or wade through deep water.
The PLA and MEC operate
the Fast Attack Vehicle HMMWV ARMAMENT
(FAV) for both airborne and Crew Position Weapon Ammo
special operations. Developed by a Driver — —
former aircraft manufacturing Gunner M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000
company, the FAV is known for its Passenger Troop Kit —
rugged construction and light weight, as well as the
impressive amount of firepower it can carry into battle.
FAV ARMAMENT Affiliation: EU
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Speed: Fast
Driver — —
Armor: Light
Gunner 1 Type 87 Grenade Launcher 60
Gunner 2 W85 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000 The Eagle Military Tactical
Vehicle (MTV) shares more
than a passing resem-
TIP The heavy machine gun in the FAV can rotate 360 blance to the American Humvee—it’s
degrees—the DPV’s only faces forward. This makes the DPV
built on the same chassis and matches
extremely vulnerable to attacks from the sides and rear.
all dimensions with the exception of width. The Eagle is
currently in production for the Swiss Army and meets all
LIGHT JEEP TACTICS requirements necessary for 4x4 vehicles involved in UN
peace-keeping missions.
The light jeeps are the fastest land vehicles in the game,
useful for rushing neutral control points at the start of a EAGLE ARMAMENT
battle. But their exposed positions can make them a death Crew Position Weapon Ammo
trap if driven directly into heavy action. Most explosive Driver — —
munitions can destroy these small vehicles in one hit, killing Gunner M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000
everyone inside. The driver and passengers are also exposed
to small arms fire. The light jeep’s greatest defensive assets
are its speed and off-road capability. To ensure survival, use OTOKAR AKREP
these vehicles to traverse terrain on a map’s periphery,
staying away from heated battles near control points. Affiliation: MEC
Although the vehicle can attain high speeds on roads, many Speed: Fast
roads are likely to be used by larger and more deadly Armor: Light
vehicles. Instead, stay off-road and out of sight. Such
The Turkish-designed
stealthy tactics are effective when staging raids on distant,
Akrep is a highly mobile
enemy-held control points.
4x4 capable of serving in
difficult terrain and
HEAVY JEEPS weather. Its compact size also makes
it easy to maneuver within the narrow streets of urban
HMMWV HUMVEE centers. The turret on top of the vehicle can be fitted with
various 12.7mm machine gun configurations.
Affiliation: US
Speed: Fast Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Armor: Light Driver — —
Gunner Kord 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000

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HEAVY JEEP TACTICS acquisition technologies, giving the CV 90 the ability

to operate effectively in any battlefield condition, day
Although a bit slower than light jeeps, the heavy jeeps or night.
benefit from less exposure. The heavy jeep’s armor isn’t
capable of repelling tank rounds or antitank missiles, but COMBAT VEHICLE 90 ARMAMENT
it does provide its driver and passengers with limited Crew Position Weapon Ammo
protection from small arms fire and even the large Driver 40mm Auto-Cannon 500
munitions fired by APC and AA vehicle auto-cannons. Use Gunner M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000
these vehicles primarily as troop transports, and once on
the move, keep moving to avoid falling victim to enemy
tanks and aircraft. The roof-mounted heavy machine gun
is a decent defensive weapon, capable of easily mowing Affiliation: China
down infantry. Its ability to rotate 360 degrees also Speed: Medium
makes it a fine air defense weapon if tasked with Armor: Medium
defending a control point without any air defenses.
The BMD-3 Airborne
Simply turn it skyward and let it rip to punch holes in
Infantry Fighting
enemy helicopters. Just be ready to jump out if the
Vehicle is a much updated
chopper attempts to retaliate.
version of the BMD-1 and
BMD-2. While the chassis has
ARMORED PERSONNEL retained the same general shape of its predecessors, the
CARRIERS (APCS) BMD-3’s turret is borrowed from the BMP-2. The vehicle is
also equipped with a new adjustable suspension system,
which provides more cushion during air drops.
Affiliation: US
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Speed: Medium Driver 30mm Auto-Cannon 500
Armor: Medium Gunner Antitank Missile 50
The LAV-300 is an all-
weather, all-terrain light
armored vehicle capable of
quickly moving firepower and troops
Affiliation: MEC
around the battlefield. Powered by a 275 hp diesel
engine, the LAV-300 can reach speeds up to 65 mph. It is Speed: Medium
fully amphibious and can traverse rivers or lakes—or even Armor: Medium
operate just offshore during a beach assault. The Russian BMP-2
initially entered
Crew Position Weapon Ammo service in the early
Driver 90mm Auto-Cannon 500 1980s. Now the vehicle can be
found in armies throughout the world, particularly in the
Gunner M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000
Middle East. Although dated, the BMP-2 is still a
formidable combat vehicle on the battlefield, capable of
COMBAT VEHICLE 90 destroying the latest main battle tanks.
Affiliation: EU
Speed: Medium BMP-2 ARMAMENT
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Armor: Medium
Driver 30mm Auto-Cannon 500
The Combat Vehicle Gunner Antitank Missile 50
90 (or CV 90) is a
multi-role vehicle deployed
primarily by the Swedish Army. The
turret is equipped with the latest target

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The APCs are the most versatile vehicles in the game and Affiliation: MEC
are armed to the teeth when fully manned. Their auto- Speed: Slow
cannons rapidly fire small explosive shells, effective against
Armor: Medium
infantry, armored vehicles, and even aircraft. In some
models, the passenger riding in the turret can also launch The Soviet-designed
antitank missiles. Although they take a long time to reload, ZSU-23-4 self-
these missiles are an APC’s best chance at surviving an propelled antiaircraft
encounter with an enemy tank. The US LAV-300 is gun features four liquid-
amphibious. Use this capability to launch surprise attacks cooled 23mm auto-cannons capable
on coastal control points or simply flank the enemy. But be of firing up to 1,000 rounds per minute. This makes the
aware, the APC is much slower in the water, potentially Shilka an intimidating presence on the battlefield whether
making it an easy target for enemy aircraft and ground- it’s engaging helicopters or ground units.
based missiles. Like tanks, the front armor on APCs is the
thickest. During combat, avoid exposing the weaker side
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
and rear armor to enemy fire.
Driver Quad 23mm Auto-Cannons 2,000

M6 BRADLEY LINEBACKER Despite their rugged-armored appearance, these vehicles
aren’t intended for toe-to-toe slugfests with enemy tanks.
Affiliation: US/EU In fact, their armor isn’t much different than that found on
Speed: Slow the APCs. Instead, move them to strategically advan-
Armor: Medium tageous locations to shoot down enemy aircraft. The
Bradley is equipped with a Stinger Missile battery capable
In the late 1990s,
of knocking enemy helicopters out of the sky. Like the fixed
the US Army saw
Stinger turrets, these missiles must attain a lock on an
the need for a new
aircraft before they can successfully track it. The auto-
short-range air
cannons are effective against aircraft too, but they can
defense system to protect
also shred infantry and light-armored vehicles. AA vehicles
advancing armored units. To
aren’t very common, so take extra steps to keep them
provide these units with a mobile defense capable of
alive and try to hold the control points where they spawn.
maintaining their pace, the Army combined the combat-
Before moving out, analyze the team’s air defenses and fill
tested M6 Bradley with the proven Stinger antiaircraft
in any gaps with the AA vehicle, parking it where it’s well
missile system to produce the M6 Bradley Linebacker. The
protected and out of sight from advancing enemy troops
Linebacker is capable of engaging and destroying
and tanks.
helicopters and low-flying aircraft. With the help of a
sophisticated tracking computer and laser range finder,
the Linebacker can fire its missiles while either stationary SELF-PROPELLED ARTILLERY
or on the move.


Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Affiliation: China
Driver 25mm Auto-Cannon 2,000
Gunner Stinger Missile 4 Speed: Medium
Armor: Medium

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The amphibious BK-1990 is a hybrid design combining a Try hiding them in areas where they can ambush tanks.
WZ-551 chassis and a BK-1970 turret. However, the These vehicles can’t win an even fight with a tank, so it’s
original APC chassis has been heavily modified, accommo- important they score the first hit.
dating a second set of wheels for an 8x8 configuration.
The vehicle’s power pack has also been relocated from the
front to the rear. TIP The US LAV-300 and Chinese BK-1990 are the only
two amphibious vehicles in the game.
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Driver 105mm Cannon 100
Gunner W85 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000
Passenger 1 Troop Kit —
Passenger 2 Troop Kit — M1A2 ABRAMS
Affiliation: US

AMX-10 (SP ONLY) Speed: Slow

Armor: Strong
Affiliation: MEC The backbone of the
US Military’s armored
Speed: Medium
forces, the M1A2
Abrams exemplifies high-
tech firepower. Its main
The French-produced AMX- armament, a 120mm smoothbore cannon, is capable of
10 is an amphibious firing a variety of rounds. A sophisticated fire control
mechanized infantry support vehicle system stabilizes the cannon for accurate shooting on the
equipped with a massive 105mm gun. Its speed and move while a laser range finder, thermal imaging sight,
mobility make it useful in a variety of roles ranging from and a digital ballistics computer give the Abrams a “first
assaults to reconnaissance missions. Originally produced shot, first kill” advantage. Protected by an NBC (nuclear,
for the French Army in 1980, the AMX-10 has since biological, chemical) system and surrounded by steel-
entered service in the armies of Morocco and Qatar. encased depleted uranium armor, the M1A2 can operate
AMX-10 ARMAMENT in nearly any conceivable battlefield environment.
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Driver 105mm Cannon 100 M1A2 ARMAMENT
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Passenger 1 Troop Kit —
Driver 120mm Cannon 100
Passenger 2 Troop Kit —
Gunner M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000


Affiliation: EU
The self-propelled artillery units offer the speed and
mobility of an APC and the firepower of a main battle Speed: Slow
tank. These vehicles are actually quite rare in the game Armor: Strong
but can make a significant impact when available. For The German
one, they have the largest crew capacity of any ground Leopard 2 was
vehicle, capable of carrying a driver, and two passengers the most
riding in the exposed rear hatches. This makes them an advanced main battle tank in
ideal troop transport. But their large capacity can also the world when it entered service
be a liability given the vehicle’s weak armor. A tank or in 1979. As American and Soviet designs improved
engineer with a rocket launcher only needs to score one during the 1980s, the Leopard 2 kept pace with a
shot on the vehicle’s rear armor to destroy it and kill all number of technological and armor upgrades. The A5
the passengers inside. Therefore, self-propelled artillery variant entered service in 1995, with new steel wheels
units should be used in supporting and defensive roles.

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and replaceable armor sections for the turret. Interior
improvements included an upgraded targeting system
and GPS navigation. Affiliation: MEC
Speed: Medium
Crew Position Weapon Ammo Armor: Medium
Driver 120mm Cannon 100 The Russian
Gunner M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000 2S25 is a
tracked self-propelled

T-90 antitank gun. Its 125mm

stabilized smoothbore cannon is a
Affiliation: EU slightly modified variant of the main guns installed on the
Speed: Slow T-80 and T-90. Like many Soviet tanks, the 2S25 is also
equipped with an automatic ammunition loader, allowing it
Armor: Strong
to fire six to eight rounds per minute.
In the early 1990s,
the Russian 2S25 ARMAMENT
Army began Crew Position Weapon Ammo
production on a successor to the Driver 125mm Cannon 100
problematic T-80 tank. Dubbed the T-90,
the new tank is a powerful weapon system that combines
advanced armaments and equipment. It carries a 125mm TANK TACTICS
main gun capable of firing various projectiles. Most of the
Tanks are at the top of the food chain during ground
T-90 is covered with Explosive Reactive Armor bricks. These
combat, but they’re far from invincible. Missiles and
bricks detonate upon contact with a warhead, projecting
rockets fired by infantry, APCs, and helicopters pose a
the explosive force away from the tank.
huge threat to a tank’s survivability. A tank’s side and rear
T-90 ARMAMENT armor is particularly vulnerable. For this reason, always
Crew Position Weapon Ammo keep the front armor facing a threat. This is particularly
Driver 125mm Cannon 100 important when duking it out with an enemy tank. A tank’s
Gunner M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000 driver position offers very poor visibility. Unless a teammate
is manning the machine gun up top, consider switching to
the external view when driving through city streets. This
TYPE 98 allows you to spot enemy troops attempting to sneak up on
your tank—special ops troops can ruin your day with a
Affiliation: China couple of C4 charges. If you spot enemy troops around
Speed: Slow your tank, keep moving and retreat to a safe distance until
Armor: Strong you can turn the tank’s guns on the attackers.

Developed during
the early BOATS
1990s, the Type 98 represents the
latest in Chinese design and manufacturing. Engineers based SEA ARK STINGER
its hull on proven Russian and European models and incor-
porated high technology to maximize its performance. A laser Affiliation: US
range finder, wind sensor, ballistic computer, and axis stabi- Speed: Fast
lization system ensure accurate firing of its 125mm cannon
Armor: None
while on the move, and a combination warning/defense
system protects the tank from enemy guided weapons. The Stinger is a
high-speed, 26-
TYPE 98 ARMAMENT foot aluminum boat,
Crew Position Weapon Ammo ideal for river patrols, as well as amphibious assaults. This
Driver 125mm Cannon 100 model is equipped with a grenade launcher mounted on the
Gunner W85 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000 bow and an aft-facing heavy machine gun.

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Crew Position Weapon Ammo FLIGHT SCHOOL
Pilot — — Flying helicopters can be tough to begin with, but with a
Gunner 1 MK19 Grenade Launcher 60 proper knowledge of the controls, anyone can master
Gunner 2 M2 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000 flight. There are two different control schemes for
helicopters, each of which can be selected in the options
LIGHT PATROL BOAT menu. For beginners, the type 2 configuration is the
easiest to get the hang of. The right analog stick controls
Affiliation: China/MEC the helicopter’s rotor speed, as well as its lateral tilt. To
Speed: Fast make the helicopter gain altitude, press up on the right
Armor: None analog stick, or press down to make it decrease altitude.
Moving the right analog stick left and right causes the
The light patrol boat’s
helicopter to roll, making it move in the direction of the tilt.
hull is constructed When in a hover, this causes the helicopter to fly laterally.
of fiberglass and This input is useful for making tight turns or evading
other composite enemy fire when hovering. The left analog stick controls
materials. This makes the the chopper’s pitch and yaw. Press up on the stick to
craft extremely maneuverable and capable of operating in make the helicopter fly forward, and press down to make
shallow water. Like the Stinger, this 25-foot boat is also it fly backward—you don’t lose altitude when moving
equipped with a grenade launcher and heavy machine gun. forward, so there’s no need to compensate with more
rotor speed. The helicopter’s heading is largely controlled
LIGHT PATROL BOAT ARMAMENT by moving the left analog stick left and right. This orients
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
the helicopter in the direction you wish to travel or attack.
Pilot — —
Gunner 1 Type 87 Grenade Launcher 60
Gunner 2 W85 12.7mm Machine Gun 1,000
TIP If you master the
ability to hover, you can
convert many control points
without even landing—just
BOAT TACTICS watch out for incoming
rockets. A fully loaded
The boats usually spawn next to control points located transport helicopter can
near rivers and other large bodies of water. Don’t let their convert any control point
armament fool you—these aren’t heavy assault vehicles. within a few seconds.
They can easily be destroyed by small arms fire. Even
worse, they provide no protection for their occupants. Now that you know the controls, try flying a
Therefore, try to remain stealthy and out of harm’s way chopper. Start by pressing up on the right analog stick
when using boats. to gain altitude. Next, figure out where you’re heading
It’s merely a and move the left analog stick left and right to point
transport, not a the helicopter at your destination. Once the heading is
gunboat. Instead of set, nudge the left analog stick up to begin moving
staging frontal forward. To land, release the left analog stick to come
assaults, circumvent to an automatic hover. Gently descend by lightly
the enemy’s main pressing the right analog stick down. Always set the
defenses and launch chopper down in flat, open spaces. If the rotor strikes
surprise attacks on rear anything on the way down, it could seriously damage
positions. Both boats can speed the helicopter or even cause it to crash. Once you log
through shallow water a little flight time, you’ll have no problems flying
without running helicopters. Just make sure you master the controls
aground, so try to before hopping online—teammates don’t like it when
hit the enemies their pilot crashes.
where they least
expect it.

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ATTACK HELICOPTERS Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Pilot 70mm FFAR Rockets (Medium) 100
Affiliation: US
Speed: Very Fast TIP The Apache’s auto-cannon causes splash damage,
Armor: Light making it deadly against infantry.

The lightweight AH-6J is a

heavily modified AS-665 TIGER ATTACK HELICOPTER
commercial helicopter
Affiliation: EU
fitted with rocket pods and
twin M134 mini-guns Speed: Very Fast
mounted along the landing Armor: Light
skids. Also known as the The Tiger is the
Little Bird, the chopper is powered result of a joint
by a single turbine engine and equipped with the latest German and French
targeting and navigational systems. Its versatility and partnership to create
maneuverability make the Little Bird valuable in a variety a next-generation
of roles ranging from close air support to recon- helicopter with
naissance. many of the
capabilities of the American Apache. After nearly three
AH-6J ARMAMENT decades of prolonged development, the Tiger finally
Crew Position Weapon Ammo entered service in 2002. The multirole helicopter can
Pilot 70mm FFAR Rockets (Light) 100 carry a diverse arsenal of weapons with both air-to-ground
Gunner Dual M134 7.62mm Heavy Mini-Guns 2,000 and air-to-air capabilities.

AH-64 APACHE ATTACK HELICOPTER Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Pilot 70mm FFAR Rockets (Medium) 100
Affiliation: US Gunner AA-AG Locking Missiles 4
Speed: Very Fast
Armor: Light
In 1984, the AH-64 Apache
TIP The Tiger’s missiles
can lock onto both air and
replaced the AH-1 ground vehicles. These
Cobra as the work just like Stingers or
US Army’s the sniper’s laser target
principal attack designator. Once a lock is
achieved, the missile fires
helicopter. The and homes-in on the
Apache’s advanced avionics targeted vehicle.
and integrated helmet display sight system allow the The pilot can make the
helicopter to operate during day or night, as well as in gunner’s job easier by
adverse weather conditions. Primarily designed as a tank keeping the chopper aimed
at the target and limiting
killer, the Apache is capable of carrying multiple weapons, erratic maneuvers.
including FFAR rockets and Hellfire missiles. The 30mm chain
gun, mounted beneath the Apache’s nose, is connected to
the gunner’s helmet and can be aimed by simply looking in
the direction of a target.

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ATTACK HELICOPTER TACTICS capability and increased firepower for close air support.
While its armor can tolerate most small arms fire and
The attack helicopters are the most devastating vehicles in medium-caliber explosive projectiles, the Blackhawk is also
the game. But a two-man crew is necessary for each fitted with redundant flight systems in the event it does
chopper to live up to its deadly potential. The pilot can fire take damage.
the chopper’s unguided rockets, but it’s the gunner who
benefits from the awesome firepower offered by the auto- UH-60 ARMAMENT
cannon. In the Apache and Hind, this cannon is mounted in Crew Position Weapon Ammo
a turret beneath the chopper’s nose and is capable of Pilot 70mm FFAR Rockets (Heavy) 100
rotating a little less than 180 degrees. The gunner can use Gunner 1 7.62mm Mini-Gun 1,000
this weapon to rack up dozens of infantry kills, as well as Gunner 2 7.62mm Mini-Gun 1,000
shred light armored vehicles. It can also inflict damage on Passenger 1 Troop Kit —
tanks, but the rockets are a better option for destroying
Passenger 2 Troop Kit —
enemy armor. Since the gunner holds a significant amount
of the attack chopper’s offensive capability, the pilot should
busy himself with constantly orienting the helicopter to best
deploy the auto-cannon. Try hovering behind trees or just
above the crest of a hill in an attempt to stay out of sight.
This way, you can quickly drop behind cover if a threat
appears. Hovering can be dangerous, but if adequate cover
is nearby, a good pilot can quickly use the surroundings to
hide from enemy fire. Mastering the pilot and gunner
positions of an attack helicopter isn’t easy, but an
experienced crew can dominate the battlefield. Also,
different choppers fire different kinds of FFAR: light,
medium, and heavy. The Little Bird, for example, fires light
FFARs quickly, while the Hind fires heavy FFARs slowly.

Affiliation: China
UH-60 BLACKHAWK ATTACK/ Speed: Very Fast


The Chinese WZ-9 is based on a French utility helicopter
design and saw limited deployment in the PLA Army
Aviation Corps beginning in the 1990s. Unlike the Apache
and Tiger, the WZ-9 is not a dedicated attack helicopter,
lacking many of the advanced avionics and weapon
targeting systems. However, it’s still a very capable and
versatile helicopter, whether attacking ground targets or
transporting troops across the battlefield.

Affiliation: US
Speed: Very Fast
Crew Position Weapon Ammo
Armor: Light Pilot 70mm FFAR Rockets (Heavy) 100
In the early 1970s, the US Army began looking for a new Gunner 1 7.62mm Mini-Gun 1,000
front-line helicopter to replace the aging UH-1 “Huey.” Gunner 2 7.62mm Mini-Gun 1,000
Sikorsky was awarded the contract, and the company Passenger 1 Troop Kit —
provided the Army with exactly what it was looking for, a
Passenger 2 Troop Kit —
helicopter with expanded troop capacity and cargo lift

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Flying behind these objects can break a missile lock. If
Mi-24 HIND ATTACK/TRANSPORT HELICOPTER their two mini-guns are manned, the US Blackhawk and
Chinese WZ-9 are devastating ground attack weapons
platforms. The rapid-firing mini-guns make it possible to
mow down infantry (and light vehicles) with ease. The guns
should be manned by engineers. This way, if the chopper is
damaged, they can switch to a passenger position and
conduct repairs with their blowtorch while the helicopter is
still airborne.

TIP It’s possible to earn kills by slicing enemies with a

helicopter’s rotor blades.

Affiliation: MEC You can greatly
Speed: Very Fast increase the lifespan
Armor: Light of your vehicle by
keeping it at full
The Mi-24 entered service in the early 1970s under the
strength. When an
Soviet Air Force. The need for a transport helicopter, as
engineer’s blowtorch
well as a gunship, led to the peculiar but effective design,
isn’t handy, search
with many of the inner workings borrowed from the
for either a repair
rugged Mi-8. The Hind saw extensive use during the Soviet
station or helipad—
campaign in Afghanistan and has since been exported to
look for the green-
many countries around the world.
and-black wrench icon
above them. Repair
MI-24 ARMAMENT stations are usually
Crew Position Weapon Ammo found at control
Pilot 70mm FFAR Rockets (Heavy) 100 points. Park next to
Gunner 30mm Auto-Cannon 500 one, and your vehicle
Passenger 1 Troop Kit — slowly returns to full
Passenger 2 Troop Kit — health—the vehicle’s
ammo is also fully
restored. Helipads
MULTIROLE HELICOPTER TACTICS have the same effect, even if you’re not in a
helicopter. Just park your vehicle on the helipad for
These helicopters are capable of holding up to five players, a quick fix. Repair stations and helipads can come
making them ideal for quickly transporting entire squads in handy during combat too. Stay within their repair
to any spot on the battlefield. They’re also the best way to radius during duels with enemy vehicles to maintain
capture neutral control points at the start of a battle. a slight defensive advantage. However, some players
Load up with teammates and fly over each control point. may frown on this—it is a bit exploitive. Still, it’s a
Instead of taking the time to land, troops should simply widespread tactic, and you should at least be
bail out and parachute to the control point. But the aware of it.
transport helicopter’s impressive troop capacity is also a
big weakness and may result in a big score for an enemy
lucky enough to shoot down a fully occupied chopper. To
avoid falling victim to heat-seeking missiles, pilots should
fly low and fast, using hills, trees, and buildings for cover.

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Allied Tanks

NATO Briefing:
We've got a unit under heavy fire
and trapped in the refinery.
Conduct a rapid assault, engage
all hostiles, and prep the area for
immediate helicopter extraction.
Check your gear and move out.
Available Units:
Engineer, Special Ops
Available Vehicles:
T-90 Main Battle Tank
Refinery Developer Hints/Tips:
Look to the rooftops for hotswap
opportunities. Also look at the
refinery for a special hotswap!

Insertion Point

time, an objective
Objective 1: Rendezvous with Allied Tanks marker appears on the
mini-map, marking the
As the mission begins,
location of the
a small group of NATO
rendezvous point to
special ops troops
the north. Rush
parachutes into the
toward the objective
courtyard of a small
marker, but be
town—you're in control
prepared to engage
of one of these
enemy troops in the
operators. When you
streets along the way.
reach the ground, The rooftop engineers are the only
follow your AI- As you approach the way to destroy the Chinese APCs.
The special ops team encounters no controlled teammates rendezvous point, two
resistance at this courtyard drop zone, out of the courtyard Chinese APCs appear to the east. These vehicles must be
but the rest of the town is crawling and into the adjoining destroyed before the NATO tanks roll into town. Quickly
with enemy troops. Keep your eyes street near the locate and hotswap to one of the engineers on the nearby
peeled once you hit the ground. church. At about this rooftops. Use the rocket launcher to blast the enemy

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Almaty Region Part 1

APCs. It should take about two hits each, unless you

manage to score a hit on their weak rear armor.
Objective 3: Hold Location Until Helicopters Arrive
TIP There are several explosive
barrels scattered along the town's
streets. Wait until an enemy is
The rooftops of the
near one, then pump a few rounds refinery's buildings are
into a barrel for an impressive, lined with enemy troops.
fiery blast. However, these barrels Don't forget to look up to
are also a threat to your team, so see where all the incoming
avoid standing near them during a
firefight. It's best to destroy them
fire is coming from.
as you advance.

Once the enemy APC is destroyed, your team is tasked

Objective 2: Get to the Refinery with securing the grounds of the refinery so a Blackhawk
can land for extraction. As soon as you enter the refinery
Now that the enemy APCs are destroyed, you can head grounds, several enemy troops descend by parachute to
toward the refinery. Keep pushing toward the objective the east. Try to gun them all down before they reach the
marker by advancing along the street running west. ground. Next, watch the refinery facility's surrounding
Instead of running rooftops. Pick off the troops on the northern rooftop first,
down the street, then use the nearby machine gun to mow down the
consider hotswapping enemies lining the southern rooftop. A Blackhawk lands as
to one of the friendly soon as the refinery is clear of threats, bringing the
tanks that just entered mission to an end.
the town. The tank's
weapons are extremely
useful in dealing with
the enemy FAVs and
WZ-9 patroling the After entering the refinery,
street ahead. Use the turn around to spot these
main gun on the FAVs enemy troops parachuting
then pepper the enemy in behind you.
chopper with the
machine gun. Further
down the street, an
enemy APC blocks the
path to the refinery.
There are a couple of
ways to deal with this Use the machine gun on
threat. You can simply the northern side of the
While advancing toward the refinery, blast it with your tank, refinery to level the
watch for the stranded engineer near or you can hotswap to enemy troops on the
the smoke stacks. By hotswapping to the engineer high above southern rooftop.
the engineer, you can use his rocket the refinery and use his
launcher to take out the APC blocking rocket launcher to
the path to the refinery. clear a path.

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NATO Briefing:
We've gotten our feet wet with a
win and rescued our boys in the
process! Next up is a Signals
Insertion Point Intel mission designed to destroy
the enemy's ability to commu-
Upload Site 1 Upload Site 3 nicate electronically. We'll do it
with a rapid raid and the primary
asset will be a communications
technician who'll arrive at each
site via helo. He'll launch a virus
on their net and get out. You will
make damn sure he stays safe at
each site and gets the job done.
Crank up and move out.
Available Units:
Assault, Engineer
Available Vehicles:
HMMWV Humvee
Developer Hints/Tips:
Look to the rooftops for
hotswap opportunities.
Use the engineers to repair
Upload Site 2
the Humvees.

He needs 2:00 minutes

Objective 1: Defend Upload Site 1 at site 1, 1:40 minutes
Your assault team at site 2, and 2:00
begins the mission with minutes at site 3.
two Humvees. Hop in Not long after you
the nearest vehicle and arrive, Chinese troops
switch to the gunner's approach from the
position—your AI western and eastern
teammate automatically ends of the street.
drives, following the Fortunately, the
lead Humvee to the first Humvees' machine guns Total chaos erupts at the first
communications site. As are capable of mowing objective point, with enemy troops
Take up the Humvee's gunner position the Humvees come to a down any opposition, approaching from all directions. Stick
to rack up the most points possible. stop, make note of the but you still need to with the Humvee gunner position to
Your AI-controlled teammates can communications site on stay on your toes. dish out the most damage.
handle the driving. the northern side of the Immediately open fire on
road. If all allied troops the enemy troops but avoid hitting your own team.
are killed, the mission ends in failure. The countdown timer Hotswap between the two Humvees to stay close to the
on the right side of the screen indicates how much time action. While suppressing the enemy attack, keep an eye
the technician needs before the virus upload is complete. on the mini-map and watch for Chinese troops sneaking

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Almaty Region Part 1
through the alleys on the northern and southern sides of
the street. Most importantly, watch the rooftops for
enemies with rocket launchers—one appears on the rooftop Stay near the communi-
to the south. If the Humvees are destroyed by rocket cation site's door and pick
attacks, the subsequent objectives become much more off enemy troops sneaking
difficult. With only a few seconds remaining, a Chinese FAV through the alleys to the
approaches from the east. Destroy this vehicle with heavy east and west while the
machine gun fire (or rockets from the engineers) before it Humvee's gunner covers
can inflict any damage on your team. the southern approach.

Continually scan the

rooftops for enemy troops. Objective 3: Defend Upload Site 3
Some are armed with
rocket launchers capable The third communi-
of destroying the Humvees. cations site is on the
If necessary, switch to an same street as the first
assault solider to get a one. From the
better angle. courtyard, head south
toward the objective
marker. Located on a
street corner, this
Objective 2: Defend Upload Site 2 building comes under
attack from all
The grenade launcher works well directions. Once again,
against tight clusters of enemy it's best to stay on foot
infantry. to quickly respond to
Drive one of the Humvees the flood of Chinese
into the courtyard and troops rushing to this location. Fortunately, the two cars
park it near the communi- parked in front of the site's door provide excellent cover. As
cations site's door. in the previous site, pick an assault soldier and use his
assault rifle to repel the attacks. Retreat into the building
or crouch behind one of the cars when it's time to reload.
Don't forget to peek around the corner and scan the
adjacent street to the north too. Failing to monitor this
Once the first virus is implanted, you must proceed to the street may result in a point-blank range encounter. Later
next communications site, located in the courtyard to the on, an enemy FAV appears at the end of this street. One
south. If you're not in a Humvee already, catch a ride or direct hit from the rocket launcher is enough to take it out.
simply run to the new location. Make sure the gunner In addition, use the Allied troops on the church roof to take
position is manned by a teammate and exit the vehicle. As out enemy engineers on the opposite block. An enemy
the technician's timer begins, a fresh wave of Chinese troops helicopter arrives partway through—use the Allied engineer
enters the courtyard. Parking the Humvee near the door is a on the target building's roof to deal with it.
good way to repel most of the attackers approaching from
the south, but you need to cover the narrow alleys to the
east and west, preferably with an assault soldier. Also keep
an eye on the rooftop to the south to prevent rocket attacks
on the Humvee. When it's necessary to reload your assault Earn a medal by
rifle, duck into the communications site for cover. As usual, destroying the enemy FAV
watch the mini-map closely to easily locate new enemy to the north with one
contacts and eliminate them before they get too close to the grenade.
doorway. Near the end, an enemy Eagle MTV enters the
courtyard. Use the Allied engineer on the roof to take it out.
Then hold out until the technician's mission is complete.

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Objective 4: Proceed to Airfield

As soon as the last virus is uploaded, make a hasty You must reach this small
retreat to the airfield. To avoid enemies, rush down the airfield on the northern
street to the west. Find an alley on the north side of the side of the town to
street to exit the town. The airfield is located on the complete the mission.
other side of a small hill. Move next to the objective
marker to end the mission.

NATO Briefing:
That raid on their communi-
Sniper Team cations network must have hurt
because the enemy is resorting
to dirty tactics. Special operators
tell us that hostile snipers have
got shoot points all over the
school and their primary target
will be negotiators. Counter
sniper mission follows: eliminate
all hostile shooters, clear the
access route. None of their
shooters survive. Clear? Get it
Available Units:
School Sniper
Available Vehicles:
Developer Hints/Tips:
Use the forward observer unit if
you lose sight of the enemy
Concentrate on killing the enemy
troops to defend the school and
avoid/hide from the enemy

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Almaty Region Part 1
Objective: Eliminate All Hostiles western sniper positions to locate and neutralize the
next wave of enemy troops, including some moving along
the ground to the south.

Avoid scanning for

enemies through the Some enemy troops at
scope. Always locate your street level can be tough
enemies first before to spot from the rooftops.
zooming in. Consider using the forward
observer device to
highlight their positions on
your mini-map.
Your team consists of three snipers deployed in a
triangular formation on different rooftops in the center of
the town. As soon as the mission begins, you have a clear
shot at a couple of enemy snipers on the rooftops to the
south. Locate their positions, zoom in, and squeeze off a
couple of rounds. If you're an excellent sniper, locate the A couple of accurate shots
Chinese WZ-9 moving in from the east. Zoom in on the from your sniper rifle is
cockpit as the chopper approaches and fire multiple rounds the quickest way to
at the pilot. Killing the pilot causes the helicopter to crash. eliminate this threat.
At the very least, shoot the chopper's gunner before
picking off any other snipers. If you're not a great sniper,
ignore the WZ-9. It won't kill you and could waste time.
Once the chopper is As the mission nears completion, more Chinese
down, hotswap to your troops attempt to rush your sniper positions. Hotswap
sniper on the rooftop to between all three
the west. He can take out snipers to pick off as
three more snipers to the many enemy soldiers
south—one on a balcony as possible, then
and two on the rooftop. prepare for some
Eliminating these three close-quarter fighting.
snipers triggers a small Your northern and
squad of enemy troops to eastern snipers face
To kill the WZ-9's pilot, wait until the parachute onto the hill to the biggest threat if
chopper is flying directly toward you. the north. Locate your enemy troops rush up
The gunner can be killed by firing at third sniper on the low the steps of their
rooftop to the north and respective buildings.
the helicopter's starboard side.
hotswap to his position. If Take control of the
Eliminating the gunner is just as
you're quick, you can western sniper and
effective as killing the pilot.
eliminate a couple of help your teammates
enemies before they hit the ground. The rightmost enemy hides fight off these attacks.
behind a wall; shoot the nearby explosive barrel to kill him. Cover the rooftop
Finish off the hilltop enemies, then turn west to pick off three access points and
more snipers on the nearby rooftop. Two more enemies can be blast the attackers as
found in the windows of the building to the east. Listen for the soon as they come into
radio contact of an enemy on the school's roof and turn to the view. When this attack
south to gun him down before he can open fire. fails, the enemy Your snipers must support each other
Hotswap to the eastern sniper position to deal with resorts to more when the enemy attempts to storm
more threats to the south. Watch for enemies on the drastic measures, the rooftops. If you encounter enemies
rooftops across the street. An FAV also approaches revealed in the closing at close range, switch to your pistol
from the west. Shoot the vehicle's gunner first, then cutscene. and aim for the enemy's head.
pick off the driver. Hotswap between the eastern and

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Chinese Briefing:
Our enemy begins by shooting
2nd Defensive Bunker those who come in defense of
peace, and now they attack our
defensive cordon. Three fast
attack submarines armed with
3rd Submarine cruise missiles have docked in
the NATO anchorage. The enemy
controls river traffic from strong
defensive positions, which you
1st Defensive Bunker need to disable before locating
the submarine pens and
destroying the vessels. Proceed
2nd Submarine and bring honor to us all.
Available Units:
Assault, Engineer
Available Vehicles:
HMMWV Humvee, Sea Ark
Stinger, Light Patrol Boat
1st Submarine Developer Hints/Tips:
Insertion Point
While parachuting into the first
bunker, glide straight onto the
first bunker while using the
grenade launcher.
Steal the Humvee.
At the sub base, the gate to the
south is a tad easier than the
Objective 1: Destroy First Defensive Bunker attention to the
NATO troops
one to the north.
When you’ve planted your
gathered around the explosive on the sub inside the
nearby defensive pen, don’t run back along its
Use your time in the length to the steps—jump into
bunker. Eliminate as
parachute harness to lob the water on your right, there’s
many enemies as
grenades on the enemies some steps just opposite. You’ll
possible before
below. Eliminating these get away much quicker.
touching down. (Or, if
threats from the air makes
you prefer to engage
the assault on the first
them on the ground, close your parachute and re-open it at
bunker much easier.
the last minute to get to the action more quickly.) Once on
the ground, hotswap to a friendly soldier closer to the
Your team begins the mission high above the target area, defensive bunker to the northwest. Rush into the bunker
drifting down in parachutes. Instead of waiting until you and gun down any remaining enemies inside. Plant a charge
reach the ground, start lobbing grenades at the enemy on the western interior wall of the bunker and rush toward
troops below with the grenade launcher. Pay particular the church to the east before it explodes.

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Mangystau Region Part 1

As soon as the
counterattack dies
These yellow-and-black, down, move or hotswap
rectangular boxes indicate to the north to locate a
where explosives must be Humvee near the river
placed and can be found bank. An unoccupied
on each of the bunkers Sea Ark Stinger patrol
and submarines. boat is also available
nearby, but the Humvee
is the best choice for
Before hopping in the Humvee, watch advancing on the second
Objective 2: Destroy for an enemy Sea Ark Stinger cruising bunker. Drive the
Objective21: Destroy Second
Second Defensive
Defensive Bunker
Bunker along the river. Blast its occupants Humvee along the dirt
with your assault rifle, sink the boat road leading toward the
next objective marker.
with a well-placed grenade, or
Be prepared for the NATO hotswap to the engineer and use the Switch to the Humvee's
counterattack after you gunner position as soon
rocket launcher.
destroy the first bunker. as the bunker comes
Take control of one of the into view and open fire on the enemy troops gathered
machine guns near the around it. Watch for more troops advancing through the
church to score some trees to the west. Rush inside the second bunker, plant the
serious points. charge, and return to the Humvee.

Before the first bunker is

destroyed, hotswap to a Use the Humvee's
teammate to the east. Search machine gun to clear
for a low sandbag wall on the area around the
the eastern side of the second bunker before
church and take up a placing the charge.
position behind one of the
mounted machine guns.
When the first bunker
explodes, NATO
reinforcements appear to the
northeast. Use the machine
Objective 3: Destroy First Submarine
gun to mow them down, as
well as any Humvees that
The front gate of the
attempt to break through.
submarine base is
crawling with enemy
troops. Once again, the
Humvee's machine gun is
the best way to deal with
these threats.

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The NATO submarine base is located just west of the

second bunker. Drive west until you can see the base's Objective 4/5: Destroy 2nd and 3rd Submarines
front gate. Immediately hop into the gunner position and Back outside, more
open fire on the enemy troops guarding the front gate— friendly troops have
don't forget the troops in the guard towers. Watch for arrived to assist in the
enemy Humvees approaching from the north and south too. mission. Hotswap to
Once the gate is clear, drive into the base and veer north. any teammate close to
Weave past the numerous containers and other objects the western subs.
until you can drive west, toward the docks. Two Fight off any troops on
submarines are located on the docks to the west. Use the or around the subs,
Humvee's machine gun to take out any NATO soldiers in then hotswap to the
the area, including any manning the machine guns on the Allied troop on the
submarines' bow.
You can save some time by swimming farthest walkway, or to
to the two western submarines. Just the Allied patrol boat.
make sure all surrounding threats are Plant a charge on the
The sub pen is a potential eliminated before taking the plunge. second sub, then start
death trap. Scan the swimming for the last
catwalks above, as well as sub to the west. Upon reaching
the surrounding walkways, the third sub, place the
for enemy troops before charge, then use the
rushing toward the metal walkway to the
submarine. west to reach safety
before it detonates.

Instead of attacking the western

submarines first, focus on the lone sub
in the pen to the south. The huge,
warehouse-like structure housing the
first sub can be entered through a doorway
to the south. Leave the Humvee behind and fight your way
past the guards. Don't charge inside the sub pen. Instead,
sidestep inside to spot the NATO guards scattered among
the catwalks. Eliminate as many guards as possible from
the entranceway, then approach the sub. Ignore the
elaborate catwalks leading to the submarine. Instead,
simply jump into the water and climb up onto the vessel.
Plant a charge on top of the sub, just in front of the
conning tower. Jump back into the water, and use the
nearby steps to access the walkway along the sub's
northern side. Exit the sub pen the same way you entered.

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Mangystau Region Part 1

Chinese Briefing:
Oil Rig
With the enemy submarines destroyed, the
battle for the sea could go either way and it
is a battle we must win. In response to our
victory, NATO forces are moving on our oil
platform and island position at site four. You
will defend that platform and island at all
costs. You have your mission. Proceed with it.
Helipad Dock Available Units:
Assault, Engineer
Available Vehicles:
Light Patrol Boat
Developer Hints/Tips:
Use Stinger Missile sites against helicopter
Use machine guns to take out enemy boats
before they reach their docking points and
unload troops.
Hotswap into parachute reinforcements to
give you a clear vantage point over targets
on the ground (you can even be a hotshot
and try to take out enemy helicopters as
Lighthouse Island you glide to the ground!).

Objective 1: Defend the Oil Rig Objective 2: Defend the Island

One carefully-aimed shot
is all it takes to eliminate Use the mini-map to
a paratrooper with the quickly locate enemies on
engineer's shotgun. But the dock. If you're not
consider swapping to careful, paratroopers can
assault troops when drop in behind you and
engaging enemy troops shoot you in the back.
who land on the rig.

In this mission, you must defend two key areas from attack As soon as the first attack on the rig is defeated, NATO
by NATO troops. The first wave of attackers consists solely paratroopers appear above the island and the docks to
of paratroopers dropped just above the oil rig. For best the southeast. Immediately hotswap to one of the
results, stick with the engineer on the rig's helipad, as the soldiers on the dock or the one on the island's
shotgun is ideal for knocking the paratroopers out of the lighthouse. Once again, open fire on the enemy
sky. As soon as the enemies appear, open fire with the paratroopers as they drift down, preferably using the
shotgun and try to eliminate all of them before they touch engineer stationed on the dock. If necessary, hotswap to
down on the rig. If some enemy troops make it onto the rig, the assault soldier in the lighthouse to pick off enemy
use the mini-map to locate their positions. In some paratroopers assaulting the island.
instances, you can't see the enemy troops on the rig, so
hotswap to other teammates to engage the enemies.

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Objective 3: Defend the Oil Rig

Following the island
The next attack wave occurs simultaneously against the oil
attack, more NATO
rig and the island. Start by hotswapping to the island docks
paratroopers attempt a
to eliminate another round of paratroopers. While engaging
second assault on the
the paratroopers, head to the elevated platform on the
oil rig. Quickly hotswap
north end of the docks, where a Stinger turret is located.
back to the oil rig,
Once the enemy troops are down, man the Stinger turret
finding the engineer on
and use it to down the Blackhawk. Hotswap back to the oil
the helipad. Using the
rig and engage a second Blackhawk using either the
shotgun, pick off the
machine guns or the Stinger turret on the helipad. Next,
new wave of
locate a friendly light patrol boat below and hotswap to the
paratroopers. Glance at
driver's position. Chase down and engage any NATO Sea
the mini-map to locate
Ark Stingers harassing the rig or island docks—be careful
enemy troops who made
not to drive the boat out of bounds.
it onto the rig and
quickly hunt them down
by hotswapping to other
TIP The command computer on the oil rig's helipad can be
used to call in an artillery strike. There's also a second
teammates. After the command computer inside the small concrete room about
paratroopers are halfway along the promontory. If the island or dock area is
eliminated, a NATO overwhelmed by enemy troops, consider sanitizing it with a
Blackhawk approaches massive artillery barrage.
the rig. If necessary,
The quickest way to down an enemy hotswap back to the
chopper is with the Stinger turret on engineer on the helipad
the rig's helipad. Hold down the and use the Stinger
trigger while keeping the target turret to target the
centered to attain a missile lock—this enemy chopper. Carefully
is indicated by brackets appearing track the Blackhawk
around the chopper. Once a lock is through the Stinger's
achieved, a missile automatically sights until a lock is
launches toward the target. achieved. One missile is
enough to knock the chopper out of the sky, but the Objective 5: Defeat the Counterattack
Blackhawk can also be downed with the various mounted
machine guns found on the rig. The NATO troops also
attempt to attack by sea, using a Sea Ark Stinger. Use the
mini-map to locate this boat and try to blast it with the
engineer's rocket launcher. Alternately, the assault troops
can also use their assault rifles to inflict heavy damage on
the boat and crew. If the boat isn't destroyed, it docks on
the northern side of the rig—be prepared for this assault by
hotswapping to troops positioned in this area.

Objective 4: Defend All Areas Use the Stinger turrets once more to eliminate the Blackhawks
attacking the rig and the island.
As a last-ditch effort, NATO forces attempt to defeat your
Make use of the friendly light team with Blackhawks. Hotswap to the island docks first
patrol boats to hunt down the and blast one of the choppers using the Stinger turret.
approaching enemy vessels. Engage two more Blackhawks from the oil rig, using either
The bow-mounted grenade the Stinger turret or the machine guns. Defeating this
launcher dishes out some aerial assault completes the mission.
serious damage.

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Mangystau Region Part 1


Chinese Briefing:
We have stopped the enemy from destroying
Kazakhstan's oil infrastructure for the moment, but we
Oil Rig (Start) have much work still to do. We have an unidentified, deep-
draft vessel inbound toward our oil platform from the
south. You will conduct an aerial reconnaissance to
determine the ship's origins and intentions. If she's
neutral, pull off and report. If she's anything else, she's
hostile and you will defend yourself accordingly.
Available Units:
Available Vehicles:
WZ-9 Attack Helicopter
Developer Hints/Tips:
Island Do all you can to retain an active helicopter; don’t spend
long on deck if you can help it.
Grenades can destroy the cargo but aren’t as quick as
helicopter rockets.
Steer clear of either end of the ship—anti-aircraft fire
will get you. If you hear that lock on beeping, it's best
to bail out.

Enemy Ship There’s a grenade launcher on the ship's


This is the first mission requiring you to fly a helicopter, in

Objective 1: Destroy the Patrol Boats this case a Chinese WZ-9 attack chopper. Fortunately, the
first task is fairly routine, allowing you to get comfortable
with the controls before things get too hairy. As instructed,
There are a total of four fly toward the objective marker, where the unknown vessel
patrol boats which must is located. You're joined by a second chopper piloted by an
be destroyed before the AI-controlled teammate. Several NATO patrol boats appear
attack on the cargo ship to be escorting the large cargo ship. You must destroy
can commence. Stay these Sea Ark Stinger patrol boats using the WZ-9's
relatively low and blast the rockets before attacking the cargo ship. Use the mini-map
boats at close range. to track the locations of the boats and hunt them down
one at a time—also check where the other WZ-9 is, to
avoid midair collisions. You don't need to score a direct hit
to destroy these boats. Simply blasting the water next to
them is enough to inflict heavy damage.

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the cargo door. Make sure the area is clear of enemies

Objective 2: Destroy Cargo Doors before planting the charge. After planting the last charge,
race to the bow of the ship and gun down any NATO troops
manning the Stinger turret—this poses a serious threat to
your choppers.
Locate friendly assault
troops on the ship's deck
and hotswap to their
positions. Place charges
on the cargo doors to
destroy them.

When all of the enemy patrol boats are destroyed, you

must turn your attention to the cargo ship—and you only
have seven minutes to destroy it, indicated by the timer on The fighting on the ship's deck is intense. If necessary, use the
the right side of the screen. First, the two cargo doors on mounted machine guns to gain the upper hand. The one on the
top of the ship must be destroyed. But these doors can't ship's superstructure has a great view of the whole deck.
be blasted open with the WZ-9. They must be destroyed
with explosive charges placed by assault troops. While
flying along the ship, watch for friendly assault troops
Objective 3: Destroy the Cargo
parachuting onto it. Hotswap to one of your teammates
dropping near the superstructure. While parachuting down,
scan the ship's deck for enemies and open fire as needed.
On the deck, race toward the southern side of the south- Concentrate your fire on
ernmost cargo door to locate the yellow-and-black box, the ship's two cargo
where an explosive charge can be placed. Plant the holds. Damaging these
charge and race north, toward the next cargo door. areas is the only way to
Place the next charge on the northern side of sink the ship.

Once the cargo doors are blown wide open by your

explosives, hotswap back to one of the WZ-9s and
begin pounding the two cargo holds with rockets.
While making passes at the ship, try to avoid
hitting friendly troops still fighting it out on
the deck. Also, keep an eye on the bow of
the ship and blast enemy troops who
approach the Stinger turret. Continue strafing the ship
with rockets until both cargo holds are destroyed, sinking
the ship and completing the mission.

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NATO Briefing:
The Chinese have had a string of victories lately, but
that ends now. Fresh up from targeting civilian
Insertion Point transports, Chinese assault teams have taken our
helicopter support base and the forward arming and
North Gate refueling point adjacent to the north road. Conduct
an assault with fast attack vehicles, engage all
hostiles, and secure the airstrip for follow-on
operations. We need that support base back,
gentlemen. Check your gear and move out.
Available Units:
Assault, Engineer,
Sniper, Support
Steal WZ-9
Available Vehicles:
HMMWV Humvee, Combat Vehicle 90
Developer Hints/Tips:
Kill the Fast Attack Vehicles as soon as you can or
they’ll take out your tanks and Humvees.
Use the Humvee’s machine gun to take on the
Snipers can shoot chopper pilots (if they are very good).
There is a Stinger turret at the base of the control
tower (if you’re desperate).

base's gate and hotswap to a driver position.

Objective 1: Capture the Heliport
You begin this mission TIP At the beginning of the mission, trying rushing the
as a sniper overlooking closest WZ-9 sitting on the helipad and either gun or run down
the soldier rushing toward it—don't let him get in the chopper!
the heliport to the
Pull up right alongside the WZ-9 and hop out of the Humvee
south. Immediately zoom and jump inside the chopper. Take off as quickly as possible and
in on the two guard turn south to engage the second WZ-9, also taking off. Fire a
posts flanking the base's volley of rockets at the enemy chopper until it explodes. Having
main gate. Pick off the achieved air superiority, taking control of the heliport is easy.
two enemy soldiers
manning the machine
guns. If they're not
Use the sniper to take down the taken out quickly they
machine gunners and guards posted can inflict heavy damage
around the heliport's front gate. on the Humvees rushing
toward the gate. Quickly target and eliminate a few more
enemies gathered around the gate until the sniper rifle's
magazine is dry. Watch for the Humvees approaching the

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Drive the Humvee south toward the control tower. A

Stinger turret is located on the eastern side of this tower. The three Allied snipers
Immediately jump out of the Humvee and climb the steps up surrounding the heliport
to the control tower—the Stinger turret is marked on the are perfect for eliminating
mini-map. Take control of the Stinger turret and shoot down enemy troops as well as
the WZ-9s swarming over the heliport. You must destroy FAV drivers and gunners.
these quickly to save your Humvees and APCs. When the Hotswap between these
enemy choppers are down, engage enemy FAVs rushing into three snipers to cover the
the base from the south and north. The Humvee's heliport grounds.
machineguns are the best way to destroy these threats.

Objective 2: Defend Against Counterattack

The Chinese forces won't give up the heliport easily. Once
The Stinger turret near the your NATO troops have gained control, the enemy launches
control tower is the an immediate counter-attack, led by three WZ-9s speeding
quickest way to shoot in from the west. Make your way back to the Stinger turret
down the enemy choppers. and quickly down the incoming choppers. Friendly Humvees
below can help out by firing their machine guns at the
enemy WZ-9s. Concentrate on one enemy chopper at a
time until all three are destroyed.

There are also several enemy troops on the heliport

grounds, some equipped with deadly rocket launchers.
Use the mini-map to locate enemy troops and down them The Combat Vehicle 90's
before they can score critical hits against your team's missile launcher is the
vehicles. There are three Allied snipers surrounding the best weapon to use
heliport: one on the control tower, one on the south- against the Chinese BMD-
western guard tower, and one on the hill to the west. 3s. Try to hit their side or
Hotswap between these snipers to pick off enemy rear armor for quick kills.
troops. If you're a good shot, you can even pick off the
drivers/gunners of
the FAVs or the
WZ-9 pilots. During the next attack wave, the Chinese attack with
ground vehicles. Keep an eye on the mini-map and quickly
respond to the approaching vehicles. Watch for BMD-3s
and FAVs trickling in from the south and east. Hotswap to
one of the Combat Vehicle 90s and use its auto-cannon and
missile launcher to engage the onslaught of enemy vehicles.
In a pinch, the machine guns on the Humvees can also be
used to defend the heliport—their machine guns can
penetrate the armor of the BMD-3s! The final column of
enemy vehicles advances along the road to the west. Use
the Combat Vehicle 90s and Humvees and destroy the
Chinese attackers to complete the mission.

TIP If you lose too many Humvees, an Allied assault and

support troop will parachute onto the hangar roof as
reinforcements. Enemy FAVs can be hit with grenades from the
hangar roof.

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Almaty Region Part 2
NATO Briefing:
We've got our base back, which
nicely sets us up for an air
Heliport (Start) reconnaissance and electronic
surveillance mission with you in
the primary aircraft. You have
four objectives to cover as
marked on the aerials and on
your TAC map. We have no intel
on Triple-A air threats but the
mission is vital to follow-on
operations. Coordinate with the
aircrew and lift off.
Available Units:
Assault, Sniper
Mid Ground
Available Vehicles:
UH-60 Blackhawk,
Village AH-6J Little Bird
Developer Hints/Tips:

Pumping Station Clear out the recon areas with

your Little Birds before you
recon in the Blackhawk.
If you lose your Blackhawk, it’s
mission over.

avoid stopping or hovering. Make as many passes as

Objective 1: Recon the Village necessary until the village is clear of hostiles. Next, check
During this recon- the mini-map and look for enemy WZ-9s in the area.
naissance mission, you Immediately attack and destroy the enemy choppers
must pilot an unarmed before they can damage the Blackhawk. Once the area is
Blackhawk over four clear of threats, hotswap back to the Blackhawk and
separate hostile approach the village. At each recon location, the
locations. Fortunately, Blackhawk must remain within a tight radius near the
you have backup in the objective marker for 13 seconds. If the Blackhawk drifts
form of AH-6J Little too far away, the recon task must start over. If the village
Birds. Start off by is clear of enemies, the Blackhawk can simply hover over
hopping into the the objective marker to complete this objective.
Although the Blackhawk is not Blackhawk sitting on
equipped with weapons, you're not the helipad. As soon as Once the Blackhawk is
alone on this mission. Hotswap to the the rotors pick up near an objective marker,
Little Birds when you need offensive speed, take off and fly a countdown timer
capability. over the town, heading appears on the right side
southwest toward the of the screen. The chopper
village. Before reaching the village, locate a Little Bird and must remain within close
hotswap to its pilot. Fly over the village with the Little Bird proximity of each recon
and take out the enemy troops using rockets. Some of site for 13 seconds.
these soldiers are equipped with rocket launchers, so

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Objective 2: Recon the Ravine While performing recon

over the pumping station,
From the village, head
keep an eye on the mini-
southeast to the next
map for incoming WZ-9s.
recon site: the ravine. To
Prepare to take evasive
complete this task, the
action if necessary—if the
Blackhawk must hover in
Blackhawk is destroyed,
the ravine, just east of
the mission is a failure.
the large bridge. Before
entering this potentially
hazardous position,
conduct a few flybys of
Objective 4: Recon the Mid Ground
the site with a Little Bird
At the ravine, use either the Little
and blast any Chinese
Birds or the two snipers on the bridge
troops lining the ravine
to clear out enemy infantry prior to
walls. You can also
the recon task.
hotswap to the friendly
snipers posted on the bridge to eliminate the threats in this
area. When it's clear, take control of the Blackhawk and
carefully descend toward the objective marker, near the base
of the bridge. Try to maintain a solid hover for the full 13
seconds. Avoid drifting too much during the hover to keep The stiffest enemy resistance is found at the mid ground. Blast the
from smashing into the ravine walls or the bridge. enemy ground units first, then attack the WZ-9s loitering nearby.
The mid ground recon point is located on a hill to the
Objective 3: Recon the Pumping Station northwest of the pumping station. Hotswap to a Little Bird
Following the completion pilot and attack the various enemy troops and vehicles
of the ravine objective, clustered around and inside the ruins of an old stone
take control of a Little building. The enemy firepower on the ground is impressive,
Bird and fly east toward so avoid stopping or hovering. Instead, make high-speed
the pumping station. This strafing runs. After neutralizing the threats on the ground,
site is swarming with turn your attention to the pair of WZ-9s. Rush toward the
enemy troops, many of enemy choppers and blast them with rockets at close
them armed with rocket range. Finally, hotswap to the Blackhawk and hover over
launchers. Immediately the ruins to complete the recon mission.
open fire on the enemies
below, but be careful not Objective 5: Return to Base
The forest next to the pumping to hit a few friendly Since the beginning of
station is crawling with enemy assault troops on the the mission, several
infantry. Use the Little Bird's rockets ground near the pumping
Chinese troops have
to thin their ranks. station. Concentrate your moved in on the small
fire on the enemy infantry in the forest. If necessary, hotswap to heliport from which you
one of the assault troops on the ground to engage enemy took off earlier. Before
soldiers closer to the pumping station. But you must use the approaching the heliport
Little Bird to take out the two APCs on the hill to the east. with the Blackhawk,
When the ground is clear, scan the skies (and your mini-map) for conduct a few strafing
another WZ-9. Blast it out of the sky with a volley of rockets, runs with a Little Bird.
then hotswap back to the Blackhawk for the recon sweep of the Even after clearing the
Before attempting to land the
pumping station. If the Little Bird succeeded in eliminating all of helipad, stay in the Little
Blackhawk, use Little Birds to clear out
the threats, simply hover above the pumping station until the Bird a bit longer and
the helipad and surrounding areas.
recon task is complete. But be on the watch for more enemy watch for more enemies
choppers. If one appears on the mini-map during the recon moving in on the small base. When the heliport is finally
operation, begin circling around the pumping station while clear of threats, hotswap to the Blackhawk and land on the
randomly climbing and diving to avoid incoming rocket volleys. helipad to end the mission.

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Almaty Region Part 2
NATO Briefing:
Now we're really cookin'! We have a support base
Farm (Start) and intel on the surrounding area. You are now
designated the Combined Armor Assault Team for
this command. Conduct an attack on Chinese
heavy tank units located on or around the crest
of that hill to the west of our position. This will
be tank on tank but we expect them to have
heavy air support on call so you'll need to
complete your mission before their birds show
up. Seize and hold that high ground.
Chinese Tanks
North Gate Available Units:
Available Vehicles:
T-90 Main Battle Tank,
Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tank
Developer Hints/Tips:

Heliport To cut down on the rocket launcher reload time,

hotswap back and forth between troops to
maximize your fire power.
Ruins Make use of the high ground when using engineers
against the enemy tanks.
Forest Get the mission done quickly unless you want
trouble from the sky.
South Gate
Make use of the engineers’ repairing skills.

Objective 1: Destroy the Forces at the Farm forest. A few Type 98s will eventually rumble down the
road too. Stay low and equip the engineer's rocket
CAUTION Exercise launcher. Instead of firing at the enemy tank's thick front
extreme caution when firing the armor, wait till you can get a solid shot on the weaker side
tanks' weapons around friendly armor. Swap between the shotgun and rocket launcher
troops. Using the main gun or until all enemy troops and tanks are eliminated.
turret-mounted machine gun
can lead to friendly fire

While it may seem ideal to hop in the nearby tanks to repel

the Chinese attack, using their weapons in close proximity
to friendly troops can lead to massive friendly fire
incidents—something that will hurt your score significantly.
Instead, hotswap to one of the engineers at the south end The engineers are more than capable of dealing with the infantry
of the farm and immediately begin blasting enemy troops and armor assault on the farm. Use their shotguns to blast enemy
with the shotgun. Take cover along the wooden fence and troops and their rocket launchers to destroy the tanks.
pick off the enemies as they emerge from the nearby

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take it back, this time with a mixed infantry and armor

Objective 2: Repair Allied Tanks assault. Jump back in your tank and drive along the road
leading south. At the crest of a hill, you spot a few
Chinese Type 98 tanks rushing toward the heliport's
north gate. Try to score side and rear shots on the
The engineer's blowtorch enemy tanks to destroy them quickly. Watch the mini-map
is an extremely valuable for infantry too, approaching from the east and west. If
piece of equipment in this you don't have a machine gunner on board, take control
mission. Use it frequently of your tank's machine gun yourself and mow down the
to keep your tank at full advancing infantry. But also keep an eye out for more
strength. enemy tanks advancing from the west. Maintain your
position on the slight hill and flank the enemy tanks as
they rush toward the heliport's gate. When the attack on
Following the chaotic battle at the farm, you must conduct the heliport's north side is over, hop out of your tank and
repairs on the two tanks. Hop out of your tank and equip conduct repairs.
the blowtorch. At close range, aim the blowtorch at the
At the next objective
damaged tanks and pull the trigger to conduct repairs. The
marker to the south,
green progress bar just above the blowtorch's reticule
you must stop a second
indicates how damaged the tank is. You must completely
attack on the heliport.
repair both tanks before proceeding with the mission.
Drive your tank through
the heliport's northern
TIP If you haven't already, call gate and take up a
for one of the engineers on foot to
hop in your tank and man the position near the south
machine gun. This way, you can gate. By the time you
concentrate on targeting tanks arrive, at least one
while he guards the tank's flanks Chinese tank has
from infantry attacks.
breached the southern
gate. Destroy the
enemy tank and
immediately reinforce
Objective 3: Destroy Forces Attacking Heliport the south gate by
parking your tank in
front of it. More enemy
Surprise the enemy tanks tanks and infantry
by blasting their side approach from the
armor as they advance on south. Hold your
the heliport's north gate. Assist the engineers at the south gate position at the heliport's
Keep your distance to in repelling another armor attack. The south gate so the
avoid close-quarter engineers on the wall and guard surrounding friendly
exchanges. tower can use their rocket launchers engineers can support
to weaken the enemy tanks. you with their shotguns,
rocket launchers, and the mounted machine guns. Switch
Just south of the farm is the heliport your forces between your machine gun and main gun to defeat the
captured earlier. The Chinese forces are still trying to mixed infantry and tank assault.

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Almaty Region Part 2

Objective 4: Take out Forces at the Ruins Objective 5: Destroy the Heavy Chinese Tanks

The road to the last

objective marker is mined.
Use the tank's main gun to
clear a path.

An ambush is triggered after you destroy the roadblock in the

forest. Use your tank's machine gun to repel the attack. Victory at the ruins results in a new objective. Make
After repelling the attack on the heliport, you can finally repairs on your tank and cautiously proceed toward the
go on the offensive. Repair your tank, then drive toward next objective marker to the northwest. After descending
the objective marker in the forest to the southwest. A the hill, scan the road ahead for mines. These are sphere-
barrier blocks the road as it turns west. Fire a couple of shaped, explosive devices with small spines sticking out of
shells from the main gun at the makeshift barrier to clear them—don't run them over with your tank. Instead, open
a path. But shortly after destroying the barrier, your tank fire on them with the main gun to clear a path to the
is ambushed by Chinese infantry. Quickly switch to the objective marker. While you're inching toward the marker,
tank's machine gun position and open fire on the enemy troops attack from the hills to the north and west.
attackers to the sides and rear. Man the tank's machine gun and mow down these
attackers before they can fire their rockets.
Three Chinese tanks sit on
the hill near the ruins.
Open fire quickly before There's no safe way to
they can retaliate. If your outflank the advancing
tank is heavily damaged, enemy tanks. Simply hold
exit and engage the enemy your ground and pound
tanks with your rocket away at their front armor
launcher or hotswap to a until they explode.
backup tank.

Continue to the next objective marker on the hill to

the northwest. If necessary, stop and repair your tank When the infantry attack dies down, keep pushing
before approaching the ruins. Be prepared for an intense toward the objective marker until a column of three Chinese
battle as your tank traverses the crest of the hill. tanks shows up to the northwest, emerging from the town.
Immediately locate the two tanks to the west and open Instead of trying to maneuver in the minefield, hold your
fire. Hold your ground and destroy one enemy tank at a ground and engage the Type 98s as they charge toward
time. Next, turn your turret north to engage another you. Distance is your biggest advantage here, so open fire
Chinese Type 98. When all three enemy tanks are as soon as the tanks come into view, making sure each shot
destroyed, mop up the infantry hiding amongst the counts. Most of the incoming tank rounds overshoot your
ruins—don't let them score any hits on your tank with tank and land to the side, so remain calm and keep pumping
their rockets. out shell after shell until all three tanks are destroyed.

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NATO Briefing:
That's metal that won't be
Insertion Point getting in our way again! Okay,
listen up—we're expanding our
control in the area and you'll now
carry out a fixed-position
demolition raid on this bridge.
Hostile units estimated at
company strength are dug into
defensive positions on both sides
of the structure. Don't try to
hold the bridge. Drop it into the
water and take up positions on
Charge 1 the far side. Use your C4 on the
load-bearing support beams. Any
hostile forces you neutralize are
a bonus; the bridge is your
primary objective.
Charge 3
Available Units:
Sniper, Special Ops
Available Vehicles:
Charge 2 None
Developer Hints/Tips:
Hotswap to the sniper in the
Extraction Point building at the start to unleash
Charge 4 his little boxes of tools on the
floor behind him.

Objectives 1–4: Place Four Charges on Bridge You begin the mission as a special ops soldier. Follow your
teammates toward the bridge located to the south. As the
bridge comes into view, the enemy troops open fire. Turn to
Use the two snipers on the the southwest and hotswap to the sniper positioned on the
eastern and western hills nearby hill. Drop prone and zoom in on the stationary
overlooking the bridge to machine gun positions first. Eliminating the machine
pick off machine gunners. gunners greatly improves the special ops soldiers' chance of
If these positions aren't survival. Empty the sniper rifle's magazine at other targets
neutralized, the assaulting of opportunity, then hotswap back to a special ops soldier
special ops troops will near the bridge. A south-facing machine gun is located near
face certain death. the bridge. Take control of it to blast any remaining troops,
as well as a heavy jeep that rushes in from the north.

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Almaty Region Part 2
take control of one of the machine guns and blast the pilot
position—killing the pilot causes it to crash. But it's entirely
Don't pass up the oppor- possible to ignore the WZ-9 and continue to the fourth
tunity to use the various bridge support to plant the last charge.
machine guns scattered
across the bridge. Just
make sure they're facing Although speed is
the right way. important, don't get
careless. Sidestep around
obstacles like this bus and
be ready to engage enemy
troops. Keep a fresh clip
loaded at all times.
It takes a few seconds to
place each charge.
Neutralize all nearby
threats before turning your Objective 5: Get off the Bridge
attention away from the
Make an aggressive push
to cross the bridge once
Once on the bridge, all four charges are
advance along the span placed. You only have
using cover and one minute before the
stationary weapons to bridge topples.
your advantage. At the first
objective marker, on the western
side of the bridge, you can place
the first charge. Make sure all When all four charges are placed, a
enemies to the south are countdown timer appears at the
eliminated or engaged before turning bottom of the screen—you have exactly
toward the support to plant the charge. one minute before the explosives detonate
After placing the first charge, follow the and the bridge collapses into the ravine. To
objective marker to the next support beam complete the mission, you must rush south
on the eastern side of the bridge. While to get off the bridge. More enemy troops wait
rushing south, watch out for the large hole in for you at the opposite end of the bridge.
the bridge on the western side—if you fall, open Strafe left and right to evade their shots while
your parachute to prevent death, then hotswap peppering them with your submachine gun.
to a teammate back on the bridge. Place the Watch out for a machine gun position on the
second charge, then advance to the third eastern side of the bridge. Pick off the
support on the western side of the gunner and prevent other enemies from
bridge, using cover and the taking control of the gun. Keep moving
stationary weapons as necessary. south until the mission comes to an end.
Soon after you place the third
charge, a WZ-9 appears to the
east. If you wish to shoot it down,

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Chinese Briefing:
When you see the enemy destroy
the people's only escape route,
Center Trenches you understand why we have to
fight. We have an enemy
mechanized infantry unit holding
on the high ground. On order,
Western Trenches you will conduct an amphibious
Tanks assault, fight your way up, and
take that hill. All hostile positions
and assets will be destroyed—
and remember, the high ground
is a critical over watch position.
Available Units:
Engineer, Support
Available Vehicles:
Light Patrol Boat
Developer Hints/Tips:
Insertion Point
On reaching the first trench, you
unlock a sniper on the beach.
Eastern Trenches Keep your eyes peeled and you
can use him to help clear out the
You will not death swap into an
engineer, so be sure to hotswap
to get the advantage when you
reach the top of the hill.
On the top of the hill, enemy units
continue to rush in to reinforce
Objective 1: Assault the Beach reinforced trenches the tanks. This is a great time to
You begin this Chinese to the east, covered raise your score. Continually
assault in a light patrol by two tanks on the hotswap between units and take
boat traveling east hill above. You must out some enemy troops before
toward the NATO-held fight your way up you destroy the tanks.
fortifications on the the hill and assault
beach. The forward- these tanks at close range to complete the mission. As
facing grenade soon as the boat reaches the beach, hop out and head
launcher on the boat toward the nearest crater. Drop prone in the crater and
can be used to take scan the closest line of fortifications to the east for
out several mines on enemies, focusing first on the machine guns cutting
down your teammates. Watch for muzzle flashes and
Whatever you do, don't charge toward the way in, but it lacks
tracers to zero in on their positions, then open up with
the enemy fortifications. Find some the range to pound the
an automatic burst of your own. It's imperative that
cover and pick off the enemy machine enemies dug in on the
these machine gun positions are silenced before you
gunners before even trying to cross cliff. There are three
lines of concrete attempt to cross the beach.
the beach.

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Mangystau Region Part 2
Objective 2: Destroy the Heavy Tanks
Trench combat takes place
at extremely close range.
By staying on the hill's
Be careful not to shoot
western slope, you can
your own teammates
pound away at the
during the close-quarter
northern tank without
facing retaliation—its
guns can't tilt low enough
to fire back.
As return fire from the first line of fortifications
dwindles, begin moving to the northeast corner of the
beach, either by running or hotswapping to friendly troops As more and more Chinese forces
already in the area. A path runs along the northeastern journey to the top of the hill, locate and
side of the beach, allowing you to infiltrate the first trench. hotswap to an engineer. Equip
Before moving into the trench, make sure you're controlling the engineer's rocket
a support soldier. Rush into the trench from the northern launcher and go
side and hose down any resistance with a steady stream of tank hunting.
automatic fire. Stay in the trench and head south, ignoring Instead of
the first set of steps heading east—this path is blocked. rushing up
Instead, continue south across an open area until entering onto the flat
another trench. Be prepared to engage another group of terrain at the top of the hill, use
enemies at close range, then turn east to ascend an open the western slope to your advantage.
set of stairs leading to the next trench. From this angle, the tanks can't
depress their main guns enough to
CAUTION The tanks above target you. However, they won't sit
can hit the southern staircase still for long, so inflict some damage
connecting the western and center
before they retreat farther to the
trenches. Don't linger in this area
for too long. east. Once on even ground with the
tanks, use the ruins on the top of
the hill for cover, particularly when
reloading your rocket launcher.
Keep an eye open for enemy
infantry too, and be ready to
Upon entering the center trench line, neutralize any
blast them with your shotgun.
nearby enemies, then head southeast. Watch for more
Remember, the tanks have
machine gunners above in the next trench line to the east.
weaker armor on the sides and
Blast these gunners and exit the center trench to climb the
rear than they do on the front,
hill to the east. Flank the eastern trench from the south,
so maneuver as needed to line up
wiping out any troops focused on targeting your
some hard-hitting shots. When both tanks are
teammates. This clears the path for more of your forces to
destroyed, the mission is complete.
ascend the hill for the assault on the two tanks.

Duck in and out of the

ruins on top of the hill
From the center trench,
when engaging the
quickly blast the machine
southern tank. Try to hit
gunners positioned in the
the tank's weak side or
eastern trench farther up
rear armor to maximize
the hill.
the damage of each shot.

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Chinese Briefing:
Everything is escalating quickly,
soldier, and you must keep pace.
Your mission is a raid on a
refinery which enemy forces are
using to produce chemicals for
Insertion Point their aggression in this area. You
will deny them this vital asset by
destroying the refinery with
demolitions. Your access route
will require tactical water
crossing at the river. Speed,
aggression, and complete
destruction are all key. Move
6th Charge immediately into the attack.
4th Charge Available Units:
1st Charge Assault, Engineer

5th Charge 2nd Charge Available Vehicles:

Type 98 Main Battle Tank
Developer Hints/Tips:
Lie prone when planting
explosives; you're much safer
in this position.
3rd Charge Keep your tanks close by;
they'll cover you when you're
planting explosives.

Objective 1: Battle to the Refinery nailing you with their rockets. Your machine gunner in
the top of the turret can handle most of the nearby
The raid begins to the threats, so target more distant enemies with the
north of the refinery, main guns. The dirt road eventually intersects a
led by two Type 98 paved street. Follow the objective
tanks. Follow the lead marker by turning west onto the
tank to the south, paved road. Just ahead is
traveling along the a bridge guarded by
dirt road running an enemy tank.
through the Quickly open fire before it can
forest. As the score any hits on your tanks.
tanks enter the Before entering the refinery
forest, several NATO grounds, conduct any repairs on
Try to engage the enemy tank troops equipped with
guarding the bridge while you're still rocket launchers the two tanks, using one of the
behind the cover of the forest's trees. converge on your engineers' blowtorches. When
both tanks are at full strength,
tanks. Keep moving and open fire on the enemy charge across the bridge to the
troops—if you remain still, they'll have an easy time west to begin the assault.

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Mangystau Region Part 2

Objective 2: Place First Charge TIP The Type 98 tanks are the
key to successfully completing
this mission. Without their armor
and firepower, you're likely to be
Demolition charges must overwhelmed by the refinery's
be placed at the top of defenders. Therefore, keep your
each storage container. tanks at full strength by
frequently repairing them with an
Before planting a charge,
engineer's blowtorch.
make sure the
surrounding area is clear
of enemy troops. Objective 4: Place Third Charge
To destroy the refinery, charges must be placed on the six
sphere-shaped storage containers. The first container is
located just south of the refinery's entrance near the Use the steps on the
bridge. Drive your tank along the western side of the southeastern side of the
container and pause for a few seconds until enemy troops western structure to
come into view to the south and west. Blast a few with the access the third storage
tank's main gun while the machine gunner takes care of container.
the rest. Quickly exit the tank and charge up the steps
leading to the top of the first storage container. Plant the
charge on top of the storage container, then hop off the Drive your tank along the refinery's western fence line
adjoining catwalk and parachute to your tank below, where until you spot the next storage container. This one is
your machine gunner is still holding off the enemy troops. located at the southwestern end of the refinery's western
structure. Turn north to enter the alley in between the
NOTE The charges can be placed in any order. For speed and two refinery structures and locate a set of steps to the
ease, however, take a clockwise approach around the refinery.
west. Before exiting the tank, sweep the surrounding area
for enemy troops—some may be advancing beneath the
structures to the east and west. When it's relatively clear,
Objective 3: Place Second Charge exit the tank and rush toward the steps leading up to the
The next storage container is located to the south, on the third container. Navigate your way through the various
far side of the nearby cylindrical tanks. Hop in your tank catwalks, following the objective marker toward the
and drive south, blasting enemy infantry as you go. Once storage container. Place the third charge and return to
again, hold near the western side of the storage tank and your tank below.
watch for more enemies approaching from the south and
west. When there's a lull in the hostilities, TIP Before manually charging up to each storage container,
jump out of your tank and climb the look around for a teammate that is closer and hotswap to his
position. In many cases, friendly troops are already positioned
nearby steps to access the top of the
on the refinery's two main structures.
storage container. Plant the second
charge, and parachute down to
your tank.

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Objective 5: Place Fourth Charge Objective 7: Place Sixth Charge

If you find yourself on the

Circle around the western wrong catwalk above a
side of the facility during storage container, just
your approach to the next jump down to it. But be
storage container, located sure to deploy your
to the far west. parachute to prevent
taking fall damage.

The three remaining storage containers are located on the Drive your tank to the northeast and then veer southeast
western side of the facility. In an effort to clear out as to park between the refinery's two main structures. The
many enemy troops as possible, drive south and then cut final storage container is positioned amongst a maze of
west, staying along the refinery's perimeter. Keep an eye catwalks on the eastern structure. Jump out of your tank
on your mini-map to locate new threats, and act quickly to and race up the nearby ramp ascending the western side
eliminate them. Weave around the various obstacles on the of the structure. Follow the platform around to the west,
western side of the refinery while heading to the storage then north—be ready to blast a couple of enemy soldiers
container positioned between two large, cylindrical tanks. along the way. On the northern side of the platform is a
Park your tank along the south side, and scan for enemies staircase leading to a network of catwalks. Follow the
to the south and east before hopping out. As you did with catwalks toward the storage container's objective marker.
the first and second charges, simply climb the nearby Although the catwalk is positioned above the container, you
steps to reach the top of the storage container. Once the can still reach it by hopping over the railing and
charge is in place, hop down to your tank parachuting down to plant the last charge.

Objective 6: Place Fifth Charge Objective 8: Get out Before the Refinery Blows

Your tanks are the

Never let your guard down
quickest way to exit the
while charging toward the
refinery. Pick one of four
storage containers. Enemy
exits and speed to safety
troops are all over the
before the explosives
place, including above and
reduce the refinery to a
below you.
fiery scrap yard.

Next, locate the fifth storage container on the northern As soon as all six charges are in place, you have forty-five
end of the refinery's western structure. Simply drive your seconds to vacate the refinery facilities before they
tank south until you're next to the set of steps on the detonate. Fortunately, there are three possible exit points:
northwestern side of the structure. As with the third one to the west, one to the north, and one to the east. If
charge, you need to climb a few sets of stairs and wind you can't find anyone to hotswap to near one of these
through several catwalks before you can access the top of exits, return to your tank and drive north. Once out of the
this storage tank. While moving, watch for enemy troops refinery's grounds, follow the objective marker to the
firing at you from the ground. Instead of stopping to return northern bridge to complete the mission.
fire, keep moving toward the storage tank. If necessary,
strafe left and right to avoid getting hit while planting the
charge. Once it's placed, watch out for a couple of enemy
soldiers attempting to flank you to the east. Deal with
them, then return to your tank.

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North Village NATO Briefing:
So they've just destroyed Kazakhstan's
only oil refinery—that's why we have to
win this war. Okay, this will be a long-
range, short-stay reconnaissance mission
with focus on the four areas marked on
your TAC map. Eyeball the areas
thoroughly for enemy orders of battle
information and collect any documents for
Recon Site 4 G-2 analysis. If something develops in the
town, add it to the mission. Conduct your
pre-patrols and launch when ready.
Available Units:
Engineer, Special Ops
Recon Site 3
Available Vehicles:
HMMWV Humvee
Developer Hints/Tips:
Be aware of allied units on top of the
Train tracks are a good escape route.
Make use of the engineers' repairing skills.
Recon Site 2 Make use of the recon zones; check the
radar to see where the recon zones are.
NATO Base Recon Site 1

Objective 1: Recon Enemy Site 1 In this mission, you must use Humvees to recon several
different locations. Start by hopping in the Humvee near
If you don't destroy the the tent where you begin the mission. Sitting in the
enemy FAVs you encounter driver's seat, head out the base's gate and follow the
at the beginning of the dirt road heading east. A number of enemy troops and
mission, they're likely to FAVs attempt to block your advance by moving in from
pursue you to the enemy the north. Either race past the enemy units or take
sites, firing at you the control of a machine gun to neutralize them—this is a
whole time. Take a few good way to rack up some quick points.
seconds to blow them to
bits, then resume with
your recon mission.

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to help find your way to the site's northern side. You

eventually see a heavily damaged Abrams tank sitting
near a narrow passage. The Humvee can't fit inside this
By parking the Humvee passage, so you have to leave your vehicle behind and
next to this fence, you can approach on foot. Weave your way through the passage
complete the recon task at and recon the abandoned enemy camp site. Hold within
the southwestern site. the recon zone for the 10 seconds, then immediately go
to the mounted machine gun covering the northern
passage. As soon as the recon task is over, several
enemy troops pour into this passage. Greet them with a
few quick bursts of auto-fire until the passage is clear of
Following the attempted ambush, get your bearings
threats. Return to your Humvee and drive toward the
and head toward the enemy site to the southwest. This
next site to the northeast.
southwestern site is a moderately-sized Chinese camp,
filled with supplies and several infantry. Flanked by tall
canyon walls, the site's main access point is to the east, Be prepared for a counter-
but this approach is well guarded. Instead, locate the attack immediately after
narrow access point to the northwest. This path dead- completing the recon of
ends at a chain-link fence, but it gets you close enough to the second enemy site. The
conduct the reconnaissance. As soon as the recon- machine gun covering the
naissance task begins, a red zone is superimposed on the northern passage is
mini-map. You must stay within this area for 10 seconds perfectly positioned to
to complete the task. In this case, simply park the repel this attack.
Humvee near the fence and use the machine gun to pick
off enemies on the other side. Hold at this position until
the 10 seconds have elapsed, then head for the next
enemy site to the northeast.
Objective 3: Recon Enemy Site 3
NOTE It's possible to recon the enemy sites in any order. But
if speed is a concern, a south to north approach works best.

Stay within the recon area

Objective 2: Recon Enemy Site 2 at the third enemy site by
continuously driving in a
tight circle.

A damaged tank marks

the entrance to the
second enemy site. You The third site is the largest and by far the most
must enter this narrow dangerous. Not only is it guarded by several Chinese
canyon on foot. troops, but it's also protected by a 2S25 self-propelled
antitank gun. While it's possible to wipe out the enemies
at the site with a prolonged assault, the quickest option is
to race in, conduct the recon mission, and get out. Dash
The second enemy site can be a little difficult to find, as
in through the site's southern gate and watch for the
it's tucked away in a cramped canyon. Use the mini-map
recon timer to appear. As soon as it does, drive in a tight

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Qyzylorda Region

circle for the 10 seconds it takes to complete the task. It The North Village is a rectangular grouping of buildings,
may look silly, but the constant movement makes it all sharing one central courtyard. As with the other
difficult for the enemy units to hit your Humvee. Simply enemy sites, all you need to do here is hold within the
stay within the recon zone for 10 seconds, then race out courtyard for 10 seconds. Although the village is
the same gate you entered. After exiting with the Humvee, crawling with enemy troops, with a little speed you can
consider hotswapping to some of the friendly troops who evade most of their gunfire. Enter the village on its
dropped in via parachutes to mop up some of the enemy southeastern side and immediately begin driving in a
units. Earning a few extra points never hurts. circle once the recon timer begins. As you did at the
third enemy site, keep moving to avoid taking heavy
Objective 4: Recon Enemy Site 4 damage. Don't hesitate to run down enemy troops in the
process. As soon as the timer expires, exit the village
through the covered, narrow opening on the north-
The last enemy site is western side.
located in this canyon in
the northeastern corner of Objective 6: Return to Base
the map. Run down or gun
down the enemy troops
The terrain south of the
guarding the mouth of the
North Village is rough and
canyon while racing
uneven, making for a very
toward the recon site.
hazardous escape route,
especially if your Humvee
Having escaped the third enemy site, race west toward the is heavily damaged. The
center of the map. Once you're out of the canyon, turn railroad tracks to the west
northeast and head for the last enemy site on your mini- provide a much smoother
map. This final enemy encampment is located in its own and faster escape.
miniature canyon and is guarded by only a handful of enemy
troops. Drive through the canyon opening and stop once A set of railroad tracks runs along the western side of
the recon timer appears. Instead of sitting still, take the North Village. Line your Humvee up along these
control of the Humvee's machine gun and blast any Chinese tracks and head south, toward the base where you
troops in the area—scan the canyon walls above. When the started the mission. Whatever you do, don't stop, as two
recon task is complete, a new objective is added to the WZ-9 attack helicopters are on the prowl and are likely to
mission. Exit the canyon and turn northwest—the North be right on your tail. Enemy FAVs may also be in pursuit.
Village is straight ahead. Put some distance between you and the pursuing
vehicles, then switch to the Humvee's machine gun
Objective 5: Recon the North Village position. Try to fight off one enemy vehicle at a time.
When firing at the attack choppers, aim at the cockpit to
kill the pilots. Either destroy the enemies on your tail or
You must enter the North simply outrun them. The mission is over as soon as you
Village to complete this drive through your base's gate.
new reconnaissance task.
Drive around in circles TIP Before returning to base, consider backtracking to some
within the central of the other enemy locations to score some more points.
courtyard to evade
incoming fire.

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NATO Briefing:
TOP MAN According to the decoded intel that you
secured in your last mission, the Chinese
are planning something big. There's a
Commander's Chopper highly valued commander setup in a camp
on top of the plateau. A straight drop will
be fatal; their Stingers will blow us apart.
We're going to need to fly low into a safe
drop zone in the canyon and take out the
Stingers on the way up to clear the way
for air support. Whatever happens, your
target will neither escape nor survive.
Available Units:
Sniper, Special Ops
Available Vehicles:
UH-60 Blackhawk
NATO Base (Start) Developer Hints/Tips:
Look to higher ground for a downed
Chinook—you may find a special surprise.
Landing Zone
The Commander's helicopter has a weak
spot—shoot the pilot with the sniper for a
quick kill, or use the Blackhawk or one of
Objective 1: Proceed to the Landing Zone the Stingers.
As soon as the Blackhawk mini-guns make quick work of
mission begins, rush the Chinese FAVs.
The enemy out of the tent and The tight ridgeline and rope bridges force
forward camp get in the Blackhawk enemy units to bottleneck—disorient
near your base sitting on the clustered units with your stun grenades.
is a good place helipad. Wait for all Stinger gunners get twitchy under fire—
to practice with of the chopper's watch for fleeing troops.
the Blackhawk's crew positions to fill
rockets and Get an early point boost by eliminating the
up before taking off. Chinese forward camp en route to the
mini-guns. Once you're in the canyons.
air, turn east and fly Allied forces become available to reinforce
toward the canyon. Along the way, engage the enemy troops and FAVs after the Stinger sites are taken care of.
on the ground, just east of your base. Between the Blackhawk's
Maintaining low altitude is key to surviving
rockets and mini-guns, the enemies below don't stand a chance.
the flight through the canyons—if your
Continue to the pilot skills aren't up to scratch, man a
Maneuver the mini-gun and let one of your teammates
objective marker
Blackhawk beneath do the flying.
to the east, flying
this footbridge for
below the long Utilize the natural features of the ridge
the most direct path (and any sandbags abandoned by
route to the landing Chinese forces) as cover points to
spanning the
zone. Stay low to minimize losses during your ascent.
canyon. You must
avoid getting
keep the Don't be distracted by the Commander's
targeted by the WZ-9 support helicopters if he flees.
Blackhawk below
Stingers on the
the ridge line to
avoid falling victim Try switching to the mini-guns for a bit
to the Stinger turrets above. Wind your way through the canyon until more accuracy. When all of the FAVs are
the objective marker is in sight. But before setting down, you must turned into smoldering wrecks, set the
clear the landing zone of six FAVs. Keep moving and make a few low- Blackhawk down near the ridge's ramp-like
level passes at the enemy vehicles, blasting them with your rockets. slope to the north.

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Qyzylorda Region
Objective 2: Take out the Stingers on the Ridge Upon crossing the second footbridge, you can see a command
post on a plateau to the north. A WZ-9 is preparing to take
Exit the Blackhawk and off—better move out quickly before the Commander escapes.
ascend the nearby slope. To avoid getting caught in a crossfire, turn to the command
Quickly dispatch the enemy post and pick off the enemy troops on the far plateau. Then
soldiers blocking your path. advance along the ridgeline leading north toward another
Keep an eye on the mini-map footbridge providing access to the command post. The enemies
to better locate their guarding this bridge are armed with shotguns, so try to take
positions and prevent yourself them out at long range. While battling it out with the enemy
from getting shot in the back. soldiers, an enemy fighter swoops across the sky and bombs
Aggressively push forward as the footbridge—you must find another way across. Hotswap
the ridge turns north, but back to the south and locate a northern-facing machine gun.
Fight your way to one of the
watch out for machine guns. Use the machine gun to destroy the green transformer box at
mounted machine guns and use
Take cover behind rocks, the base of the huge radio mast. The resulting explosion
it to clear the ridge of threats.
barrels, or anything while causes the mast to topple, creating a makeshift bridge.
picking off the machine gunners—head shots are a must.
Leapfrog from one piece of cover to the next until you can
take control of a north-facing machine gun. Use it to blast
enemy troops, including some manning the Stinger turrets to No matter how quick you
the north. When resistance on the ground subsides, watch are, you cannot destroy
out for an incoming WZ-9 attack helicopter. Immediately take the enemy helicopter while
control of one of the Stinger turrets to shoot it down. it's on the ground. It
Approach the first
always takes off just
footbridge, but clear out the
before you can reach it.
enemies on the adjoining
plateau before crossing. Also,
watch out for enemy FAVs in Advance on the command post using your new bridge. But
the canyon below, as their as soon as you get near the WZ-9, it takes off, taking the
machine guns can chew you Commander with it. You must shoot down the chopper before
to pieces as you attempt to it vacates the area. There are a few different options
cross the bridge. Use the available. You can try to kill the WZ-9's pilot by shooting him
Instead of using the machine mini-map to locate all of the
with the sniper located to the northeast on the plateau next
guns to shoot down the enemy Stinger turrets, and quickly
to the downed Chinook—this is the hardest option. Or you can
WZ-9, use one of the Stinger eliminate any troops manning
hotswap to the Blackhawk flying nearby and try to shoot
turrets. The Stingers take a while them—your scope is helpful
down the WZ-9 with rockets. But the simplest way to down
to lock on, but the turrets can for some of the long-distance
the Commander's helicopter is to hotswap back to one of the
rotate 360 degrees, making it shots. Once the Stinger
Stinger turrets and shoot it down with a missile. Whatever
easier to track the chopper. turrets are no longer in the case, make sure you have the right WZ-9 in your sights,
enemy hands, you can go after the Chinese Commander. as there are a couple of other choppers in the sky too. An
objective marker identifies the chopper you must shoot down.
Objective 3: Stop the Commander from Escaping The mission is a success as soon as the Chinese
Commander's chopper slams into the canyon floor.

Take control of one of the

Stinger turrets to down the
Commander's chopper.
Although there are other
options, this one is the
An enemy fighter bombs the only footbridge leading to the easiest.
command post. But you can create a new bridge by knocking over
the massive radio mast.

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Chinese Briefing:
Your next mission is to eliminate
North Village enemy forces occupying the
three villages marked on your
tactical map in the northeast
sector of operations. Enemy
strength is estimated at one rifle
platoon with supporting arms.
Our recent losses mean that only
two Fast Attack Vehicles are
available, but we have no doubt
Insertion Point you will use speed and firepower
to bring us victory. Commence
operations now.
Available Units:
Assault, Sniper
Available Vehicles:
East Village
FAV (Fast Attack Vehicle)

Central Village Developer Hints/Tips:

Use the forward observer to find
hidden enemy units.
Use grenades and grenade
launchers in the east village.

Objective 1: Neutralize Enemies in the Central Village until you can score a clear shot. Keep hotswapping and
firing until all enemy snipers are down.
You're surrounded by all
three villages, and it
doesn't matter which
objective you start As enemy troops rush into
with—all must be the Central Village, take
cleared of enemy control of one of the
forces. Start by machine guns in the
hopping in the nearby courtyard. This is a great
FAV and drive way to boost your score
southwest, toward the and enhancements.
The three snipers in the Central Central Village. As you
Village must locate and eliminate the arrive, this village is
enemy sharpshooters. Frequent held by three friendly The second phase of the objective begins when enemy
hotswaps and mini-map monitoring snipers. Hotswap to the infantry pour in from the north and east. You can stay
are necessary to keep the upper hand. sniper in the western with the snipers, but you can inflict much more damage
tower. The first phase (and score more points) by hotswapping to one of the
of this objective requires you to use your three snipers to friendly assault soldiers in the courtyard. A couple of
eliminate the NATO snipers encroaching on the village's machine guns are mounted on the sandbags in the
perimeter. Use your mini-map and forward observer to center of the courtyard. Move to the western machine
locate their positions, then hotswap among your snipers gun and open fire on the attackers. Try to hit them at

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Qyzylorda Region

long range while they're still clustered together. Keep

firing until the village is secure. As the smoke settles, an Objective 3: Neutralize Enemies in the East Village
FAV rolls into the courtyard. Hotswap to the driver and
take off for the North Village. By parking the FAV
outside the East Village's
Objective 2: Neutralize Enemies in the North Village north gate, you can rack
up some easy kills with
the machine gun or
grenade launcher. But
Man the Stinger turrets at eventually, you have to
the North Village to move in on foot to
eliminate the attacking complete this objective.
Little Birds. If a turret runs
out of missiles, don't wait Advance on the East Village from the north. The village's
for it to reload—hotswap main gateway is barricaded, so your FAV can't make it
to another one. inside. Still, park just out front of the gate and switch to
the machine gun position to mow down the enemy troops
waiting inside. While you're blasting the enemy troops
The North Village is held by friendly troops, but it is under inside, friendly assault troops enter the village—hotswap
heavy attack by NATO Humvees and Little Bird helicopters. to one of them to lead the attack. When you enter the
Stay in the FAV and approach the western side of the village, large groups of NATO troops advance from the
village. Switch to the FAV's machine gun position and open south via a narrow alley. Toss or launch grenades into
fire on the enemy Humvees circling around the village. this alley to wipe out several enemies at once. Keep
Next, turn the machine gun skyward and pepper the Little pushing south, deeper into the village. As the grounds
Birds with rapid fire. Eventually, you should hotswap to one open into another courtyard, advance along the steps on
of the friendly snipers positioned on the perimeter rooftops. the eastern side and use the adjoining elevated walkway
The snipers charged with defending the village have to fire down on the enemy troops as they spawn below.
machine guns and Stinger turrets at their disposal. For Continue using grenades and automatic fire until all of the
best results, use the Stinger turrets against the choppers. enemy troops are wiped out.
The machine guns are useful for targeting the Humvees,
but their inability to fully rotate and tilt makes them
difficult to use against the Little Birds. Hotswap between
the snipers and keep hammering the enemy vehicles until
they give up. Once the enemy attack is over, an FAV drives
toward the village—this is your cue to hotswap to the
driver and head to the East Village.

The machine guns and

Stingers are the preferred Climb the steps on the eastern side of this courtyard to take the
methods of downing high ground. From this elevated position, it's much easier to gun
enemy choppers, but a down the enemy troops.
patient sniper can pick off
the pilots for an equally
effective kill.

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Chinese Briefing:
Now that we have liberated the
villages, we must protect our
assets in the area. Our primary
Train line of communication is the
railroad station, in the Central
Village. Enemy forces are
heading our way at speed. They
cannot take the station. Destroy
the supporting forces. Do your
Railroad Station duty for your country, soldier.
Available Units:
Assault, Sniper
Available Vehicles:
Developer Hints/Tips:
Take out the pilots of the
incoming enemy choppers with
the sniper rifle before they drop
off their troops.

At the start of the mission, NATO troops are closing in on

Objective 1: Defend the Station the railroad station from the north and west. Quickly move
out to the sandbag fortifications outside the station to the
northwest and take control of one of the machine guns.
The first wave of attackers consists solely of infantry. If
you're more comfortable with a sniper rifle, hotswap to one
of the snipers, preferably the one on the rooftop along the
western side of the station. Although the roof isn't very
tall, it does provide the sniper with a slight height
advantage, useful for engaging the enemy troops crossing
the open field to the north. As soon as you spot Humvees,
Use both the mounted machine guns and snipers to hold back take out the gunner as quickly as possible using either
the enemy infantry from the railroad station. snipers or the mounted machine guns.

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Qyzylorda Region

Objective 2: Stop the Train

If you lack heavy
firepower, use the
mounted machine guns
to attack the advancing Locate these friendly
T-90s. It's not the best troops parachuting in and
solution, but it works. hotswap your way
northwest along the
railroad tracks.
Following the infantry assault, the enemy attack
escalates with T-90 tanks approaching from the northwest.
Quickly target the enemy tanks with the snipers' laser As the enemy retreats, a report comes in of an incoming
target designators before they get too close to the station. train heading for the station at high speed. Turn to the
If the snipers are dead, the assault troops have to do the northwest and locate several friendly assault soldiers
best they can with hand grenades, grenade launchers, and parachuting down along the railroad tracks to the
the machine guns. The mounted machine guns are actually northwest. Hotswap from one parachuting soldier to the
quite effective against the T-90s, but it takes several hits next until you're in control of the farthest one. He lands
to destroy one. Still, they have much greater range and near a machine gun nest. Take control of the machine gun
accuracy than the grenades. The armor assault gives way and center your sights on the objective marker—this is the
to an airborne attack as Blackhawks approach the station, train. Even though the train isn't visible, immediately open
loaded with infantry. Try to shoot down the helicopters fire. The train is equipped with a machine gun of its own,
before they drop their troops, using either the machine mounted on the front of the engine. Try to take out the
guns or a well-aimed shot with a sniper rifle. If enemy gunner if possible. If your assault soldier dies, you automat-
troops manage to bail out of the choppers before you can ically hotswap to the next solider farther down the tracks.
shoot them down, hotswap to an assault soldier and target Keep hammering the train with the machine guns lining the
the parachuting enemies before they touch the ground. tracks until it derails. If it crashes into the station, the
Once you've repelled the helicopter attack, the NATO mission is a failure.
troops retreat. Use one of the snipers to pick off distant
enemy troops.

The machine gun nests

along the railroad tracks
If you don't take out the are the best way to stop
Blackhawks quickly, NATO the train. While firing, try
paratroopers drop in on to take out the gunner on
the station and assault at the front of the engine.
close range. Don't let them
reach the ground.

NOTE The campaign branches at the end of this mission,

giving you the choice to continue as NATO or Chinese forces. If
you choose to play as NATO, continue on to the "Endgame
(NATO)" mission walkthrough in the next section. Jump ahead
to the "Endgame (China)" mission walkthrough if you choose to
finish the campaign as the Chinese.

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NATO Briefing:
You heard the Lieutenant
Labs Colonel. This is the big one
people. We've got a shot at
winning it all right here…right
now. The head of the Chinese
occupation in this area,
Plaza Lieutenant Colonel Zhu, is
somewhere in the plaza
construction site. Kill him, and
they'll fall apart for lack of
leadership. Mop-up operations
after that will be simple by
comparison. Let's go cut the
Insertion Point head off the dragon.
Available Units:
Assault, Engineer
Available Vehicles:
T-90 Main Battle Tank,
AH-6J Little Bird
Developer Hints/Tips:
Look for gun turrets to take out
After successfully defending, get
to the lab as quickly as possible.

two WZ-9 attack helicopters conducting strafing runs.

Objective 1: Withstand the Attack Maneuver the Little Bird into close range and slam both
enemy choppers with rockets until they tumble out of the
sky. Next, check your mini-map for more enemy vehicles.
Hotswapping to the Little Quickly locate and destroy any Type 98 tanks and FAVs,
Bird makes it easy to repel but be careful not to hit any friendly troops on the ground.
the Chinese attack. Focus
on the WZ-9s first, then Objective 2: Battle to the Labs
target the enemy ground
Clear the plaza rooftops of
enemy troops by using the
Before you can go after the Chinese Lieutenant Colonel, Little Bird's rockets. Every
you must first repel a serious attack on your staging area. enemy eliminated makes it
Enemy infantry and vehicles are inbound from the easier for your ground
northeast. Instead of staying on the ground, locate the troops to advance.
Little Bird flying around and hotswap to the pilot. The
biggest threats to your teammates on the ground are the

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Having repelled the Chinese attack, you can now go on The charges won't detonate until all three are placed,
the offensive. The labs are located in the plaza, across so proceed to the next floor. Even if you cleared the
the ravine to the northeast. While your teammates hallway before entering the room, there may be more
advance on foot, scout ahead with the Little Bird. As enemy troops posted in the corridor, so move out
expected, the plaza is well defended by infantry positioned cautiously and make sure your weapon is fully loaded.
on the ground and rooftops. Dislodge the defenders from Fight your way down the stairs to the second floor and
their positions using the Little Bird's rockets. Keep clear a path to the adjoining room, where another set of
moving to avoid incoming gunfire and shoulder-fired flammable tanks is waiting to be hooked up with another
rockets—whatever you do, don't pull to a hover. While demo charge. Place the second charge, and move down
strafing the enemy troops, keep an eye on your to the first floor. Eliminate all threats in the hallway and
teammates below. If they're under fire, provide some room, then plant the final charge. Once all three charges
close air support. are placed, you have 30 seconds to get out of the
building. Go through the lab's front door leading into the
Objective 3: Plant Demolitions in the Labs plaza and quickly gun down enemy troops manning the
nearby grenade launchers and machine guns.

Both the assault and

engineer classes are
capable of attacking the
labs. But the assault Get out of the building
rifle's rapid fire makes it after placing the charges.
a little easier (and faster) You have 30 seconds
to clear hallways filled before they go off.
with enemy troops.

As soon as one of your teammates is near the lab

building on the western side of the plaza, hotswap to his
position. You must place three demolition charges inside Objective 4: Destroy Lt. Colonel Zhu's Helicopter
the building. For the best results, assault the labs from
the top down. On the eastern side of the building is a
metal scaffolding leading up to the third floor. Climb to
the top of the scaffolding and peer through the open The machine guns
third floor window. Gun down enemy troops in the scattered around the plaza
adjoining hall, then hop through the window. The first are more than capable of
charge must be placed in a room farther down the hall. downing the Lieutenant
Scan the room from the hallway before entering and Colonel's helicopter.
eliminate all enemies inside. Even after entering, sweep
the corners of the room for any stragglers—you don't
want to get shot while placing the charge. Once the
room is clear, follow the objective marker to the two Shortly after the labs explode, Lieutenant Colonel Zhu
flammable tanks along the southern wall and plant the attempts to escape in a WZ-9. The best option is to use
first charge. the machine guns posted around the plaza—there's one
just northeast of the lab. Once behind a machine gun,
quickly mow down any nearby troops first. In particular,
Demolition charges must eliminate the enemy machine gunner on the partially
be placed on the constructed building to the east. Finally, tilt your machine
flammable tanks located gun upward to engage the enemy chopper. As usual, aim
on each floor of the lab. for the cockpit to kill the pilot. But even if you can't draw
Make sure the rooms and a bead on the pilot, the machine gun quickly reduces the
adjoining halls are clear of chopper's health until it explodes.
threats before turning your
back to plant the charge.

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Chinese Briefing:
We have a chance to put a bullet
into the enemy's brain and end
this senseless persecution of the
Kazak people. Lieutenant Colonel
Scott is inside the Oil Ministry
building. Fight your way in there
and three things will happen: you
will find Colonel Scott, kill
him…,and you will win the war
Damaged Bridge
for the People's Republic and the
people of Kazakhstan. Go now
and cut the head off the snake.
Insertion Point Available Units:
Assault, Engineer, Special Ops
Available Vehicles:
FAV (Fast Attack Vehicle),
BMD-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

NATO Plaza Developer Hints/Tips:

Use speed—quickly get into the
nearest FAV and head out for
the generator. Jump the western
bridge to avoid the enemy tank
on the other bridge.
Destroying the generator nullifies
Oil Ministry most of the enemy gun turrets.
Attack the plaza and kill all the
enemies you see. Look out for a
Objective 1: Destroy the Generator to the generator
and also allows you
group of three tanks to the
east, as these signify the last
to bypass several push of the enemy before
Colonel Scott decides to join the
enemy units.
With enough speed, the battle in his Apache.
However, you must
FAVs can jump the line up your FAV Watch the skies for a couple of
damaged bridge to the properly and muster well-timed reinforcements (use
west, providing them with these well to complete the
enough speed to
a direct path to the mission).
jump the large gap
generators. in the bridge. After
completing the jump, simply speed ahead toward the
generator objective marker. Be sure to run down (or gun
Before attacking the Oil Ministry, you must first cut power down) the enemy troops surrounding the generator before
to the facility by destroying its generator. Start by hopping exiting your vehicle. When the area is clear, hop out of the
into one of the nearby FAVs and speed to the south. FAV and rush over to the generator to plant a charge.
Instead of taking the nearby bridge, cut to the west and Return to your FAV and wait for the charge to detonate.
approach the damaged bridge. This is a more direct path Now you can head for the Oil Ministry.

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threats. Flank the tanks from the sides and rear to take
advantage of their weak armor.

Plant the charge on the When attacking the enemy

generator and back away tanks with engineers,
before it explodes. circle-strafe around them
while firing rockets. The
closer you are, the harder
time they have tracking
you with their main guns.

Objective 2: Take the Oil Ministry

Objective 3: Destroy Lt. Colonel Scott's Helicopter
Use the FAV's machine
gun to shoot down the When Scott's helicopter
enemy Apaches. Always takes off, turn to the Oil
target the cockpit for a Ministry building and
quick pilot kill. locate the friendly engineer
on the rooftop—a Stinger
turret awaits above.
Drive your FAV to the northeast and park it near the
center of the plaza. Immediately take control of the FAV's
machine gun and begin gunning down enemy troops—don't Soon after the three Leopard tanks appear, Lieutenant
forget to scan the rooftops as well. Not long after you Colonel Scott takes off in an Apache to join the fight. This
arrive, two Apache gun ships take to the air. Quickly attack is your chance to complete the mission. Watch for two
them with the FAV's machine gun before they have a engineers parachuting onto the rooftops to the east. One
chance to fire rockets in your direction. The NATO forces lands on top of the Oil Ministry—hotswap to this engineer
also try to defend the Oil Ministry with Leopard tanks. now. A Stinger turret is positioned on the western side of
Instead of using the FAV against these threats, hotswap to the Oil Ministry's rooftop. Take control of the turret and
an engineer and attack them with rocket launchers. At immediately target Lieutenant Colonel Scott's helicopter—
least one more Apache arrives too. his is the one with the objective marker above it. Track the
helicopter steadily while the Stinger locks on. The missile
TIP The FAVs are extremely automatically fires once a lock is achieved and slams into
valuable, providing your team with the enemy helicopter, bringing the mission to an end.
machine guns and grenade
launchers. Park them behind objects
in the plaza to better protect them
against enemy tanks and
helicopters. If they take damage, The Stinger turret is the
use an engineer's blowtorch to keep quickest way to down
them at full strength. Lieutenant Colonel Scott's
Apache. Just make sure
Once the enemy tanks are destroyed, return to the FAV you have the correct
and down the chopper with the machine gun. Stay with the chopper targeted.
FAV and blast enemy infantry until you can see three
Leopard tanks approaching along the road to the east.
Hotswap to an engineer positioned along the road and
eastern bridge and use rocket launchers to deal with these

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NATO Briefing:
This is a no-brainer. He's got the
codes to launch one ICBM at a
Snipers location within the US and two
Missile Silo more within Europe. Get in
there, disable both launch silos,
and drop Commander 31 like a
bad habit. Get all that done or
it's all over. If the balloon goes
up on this one, it's a long, cold
nuclear winter all around. You
have full authority to do
whatever is necessary to
Insertion Point
eliminate this threat.
Chinese Briefing:
This is both simple and critical.
Commander 31 controls three
intercontinental ballistic missiles,
which are sitting in their launch
Commander 31's Bunker silos. Stop the launch at all
costs. Disable both silos and kill
Commander 31 without mercy. If
you fail, none of us have anything
to fight for, or to live for.
Therefore, you will not fail. Go
Missile Silo quickly now.
Available Units (NATO and China):
Assault, Engineer, Sniper
Available Vehicles:
You begin the
Objective 1: Plant Demolitions in Both Silos mission high above M1A2 Main Battle Tank (NATO)
Whether you choose to play as NATO or China, this mission the area of Type 98 Main Battle Tank (China)
is identical for both sides. A mysterious faction known as the operations, Developer Hints/Tips:
Burning Flag has access to three ICBM sites. The group's parachuting down
Glide whenever possible as a
leader, Commander 31, is intent on launching the nuclear between the two paratrooper to objectives.
weapons in an attempt to eliminate the world's superpowers. eastern silos—you
It's your job to demolish the silos before Commander 31 can Hotswap over distances;
have 10 minutes to
it saves time.
unleash a nuclear apocalypse on the world's population. neutralize both of
these sites. While Always look for multiple routes;
drifting down, sometimes they can be easier
and less guarded.
target Burning Flag
troops on the
ground. As soon as you touch down, eliminate all enemy
troops nearby and begin moving to the southern silo.
Climb the southern hill as quickly as possible, blasting
enemies as you go.

While parachuting into the mission, try closing your chute then
opening it again just before you slam into the ground. Not only is this
a faster way down, but the freefall distance might earn you a medal.

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mounted machine guns. Quickly deal with the machine

gunners first before charging into the facility. Otherwise, the
assault is identical to the first one—advance through the
The objective marker tunnel and plant the charge in the control room.
leads to a hatch in the
ground. Drop into this
opening to access the
silo's control room. The engineer's shotgun
works well when
clearing the silo access
tunnels. Duck around
The southern silo sits in a small valley beyond the hill. corners to fire, then duck
Race toward the silo facility and follow the objective marker back to reload.
to a hatch in the ground. The hatch leads into an under-
ground tunnel. Advance along the tunnel, but be prepared
to encounter more enemy troops. The tunnel eventually
ends in a control room, where you must plant a demolition
charge to shut down this silo. Plant the charge and
Objective 2: Plant Demolitions at the Main Bunker
immediately vacate the silo—it doesn't hurt you to watch it
explode; it's just a time waster.

Plant your explosives at

this control panel to put
the silo out of commission.
Hot swap to a friendly tank in the valley to quickly destroy the
Burning Flag's BMP-2s and Mi-24 Hinds. But don't linger long—
you only have a few minutes before Commander 31 launches
the last ICBM.

TIP There are some explosive canisters lining the walls of the When the two eastern silos are out of commission, you
tunnels. A few well-timed shots at these volatile objects can have five minutes to reach the third site to the west.
eliminate multiple enemies at once. Cautiously exit the northern silo and race over the hill to
the west. At the crest of the hill you can see the large
Exit the southern silo and immediately push toward the
bunker facility housing the last ICBM. Look down the hill in
next site to the north. There are still plenty of bad guys in
the valley below to hotswap to a friendly tank. Northwest
the area, so be on guard and use your mini-map to help
of your tanks is a garage filled with several BMP-2s.
locate the source of incoming fire. Traverse the same hill
Quickly open fire on the enemy APCs and destroy them
and return to the valley where you first dropped in. Watch
before they can retaliate. A couple of Little Bird helicopters
for more friendly troops parachuting in to the north.
also patrol the skies in this area. Switch to your tank's
Hotswap to one of their locations to save some time. Expect
machine gun and knock these choppers out of the sky.
heavier resistance around the northern silo, including a few

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Objective 3: Laser Designate Cdr. 31's Bunker

Use these catwalks on the
eastern side of the silo
facility to quickly access Hotswap to a friendly
the bunker. sniper parachuting down
on this tower to the

Having cleared the valley of enemy vehicles, proceed to

the bunker facility. Due to the steep terrain, it's quicker to
move to the bunker on foot, so hotswap to one of the Commander 31's bunker must be taken out with an air
assault soldiers heading in that direction. Approach the strike—and the clock is still ticking. From the bunker, turn
facility from the west. There's a series of catwalks to the northwest until you spot a huge tower. As friendly
(accessible from the ground) on this side of the structure. snipers drop onto this tower, hotswap to one of them.
Climb as high as you possibly can, then follow the objective Before laser designating the bunker, use the snipers to pick
marker to the bunker. The bunker is a large, concrete- off the pilots of two Little Bird helicopters. If they're not
reinforced control tower overlooking the silo. Navigate the dealt with quickly, they'll blow your snipers off the tower
ascending catwalks until you can peek inside the bunker's with rockets. Finally, equip the laser target designator and
windows. Commander 31 is inside. Unfortunately, the glass lock on to Commander 31's bunker before time runs out.
is bulletproof, and there's nowhere to place a demo charge. Soon after a lock is achieved, laser-guided munitions slam
into the bunker, destroying the silo's controls, as well as
Commander 31. Good work, soldier.

Commander 31 is in the
bunker, but your bullets
can't penetrate the glass.

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The single-player challenges are another way to earn more stars, helping you progress through the ranks. They're
also an excellent way to become familiar with the various weapons and vehicles. The first three single-player
challenges are available to everyone. But all subsequent challenges are unlocked with new ranks. Each rank from
Private 1st Class to Colonel unlocks a new challenge. In this section, we take a look at every challenge, offering
tips to maximize your score and earn more stars.

Hotswap Challenge: Race Challenge:

Unlocked At: Private Unlocked At: Private


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
30,000 20,000
170,000 140,000
310,000 260,000

This exercise tests your This exercise is a simulated

ability to locate and utilize troop extraction using the
friendly units at speed. You need to hotswap to the unit Humvee. You need to get to each indicated location, pick up
indicated on the mini-map, taking the most direct route the troop who is waiting there, and return him to base.
possible. A sequence of units will be presented—you need Time is limited, so success will depend on your driving skills
to reach the final unit before time expires. as well as how well you know your way around.
As the first hotswap Extensive knowledge
challenge, this is by far of Almaty and the
the easiest. There are surrounding area is a
no enemy targets that must for this mission.
must be destroyed—you The soldiers in need of a
just need to swap ride show up as objective
through the units as markers on the mini-map
quickly as possible. Use and HUD. However, this
the green objective only provides a vague
markers on the mini- directional heading of
map and HUD to quickly where the unit is actually
locate the current targeted unit you must hotswap to. At located. It's up to you to come up with the best path—and in
times, it may be necessary to move slightly to get a line of the town, driving in a straight line is never possible. Take into
sight on the desired unit. Remember, you can't always take account the distance to the soldier (shown on the HUD's
a direct route to the closest unit, such as the soldier in the objective marker) to best determine which path to take. You
hangar. Due to obstructions, it may be necessary to take a must drive within a few meters of each soldier before he
zigzag approach. Whenever possible, swap to units on hills hops in the Humvee, earning you a few extra seconds to
or rooftops, as they have better views and, therefore, a make it back to the drop-off point. The soldiers are in a
better selection of hotswap opportunities. number of preset locations, so once you've played the
challenge a few times, you'll have a better idea of how to
NOTE For all hotswap challenges you lose 1,000 points reach them. Although the soldier locations are prede-
for each hotswap that isn’t your target. The score added on
termined, the order in which they come up is purely random.
when reaching your target is time-dependent (more time
remaining = higher score). Weapon scopes reveal more units
to swap to—use them!

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Weapon Challenge: Hotswap Challenge:

Unlocked At: Private Unlocked At: Private 1st Class


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
10,000 30,000
25,000 110,000
40,000 190,000

This exercise tests your This exercise tests your

assault rifle proficiency. You ability to locate and utilize
need to take down the targets before they reach their friendly units at speed. You need to hotswap to the unit
destination, but you only have a single clip available in indicated on the mini-map, taking the most direct route
each round so accuracy is key. The number of targets possible and wiping out any hostile targets along the
hit in each round determines how many appear in the way. A sequence of units will be presented—you need to
next—there are 10 rounds in total. reach the final unit before time expires.
This is a bit like This is the first
skeet shooting, where hotswap challenge
you must down as many requiring you to
targets as possible. eliminate enemy targets.
Your score isn't only Check the mini-map for
based on how many enemy locations and
targets you hit, but quickly dispatch the
how proficiently you enemy units before they
take them out. For best kill you. If you die, the
results, shoot the challenge is over. During
targets as soon as they these gun battles, the
appear and take them down with one bullet—head shots timer stops, so take your time to make each shot count. In
result in a "Perfect" kill and are worth 1,000 points. As one sequence, you must eliminate a couple of paratroopers
the rounds advance, you have more and more targets to dropping in on a hill, so don't forget to look up. Once all
shoot, so go easy on the automatic fire; otherwise, you threats are neutralized, the hotswap challenge resumes.
may run out of ammo. You cannot reload until the end of Whenever possible, avoid swapping to units in the lowland
the round. As usual, use the mini-map to quickly locate areas, as the terrain is covered with trees and other line-
your targets. The targets always appear on the mini-map of-sight obstructions. At one point, you need to swap to a
before you can see them in the courtyard. This gives you soldier descending in a parachute. Use him to quickly swap
a heads up as to where the target will appear, allowing to a targeted soldier, then swap back to him before he
you to line up a quick kill shot. reaches the ground.

TIP Replay this challenge once you’ve earned the Assault

Rifle Clip Upgrade. It gives you more shots per round!

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Single-Player Challenges

Race Challenge: Weapon Challenge:

Unlocked At: Corporal Unlocked At: Sergeant


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
40,000 60,000
150,000 120,000
260,000 180,000

This is a patrol boat piloting This simulation tests your

exercise. You need to proficiency with the RPG
complete the course, ensuring you drive through each launcher. RPGs travel slowly, so it's all about timing—you
marker in turn and avoiding the hazards en route. If you need to take out the drone vehicles before they reach their
can hit the bonus markers you'll earn extra points, but stay destination. There are 10 rounds in total. Make sure you
on course—you're running against the clock. utilize the four troops at your disposal.
The sluggish nature Teamwork is
of the light patrol boat essential in this
makes this one of the challenge as you
most difficult hotswap between the
challenges available. four RPG soldiers to
Just finishing the race eliminate as many
before time expires is a targets as possible.
monumental task. Start The soldiers are
by simply going for the located on the docks,
white markers. These the crane, the eastern
award points, as well window, and the
as extend the timer by eight seconds. The yellow bonus southern rooftop. Start every round with the soldier on
markers are worth 5,000 points each, but don't let them the rooftop, as he has the best vantage point of the
throw you off course—it's better to pass one by than it is enemy ground units approaching from the north. Don't
to run out of time. Still, the bonus markers act as good wait for each rocket to impact. Fire and quickly hotswap
waypoint markers, helping to keep you on course. Simply to another teammate to launch a follow-up shot—never
steering the boat takes plenty of time to master. Go easy wait around for a launcher to reload. The soldier in the
on the controls, particularly when moving at high speed. window is best equipped to deal with the fast-moving
Overcorrecting can quickly send you off course and DPVs. Simply shoot
possibly into a riverbank. If you run aground, you might as them as they pass RPG CHALLENGE SCORING
Infantry 75 pts
well restart the challenge because you can't get back in below the window.
Boat 250 pts
the water before time expires. You also need to watch for Boats approaching
4x4 500 pts
mines and rocks in the water. Hitting these can either from the north are Tank 2,500 pts
stop your boat or cause it to explode. Either way, easiest to hit with Helicopter 5,000 pts
collisions with these objects are killers. When making the soldier on the •Each kill increases a score multiplier, so kill
tight turns, consider swapping between the first-person docks. The slow- the lowest-scoring targets first!
and the external views. The first-person view provides a moving APCs can be
better picture of where the boat is heading, which is targeted by any of the soldiers, but try to hit their weak
useful when rounding a tight corner. But the third-person rear armor for a quick, one-shot kill. In the latter rounds,
view gives a better perspective of the whole boat, helicopters fill the skies. Stick with the rooftop and crane
allowing you to see exactly how close it is to the soldiers when targeting the helicopters and wait until
riverbanks and other objects. they're within close range before firing.

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Hotswap Challenge: Race Challenge:

Unlocked At: Sergeant 1st Class Unlocked At: Master Sergeant


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
20,000 50,000
60,000 140,000
100,000 240,000

This exercise tests your This is an Eagle-based urban

ability to locate and utilize driving exercise. You need to
friendly units at speed. You need to hotswap to the unit complete 3 laps of the course, ensuring you drive through
indicated on the mini-map, taking the most direct route each marker in turn. If you can hit the bonus markers you'll
possible and wiping out any hostile targets along the way. earn extra points, but keep your eye on the timer—you're
A sequence of units will be presented—you need to reach racing against the clock.
the final unit before time expires. This race is like the
Many of the target light patrol boat
units in this challenge challenge, but it's much
are positioned so you easier. This time, the
can't reach them bonus markers are only
directly. Instead, look worth 5,000 points, but
for adjacent units on there are many more of
hills or rooftops, but them, and they're easier
always try to swap in to pass through without
the general direction of getting too far off
the objective. You face course. Although the
more enemy units in large, white checkpoint markers are farther apart, they
this challenge too. On the bridge, you must use the sniper add seconds to the timer. Get familiar with the course by
to pick off a couple enemies on the supports to the running a few practice laps, making mental notes of the
south. After hotswapping to the assault unit at the ruins, bonus markers. In the town, avoid cutting corners too
turn to the open courtyard to the northwest and open tightly or else you might slam into the side of a building or
fire on the enemy troops with your assault rifle. The final a signpost. The area outside the town is much more
swap is to an engineer on a small hill to the east. But the forgiving, but stay on course to avoid hitting rough terrain
challenge doesn't end after the swap. You must destroy a that might slow you down. Once you've completed a couple
WZ-9 attack helicopter using the engineer's rocket of laps, restart the challenge and attack the course like a
launcher. Wait until the chopper moves in close before pro.
firing the rocket. Alternatively, use the shotgun to blast
the cockpit and kill the pilot. To avoid getting hit by the
WZ-9's rockets, move to the other side of the hill, using
the slope as cover. It takes two rocket hits to down the
chopper and complete the challenge.

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Single-Player Challenges

Weapon Challenge: Hotswap Challenge:

Unlocked At: Sergeant Major Unlocked At: Command Sergeant Major


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
90,000 60,000
175,000 150,000
250,000 230,000

Welcome to the sniper This exercise tests your

simulation. You'll be ability to locate and utilize
helicopter-based for this exercise. Your pilot will take you friendly units at speed. You need to hotswap to the unit
to several points around the range and there are five indicated on the mini-map, taking the most direct route
targets at each point that you need to hit. You only have possible and wiping out any hostile targets along the
a single clip available in each round, so you'd better way. A sequence of units will be presented—you need to
make every shot count. There's 10 rounds in total. reach the final unit before time expires.
Accuracy is the key This hotswap
here, as you only have challenge can get a
eight bullets to take little tricky, with some
down five targets in of the target units
each round. The first positioned in hard-to-
stop is the large spot locations. For
bridge. Pick off the instance, the first
targets lining the swap requires you to
bridge from right to swap to a rooftop and
left, but wait for the look down through an
helicopter to level out opening in the roof to
before firing the first shot. Next up is the village. The swap to the target unit. Toward the end, you need to
helicopter's rocket launcher partially obscures the target pilot a light patrol boat to hotswap to a unit on the oil
to the left, so once again, start on the right side and rig. Stay focused on the objective marker on the HUD to
work your way across the village. The third site is the track the distance and elevation of each unit. There are
courtyard. Get an idea of where the targets are located, also a few weapon challenges thrown in. At the oil
then zoom in and pan right to left to engage the targets. refinery, you need to blast a Humvee with an engineer's
If time allows, wait for the running targets to stop rocket launcher—make the first shot count because you
moving before pulling the trigger. At the next site, four won't survive long enough to fire a second rocket. Later,
enemies are scattered among a rooftop and two you must use an assault rifle to blast three
destroyed buildings. The smoke may partially obscure paratroopers out of the sky. Use the mini-map to locate
some of the targets, but it doesn't stop your bullets. The and eliminate them quickly, or else they'll drop you long
fifth soldier drops in on a parachute to the right. You before they reach the ground. Following the last swap,
must hit him before he descends into an alley. The ruins you must destroy a Sea Ark Stinger patrol boat with a
outside the town make up the next site. Many of these rocket launcher to complete the challenge.
targets are moving, so it may be necessary to lead them
just a bit to score a hit. After the ruins, the helicopter
makes another lap around the town, covering the same
sites as before, beginning with the bridge. The enemies
are in the same exact positions at each site. The score
earned for each target is based on the amount of time left,
so shoot them quickly to earn high scores!

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Race Challenge: Weapon Challenge:

Unlocked At: Warrant Officer Unlocked At: Chief Warrant Officer


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
80,000 60,000
190,000 140,000
310,000 220,000

This exercise tests your Okay, let's test your ability

skills with the amphibious with grenades. Frag
BK-1990. You need to complete the course, ensuring you Grenades are all about fuse timing and splash damage. If
drive through each marker in turn. If you can hit the you know how to bowl, you'll know the rules. You need to
bonus markers or destroy the hostile targets you'll earn take down all 10 targets, but you'll only have three
extra points, but watch the clock—time is strictly limited. grenades available in each round.
Finally, you get a Not only is this a fun
race challenge that and addictive challenge,
allows you to blow but it also demon-
things up. The BK-1990 strates the destructive
is like an APC, but it power of hand
has a main gun similar grenades. At the start
to a tank. As in the of each round, 10
previous race soldiers march out of a
challenges, your primary warehouse and arrange
concern is getting themselves in a triangle
through the white formation—like bowling
checkpoint markers to put a few more seconds on the pins. The goal is to throw your grenade as close to the
timer. But in between the checkpoint markers you have a center soldier as possible. If thrown accurately, the
couple of ways to score some extra points. The bonus grenade does the rest, knocking down all of the
markers are all worth 5,000 points, and most of them are surrounding soldiers. But if you miss a few soldiers, you
along the course, making them easy to pass through. You have a second chance to pick up a spare. Once the
can also rack up some points by blasting the various grenade leaves your hand, it travels in an arc-like
vehicles you encounter, including Humvees and light patrol trajectory. At long distances, you need to elevate your
boats. However, be careful when rotating the turret so you throw to reach the center of the formations. Don't hold
don't lose sight of the road. Whatever you do, don't stop to the trigger down too long either; otherwise, the grenade
take aim at targets—fire and keep moving. At one point, will explode in the air. This may work well for nearby
you need to turn off the main dirt road and move through formations, but you need to take advantage of the
some water. The BK-1990 is extremely slow in the water, grenade's ability to bounce when aiming for more distant
so move as quickly as possible in a straight line to the next targets. Throwing a "strike" in the tenth round gives you
checkpoint marker on the opposite bank. As you near the up to two more bonus rounds to score a few more
finish, be sure to take out the helicopter that flies over— points—keep the streak alive by throwing more "strikes."
it’s worth 30,000 points!

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Single-Player Challenges

Hotswap Challenge: Race Challenge:

Unlocked At: 2nd Lieutenant Unlocked At: 1st Lieutenant


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
90,000 70,000
190,000 160,000
290,000 250,000

This exercise tests your This exercise tests your

ability to locate and utilize Apache piloting and combat
friendly units at speed. You need to hotswap to the unit skills. You need to complete the course, flying through
indicated on the mini-map, taking the most direct route each marker in turn. If you can hit the bonus markers
possible and wiping out any hostile targets along the or destroy the ground-based targets you'll earn extra
way. A sequence of units will be presented—you need to points, but watch your altitude—the exercise will end if
reach the final unit before time expires. you stray into the no-fly zone.
The mix of canyons, Completing this
open plains, and urban challenge totally hinges
areas can make this a on your ability to pilot a
somewhat difficult helicopter. The course
hotswap challenge. runs through a canyon
From the start, realize maze, requiring you to
that you won't find a stay at low altitude to
single direct path to pass through the bonus
most of the target and checkpoint
units. Instead, you need markers. Along the
to make several zigzag way, you encounter
approaches to make line-of-sight contact with units tucked many enemy vehicles, including FAVs (5,000 pts), Type
away in low-lying and other obstructed areas. You also 98 tanks (10,000 pts), and WZ-9 helicopters (30,000
need to blast some enemy units along the way. In the pts). The bonus markers are worth 5,000 points. Unlike
canyon, take control of the Little Bird and shoot down in the previous races, passing through the checkpoint
two WZ-9 attack choppers. Each WZ-9 has a gunner on markers adds 25 seconds to the challenge timer, giving
the left side, so stay in the middle of their circular route you a bit more time to hunt down targets and fly through
to avoid being shot. Move in close behind the enemy bonus markers. But you can't move too fast through the
choppers and fire a steady salvo of rockets at them until canyon, so stay on course. You can survive some minor
they explode. At the East Village, you take control of an collisions with the canyon walls, but they inflict some
engineer tasked with stopping an approaching Type 98. damage on your chopper. Remember to tilt your rotors
Use the rocket launcher's scope to land a couple of hits left and right as needed to perform tight turns.
at long range. Since the tank is moving toward you, it
takes three rockets to punch through its thick front
armor. Later on, you must use an engineer's shotgun to
blast a few Chinese troops at close range. Glance at the
mini-map to help locate the enemies and keep moving to
avoid incoming fire. If you survive, continue hotswapping
until the challenge is complete.

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Weapon Challenge: Hotswap Challenge:

Unlocked At: Captain Unlocked At: Major


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
30,000 90,000
80,000 180,000
135,000 270,000

This is a close-combat This exercise tests your

simulation with shotguns. You ability to locate and utilize
need to move quickly around the range, locating the hostile friendly units at speed. You need to hotswap to the unit
targets and taking them out without hitting any friendlies. indicated on the mini-map, taking the most direct route
Each round is timed. The number of hostiles increases as possible and wiping out any hostile targets along the
the rounds progress. There are 10 rounds in total. way. A sequence of units will be presented—you need to
This is similar to the reach the final unit before time expires.
RPG challenge, but this During this
time you can't afford to challenge, you must
miss any of the targets. hotswap across great
You must shoot every distances to reach the
target in each round targeted units. As
before the timer usual, make the most
expires. With each of your elevated units
successful hit, you positioned on cliffs and
receive points, as well tall buildings to reduce
as a few extra seconds the number of
added to the timer. The score earned for each target is hotswaps necessary to
based on the amount of time left, so shoot them quickly move across the map. Along the way, you have to
to earn high scores. You begin each round at the center complete three weapon challenges. At the canyon, you
of the North Village's courtyard. Scan the mini-map need to use a mounted machine gun to fire down on
quickly to locate any visible targets from this position. several enemy troops. They can fire back, so make quick
When there are no more targets, hotswap to one of the work of them. Near the plaza, you take control of a tank
friendly troops on the village's rooftop perimeter. Upon and eliminate an enemy tank approaching in the distance.
swapping to a new soldier, scan the mini-map for visible Try to destroy the enemy tank at long range because if it
threats, eliminate them, and hotswap to a new soldier. gets in close, it poses a threat. Afterward, don't forget
Keep shooting and hotswapping until all threats are to rotate the turret to hotswap to the nearby soldier on
eliminated. You must hotswap back to the center of the the rooftop. Get ready to move after the last swap. You
courtyard before the next round begins. As the challenge need to use an engineer's shotgun to blast several enemy
progresses, you have to shoot more targets, but with troops at close range. Make each shot count and keep
fewer backup troops. By rounds five and six, it may be moving to avoid getting cut down by their automatic fire.
necessary to move around a bit to make line-of-sight
contact with targets and teammates. Just be careful not
to shoot your teammates by accident. Not only do you
lose the teammate, but some time is knocked off the
timer as well.

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Single-Player Challenges

Race Challenge: Weapon Challenge:

Unlocked At: Lieutenant Colonel Unlocked At: Colonel


Points Earned Stars Awarded Points Earned Stars Awarded
130,000 30,000
260,000 75,000
370,000 200,000

This exercise tests your This exercise requires skill

abilities with the Fast Attack with the machine gun. You
Vehicle. You need to complete the course ahead of your need to take down the approaching targets before they
rivals, driving through each marker in turn. If you can hit reach your position, simple as that. It's all about survival,
the bonus markers you'll earn extra points, but watch out so make sure you last for the duration of the challenge—if
for hazards en route—this is a dangerous area. your position is compromised the exercise is over.
As the last race The mini-map is your
challenge, it's not best friend in this nerve-
surprising that this is racking challenge as you
the most difficult. attempt to hold a small
Finishing the race is corner in the plaza. In
easy enough, but each round, several
scoring enough points enemy troops charge
to earn the stars is the your position with knives
real challenge here. drawn. You can't walk
There are tons of around either—all you
bonus markers can do is rotate and
scattered around the course, each worth 10,000 points. fire. If the enemies get too close, they knife you, abruptly
Unfortunately, most of them are positioned in hard-to- ending the challenge. Since you can't watch every direction
reach and potentially deadly locations, such as between at once, you must rely on your mini-map to keep tabs on
two explosive barrels. To safely gather these points, you the approaching enemies. It's extremely important to keep
need to steer carefully and reduce your speed. But an eye on the flanks, especially the area to the north. To
collecting all of these bonus points can quickly put you off improve accuracy, consider dropping into a crouched or
course. Although the checkpoint markers increase the prone position. Although the machine gun has plenty of
timer by 25 seconds, there aren't too many of them, so ammo, fire in short, controlled bursts. By the final few
you need to stay on course to keep seconds on the timer. rounds, you actually need to conserve ammunition to deal
To practice this course, try following one of the AI- with all of the enemies, so be prepared to rely more on
controlled FAVs. Tailgate it through the entire course, accuracy than volume of fire.
then speed ahead of it for the win as the finish line
comes into view.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
7: US Base
Red = MEC Control Only Heavy Jeep (2)
Tank (2)
= Medical Stinger Turret (2)
= Ammo Medical Crate (1)
= Repair Ammo Crate (1)
= Stationary Repair Station (1)

6: Anti-Air Base
Heavy Jeep (1)
AA Vehicle (1)
Stinger Turret (2)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)

4: Mosque
Heavy Jeep (1)
Medical Crate (1) Command Computer
Ammo Crate (1)

3: Edge of Town
Pickup Truck (1) 5: Townhall
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

2: Supply Depot
Heavy Jeep (1)
APC (1)
Machine Gun (3)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
1: MEC Base
Heavy Jeep (2)
Attack Helicopter (2)
Rocket Turret (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Helipad (1)

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MEC forces
have gathered If they have good helicopter pilots, the MEC forces have
to the south of the definite advantage at the start of this battle. Using
a small village the Mi-24s, they can drop troops over most of the
outpost to control points before the US forces can reach them in
combat the their Humvees and tanks. The Mi-24s can further delay
threat from a the American advance by blasting their vehicles with
newly estab- rockets and cannon fire. This can buy the MEC team
lished US tank enough time to capture the village control points, in
base to the particular the Town Hall and the Mosque—a presence on
North. Mi-24
the northern side of the river is a must.
helicopters have
been deployed in an attempt to counter the power When facing the threat of aggressive Mi-24s, the US
of the US tank division. team must fight its way to the Anti-Air Base and take
A battle between MEC air and US ground forces for control of the Stinger turrets and the M6 Bradley. Using
control of this strategically important location is these anti-air assets, the US team can dampen the
about to begin. Control of the village Mosque will be threat posed by the MEC choppers, allowing friendly
key for both sides. units to advance into the village. The two bridges inside
the village are choke points that can work to the US
team's advantage. By capturing and holding the Anti-Air
Base, the Mosque, and the Town hall, the US initiates a
drain on the MEC ticket count. This allows the US to go
on defense, using the river as a natural barrier. Enemy
traffic from the south can be greatly hindered by mining
and booby-trapping the bridges.

Flag 1:
Initial Control: MEC
The makeshift MEC Base consists of several tents and a MEC Control Unit Count
couple of helipads, all situated on a hill to the south. Otokar Akrep 2
Although the base cannot be captured by the US, MEC Mi-24 Hind 2
troops may want to defend this area to prevent the theft
Helipad 2
of the Mi-24 attack helicopters. Allowing the US to get
ahold of one of these choppers could definitely impact the Rocket Turret 1
outcome of the battle. An MEC sniper positioned to the Medical Crate 1
east or west of the base can cover both helipads and pick Ammo Crate 1
off any invaders. Vehicle rush attacks can also be
prevented by mining the roads and areas around the helipads.

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Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
The Supply Depot is most likely to fall under MEC control early in the game, due to its close
proximity to the MEC Base. This control point produces the extremely valuable BMP-2 for the
MEC forces, useful for blasting infantry as
well as the US tanks. The BMP-2 alone SUPPLY DEPOT ASSETS
makes the Supply Depot worth defending. US Control MEC Control Unit Count
Whether you're attacking or defending, Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
constant movement is a necessity when Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
approaching this control point. Snipers Machine Gun Machine Gun 3
positioned on the mountain to the east can
easily target enemies gathered around the control point's flag. The rocks and shrubs to the
west are also good sniper spots for defending this control point. Although the mounted
machine guns are useful for peppering enemies attacking from the north, they require the
gunners to remain stationary, making them susceptible to snipers.

Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral
Pinched between a hill to the east and buildings to the west, the flag of this control point sits
in a confined courtyard. This makes for some bloody, close-quarters fighting as both sides
attempt to convert the flag. The flag can be
EDGE OF TOWN ASSETS accessed from every direction, including the
US Control MEC Control Unit Count alley to the west. Defenders may want to
Car Car 1 take up positions on the second floor of the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 partially destroyed building to the east. The
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 car that spawns near the flag offers quick
transportation, making it useful for rush
attacks on distant control points, like the
TIP A pickup truck and repair station are
located just east of the Edge of Town control point. Anti-Air Base. Just steer clear of enemy
troops, as the car has very little armor.

Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
Both sides should race for control of the Mosque at the start of every battle, as this control
point is often the center of all the action. In particular, MEC troops should try to take the
Mosque early in an attempt to gain a
foothold on the north side of the river. The MOSQUE ASSETS
Mosque's flag sits on an upper floor US Control MEC Control Unit Count
balcony. There are a couple of Mosque HMMWV Otokar Akrep 1
entrances—the front one to the south and Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
the side entrance to the west. Once you're Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
inside, there is only one path to the flag,
presenting various opportunities for ambushes and booby traps—beware the beeping sound
of a C4 charge. Attackers and defenders should both drop prone (or at least crouch) while
on the Mosque's balcony to avoid falling victim to enemy snipers. While converting the flag,
keep your sights focused on the balcony's doorway and take cover behind the flagpole.

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Flag 5:
Initial Control: Neutral None

Although the Town Hall has no assets, it's just as

geographically significant as the Mosque. TIP If you find yourself under siege at the
Town Hall, try escaping through the upper floor
Likewise, its flag is also located on a second floor
window on the eastern side. Open your parachute
balcony, requiring troops to infiltrate the building on the way down to avoid taking fall damage.
before claiming this control point. Since the
western doorway is the only entrance, the corridor beyond is often a favorite camping spot for
defenders. There are two doorways leading out to the balcony, making for a somewhat paranoid
experience when converting the flag. Be prepared for counterattacks through either doorway or put
your mind at ease by booby-trapping the adjoining corridor with C4. Defending the Town Hall can be
accomplished with troops positioned inside the structure or on the rooftops to the north, where two
north-facing machine guns are mounted. Snipers positioned on these rooftops can cover the Town
Hall's flag, as well as pick off troops at the Edge of Town and Supply Depot.

Flag 6:
US Control MEC Control Unit Count Initial Control: Neutral
M6 Bradley Otokar Akrep 1
Capturing and holding the Anti-Air Base is a
Stinger Turret Stinger Turret 1
critical part of any US victory. Not only does
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
this control point have two valuable Stinger
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
turrets, but it also spawns the map's only
Repair Station Repair Station M6 Bradley. While the M6 Bradley is a
decent anti-infantry vehicle, its main purpose
is to shoot down the enemy attack helicopters. The US should capture this control point early
and use its anti-air assets to down the enemy Mi-24s before they can target the M1A2 tanks
moving into the town. Like the Supply Depot, the Anti-Air Base is surrounded by relatively open
terrain, offering little cover from snipers. This
is great for defenders, but bad for attackers TIP A large trench system runs along the
eastern side of the Anti-Air Base, beginning near
since the flag sits out in the open with little
the paved road to the southeast. Attackers can
available cover. For best results, attackers avoid crossing the open spaces surrounding the
should rush this flag in an armored vehicle. control point by using this partially covered trench.

Flag 7:
Initial Control: US
Although not quite as tempting a steal as the MEC Mi-24s, US Control Unit Count
the US M1A2s are the only tanks on the map, and they
spawn at the US Base. Tank theft probably isn't the
M1A2 2
highest priority of the MEC forces, but it's likely to happen
at some point in the battle and may have a serious impact Helipad 2
on the outcome. To prevent such thievery, at least one US Medical Crate 1
player should stay behind and keep watch over the vehicle Ammo Crate 1
spawn points. The US Base is equipped with two Stinger
turrets capable of destroying any MEC helicopters that attempt attacks on the vehicle
spawn points or the Anti-Air Base to the south. Placing mines on the main road to the south
can also deter ground-based vehicular rush attacks. As such, the engineer kit is ideal for
this defensive job.

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The map's command computer is located just northeast of
the Town Hall, on the first floor of the partially destroyed
building near the main road. Given the starting positions, the
US has the best opportunity to dominate this area of the
map. This is another reason the MEC should attempt to
capture and hold the Town Hall early in the game. Campers
are likely to take positions on the top floor just above the
computer, so proceed cautiously.

= Medical
= Ammo
CTF Overview:
US Flag
This CTF match is centered around and inside the
village, requiring both sides to cross the river to
reach their opponents' flags. The bridges at the
center of the map are likely to be mined and
booby-trapped, making vehicular river crossings a
serious hazard. Both teams are better off staying
on foot when attacking. The vehicles are best
suited for defense.
Available Vehicles:
Pickup Truck (1)
Car (1)
M6 Bradley (2)
MEC Flag BMP-2 (2)


The US flag is located on the MEC snipers have an easy time
outskirts of the village, north defending this flag, due to the open
of the Town Hall. Defenders surroundings. As in the conquest mode,
can halt vehicle attacks by the hills to the east are a popular sniping
tossing mines along the spot, offering a good view of the flag.
surrounding streets, as well Defenders can also take up positions on
as near the flag itself. The the second floor of the partially
second floor of the building to destroyed building to the west, near the
the west can be accessed via Edge of Town. The smoke from the
a stairway on the nearby burning car next to this structure
street. US defenders can take provides some concealment. The alley
up positions here to cover the just north of the flag, connected to the
flag through the hole in the footbridge by the Town Hall, is an
wall. The rooftop to the extremely high-traffic area. MEC special
southwest is also another ops can score some easy kills by booby-
good defensive position. trapping this path with C4.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
Red = MEC Control Only

= Medical
= Ammo
= Repair 6: US Base
= Stationary Scout Helicopter (1)
Transport Helicopter (2)
Boat (4)
Stinger Turret (2)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Helipad (3)

5: Mar 5
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

3: Mar 3
Attack Helicopter (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Helipad (1)

4: Mar 4
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

1: Olin 1
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

2: Olin 2
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

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The MEC have
lost a small air At the start of this battle, the US team must quickly make up
base off the for its control point deficit to halt the steady drain of its ticket
coast to a US count. This can be accomplished quickly by using the
surprise attack Blackhawks to drop troops over the two neutral control points
and have been on the eastern platform. Meanwhile, the Little Bird should
forced to harass the Mi-24, preventing it from attacking the Blackhawks
retreat to an during their critical troop drop. Once the US forces have a
off-shore oil rig. presence on the oil rig, they can even up the ticket count by
The US, fearing using all three helicopters to weaken MEC positions on the
the MEC
western platform, taking over one control point at a time until
their opponents have nowhere else to spawn.
launch a pre-emptive strike with S-26 attack boats
and UH-60L choppers. Although the MEC forces begin the battle with a
The MEC, however, have an ace up their sleeve, an significant advantage, they must work hard to sustain it. The
Mi-24 attack helicopter is ready to engage the US first priority is to maintain control of the western platform by
forces in the air. defending all three control points. Next, they must prolong
the capture of the two eastern control points for as long as
possible to maintain the drain on the US ticket count. The
Mi-24 can help by engaging incoming choppers and boats,
but ultimately it's up to the infantry to keep US troops off
the oil rig. The longer the MEC can hold the majority of the
control points, the more tickets the US team will lose. Given
the overwhelming firepower possessed by the US, this is the
best chance the MEC team has at attaining a victory.

Flag 1:
Initial Control: Neutral
This flag sits atop the roof of a building on the northeastern corner of platform Olin. As the
closest neutral control point to the US Base, it's likely to be converted early by the US team
dropping troops out of their Blackhawks.
Troops who aren't inserted by air can OLIN 1 ASSETS
access the rooftop using either the US Control MEC Control Unit Count
northern or eastern ramps. The pipes to Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
the south are also a potential access point Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
for those taking the high ground approach
from the Olin 2 control point to the
TIP The two light patrol boats beneath each
southwest. On the western side of this platform are not connected to any particular
building (at platform level) is an access ramp control point. These boats continually spawn at
leading to a series of ramps and catwalks their respective docks throughout the battle.
below. This is the quickest path to reach the
light patrol boat below the eastern platform. It's also a popular avenue of attack for those
attempting an amphibious assault on this control point.

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The Black Gold
Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
The upper-level platform on which this flag is positioned can be accessed from multiple
directions, making this general area difficult to defend. However, the flag itself is tucked
away amongst some crates and a shipping container on the southwest corner. Unless
dropped in by air, anyone attempting to convert this control point must pass along the
narrow walkway to the east of the flag. In
doing so, they must walk past an open OLIN 2 ASSETS
storage container—the ideal spot for an US Control MEC Control Unit Count
ambush. Always assume a camper is inside Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
the storage container, and consider tossing Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
a grenade inside before rushing to the flag.

Flag 3:
MAR 3 ASSETS Initial Control: MEC
US Control MEC Control Unit Count Mar 3 is the most important control point to
— Mi-24 1
the MEC forces, as it spawns their only
Medical Crate Medical Crate attack helicopter. Although the Mi-24 is
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate greatly outnumbered by the US choppers, it
can still have a great impact on the battle if
Helipad Helipad 1
manned by a competent pilot and gunner.
Early on it's most useful for shooting
TIP The helipad at down the incoming US helicopters. But its
Mar 3 is the highest
rockets and chin-mounted cannon are also
accessible point on the oil
rig—at least for those on great for blasting US invaders off the oil
foot. This makes it a rig. The Mi-24 spawns on a helipad on the
great, but somewhat eastern side of platform Mar. The control
predictable, sniper perch. point's flag is located on a lower platform
Always drop prone to
to the north. Since Mar 3 is next to the
minimize your silhouette.
bridge connecting the two platforms, MEC defenders should take steps
to guard both the helipad and the flag area, particularly if the US team takes control of the two eastern control points.

Flag 4:
Initial Control: MEC
This control point is located on the
southwest corner of platform Mar. The MAR 4 ASSETS
raised dais on which the flag sits can be US Control MEC Control Unit Count
accessed via a couple of ramps, both on the Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
western side. By simply covering these two Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
ramps, the MEC defenders can hold off
most US assaults—C4 charges placed at the top of each ramp work well. But the open
space around the flag and lack of tall obstacles make it possible for US chopper pilots to
drop teammates onto this control point from the air. Therefore, defenders should
occasionally glance upward to scan for helicopters and parachutes.

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Flag 5:
Initial Control: MEC
US Control MEC Control Of all the control points, Mar 5 is the only
Unit Count
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 one that sits on the base level of the
platform. With no ramps or catwalks to
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
traverse, it's a popular target of attacking
US troops. Fortunately, the flag
is somewhat protected—
TIP The oil rig is not equipped
with any defensive weapons. sandwiched between two storage
Therefore, the machine guns containers. Defenders are best
used by support troops and the off watching this flag from a
shoulder-mounted rocket distance, like from the two
launchers carried by engineers
catwalks ringing the structure to
are the best options for MEC
defenders when it comes to the north. From here, defenders
repelling the US choppers. can monitor the flag and engage
attackers attempting to convert
it—grenades work well. The open storage container on the south side of the flag is also a
good hiding spot, especially if you like to engage enemies at close range.

Flag 6:
Initial Control: US
As the staging area for the US assault on the oil rig, the US Control Unit Count
US Base produces several helicopters and boats. Although AH-6J 1
this base cannot be captured by the MEC forces, it still UH-60 2
should be defended from the inevitable strafing runs
Sea Ark Stinger 4
performed by the Mi-24. Fortunately, two Stinger turrets
flank the helipads, providing more than adequate air Stinger Turret 2
defense. Make sure at least one of these turrets is Medical Crate 1
manned whenever friendly troops are en route to the oil Ammo Crate 1
rig. The loss of a single helicopter or boat could result in Helipad 1
the deaths of up to five teammates. The agile AH-6J Little
Bird should also cover the assault, using its rockets and cannons to engage the Mi-24.

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The Black Gold
CTF Overview:
= Medical In this match, both sides face off on the oil rig,
= Ammo with the US on the western platform (Mar) and
the MEC on the eastern platform (Olin). Since the
rig is surrounded by water, there are only two
practical avenues of attack for both factions. The
most obvious is the bridge connecting the two
platforms. This is by far the quickest way to
access the opposing team's platform, but given the
heavy traffic, it's also the deadliest. The other
option is to use the boats beneath the platforms
to conduct amphibious assaults. Each platform has
two docks. When attacking by boat, make sure
you land at the dock closest to the enemy's flag to
limit your exposure once on the platform.
US Flag
Available Vehicles:
Light Patrol Boat (2)
MEC Flag Sea Ark Stinger (2)

TIP A ventilation duct runs

below the bridge connecting
the two platforms. To avoid the
carnage and mayhem on the
bridge above, use this lower
path for a stealthier advance.


Positioned on the southwest The MEC flag is located at the
corner of platform Mar (near western base of the building
Mar 4), the US flag is crowded by where the Olin 1 flag is positioned
a structure to the west and a in conquest mode. Given the open
storage container to the east. area around the flag, it can be
This makes the flag a little covered from multiple elevated
difficult for defenders to cover positions on the platform.
from a distance unless they can Defenders should pay particular
manage a good angle from the attention to the nearby access
north. Instead of babysitting the ramp leading up from the boat
flag, the US team is better off docks below. Attackers
running patrols and covering the attempting to bypass the bridge
major access points to the use this ramp frequently.
platform, including both access
ramps leading to the docks below.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
Red = MEC Control Only

= Medical
= Ammo
= Repair
= Stationary
3: Overpass 5: Chinese Base
Machine Gun (2) Light Jeep (2)
Medical Crate (1) Tank (2)
Ammo Crate (1) Transport Helicopter (1)
Command Computer Stinger Turret (1)
Medical Crate (1)
1: US Base Ammo Crate (1)
Heavy Jeep (3) Repair Station (1)
Tank (2)
Attack Helicopter (1)
Stinger Turret (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)
Helipad (1)

2: Western Dock 4: Eastern

Heavy Jeep (1) Container Area
Grenade Launcher (1) Light Jeep (1)
Medical Crate (1) Machine Gun (2)
Ammo Crate (1) Medical Crate (1)
Repair Station (1) Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)

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Bridge Too Far

Battle Overview
US and Chinese forces clash in a battle over a vitally The fight for this harbor facility is largely won on player
important industrial harbor on mainland China. The skill, given the symmetry of the map and nearly identical
area is dom- starting assets possessed by both teams. But even
inated by a large though there are only three control points up for grabs,
highway overpass there's still room for some strategy. Instead of spreading
control of which forces thin among all three control points, each team
is the key to must capture only two to initiate and maintain a ticket
control over the
drain on the opposing team. The Overpass is a black hole
entire area.
of death on this map, as the US and Chinese forces
Chinese forces converge on this point from both directions on the
have been highway. Most players head for this control point simply
because it's the easiest spot to reach from their base.
mobilizing T-98
As such, the Overpass is likely to change hands several
tanks and WZ-9
heavy transport choppers in the region. US forces times during each round. Both sides have a much easier
have landed supported from the air by AH-64D gun time holding on to the Western Dock and Eastern
ships and on the ground by M1A2 tanks. Container Area. The team that manages to capture and
hold these two control points for the duration of the
battle is the most likely to win.

Flag 1:
Initial Control: US
The US Base provides several different vehicles, allowing US Control Unit Count
players to quickly advance on the neutral control points
to the east during the opening moments of a round. The
M1A2 2
Apache and Humvees are particularly useful for facili-
tating quick flag captures. There are three main exits AH-64 1
out of the base. The highway to the north heads east Stinger Turret 1
and eventually leads to the Overpass control point. By Medical Crate 1
taking either the damaged bridge or railroad bridges to Ammo Crate 1
the south, US troops can gain quick access to the
Repair Station 1
Western Docks. However, only Humvees and FAVs can
Helipad 1
muster enough speed to jump the gap in the destroyed
bridge. In any case, drivers should
completely fill their vehicles with TIP The damaged
teammates before racing off to the bridges near the US
and Chinese bases can
east, as it's a long walk to the nearest
be jumped with either
control points. Like any base, the US Humvees or FAVs.
Base cannot be captured, but protecting the vehicles from theft High speed and proper
and sabotage should be a concern of any defenders staying behind. alignment are necessary
The Stinger turret can also come in handy if the base comes under to successfully jump
the river.
attack by the Chinese WZ-9.

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Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
As the nearest neutral control point next to
the US Base, the Western Dock is likely to
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
be captured by the US team early in the
HMMWV HMMWV 1 battle. The control point's flag is located in
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 1 an alley between two buildings, making the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 area pretty easy to defend. A garage in the
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 southern building spawns a Humvee and is
Repair Station Repair Station 1 also equipped with a repair station. Along
the eastern side of the northern building is
a small balcony with a mounted grenade
TIP A lone Stinger launcher. This can be used to engage
turret is hidden among the enemies to the east, but it can't rotate
shipping containers just
southeast of the Western
enough to cover the flag. Defending
Dock control point. Use engineers may want to place mines at
it to help defend the the eastern and western ends of the
Western Dock and alley to help prevent vehicle rush
Eastern Container Area attacks. The garage's southern entrance is also a potential breach
from helicopter attack.
point, but it can be effectively locked down with mines or C4.

Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral OVERPASS ASSETS
The Overpass doesn't spawn any vehicles, US Control
Chinese Control Unit Count
but geographically it's the most valuable Machine Gun Machine Gun 2
control point on the map, providing the Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
captor with a spawn point in the center of
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
the battlefield. Another attractive feature is
its inaccessibility. Sure, a long highway runs to the east and west, but both directions are
covered by machine guns capable of destroying approaching Humvees and FAVs long before
they're near the flag. However, tanks
and helicopters do pose a serious threat TIP The Overpass
to this control point and its defenders. can use some heavy
firepower. Consider
Engineers should place mines along the parking a tank behind
freeway and be prepared to take shots the crates and
at enemy helicopters with their rocket sandbags. Using these
launchers. The nearby command objects for cover greatly
computer (to the north) is another perk increases the lifespan of
a defending tank.
of this control point.

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Bridge Too Far
Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
US Control Chinese Control The Eastern Container Area is well within the
Unit Count
FAV FAV 1 Chinese sphere of influence, due to its close
proximity to their base. This control point has
Machine Gun Machine Gun 2
similar assets and characteristics to the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 Western Docks on the opposite side of the
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 map, including a garage with a repair station.
Repair Station Repair Station 1 With buildings to the north and east,
attackers must usually approach from
the west, where they risk confronting the
TIP Although the
skyscraper rooftops are control point's western-facing machine
inaccessible on foot, guns. One of these machine guns is near
helicopters can drop the flag behind some sandbags, and the
snipers onto them for some other is on a rooftop to the east. The
incredible views. The high
garage opening in the northern building is the safest way for attackers
elevation allows snipers to
spot and engage targets at to flank the machine gun positions. A stairway in the northwestern
all of the control points. garage leads to a rooftop and a series of elevated catwalks running
east across the river. If the US troops capture this control point, they
can use these catwalk positions to engage enemies approaching from the Chinese Base to the northeast. The same catwalk
system can serve as a backdoor approach for Chinese infantry attacking the Eastern Container Area from their base.

Flag 5:
Initial Control: China
An industrial park in the northeast corner of the map CHINESE BASE ASSETS
serves as the Chinese Base. In terms of assets, this base Chinese Control Unit Count
is nearly identical to its counterpart to the west. However, FAV 2
there are some subtle differences. For one, there is no Type 98 2
railroad bridge to the south. Still, Chinese troops can
WZ-9 1
cross the river to the west at three points. Infantry can
cross using the upper level catwalk to the south, which Stinger Turret 1
connects to the buildings near the Eastern Container Area. Medical Crate 1
Just below the catwalk is another damaged bridge that Ammo Crate 1
can only be jumped by FAVs or Humvees. But most traffic Repair Station 1
from the base is likely to cross the river using the highway, Helipad 1
as it's the most convenient path to the west.

Those looking to rain artillery on their foes can find the
command computer just north of the Overpass. The computer is
resting along the north side of an overturned big rig. The
charred truck and flatbed trailer provide some much-needed
cover when accessing the computer. Given the lack of overhead
cover on this map, artillery strikes are absolutely devastating.
However, be careful when targeting the nearby Overpass. Stay
behind the truck until all of the incoming shells have detonated.

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CTF Overview:
= Medical The action in this match is restricted almost
= Ammo entirely to the docks, with the US flag to the west
= Repair and the Chinese flag to the east. By using the
Humvees and FAVs, both sides can quickly move
from one side of the map to the other. But in most
cases, flag capture is best performed on foot,
using the maze of shipping containers along the
south end of the docks for cover.
Available Vehicles:
FAV (2)

TIP The Humvees and FAVs aren't heavily armored and

should avoid the heavy fighting of the mid ground between
the two flags. By racing along the narrow strip of land along
US Flag Chinese Flag the south side of the docks, or the overpass to the north,
the vehicles can avoid most small arms fire. However, this
may only work for a few flag captures before the opposing
team gets wise and places mines along these paths.


Partially protected by railroad There's more open space around
cars and shipping containers, the the Chinese flag, making it easier
US flag sits below the large for vehicles to maneuver. Still,
cargo crane to the west. Due to mines placed along the railroad
the obstacles to the south, most tracks to the north should keep
vehicle rush attacks are likely to enemy vehicles out. The Chinese
come from the north. Therefore, team should also make use of
defending engineers should the FAVs for defense, utilizing
always keep a fresh set of mines their rapid-firing grenade
along the northern and western launcher to blast any opponents
sides of the flag. who get near the flag.

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Black = Convertible 4: Ruins
Blue = US Control Only Light Jeep (1)
Red = MEC Control Only Anti-Air Vehicle (1)
Tank (1)
= Medical Machine Gun (2)
= Ammo Stinger Turret (1) 5: EU Base
= Repair 3: Vault 13 Medical Crate (4) Heavy Jeep (1)
= Stationary APC (1) Ammo Crate (3) Tank (2)
Anti-Air Vehicle (1) Repair Station (1) Ammo Crate (3)
Machine Gun (6) Repair Station (1)
Medical Crate (4)
Ammo Crate (4)

Command Computer

2: Bunker Nest
APC (1)
Anti-Air Vehicle (1)
Machine Gun (5)
Grenade Launcher (2)
Stinger Turret (1)
Medical Crate (5)
1: Chinese Base Ammo Crate (5)
Tank (2)
Attack Helicopter (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)

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Chinese forces are poised to attack the well protected EU Only a smart and well-organized Chinese team has a
base established chance of pulling off a victory in this lopsided affair. The
during operation Chinese troops begin the battle with a ticket drain. To halt
"ColdFront." this bleed on their ticket count, they must quickly capture
EU forces are
two control points. Although the Bunker Nest is the
reinforcing their
closest, it's also the hardest to take. They're better off
position to hold
the pass and going for Vault 13 and the Ruins. The Type 98s can use
prevent Chinese the frozen river to advance on the Ruins while the WZ-9
invasion forces conducts an aerial assault on Vault 13. If these assaults
from gaining a go well, the Chinese have a much easier time assaulting
foothold. the Bunker Nest from their new spawn points to the north.
The Chinese, Overconfidence is often the undoing of the EU team.
whilst outgunned by the EU on the ground, have aerial Although it has the early advantage, at least two of its
support in the form of WZ-9 helicopters. The Europeans starting control points must be held to maintain the
will need to use their tactical high ground to maintain
edge—don't attack the Chinese Base, it won't do any good.
control over the area or risk being pushed back.
The EU team should keep the M6 Bradleys back where
they spawn to help defend the control points against WZ-9
attacks. But the Leopard tanks spawned at the EU Base
should be pushed to the front lines to help knock out the
advancing Type 98s. No matter what the situation, the EU
team should always try to hold on to Vault 13 to maintain
access to the command computer. Artillery strikes called
in on the Chinese Base are absolutely devastating and
potentially demoralizing.

Flag 1:
Initial Control: China
Given the monumental task ahead of the Chinese team, the CHINESE BASE ASSETS
Chinese Base doesn't provide that many assets. But if used Chinese Control Unit Count
effectively, the two Type 98s and the WZ-9 are enough to Type 98 2
launch a proper attack. There are two main paths out of WZ-9 1
the base, both leading north. The road winds through the Ammo Crate 1
forests to the north and can be used by the tanks (and
Repair Station 1
infantry) to directly attack the Bunker Nest and Vault 13. A
sneakier path is the frozen riverbed running
along the eastern side of the base. By TIP The straight
following this sunken pathway, Chinese and even terrain
make the frozen
troops can sneak up on the Ruins far to the
river an ideal
north. Back at the base, the Chinese team highway for moving
should consider leaving some defensive units tanks north and
behind. Although the base can't be captured, south. Don't worry;
protecting these vehicles from theft and the ice won't crack.
sabotage should always be a concern.

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Cold Front
Flag 2:
Initial Control: EU
BUNKER NEST ASSETS Set on a hilltop at the center of the map,
EU Control Chinese Control the Bunker Nest serves as a frontline
Unit Count
M6 Bradley BMD-3 1 position at the start of the battle and is
most likely to take the brunt of the
Machine Gun Machine Gun 5
Chinese attack. But the EU units starting
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 2 here have plenty of defensive options. The
Stinger Turret Stinger Turret 1 flag is located at the center of the facility,
Medical Crate Medical Crate 5 next to a large concrete structure. There
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 5 are a total of four perimeter bunkers
surrounding the control point's flag. The
two bunkers to the south are each equipped with a machine gun and a grenade launcher.
These bunkers and their weapons are useful for covering the southern road leading out of
the Chinese Base. However, they're likely to come under heavy fire by tank shells and
helicopter rockets, not to mention snipers. The western bunker is armed with two
machine guns covering the road leading to Vault 13. Another bunker is positioned to the
northeast. It's not particularly useful, but its machine gun has a good view of the northern
road leading into the facility. The WZ-9 is always a serious threat, but this control point is well-equipped to deal with
air attacks, thanks to the Stinger turret (near the southern bunkers) and the M6 Bradley that spawns here for the
EU. Despite its heavy fortifications, the control point has a weak spot on its eastern side. While the terrain and trees
prevent vehicles from advancing along this slope, infantry can quickly ascend the hill and assault the flag area.

Flag 3:
Initial Control: EU
Vault 13 houses the map's command
computer, often making this the site of VAULT 13 ASSETS
some heated firefights. Sitting on a slight EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
hill at the base of a mountain, there is one M6 Bradley BMD-3 1
main access road to the control point, Machine Gun Machine Gun 6
running north and south, right past the flag. Medical Crate Medical Crate 4
Three bunkers (each equipped with two Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 4
machine guns) overlooking areas to the
north, east, and south are decent
lookout positions, but they can be
TIP Along the road
just south of Vault 13 is
quickly flanked by fast-moving units. The a repair station, as well
ease of vehicle access to this control as ammo and medical
point makes it a strong candidate for crates. Tanks positioned
rush attacks, particularly from the air. near the repair station
can effectively shut
When on defense, the EU should always
down this road to all
keep the M6 Bradley nearby to protect the control point from the enemy traffic.
WZ-9. Placing mines along the road is also a good idea. The
command computer is located inside the mountain facility, behind the large, steel door. It can be accessed by ascending a
set of stairs and entering the room overlooking the control point. The confined access point to the computer provides
defenders with multiple ambush opportunities. When calling in artillery strikes, try to focus high concentrations of
enemies on areas with little overhead cover, like the Ruins or the two bases.

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Flag 4:
Initial Control: EU
EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count Be prepared for some intense urban combat
M6 Bradley FAV 1 in this bombed-out town. All of the buildings
Leopard 2 A5 — 1 lining the main road can be accessed by
infantry. Using the buildings for cover,
Machine Gun Machine Gun 2
infantry can quickly advance through the
Stinger Turret Stinger Turret 1 town and assault the flag position on the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 4 eastern edge of town. To prevent such close-
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 3 quarter attacks, the EU defenders should
Repair Station Repair Station 1 take up positions on the perimeter of the
town to keep enemy troops out. Vehicle
traffic can be restricted by placing
TIP The large bridge to mines along the road, as well as on
the east of the Ruins is a
popular sniper perch, but it the frozen river to the south. Air
can only be accessed by attacks are another threat but can be
troops dropped from a confronted with either the M6 Bradley
helicopter. From this height, or the Stinger turret on a rooftop to the west. The flag itself can be
snipers can pick off enemies
covered by infantry positioned in the surrounding buildings. Across
at the EU Base, the Ruins,
and even Vault 13. the street from the flag is a building with a machine gun mounted
on the second floor—ideal for blasting invaders.

Flag 5:
Initial Control: EU EU BASE ASSETS
Tucked away in the northeast corner of the map, the EU EU Control Unit Count
Base is easily forgotten. After all, it's far from the initial Eagle MTV 1
action, and it can't be captured by the Chinese. However, Leopard 2 A5 2
the battle can be made much easier for the EU if they Ammo Crate 1
put the base's assets to use elsewhere on the map. The Repair Station 1
two Leopard tanks are useful for defending the Ruins and
Vault 13, as well as the roads near the Bunker Nest. It's
important that a few team members remember to
spawn back at the base and move the newly
spawned vehicles up to the front lines. If
the EU team neglects its base, it leaves
the base open for the Chinese team to
steal the tanks and attack the
Ruins from the east.

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Cold Front
= Medical
= Ammo
CTF Overview:
EU Flag This CTF battle is restricted solely to the Ruins,
with the EU holding the eastern side of the town
and the Chinese defending the west. Although each
side has access to a BMD-3, these APCs won't
last long in this heated battle. So keep them back
for defense. Infantry is most effective. Instead of
charging down the street, dash from building to
building for cover—the engineer's shotgun is well
suited for the close combat you're likely to
encounter. Both flags are located on second floors
of buildings, so always be prepared for ambushes.
Grenades should be deployed before moving in for
the flag capture.
Available Vehicles:
Chinese Flag
BMD-3 (2)


The EU flag is located on the Located on the opposite side of
second floor of the building on town, the Chinese flag is also
the northeast edge of town. positioned on the second floor of
There are two main approaches a building. However, this flag
to the flag, the most obvious can only be reached via the
being the staircase to the east. staircase on the north side.
But Chinese troops can also Special ops defenders can have
assault the flag from the tall fun setting C4 booby traps at
staircase to the southeast. With the top of the stairs. Campers
two potential access points, can also cover the stairs from
defenders need to watch both the northwestern corner and
staircases. shoot attackers in the back as
they rush toward the flag.

TIP The tall, winding staircase TIP Score a few quick kills by
to the south of the EU flag is a ducking in the frozen river and
great defensive camping spot. picking off some of the cross
From this position, you can keep traffic with automatic fire. The
an eye on the flag and anyone who support soldier's light machine gun
approaches it. Either fire down on is perfect for covering this narrow
them or detonate C4 at the right field of fire. Just don't make a
moment. habit of camping here. Get your
kills and move on before your
victims spawn back in and attempt to retaliate.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
Red = Chinese Control Only

= Medical
= Ammo
= Repair
= Stationary
2: Parking Lot
Light Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1)
APC (1) 3: Collapsed Tunnel
Medical Crate (1) Pickup Truck (1)
Ammo Crate (1) Light Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)

4: Dead End
Light Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1)
APC (1)
Boat (1)
Machine Gun (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (2)

5: Office Buildings
Light Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1)
APC (1)
1: The Temple Boat (1)
Light Jeep (2) Machine Gun (1)
Heavy Jeep (2) Grenade Launcher (1)
APC (1) Medical Crate (1)
Machine Gun (1) Command Computer Ammo Crate (2)
Grenade Launcher (1) Boat (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (2)

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The Three Gorges Dam has been badly damaged in a All of the control points are up for grabs in this double
US bombing raid and has left the city flooded. The assault battle as the Chinese and US teams fight for total
Chinese army control of the flooded city. The US forces must maintain
have set up base control of the Office Buildings while quickly moving out to
in a temple close
capture the Dead End and Collapsed Tunnel with their LAV-
to the one
300 and Stinger patrol boat. Capturing and holding these
remaining bridge
in an attempt to (or any) three control points causes the Chinese team to
prevent US hemorrhage tickets. Once three control points are held,
forces from small-scale assaults on the Temple and Parking Lot can
gaining control commence.
over a vital
The Chinese should also focus on quickly grabbing two
supply route.
neutral control points before grinding against US-held
Both sides will positions. Thanks to its incredible speed, the FAV can reach
try to take control of the flooded city. The Chinese are the Collapsed Tunnel before any US vehicle. Meanwhile, the
expected to deploy tanks whilst the US are trying to
BMD-3 and infantry should be sent north to grab the
gain the upper hand with the use of the amphibious
Parking Lot. In the opening moments of the battle, it's also
LV-300 medium attack vehicle.
a good idea to launch some small infantry attacks against
the Office Buildings, as there's a good chance the US
troops have completely vacated their starting control point.

Flag 1:
Initial Control: China
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count The Temple serves as the Chinese staging
HMMWV FAV 2 area for this assault, but it is not a base. It
— BMD-3 1 can be captured, just like all of the other
control points on the map. The Chinese
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
forces should hold onto it too, as it produces
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 1 one of their valuable BMD-3s. Fortunately,
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 the control point is pretty easy for defenders
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2 to lock down. The Temple (and flag) sit on a
large, elevated stone base with only
two access points leading up to the
TIP East of the Temple,
there are several small temple grounds—the ramp to the
houses lining the riverbank. north and the stairs to the east.
Snipers can hide among these These narrow paths can only be
flooded houses and engage accessed by infantry. Defenders
enemy troops attempting to
should cover both of these points with
use the command computer
on the wrecked cargo vessel automatic fire and C4 booby traps. The machine gun and grenade
to the north. launcher near the gazebo are also useful for covering the northern
and eastern approaches, particularly the nearby bridge.

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Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
This parking structure located in the
northwest corner of the city greatly benefits
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
the Chinese troops, providing them with their
HMMWV FAV 1 second BMD-3. The flag is positioned on the
— BMD-3 1 northeast corner of the upper deck and can
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 be reached via the vehicle ramp to the north
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 or the set of stairs to the south. Most
attackers rush the flag by driving up the
ramp. As such, defending engineers
TIP Although many of should mine this access point. The
the city streets are
flooded, the water (in Chinese can load the top of the ramp with
most places) is shallow mines, as their FAV and BMD-3 spawn
enough to drive through. below—the US Humvee spawns on the
Just be ready to jump upper deck. The control point's medical
out if your vehicle begins
and ammo crates are located on the
to sink. The Stinger
boats can also operate in lower level of the parking structure.
the shallow water of the city streets. Defenders can also hide in the dark lower
level and ambush attackers using the southern staircase—C4 works well.

Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral
In terms of vehicles produced, the Collapsed
Tunnel is one of the most stingy control
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
points on the map. But the real value of this
control point is its location, providing its
Pickup Truck Pickup Truck 1
captor with a spawn point in the middle of HMMWV FAV 1
the city. This allows teams to branch out Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
and stage attacks on the nearby Parking Lot Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
and Dead End control points. It's also the Repair Station Repair Station 1
closest spawn point to the command
computer, located on the wrecked cargo vessel
to the south. But given the multiple avenues of TIP The
Collapsed Tunnel
attack and lack of stationary weapons, defending
is also home to
this area can be a little tricky. The flag is the map's only
positioned near some sandbags on the eastern repair station.
side of the tunnel entrance. Defenders can either It's located to
hide in the tunnel itself or take up cover positions the east, near
the double-
along the periphery. It's also possible to park a
decker bus.
vehicle inside the tunnel—this is a good way to surprise attackers.

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Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
The flooded Dead End control point can US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
be accessed by both ground vehicles and HMMWV FAV 1
boats. This eastern control point should LAV-3000 — 1
be captured early by the US team to gain Sea Ark Stinger Sea Ark Stinger 1
access to another LAV-300. The Stinger
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
boat docked in the adjacent street to the
south spawns here at all times, even Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
when the control point is neutral. Just Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2
don't drive vehicles down this
southern street—the water gets TIP Mines placed in the
very deep. The control point's flag shallow water are virtually
is located in the middle of the invisible to your opponents—
your teammates can still
flooded courtyard and can only be see the red hazard icons
accessed from the west. Defenders above each mine. This is a
can use the sandbags near the flag good way to shut down
for cover or take up positions on street traffic to all vehicles,
the upper floor of the building to the north. Climb the metal including boats.
ramp on the western side of the building to reach this
room. The machine gun inside is great for covering the CAUTION You can drop prone in the shallow water, but you
western street. eventually take drowning damage. Stand up before you run out of air.

Flag 5:
Initial Control: US
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
This is where the US forces begin the
HMMWV FAV 1 battle, and like the Chinese at the Temple,
LAV-3000 — 1 they should take steps to secure it. The flag
Sea Ark Stinger — 1 is tucked inside a cramped alley in between
the two main buildings and can be infiltrated
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
by infantry from the north, east, and west.
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 1 A couple of sandbag-lined balconies on the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 western side of the northern building are
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2 ideal defensive positions for covering
attacks originating from the Temple.
TIP The US team's LAV- The grenade launcher on the highest
300 is the most versatile balcony is useful for blasting enemy
vehicle on the map. troops and vehicles attempting to
Remember, it can cross the
cross either bridge to the west. On
river without sinking to the
bottom. Use its auto-cannon the northern side of the building is
and top-mounted machine gun another sandbagged balcony
to control all traffic on the equipped with a north-facing machine gun. This can be used to
river. Although the Stinger engage boat traffic on the river, as well as defend the northern
boats are faster and much more maneuverable, they lack
alleyway. In the alley itself, defenders can use the sandbags near
the armor and 360 degree firepower of the LAV-300.
the flag to hide behind and ambush attackers at close range.

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As it's located on the deck of the wrecked cargo ship in the center of the
river, there's no easy way to reach the command computer. Although it's
possible to swim to
the ship, Stinger TIP The ramps
boats and the LAV- south of the
300s are the Collapsed Tunnel can
quickest way. Dock be used to jump
along the port vehicles onto (or
(southern) side of the near) the cargo
ship to access the vessel, in an attempt
ship's deck. This side of the ship is even with the water line and the only way to climb to quickly reach the
aboard. The computer is usually watched by enemy snipers, so consider deploying command computer.
smoke onto the ship's deck before calling in an artillery strike. A Stinger boat always Impress your friends by jumping out of your vehicle
spawns near the cargo ship, facilitating a quick escape. in midair and parachuting onto the ship.

CTF Overview:
= Medical The southern riverbank is the battle zone of this
= Ammo CTF match. Although boats are available for quick
transportation, each flag must ultimately be
assaulted by infantry. Still, both teams should use
the boats as much as possible to avoid getting
bogged down in the no-man's-land between the
Temple and Office Buildings. The wooden footbridge
and damaged vehicle bridge are key chokepoints
and should be covered by both teams.
Available Vehicles:
Sea Ark Stinger (2)
Chinese Flag US Flag Light Patrol Boat (2)


The US flag is Defending the
located on the Chinese flag is
eastern side of just like
the Office defending the
Buildings. Temple in
Attackers are conquest mode.
mostly likely to By covering the
approach from the north or the alley to the west. ramp to the north and the stairs to the east, Chinese
Defenders should take up positions on the hill to the east defenders can prevent the US team from even reaching the
of the flag, as well as on the western side of the Office Temple grounds. Support troops can cover each access
Buildings. Those two sandbagged balconies are still perfect point with their machine guns while special ops troops
defensive spots for covering the two bridges to the west. booby-trap the narrow passages with C4.

TIP A good sniper positioned on TIP A forward defensive line at

the cargo ship's superstructure can the two bridges can stop enemy
score a number of kills by engaging advances long before they reach your
enemy troops rushing along the team's flag. Use the surrounding
river's southern bank. It's also rocks, trees, and houses for cover
possible to lock onto passing boats while focusing automatic and sniper
from this position by using the laser fire down these narrow chokepoints.
target designator.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
Red = MEC Control Only 2: Northern Bunker
= Medical Light Jeep (1)
= Ammo Heavy Jeep (1)
Machine Gun (2)
= Repair
Grenade Launcher (2)
= Stationary Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

1: MEC Base
3: The Square Heavy Jeep (1)
Antiaircraft Vehicle (1)
5: Ruins Machine Gun (1)
Tank (2)
Medical Crate (1) Medical Crate (2)
Ammo Crate (2) Attack Helicopter (1)
Ammo Crate (1) Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

7: US Base
Light Jeep (1)
Antiaircraft Vehicle (1) 4: Oasis
Tank (2) Medical Crate (1)
Attack Helicopter (1) Ammo Crate (1)
Medical Crate (1)
6: Market Place
Ammo Crate (1) Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

Command Computer

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thanks to the four-player capacity of their Mi-24. At least

three control points must be captured to secure a steady
The armies of the MEC and US collide head to head in drain on the opponent's ticket count. Instead of trying to
the middle of this capture all of the control points, the MEC team should
tight mountain
focus on the Northern Bunker, the Square, and Oasis. Once
pass. Ground
the Mi-24 has dropped troops at each of the control points,
troops are
moving for cover it should harass US troops on the western road leading into
in a bombed out the town. Meanwhile, ground units from the base should
town whilst the move into the town to help reinforce the newly captured
tanks of both positions.
forces prepare to The US team faces the same situation. The Apache and
DPV are the two fastest units available to the US and
The upper hand should be used to rush the Northern Bunker, the Ruins, and
could go to Market Place. As the battle progresses, the Ruins and
whoever manages to occupy the bunker overlooking the Market Place are likely to come under the heaviest attack.
town, as it contains an artillery strike system.
Hold onto these control points while flanking the Square and
Oasis with units spawned from the US Base and Northern
Battle Overview Bunker. For both teams, defending the control points in the
town is a full-time job. Failing to even lightly defend these
As the battle begins, both teams need to race for the positions is like handing them over to the enemy as a gift.
center of the map and capture as many neutral control With all of the great hiding spots on this map, even one
points as possible. The MEC team has a slight advantage, player left behind on defense can make a difference.

Flag 1:
MEC BASE ASSETS Initial Control: MEC
MEC Control Unit Count Located on the eastern edge of the map, the MEC Base's
Otokar Akrep 1 vehicles are a must for quickly moving troops to the
ZSU-23-4 1 control points. At the start of a battle, MEC team
members should load up all the vehicle positions before
2S25 2
moving out. It's particularly important to completely fill the
Mi-24 1
Hind so friendly troops can be dropped over control points.
Medical Crate 1 Team members stuck on foot have a long hike ahead of
Ammo Crate 1 them before they see any action. Those left behind may
face attacks by the US Apache. For
this reason, defenders should keep
Remember, despite its the ZSU-23-4 nearby to help defend
appearance, the MEC 2S25 the base, as well as cover the road to
isn't a true main battle the west. The Shilka isn't equipped
tank. Its armor is much with missiles, but its quad-23mm
weaker than the M1A2's.
auto-cannons are very effective
So when driving the 2S25,
don't expect to win a toe- against choppers. While the MEC Base can't be captured, it's still
to-toe fight with a US tank. important to protect the vehicle spawns at least until friendly
troops gain a spawn point near the town.

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Deadly Pass

Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
The Northern Bunker overlooks the town
from a hill on the north side of the map.
US Control MEC Control Unit Count
This isolated control point is a bunker
DPV Otokar Akrep 1 facility. Its flag is located along the east-
Machine Gun Machine Gun 2 west road running between the two main
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 2 structures. Defenders can deter vehicle
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 rush attacks by simply mining the road at
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 either end. The bunker structure south of
the flag is accessible through two entrances
adjacent to the road. There are two
TIP A repair station, adjoining bunkers inside, each equipped
medical crate, and ammo with a machine gun and grenade
crate are clustered
together along the outer
launcher pointing south. These
perimeter of the town, stationary weapons are useful for
just north of the Square. engaging targets near the town, but
If you're in a vehicle, they have little defensive value, since
memorize this location most attackers avoid frontal assaults
and make frequent visits
to patch up your ride.
and attack from the east and west, outside the weapons' firing arcs.
Still, the view from the hill and the protection offered by the bunkers
makes this an ideal sniping position for covering the northern side of the town.

Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral
Both sides should rush for the Square
early in the game. The team that takes
US Control MEC Control Unit Count
this control point early has a good chance
of holding onto it—but only if it's well Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
defended. Due to the elevated positions Medical Crate Medical Crate 2
surrounding the flag, assaulting the Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2
Square is a dangerous task for
attackers. Defenders can cover
the flag (on the eastern end)
TIP When moving through
the town, think in three
from the balconies of the dimensions. Take to the rooftops
mosque (to the south) or the whenever possible. Many of the
other domed structure to the roofs on the northern side of
north. The northern building is town are connected with
wooden planks. A few rooftops
equipped with a machine gun
that aren't connected can be
mounted on the balcony, offering easily jumped to.
an unobstructed view of the flag.
If the Square is heavily defended, attackers should consider hunting down the defenders
positioned around the perimeter before moving in to convert the flag. Attack helicopters can help too by pounding
defenders from the air. Assault and sniper troops can help by obscuring the area around the flag with smoke
grenades during the conversion process.

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Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
Although the Oasis is relatively light on
OASIS ASSETS assets, it's a key control point for MEC
US Control MEC Control Unit Count forces, giving them a spawn point on the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 eastern outskirts of the town. But this
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 comes at a price. The open area and lack of
cover surrounding the Oasis make it an
ideal kill zone for enemy snipers positioned on the hill to the south or elsewhere in the
desert. When spawning here, always stay on the move and watch for incoming tracer
rounds. There's no safe place to defend this control point—at least not near the flag.
Instead, defenders should take a cue from the snipers and move outward, covering the flag
from a distance. As usual, vehicle rushes can be prevented by scattering a few mines
around the flag.

Flag 5:
Initial Control: Neutral
A cluster of crumbling buildings and
foundations make up the Ruins in the RUINS ASSETS
northwest corner of the town. The flag is US Control MEC Control Unit Count
surrounded by a low wall, once part of a Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
building. This and the nearby buildings make Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
it difficult for vehicles to access. But moving
in on foot isn't much easier,
especially if enemy units are in CAUTION Watch out for
the barbwire barricades
the area. The buildings to the
spanning some of the town's
north and west of the flagpole entry points. These barricades
offer decent enough cover and can be jumped. Just don't run
concealment for defenders. through them, or else you might
However, the windows on the suffer an embarrassing death.
upper floors are a bit too high to
provide a decent view of the flag.

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Deadly Pass
Flag 6:
Initial Control: Neutral
MARKET PLACE ASSETS The Market Place is located in the
US Control MEC Control Unit Count southwest corner of the town. Although its
open, central space is similar to the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
Square, there are some notable differences.
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 For one, the Market Place is easily
accessible by ground vehicles entering from
TIP the street to the north or the archway to the
Boarded-up south. This makes it possible to rush the flag with
passages like vehicles, unless these narrow access points are
this can be
mined by defenders. The flag sits on the western
destroyed with
a few quick side of the courtyard with no available cover at
shots from ground level. But the flag can also be converted
your weapon. from the short balcony to the west, accessible
through the doorway near the medical and ammo
crates to the north. The balcony doesn't offer much more cover, but it's better than
standing out in the open.
Flag 7:
Initial Control: US US BASE ASSETS
US Control Unit Count
Like their opponents, the US troops must make the most of
their base's vehicles early in the game to quickly transport DPV 1
as many teammates as possible to the center of the map. M6 Bradley 1
Likewise, it's important to protect these vehicle spawns M1A2 2
from attack. Air attacks are most likely, so the M6 Bradley AH-64 1
should hang back near the US Base to intercept the Mi-24 Medical Crate 1
with its Stingers. Since this is a head-on match, the US
Ammo Crate 1
Base can't be captured. But that doesn't mean it should be
completely abandoned, as the base
produces the majority of the US team's TIP The DPV is the
vehicles—the control points in the town fastest ground vehicle
on the map. Utilize its
produce nothing at all. Once a presence is speed early in the
established in the town, some team game to capture
members must continue spawning at the distant control points
US Base to drive vehicles into battle. If outside of the town like
used wisely, the Apache and M1A2s can the Northern Bunker
and Oasis.
have a big impact on the final outcome.

The command computer is located on the hill to the south of the
town, near a pair of bunkers. These bunkers are much smaller
than the ones on the northern hill, but they're both equipped
with machine guns aiming north—the eastern bunker has a
grenade launcher too. There are also medical and ammo crates
nearby. The defensive and supply features make it quite feasible
for a couple of players to camp this facility for quick access to
artillery strikes. But camping the command computer is only
advisable if your team is already winning.

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CTF Overview:
= Medical This CTF map offers a fine balance of infantry and
= Ammo
vehicular combat. Players on foot are better off
= Stationary
fighting their way through the town, making use of
MEC Flag the buildings for cover. Meanwhile, the perimeter of
the town often resembles a race track as players in
vehicles attempt rush attacks on their opponents'
flag. Not only is circling around the town quicker,
but it's usually much safer. Both teams have access
to tanks, but these should be kept on defense. Tank
drivers can rack up some easy points by killing light
enemy vehicles with just one shot from the cannon.
Available Vehicles:
Car (1)
Pickup Truck (1)
US Flag Otokar Akrep (2)
M1A2 (1)
2S25 (1)


The US flag is located in a Located on the northeastern side
compact alley on the south- of the town, the MEC flag is
western side of town, not far much more open to vehicular
from the Market Place. It's assault. US players can overrun
partially surrounded by a low wall, the flag at high speeds from the
making it impossible for vehicles road to the north and exit down
to access it—MEC players have the alley to the south. As a
to grab this one on foot. Although result, an MEC engineer should
vehicles can't overrun the flag, always baby-sit the flag and keep
US defenders should still consider a fresh set of mines around it.
mining the northern and southern Defenders should also consider
ends of the alley. The machine keeping an Akrep or the 2S25
gun on the nearby Humvee is also nearby to cover the flag.
a good deterrent.

TIP Avoid driving the tanks

through the town. They're likely to
be pelted by grenades and rockets
from all directions. Instead, keep
them on the town's outer
perimeter, where they have more
room to maneuver.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
Red = Chinese Control Only

= Medical 5: Train Yard

= Ammo Light Jeep (2)
= Repair Heavy Jeep (2)
= Stationary Tank (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

4: Busted Bus
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)

2: Harbor Office
Machine Gun (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

3: Container Storage
APC (1)
Medical Crate (2) 1: Docks
Ammo Crate (2) Light Jeep (2)
Heavy Jeep (2)
Tank (1)
Machine Gun (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

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US forces have landed an armored expeditionary force In this double assault map, every control point can be
in a harbor in a major Chinese city in an attempt to captured, so each team must put a strong emphasis on
break supply lines by capturing the train station located defense, particularly when it comes to the Docks and Train
there. The night Yard. Geographically, the Chinese team has a slight
time attack
advantage at the start of the battle. Using their FAVs,
Chinese troops can rush the neutral Container Storage
"HarborEdge" control point in an attempt to gain complete control of the
caught the western side of the map. At that point, they can simply go
Chinese army off on defense and pound the US forces as they try to cross
guard and now the bridges.
the US controls
With only two control points to the east, the US team
one side of the
must quickly gain a foothold on the western side of the
river to prevent the inevitable ticket drain. While the
Victory will go to Container Storage control point is attractive, capturing the
whoever can control the all important middle ground
Train Yard early should always be a major consideration. If
between the US landing area at the docks and the
the Train Yard is captured by the US, the Chinese lose their
Chinese base of operations at the train station.
only tank and FAVs. The US can then use the extra
firepower to squeeze the Chinese at the Busted Bus and
Container Storage control points.

Flag 1:
Initial Control: US
US Control Chinese Control As this is the primary source of its
Unit Count
vehicles, it is imperative that the US team
holds on to this control point at all costs.
M1A2 Type 98 1 Fortunately, the courtyard-like area where
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1 the flag sits is relatively easy for defenders
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 to shut down. The garage entrances to the
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 north and west are narrow, making them
easy to booby-trap with C4 or cover with
automatic fire. Vehicle attacks through the large opening in the
west can be prevented with a few mines—just leave some
space for your own vehicles to get out. A
rooftop machine gun offers more defense, and
is capable of peppering enemies
approaching from the north. Use the
stairway in the western garage to
access the roof.


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Harbor Edge

Flag 2:
Initial Control: US
This large building overlooks the two bridges
to the west, making it a critical control
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
point as the US team attempts to maintain
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1 control of the eastern half of the map.
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 Defenders on the top floor of the building
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 can completely cover both bridges. The
mounted machine gun in the western
window is ideal for halting infantry advances. The narrow stairway on the northern side of
the structure is the only path to the flag, making this control point relatively easy to defend.
While C4 works well as a booby trap, defenders are better off covering this stairway from a
distance. The green crates to the north provide excellent cover and concealment while
offering a perfect view of the entire stairway.

Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral
As the only neutral control point at the
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
start of the battle, this area is likely to see
some serious fighting during the opening LAV-300 BMD-3 1
moments of a round. The Chinese troops Medical Crate Medical Crate 2
have a slight upper hand in rushing this Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2
control point using their nearby spawn point
at the Busted Bus or their speedy FAVs at
the Train Yard. Whoever converts this flag TIP Remember, the LAV-300 is amphibious.
However, this capability is of little use on this
gains an APC. Both the LAV-300 and BMD-3 map. Once in the harbor, it can't get out.
are devastating against infantry and can even
inflict some damage against tanks. The control point's flag is tucked between a building to
the north and several storage containers. Although no nearby rooftops are available for
defenders, the storage containers provide ample opportunity for ambushing attackers. The
control point also has two sets of medical and ammo crates. One set is located on the
eastern side of the building, and the other is inside the garage, just northwest of the flag.

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Flag 4:
Initial Control: China
Although this control point is light on
assets, it's actually a strong defensive
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
position, thanks to the barriers clustered
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 around the flag. The shipping containers
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 and the large double-decker bus to the
Repair Station Repair Station 1 west make it impossible for enemy
vehicles to enter the courtyard.
Furthermore, defenders can take up positions on the rooftop to the east and blast
intruders at close range or simply drop grenades on their heads as they attempt to
convert the flag. The building's rooftop is also ideal for sniping enemy troops crossing
the bridges to the south. It's also possible to pick off enemies positioned in the Harbor
Office—always a good option when that upper floor machine gun is cutting down your
teammates. The Busted Bus control point is also home to the map's only repair station,
located on the northern side of the building.

Flag 5:
Initial Control: China
The Train Yard is just as important to the
Chinese team as the Docks are to the US
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
team. Likewise, the Chinese must defend
this area to maintain their only initial vehicle
spawn points. Unlike the rest of the control M1A2 Type 98 1
points, the Train Yard sits on higher ground Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
accessible via two ramps to the north and Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
west of the Busted Bus. The
flag sits out in the open,
making it vulnerable to
TIP Don't underestimate the
firepower of the FAVs. Their
vehicular rush attacks. To grenade launchers are absolutely
prevent such threats, devastating against infantry and
defenders should place several vehicles alike when covering narrow
mines around the flag. Infantry choke points like the two bridges.
Park one somewhere safe (or
can also hide amongst the
conduct patrols with a buddy) and
various trains and storage open fire to rack up kill after kill.
containers—the blue empty
storage container to the west of the flag is a good hiding spot. Both attackers and defenders should be aware that the
flag can be converted from the north by standing on the opposite side of the nearby train. This is the sneakiest (and
safest) way to convert the flag when attacking on foot.

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Harbor Edge
CTF Overview:
= Medical The two bridges at the center of the map are the
= Ammo sites of most of the action in this CTF match.
= Repair Unless players attempt to swim across the harbor,
traversing these bridges is the only way to capture
Chinese Flag the other team's flag. Both teams should make
use of the fast-moving FAVs and Humvees to
quickly cross the harbor while using the slower
tanks and APCs to reinforce their flags.
Available Vehicles:
FAV (2)
M6 Bradley (1)
BMD-3 (1)
M1A2 (1)
Type 98 (1)

US Flag


If properly defended, the US flag The Chinese flag is located on the
can be extremely difficult to opposite side of the river, not far
capture. It's housed in a from the Busted Bus and Train
warehouse just south of the Yard. Compared to the US flag,
Harbor Office. Infantry can enter this one is much more vulnerable,
this structure through two particularly to vehicle rushes. For
doorways on the western and this reason, Chinese defenders
southern sides—neither opening should consider placing mines at
is big enough for a vehicle. An the ramp just west of the Busted
elevated catwalk surrounds the Bus, as this is the most direct
flag, making it easy for defenders approach to the flag. The nearby
to pick off intruders. Chinese BMD-3 is also useful for
troops may want to toss in a few defending against both vehicle
stun grenades before entering to and infantry attacks.
temporarily blind the US
defenders covering the entrances.
TIP This map is filled with all
sorts of jumps. Most of them
serve no tactical purpose, but
they're still fun. Just make sure
your Humvee or FAV can survive a
rough landing. The jump to the
southwest of the Chinese flag is a
popular escape path for US
forces during vehicular rushes.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
Red = Chinese Control Only
5: Ancient Temple
= Medical Boat (1) 6: Chinese Base
Ammo Crate (1) Light Jeep (3)
= Ammo
APC (1)
= Repair Machine Gun (1)
= Stationary Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)

Command Computer

4: Fishing Village
Command Computer (1)
Medical Crate (4)
Ammo Crate (3)

3: Supply Outpost
Light Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
Repair Station (1)

US forces have re-
taken Hanoi and
entered China from
2: Small Village the southeast. They
Boat (1) are establishing
Medical Crate (1)
1: US Base Ammo Crate (1) bases near Nanning.
Heavy Jeep (4) Without strategic
Scout Helicopter (1) importance they did
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1) not expect to be
Repair Station (1) attacked. However, they did not realize the
Helipad (1) symbolic value the temple in this area has to
the Chinese.
For the Chinese army, retaking the temple is a
matter of honor and they launch a hurried
attack, hoping to take control of the fishing
village close to the temple so they can utilize the
artillery strike system hidden within it to wipe
out the US forces.

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Battle Overview
The river bisecting the map plays a huge role in this battle, With no chopper at their disposal, the Chinese begin at a
and both sides should strategize to take advantage of it. At serious disadvantage. Therefore, they must act quickly if they
the start of the battle, the US troops should use their Little hope to gain an edge. While infantry take the nearby Ancient
Bird to capture the Fishing Village while the Humvees speed Temple, the speedy FAVs should race across the eastern
to the Small Village and Supply Outpost. If the US can retain bridge and assault the Supply Outpost and Small Village. The
control of these positions, all they need to do is hold them Small Village is expendable but should be held until units
and keep the Chinese forces contained to the northern river from the Ancient Temple can move in on the Fishing Village.
bank—the ticket drain will do the rest. Once again, the Little By capturing and holding three control points, the Chinese
Bird can come in handy during this defensive phase by can secure a solid drain on the US ticket count.
strafing enemy units along the bridges and river.

Flag 1:
Initial Control: US
US Control Unit Count With four Humvees and a Little Bird spawned at their
HMMWV 4 base, the US forces are poised for a quick advance on the
neutral control points to the north. Since the base cannot
AH-6J 1
be captured, the US team should focus almost all its
Medical Crate 1
energies on offense. However, the surrounding hills are
Ammo Crate 1 popular spots for enemy snipers, particularly if the Chinese
Repair Station 1 dominate the map and spawn at the nearby control points
Helipad 1 like the Small Village and Supply Outpost. Be prepared for
such encounters as the game progresses. Vehicle theft is
also a serious concern. The Little Bird is the only helicopter available on the map, making it
a tempting target. Defending special ops troops may want to plant C4 on the chopper, just
in case enemy troops try to steal it. Always detonate the C4 after the helicopter is away
from the helipad; otherwise, it may repair itself. But the best way to prevent the chopper
from being stolen is to constantly keep it in the air—competent pilots are a plus.

Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
SMALL VILLAGE ASSETS Sitting just north of the US Base, the Small
US Control Chinese Control Village is likely to be a US-held control point
Unit Count
Sea Ark Stinger Light Patrol Boat 1 for most of the game. It spawns a Stinger
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 patrol boat useful for advancing on the
Fishing Village to the north. The footbridge
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
connecting the two control points is much
too narrow for Humvees, so
TIP The large, sandbag-lined hilltop the boat is the quickest way
between the Small Village and Supply
to reach the island, as well
Outpost is the ideal sniper perch.
Snipers here can pick off enemies as as the opposite river bank
far away as the Fishing Village and near the Ancient Temple.
Ancient Temple. This is also a good Several huts surround the
spot from which to call in air strikes flagpole. The ammo and
on enemy vehicles, particularly those
medical crates can be found
crossing the bridge to the east.
inside a couple of these huts.
The huts also provide adequate cover and concealment for defenders. Since the flag is located in the center of a
courtyard, vehicle rushes are likely but can be prevented with a few well-placed mines.

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Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral SUPPLY OUTPOST ASSETS
The Supply Outpost is tucked away in the US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
jungle to the far east. Despite its remote HMMWV FAV 1
location, this control point shouldn't be Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
overlooked, especially by the US team. Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
Whoever controls the Supply Outpost also
Repair Station Repair Station 1
has the ability to control the bridge to the
north. This bridge is the only way
ground vehicles can cross the river, TIP A metal footbridge
is attached to the
making it a critical choke point.
western side of the large
Controlling the traffic on the bridge bridge spanning the river
should be a major concern of troops near the Supply Outpost.
spawning at the Supply Outpost. But the This path provides a little
control point should be watched too. more cover for infantry.
The flag sits in a low area surrounded
by steep hills. Even one defender can
cover this flag effectively by camping in the hills and launching grenades or rockets at approaching enemies.

Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
Located on a small island in the river, the
Fishing Village is only accessible by boat, FISHING VILLAGE ASSETS
helicopter, and foot. The two footbridges US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
connecting the island to the river banks are Medical Crate Medical Crate 4
too narrow for ground vehicles to cross. Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 3
Infantry crossing these bridges are
vulnerable to sniper and other small CAUTION Whenever
arms fire. For best results, always possible, avoid crossing the
take a boat or helicopter when footbridges at the Fishing
advancing on this control point. The Village. Your movement is
very predictable while
flag is located in a small open space
traversing these narrow
on the eastern side of the island, walkways, making you an
surrounded by houses filled with easy target for watchful
ammo and medical crates. These snipers.
houses also provide excellent cover for
defenders. The Fishing Village is also home to the command computer, located in the large
house on the western side of the island. This makes it even more critical for both teams to hold the control point.
Defenders may want to booby-trap the computer with C4 in the event an enemy sneaks in and attempts to call in an
artillery strike. Whoever controls the Fishing Village should make frequent use of the artillery strikes as soon as they're
available. Not only is this a good way to eliminate some enemy troops, but it also reduces traffic to the Fishing Village as
opponents shift their focus elsewhere.

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Flag 5:
Initial Control: Neutral
ANCIENT TEMPLE ASSETS Towering over the northern river bank, the
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count Ancient Temple is the most intimidating
Sea Ark Stinger Light Patrol Boat 1 control point on the map. Due to its close
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 proximity to their base, this is likely to be
a Chinese stronghold for most of the
game. The flag sits
TIP The safest way for the US team to take outside the southern
control of the Ancient Temple is by rushing it
with the Little Bird at the start of the game. A
side of the temple in
steady pilot can convert the flag by hovering a small courtyard.
next to it. The Little Bird can also be used to However, simply
quickly capture the Fishing Village and Small reaching the flag is a
Village. The trees and terrain surrounding the chore. The large,
Supply Outpost make it a bit more difficult to
capture from the air, but not impossible.
multitiered stone
base serving as the
temple facility's foundation is accessible via numerous steps and ramps. This makes it
nearly impossible to maneuver a ground vehicle to the flag. Instead, infantry are best
suited for assaults. Since the temple can be accessed from multiple directions, defenders should focus their efforts
on the area surrounding the flag. The temple also spawns a boat at the river, which is useful for staging attacks on
the Fishing Village or other control points on the southern bank.

Flag 6:
Initial Control: Neutral
CHINESE BASE ASSETS Like the US Base, the Chinese Base can't be captured.
Chinese Control Unit Count There's also little worth stealing here, so the Chinese
should push all units outward to the surrounding control
points. The FAVs are the fastest ground vehicles on the
BMD-3 1 map and should be used to push across the
Machine Gun 1 river and assault the Supply Outpost. Their
Medical Crate 1 machine guns are also the best
Ammo Crate 1 defense the Chinese have
Repair Station 1 against the US Little
Bird. Consider moving
an FAV near each control point simply for air defense.
The BMD-3 is much slower but possesses the firepower
to effectively shut down the eastern bridge to enemy traffic. Its auto-
cannon is also devastating against boats cruising along the river. To win this
battle, the Chinese must make the most of these vehicles, so remember to
spawn back at the base as needed to move these assets forward.

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CTF Overview:
This map tests your skills with boats as the teams
Chinese Flag
shuttle each other's flags between the Fishing
Village and Small Village. Although both teams can
assault their opponents' flag on foot, the narrow
footbridge is the only path connecting the two
areas, making it a high-traffic kill zone. That leaves
the boats as the safest mode of assault. But
boats lack protection for their crews, so speed is
the key to survival. Don't worry about beaching
your boat on arrival—you can usually steal another
boat on your way out.
Available Vehicles:
Sea Ark Stinger (3)
Light Patrol Boat (3)

= Medical
US Flag = Ammo


The US team's flag is located at The Chinese flag awaits capture
the Small Village to the north, on the western side of the Fishing
sitting in an open courtyard Village, outside the large house—
surrounded by several huts. the same one where the
Attackers are likely to approach command computer is located in
from the docks to the north or conquest mode. US boats cannot
the canal to the west. In both pass beneath either of the
instances, defenders have a footbridges to the north or south,
height advantage from the so they must dock somewhere on
village's hilltop position. As a the eastern side of the island to
result, it's easiest to pick off reach the flag. The flag and
attackers before they reach the eastern approach can be covered
top of the hill. from within the house by hopping
on top of the green crates and
peering out the window.

TIP Watch where attackers are TIP Your boats are likely to be
beaching their boats, and consider stolen by enemies escaping with
placing mines in these spots. The your flag. Booby-trap your boats
dock area south of the Small with C4 to prevent such escapes.
Village is a good place to score
some mine kills.

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8: US Base Black = Convertible
Light Jeep (3) Blue = US Control Only
Machine Gun (2) Red = Chinese Control Only
Medical Crate (1) = Medical
Ammo Crate (1)
= Ammo
= Stationary

6: The Cockpit
Medical Crate (1)

4: Crash Site Center

Medical Crate (1) 3: The Tail
Medical Crate (1)
7: Donkey Farm
Light Jeep (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
1: Chinese Base
Light Jeep (3)
Machine Gun (2)
5: Hillside Village Medical Crate (1)
Medical Crate (1) Ammo Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (3)

2: Corn Fields
Light Jeep (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

Due to the terrain and lack of cover, the Cockpit, Crash Site
Center, and Tail control points are all difficult areas to hold for
Six hours ago prolonged amounts of time and are likely to change hands
several times throughout the course of the battle. Instead of
with USAF E-3
grinding at the center of the map, each side should look for
AWACS plane
1337 was lost flanking opportunities on the periphery. The Corn Fields,
over Chinese Hillside Village, and Donkey Farm are all much easier to defend
territory. Spy than the wreckage-based control points.
planes in the In any case, each team should strive to hold at least four of
area have picked the convertible control points to secure a drain on their
up a weak
opponents' ticket count. Given the number of control points,
rescue beacon
it's simply impractical to hold them all. When devising a plan,
and the remains
of USAF 1337 have been located. The US command the natural inclination is to divide the map in half, with the
has sent a small insertion team to secure the area. Hillside Village and Crash Site Center designated as the front
However, so have the Chinese. lines. If either team can lock down the center of the map at
these two control points, it can help secure its holdings to the
rear. In practice, much more flexibility is required. Victory
Battle Overview comes to the team that's most successful in circumventing the
This is a very linear assault for both teams as they work their major battle zones and attacking the more sparsely defended
way along the narrow valley to secure the aircraft wreckage. areas like the Corn Fields and Donkey Farm.

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Flag 1:
CHINESE BASE Chinese Control Unit Count
Initial Control: China FAV 3
The Chinese Base is located in the southeastern corner of the map. Machine Gun 2
Although it looks relatively close on the map, the base is actually a fair Medical Crate 1
distance from the crash site. For this reason, the Chinese team must
utilize its FAVs to quickly move troops northwest—the Corn Fields and
Ammo Crate 1
Hillside Village are good destinations at the start of
the battle. It's also important that each vehicle is TIP The DPVs and
fully loaded before taking off. Leaving friendly troops FAVs should race
behind only weakens the team's initial offensive along the hillsides to
drive. This is a head-on map, so there's no avoid getting bogged
down in the clutter of
particular reason to stay behind and defend the
the valley. This is a
base. Even if FAVs are stolen or destroyed by US
good way to stage
forces, such losses have little impact on the final attacks on the Donkey
outcome of the battle, as vehicles are of little use in Farm and Corn Fields.
the map's chaotic center.
Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral CORN FIELDS ASSETS
The Corn Fields are well within the Chinese team's US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
immediate sphere of influence, due to their DPV FAV 1
proximity to the Chinese Base. Although the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
control point produces a light jeep, its most
valuable asset is its spawn point. This serves as a Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
great staging area for Chinese troops moving in on
the crash site. It's also a good flanking position for TIP If you don't
US troops attempting to break out of the often want to be seen,
stagnant center control points. Whoever takes the try hiding among
Corn Fields, they're worth defending. Mining the the cornstalks.
nearby roads and small courtyard is the best way to This is a great
deter vehicle rushes on the flag. But units can also way to sneak up
hide in the cornfield to the west and pick off on or defend the
attackers as they gather near the flag. Corn Fields
control point.

Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count The largely intact aft section of USAF 1337 can
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 be reached early in the game by Chinese troops
moving in from the southeast. Vehicles can
easily access the flag from the southern side,
CAUTION but the tail section and a piece of fuselage block
Several fires are paths to the north and east. While the pieces of
scattered around the wreckage provide some cover, defenders are
crash site. Watch better off watching the flag from a distance.
where you're walking Placing mines and C4 at the base of the flagpole
to avoid inadvertently
is a good idea too.
stepping into one of
these blazes—it
could kill you.

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Little Big Eye
Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
US Control Chinese Control Several pieces of the aircraft's fuselage
Unit Count
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 litter the ground at the Crash Site Center,
an area that sees heavy action throughout
the battle. One fuselage piece rests
TIP When moving near the flagpole and can be entered
through the wreckage, use
the hollow fuselage pieces
for cover. But those attempting to
for cover. However, some of convert the flag must stand out in the
these pieces, like the one at open. A few crates scattered around
the Crash Site Center, may the scorched terrain can be used as
be booby-trapped with C4— partial cover—try dropping prone next
don't enter if you hear a
faint beeping sound.
to one of these when converting the
flag. Once captured, the control point
should be covered from one of the slopes to the east or west. Controlling the Hillside Village
on the ridge to the west makes holding the Crash Site Center much easier.

Flag 5:
Initial Control: Neutral
This small village is situated on a slight hill US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
just west of the Crash Site Center. Its Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
mere elevation makes it one of the more Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 3
valuable control points on the map.
Although it offers very little in
terms of assets, the Hillside TIP The slopes flanking the
crash site are good sniper
Village is relatively easy to positions for both attackers and
defend. The flag is positioned defenders. The high grass
along the main road running provides great concealment when
through the village, potentially troops are in a prone position.
making it susceptible to vehicle But remember, grass won't stop
an incoming bullet, so be ready
rush attacks. But fast-moving to move if you miss your target.
invaders can be quickly
eliminated with mines, C4, or a well-aimed rocket.
Infantry attacks are likely to come up the
hill from the east, but such attacks are only likely if the enemy
holds the Crash Site Center. Whichever team holds the
Hillside Village should strive to capture the Crash
Site Center too. Together these two nearby
control points can support each other.

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Flag 6:
Initial Control: Neutral
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count Like most of the fuselage, the Cockpit section
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 detached, skidding to a stop in the valley
road. The flag is positioned at the nose of the
Cockpit, with no available cover nearby. The
TIP The flags near US team can reach this control point at the
the wreckage pieces
offer very little cover. start of the battle in DPVs and convert it
Consider dousing the without much of a struggle. Like the rest of
flag areas with smoke the wreckage-based control points, this one
grenades (carried by is also best defended from a distance. The
assault troops and
wooded slopes flanking the site to the east
snipers) before moving
in for the capture. and west provide adequate cover and
concealment for defenders.

Flag 7:
Initial Control: Neutral DONKEY FARM ASSETS
The Donkey Farm is similar to the Corn Fields US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
on the opposite side of the map, providing the DPV FAV 1
US team with a staging area closer to the Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
crash site. It even provides identical assets,
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
producing a light jeep for whichever team holds
it. However, the Donkey Farm is a
bit easier for defenders to lock TIP You can access a couple of
roofs at the Donkey Farm by
down. For one, the road access climbing the wooden plank on the
points running through the western side of this structure.
courtyard can be mined to prevent From there, use the nearby plank
vehicle rushes. Defenders can also to cross over to the northern
rooftop. If you don't want anyone
take to the roofs of the western
accessing the roofs, simply destroy
and northwestern structures for a the planks with a few shots.
slight height advantage, not to mention a better view.

Flag 8:
US BASE ASSETS Initial Control: US
US Control Unit CountSince most of the fighting occurs
DPV 3 at the center of the map, the US
Machine Gun 2 Base has a limited role during
Medical Crate 1 the battle. But even after racing
off and capturing more centrally
Ammo Crate 1
located control points, the US
team should continue returning to the base to pick up new DPVs for
future assaults and defensive efforts. While the DPVs have a hard
time negotiating the torn-up terrain of the crash site, they can easily circumvent these areas by moving along the eastern and
western hillsides to attack areas like the Hillside Village and even the Corn Fields.

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Little Big Eye
= Medical
= Ammo
US Flag
CTF Overview:
The CTF match is centered entirely around the
crash site with the US flag at the Cockpit and the
Chinese flag at the Tail. Infantry advances along
the wreckage are time consuming and hazardous.
Both teams should utilize the speed of their light
jeeps to rush their opponent's flag. The two hillside
roads flanking the crash site are ideal for quick
assaults and escapes.
Available Vehicles:
DPV (1)
FAV (1)

Chinese Flag


The US flag is positioned on the A wall of wreckage partially
road, northwest of the aircraft's surrounds the Chinese flag. This
nose section. With no objects or makes it much more difficult for
barriers surrounding it, the flag is the US team to rush with its
vulnerable to vehicle rush DPV—at least at high speed. The
attacks. At the start of the access points to the north and
game, defending engineers should south should be mined. Snipers
quickly lay a few mines around and other defenders can keep an
the flag's base. The lack of eye on the flag from the hill to
objects around the flag also the south.
makes it easy for snipers to
cover from a distance.

TIP The grenade launchers on

the DPV and FAV are ideal for
defending your team's flag. Park
one at a distance on a hill
overlooking the flag and blast any
invaders with a barrage of

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LEGEND 5: The Silo
Black = Convertible Light Jeep (2)
Blue = EU Control Only Tank (1)
Red = Chinese Control Only Machine Gun (1)
Ammo Crate (1)
= Medical
= Ammo
= Repair
= Stationary 3: The Warehouse
Machine Gun (1)
Grenade Launcher (1)
4: The Factory Medical Crate (2)
Light Jeep (1) Ammo Crate (2)
Heavy Jeep (1)
Machine Gun (3)
Grenade Launcher (1)
Medical Crate (1) 6: Chinese Base
Ammo Crate (1) Light Jeep (1)
Self-Propelled Artillery (1)
Medical Crate (2)
Ammo Crate (1)
2: The Gate Repair Station (2)
Light Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1) 1: EU Base
Tank (1) Heavy Jeep (2)
Medical Crate (2) Tank (1)
Ammo Crate (2) Medical Crate (2)
Ammo Crate (1)

narrow entry points at the top of the slopes with C4 is also a

INTELLIGENCE REPORT good idea. In the event that EU troops break through and the
EU intelligence Gate is opened, the Chinese team should have its Type 98 and BK-
believes Chinese 1990 in place to counter an advance of EU vehicles. If the Gate
forces are cannot be retaken, defensive efforts must spread evenly among
planning a hostile the Warehouse, Factory, and Silo, as the EU team can strike all
missile launch three. The Chinese strongpoint is the Silo, and efforts should be
from a Silo taken to prevent the EU from advancing beyond this point. It's also
located in a important to apply offensive pressure on the surrounding control
snowy ravine, in points to prevent the EU from bleeding the Chinese tickets.
As the attackers, the EU forces begin with more tickets, but
mainland China.
since they only hold their base, their tickets continue draining
EU forces are
away until they capture at least two control points.
moving in to seize
Unfortunately, there's absolutely no way to bypass the Gate.
control of the silo. The Chinese are heavily fortified
However, the Leopard 2 can be useful during the assault by
behind a huge gate that the EU must attack and open
blasting Chinese troops on the upper level entry points. Before
before their tanks can be brought forward.
opening the Gate, it's important to capture the control point
first to secure a forward spawn point. Once established at the
Battle Overview Gate, the EU must push northeast and capture at least one
This battle is often decided by how long the Chinese can hold out more control point to halt the drain on their ticket count. Look
at the Gate. Maintaining the initial drain on the EU team's ticket for opportunities to zoom past the Silo (via the subterranean
count is of vital importance, so the Chinese team must focus all tunnel) and capture the Chinese Base. This is a great way to
its strength at this key control point. First, the eastern and divide the attention of the defenders, making the Warehouse,
western slopes outside the Gate must be covered with as much Factory, and Silo easier to capture. Otherwise, take control of
firepower as possible to prevent infiltration by EU infantry— the Warehouse and Factory, then simply lay siege to the Silo
support and assault troops are effective. Booby-trapping the until the Chinese team runs out of tickets. With the whole team
on watch, the Silo's three western exit points are easy to cover.

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Missile Crisis
Flag 1:
Initial Control: EU EU BASE ASSETS
This small cluster of buildings serves as the EU team's EU Control
Unit Count
staging area for the assault on the missile facility. The Eagle MTV 2
vehicles spawned at the base don't do the team much good Leopard 2 A5 1
until the Gate is opened to the northeast. Still, they can Medical Crate 2
provide transportation and fire support as infantry move in Ammo Crate 1
for the assault. Unlike the Chinese Base, the EU Base
cannot be captured. But a few players on the Chinese team probably won't figure this out.
As a result, EU players spawning
here should be prepared for CAUTION When playing as
the EU, don't park vehicles
anything, including snipers
directly outside the Gate if it's
positioned along the hills to the closed. Otherwise, you're likely
northeast. But players spawning to draw heavy fire, including
here don't have much time to laser-guided air strikes
stand around anyway. The EU's designated by snipers.
initial ticket drain is ample reason
for troops to move out as soon as possible.

Flag 2:
Initial Control: China

THE GATE ASSETS The Gate is the most critical control point
EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count on the entire map and should be held by
the Chinese team as long as possible. This
Eagle MTV FAV 1
massive, metal door blocks the road
Leopard 2 A5 — 1 leading into the missile facility, preventing
Medical Crate Medical Crate 2 any vehicles from passing. The door can
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2 be opened and closed by interacting with a
switch inside an upper level control room
on the western side of the facility. Outside the
TIP This is Gate, EU infantry can storm the upper levels
the switch to
open the gate. by advancing along the two slopes flanking the
Be watchful for road—if the door is closed, this is the only way
ambushes while in. Troops advancing along the eastern slope
approaching it. can gain quick access to the flag. The western
slope leads directly to the
control room. Chinese
defenders must watch both TIP Support
troops are awesome
slopes to prevent the EU troops from gaining entry. If the EU team defenders and
overruns the Gate, it gains another Leopard 2, spawned along the should cover the
main road. More importantly, it can open the Gate and move its base's two slopes leading
vehicles forward to assist in the assault. into the Gate
facility. Remember,
they can call in
mortar strikes too.

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Flag 3:
Initial Control: China
The Warehouse is the next Chinese-held THE WAREHOUSE ASSETS
control point down the road from the EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
Gate. If the Gate falls to the EU team, Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
this is where the battle will likely come
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 1
next. Since the control point has no
serious antitank capabilities, Chinese
Medical Crate Medical Crate 2
defenders should reinforce this point with Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2
the Type 98 or BK-
1990. Engineers can CAUTION Watch out for the big
help slow the EU crater in the road when driving from the
advance by tossing out Gate to the Warehouse. Use the ramp to
mines and firing rockets jump it, or drive around it. If your vehicle
lands inside the crater, you'll have a hard
at approaching vehicles.
time getting it out. Defenders can
The objects and guarantee themselves a few cheap kills
sandbags positioned by throwing a couple of mines in the
around the flag make it difficult for vehicles (partic- crater—someone always drives into it.
ularly tanks) to move in close. Defenders can make
flag capture more hazardous by booby-trapping the area with C4. If the EU can capture the Warehouse while
maintaining control of the Gate, they can halt the drain on their ticket count.

Flag 4:
Initial Control: China

THE FACTORY ASSETS As in the Warehouse, the flag at the

EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count Factory is also located in a small
courtyard and surrounded by several
Eagle MTV FAV 1
buildings and other barriers. The only
Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher 1 vehicle access point to the courtyard is
Machine Gun Machine Gun 3 through the opening to the east.
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 Defending engineers can effectively shut
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 down this path with a few mines and
concentrated rocket fire. EU troops are
better off attacking with infantry
TIP The pumping station from the west, utilizing the alleys
on the ridge north of the
and buildings for cover. However, if
Factory is the source of two
large pipes leading into a the defenders are wise, they'll man
small entrance on the the two bunkers on the hill to the
western side of the Silo. west to cover this approach. The
This is the sneakiest way to machine guns in the bunkers don't have a direct line of sight
gain entry to the facility's
with the flag, but they can definitely pick off enemies
upper level catwalks.
attempting to flank the control point.

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Missile Crisis
Flag 5:
Initial Control: China
This is what the battle is all about. The Silo
facility is a massive concrete fortress
EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
housing an ICBM. Despite its intimidating
— FAV 2 appearance, the structure is far from
— Type 98 1 impenetrable and must be well-defended by
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1 the Chinese. The main access points are
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 the large doors on the western and eastern
sides. Vehicles of all sizes can drive
through the wide-open western door
TIP The Silo's flag without even scratching their paint. The
can be converted by
crawling beneath eastern door is a tighter fit, due to a
the large slab of shipping container partially barricading the
concrete nearby. opening. Of course, both of these access
It's cramped, but points can be shut down to all vehicles with
it's better than
only a few mines. The flag is located right
standing out in
the open. on the launch platform, within plain view of
any defenders covering it from the
surrounding catwalks ringing the interior. Defenders positioned along these catwalks can easily fire down on attackers,
always making for a difficult flag capture. Even worse, vehicles can't get close enough to the flag to convert it—a large
piece of concrete blocks access. So infantry need to hold at the flag's base while fending off attacks from all directions.
Smoke and stun grenades can help blind and disorient any campers covering the flag. Vehicles simply looking to get
around the Silo can use the subterranean tunnel on the structure's southern side. This is a good way to quickly move
vehicles to and from the Chinese Base without slowing down to weave through the Silo facility. However, EU attackers
should watch out for ambushes in this area. The darkness makes it difficult to see mines and other hazards.

Flag 6:
Initial Control: China
Unlike most bases, this one can be
captured. As such, it should be watched by
EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
Chinese defenders, especially once the Gate
is breached by EU troops. Losing the — FAV 1
Chinese Base isn't necessarily fatal, but it — BK-1990 1
does deprive the defenders of an FAV and Medical Crate Medical Crate 2
their only BK-1990. The two identical barns Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
where these two vehicles spawn each Repair Station Repair Station 1
contain a repair station and a set of interior
stairs leading up to a loft. Defenders can
camp the flag from these lofts, scanning for TIP The capture
attackers through the windows. If the EU radius of the flag at
the Chinese Base is
troops capture the base, they get no huge. When
vehicles here, but the spawn point can be attacking, look for a
useful for launching attacks on the Silo from good hiding spot as
the eastern entrance. far away from the
flag as possible.

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CTF Overview:
Chinese Flag This CTF map is constrained to the areas around
the Warehouse and Factory. Despite the small
size, there are still plenty of vehicles scattered
about to assist each team in its offensive and
defensive efforts. The two APCs are particularly
valuable. Their auto-cannons can shed infantry and
vehicles alike. But they're a little too slow and
sluggish to be of much use for flag capturing
operations. They're better off holding near their
respective flags and defending. The lighter vehicles
are faster and more maneuverable, qualities
necessary during assaults and escapes.
Available Vehicles:
Pickup Truck (2)
FAV (2)
Eagle MTV (2)
LEGEND Combat Vehicle 90 (1)
= Medical
= Ammo US Flag BMD-3 (1)


The EU flag is located along the The Chinese flag is a bit more
side of a large building just protected, surrounded by the
southwest of the Warehouse. buildings of the Factory
Chinese attackers in vehicles can courtyard. As in the conquest
zoom in from either the east or mode, the only vehicle access
west for a quick capture. This point is on the eastern side. But
can be prevented with mines or defenders should also be
by anyone playing defense in the prepared for infantry attacking
Combat Vehicle 90 that spawns through the alleys to the west.
nearby. The roofless building to The second floor of the southern
the south is also a good defensive building offers a good vantage
spot. point on the flag, as well as the
eastern entrance.

TIP The two bunkers east of the TIP Surprise attackers by hiding
US flag are great defensive sniper the BMD-3 between these shipping
positions. Snipers inside these containers in the northwestern
bunkers can cover both the flag and corner of the Factory's courtyard.
the adjoining road. But don't get The containers protect the APC's
too comfortable. After a few easy flanks, limiting attacks to its weak
kills, you're likely to draw some side and rear armor.
attention. Be prepared to relocate
before your victims seek revenge.

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Black = Convertible 2: Communication
Blue = US Control Only Outpost
Red = MEC Control Only 1: US Base Medical Crate (1)
Heavy Jeep (2) Ammo Crate (1)
= Medical Antiaircraft Vehicle (1) Repair Station (1)
= Ammo Attack Helicopter (2)
= Repair Medical Crate (1)
= Stationary Ammo Crate (1)

6: MEC Base
3: The West Bridge Heavy Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1) APC (1)
Machine Gun (1) Attack Helicopter (2)
Medical Crate (1) Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1) Ammo Crate (1)

5: The East Bridge

4: Mosaic Square Heavy Jeep (1)
Machine Gun (1) Machine Gun (1)
Stinger Turret (1) Medical Crate (1)
Medical Crate (1) Ammo Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

raising and lowering them. The real deciding factor of this

INTELLIGENCE REPORT battle is air power. Both sides have access to two
This stronghold helicopters and should use them to rush the neutral control
known as The Nest points at the start of the battle. The MEC Mi-24s have the
in MEC territory advantage here, capable of carrying two paratroopers while
holds important still retaining the pilot and gunner positions for offensive
anti-air weaponry operations. Choppers should never take off without a
and a communi- gunner, as the chin-mounted auto-cannons are the best
cations centre. weapons for downing the enemy's helicopters. Air
Both US and MEC superiority can also be accomplished with the US M6
forces need to Bradley and the Stinger turret at the Mosaic Square.
secure the area to Although only three control point captures are necessary
gain control of the to secure a drain on the enemy's ticket count, both sides
region. For the US forces this would mean massive should try to take control of all of them. Once all four
air superiority and for the MEC forces it is the key control points in the center are held, the bridge leading to
to defending the region. the enemy base can be raised, and a siege can commence.
It is possible that both sides will attempt to raise the It's not very sporting, but it's entirely possible to keep the
bridges that lead to the central area and prevent their enemies pinned at their base by pounding them with attack
enemy from bringing across heavy attack vehicles. helicopters. Lock off all paths of escape by posting units at
the northern and southern roads—the ones partially
Battle Overview blocked by rocks. If you're playing against an unorganized
team, it's possible to lay siege to the enemy base within
While the two bridges play a role in limiting access to the the first few minutes of a round, all but guaranteeing a
central plateau, it's important not to get too hung up with major victory.

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Flag 1:
Initial Control: US
Situated on the western edge of the map, the US Base
US BASE ASSETS produces the bulk of the US team's vehicles. The Apache
US Control Unit Count
helicopters are particularly valuable and should remain
HMMWV 2 airborne as much as possible to support troops on the
M6 Bradley 1 ground. However, the base is not equipped with either
AH-64 2 helipads or repair stations. Still, it's best to return to the
Medical Crate 1 base when the choppers are damaged to conduct repairs
with an engineer's blowtorch. The M6 Bradley is often the
Ammo Crate 1
unsung hero of this battle. It should stay somewhere
between the US Base and West
TIP Park the M6 Bradley Bridge and knock the Mi-24s out of
where it can't be easily
the sky with Stinger Missiles—it's
spotted (or hit) from the air.
This small cluster of trees important to defend the Apache
near the West Bridge is a spawns. The base has three main
good spot. From here, it can access points, but the northern and
engage Mi-24s over the town, southern approaches are blocked by
as well as intercept any
large boulders. Infantry can move
heading for the US Base.
around these rocks, but vehicles have a tough time getting
through. The main access point is the main dirt road to the east, running across the West Bridge. This road should be
watched and mined by US defenders to prevent MEC thieves focused on stealing an Apache.

Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
The Communication Outpost sits in the
middle of a Y-intersection on the northern
US Control MEC Control Unit Count
edge of the map. Although this control
point can be accessed from three separate
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
directions, the road to the south is the Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
most likely avenue of attack, as it's the Repair Station Repair Station 1
most direct connection to the other
control points. Defenders can easily CAUTION Use the
cover the narrow roads with mines to external camera when
deter vehicle rush attacks. The control landing or hovering near
point offers no vehicles to its captor, the Communication
Outpost's repair station.
but it is home to the only repair station
Keep the rotors clear of
on the map. In fact, a steady helicopter the telephone poles, as
pilot can land or hover next to the well as the flagpole.
repair station to patch up any damage.
But this is only advisable if the control
point is held by friendly troops.

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The Nest
Flag 3:
THE WEST BRIDGE ASSETS Initial Control: Neutral
US Control MEC Control Unit Count The West Bridge is the first control point
HMMWV Otokar Akrep 1the US troops are likely to capture as they
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1race east from their base. It's important to
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1take early too because it shouldn't fall into
MEC hands. By interacting with the switch
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
in the bridge's nearby control house, MEC
troops can raise the bridge,
TIP MEC snipers positioned preventing the US team from moving
at the West Bridge can
target the US Apache
its vehicles directly into the town.
helicopters spawned at the But once captured, this control point
US Base with either their can be difficult to attack, assuming
sniper rifle or laser target it's well defended. There is only one
designator. For best results, access point to the flag, via the set
wait until a pilot has entered
the chopper. While the rotor
of steps on the eastern side of the
blades spin up, the chopper and its crew are sitting ducks. building. Defending special ops
Fire a couple of quick rounds through the cockpit's glass troops can lock down this area by
to take out the pilot and gunner. Repeat the process as placing C4 at the top of the steps or
new victims rush for a chance to fly the Apache—there's at the base of the flag. But defenders should also watch out for
no better sniper bait than an unoccupied helicopter.
troops parachuting from helicopters.

Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
Both teams should rush to capture the US Control MEC Control Unit Count
Mosaic Square at the start of every battle. Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
This control point is extremely valuable
Stinger Turret Stinger Turret 1
because of its Stinger turret—the only one
on the map. While the US team already has Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
Stinger Missile capability from its M6 Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
Bradley, securing all of the air defenses can
have a big impact on the battle, allowing US TIP The Stinger
Apaches to operate with minimal AA threat. turret at the
This is exactly why it's equally significant that Mosaic Square is
the MEC team takes this control point, simply located on the
upper level walkway
to even out the odds. The control point's flag
just east of the
sits in the center of an elaborate mosaic flag. This walkway
pattern on the can be accessed via
TIP When piloting one of floor of a small a wooden ramp to
the attack helicopters, strafe
courtyard. Vehicles the south, or by hopping up on the green crates
enemy positions on the to the north. All pilots should be very familiar
plateau by side-slipping left or can access this
with this turret's location and take steps to avoid
right. This allows you to keep courtyard via the it if the Mosaic Square is held by enemy troops.
the chopper's weapons main dirt road to
pointed at the enemy while the north. Defenders should cover the flag from the upper level
evading incoming small arms
walkway surrounding the courtyard. While most attacks are likely
fire and rockets. This is
particularly effective when attacking the Mosaic Square. to come from the north, infantry can infiltrate the control point
from the south too.

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Flag 5:
Initial Control: Neutral
The East Bridge control point is nearly
THE EAST BRIDGE ASSETS identical to its cousin to the west. Just like
US Control MEC Control Unit Count
the West Bridge, this bridge can be raised,
HMMWV Otokar Akrep 1 preventing ground vehicles originating at the
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1 MEC Base from crossing the nearby ravine.
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 The control point's flag is also located on
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 the rooftop of a building and can be
accessed by climbing the stairs on the
western side of the structure. C4
TIP Both bridges can by booby traps and other anti-infantry
raised and lowered by inter-
measures should be taken by
acting with this red switch
inside the control house. defenders to keep attackers from
Work with teammates to climbing these steps and reaching
stage some awesome the roof. Snipers positioned along
vehicle jumps when the the rooftops of the large group of
bridge is sloped at a 45-
buildings to the west can help cover
degree angle or less.
both the staircase and the flag.

Flag 6:
Initial Control: MEC
This small airfield on the eastern side of the map serves
MEC BASE ASSETS as the MEC Base. The layout is nearly identical to the
MEC Control Unit Count
US Base with three main roads leading outward to the
Otokar Akrep 2 west—but the center road is the only one unobstructed
BMP-2 1 by boulders. Lacking an antiaircraft vehicle, the MEC
Mi-24 2 team must improvise when it comes to dealing with the
Medical Crate 1 US team's Apaches. The BMD-3's auto-cannon is quite
effective against helicopters, as is the chin-mounted gun
Ammo Crate 1
turret on the Mi-24s. Like almost all bases in head-on
matches, this one can't be captured,
TIP With no helipads on but defenders should still be on the
the map, it's up to
watch for attackers attempting to
engineers to keep the
helicopters at full strength. sabotage or steal the helicopters.
Remember, it's much
faster to land and repair a
helicopter than it is to let
it be destroyed and wait
for a new one to spawn.

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The Nest

CTF Overview:
= Medical This match takes place almost entirely within the
= Ammo town situated on the southern plateau. The central
= Repair
dirt road running east and west is likely to become
a massive kill zone, particularly for vehicles
attempting to rush their opponents' flag. Although
slower, infantry usually have a longer life span by
negotiating the town's narrow alleys. The buildings
lining the southern edge of the plateau offer great
cover when advancing or escaping.
Available Vehicles:
Otokar Akrep (1)

US Flag MEC Flag


The US flag is located on a small, The MEC flag has almost identical
grassy plain near the West surroundings, positioned on a
Bridge. Although the flag is spot of grass within a small grove
surrounded by several trees and of trees near the East Bridge.
shrubs, it can still be overrun by Like the US flag, it can also be
vehicles. A few mines scattered captured by vehicle-based
between the trees can prevent attacks. These can be easily
such enemy rush attacks. With stopped with mines or C4.
no adequate cover nearby, Defenders should cover the flag
defenders should watch the flag from the large group of buildings
from a distance—the building and to the northwest or the East
hills to the north are ideal. Bridge structure.

TIP The rooftop of the West CAUTION Don't fall off the
Bridge building just north of the plateau. Even if you survive the fall
flag is a great cover spot for US (deploy your parachute), you have
defenders. At this range, assault a long hike ahead of you, as most
troops, special ops, and snipers areas in the ravine are too steep
are all effective. to climb. The quickest way to
reach the top is by moving along
the rubble-strewn slope south of
the Mosaic Square.

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LEGEND Command Computer 6: Chinese Base
Black = Convertible 4: Loading Bay
Light Jeep (1) M6 Bradley Light Jeep (2)
Blue = EU Control Only
Heavy Jeep (1) Medical Crate (1) Tank (2)
Red = Chinese Control Only
Machine Gun (1) Ammo Crate (1) AT Missile Launcher (1)
= Medical Medical Crate (1) Medical Crate (1)
= Ammo Repair Station (1) Ammo Crate (1)
= Repair
= Stationary

3: Headquarters
Attack Helicopter (1)
Machine Gun (1)
AT Missile Launcher (1)
Medical Crate (3)
Ammo Crate (2)
Helipad (1)

5: Hangar
Machine Gun (2)
Medical Crate (2)
Ammo Crate (3)
1: EU Base 2: Repair Yard
Heavy Jeep (2) Light Jeep (1)
Tank (2) Heavy Jeep (1)
Machine Gun (1) Medical Crate (1)
Medical Crate (2) Ammo Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1) Repair Station (1)


Chinese At the start of the battle, both teams are well matched,
Intelligence has beginning with identical assets. A drain on the opposing team's
intercepted EU ticket count can be secured by capturing and holding three of
communications the four neutral control points in the map's center. In terms of
and is moving to assets, the Headquarters and Loading Bay are the top prizes
prevent them on this map. They don't produce much themselves, but they're
from taking adjacent to areas that do—the AS-665 attack helicopter near
control of tank the Headquarters, and the M6 Bradley and command
production computer near the Loading Bay.
facilities in the
These two key control points should be the focus of both
east of Russia.
teams during the opening moments of the battle. The EU forces
Reports state should start by racing to capture the Headquarters and Loading
that a large number of tanks from both armies are Bay with their Eagles while the T-90s move against the Repair
poised to clash in this industrial area, aiming to gain Yard and Hangar. The Chinese should do the same, using their
control of the central warehouse and thus gain the FAVs to capture the more distant control points while their
upper hand in the battle. Type 98s secure the Hangar and Loading Bay. With quick
movement, careful coordination, and the help of incompetent
opponents, it's entirely possible to capture all four neutral
control points early on, paving the way for a quick victory.

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Russian Border

Flag 1:
Initial Control: EU
This large industrial courtyard on the western edge of the
map serves as the EU Base. Since this is a head-on match,
EU Control Unit Count
the base can't be captured. As a result, the EU team has
Eagle MTV 2
a steady spawn point and constant supply of Eagle MTVs
and T-90 tanks. The Eagles are useful for rushing the T-90 2
neutral control points at the start of the battle while the T- Machine Gun 1
90s counter the Chinese Type 98s. There is only one road Medical Crate 2
leading in and out of the base. This can be covered with Ammo Crate 1
the eastern-facing machine gun mounted
on the sandbags to the southeast. If the
Chinese troops capture all of the control TIP During tank
battles, seek cover
points, they may try to pin the EU team at behind any available
its base. In such an event, vehicles have a objects, like this
hard time escaping, so it's up to the burning car. With only
infantry to sneak out and gain a foothold the turret exposed,
elsewhere on the map. your tank is much
harder to hit.

Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
The Repair Yard's limited access makes it REPAIR YARD ASSETS
relatively easy to defend, so it should be EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
grabbed early in the battle for this precise Eagle MTV FAV 1
reason. There are only two narrow access Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
points. EU troops in vehicles are most likely Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
to enter via the ramp on the western side.
Repair Station Repair Station 1
The ramp outside the courtyard allows them
to jump a vehicle (even a tank) over the
makeshift barrier of an overturned flatbed TIP When attacking
the Repair Yard with
trailer. However, the ramp is only a one- vehicles from the west,
way access point. All other vehicles must use the ramp to jump
enter and exit through the alleys to the into the courtyard.
northeast. This is the path most Chinese Just make sure your
troops enter from. Defenders should cover vehicle has enough
health to sustain a
this entry point with mines. It's also rough landing.
possible to cover these alleys by parking a
vehicle in the courtyard's southeast corner, right next to the repair station. From this point,
it's possible to engage all incoming attackers while receiving constant repairs.

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Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral
Both sides need to take control of the
Headquarters as quickly as possible to
EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
attain access to the map's only attack
AS-665 AS-665 1
helicopter. The AS-665 Tiger is parked on
Machine Gun Machine Gun 1 a helipad to the northwest, even before
AT Missile Launcher AT Missile Launcher 1 any team takes the control point.
Medical Crate Medical Crate 3 Technically, the helicopter isn't attached
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2 to the control point—it always spawns on
the helipad. But due to proximity, the
Helipad Helipad 1
captor of the Headquarters probably
controls the Tiger too. The Headquarters'
TIP The Hangar's flag sits in the middle of a courtyard on
circular western window
provides a great view of
the eastern side of the main building.
the Headquarters' flag. Defenders can lock down the courtyard
Snipers positioned along by mining the narrow entry points to the
this upper level catwalk east. The northern and southern rooftops
can also cover the are also accessible, providing defending
Loading Bay and
Hangar's flags.
infantry with a nice height advantage. An antitank missile turret is
positioned in the upper floor of the damaged building to the south. This
is ideal for covering the courtyard's entrances, as well as blasting enemy vehicles and infantry on the nearby road.

Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
The Loading Bay is just northeast of the LOADING BAY ASSETS
Headquarters and north of the Hangar, EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
making it a good staging area for assaults Eagle MTV FAV 1
on both control points. It's also very close Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
to the command computer, located in the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
adjacent building to the southeast—this
alone makes the control point worth fighting Repair Station Repair Station 1
for. Like most of the other control points,
its flag sits in the middle of a small TIP The rectangular building just west of the
courtyard, surrounded by sandbags and a Loading Bay serves as a tunnel leading to the helipad
near the Headquarters. Use this path to quickly
couple of shipping containers. A machine
access the Tiger attack helicopter.
gun mounted on the sandbags is good for
covering the entry point to the south, but defenders shouldn't make a habit of standing out
in the open too long. The garage to the north contains a repair station, useful for fixing up
tanks on the move. There's also a second floor of the garage, accessible by using the
interior ramp on the eastern side. The upper floor window provides a great view of the flag
below, as well as the main road to the south.

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Russian Border
Flag 5:
Initial Control: Neutral
Fighting for control of the massive Hangar is HANGAR ASSETS
often a small-scale battle in itself. The control EU Control Chinese Control Unit Count
point's flag sits in the very center of the Machine Gun Machine Gun 2
structure on a slight hill. There is absolutely
Medical Crate Medical Crate 4
no cover near the flag, requiring attackers to
stand out in the open while converting it. An Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 3
upper level catwalk rings the
interior perimeter of the CAUTION It's possible to fly
structure, providing defenders the Tiger through the roof of the
with a perfect view of the flag. Hangar, but capturing the flag by
There are also two smaller air is hazardous. The capture radius
buildings just inside the Hangar's is extremely small, requiring you to
pilot the helicopter extremely close
large eastern and western to the flagpole. If the rotor strikes
entrances. Both of these the pole, your helicopter ride comes
buildings are equipped with an to an abrupt and fiery end.
inward-facing machine gun that
can also be used to cover the flag. If heavily defended, the Hangar is a tough nut to crack.
Attackers should use tanks to repel the small arms fire likely to be encountered while converting
the flag. Remember, mines can be cleared with gunfire, so infantry should clear a path around the flag before the tanks roll in
for the capture. While holding at the flag, those in tanks should listen for the beeping sound of a sniper's LTD achieving a lock.
Thanks to the large opening in the Hangar's roof, air strikes (and mortar strikes) are still a threat.

Flag 6:
Initial Control: China
From its base to the east, the
CHINESE BASE ASSETS Chinese team begins relatively
Chinese Control Unit Count close to the Hangar and Loading
FAV 2 Bay. The FAVs spawned here
Type 98 2 should be used to quickly
capture these key control points
AT Missile Launcher 1
as soon as the battle begins.
Medical Crate 1 Like the US Base, the Chinese
Ammo Crate 1 Base can't be captured. Still,
the Chinese forces shouldn't totally abandon their base once they've attained a foothold to
the west. Those who stay behind can use the antitank missile launcher to cover the main road approaching from the west. At
the very least, it's important that teammates spawn here to bring the Type 98 tanks to the front lines. Not only are they useful
during attacks, but they're sometimes needed to defend control points against the EU's T-90s.

The command computer is located in a garage just west of the
Loading Bay. It's positioned on a catwalk along the northern wall.
As usual, look for tight clusters of enemies when calling in an
artillery strike—both bases and the courtyard-based control points
are particularly vulnerable. The garage also houses the map's only
M6 Bradley, which spawns here at all times regardless of who
holds the surrounding control points. The Bradley is useful for
blasting enemy troops or shooting down the Tiger attack
helicopter with its Stinger Missiles.

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CTF Overview:
= Medical The Hangar is once again the site of some intense
= Ammo action in this wild CTF match. Both sides have
= Repair access to several vehicles—cars and Eagles on the
EU side and pickup trucks and FAVs on the Chinese
side. However, there are only two vehicle
EU Flag Chinese Flag approaches to the enemy's flag—through the
Hangar itself or along the railroad tracks on the
northern side. While the Hangar is always a kill
zone for infantry, there's enough room inside to
speedily maneuver vehicles through. Just watch out
for the mines likely to be tossed around the base of
each flag. The Eagles and FAVs are best suited for
flag capture, as the cars and pickup trucks tend to
get stuck when straddling the flags' bases.
Available Vehicles:
Car (2)
Pickup Truck (2)
Eagle MTV (2)
FAV (2)


The EU flag is located just outside The Chinese flag sits outside the
the Hangar's western entrance. Hangar's opposite entrance to
While mines are always a good the east. There aren't too many
defensive measure, the EU team great cover positions for infantry
needs to take the access of its defenders directly around the
own vehicles into consideration. flag. But an FAV parked to the
Instead of just covering the south can cover the flag using
Hangar door, the defenders its grenade launcher and
should also watch the northern machine gun.
and southern alleys.

TIP The upper floor of the TIP Both teams have enough
Loading Bay's garage is an excellent vehicles to stage large, convoy-like
long-range cover point for EU attacks on the enemy flag. Once
snipers defending their flag. You coordinated, the vehicles should drive
have to step out of bounds momen- in a spread-out, single file formation
tarily to reach it. directly through the Hangar. The front
vehicles (preferably cars and trucks)
can be sacrificed to clear mines while
the rear vehicles go for the flag.

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Black = Convertible
Blue = US Control Only
Red = MEC Control Only

= Medical
= Ammo
= Repair
= Stationary

6: Hangar
Light Jeep (1)
Heavy Jeep (1) 5: Military Base
Scout Helicopter (1) Light Jeep (1)
Attack Helicopter (1) Heavy Jeep (1)
Machine Gun (1) Medical Crate (1)
Stinger Turret (2) Ammo Crate (1)
Medical Crate (1) Repair Station (1)
Ammo Crate (2)
Repair Station (1)

3: Small Village
4: The Crossing Heavy Jeep (1)
Medical Crate (1) Machine Gun (2)
Ammo Crate (1) Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

2: Beached
Cargo Ship
Boat (2)
Command Computer Ammo Crate (1)

1: Insertion Point
Boat (3)
Transport Helicopter (1)
Machine Gun (2)
Stinger Turret (1)
Medical Crate (1)
Ammo Crate (1)

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US forces are
receiving uncon-
firmed reports
that the Chinese
army is
conducting tests
on an experi-
mental new
aircraft at a
secret base in the
hills of Northern
China. They have
dispatched a squad of soldiers to capture the Chinese
aircraft hangar and investigate these claims.
The attack is unexpected but the Chinese have been
able to deploy helicopters to support their ground
troops against the US threat.

Battle Overview
Although the control points look like a row of forces in the middle of the map, blasting them with
stepping stones running up the map, this battle their Blackhawk and newly acquired Little Bird.
should not be fought entirely in a linear fashion. The Maintaining the US ticket drain and fiercely
US troops must use their Blackhawk to quickly gain defending the Hangar are the Chinese team's two
a foothold on the northern side of the map by top priorities. At the Hangar, at least one defender
dropping teammates at the Small Village and the should immediately take control of one of the
Crossing. Meanwhile, the Sea Ark Stingers should Stinger turrets and scan the southern sky for an
move to the Beached Cargo Ship and incoming Blackhawk. It must be shot down before
reinforce positions at the Small Village. It's it can drop troops. At the same time, the WZ-9
important for the US to capture at least needs to drop Chinese troops at the Crossing
two control points early to halt the and Small Village, then continue with strafing runs
initial ticket drain. As soon as their on US boats in the river and around the Beached
tickets stop bleeding away, the US Cargo Ship. If the Chinese can take
should make frequent aggressive control of the Small Village, they
pushes against the Hangar by should focus on preventing the
landing troops behind enemy US from establishing a
lines with the Blackhawk. beachhead on the
Taking control of the Hangar northern bank.
deprives the Chinese of At least one FAV
their WZ-9, greatly should be parked near each control
inhibiting their ability to point and its machine gun deployed as an
stage breakout attacks antiaircraft gun to defeat Blackhawk raids. The
against rear control points longer the Chinese can hold the four northern
like the Beached Cargo control points, the more tickets the US loses,
Ship. It also allows the US helping set the stage for a victory.
to squeeze the Chinese

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Special Ops

Flag 1:
Initial Control: US
The Insertion Point is the US team's staging area for
the assault. In addition to spawning the extremely
US Control Unit Count
valuable Blackhawk, it also spawns three Sea Ark
Sea Ark Stinger 3 Stingers, useful for assaulting the Beached Cargo Ship
UH-60 1 and Small Village to the north. This area can't be seized
Machine Gun 2 by Chinese forces, but it should still be defended by the
Stinger Turret 1 US team to protect the vehicles from attack, partic-
Medical Crate 1 ularly in the open moments of the battle when the
beach is crawling with friendly troops. The Chinese WZ-
Ammo Crate 1
9 poses the biggest threat but can quickly be countered
with the Stinger turret. A pair of
TIP The roof of this machine guns also covers the
structure at the US Base shoreline and can be used to
can be accessed by climbing
the ramp on the southern
engage the Chinese chopper.
side. US snipers positioned
here can assist the assault
by picking off enemy troops
at the Beached Cargo Ship
and Small Village.

Flag 2:
Initial Control: Neutral
The dominating feature of this control point
is the massive cargo vessel beached on the
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
island's northern shore. The US team has
the best chance of reaching this control Sea Ark Stinger Sea Ark Stinger 2
point first and converting the flag on the Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
eastern side of the island. The two Sea Ark
Stingers spawned on the northern side of
the island (near the cargo ship) are not
TIP The command
computer sits at the
connected to the control point—they spawn far end of this shipping
here regardless of who holds it. The US container, protecting
team can use these boats to assault the the operator from the
Small Village to the north while Chinese chaos outside.
troops can use them to stage raids on the
Insertion Point. Both teams should make
an effort to hold this control point, as it's
also home to the command computer. The computer is located on the cargo ship, hidden
within a shipping container along the starboard side—use the mini-map icon to zero in on its
precise location. The US team should coordinate artillery strikes with advances on the Military Base and Hangar.

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Flag 3:
Initial Control: Neutral
The Small Village is situated on the northern
SMALL VILLAGE ASSETS riverbank. By establishing control here, the
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
US team can push inland toward the three
HMMWV — 1 northern control points. Troops moving north
Machine Gun Machine Gun 2 from the Small Village can either trek though
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 the jungle on foot or utilize the road to the
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 east along the beach. This road winds north,
then west, dropping into a dry riverbed
running east and west across the
TIP It's possible to convert map. The riverbed is the only way
the Small Village's flag from
within the nearby shipping
ground vehicles can easily access the
container. Move to the back Military Base and Hangar control
of the container to enter the points, as the jungle terrain is far too
control point's capture uneven and densely packed with
radius. When searching for trees, rocks, and shrubs. Back at the
stragglers, defenders should
always peek in here.
village, the flag is protected by a
couple of machine guns, useful for
covering the jungle to the north and the road to the east. If the enemy holds the Crossing and other points to the north,
attacks are likely to come from both directions with infantry attacking from the jungle and vehicles advancing along the road.

Flag 4:
Initial Control: Neutral
The Crossing control point is little more than
a flagpole stuck in the middle of the jungle.
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
But it serves an important purpose, allowing
the captor to control traffic across the Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
footbridge spanning the dry riverbed. This Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1
footbridge is the quickest way
for infantry to move between
the Small Village and Military
TIP The shipping container in the
riverbed is a nice ramp, perfect for
Base. Both sides can make jumping over the footbridge near the
use of this control point by Crossing. The Humvee is a little
setting up ambushes along the easier to jump than the FAV, due to
narrow bridge. C4 booby traps its narrower wheel base. If you time
your jump just right, you might be
and focused fields of fire can able to clip an enemy soldier crossing
chew up enemy troops really the footbridge for a flying road kill.
quickly. Infantry should expect
heavy close-range combat in the jungle. Consider spawning as an engineer or special ops
soldier, as the shotgun and sub-machine gun are ideal for these types of up-close engagements.

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Special Ops

Flag 5:
Initial Control: China
This is the entry point to the Chinese secret
MILITARY BASE ASSETS base. A large fence lines the southern edge
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
of the base, but there are many breach
HMMWV FAV 1 (US),2 (China) points, including two holes just south the
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1 flag. Infantry advancing from the south
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 1 usually enter here. Vehicles can enter via the
Repair Station Repair Station 1 road to the west. Chinese defenders should
consider mining and booby-trapping all
access points, especially once the US
TIP Booby-trap attackers establish a foothold at the Small
the holes in the
Village. The Military Base's flag sits outside a
fence with C4 and
watch for intruders garage, identical to the building at the Busted
from the nearby Bus control point on the Harbor Edge map—
rooftop at the this time the repair station is inside the
Military Base. garage. The rooftop of the building is a fine
perch for defenders covering the jungle to the
south or even the flag at the Hangar.

Flag 6:
Initial Control: China
Despite its impressive list of assets, the
Hangar is not a base. It's a control point
US Control Chinese Control Unit Count
and can be captured by the US team. In
fact, the US would be wise to capture this HMMWV FAV 1
vital control point as soon as possible to AH-6J WZ-9 1
deprive the Chinese team of its only Machine Gun Machine Gun 1
helicopter spawn point. The Chinese team Stinger Turret Stinger Turret 2
should expect heavy action at the Hangar
Medical Crate Medical Crate 1
even before the US lands troops at the
Small Village—the Blackhawk can transport
Ammo Crate Ammo Crate 2
a total of five US troops to this control Repair Station Repair Station 1
point within the first minute of the battle.
Therefore, Chinese defenders should never
wander far away from the two Stinger
TIP With the aid of
a helicopter ride,
turrets positioned at the base of the snipers can take up
northern cliff, just east of the flag. positions on the cliff
Speaking of the flag, it's positioned near overlooking the Hangar
the large hangar door. A small, bunker-like room on the eastern side of and Military Base
control points.
this door contains a machine gun that can be used to defend the flag—
the flag can also be converted from within this room. If the US forces
manage to capture the Hangar, they have another helicopter at their
disposal (a Little Bird) and can use it to squeeze the Chinese team at the central control points.

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CTF Overview:
= Medical This is one of the largest CTF maps available,
= Ammo requiring both sides to travel great distances to
= Repair capture the opponents' flag. As a result, don't
expect very many high scores. Due to the map
Chinese Flag size, the match plays very differently based on how
many players are in the game. If there are 12 or
fewer players, the pickup trucks and cars are very
effective for captures. But on a full sever (24
players), infantry are much more effective, as
more players take to defense, shutting down the
vehicle access points with mines. As the match
becomes more infantry-based, prepare for some
intense firefights in the jungle between the Small
Village and Military Base—keep your eyes peeled
for dropped flags.
US Flag Available Vehicles:
Car (2)
Pickup Truck (2)


The US flag is located at the The Military Base serves as the
Small Village, near the same home of the Chinese flag in this
point where the flagpole is in CTF match. As in conquest mode,
conquest mode. But this time, the holes in the southern fence
there aren't any machine guns are predictable access points for
nearby to defend it. Instead, it's infantry incursions. These
up to the US team's defenders to openings should be watched by
lay out some mines and plant C4 defenders, and the road to the
in the appropriate access points. west should also be mined to
A pair of pickup trucks spawns prevent vehicle rushes.
nearby, which the team can use
for high-speed raids on the
Chinese flag.

TIP A small squad of three or TIP Need some cover? The cars
four teammates can set up elaborate near the Chinese flag or the pickup
and deadly ambushes in the jungle. trucks near the US flag can be
The footbridge spanning the dry used as defensive barriers or
riverbed is an ideal kill zone. roadblocks. But watch their
damage level when hiding behind
them for cover—you don't want to
be nearby when they explode.

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Agility—Movement Speed

Agility—Throw Distance
Agility—Fall Distance

Agility—Jump Height
Explosive Bullets


Fast Restock
Fast Reload
Rapid Fire






Battlefield General — — 6 6 — 6 6 — — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4-Star General — — 6 6 — 6 6 — — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Lieutenant General — — 6 6 — 6 6 — — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Major General — — 6 6 — 6 6 — — 6 — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Brigadier General — — 6 6 — 6 — — — 6 — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Colonel — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Lieutenant Colonel — — 6 — — 6 — — 6 — — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Major — — 6 — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 6 — 6 6 6 6
Captain — — 6 — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 6 — 6 6 6 6
1st Lieutenant — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 6 — 6 6 6 6
2nd Lieutenant — 6 — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 6 — 6 6 6 6
Chief Warrant Officer — 6 — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 6 — 6 6 6 —
Warrant Officer — 6 — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 6 6 —
Command Sgt. Major — 6 — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 6 6 —
Sergeant Major — 6 — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 6 — —
Master Sergeant 6 — — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 6 — —
Sergeant 1st Class 6 — — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — — 6 — — —
Sergeant 6 — — — 6 — — 6 — — — 6 — — — — — —
Corporal 6 — — — 6 — — 6 — — — — — — — — — —
Private 1st Class 6 — — — 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Private 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

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Ammo Dump
Burning Barrel
TV Aerial
Water Tower

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Sea Mine
TV Aerial

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Oil Well
TV Aerial

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First Medal Second Medal Third Medal Fourth Medal
25th fuel barrel kill 50th fuel barrel kill 75th fuel barrel kill 100th fuel barrel kill
Sharp Shooter: 3 "Perfect" Sharp Shooter: 5 "Perfect" Sharp Shooter: 10 "Perfect" Sharp Shooter: 50 "Perfect"
kills in a row kills in a row kills in a row kills in a row
Artillery Bombardment: Kill four enemies Artillery Bombardment: Kill seven Artillery Bombardment: Kill ten enemies

with one artillery strike enemies with one artillery strike with one artillery strike
Handgun Hero: Handgun Hero: Handgun Hero: Handgun Hero:
Three pistol kills with one clip Five pistol kills with one clip Ten pistol kills with one clip Perfect clip: 15 kills
Halo Jump: Last-second parachute Halo Jump: Last-second parachute Halo Jump: Last-second parachute

pull from over 25m pull from over 50m pull from over 100m
Freefall: 25m without parachute Freefall: 50m without parachute Freefall: 100m without parachute —
Single Minded: Complete a
— — —
mission/skirmish using only pistols


First Medal Second Medal Third Medal Fourth Medal
Kill three enemy troops Kill five enemy troops Kill ten enemy troops
Perfect clip: thirty kills
with one clip with one clip with one clip
50 assault rifle kills in total 100 assault rifle kills in total 200 assault rifle kills in total —
10 assault rifle kills in a row 25 assault rifle kills in a row 50 assault rifle kills in a row —
Assault Veteran: 500 reloads — — —
Kill two enemies with one grenade Kill four enemies with one grenade Kill six enemies with one grenade —
Kill three enemies in a row with rifle Kill five enemies in a row with rifle Kill ten enemies in a row with rifle

grenade grenade grenade
Destroy one 4x4 with one rifle grenade Destroy two 4x4s with one rifle grenade — —


First Medal Second Medal Third Medal
Three shotgun kills with one clip Five shotgun kills with one clip Perfect Clip: eight shotgun kills with one clip
50 shotgun kills in total 100 shotgun kills in total 200 shotgun kills in total
10 shotgun kills in a row 25 shotgun kills in a row 50 shotgun kills in a row
Shotgun Veteran: 500 reloads — —
Three RPG kills in one shot Four RPG kills in one shot Five RPG kills in one shot
100 RPG kills in total 250 RPG kills in total 500 RPG kills in total
Destroy 3 vehicles with successive RPG shots Destroy 5 vehicles with successive RPG shots Destroy 10 vehicles with successive RPG shots
RPG Veteran: 500 reloads — —

primagames.com 157
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First Medal Second Medal Third Medal
Sniper Elite: Kill three enemy Sniper Elite: Kill four enemy Sniper Elite: Perfect clip—Kill five
troops with one clip troops with one clip enemy troops with one clip
50 sniper rifle kills in total 100 sniper rifle kills in total 200 sniper rifle kills in total
10 sniper rifle kills in a row 25 sniper rifle kills in a row 50 sniper rifle kills in a row
Sniper Veteran: 500 reloads — —
10 laser designator kills in total 50 laser designator kills in total 100 laser designator kills in total
Three laser designator kills in a row Five laser designator kills in a row Seven laser designator kills in a row
GPS Veteran: 100 GPS usages — —
Lone Wolf: Long headshot (over 0.1 km) Lone Wolf: Long headshot (over 0.2 km) Lone Wolf: Long headshot (over 0.3 km)
1st driver/pilot kill 10th driver/pilot kill 50th driver/pilot kill


First Medal Second Medal Third Medal Fourth Medal
Kill three enemy troops with one clip Kill five enemy troops with one clip Kill ten enemy troops with one clip Perfect clip: 25 kills
50 spec ops machine gun kills in total 100 spec ops machine gun kills in total 200 spec ops machine gun kills in total —
10 spec ops machine gun kills in a row 25 spec ops machine gun kills in a row 50 spec ops machine gun kills in a row —
Special Ops Veteran: 500 reloads — — —
Silent Killer: 5 knife kills Silent Killer: 25 knife kills Silent Killer: 50 knife kills —
Flasher: 3 enemies stunned Flasher: 4 enemies stunned Flasher: 5 enemies stunned

with one flash grenade with one flash grenade with one flash grenade
Kill three enemy troops or Kill five enemy troops or Kill seven enemy troops or

vehicles with one C4 vehicles with one C4 vehicles with one C4
Demolition Man: 10 C4 kills in total Demolition Man: 15 C4 kills in total Demolition Man: 25 C4 kills in total —
10 C4 kills in a row 25 C4 kills in a row 50 C4 kills in a row —
C4 Veteran: 500 C4 exploded — — —


First Medal Second Medal Third Medal Fourth Medal
Five kills with one clip Ten kills with one clip Twenty-five kills with one clip Perfect Clip: 50 kills
50 heavy machine gun kills in total 100 heavy machine gun kills in total 200 heavy machine gun kills in total —
10 heavy machine gun kills in a row 25 heavy machine gun kills in a row 50 heavy machine gun kills in a row —
Heavy Machine Gun Veteran: 500 reloads — — —
Three units killed with Four units killed with Five units killed with

single mortar strike single mortar strike single mortar strike
10 Allied Units healed in a mission — — —

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First Medal Second Medal Third Medal First Medal Second Medal Third Medal
Three 4x4 kills in a row Five 4x4 kills in a row Ten 4x4 kills in a row Three tank kills in a row Four tank kills in a row Five tank kills in a row
50th kill using 4x4 100th kill using 4x4 200th kill using 4x4 50th kill using tanks 100th kill using tanks 200th kill using tanks
Long jump: 10 meters Long jump: 25 meters Long jump: 50 meters No tanks lost in a mission — —
4x4 Veteran: Drive Tank Veteran: Drive
— — — —
10km in 4x4s 10km in tanks


First Medal Second Medal Third Medal
20 vehicles destroyed using helicopters 50 vehicles destroyed using helicopters 100 vehicles destroyed using helicopters
Two heli kills in a row Four heli kills in a row Six heli kills in a row
5th kill using rotor blades 10th kill using rotor blades 20th kill using rotor blades
Happy Landings: 10 successful landings Happy Landings: 50 successful landings Happy Landings: 100 successful landings
Low Flying: travel below 15m for 200 meters — —
Heli Veteran: Fly 10km in helis — —


First Medal Second Medal Third Medal
5 vehicles destroyed with Stinger Missile 10 vehicles destroyed with Stinger Missile 20 vehicles destroyed with Stinger Missile
Kill 10 enemies in a row with machine guns Kill 15 enemies in a row with machine guns Kill 25 enemies in a row with machine guns
Kill 50 enemies with machine guns Kill 100 enemies with machine guns Kill 200 enemies with machine guns
Kill 10 enemies in a row with grenade launchers Kill 20 enemies in a row with grenade launchers Kill 30 enemies in a row with grenade launchers
Kill 50 enemies with grenade launchers Kill 100 enemies with grenade launchers Kill 250 enemies with grenade launchers


First Medal Second Medal Third Medal First Medal Second Medal Third Medal
2 boat kills in a row 3 boat kills in a row 4 boat kills in a row 25th hotswap 50th hotswap 100th hotswap
50th kill using boat 100th kill using boat 200th kill using boat Hotswap 1km Hotswap 5km Hotswap Veteran: 10km
Long Range Kill From Long Range Kill From Long Range Kill From Hotswap between five
Boat: 100 meters Boat: 150 meters Boat: 200 meters different unit types (no — —
Travel 100 meters in a Travel 300 meters in a Travel 500 meters in a duplication)
single boat journey single boat journey single boat journey
Boat Veteran: Drive
— —
10km in boats

primagames.com 159
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First Medal Second Medal Third Medal
Kill using every weapon — —
Road Kill: Destroy 25 troops/vehicles by ramming Road Kill: Destroy 50 troops/vehicles by ramming Road Kill: Destroy 100 troops/vehicles by ramming

Medal Name Requirements
Air Force Cross Kill 10 enemies without dying using aerial weapons

Air Force Cross, 1st Class Kill 15 enemies without dying using aerial weapons

Bronze Star Kill 10 enemies without dying using land vehicles only

Bronze Star, 1st Class Kill 15 enemies without dying using land vehicle weapons

Distinguished Service Cross Kill 5 enemies without dying using kit weapons only

Distinguished Service Cross, 1st Class Kill 10 enemies without dying using kit weapons only

Expert Demolition Destroy 4 enemy vehicles with C4 without dying

Expert Healer Heal 4 friendly players without dying—a third of their health must be restored

Expert Killing Kill 4 enemies without dying using one clip in a assault rifle

Expert Repair Repair 5 friendly vehicles without dying—a third of their health must be restored

Expert Shooting Kill 4 enemies without dying using one clip in a sniper rifle

Legion of Merit Kill 15 enemies from a secondary position in a vehicle during one game round

Legion of Merit, 1st Class Kill 30 enemies from a secondary position in a vehicle during one game round

Navy Cross Kill 30 enemies without dying using kit weapons only

Silver Star Kill 20 enemies without dying using vehicle weapons

Ribbon Requirements Ribbon Requirements
Participate in 50 game sessions Complete 20 major victories
Participate in 250 game sessions Complete 50 major victories
Participate in 500 game sessions Finish top player in 5 game rounds
Complete five major victories Finish top player in 20 game rounds

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