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1C 2B 3D 4A 5C 6C 7A 8B


9C 10B 11 A 12 B 13 B 14 A 15 C 16C 17C 18B 19 B 20 B


21 C 22 B 23 D 24 B 25 B 26 C 27 C 28 C 29 A
30 D 31 C 32 B 33 A 34 A 35 C

Q.l: What is the purpose of the message?
Good afternoon. Tm calling for Julie Gibbs. This is Donald Carson from
Doctor Kim's office. I just wanted to confirm your appointment for your
annual physical checkup on Friday, June 27 at 3 o'clock. The checkup
shouldn't last longer than an hour and a half Since this is your first visit with
Doctor Kim, we'd like you to come to the clinic about 20 minutes early so
that we can create a file for you. If you cannot make the appointment, please
contact the office and let us know at least a day in advance. Thanks.
Q.2: What is being advertised?
Do you need a way to relieve your stress? Whether you're looking for a full-
time membership dr just a day of relaxation, Istanbul Spa has something for
you! We have several different services for all your treatment needs. This
week, we're offering a full-day service including a full-body massage,
aromatherapy and a facial for just one low price. You can also enjoy our
hospitality with a healthy and refreshing beverage at our tea lounge.
Q.3: According to the announcement, what will be built near
I am very pleased to announce that city leaders in Berryville have finally
approved a proposal to enlarge the airport on Hathor Road. We have given
the building contract to Heaton Construction. The new terminal will join
our older, existing facilities. Berryville's population has been growing at a
rapid rate over the past 15 years, due to the addition of a local university
and the recent expansion of several businesses.
Q.4: Who is this announcement probably for?

This announcement is for all assembly line employees. Please make sure to
check your work schedule as soon as you arrive in the morning to see where
you will be working for the day. You will need to sign in by putting your
signature in the space by your name. After that, please check the
announcement board next to the manager's office for any daily notices.
Finally, don't forget to pick up your protective aprons and glasses from the
safety area.
Q.5: What is the purpose of the message?
Hi, Rose. This is Dorothy calling from the personnel department. I just
wanted to know if you are free to join us for dinner tonight. A few of us will
be leaving the office around 5:30 and going to the Thai restaurant. Our new
colleague Sophia is coming as well. Anyway, if you'd like to join us, just
meet us downstairs in front of the building at about 5. Sophia and I will be
taking my car, and you are more than welcome to ride with us. Anyway, I
hope to see you later. Bye.
Q.6: What is this message about?
Thank you for calling the Tower Place security department. This office will
be closing at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday morning as we relocate to the 10th
floor. All security officers will be on duty during this time. The 10th floor
office will be open at 9 a.m. Thursday. Please contact the security officer on
duty, Roy Williams, at 555-7251 if you need to speak with security personnel
after 11 on Wednesday. Thank you.
Q.7: What is the purpose of the message?
Hello, Mr. Nakamura. This is Eric Parkman, manager of the personnel
department for Linderman Enterprises. We received your resume last week
for the accounting position in our shipping department. I was very
impressed with your experience and education. I would like to schedule an
interview at our office on Friday, April 29 at 10 o'clock. Please give me a
call and let me know if that time is good for you. Thank you.
Q.8: Who is the speaker?
Staff members of Winton Property Development, welcome to the 8th annual
Top Achievers Awards Dinner, When I founded Winton Property
Development 13 years ago, I knew that I alone could not make the company
the success that it is today, I knew that it would take people like you to help
me achieve that goal. The reason why I host this dinner every year is to

express my deep appreciation to everyone for working so hard for the
continued growth of this company,
W: Mr. Stone, this is Susan White from the Speedy Medical Center. I am
calling to remind you that you have an appointment with Dr. Johnson
tomorrow at 11.
M: Ah, yes, thank you for reminding me. You know, if you hadn't called, I
would've completely forgotten all about it. I've been so busy lately.
W: Well, we call all of our clients a day before their scheduled appointment.
Anyway, please get here 10 minutes before your appointment since there are
some forms that you have to fill out. Also, don't forget to bring your
insurance information.
M: Okay, I will reniember to bring it with me. Thanks, and I will see you
tomorrow then.
M: I just read an article in the paper about the medical conference being
held in the city this weekend. I'm really looking forward to going there.
W: Really? I am thinking of going as well. I really want to listen to the talk
on that study about soybeans. A lot of my patients have been mentioning it
to me lately.
M: Yes, my patients have been asking me about it, too. Hey, do you want to
go together this Saturday?
W: All right. My in-laws are coming for a visit this Sunday, so Saturday will
be perfect.

W: I think the customer was quite satisfied with the service we provided.
M: Yes, I think he was especially happy because he thought the warranty
had expired. He managed to get the repair done at no cost.
W: Well, I am glad that we were able to help a good customer. You know,
it's customers like that who will continue to come back to our store.
M: Yes, I agree with you. I think it's very important that we try to keep all
of our customers happy.
Q.21-25: Listen to part of a conversation between two people on
W: Hi, there. I was looking for information about becoming a political
science major.
M: Sure. We have some brochures right here.
W: Thanks, but could I ask you a few questions?
M: No problem. Fire away.
W: Are there many requirements for Political Science?
M: Uh, not really ... Just you must take Political Science 1 and 2, a general
history class, and a writing seminar.
W: I thought you had to take economics, too.
M: Not for the general Political Science program. But there are a couple
of specialized programs that have additional requirements.
W: Oh, really? What are they?
M: Well, there is the International Relations program. It is more
interdisciplinary, so it requires economics and a second history credit; the
two history credits have to be in different regions. There is also the honors
Political Science program. To get into that, you need to take the same
economics class as the International Relations program, and a special
Political Science seminar. And you need to maintain over a "B" average in
all those required courses.
W: Wow, that sounds difficult.

M: Yeah, not many people are qualified for the honors program. That's why
it’s considered more prestigious, I guess.
W: Is that all?
M: No. You also have to complete this form, listing all the Political Science
and related credits you have already taken or plan to take, and get the
department chair to sign off on it.
W: Uggh. This is really a lot of work.
, M: Yeah, but everyone has to do it. It's not different from any other majors;
the department wants to know that you've thought about your major
carefully and thoroughly, and that all the students are being realistic in their
M: Hey, Clara. Got a minute?
W: Oh, hi, Will. Sure, I've got plenty of time. What's the matter?
M: Did you see the poster saying that our debate club meeting tonight had
been moved?
W: Oh yes, you didn't get the email?
M: My computer hasn't been working these few days, so I can't get access
to my mailbox. Anyway, why has it been moved?
W: That whole wing of the Student Union building is getting repainted
today, so it's off-limits until the paint dries, vented properly and the workers
clean everything up.
M: It's about time. The club offices in the student building have been
looking rundown for quite a while now. A new paint-job would do them a
world of good.
W: And the rooms are going to be repainted in a lighter color, too. That
oldpaint was too dark and depressing.
M: A lighter color would help everything look bigger, too. Our debate club
could use that.
W: Yeah, but we need more than just light paint. We've grown too big for
that little room; we really need to move into a bigger place.
M: Any chance of that happening?

W: Not that I know of. Except for tonight, that is, just for this once, well be
meeting downstairs in Turner Auditorium.
M: That place is huge, way too big for us.
W: I know, but it was the only place available tonight. And it was either there
or else cancel the meeting altogether.
M: I guess it's better than canceling. Although, to be honest, I could use
another week to prepare for my speech, I’ve been really busy with my classes
Q.31-35: Listen to part of a lecture in a film class. The professor is talking
about science fiction and popular culture.
Science fiction is very popular these days - in books, in movies, and on TV.
Unfortunately, popular science fiction is often a lot more "fiction" and not so
much "science." One of the most common problems is science fiction’s
fascination with faster Ahan-light travel. We know that is impossible, as it
violates Einstein’s basic theory of space and time, but on Star Trek and other
science fiction shows, spaceships jump from star to star and galaxy to galaxy
like you or I might want to drive to another city. In truth, the closest star to
Earth, Proximo Centauri, is over three light years away. That means
traveling at the speed of light, the fastest speed anyone theoretically could
travel, it would take three years to make it to our nearest neighbor. Other
stars and galaxies are routinely thousands and millions of light years away,
making intergalactic travel an impossibility. Even if we grant that such space
travel somehow was possible, there is no shortage of other errors in popular
science fiction. In Star Wars and other films, spaceships swoop across the
screen, with their. ... uh ... their engines emitting a great roar. However, since
space is a void, sound waves cannot travel. There is no sound in space; it is
utterly silent. Gravity is another mystery in these films. Gravity depends
mostly on mass. Spaceships are tiny compared to the mass of earth. In space
there should be practically no gravity. And yet people in science fiction
routinely walk around on their spaceships in space as comfortably as they
would on earth. That said, there have been a few, scarce films that bothered
to portray the science of space flight somewhat realistically. In 2001: A Space
Odyssey, the ship must rotate to create artificial gravity. Outside the
spaceship, there is total silence. And the voyage from Earth to Jupiter takes
many months. But

such films are the exception, not the rule. While science fiction may be
enjoyable, you should look elsewhere to learn about science.



1. A 11.B 21. B 31. A
2. B 12. D 22. C 32. B
3.B 13. B 23. C 33. A
4.C 14. B 24. B 34. B
5.C 15. B 25. A 35. C
6. A 16. D 26. C 36. C
7.D 17. D 27. C 37. B
8. C 18. B 28. C 38. A
9.C 19. C 29. D 39. C
10. A 20. C 30. D 40. A

Task 1:
Dear Sara,
Manchester is a really interesting city. There are a lot of shops here. The
people are friendly and the night life is fantastic. It ’s a pity it’s always

As you know, I’m working in a fast-food restaurant. I go to work from 5 to

9 in the evening, so I don ’t go out with my friends very often. I go straight
home after work to review the lessons and get ready for the class the next
day. However, I love my job because I have lots of chances to practice
speaking English with the customers. I believe that I can improve my
spoken English so much. However, I don 7 like my boss because he *s too

I was living with an English family, but I didn’t get on very well with them.
Therefore, now Tm sharing a flat with 4 French students. We have a lot of
fun together, but Tm not speaking much English at home because we
always use French.

I’m going to English classes every morning in a language school next to

my flat. I can learn a lot here and make great progress.

Well, it s time for work now.

Lookingforward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Word count: 200

Task 2:
Traffic congestion in many big cities of Viet Nam is getting more and more
serious. Many people believe that one possible solution to this problem is
to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and spend this money on making
public transport better. However, there are both pros and cons to decide to
do this. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such a
measure and draw a conclusion.

Let’s begin by looking at the positive aspects of such a solution. One of the
main advantages would be that the heavy taxes would discourage car owners
from using their cars because it would become very expensive to drive. This
would mean that they would begin to make use of public transport instead
to travel here and there, thus reducing road accidents and pollution as well.
Another good point would be that more people would use public transport
if it were improved. In fact, public transport in major cities like Hanoi and
Saigon is very poor. For example, we often see old and dirty buses and trains
that no one wants to take a ride on. High taxes would create enough money
to make the necessary changes.
On the other hand, there are some negative points of such a measure. First,
this would be a heavy burden on car drivers. At present, taxes on private
cars are already high for a lot of people, and so further taxes would only
mean less money at the end of the month for most people who may have no
choice but to drive every day. Another problem is that this type of tax would
likely be set at a fixed amount for all who use car as a means of transport.
This would mean that it would hit those with less money harder, while the
rich could afford it. It is, therefore, not a fair tax.
In conclusion, there are two sides to everything and applying this solution
is not an exception. However, personally I think it’s time for us to do
something to tackle the problem of traffic jams in big cities of Viet Nam.
This measure is, therefore, obviously worth considering to improve the
current situation.

Word count: 341

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’) Let’s talk about walking.
- Do you like walking? When and where do you walk?
When? every morning; at the weekend; in one’s free time
Where? in the park; in one’s neighborhood; in the countryside along
the beach
- Do you think walking is important?
Walking is a good way to relax/ reduce stress/ improve blood circulation/
useful. keep fit/ stay healthy
— Do you think walking in the countryside is better than walking
in the city?
lots of fresh air and green areas; no traffic; safe walking;
Walking in the enjoyable experience; good places for walkers
Walking in the regular and convenient walking; easy friend-making; nice
city short walks; beautiful parks for walkers
Let’s talk about your eating habits.
- Do you often eat healthy food?
- What do you usually eat at school/ at work?
- What is the unhealthiest food you can think of?
- eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
Healthy - regularly having good protein from fish, milk, and eggs
eating, habit - having little red meat, sugar, and fet
- staying away from junk foods
- having unbalanced diet
Unhealthy - overconsuming red meat, sugar, and fat
eating habit - not eating much fruits or vegetables
Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)
Situation: You are choosing a birthday gift for your friend There are
three suggestions: a book, a music show ticket, and a shopping coupon.
Which do you think is the best choice?

A book an affordable gift; a good memory; high availability;
many choices
A music show a special gift; enjoyment of watching live music
ticket performance and seeing one’s idols
A shopping coupon a nice gift for female friends; high convenience; own
Part 3: Topic Development (5’)
Topic: Cheap air travel should be promoted. Cheap air travel
enjoying deep discounts on undersold flights/ best fares
Offering a flexible on different dates/ good deals on early booking/ different
travelling mode charges for different travel plans
opting for limited comforts to save budget; saying up to
Reducing travelling 70% of costs with flexible travel time and destinations
being time-efficient and cost-efficient for business deals;
Creating business expanding local and international markets; easily seeking
opportunities business partners

- promoting cultural exchange: international flights

bridging cultural gaps and increasing value exchange
- boosting world travel: low-budget flights reducing
More ideas for cheap
distance and minimizing cost-related problems on
air travel

- developing economy: tourist services creating jobs /

increasing employment; business yielding profit

- Do you think that governments should encourage cheap flights?

Encouraging cheap improving remote areas; increasing employment;

flights facilitating goods transport; developing economy
- Are there any problems with low-cost air travel?
extra costs for baggage and on-flight meals; small
Problems with low- seats and limited legroom; basic customer service;
cost air travels low safety; non-refundability

- Cheap air tickets should be offered on domestic flights or
international flights?

Cheap domestic flights encouraging family visits/ increasing local trade;

developing tourism; offering flexible transport modes
promoting world travel; increasing international
International flights
trade; developing transnational cooperation

IB 2 A 3B 4B SB 6C 7C 8B

9B 10 B 11C 12 C 13 C 14 B 15 A 16B 17 B 18C 19 A 20 C


21 B 22 B 23 C 24 B 25 C 26 C 27 A 28 A 29 D
30 B 31B 32 A 33 A 34 A 35 B

Q.l: Who is probably making talking on the phone?
Hello, this is Gloria with Dr. Baum’s office. This is a reminder of your dental
appointment for Thursday, May 22, at 1:00 p.m. Since you have several
cavities to fill, please allow yourself at least three hours for the visit.
Q.2: Why has the meeting been relocated?
Because the South Tower is undergoing renovations, the design team
meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning has been moved to the North
Tower conference room on the 12th floor. The meeting will still beheld ai
Q.3: What is the main cause of decreased domestic sales?
Unfortunately, I must report that domestic sales have dropped by 17 percent
over the last two quarters. Although the sluggish domestic economy is a
factor, the primary cause of this worrying development is increasing
competition in the retail clothing sector.
Q.4: What should the listeners do before they skate?
This weekend is the first outing of the in-line skating club for this season.
Remember, you are not allowed to skate with the club unless you wear an
approved safety helmet. You can ask Rea, the safety coordinator, if you are
unsure about your gear.
Q.5: What profession does the speaker work in?
As a woman and sports announcer, Tm often approached about giving
speeches on women in sports.
Q.6: What is the purpose of Ricardo’s visit?
Ricardo will be here in the U.S. for three months observing some of the

managerial techniques and procedures we use at this office.
Q.7: What kind of business would be making this announcement?
In order to improve customer service, we will be initiating a customer
satisfaction survey. The survey will focus on several different areas,
including courtesy and promptness by waiters or waitresses, cleanliness, and
food quality and selection.
Q.8: Why has confidence increased?
Investor confidence was bolstered by government data indicating inflation
rose by barely two tenths of one percent last quarter, meaning that the
National Bank is unlikely to raise interest rates.
W: Our copier has been acting strangely today. Could you come and take a
look at it for us?
M: Okay, but did you check to see if any paper is jammed inside?
W: Yes, I did, but that's not the problem. I think the problem may be more
Mt All right, but I have to run across town this .morning to fix a machine
there, so I don't think I can make it to your office until after lunch.
W: Hi, there. I'm having trouble finding this certain book on medieval
German nobility.
M: Let me check on the computer. Hmm ... it appears that we don't have it.
W: Oh, no. It was really important for an essay I'm working on right now.
M: Well, we have a central computer system that is connected to the other
university libraries in the state. I can search them all to see where your book
is, then order it from the nearest university. You could borrow it from
another library.

W: That would be great. How long will it take?
M: We can usually get a book here in two or three days. But the lending
period is shorter than for a normal book - only 10 days instead of two weeks.
And if you're late returning books from other libraries, the overdue fine is a
lot larger.
W: I won't be late. But does it cost anything to sign out books from other
M: Not for up to five books. Any more than that, and you would have to pay
a small service charge.
Q.17- 20:
M: What's the matter, Jane?
W: Oh, I was supposed to meet James for a study session at 4, but he's late.
M: James is like that. I always give myself an extra 15 minutes or so
whenever I have an appointment with him.
W: That's not a bad idea. I'd like to have him waiting for me for a change.
M: Yeah, some people are just irresponsible like that. I remember once he
was actually late for the exam. Nearly 20 minutes late, and he just comes
walking in, like there's nothing wrong. He wasn't worried or anything.
W: I can't imagine myself being like that. I always leave myself extra time,
just to make sure I'm always ready and on time.
M: Oh, there he comes now.
W: It's about time.
M: How long are you guys planning on studying?
W: Pretty late. We have a big chemistry test tomorrow and I'm really behind.
M: Well, maybe I'll see you later. I have to get some work done at the library,
W: Can you believe Professor Kensington postponed the due date for the
term paper this morning? It's unbelievable!

M: Yeah, it was crazy! I've been spending days and nights in the computer
lab writing up that paper. I only did that because he kept on emphasizing
that he won't take any paper that's not in his office by noon today.
W: I heard that, too. Jessica and I stayed up half the night trying to finish it.
I think it was three o'clock in the morning when we finally had the third draft.
I barely had any sleep.
M: You had Jessica to help you? At least you had someone to proofread your
paper and help you with the research. It was a nightmare for me. I didn't
even have time to proofread my paper.
W: Well, I'm really upset that Professor Kensington was so inconsiderate.
Don't you agree?
M: I guess it was a hasty change, but... I think he did itfor us students.
W: You really didn't get enough sleep, did you? You're not thinking straight.
I can't possibly see how I can understand his hasty decision that way.
M: Well, as much as I'm unhappy with his last-minute decision, I think he
did it so that we could have one more chance to look over our work before
turning it in. Besides, an extension of two days isn't going to change anything
drastic in our papers.
W: I suppose. Still, I would have had more time to study for the calculus
exam, which was today, if I hadn't had to spend so much time and energy on
that paper.
M: Oh well, at least he didn't tell us to hand it in earlier.
W: That's right... anyway, I'm not going to spend another two days on the
assignment. I'm handing it in after the next class.
W: Professor Atkins, could I get some help with my chemistry lab?
P: Certainly, Julie. What's the problem? Are you having trouble
understanding some of the experiments ?
Wt Oh, no, 1 understand the experiment ...perhaps I only think that I
understand it.
P: What do you mean? Do you or don't you?
Wt Well, I tried the latest experiment by myself, based on what I understood
from your lectures and lab session ... but I seem to come up with really
different results from what the textbook indicates 1 should be getting.
P: That certainly is a possibility. Remember, the textbook tends to give you

an ideal explanation of the experiments. But in real life, any number of
factors can cause you to get results that might not be the ideal or preferred
W: Oh, that's good... so any result is acceptable?
P: No, of course there is a range for this particular experiment, I'd expect
your answer to be within ... let's see now... perhaps 4 o.r.5% off the textbook.
W: Really? My answer was nearly 10% off'. Wouldn't that be alright?
P: I'm sorry, but that would be a problem. If your answer were that far from
the proper answer, and say that even if you could explain the difference, I
would have to lower your grade significantly.
W:I see. Alright. I guess I'm going to have to redo it. I want to do well in
your class and can't afford to get a bad grade.
P: Very good. But you'll have to hurry, the lab is due Friday, and I won't be
giving any extensions.
W: Oh, I was hoping...
P: Yes ?
W: Oh, it's nothing. Well, could you please sign a permission slip for me to
use the lab after hours? I only have time during late evenings this weekend.
P: Sure, I'll do that for you right now. Here you go..., and a tip... before you
start the experiment, wipe the test tubes with alcohol... there might be
unwanted residue inside that might be affecting the result.
Q.31- 35:
We'll be looking into the largest state in America, Alaska. If you look at the
location of Alaska on the map, you can see that it is bordered by

Canada on the east, the Arctic Ocean on the north, the Bering Strait and
Bering Sea to the east, and the Gulf of Alaska ... wait a minute ... sorry
about that... to the west and the Gulf of Alaska to the south. And as you can
see on the map, Alaska has a greater land area than California and Texas
combined. Now, although there are many cities in Alaska, the population
is so low that an average number of students in a middle school classroom
is only about 10. You can imagine many desolate small towns scattered
around Alaska. It's probably because roads and railways serve only certain
portions of the state. So, it's natural that Alaskans rely heavily on airplanes
for transportation, since many parts of Alaska are accessible only via air.
Well, of course, there is a railway operating between Fairbanks, a
relatively big city in central Alaska, and Seward, a city on the southern
coast It is much more popular than the only major highway in Alaska, the
Alaska Highway, which is open throughout the year. Not that there's much
traffic. One does not need to venture far to understand the reason for its
sparse population. Even though cold climate and other factors make most
of Alaska a less-than-desirable location for farming, agriculture is
conducted in a few areas between Fairbanks and the southern coast. Most
of the food Alaskans need, however, must be imported from outside the
state. Also, Alaska is subject to strong earthquakes and occasional volcanic
activity. Your textbook describes the explosion of the Alaskan volcano
Mount Katmai in the early 20th century as one of the most famous and
violent volcanic eruptions in history. I strongly suggest you read up on that
chapter, as we'll be touching on some of that the next time. Anyway, where
was I? Oh yes, earthquakes ... these occasional earthquakes generate
seismic sea waves, called tsunamis. As you may have heard, these waves
can reach far inland and destroy communities along the shore. It wasn't
much different from the terrible tsunami of2004.

l.A 11.D 21. B 31.C
2.C 12. A 22. A 32. C
3. A 13. B 23. B 33. B
4. D 14. A 24. C 34. A
5. B 15. A 25. A 35. B
6. A 16. C 26. B 36. B
7.C 17. C 27. C 37. C
8.D 18. B 28. A 38. A
9. D 19. C 29. C 39. C
10. A 20. B 30. D 40. D

Task 1:
Dear Daisy,
It’s great to hear from you again. I hope everything is going well in London.

Thanks for sending me the photos. I really like them because they remind me
of the great time we spent with each other in Ha Long Bay. I believe that you
enjoyed the breath-taking scenery here so much.

As you probably know, I had a bit of trouble at Tan Son Nhdt airport because
of the accidental power-cut, but I got home safely in the end.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to get away this spring as I have to visit my
grandparents in Central Vietnam then. What about a trip to Hd Noi, the
capital City of Viet Nam next summer? I will have graduated from university
by next June, and I’ve got a whole month to travel before starting my first

Well that’s all for now, Daisy. Drop me a line when you have time and let
me know what you think about my plan.

All the best,

Word count: 169

Task 2:
Technological advances in the past few decades help to gradually replace
human workforce with the-state-of-the-art machines in a wide range of
industries. Although people can benefit a lot from the replacement,
personally I think there are some drawbacks of this ongoing trend. This
essay will examine the negative effects of the development of technology
on human- beings and then propose some solutions.
One of the biggest problems is that there is less social interaction among
factory workers because they always have to work with machines. They just
focus on the machine they operate instead of communicating with their co-
workers. The solution is for the board of directors to organize social
activities such as team building, going for a picnic at an amusement park,
having staff parties on national holidays and so on. Thanks to these activities,
workers have a chance to spend time together talking and sharing their work
experience as well as life experience with one another.

Another issue is that this trend has made workers lazier because they tend to
heavily depend on machines. In some cases, they can, but they are unwilling,
and even refuse to fulfill their task by hand when a technical problems like
a breakdown or power cut occurs. To tackle this problem, the management,
along with the trainer should raise the workers’ sense of responsibility to
make efforts to do their duty if possible without assistance of machinery.
Last but not least, this replacement may increase the unemployment rate. As
machines can perform faster and more efficiently, the need for manpower
will decrease dramatically. There might be only vacancies for highly-
qualified technicians who can operate modem machines. As a result,
unskilled manual workers may run the risk of being jobless. Dealing with
this issue involves the government, local authority and vocational schools’
launching some specific programs or training courses in which manual
workers are trained to control fashionable machines. Moreover, they should
be encouraged to update themselves with the development of today’s science
and technology so as not to be left behind.
All things considered, no one can deny that there are two sides of the same
coin; we can, therefore, see both the pros and cons of substituting machinery
for manpower. However, the government, the factory management, and the
vocational school can take the above- mentioned measures to make a great
contribution to minimizing its downsides.

Word count: 350

Social Interaction (3’) Let’s talk about weather.
- What kind of weather do you like?

Favorite weather
Hot/ cold/ cool/ warm/ wet/ dry/ nice/ beautiful weather
— Does weather affect your mood/ feeling?
- Sunny weather/ clear days keep people
Weather affects people’ happy and excited.
moods/ feelings. - Wet/ cold/ grey days may make people sad/
bored/ depressed.
- What do you usually do in hot/ cold weather?
Going out with friends; going for a picnic; joining outdoor
Hot weather activities; going camping; playing sports; swimming;
Listening to music; reading books; playing computer
Cold weather games; playing indoor sports; watching television; surfing
the Internet
Let’s talk about your favorite childhood game.
- What game(s) did you enjoy playing when you were a child?
- Who did you play with?
- Did you need any skills to play the game?
- Playing football; ptaymg with toy cars; playing with a
Fun childhood
doll; playing Tree-House; playing Hide and Seek; skipping
Playing with kids next door/ classmates/ with sisters or
brothers/ parents
Turn-taking; competing; cooperating; working in teams;
Skills needed conflict-solving; concentrating

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: You are planning your holiday. There are three suggestions: a
beach holiday, a climbing holiday, and a sight-seeing holiday. Which do you
think is the best choice for you?

Relaxing' sunbathing on the beach; swimming in the sea;
A beach holiday playing water sports; building sandcastles
Climbing a mountain/ a rock; hanging at the mountain
A climbing holiday sides; camping on the top; discovering caves
Visiting famous tourist attractions; appreciate the nature
A sight-seeing
and the wildlife; trying local foods; discovering new
Part 3: Topic Development (S’)
Topic: Music should be taught in schools.
Music education

Relaxing Music at school can help fight stress and entertain students;
Soothing music helps students relax and keep calm.
Memory- Music learners usually perform with memory; The skill of
improving memorization can help students study well. "
Helping with
Early musical training improves part of the brain which
language and
functions for language and reasoning; Information can be
imprinted on young minds with music and songs

- Students of music can develop imagination and

More ideas for - Students of music can be emotionally developed and
music education have positive attitudes towards other cultures.
at school - Students of music can have better auditory attention,
and pick out predictable patterns from surrounding noise.

Should childrenbe encouraged io learn music early?

- heeling the sense ot achievement
Lnudren - Keeping interested and engaged in school
be encouraged to - Learning to think creatively
learn music early.
- Do you agree that music can change people ’s
Music can change people’s - Soothing music calms feelings
moods/ feelings. - Stimulating music wakes up feelings
- How would life be like without music?
Life without music - Failing to enrich people’s inner life and soul
- Failing to release the sense of emotional freedom

ID 2B 3B | 4A 5D | 6C 7D 8B

9B 10 B 11 A 12 D 13B | 14C 15 C 16 D 17C 18 B 19D 20 D

' 21 B 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 B 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 B
30 D 31 B 32 C 33 D 34 A 35 C

Q.l: Why is the speaker apologizing?
Your attention, please. The library will be closing at 3 o'clock today in order
to add new books and periodicals to its collection. Due to the need to take
accurate inventory, we cannot allow books to be checked out today. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Q.2: Why would Daniel Jergens like to reschedule the meeting?
Hello, Mr. Thompson, this is Daniel Jergens in the finance division. I am
calling about the upcoming meeting with representatives of Shoal Barrier
Associates. If you are free, we would like to move the meeting forward by
one week. The main reason for this is that we need to wrap up the purchase
as quickly as possible. Please get back to me about this as soon as you can.
Q.3: Why will the information technology division be relocating earlier?
Beginning Wednesday, June 3, we will be temporarily relocating to the
thirdfloor of our Capital Cities branch downtown. Before the full relocation,
the information technology section will be moving to the Capital Cities
branch on May 20. This step will be necessary with the disruption of network
service caused by the construction work.
Q.4: What is the message mainly about?
Hello, Mrs. Hartman. This is Andy Synton with Premier Design Interiors. I
have a few questions about your recent furniture order. A number of the
items you requested are not in stock at the moment.
However, we are able to offer you very similar products that can be shipped
right away. Please let me know if you are interested in this.
Q.5: What is the purpose of the talk?
OK, everyone. I asked you all to come today so that you know the schedule
for the next 4 months. As I'm sure you all have heard, we recently received
a major contract from Confederated Enterprises. However, we’re really
going to have to rush in order to meet the deadline in 4 months. So, I have
broken down the tasks that need to be accomplished by each department and
will be assigning them to you. After I give out your department’s tasks, I'd
like you to create a plan showing how you’ll be able to complete the
assignments by the deadline. I’ll need those work plans e-mailed to me by
this Friday.
Q.6: Who most likely is the speaker?
Good evening. This message is for Marty from Clara Clayton. I’m just
calling to let you know that I may have found an office space that might be
exactly what you’re looking for. It has 6 executive offices and a conference
room. The only problem is that it isn’t as close to the subway station as you
wanted. However, it is in a waterfront building, so the view is quite
spectacular. The rent is 8,000 dollars a month. So, if you’re interested, give
me a call and I can arrange for us to have a look at it today with the landlord.
I might not be in the office, so please call me on my mobile. Thanks a lot,
Marty. I’ll speak with you soon.
Q.7: What will be provided for the travelers?
May I have your attention, please? Due to severe weather conditions, all
outgoing flights after 7 p.m. on Europeo Airlines to Milan have been
cancelled. This includes the 7:30 flight as well. The next available flight to
Milan Malpensa International will be tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock. We
apologize for the inconvenience and will be offering hotel accommodations
and shuttle bus service to those passengers who require them. For further
information, please go to the Europeo Airlines counter. Thanks for your
patience and understanding.
Q8. What is the celebration for?
It is my great privilege to welcome you all to this evening’s anniversary
celebration. In just over a decade, we have become one of the most reputable
names in the American office supplies industry. It
is largely because of your efforts that we have made such tremendous strides,
Questions 9-12:
M: Did you find out when the plumber is going to be here to fix the broken

W: Yes, I called at 1 o'clock, and he said he was tied up in another building
and would be here by 2.
M: Okay, it's ten minutes to 2 right now. Could you do me a favor and make
sure the work goes smoothly when he gets here? I have to step out of the
office to meet a client but should be back by 4 o'clock
W: Okay, I will see you later.
Questions 13-16:
W: John, are you planning to go to Chicago to attend the big conference
tomorrow? I heard it's going to be great.
M: Well, I really want to, but I can't. I just came back from a business trip
in Europe, so I have so much work piled up on my desk
W: I'm sorry to hear that. Tell you what... I’ll take my video camera with me,
and I will film the speeches you'd like to see.
M: Qh, that would be great. Thanks, Susan.
Questions 17-20:
JTx Have you sent out the shipment of computers to the electronics shop
yet? The owner just called and said he needs them within the hour. •
M: The truck left ten minutes ago, so it should arrive at the store in the next
fifteen minutes. Do you want me to check to see where the driver is now?
W: That's okay. So long as it has left, it'll be fine. Now could you do me a
favor and get those boxes loaded on to the truck parked over there?
M: Okay, I will take care of that right away.
Questions 21-25:
OK class. 1 want to talk to you about the Cold War today. Now, the Cold
War wasn 7 just one single war. It was actually a long time of aggression. It,
um, it lasted about fifty years! Anyway, the Cold War was mainly between
the US and the USSR. That was Russia’s old name. They had different
opinions on just about everything. Oh, and Joseph Stalin, who we have talked
about before, was the leader of the USSR at the start of the Cold War.
Anyway! There was a lot of suspicion during the Cold War. But, the US and

the USSR never actually fought each other. This is because both countries
had nuclear weapons. So, they were afraid of each other. They didn't want
to destroy the whole world. And that might have happened... if they'd fought
each other. But, instead of fighting, they showed their different opinions by
competing with each other. For example, they made their militaries bigger.
And they raced each other to see who could get a person in space first. Stuff
like that. But, a lot of the problems were ■political. The two countries were
very different, and so they couldn 7 get along. This-is what caused the Cold
Questions 26-30:
M: OK, yesterday we read about Georges Seurat. Now, many people would
like to paint like Seurat. But, very few people can. He invented a very precise
way of painting. It looks different and is hard to do because ii is so exact.
There were various styles of painting but Seurat decided to make a different
one. The first difference was that Seurat took a lot of time to prepare before
he painted. He planned his paintings very carefully. He made many drawings
to decide on the best way to reproduce the scene. He worked for many hours
before he started to paint. With this style, you have to have a clear purpose.
With other styles at this time, they had very little time to prepare. Now, the
second difference was that he used pure colors. He understood that the eye
would blend the colors. He knew if he painted red next to yellow, the eye
would see orange. OK?
W: Why didn 7 he just mix the paints like other artists? Wouldn ’t that have
been easier?
M: Yes, but using pure colors made the painting very bright. These paintings
don 7 look bright in books. But when you see them in person.
Wow! They are great! Now, as you know the biggest difference was that
Seurat didn 7 use brush strokes. He painted tiny dots. One at a time. Millions
and millions of dots and some of his paintings were VERY big! Can you
imagine how long this took? One painting took two years! Of course, that
didn't mean that Seurat was a better painter. All the well-known painters
back then were very good and made beautiful paintings. But, Seurat was very
proud of his different way of painting. He felt that this new style represented
people and nature very well.
Questions 31-35:
W: Today, we 're going to talk about snakes. Can you imagine eating a
snake? Me neither. But there are creatures that do. This is a problem for

snakes. So how do they solve this problem? They have to protect themselves.
Let's look at three types of snakes, The rattlesnake, spitting cobra, and
hognose snake. They all have unique ways of protecting themselves. The
rattlesnake solves this problem in a unique way. You see, rattlesnakes are
born with small beads on their tails. As an average snake gets older, it grows
more beads. These beads rub together and make a rattling sound. OK, so
when does the rattlesnake make this noise? When it thinks an animal might
attack it. It cannot shield itself so it tries io scare the creature by rattling its
tail. The spitting cobra has another way to protect itself What does it do? It
sprays poison from its mouth. OK? But this snake doesn 7 just spray it
anywhere. No, it sprays it into the eyes of the creature that is attacking it.
This is very effective because eyes are sensitive. The spray stops the creature
from seeing. And the snake gets away. Next, we have the hognose snake. It's
less aggressive. So what does it do? The hognose snake plays dead. That's
right! It will twist and roll like it's dying. Then it will lie still on its back. The
snake will even hang its tongue out of its mouth! Can you believe that? So,
by playing dead, it actually survives.

1. A 11. A 21.D 31.C
2. B 12. C 22. A 32. A
3.D 13. A 23. C 33. D
4.C 14. B 24. C 34. B
5.B 15.C 25. A 35. D
6. A 16. A 26. D 36. C
7. A 17. C 27. C 37. D
8. C 18. B 28. C 38. C
9. A 19. A 29. A 39. B
10. B 20. A 30. B 40. B

Task 1:
Dear Clare,
I'm very happy to get your email yesterday and know that you are getting
used to your new life. Why don 7 you tell me why have you been so busy and
what is going on there?

How many bedrooms are there in your new house? Is there a garden in
front? What do you like most about the house? Remember to send me some
photos of it. I love to see them.

You know, missing some things and people here after you have moved to a
new place is a matter-of-course. However, I wonder who and what you miss.
Do you miss me and the time we got together?

I can’t wait to visit you there. What about next September? I have a week
off then, so I can arrange to go and stay with you for a few days.

Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,

Word count: 150

Task 2:
In most parts of the world, including Vietnam, the popularity of fast food is
growing at a considerable rate. Some people hold the view that fast food
poses several health hazards to consumers. However, personally, I
strongly believe that eating fast food is a great idea for busy people for
two following reasons.
To begin with, most people, especially young adults consider fast food as a
convenient source of food. In fact, fast food can be prepared and served
within a very short time. One day, if you get stuck in a traffic jam on the
way home from work and don’t have enough time to cook dinner, just take
the whole family straight to a KFC restaurant to eat some fried chicken with
french fries. Obviously, fast food industry helps to save human time
Another reason is that eaters can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere in an air-
conditioned fast food restaurant which is beautifully decorated with
colorful lights, nice paintings, and modem multi-shaped tables and chairs.
It can’t be denied that you will definitely feel relaxed and comfortable
after hard work and enjoy the good taste of hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas,
and so on here.
Turning to the other side of the argument, consuming too much fast food is
the cause of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. In
fact, this kind of food is rich in fat, salt, artificial substances and oils, all of
which increase the risk of those health problems. Some recent surveys show
that the number of obese children is alarmingly on the increase.
All in all, I’m in favor of the idea that going to a fast food restaurant for
meals is the best choice when you are as busy as a bee. However, you should
limit the amount of oily and salty fast food consumed due to lots of warnings
of health threat suggested by doctors and nutritionists.

(Word count 315)

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Let’s talk about noise.
— Do you like to live in a noisy place or a quiet place?
Noisy places Annoying/ irritating/ distracting/ disturbing
Quiet places Calming/ relaxing/ healing/soothing
. — What kind of noise disturbs you most?
Disturbing noise | Noise from traffic/machines/TV/crowds/crying babies
- Does noise affect your health?
Effects of noise on Causing hearing impairment, hypertension, heart disease,
health annoyance, and sleep disturbance.
Let’s talk about your favorite photograph.
— What is your favorite photograph?
~ When was it taken?
- What makes the photograph special to you?
-A family photo; a selfie; a school photo; a group photo
Favorite - Taken long/ not long ago
photographs - Happy moments in life; nice memories; unforgettable events

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: You are thinking about how to spend ypur evening. There are
three options: hanging out with friends, reading books, and surfing the
Internet. Explain your choice.
Dancing in a club; eating in a fast food restaurant;
Hanging out with
having a barbecue; going out for a coffee; sitting and
Reading fiction / non-fiction books; reading before
Reading books bedtime; reading for fun; reading for information

Visiting favorite websites; watching music videos;

Surfing the Internet
researching a topic; uploading / downloading files;
chatting with friends; checking e-mails

Part 3: Topic Development (S’)
Topic: There are several ways for people to make friends.
- How to make friends?
Annual meetings; workshops; seminars; conferences;
Joining social events business dinners; shows; exhibitions; fairs; charity
events; music recitals
Sports clubs; cooking clubs; groups of moviemakers/
Forming interest- stamp collectors/ cartoonists; art clubs; drama clubs
based groups
Wedding receptions; ceremonies; year-end parties;
Attending parties anniversaries; family celebrations; gatherings; company

More ideas about ways to Volunteering joining social network sites;

make friends travelling; working in teams
~ Should people trust online friends? Why or why not?

- Having things in common because the connections based on

location, education, experiences, hobbies, age, gender, religions
Online friends - Having frequent communication between individuals via the
- Easily tracking down friends’ profiles or uploaded messages
- Easily leading to a friendship, a romantic relationship, or a
business partnership in real life
- What factors can contribute to a true friendship?
- Having common interests; being good listeners; showing
loyalty; making friendship a priority
True friends
Inspiring/ trusting/ accepting / supporting/ encouraging
/ respecting each other
- Which one is more important: family or friends?

- Family members are close by nature.

- Friends are close by interests or personality.
Family vs friends - Both family and friendship are true cause of happiness.
- Both family and friendship give a sense of love, joy, and
- Family ties tend to be longer and more reassuring.

1A 2D 3B 4A 5A 6A 7C 8A

9D 10B 11D 12 C 13B 14A 15B 16A 17 C 18D 19 A 20 A


21 B 22 C 23 D 24 D 25 D 26 D 27 D 28 A 29 D
30B 31 C 32 B 33 A 34 A 35 A

Q.l: What does the caller ask Ms. Cook to do?
Hi, Ms. Cook. This is the Village Clinic calling to remind you about your
appointment on Thursday at 4 o'clock. Please remember to bring your
medical insurance card when you come for your appointment.
Q.2: Who is Sachiko Suzuki?
Hello, Mr. Forrester. This is Sachiko Suzuki calling from human resources
at Kitano Electronics. If you are available, we would like you to come in for
an interview on Friday at 9 o'clock. Please give me a call and let me know if
you can come at this time.
Q.3: What is the listener asked to do?
Hello, this is Jenny Jones from Jones Mobile Repairs. Tm calling to give you
an update on the repair of your mobile phone. Unfortunately, we will have
to replace the speaker in your phone. Please call me back at 555-1947 to let
me know if you want me to order a new speaker.
Q.4: What is the purpose of this message?
Good morning, this is Maria Gray calling from Dilbert Furniture. This
message is for Rebecca Rhodes. I need to speak with her about the number
of desks she requested, and want to confirm her order before we ship her
Q.5: What is the main purpose of the call?
This is Julie calling from the Stylista Hair Salon. Fm trying to reach Mr.
Andrews concerning the interview we scheduled for this afternoon. Tm not
feeling well today, so I'm afraid PH have to cancel our meeting. However,
we are very interested in your application for our hairstylist position. I hope
to be back in the office tomorrow, so please call my secretary and let her

know if you are available to meet me tomorrow.
Q.6: What is Ms. Kim asked to do?
Hello, Ms. Kim. This is Joe Wang from Romy Office Rentals. 1 'm calling
because we won't be able to meet the delivery date. Our salesperson made a
mistake and ordered a different photocopier from what you requested. If we
rush, we could deliver it to you by Friday night. Can you please call and let
me know if someone will be there in your office? Thanks.
Q.7: What is the decreasing percentage of domestic sales?
Unfortunately, I must report that domestic sales have dropped by 17 percent
over the last two quarters. Although the sluggish domestic economy is a
factor, the primary cause of this worrying development is increasing
competition in the retail clothing sector.
Q.8: What does the speaker say about Rea?
This weekend is the first outing of the in-line skating club for this season.
Remember, you are not allowed to skate with the club unless you wear an
approved safety helmet. You can ask Rea, the safety coordinator, if you are
unsure about your gear.
Questions 9-12:
W: Hi, Professor Johnson. Can I talk to you?
M: Why, yes, Carrie.
W: Oh, great! I need some help with my essay. Fm having problems finding
good information other than the things from the lessons. And I ’m not very
good at taking notes.
M: Hmm... OK. Let's talk about finding good information first. Books are the
best. But, these days, you can look online too.
W: OK. How do I decide what websites and books to use?
M: Well, with the Internet, you type in a subject and you ’ll get a list of
websites. With books, do a search on the library computer. It will give a list
of useful books. It’s very easy.
W: Wow. That is easy. OK, then what?
M: Take notes. Don 7 copy everything. You only need a summary of the
information. With books, sometimes reading the introduction and conclusion
first will help you to decide if it is useful.

W: Yeah, I've been reading a lot. Andi always copy down too much.
M: Just take notes that will give you the evidence you need for your essay
paragraphs. Oh, and the organization of your notes is important too. You
will have to find your information again easily.
W: Right. Of course. Thanks so much for your help!
Questions 13-16:
W: Hi, Mr. Baker. Could you help me with something?
M: Sure. What can I do for you?
W: Well, Td like to check out some library books. I have to do some research
for an essay.
M: I see. Well, you ve got two choices. You can either use the self- service
machine, or you can take the books to the front desk.
W: Could you explain them both, please?
M: OK, sure. See that machine that looks like a computer?
W: Yeah.
M: Well, that's the self-service machine. You'll have to scan your student ID
card. Wait a second; did you set up a student library account yet?
M: OK, good. Anyway, then you scan the books, and the machine will print
you a receipt. The receipt tells you when the books are due back.
W: Oh, that's great. I always forget when my books are due back.
M: Yeah. Just be sure to press your ID and the books on the scanner; it's
sensitive sometimes.
W: OK, so what's my other checkout choice?
M: You can take your books over to the front desk, where the librarian will
help you,
W: Oh, that's it? That's easy. Thanks for the help.
Questions 17- 20:
W: Hello. Do you need help?
M: HL Yes, I’m doing research for my history essay and I’m trying to find a
book, but I'm not sure where to begin.
W: No problem. Let's see... there are two ways to find books here. You can

either use the computer system, or you can use the book lists.
M: How do the book lists work?
W: Well, the lists organize the books by their subjects. You 're looking for a
book on history. So, first you look under “History” on the list. Then you look
at the title. Each book is in alphabetical order.
M: OK, I see.
W: Good. Each book has a number next to it, and those numbers tell you
where to find that book.
M: I see. And did you mention something about a computer?
W: Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The computer is just as easy. Do a search for
your book, and it will tell you where to find it.
M: Great! I should be able to find what I need. Thanks!
W: Oh, and remember if you want to check out any books you need to scan
your ID card at the self-service machine. If you have any books due on your
account, you won 7 be able to check out anymore.
M: OK, got it.
Questions 21-25:
All right. Today ’s lecture is about heat. Actually, we will talk about the ways
heat moves. This is called heat transfer. Now, there are three types of heat
transfer. They are called [slowly] convection..., conduction..., and...
radiation. OK? OK! Convection happens when heat moves through gases
and liquids. When air or water heat up, they get lighter. Then they move
away from the heat. They rise. When they get cooler, they change direction.
They come back down to the heat again. In convection, this repeats over and
over. For example, a hot-air balloon. Fire heats the air. The hot air becomes
lighter. The balloon rises up. But, as the air cools, it gets heavier. So, the
balloon goes down. Convection is how hot-air balloons fly. Now, next is
conduction. This happens when heat moves through solids. First, a solid
object is put on heat. Eventually the solid object takes this heat and it gets
hot. Some materials are very good at conduction. Metals, for example. This
is why many cooking pans are made of metal. They heat up quickly. But don
7 touch them. Ouch! Conduction causes many bums. Finally, heat also moves
by radiation. If you can feel heat from an object without touching it then it is
radiating heat. Remember you can't see this heat. The sun, a toaster, a dryer.

All these things use radiation. Have you ever warmed your hands by a fire?
Even this is radiation. OK? Do we understand?
Questions 26-30:
OK. So, Impressionism was a new way of painting. It went against old art
standards. It changed what was seen as good art. Before it, art was
considered good if it was exact. Artists tried to reproduce what they saw on
the canvas. They aimed to make the painting look just like what they could
see. Impressionist painters were different. The first thing you will notice in
an Impressionist painting is the use of color. These artists didn’t mix colors.
They put two colors side by side. They knew the eyes would blend the colors
for them. The purpose was to create bright and bold colors. Movement was
also important. Painters often worked outdoors. This was not normal at the
time, Most painters had someone pose for them inside. But the Impressionist
went outside. First, they wanted to capture life as it was happening. Their
subjects were doing something. They were not posing. Blurred lines showed
movement. They paid attention to lighting. Working outside allowed artists
to use natural light. This is always changing. The change comes through in
the painting. Different times of year are represented with the change in
seasons. Impressionist Art changed art. It broke the rules. Many people did
not like it for this reason. If you ask me, that's what makes it so great.
Andover time, many people agreed.
Questions 31-35:
W: The book Watership Down... let's talk about it today. It has sold more
than 50 million copies. This book's themes are people and politics. This book
looks at how people treat each other and criticizes governments. It uses a
story about rabbits. A group of rabbits leave home to find a new place to live.
They can't remain in their old home because it's going to be destroyed. So,
they escape. After a while, the group finds a safe new home. But, they start
fighting with other rabbit towns nearby. The rabbits in these towns are very
different. And because of this, no one gets on. This shows how people in real
life can 7 accept each other ’s differences. One group of rabbits is called
Efrafa. The leader is an adult male rabbit. He controls his town. He tells
everyone what to do. No child, teenager, or adult has freedom to learn or
experience anything there. The other group of rabbits is the Tharn Warren.
It is also very bad. Things are too easy there. Growing up in a place like that
means you learn very little. Some people think that the two rabbit towns are
like different kinds of governments in the world. And that no government is

M: Oh, I see! Having a really easy life is bad for you. This is like, uh, the
Tharn Warren. The rabbits don 7 have to work to find food there. And Efrafa
is a place where there is no real freedom. So. it is bad too.
W: Yes, exactly. Watership Down may seem like a simple story about rabbits.
But it asks real questions about how we live. This is why it is so popular.


l.A 11. C 21.D 31.C
2. D 12. B 22. D 32. C
3. A 13. B 23. B 33. A
4. A 14. A 24. A 34. D
5. B 15. C 25. B 35. C
6.C 16. D 26. C 36. C
7. A 17. A 27. C 37. D
8. B 18. A 28. A 38. D
9. D 19. C 29. B 39. A
10. C 20. B 30. C 40. C
Hi Mary,
I'm very happy to hear from you again. Its been such a long time. Of course,
I still remember you and the time I visited your high school in Oxford. I had
lots of nice memories with you and your classmates that summer.

I'm studying English at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education. I will be

a teacher of English after graduation. I also work part-time as a tutor. I love
to teach English to children because they look so adorable and seem eager
to study another language.

You know, it's great to tell you that I will have a chanceJo return to Oxford
this summer and definitely see you again there. As the best student of the
course I'm taking at university, I have been awarded a two-week trip to
Oxford this June. Just think and tell me what we are doing then.

Please send my best regards to Pete.

Keep in touch.

Word count: 156

Task 2:
Over the last few years, many cities throughout the country have seen an
alarming increase in the levels of youth crime. This has become a question
that not only the authorities but also parents are concerned about. In this
essay, I would like to analyze some reasons for this and suggest some
possible solutions.
The causes of this issue lies in the way the youth are brought up by their
parents and the increasing level of poverty in cities. The first reason is
connected with the family. In order for a child to grow up in a balanced way,
it is very important that he or she must be nurtured by his or her parents with
love, care, and support. However, these days, it is often the case that children
are neglected due to the fact that many parents in cities now are too busy
with their work to give their children good advice and support in time.
Another factor to consider is the increasing levels of poverty around the
world. We have seen with globalization the rich get far richer and the poor
get much poorer, and this inevitably means that those who were
unfortunately bom into a poor family and are reluctant to work hard, but want
to live in comfort turn to robbing and stealing. Reality shows that they even
dare to kill others to grab what they desire.
To solve the problem, we should take several measures on the part of families
as well as society. Firsts parents must spend more time with their children to
control what they do and how they behave so as to offer them timely
guidance and prevent them from making a mistake and then committing a
crime. Second, those who commit a crime must be severely punished; for
example, a teenage murderer can be sentenced to death. It is also essential
that the authorities send young criminals to a rehabilitation center, where
they have a chance to learn how to behave well and get some vocational
training so that they can find a job to support themselves later.
In conclusion, several factors have led to a dramatic increase in youth crime
at present, but feasible solutions are available to tackle this problem. I’m
convinced that taking the above-mentioned measures can help to reduce the
level of youth crime substantially in big cities of Viet Nam.
Word count: 380

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Let’s talk about your favorite color.
- What color(s) do you like most?
Favorite colors Bright/ dark/ warm / cool colors; [ name of colors]
- Do you care for colors when choosing clothes to wear?
Color combination; highlight colors; a casual/ work/
Choosing clothes to
formal outfit; personal taste for clothes; pleasing your
sight/ people’s sight
- Does color affect your mood/ feeling?

- Colors as powerful communication tools to signal actions,

influence moods, and cause physiological reactions
Color effects on - Certain colors associated with increased blood pressure,
moods increased metabolism, and eyestrain
- Warm colors evoking emotions ranging from feelings of
warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility
- Cool colors calling to mind feelings of sadness or

Let’s talk about going to the library.

- How often do you go to the library?
- What do you usually do in the library?
~ Do you think that fewer people go to the library nowadays?

- public /school/ private libraries

-Seeking trust-worthy free materials; browsing the stacks to
look for new books; making friends with book-lovers;
discovering local history; borrowing or returning books,
Going to the
videos, and materials; concentrating on study; doing
research projects
- High competition from e-books; more options for
accessing information via the Internet

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)
Situation: You are going to celebrate your birthday. There are three
suggestions for the place where you can hold the party: in a fast food
restaurant, in a sit-down restaurant, and in your house. What do you think
is the best choice?
Fast and convenient service; focused choices of foods;
Fast food affordable meals; friends’ treats; informal atmosphere;
restaurants preferences for young customers; friendly staff; happy-hour

Immediate edible temptations; entire meals; various choices

Sit-down of foods and drinks; specialties for the day; delicious
restaurants dishes; good cooks; healthy food servings; comfortable and
formal atmosphere

Familiar surroundings; nice theme decorations; great

privacy; good time availability; warm atmosphere; good
An at-home party
budget management; great time for family gatherings;
healthy food preparation
Part 3: Topic Development (S’)
Topic: More recycling centers should be built in communities.
Benefits of recycling centers
-Cutting down the amount of rubbish that goes to
Reducing the size of landfills
landfills -Recycling in the first place and reusing items
wherever possible
-Using waste which would otherwise be lost to landfill
Utilizing waste
-Cutting down the cost and effort of transport and
-Reducing the demand up on new resources

Offering employment -Placing vacancies for waste collecting, transporting,

opportunities sorting and reprocessing -Recycling as a win-win
strategy for the environment and the economy

-Reducing needs for exploiting natural resources

Further benefits
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
of recycling
- Dealing with climate change

- Are you aware of what recycling means?

- Recycling is known as the process whereby materials are

Recycling reused instead of manufacturing new products.
- Instead of keeping material in landfill sites, recycling aims to
use this material as a resource which can continue to be useful.

— Do you recycle as part of your everyday life?

-Cutting down on disposable products -Using more

Recycling habits reusable items -Being green in the neighborhood -
Sorting trash
-Saving energy

— Do you agree that everyone should reuse and recycle products?

-Working to protect the environment in the

long term
-Lowering levels of energy consumption -Cultivating
Recycling and reusing
a green image for companies and organizations
as a should
-Increasing environmental responsibility. -
Conserving natural resources
-Reducing levels of pollution and tackling some
causes of global warming

1C 2D 3C 4D 5B 6B 7D 8B
9B 10D 11B 12C 13B 14B 15A 16C 17A 18A; 19B 20B

21A 22D 23B 24D 25A 26C 27A 28A 29C
30B 31B 32A 33D 34B 35D

Q.l: Where would you probably hear this announcement?
Good morning, everyone. Please remember, we have a meeting today in the
large meeting hall on the second floor at 10 o'clock this morning. All staff
must attend. We will talk about the move to our new office building. We will
move next Monday. So, you need to know what to do, and where you need to
be on Monday. So please make sure that you are on time for today's meeting.
Q.2: Where would someone hear this message?
Thank you for calling the law offices of Jones and Leung. If you are looking
for a lawyer to help you with a problem, please press 7 *. If you are a lawyer
from another company, please press '2'. If you are a journalist, please press
'3' to speak with our office manager. For all other questions, press '0' and
someone will be with you soon. To hear this message again, press '9'.
Q.3: How long are the classes?
Remember. Everyone needs to attend the Sales Training this Wednesday. The
first class will start at 9 o’clock. At 10:30 we’ll have a short coffee break. The
second class will start at 10:45. We'll have lunch from 12:15. The third class
will start at 1:30 pm, then a short break. The last class will start at 3:15 and
finish at 4:45. That's the day after tomorrow. Don't forget.
Q.4: What should Jen do tomorrow?
Hi, everyone. Meet Jen, she'll be joining our team starting today. Jen worked
in the head office for five years, but from today, she'll be working with us.
Please note that Jens email address is her home address because she doesn't
have her new office email address yet. When Jen gets her new office email
address tomorrow, she'll give her new address to everyone.

Q.5: What is the purpose of this announcement?
May I have your attention? Because of the weather, flight number 446 is
going to be a bit late leaving. It's just too dangerous to take off in this high
wind. As soon as this thunderstorm passes, we will take off. We apologize for
the inconvenience.
Q.6: What is the main point of this announcement?
Thank you for coming to see the Pacific Art Museum's exhibition of
eighteenth century landscape paintings. The museum will be closing in
fifteen minutes. Please begin moving to the museum exits.
Q.7: Who is Gary Reynolds?
Hi, this is Gary Reynolds, from Skyline Airlines. You recently bought a ticket
for February 16th on flight number 681 from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
Unfortunately, there was an error on our website. That flight actually takes
off at 9:40 am, not 10:40 as it said on the website. If that is a problem, please
call me at the customer service line, 334-445-9284, and we will reschedule
you to another flight. I'm sorry for the confusion.
Q.8: What does the woman recommend the listeners to do?
Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm very sorry we woke you up in the middle of the
night. There was a small fire in the hotel's kitchen, but everything is okay
now. The Fire Department has put out the fire. You can return to your rooms.
It's completely safe. We're very sorry for the trouble.
Questions 9-12:
M: Hi, Professor Smith. Do you have a few minutes?
W: Sure. How can I help?
Mt I want to know how to write a good essay.
W: I see. What exactly is the problem?
Mt Well, I'm not sure. I mean I take many notes, and I understand the lessons.
It's just that my essays aren 't very good.
W: Ah, yes. A good essay needs organization. Let ’s go over the format
for an essay.
M: That W be great.
W: So there are the three parts to an essay. First, there's the introduction.
You need a strong introduction. This gives the main idea for your whole
essay. OK?
M: OK.

M: That makes sense.
- W: Next, there are the body paragraphs. They provide evidence or details
for your main idea.
M: OK. [Slowly] I think I should write this down.
W: Yes, that is a good idea.
M: OK [Quickly] Can you tell me about body paragraphs again?
W: Sure. The body paragraphs provide evidence or details.
M: Ahhh right.
W: And then there's your conclusion. The conclusion is just a summary of
your main idea.
M: Wow! I've never thought of it that way.
W: Yes, it can make a big difference. Good organization is important for
essay writing.
Questions 13-16:
M: Hi. Are you in charge of the Student Tutoring Center?
W: No, but I do tutor here.
M: Well, I need help with my mathematics class work. Can you help me?
W: That's fine. I'm actually a math major. lean help you. But, before we
begin, I need to clarify the rules.
M: Rules? What rules?
W: Well, there are some things I can help you with, and some things I can't
help you with. Let me explain.
W: First of all, our school has rules about cheating. It's pretty standardfor
schools nowadays. Anyway, according to the rules, if you cheat, then you can
get kicked out of school.
M: That makes sense. I don 7 want them to punish either one of us because of
W: Exactly. OK, so I can help you with things like learning strategies for
studying, and studying from your notes. I can even help you take notes.
However, when it comes to class work and homework, you 're on your own.
Are we all clear?
M: I think that's fair.
W: Good. OK, let's get started.
Questions 17-20:
M: Hi. Can I help you with anything?
W: Hi, Professor. Well, it's about our project that's due next week. I was
wondering if I could get an extension. Can I get an extra week to do it?
M: Why are you asking?
W: I normally wouldn 't, but I've been really sick and I was absent for a few
of your lectures.
M: Well, I'm sorry but I can't give you an extension. However, I can suggest
a couple of ways to make up for lost time.
W: I hope so. I really need a good grade or I could lose my scholarship. Then
I wouldn't be able to pay my tuition.
M: You 'll be fine. Here's what you can do: borrow one of your classmate's
notes from the lectures that you missed. Ask if he or she can help explain them
to you.
W: OK.
M: Or you can go to the library and do the research yourself. I can give you
an outline of the lectures that you missed. You can look up the main
information. Either way, you should be fine.
W: Yeah, I guess you're right. I should get started. Thanks.
Questions 21-25:
M: So I really appreciate your talking with me about this.
W: Well, I was concerned Generally I think students should get a grade based
on your overall work-but I could see that you didn't do as well on the last
test... and you had done very well on the first two exams.
M: I know. I was right in the middle of moving out of my dorm at the end of
the semester and that was my last exam. Normally, I wouldn't ask to take an
incomplete, but I just didn't feel that a lower grade really represented my
W: I agree. But, again, I don't usually like to do change-of grade

M: OK.

M: OK. I understand
W: So ... well, I was thinking. Perhaps if you want to do an extra credit project
... Let's say, something that will help you pull your grade back up to an A
M: I can do that. Look... it's so important that I maintain very good grades.
My financial aid package requires that I do...
W: I can understand that.
M: So what should Ido?
W: OK, here's the deal: You write afive-pagepaper on Shakespeare's worst
play-and I mean, you have to read all of them to decide what his worst play
was. And tell me why you think so.
M: Uh, wow... that's...
W: You want to get that change of grade, right?
M: Right, yeah. Of course.
W: Fine, so you'll have two weeks to write this paper shouldn't take you too
long if you have done your reading.
M: Oh, I have. I've read all the plays. And I think I know which one I'm going
to choose.
W: Fine. Don't tell me... surprise me.
M: I will. So, what happens if I do a goodjob on the paper?
W: Then I will fill out the forms for a change of grade. It takes a few weeks
after that, but the new grade should go on your transcript afterwards.
M: OK... I guess I will have to go to the library over semester break... thanks
for your understanding.
Questions 26-30:
W: Hi: 1 really need your help. I’ve got to prepare for a presentation and I
haven ’t got a clue about how to do a visual slide show...
M: Well, that’s why we’re here. We have tutors who know all the word-
processing and presentation programs. Uh, do you know what presentation
viewer program you want to use?
W: I have no idea. Which is best?
M: That depends on what you want to do. Is your presentation just text or do
you want to use visuals with all the bells and whistles?

W: Um, you mean like images and graphics, and things that move around on
the screen?
M: Exactly. You can include sounds or video too...
W: Yes, absolutely ... the better it looks, the better I hope my grade will be.
M: Oh I think it is important that a presentation looks good-but you have to
have the substance too.
W: I guess so... uh...
M: You know what I mean ...ifyou have a good foundation for your
presentation, you’ll be fine.
W: Oh, right.
M: Anyway, I would advise you to use this presentation viewer program
because it’s pretty intuitive-you can figure it out as you go along.
W: I’ve never really tried it.
M: After your tutorial, I think you’ll find it is pretty simple. Speaking of which,
uh, when do you want to schedule your tutoring session?
W: As soon as possible! My presentation is next week and I'm nervous about
speaking in front of other people anyway. It would be bad if I had no time to
practice using the program.
M: That's true. So... then, how about tomorrow at 2 p.m.? Bring your outline.
W: Great. I'll do that. Can I bring my laptop with me?
M: Sure... see you then.
Questions 31-35:
With unemployment rampant in the economic depression of the 1930s, the
government established a program to put people to work. It was called the
Works Progress Administration, or WPA. The WPA funded the construction
and maintenance of schools, parks and highways. A small subdivision of the
WPA, uh the Federal Arts Project, or FAP, was dedicated to employing
artists. The reasoning behind the FAP was that the arts, as much as schools
and bridges, contributed to the public welfare. And of course artists at the
time of the Depression were extremely vulnerable. Photographers were
uniquely suited to the requirements of the FAP, not least because much of
their work constituted documenting the achievements of the WPA. -But
documentation in the larger sense of capturing the reality of an entire country
was the mission of many of the FAP photographers. One of the photographers
funded by the FAP beginning in 1935 was Berenice Abbott. It was perfect
timing for Berenice Abbott-she’d been photographing New York City since
her return from Paris in 1929. Long before the FAP came into being, her
stated purpose was to document and interpret America with love, but without
sentimentality. And she felt that New York represented the essence of the
changing nature of American society. 1 want to just go back to that word,
sentimentality. Because it relates to how we can define Abbott's approach to
her art. As we talked about last week, photography in its initial stages had
been used in a very painterly fashion. People like Abbott realized early on
that photography's strengths had not been recognized or utilized. Abbott and
her contemporaries rebelled against the widespread painterly use of soft
focus-in favor of the sharpness and clarity naturally inherent in photography.
And they also rejected the sentimentality of typical pastoral scenes and
landscapes in favor of a realistic depiction of fast-paced, modem

urban life. It was this sensibility that she brought with her to New York from
Paris, where she had been living for eight years. Abbott's project was, simply
put, to photograph New York City. She called her project "Changing New
York." And the way she approached this project was to try to depict, through
photography, the uh, interaction between human beings and solid
architectural constructs. Or something like that ...I don't have the exact
quote. See, she was trying to find a balance between buildings and activity.
So she decided to use more than just a hand-held camera... which was perfect
for, you know, capturing the hustle and bustle of the city, but would not have
done justice to the giant buildings that also define the city. At the same time,
she didn't want to just overshadow everything with those buildings. So she
began to use a large format camera. One of those rather bulky cameras you
have to put on a tripod and then you have to view the image under a black
hood... difficult to carry around, but it widened her vision. It allowed her to
capture the size of massive modem buildings and also to juxtapose them in a
shot with older, humbler ones. And to keep the life in her shots she would
often wait until someone passed by and make sure they were in the frame. Or
she would ask people to walk through or stand in the frame. So, she ended up
using the large view camera for most of the work. Well, this "Changing New
York" collection of 305 photographs is really a remarkable achievement. Its
images are so powerful that Abbott is considered by many to be one of the
twentieth century's greatest photographers. In fact, one more contemporary
photographer- Douglas Levere-was so inspired by her work that in the 1990s
he decided to re-photograph Abbott's New York photos. Imagine this: Levere
went to the same locations, on the same day and same time with the identical
camera that Abbott had used. He reframed Abbott's shots as exactly as
possible. Why would someone do that? I have to admit; when I first heard
about this I was skeptical of one artist copying another so completely. But
then I saw the photographs. And the amazing thing about them is that if you
put them side by side with Abbott's, you see that they are a logical extension
of her work. They take you even deeper into the contrast between the old and
the new that Abbott so expertly revealed in the 1930s.

l.C 11. B 21. B 31. A
2.D 12. A 22. D 32. B
3. A 13. C 23. B 33. C .
4.C 14. A 24. A 34. B
5.C 15. B 25. C 35. C
6.B 16. A 26. B 36. D
7.B 17. B 27. C 37. A
8. B 18. C 28. A 38. C
9.D 19. D 29. D 39. D
10. A 20. C 30. D 40. A

Task 1:
Hi Natalie,
How \ it going? I hope you ’re well and looking forward to your trip to Viet
Nam. It’ll be great to see you again. I’ll be on holiday when you come, so
I’ve got plenty of time to spend with you. We ’ll definitely be able to visit a
few places together.
The cheapest and easiest way to get to my apartment from the airport is on
the bus. The Number 30 Bus will drop you off at Ben Thanh Market. I’ll be
waiting for you at the bus stop when you get there, so you won’t get lost!
It will still be quite hot here next month, so bring some summer clothes. It
might rain as well, but you can borrow my umbrella!
Well, thats all for now, Natalie. When you have a moment, drop me a line
and confirm your flight and arrival times. I’m sure you ’ll have a great time
See you soon,
Word count: 154

Task 2:
Access to computers has become more and more popular over recent decades, and
the number of children playing games on computers has increased considerably too.
While there is no doubt that children can get some benefits from this leisure activity,
this trend is a big concern to all parents due to plenty of serious downsides it may
cause. This essay will consider the positive and negative impacts of playing
computer games and discuss ways to mitigate the potential bad effects.
With regards to the advantages, playing computer games can develop children’s
cognitive skills. Many popular games require abstract and high level thinking skills
in order to win. For instance, children need to follow instructions, solve complex
problems and use logic in many of the games that are currently popular. Such
experience will be beneficial to a child’s development into an adult.
Turning to the other side of the argument, most computer games played by children
contain a great deal of violence. The problem is that, in many of the games children
are rewarded for being more violent, and this violence is repeated again and again.
For instance, many games involve children helping their character to kill, kick, stab
and shoot. This may lead to increasing aggressive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
Also, if children are absorbed in computer games, they may distract themselves
.from their studies. As a result, they inevitably perform worse and worse at school.
In order to minimize these negative impacts, parents need to take certain steps. The
way forward might be to choose a suitable computer games for children and ensure
that they are not allowed to have access to too many violent games. Parents can also
set limits on the length of time games are played. For example, their children only
spend no more than thirty minutes a day playing computer games.
To sum up, there are both pros and cons to everything, and playing computer games
is not an exception. From my perspective, the negatives of this activity obviously
outweigh its positives. However, if parents take adequate precautions, the above-
mentioned drawbacks can be avoided.
Word count: 320

Part 1: Social Interaction (3’) Let’s talk about parties.
- Do you enjoy going to a party?
Exciting/ amusing/ fun/ thrilling/ enjoyable/satisfying/
Going to a party
entertaining experiences
— What do you usually do at a party?
Playing fun games; enjoying good foods; toasting
Doing fun things drinks; chatting; singing, dancing, gift-giving; saying
best wishes

- On what occasions do you hold a party?

Anniversaries; birthdays; weddings; family

Celebrating special
gatherings; outings with friends; company meetings;
festive holidays

Let’s talk about your city.

- Which part of the city do you like best?
- Why do you like it?
- Are there any changes you. would like to make to the place?
-Places of conveniences and pleasures; public
gardens/parks; recreation complexes; suburban
communities; city centers; shady streets with sidewalks;
Favorite parts of downtown boutiques; ancient districts - Carrying the city
the city spirit; marking historical events; showing cultural
identity; benefiting communities; attracting visitors;
preserving traditional culture

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4?)

Situation: You are considering buying a brand watch. There are three suggestions
for how to get it: placing an order through a website, shopping in a mall, and calling
over the phone. Which one is the best option for you?

Placing an order Fast/ convenient service; various choices; price
through a website comparison; special offers; sales seasons; original
items; limited items
Real touch of the items; convenient try-ons; bargaining;
Shopping in a mall sales offers; nice window browsing; face-to-face
communication; after-sales service

Calling over the Fast/ convenient service; tailored items; detailed

phone description; reassuring human voice; correct orders;
tracking order status
Part 3: Topic Development (5’)
Topic: There are several factors that lead to success in life.
Factors for success
- Staying knowledgeable and skillful
- Minimizing obstacles and avoiding mistakes -
Education and skills
Effectively working and achieving goals
- Efficiently dealing with time and labor

-Helping to set up plans and anticipate problems

- Making good strategies to fulfill tasks
- Seeing things done as a whole plan
-Helping to stay consistent to the plans -Having a
Passion desire for overcoming challenges -Enjoying the
sense of making progress
----------------- ■ ■ ■ - ■■■■■■■■■■_ ■■■ ■— _. .-- - ■ _____J

- Intelligence brings intellectual power.

More ideas for - Self-determination puts the right tracks for things to
success factors happen.
-Hard work ensures chance to meet deadlines.

~ Why is money the most common way of judging success?

-Financial success tends to prove one’s ability and talent.
- Money brings high self-esteem and confidence that are roots of
Role of
social respect.
- Effective social helps commonly come from the rich.

- Is your idea of success the same as your parents ’ idea of success?
- Success can be a state of being self-satisfied.
Different views - Success can be achieved at a very young age.
on success - Success can be measured by things done for communities
rather than for individuals.

- Does luck play a part in success?

-Luck enhances situations.
Role of luck -Luck helps save effort and time. -Luck helps exceed the
1. Brown, R., & Richards, L. (2013). IELTS advantage: writing skills. Peaslake:
DELTA publishing.
2. FCE - informal letter or email, (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2017, from:
http://www,rubenvalero.com/english/content/fce- informal-letter-or-email
3. Kathleen, M. M.. & Carolyn, B. D. (2006). The Heinemann Toefl Preparation
Course: With Answer Key. UK: Macmillan.
4. Macgillivray, M. (2008). Basic Skills for the TOEFL iBT. Los Angeles, CA:
Compass Publishing.
5. Macgillivray, M., & Gagiano, K. (2008). Basic skills for the TOEFL iBT. Los
Angeles: Compass Publishing.
6. Malarcher, C. (2004). Developing listening skills. Los Angeles, CA: Compass
7. Richie, H. (2005). TOEFL iBTReading (Al). Korea: KELT.
8. Taylor, A., & Byrne, G. (2007). Very easy TOEIC: beginning TOEIC test-
taking skills. CA: Compass Publishing.


COLLECTION 1 ...... .......................... . .... . ...................................... 3
i LISTENING MOCK TEST 1 ........................................................... 4
READING MOCK TEST 1 ............................................................ 12
j WRITING MOCK TEST 1 ............................................................... 26
! SPEAKING MOCK TEST 1 ............................................................. 28
COLLECTION 2 ........................... . .... . .................................... 31
; LISTENING MOCK TEST 2 ............................................................ 32
j READING MOCK TEST 2 ............................................................... 40
j WRITING MOCK TEST 2 ............................................................... 53
j SPEAKING MOCK TEST 2 ............................................................. 55
j COLLECTION 3 ______________ ........... ________ 57
! LISTENING MOCK TEST 3 ........................................................... 58
I READING MOCK TEST 3 .................................. . ..................... 66
! WRITING MOCK TEST 3 .................................. . ..................... 79
i SPEAKING MOCK TEST 3 ............................................................ 81
! COLLECTION 4 ..................................................................................... 83
i LISTENING MOCK TEST 4 ........................................................ 84
! READING MOCK TEST 4 ............................................................... 92
■ WRITING MOCK TEST 4 ............................................................ 106
, SPEAKING MOCK TEST 4 .................................... : ............................... 108
COLLECTION 5......................................................................... ....Ill
LISTENING MOCK TEST 5................ . . ................................... 112
READING MOCK TEST 5 ........................................................ 120
WRITING MOCK TEST 5 ........................................................... 134
SPEAKING MOCK TEST 5...;..................................................... 136
MOCK TESTI ..................................................... . ..... . ................ 140
MOCK TEST 2 .......................................................................... ...152
MOCK TEST 3 ............................................................................. 163
MOCK TEST 4 ........................................................................... 173
MOCK TEST 5 ............................................................................. 184
REFERENCE ------------------------------------------------ -- ------------- 198

280 An Duong Vuong, Phuong 4, Quan 5, TP Ho Chi Minh
Di$n thoai: (08) 38 301 303 - Fax: (08) 39 381 382
Email: nxbt&Jicmup.edu.vn
Website: http://nxb.hcmup.edu.vn

ThS. Nguyin Thi Tu, ThS. Bui Thi Pfaffing Thao,
ThS. Hoang Thi Phong Linh, ThS. Tran Quang Nam, ThS. Le Thuy Trang

C.hiu track nhic.m xuat ban:

Bien tap:

Trinh bay bia:


Che ban, sua ban in:


Ma s6 sach ti6u chuan quoc te - ISBN: 978-604-947-764-5

Lien k& xuat ban:
Ba Nguy&i Thi Tu - Truong Dai hoc Sir pham TP. HCM
280 An Duong Virong, Phuong 4, Quan 5, TP. HCM

In 1000 cudn kh6 16 x 24 cm tai C6ng ty CP TM In Nhat Nam; 007 Ld I KCN Tan Binh, Phudng
Tay Thanh, Quan Tan Phu, TP, HCM; Xu'cmg in: 410 Tan Ky Tan Quy, Phuong Son Ky, Quan
Tan Phu, TP. HCM. So xac nhan dang ky xuat ban: 537-2017/CXBIPH/01-20£)HSPTPHCM;
QuySt dinh xudt ban sd: 160/QD- NXBBHSPTPHCM ky ngay 17/4/2017. In xong va nop luu
chilu nam 2017.


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