CH16: Adsorption and Ion Exchange
CH16: Adsorption and Ion Exchange
CH16: Adsorption and Ion Exchange
Title Page
Adsorption Concepts 16-4
Breakthrough Curve Fig. 16-3, 16-7
Adsorbents Table 16-5, 16-10
Porosity and Density 16-10
Adsorption Isotherms 16-13
Chromatography 16-38
Rev. & Ion-Ex. Chro. 16-45
Application of Adsorbents 16-49
Pressure Swing Adsorption 16-50
Ion Exchange Cycle 16-54
Adsorption Equipment 16-61
Type of Resin 16-19
CH17: Gas-Solids Operations and Equipment
Title Page
Fluidization Concepts 17-2
Fluidization Regimes Fig. 17-4, 17-4
Design of Fluidized Beds 17-6
Transport Disengaging Height 17-7
Estimation of TDH Fig. 17-9, 17-7
Solids Flow Control Valves Fig. 17-17, 17-13
Catalytic Reactions 17-16
Non-Catalytic Reactions 17-17
Gas-Solids Nomenclature 17-21
Dust Collection 17-24
Particles and Type of Equipment Fig. 17-34, 17-25
Particle Size Analysis Table 17-1, 17-26
Gravity Settling Chamber 17-28
Cyclones Calculations 17-36
Scrubbers 17-37
Fabric Filters 17-46
Electrical Precipitators 17-55
CH24: Energy Resources, Conversion & Utilization
Title Page
Fuels 24-4
Classification of Coals Table 24-1, 24-4
Bulk Density of Broken Coal 24-6
Waste Fuel Analysis 24-7
Clean Fuels From Coals 24-13
Coal Conversion 24-12
Heat Generation 24-21
NOx Formation Pathways 24-24
Therm. Ene. Conversion 24-35
Elect. Ene. Conversion 24-45
Parr Formulas 24-4
HHVs 24-5
LHVs 24-5
Theo Oxygen Req`t 24-21
Fuel Cell Efficiency 24-46
Nernst Equation 24-46
Actual Cell Potential 24-46
CH25: Materials of Construction
Title Page
Corrosion Controls 25-3
Material Selection Econ. 25-28
Material Properties 25-28
Ferrous Metals & Alloys 25-29
Common Alloys Table 25-4, 25-30
Cast Materials 25-34
Chem. Resistant Bricks Table 25-10, 25-10
Inorganic Nonmetallics 25-36
Organic Nonmetallics 25-37
Thermoplastic Properties 25-42
High & Low T. Materials 25-45
Low T. Metals 25-45
High T. Metals 25-46
Copper Alloys Table 25-21, 25-46
Misc. Alloys Table 25-22, 25-22
Elastomers Table 25-24, 25-24
Graphite & Silicon Carbide Table 25-25, 25-50
Commercial Alloys Table 25-27, 25-51
CH04: ChE Thermodynamics
Title Page
Thermodynamics 4-1
Laws of Thermo 4-5
Thermo Property Relations 4-6
Compressibility factor 2-499
Z⁰ , Z' 2-500
Tc, Pc, ω (accentric factor) 2-138
Tr/Pr formula 2-137
2nd Virial 4-9
RK, SRK, PR 4-11
Cubic EOS 4-11
β,Κ ; Volume expansivity, isothermal compressibility
Energy balance eq 4-15
Steady-state devices 4-16
Gibbs - Duhem Eq 4-18
Fugacity 4-19
Fugacity coeff 4-20
Thermodynamics of mixing 4-21
Phase Rule 4-27
Raoult's Law 4-28
Temp. Dep. of ∆H, ∆S, Keq 4-37
Van't Hoff Eq 4-37
Lost Work 4-39
Enthalpies of Formation, ∆fH⁰ 2-186
Enthalpies of Combustion, ∆cH⁰ 2-195
Cp values 2-156
Steam table 2-305
Thermo prop R-134a 2-333
CH05: Heat and Mass Transfer
Title Page
Heat Transfer 5-3
Heat Transfer Nomenclature 5-4
Convection 5-7
Heat Transfer w/ Phase Change 5-12
Duckler Theory 5-14
Radiation 5-15
Blackbody 5-16
Planck, Stefan-Boltzmann Law 5-16
Wein`s Displacement Law 5-18
Kirchoffs Law 5-19
Normal Total Emmisivity 5-21
Yamauti Principle 5-23
Engr. Models for Fuel-Fired Furnaces 5-39
Mass Transfer 5-43
Fick`s First Law 5-45
Mass Transfer Nomenclature 5-46
Diffusivity Estimation Gases 5-50
R.O.T. for Diffusivities 5-50
Correlation of Diffusivities Gases 5-51
Diffusivity Estimation Liquids 5-53
Correlation of Diffusivities Liquids 5-54
Interphase Mass Transfer 5-59
Mass Transfer Correlations 5-63
Chilton-Colburn Analogy 5-83
CH6: Fluid Dynamics
Title Page
Viscosity 6-4
Apparent Viscosiy 6-4
Continuity Equation 6-6
Bernoulli Equation 6-7
Fanning Friction Factors Graph 6-10
Surface Roughness 6-10
Fanning Fricion Factor 6-10
Reynolds Number 6-10
Churchill Formula 6-11
Pipe Length Entrance 6-11
Fittings and valves 6-18
Speed of Sound 6-22
Stagnation Equations 6-23
Dimensionless power number tanks 6-35
Isothermal Compressible Flow Gas 6-40
Cavitation Number 6-45
Dimensionless Groups 6-50
Drag Force 6-51
Terminal Settling Velocity 6-51
Stoke's and Newton's 6-52
CH7: Reaction Kinetics
Title Page
Arrhenius Equation 7-6
Conversion of Reactant 7-7
Extent of Reaction 7-7
Selectivity of Product 7-8
Consecutive & Parallel 1st Order Rxn, PFR 7-13
Consecutive & Parallel 1st Order Rxn, CSTR 7-13
Michaelis-Menten 7-18
Monod Type Empirical 7-31
Overall Electrochemical Cell Eq. Potential 7-32
Arrhenius Equation Linearized 7-36
Half-life 7-36
CH22: Waste Management
Title Page
Air Pollution 22-29
Typical Gaseous Pollutants 22-30
Techniques Applicable to Unit Processes 22-32
Air Pollutant Equipments 22-36
Lapse Rate and Flumes 22-39
Industrial Waste 22-58
List of Priority Chemicals 22-61
Wastewater Treatments 22-63
Dulong Formula 22-80
Solid Waste 22-81
Density & Moisture Content 22-85
CH23: Process Safety
Title Page
Case Histories 23-5
Hazardous Materials and Conditions 23-6
Process Safety Analysis 23-41
Safety Equipment, Process Design & Op 23-74