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Intermediate Financial Accounting Ii Syllabus Fall Semester 2021

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Section .003 08:00AM -- 09:15AM Tuesday/Thursday POWERS BUS 227
Section .004/.104 09:30AM – 10:45AM Tuesday/Thursday POWERS BUS 227
Section .005 12:30PM – 01:45PM Tuesday/Thursday POWERS BUS 227
Section .006 02:00PM – 03:15PM Tuesday/Thursday POWERS BUS 227

Terry D. Knause, CPA

Office Location Powers College of Business N-426B
Office Hours ZOOM Virtual – All by Appointment (11am to 12pm on Tues/Thurs),
and on other weekdays and weekends (text or email to set up)
Cell/Text 864-915-4426
E-mail tknause@gmail.com (preferred) or tknause@clemson.edu

Spiceland’s Intermediate Accounting, 10th Edition, published by McGraw-Hill, copyright 2020,
ISBN 978-1-260-31017-7. In addition, students must have the Spiceland “Connect” code enabling
them to electronically do their homework and other on-line assignments. You DO NOT need to
re-purchase this code if you purchased it for Intermediate Accounting I.

Intermediate Accounting I (ACCT 3110)


The Learning Objectives of ACCT 3120 include:
 Ethics/Professionalism Competency - Understand the importance of ethical conduct in
accounting and factors that contribute to ethical dilemmas and lapses, identify and assess the
consequences to stakeholders, and evaluate alternate sources of action.
 Decision Making Competency - Objectively identify issues, use professional judgment to
develop appropriate decision processes, critically assess the costs and benefits of alternative
courses of action, and recommend optimal solutions. Demonstrate comprehension of
quantitative techniques for problem solving and the ability to apply appropriate tools to solve
business problems (i.e., critical thinking competency).
 Communications Competency – Actively listen and effectively deliver information in multiple
communicative formats tailored to the intended audience, including leading and supporting
participation in the Eye of the Tiger team activities.
 Technology Competency – Demonstrate an ability to effectively use current technologies to
aggregate and produce financial reporting and analysis ratios, and create data visualizations,
including understanding some of the key methods and ratios to analyze financial statement
information to assist management in making operating decisions.
 Professional Standards Competency – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of financial
reporting (i.e., accounting process and external reporting), including:
o Understand the preparation of the Cash Flow Statement and its importance.
o In-depth analysis of critical Balance Sheet accounts including investments, current
liabilities, long-term liabilities, and stockholders’ equity so that students understand
the issues around accounting and financial statement presentation of these accounts.
o In-depth analysis of complex accounting topics, including earnings per share,
accounting for leases, and accounting for income taxes.

Learning will be assessed online through a combination of homework assignments, quizzes, tests,
and other individual and team projects designed to enhance the students’ knowledge of the
course material and learning objectives.

Students in the Honors Program will have a separate project based on current or complex topics
in financial accounting and reporting under US GAAP.

As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson’s
vision of this institution as a ‘high seminary of learning.’ Fundamental to this vision is a mutual
commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust
and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the
value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any


 Any breach of the principles outlined in the academic integrity statement.
 Giving, receiving, or using unauthorized aid on any academic work (including electronic
homework assignments, quizzes, and tests).
 Plagiarism, which includes the copying of language, structure or ideas of another and
attributing the work to one’s own efforts (including homework and other out-of-class
 Attempts to copy, edit, or delete computer files that belong to another person or use of
Computer Center account numbers that belong to another person without the permission of
the owner, account owner, or file number owner.
 Use of a non-approved calculator (ONLY 4-function calculators are permitted), or cell
phone/PDA on a test or quiz. Cell phones/PDA devices may not be used to even check the
time during quizzes or tests.
 Obtaining any outside assistance (including from other students, prior students, websites,
etc.) with the Spiceland CONNECT homework or any other assignments, quizzes, or tests
(unless you are specifically told that the assignment is a “group project”, such as with the Eye
of the Tiger team exercises).

All academic work (including homework, quizzes, and tests) submitted for grading contains an
implicit pledge that no unauthorized aid has been received. It is the responsibility of every
member of the Clemson Community to enforce the Academic Integrity Policy. Violations of this
code WILL BE referred to the Academic Integrity Committee for appropriate action, and my policy
is that you will automatically fail the class for ANY breach of this pledge!

We will be using a “points” system to determine the grade that you earn in the class. The grade
that you earn is based on your efforts in and out of class for the entire semester. None of the
assignment, test, quiz, or project deadlines will be modified for any reason for any student.


A 1,072 - 1,192 points Chapters 13 & 14 Test 150 points
B 953 - 1,071 points Chapters 18 & 19 Test 150 points
C 834 - 952 points Chapters 12 & 21 Test 150 points
D 715 - 833 points Chapters 15, 16, 17 Test (Final Exam) 150 points
F < 715 points Spiceland Homework (8 @ 20 points) 160 points
“First Day” Foundation Refresh Quiz 60 points
Intro & Closing Quizzes (15 @ 20 points) 300 points
Cash Flow Statement HW Assignment 20 points
Ethics Assignment 12 points
Course Assessment 40 points
Total 1,192 points


A 1,090 - 1,212 points Chapters 13 & 14 Test 150 points
B 969 - 1,089 points Chapters 18 & 19 Test 150 points
C 848 – 968 points Chapters 12 & 21 Test 150 points
D 727 - 847 points Chapters 15, 16, 17 Test (Final Exam) 150 points
F < 727 points Spiceland Homework (8 @ 20 points) 160 points
“First Day” Foundation Refresh Quiz 60 points
Intro & Closing Quizzes (15 @ 20 points) 300 points
Cash Flow Statement HW Assignment 20 points
Ethics Assignment 12 points
Course Assessment 40 points
Honors Project 20 points
Total 1,212 points

It is your responsibility to monitor Canvas to ensure that your grades are posted correctly.

8 introductory and 8 closing chapter quizzes worth 20 points each will be given. These chapter
quizzes count 300 points toward your grade. In addition, there is a Foundation Refresh quiz at
the start of the semester that is worth 60 points and a Course Assessment quiz at the end of the
semester that is worth 40 points. Missing quizzes is strongly discouraged, but an Excused
Absence enabling you to make up a quiz is only permitted only under the following conditions:

(1) It is an approved athletic or academic absence, and you advise me and provide me authorized
documentation IN ADVANCE of the event and your absence.
(2) If you are ill, you advise me IN ADVANCE of class (i.e., just like you would if you weren’t going
to show up for work) and you provide me with a physician’s note documenting your illness
and necessary absence.

If you have an Unexcused Absence, you may not take and receive points for any Quiz given that
day (including days when we do the Eye of the Tiger team exercises).

It is your responsibility to schedule the make-up quiz.

Missing one (1) chapter quiz will not hurt your grade since there are 16 chapter quizzes, and only
the equivalent of 15 chapter quizzes (i.e., 300 points) are counted in your grade. However, if you
don’t miss any chapter quizzes, you could earn up to 20 bonus points since there are 16 chapter
quizzes worth 20 points each, for 320 potential points.

All quizzes will be done electronically with LockDown Browser and Webcam. In the event of
technology issues, you must have documented proof (screen shots or video with your phone,
etc.) of the issue (WIFI down, LockDown Browser not working, etc.). Otherwise, the quiz may not
be made up. This may not be a recurring event so if you have WIFI issues, you must take the
quizzes where WIFI is reliable and if you have LockDown Browser issues, you must get IT HELP
assistance to ensure that the issues are resolved. If it’s not documented, then you don’t have a
valid excuse.

Tests may consist of any or all of the following: (a) true/false, (b) multiple choice, (c) matching, (d)
problems, and (e) key term definitions. However, other testing techniques may be used as
deemed appropriate. All tests emphasize concepts, application of the concepts, and critical
thinking skills.

Missing tests is strongly discouraged, but an excused absence enabling you to make up a test is
only permitted under the conditions described above under “Quizzes”.

It is your responsibility to schedule the make-up test.

All tests will be done electronically with LockDown Browser and Webcam. In the event of
technology issues, you must have documented proof (screen shots or video with your phone,
etc.) of the issue (WIFI down, LockDown Browser not working, etc.). Otherwise, the test may not
be made up. This may not be a recurring event so if you have WIFI issues, you must take the tests
where WIFI is reliable and if you have LockDown Browser issues, you must get IT HELP assistance
to ensure that the issues are resolved. If it’s not documented, then you don’t have a valid excuse.

Each of the tests will include from 6 or more bonus points.

As discussed under Quizzes above, if you don’t miss any quizzes, you could earn up to 20 extra
credit points.

As discussed below under Attendance, if you have no unexcused absences (meaning you meet all
of the conditions above) including both (a) advance notice of your absence, and (b) a
documented doctor’s visit, you could earn 10 bonus points.

Each Chapter includes a “team” exercise (“Eye of the Tiger”), and members of the teams (if they
actively contributed to the team during the exercises during the semester) will be awarded bonus
points as follows: 1st place - 8 bonus points; 2nd place - 5 bonus points; and 3rd place – 3 bonus
points. If I determine, at my sole discretion, that any team or person is not putting forth their
best efforts in these exercises, they will have substantial points deducted, increasing in number
for repeat offenses.
Honors students will do a project on a current or complex technical topic in accounting as per
supplemental instructions that will be given to the students in the Honors program. The project
is worth 20 points and must be submitted in hard copy and electronically at a date to be
communicated with those students.

LINK TO GAAP GUIDANCE (FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification (ASC))

Username AAA51630
Password 9XY3mpN


Username Your Clemson username
Password Your Clemson password


All homework assignments will be posted to Canvas (be sure to see the WORD document in each
Chapter’s File folder which tells you when the reading and homework assignments are due).

All assignments must be completed by the due date and time; there will be NO EXTENSIONS for
any reason (technology failures, illness, personal problems, etc.). You permanently lose the
points for that assignment if you do not complete the homework assignment on Spiceland’s
Connect platform before the deadline. Please don’t risk waiting until the “last minute” to do your
assignments, and then encounter a computer, internet, etc. problem that prevents you from
completing the assignment by its deadline! Make sure that you double-check that you have
properly submitted the homework before the deadline.

All of these homework assignments are done and graded on Spiceland’s Connect platform, so you
are responsible to make sure that your connection to Canvas is working, that your Spiceland
Connect registration is completed, and that you are connected to Spiceland’s Connect platform.
If you have issues with your Spiceland connection, you must contact McGraw-Hill for resolution.

Each of these graded homework assignments counts 20 points for a total of 160 points during the
semester. You will have more than one attempt to enter the completed assignment.


On the last day that we cover each chapter, students will engage with an assigned team in
completing, via ZOOM, “Eye of the Tiger” team exercises. The purpose of these exercises is to
solve problems that will enhance your critical thinking skills and abilities. The problems are
generally complex, emphasize the key points in every chapter, and are solved with some amount
of time pressure for the team. Teamwork and communication are vital to your success in solving
these problems. Students who actively participate in these team exercises typically enhance their
critical thinking skills and their grades on tests.
I will assign all students in each class to a team, and the team members will select a Team
Captain. The Team Captain will organize ZOOM calls for all team members during the scheduled
class period, distribute the Eye of the Tiger exercise questions to the team members, and report
the answers to the questions back to me before the end of class. In addition, the Team Captains
will “invite” me to the ZOOM calls for each Eye of the Tiger exercise and I will randomly “drop in”
to observe the team ZOOM meetings throughout the semester.

Prior winning Eye of the Tiger teams told me that “we worked on every question as a team”, or
“all students answered some questions and then other students always double checked the
answers; when we hit roadblocks, which often happened, we discussed them as a team”.
Consider these strategies because teams that work effectively and have a good “quality control”
mechanism do well in the team competition.

As previously discussed, bonus points will be awarded to team members based on the cumulative
accuracy of the teams’ answers throughout the semester (8 points, 5 points, and 3 points to the
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams, respectively, in each class). It’s an incentive for all students to
collectively work hard during these exercises (these bonus points make a difference in the final
grades of several students each semester). If you haven’t adequately studied a chapter, then you
fail both yourself and your team. Letting a team down, in class and in the real world, is
inexcusable and unacceptable, so I hope that you seriously engage in these exercises and use
your team time wisely.


ATTENDANCE - I expect you to attend all classes (i.e., attendance is “mandatory”, not “optional”)
and actively participate/engage in class. Just showing up means nothing and is actually
distracting. If you are the type of student who can’t commit to attending and engaging in classes,
you should seek another class option.

Assuming some lingering impact from Covid:

 If you have approved University accommodations to attend classes online only, you must
attend the entire portion of each class online (with your camera engaged 100% of the time).
 Otherwise students must attend classes in person; In the case of an excused absence, you
may attend online (if there is an online option).
 If you have an unexcused absence, you may attend online (if there is an online option), but
that will not recharacterize the absence as “excused”.
 If you are “tardy” for in-person classes or classes online (if applicable), it will be considered an
“unexcused” absence.

The following table reflects the penalty points that will be deducted from your total points for
“unexcused” absences as described above under Quizzes, and for students who are not prepared
for class, or who don’t actively participate in class (as determined at my sole discretion):

# of Unexcused Absences # of Points Deducted

Up to 2 Classes None
3 to 4 Classes 3 Points Each
5 or More Classes 5 Points Each
You can have up to 2 “unexcused” absences without penalty, and if you have perfect attendance
(which means NO unexcused absences and you are properly prepared and participate), you will
receive 10 Bonus Points at the end of the semester.

PREPARATION – You can only be successful in this class with substantial advance preparation;
procrastination ensures failure. Advance preparation includes:

 Printing the PowerPoint slides (in Canvas Files) and studying them in conjunction with the text
prior to the 1st class in which we discuss a new chapter.
 Conscientiously viewing the MP4 lectures (in Canvas Pages) of the PowerPoint slides prior to
the 1st class in which we discuss a new chapter. There is insufficient class time to discuss all
points in a chapter, and therefore, these MP4 videos of the PowerPoint slides are critical to
your success in this course, particularly if done properly before the start of a chapter.

There are Quizzes at the start and end of each chapter so if you don’t prepare in advance of our
discussion of each chapter, it will have a significant adverse effect on your grade.

PARTICIPATION – As discussed above, I value your participation and engagement (i.e., asking
questions, answering questions, being a “positive force” in class, etc.).

Again, as discussed above, if you are not participating/engaging in class, at my sole discretion, it
will be treated as an “unexcused absence”.

There are a few things that I ask you to do to minimize distractions for others in the class and me,
and to help you stay focused in class:
 Arrive for class on time (that includes online attendance if that is an option) and it is expected
that you will be in attendance for the full class. If you are going to be late or need to leave
early, you should let me know in advance. Tardiness is VERY DISRUPTIVE.
 Come to class alert and excited to participate, engage and learn! Being a positive force will
help you, other students and me. If there is an online option, your video must be activated
and you must be engaged for the entire class. Inattentiveness is all around very distracting.
Stay engaged by taking notes, actively listening, asking questions, and participate!
 Cell phones must be off and in bags or pockets once class begins (that includes any online
attendance). As a unique “social experiment”, try talking with your classmates!
 Computers may be used for class work only. That means no surfing the web, playing games,
texting, messaging, emails, etc., and this includes students who may be attending online.
 Clean up after yourself and be considerate of others! If you bring a drink to class that sweats
on the desk, clean it up before you leave class. If you ate food at your desk before the start of
class, throw away the bags and wrappers after class.
 Follow all safety protocols established by the university, including social distancing
requirements (if any), wearing masks (if required), self-quarantining (as required), and NO
MATTER WHAT, I’d suggest wiping down your desk BOTH before the start of class and when
class ends.



Date Day Activity Spiceland Connect

AUG 18 WED Syllabus/Intro/First Day Foundation “Refresh” ZOOM
AUG 19 THUR CH 13 – Current Liabilities & Contingencies
AUG 24 TUES CH 13 – Current Liabilities & Contingencies
AUG 24 TUES Last day to register or add a class
AUG 26 THUR CH 13 – Current Liabilities & Contingencies 13 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 13)
AUG 31 TUES CH 14 – Bonds & Long-Term Notes
AUG 31 TUES Last day to drop class without “W”
SEPT O2 THUR CH 14 – Bonds & Long-Term Notes
SEPT 07 TUES CH 14 – Bonds & Long-Term Notes 14 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 14)
SEPT 09 THUR Chapter 13 & 14 Test ONLINE TEST
SEPT 14 TUES CH 18 – Shareholders’ Equity
SEPT 16 THUR CH 18 – Shareholders’ Equity
SEPT 21 TUES CH 18 – Shareholders’ Equity 18 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 18)
SEPT 23 THUR CH 19 – Share-Based Compensation & Earnings Per Share
SEPT 28 TUES CH 19 – Share-Based Compensation & Earnings Per Share
SEPT 30 THUR CH 19 – Share-Based Compensation & Earnings Per Share 19 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 19)
OCT 05 TUES Chapter 18 & 19 Test ONLINE TEST
OCT 07 THUR CH 12 - Investments
OCT 14 THUR CH 12 - Investments
OCT 19 TUES CH 12 – Investments 12 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 12)
OCT 21 THUR CH 21 – Statement of Cash Flows
OCT 26 TUES CH 21 – Statement of Cash Flows
OCT 26 TUES Last day to drop class without grade
OCT 28 THUR CH 21 – Statement of Cash Flows 21 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 21)
NOV 02 TUES Chapter 12 & 21 Test ONLINE TEST
NOV 04 THUR CH 15 - Leases
NOV 09 TUES CH 15 - Leases
NOV 11 THUR CH 15 – Leases
NOV 16 TUES CH 15 – Leases 15 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 15)
NOV 18 THUR CH 16 – Income Taxes
NOV 23 TUES CH 16 – Income Taxes ZOOM
NOV 30 TUES CH 16 – Income Taxes 16 EOT TEAMS 8AM (CH 16)
DEC 02 THUR CH 17 – Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits 17 MP4

Final Exam (Chapters 15, 16 & 17 Test) Schedule:

Section 003 (08:00AM Class) December 10, Friday 07:00PM – 09:30PM
Section 004/104 (09:30AM Class) December 08, Wednesday 08:00AM – 10:30AM
Section 005 (12:30PM Class) December 06, Monday 03:00PM – 05:30PM
Section 006 (02:00PM Class) December 09, Thursday 08:00AM – 10:30AM

Note: Points, testing, grading, and class schedule all subject to change at sole discretion of Terry Knause.


Based on current University guidance students must be tested weekly for Covid and it is your
responsibility to have that testing done. If you aren’t permitted access to class because you
didn’t have your testing done, it is considered an Unexcused Absence. Per the current University
guidance, wearing masks is “recommended” but “not required”. For a student who reports
testing positive or is being asked to quarantine/isolate because of exposure to Covid, submit
University documentation to me as soon as possible. To the extent your health will allow, we
want you to be engaged with and stay current with the class.


Any exam that was scheduled at the time of a class cancellation due to inclement weather,
University power outage, etc. will be given at the next class meeting unless contacted by the
instructor. Any assignments due at the time of a class cancellation due to inclement weather will
be due at the next class meeting unless the instructor contacts students. Any extension or
postponement of assignments or exams must be granted by the instructor via email or Canvas
within 24 hours of the weather-related cancellation.

Clemson University values the diversity of our student body as a strength and a critical
component of our dynamic community. Students with disabilities or temporary
injuries/conditions may require accommodations due to barriers in the structure of facilities,
course design, technology used for curricular purposes, or other campus resources. Students
who experience a barrier to full access to a class should let the professor know, and make an
appointment to meet with a staff member in Student Accessibility Services as soon as possible.

You can make an appointment by calling 864-656-6848 or by emailing

studentaccess@lists.clemson.edu. Students who receive Academic Access Letters are strongly
encouraged to request, obtain and present these to their professors as early in the semester as
possible so that accommodations can be made in a timely manner. It is the student’s
responsibility to follow this process each semester. You can access further information here:


Students with disabilities requesting accommodations should make an appointment with Dr.
Margaret Camp (656-6848), Director of Disability Services, to discuss specific needs within the
first month of classes. Students should present a Faculty Accommodation Letter from Student
Disability Services when they meet with instructors. Accommodations are NOT retroactive and
new Faculty Accommodation Letters must be presented each semester.


Title IX Policy: Clemson University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender,
pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, genetic information or protected
activity (e.g., opposition to prohibited discrimination or participation in any complaint process,
etc.) in employment, educational programs and activities, admissions and financial aid. This
includes a prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of
the Education Amendments of 1972. The University is committed to combatting sexual
harassment and sexual violence. As a result, you should know that University faculty and staff
members who work directly with students are required to report any instances of sexual
harassment and sexual violence, to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. What this means is
that as your professor, I am required to report any incidents of sexual harassment, sexual
violence or misconduct, stalking, domestic and/or relationship violence that are directly reported
to me, or of which I am somehow made aware. There are two important exceptions to this
requirement about which you should be aware: Confidential Resources and facilitators of sexual
awareness programs such as "Take Back the Night and Aspire to be Well" when acting in those
capacities, are not required to report incidents of sexual discrimination. Another important
exception to the reporting requirement exists for academic work. Disclosures about sexual
harassment, sexual violence, stalking, domestic and/or relationship violence that are shared as
part of an academic project, a research project, classroom discussion, or course assignment, are
not required to be disclosed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. This policy is located at
http://www.clemson.edu/campus-life/campus-services/access/title-ix/. Ms. Alesia Smith is the
Executive Director for Equity Compliance and the Title IX Coordinator. Her office is located at 223
Holtzendorff Hall, phone number is 864.656.3181, and email address is alesias@clemson.edu.


In the event the physical classroom facility becomes unavailable, as determined by the
University’s administration, class will be conducted in a virtual (online) format and I will be in
contact you with the exact on-line assignments that will be required. The University issues official
disruption notifications through email /www /text notification/social media. When notified, use
one of the following links to navigate to Clemson Canvas where you will find important
information about conducting class:
 Primary access link: www.clemson.edu/canva
 Secondary access link, if needed: https://clemson.instructure.com/
 You can also use the Canvas Student App.


Clemson University is committed to providing a safe campus environment for students, faculty,
staff, and visitors. As members of the community, we encourage you to take the following
actions to be better prepared in case of an emergency:
 Ensure you are signed up for emergency alerts (https://www.getrave.com/login/clemson),
 Download the Rave Guardian app to your phone
 Learn what you can do to prepare yourself in the event of an active threat

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