The Evaluation of Fertilizer Made From Vegetable Waste From The Food Markets in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The Evaluation of Fertilizer Made From Vegetable Waste From The Food Markets in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The Evaluation of Fertilizer Made From Vegetable Waste From The Food Markets in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
10(01), 715-720
In our country, waste recycling is one of the reasons why people are not able to recycle waste due to their lack of
knowledge on waste sorting of citizens. Especially in Ulaanbaatar, the amount of vegetable waste has increased
significantly due to population growth and increased social needs. It is possible to recycle 50% of the waste
generated in Mongolia, but less than 0.31% is currently recycled (Baatar, 2003).
About 80-90 percent of our food and other consumption comes from soil, but soil degradation has increased in
recent years and we are more likely to have problems in the future. The study was initiated to find ways to reuse and
recycle vegetable waste to improve soil fertility. Therefore, the study was based on the study of the possibility of
Corresponding Author:- Orkhontuya Puntsag
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 715-720
improving soil fertility with fertilizers produced from vegetable waste. Green waste is an important part of
municipal solid waste. This green waste is derived from young trees, shrubs, tree bark, dead, green leaves, grass
cuttings, fruits, sedges, vegetables, soil, gardens, nature reserves, and residential household waste (Bustamante,
Globally, 1/3 percent of the world's food waste, or $ 1.3 trillion, is wasted. These products use 24% of the water
used in agriculture. It is estimated that 30% of grains, 20% of milk and dairy products, 45% of vegetables and fruits,
and 20% of meat and meat products are spoiled and discarded. In terms of weight alone, food waste is the largest
space in the world. Decomposition time also depends on the type of food from which it is derived. For example, a
lemon peel lasts for six months and a banana peel for up to four weeks (Bekhtur, 1978).
Today, solid waste treatment and collection systems have expanded into large-scale industries. In Western Europe,
for example, 30% of waste is disinfected and 21% is incinerated. In the United States, 14% of all solid waste is
incinerated, 3% is processed, 5% is dumped under ground, 0.5% is composted, and 77.5% is dumped above ground.
There are 105 incinerators in the United States, 40 in France, 12 in Italy and 25 in Switzerland. France disposes of
26 million tons of waste per year and generally recycles it into three categories for domestic, industrial and special
use (Dorjgotov, 1992).
About Compost Fertilizer: Compost is a term derived from the Latin word componere compostitum, which means a
compound mixture of many things. Basically, compost is an organic compound that is formed from the
decomposition of a mixture of various vegetable residues, sometimes a mixture of organic minerals of animal origin
with limited mineral content (Choijamts, 2000). General technical requirements for composting methods are set by
MNS 6507: 2015 standard. The purpose of this standard is to determine the technical requirements, hygiene and
safety of fertilizers produced from organic wastes of plant and animal origin.
The research was conducted in 2019-2020 with 3 variations and 4 repetitions. In order to study the amount of
vegetable waste, which is the raw material for compost, the areas with the highest food waste in Ulaanbaatar were
selected. During the survey, a total of 439 food market vendors were selected from the areas with large amounts of
The compost fertilizer was tested for 30-60 days, and the moisture content of the fertilizer was monitored until the
component become same color, and samples were collected on the 21st, 45th, and 60th days, with 3 times of
repetitions. The collected samples were analyzed chemical, physical, chemical and hygienic properties of fertilizer
quality (Figure 1).
Standard methods used in the study Individual and group interview methods, statistical processing methods,
laboratory analysis methods MNS6051: 2009, MNS (ISO) 4834: 1999 MNS (ISO) 4835: 1999, MNS (ISO) 4837:
1999, MNS (ISO) 4891: 1999 used.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 715-720
Fig 2:- The average annual amount of waste generated in the surveyed markets.
From the above graph, it can be seen that the annual amount of waste generated in the surveyed markets is 4.2 tons
of food waste per year from 6.26 tons of food in 6 markets. The surveyed traders dump 3-5 kg of food waste per
day. The graph above shows that one vegetable trader throws 15-20 kg of waste per day (Figure 2).
Table 1 shows that in the 21st, 45th, and 60th day samples of fertilizers, moisture, temperature, humidity, pH,
electrical conductivity, organic carbon, organic materials, moveable nitrates, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and
calcium and magnesium were compared with the reference values. From the graph above, the nutrient content was
within acceptable levels. The pH, compost, movable nitrate, and phosphorus of the compost were slightly higher
than the allowable levels, while the organic carbon and material were slightly lower.
During 30-60 days of composting, the samples taken on days 21, 45 and 60 were compared with the reference levels
of 7 microelements: copper, zinc, iron, manganese, lead, chromium and nickel. Table 2 shows that the compost
values matured on days 21, 45, and 60 were within acceptable levels (Table 2).
Fig 3:- Comparison of compost quality with Mongolian standard of compost fertilizer MNS 2015.
Three versions of laboratory-developed fertilizers, such as 21st, 45th, and 60th day samples, compared the 8
parameters of nutrients such as moisture, pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, mobile nitrate, phosphorus,
potassium, and sodium with the standard compost fertilizer. The nutrient quality was within the standard range
(Figure 2).
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 715-720
In Table 3, hygienic analysis was performed on compost prepared in 30-60 days. Hygiene tests revealed Escherichia
coli and Salmonella. No Escherichia coli was detected in 21, 45, or 60 days of compost samples. On the 21st day of
composting, Salmonella, an intestinal pathogen, was detected.
During the research period from April 2019 to March 2020, compost fertilizer was processed in 30-60 days from the
waste collected from the source of fruit and food waste. Laboratory tests were performed in 3 versions with 4
repetitions. The test version was calculated on 15, 20, 25 tons for spinach cultivation. According to the results of the
experiment, the yield was increased by calculating the norm of 25 tons per hectare of fertilizer made from fruit and
vegetable waste in the field (Figure 3).
The nutrient content of compost fertilizer processed in 30-60 days was compared with control and manure. As
shown in Figure 4, nitrogen content and electrical conductivity of compost compost were relatively higher than
control and manure. The high nitrogen content of compost means that the nutrient content is 0.6%. However, due to
composting, the electrical conductivity is 0.6% higher than that of control and manure.
In the experiment, samples were collected on the 21st, 45th, and 60th days of composting for 60 days, or 3
repetitions. The collected samples were chemically, physically, heavy metals and hygienically analyzed for compost
quality. Nutrient, microelement, and nutrient quality indicators of compost compost were acceptable.
According to the results of our research, it was possible to make fully mature compost in 60 days by testing compost
fertilizers with vegetable waste for 1-2 months. The main nutrients are nitrogen (0.5-1.5%), phosphorus (0.1-0.2%),
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 715-720
potassium (0.4-0.8%), indicate similarity. This result was consistent with the results of other studies (Murugesan,
The use of soil to support the decomposition process of organic waste decomposes faster than 1-2 weeks without the
decomposer version. No unpleasant odor during composting. Compost fertilizer can be used to fertilize lawns, to
fertilize flowering areas, to fertilize trees and shrubs, to fertilize areas for biological rehabilitation, to fertilize areas
for hay and fodder crops, to fertilize forest rehabilitation areas, and to increase yields (Choijamts, 2000).
India produces 1,57,478 tons of vegetable waste and other wastes per day (Kumar, 2017). Our country produces
1,826.7 tons of organic and other waste per day. According to some researchers, aerobic fertilizers containing more
than 80 percent organic waste support bacterial activity and pH = 6.8 or a neutral environment has been observed to
separate food waste from its source (Murugesan, 2020).
Compared to European countries, our country is lagging behind in recycling, and in the last 5 years, waste recycling
technology has been introduced, but there is a lack of research on food waste.
According to the survey results, it was possible to collect 1,826.7 tons of fruit and waste per day from a large
number of vegetable markets, which could be used to make 657,621.0 tons of compost per year.
Intestinal bacilli were found at 21 days of composting with vegetable waste, indicating that the compost was not
fully mature, and compost was fully mature at 60 days.
In our country, it was possible to make compost fertilizer from food waste from food markets in 60 days and apply it
to the soil at the norm of 15-20 tons.
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