GIS Based Spatial Mapping of Bulk Waste Generators in Panaji City, Goa
GIS Based Spatial Mapping of Bulk Waste Generators in Panaji City, Goa
GIS Based Spatial Mapping of Bulk Waste Generators in Panaji City, Goa
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Kiranmay Sarma
Professor, at University School of Environment Management,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi
Abstract:- The Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP), improved living standards and an increase in MSW
despite being a front runner in implementing measures production per capita (Kawai & Tasaki, 2015).
such as source segregation, door-to-door coverage, and
material recovery from dry waste, is facing an enormous Goa is located on the Konkan coast in western India. It
challenge in handling the biodegradable waste that is has a population of around Goa’s population is 1458545
generated in the city, especially, waste from bulk residents and a floating population of almost 302751 tourists
generators. Objective: The objective of the paper focuses (Government of Goa Website, n.d.), (Market Research
on mapping of bulk waste generators in the 12 different Division, 2021). Of the total estimated population in 2011,
zones of the city of Panaji, using the Geographic approximately 62.17% is considered an urban population,
Information System (GIS), so the City Corporation of while 37.83% is a rural population (DPSE, Goa, 2018). The
Panaji could devise a route map with suitable planning growing phenomenon of urbanization and the consequent
for waste collection and transportation. Methods: A changes in lifestyle are key factors that have gradually led to
Geographical Information System based methodology, a gradual increase in the total amount of waste generated in
which includes digitization of the bulk waste generators the state. According to reports, Panaji generates 21,609 kg of
and preparation of map layouts. Results: The zone-wise waste per day based on its population of 40,017, but only
mapping of the bulk waste generators revealed that zone 42,000 kg of waste is collected each day (GSPCB, 2019).
2, 3, 7, and 8 was highly concentrated with the number of Interestingly, the amount of waste collected is more than the
bulk waste generators. Conclusions: As demonstrated in estimated amount of waste generated, indicating that the
this study, the studied GIS methodology can be used for municipality is collecting waste from bulk waste producers
identification of the source of waste generation and like hotels, shops, markets, and restaurants. The floating
further help in optimizing for waste collection and population could also affect the collection rate (GSPCB,
transportation in a city. 2019). To address this issue, the CCP should stop collecting
waste from bulk waste generators. To manage waste better,
Keywords:- Panaji, Bulk waste generators, Solid waste Panaji has recently launched a "Dry Waste Management
management, GIS, Optimizing waste collection and project" in collaboration with HDFC-United Nations
transportation. Development Programme, which involves implementing 16-
way segregation at source model. This model requires that all
I. INTRODUCTION bulk waste generators separate their dry waste into 16 distinct
categories, including e-waste, cardboard, cloth, ceramic,
Rapid population growth coupled with unplanned paper, needles, blades, and others.
urbanization has resulted in a multifold increase in waste
management and sanitation services in Indian cities. The Previous research studies, ( (Bashir & Goswami, 2016),
prevailing system for the collection, segregation, (Seng, Hirayama, Katayama-Hirayama, Ochiai, & Kaneko,
transportation, and disposal of solid waste is under 2013), (Mundhe, Jaybhaye, & Dorik, 2014)) have indicated
unprecedented pressure. Urbanization is a phenomenon that that bulk waste generators are a significant contributor to wet
is being observed in countries around the world. The global waste generation. For instance, Bashir & Goswami (2016)
waste generated amounts to 2.010 million TPA, and the found that Pahalgam, a tourist destination in South Kashmir,
average waste generated per person per day is 740g (Kaza, produces the highest amount of waste from hotels and
Yao, Bhada-Tata, & Woerden, 2018). At present, India’s restaurants (74%), followed by local households (18%) and
population amounts to 17.5% of the globe (Kumar, et al., markets (5%). The study also revealed that waste from the
2021). “Urban Settlements” has been observed owing to the accommodation sector and Yatra have a high potential for
transition of the population from a rural setting to cities with composting since they contain 65% and 66% compostable
better employment, educational or medical facilities. This waste, respectively. Similarly, Seng et al. (2013) noted that in
increased population density has resulted in increased waste Cambodia, commercial establishments (shops) (68.4%),
generation in urban areas. The urban population of India is markets (67.4%), households (61.4%), and hotels (38.6%)
34.43% (MoHWF, 2020). With this much urban population, generate a significant amount of kitchen waste. Mundhe et al.
the country generates around 119g/ day of solid waste (2014) observed that in Pune, 40% of waste (constituting
(CPCB, 2020). Studies also establish the relation between majorly wet waste) is generated from households, followed
by hotels, restaurants, and other commercial establishments.
b) Households 8.5
c) Markets 8.6
2. Garden/Horticulture 9
3. Dry Waste 7
4. Littered 6
Total 50
(TPD: Tonnes Per Day) (Source: Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP))
Fig. 1: KML files containing the 12 zones of Panaji with the bulk waste generators mapped
Open source GIS software called QGIS 3.16.2 was used create and export graphical maps as well as analyze and
for preparing the map layout of the bulk waste generators update spatial data. This enabled us to get the sources of the
located in the study area. A study demonstrating the spatial bulk waste and this will help CCP identify the bulk waste
prediction of bulk waste generators in the city of Panaji is generators and refrain them from collecting waste from bulk
novel to the city. QGIS is a GIS program that allows users to waste generators.
Fig. 4(a): Bulk waste generators in Panaji city (from zone 1 to 11),
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION numbers of shops were found majorly localized in zone 3
(Figure 6). Likewise, the shops were also higher in zone 8
Panaji city is demarcated into 12 zones for easy (Figure 8).
management and planning of MSW. The GIS-based spatial
mapping was prepared for locating the bulk waste generators As it is observed that in the city of Panaji, the waste
within the distributed zones using the QGIS platform (Figure collection is higher than the estimated waste generation;
4-8). The zone-wise mapping of the bulk waste generators which indicates that the corporation is collecting waste from
revealed that zone 2, 3, 7, and 8 was highly concentrated with bulk waste generators. Hence, the bulk waste generators
the number of bulk waste generators (Figure 5-8). The waste should come up with solutions to reduce their contribution to
generators in Zone 2 (Figure 5) and Zone 7 (Figure 7) were waste generation. From the table 1, it can be seen that the wet
mostly related hotels/restaurants and shops whereas the waste along with garden/horticulture waste accounts for
p Fig. 4: Bulk waste generators in Zone 8, Panaji
transportation, and selecting sites for waste disposal facilities
can be achieved that will save both time and cost, and the
g bulk waste generators of the city Panaji
In this study optimal utilization of the waste management funds.
were located o through GIS-based spatial mapping. The
conclusion of fthe study marked that out of the 12 zones, zone The Corporation of the City of Panaji can use these map
2, 3, 7, and 8 has a high density of bulk waste generators. layouts to support their decision-making process for efficient
waste management, planning routes for waste collection and
A studyudemonstrating the spatial prediction of bulk transportation (refraining collection from bulk waste
waste generatorsl in the city of Panaji is novel to the city. As generators), and eventually preparing a proper work schedule
it is observed kthat in the city the waste collection is higher for their workforce and reduce the workload. This research is
than the estimated waste generation, and which manifests that a step towards further improving the waste management
the corporation is collecting waste from bulk waste system in Panaji city.
generators; theamap layouts prepared as part of this study will
help plannerssto identify the sources of these bulk waste ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
generators andt facilitate in terms of route planning for waste
collection ande transportation. If the bulk waste generators The authors would like to thank the Corporation of City
could manage their own waste by composting their own waste of Panaji for providing the KML files and the stream-wise
G breakup of the MSW generated in Panaji. The authors also
instead of throwing them out, or come up with a community-
based Bio methanation plant, it will reduce their contribution like to express their sincere thanks to Dr. Dinesh Chander
towards waste generation. The bulk waste generators could Pant, Senior Fellow, TERI; Mr. Sayanta Ghosh, Research
e Non-governmental/private players to reduce
also partner with Associate, TERI; Mr. Nikhil Prakash, Research Associate,
the waste generated. TERI; and Ms. Shipra Tyagi, Phd Scholar, GGSIPU for their
valuable suggestions and support.
a mapping of the locations has highlighted
The resulting
the potential oft GIS as a modeling and analysis tool for spatial
data, as well aso a cartographer and visualization tool. With
GIS planning r of routes for waste collection and
IJISRT23SEP055 507
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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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