Grounding/ Stranding: To Be Used During Grounding or Stranding Emergency. To Be Kept On Bridge
Grounding/ Stranding: To Be Used During Grounding or Stranding Emergency. To Be Kept On Bridge
Grounding/ Stranding: To Be Used During Grounding or Stranding Emergency. To Be Kept On Bridge
To be used during grounding or
stranding emergency. To be kept on
Grounding / Stranding
A. Action Personnel Responsible Completed
1. Maneuver as appropriate / stop engines. Officer on Duty
2. Sound general emergency alarm. Officer On Duty
3. Call Master. Officer On Duty
4. Advise Engine Room. Officer On Duty
5. Exhibits lights/shapes and make sound signals as appropriate. Officer On Duty
6. Broadcast URGENCY or DISTRESS message, if appropriate. Master / GMDSS Officer
7. Inform VTS or port authority, as appropriate. Master / Ch. Officer
8. Modify AIS status. Master / Ch. Officer
9. Switch on VHF-Channel 16. Officer On Duty
10. Muster of crew in leakage station. Master / Ch. Officer
11. Close all watertight doors and automatic fire doors. Master / Ch. Officer
12. Sound all tanks/bilges etc. Ch. Officer / Bosun
13. Check for oil spillage. Ch. Off. / Ch. Eng.
14. Check for internal damage*. Ch. Officer
15. If shell plating holed assess rate of water intake. Ch. Off. / Ch. Eng.
16. Switch to high cooling water intakes. Ch. Off. / Ch. Eng.
17. Sound around vessel & assess grounding. Ch. Officer / Bosun
18. Determine nature of bottom. Ch. Officer / Bosun
19. Check sea suctions. Ch. Engineer
20. Position fixing/notification. Master
21. Check machinery for damage*. Ch. Engineer
22. Check propeller for damage (if possible)*. Ch. Eng. / Ch. Off.
23. Check tail shaft for oil loss. Ch. Engineer
24. Check state of tide. Officer On Duty
25. Assess if vessel likely to refloat next high water. Master
26. Check weather/forecast. Master
27. Consider reducing draft. Master / Ch. Officer
28. Consider additional ballast to prevent vessel going further aground
or to stop pounding.
29. Use of anchor, possibility of vessel sitting on anchor. Master
30. Course & speed at time of grounding. Master / Officer On Duty
31. Draft at time of grounding aft, mean and forward. Master / Ch. Officer
32. Draft when aground (aft, mean, forward). Ch. Officer
33. If tugs in attendance note where fast & direction of pull/push. Master
34. Check for injuries to crew. Ch. Officer
35. Assess damage to cargo*. Ch. Officer
36. Assistance required. Master
37. Enter facts in log book. Master
38. Chart with positions up to time of grounding. Officer On Duty
39. Course recorder printout. Officer On Duty
40. Time of refloating. Master / Officer On Duty
41. Notify interested parties. Master
42. Date & time (GMT) of the incident. Master / Officer On Duty
43. Details of flooding, ebbing, low water, slack water, high water. Master
44. Direction & strength of currents. Master
45. Preserve VDR records. Master
46. Preserve ECDIS records. Master
47. Maintain log/record of events and decisions. Master
48. Report to the Office. Master
B. Other
Actions required will be in accordance with ship specific damage control procedures.
This checklist should be placed in the Bridge and Engine Control Room and followed in case of grounding / stranding.
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