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Data Structures and Algorithms Lab Journal - Lab 5 Doubly Linked List

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Lab Journal – Lab 5

Data Structures and Algorithms

Lab Journal - Lab 5 Doubly Linked List

Name: _________________________________

Enrollment #: _________________________________

Class/Section: _________________________________


This lab session is aimed at introducing students to doubly linked list. In addition, the students
will also implement a number of utility functions involving doubly linked lists.

Task 1 :

Give answers to the following.

1 Consider the following doubly linked list.


Write C++ statements to:

a. Print the value 26 using the pointer ‘last’:


b. Print the value 17 using the pointer ‘first:

cout<< first->next->data

c. Print the address of the node containing value 9 using the pointer ‘last’:
Node* temp=last;

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Lab Journal – Lab 5

. Given the following linked list, state what does each of the following statements refer to?






. Redraw the following list after the given instructions are executed:

cout<<ptr;// address of 17
cout<<ptr->next;// address of 20
cout<< ptr->next->prev;//address of 17
cout<<ptr->prev;//address of 15
ptr->next->prev = ptr->prev; // update prev of 20 which was
address //of 17 with address of 15
cout<<ptr->prev;//address of 15
cout<<ptr->prev->next;//address of 17

ptr->prev->next = ptr->next; // update next of 15 which was address

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Lab Journal – Lab 5

//of 17 with address of 20

delete ptr;// delete node whose address is stored in ptr

Task 2 :

Implement the following exercises.

Exercise 1
Implement the priority queue using doubly linked list. Provide the standard enqueue, dequeue
and traverse operations in the class.
Exercise 2
Implement the class Doubly Linked List to create a list of integers. You need to provide the
implementation of the member functions as described in the following.
class List
Node * head;
// Checks if the list is empty or not
bool IsEmptyList();

// Inserts a new node at the start of the list

void insert_begin(int value);

// Inserts a new node at the end of the list

void insert_end(int value);

// Inserts a new node with value ‘newV’ after the node

containing value ‘oldV’. If a node with value ‘oldV’ does
not exist, inserts the new node at the end.
void insertafter(int oldV, int newV); //insert middle

// Deletes the node containing the specified value

void deleteFirstNode(int value);

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Lab Journal – Lab 5

// Displays the values stored in the list

void traverse();

InsertLast insertLast
deleteFirst deleteLast
Queue Stack
12345 54321

Exercise 3

Implement the Circular Queue using a doubly linked list. Provide EnqueueBeginning(),
EnqueueEnd(), DequeueBeginning(), DequeueEnd() and Traverse() functions in the class.

S No. Exercise Checked By:

1. Exercise 1

2. Exercise 2

3. Exercise 3


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