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Tracer Summit: Building Automation System

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The document discusses the components, features, and specifications of the Tracer Summit building automation system (BAS) from Trane.

A typical Tracer Summit BAS consists of building control units (BCUs) and PC Workstations that use Tracer Summit software. BCUs provide centralized building control through communication to building equipment, such as heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment. A building operator uses a PC Workstation and/or the operator display (touch screen) on the BCU to perform system operator tasks.

Some of the key features of a Tracer Summit BAS include ease of operation, ease of service, chiller plant control, area control, trend viewing, timed overrides, variable-air-volume air system control, indoor air quality control, custom programming, managing multiple facilities, advanced alarming, and time-of-day scheduling.

Tracer Summit™

Building Automation System


July 2006 BAS-PRC001-EN


The Tracer Summit building automation Add-on packages

system (BAS) provides building control Tracer Summit PC Workstation software
through a single, integrated system. A is available with four add-on software
building’s climate, lighting, scheduling, packages: Tracer 100/Tracker
energy consumption, and other Communications Package, Building
controllable features can all be Management Package, Enterprise
programmed and managed by a Tracer Management Package, and Tracer
Summit BAS. Summit Critical Control System
A typical Tracer Summit BAS consists of package. For information on the first
building control units (BCUs) and PC three packages, see PC Workstation
Workstations that use Tracer Summit additional capabilities on page 10.
software. BCUs provide centralized The Tracer Summit Critical Control
building control through communication System package is an enhanced version
to building equipment, such as heating, of Tracer Summit software that provides
ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) complete environment management for
equipment. A building operator uses a FDA-regulated areas. See the Tracer
PC Workstation and/or the operator Summit Critical Control System product
display (touch screen) on the BCU to catalog (BAS-PRC017-EN) for more
perform system operator tasks. The PC information.
Workstation communicates to BCUs
over an Ethernet network. Remote Companion product
access to the system is available using Tracer Summit Energy Services is a
either a modem in the BCU or an companion product to Tracer Summit
Internet connection with a Tracer systems and is available to meet ever-
Summit WebOPS or Tracer ES. increasing building management needs.
Tracer Summit software turns complex For more information, see Companion
requirements into simple, consistent, product on page 14.
reliable operations. A Tracer Summit
system can control any type of HVAC Specifications
equipment, but gives the additional See page 15 for product specifications
benefits of an Integrated Comfort on Tracer Summit systems.
system when it is linked with Trane
HVAC equipment. In addition, a Tracer
Summit system can also connect to
other building systems such as fire
alarms, security systems, and lab hood

™ ® The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies: CenTra-
Vac, Climate Changer, Horizon, IntelliPak, Integrated Comfort, Precedent, ReliaTel, Series R, TCM,
Tracer, Tracer Summit, Tracker, Trane, Traq, UCP1, UCP2, VariTrac, VariTrane, Voyager from American
Standard Inc.; Adobe and Acrobat from Adobe Systems Incorporated; ARCNET from Datapoint Corpo-
ration; BACnet from ASHRAE; LonTalk and LonMark from Echelon Corporation; MODBUS from
Schneider Automation, Inc.; Windows and Internet Explorer from Microsoft Corporation.

2 2006 American Standard All rights reserved BAS-PRC001-EN

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Features and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ease of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ease of service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Chiller plant control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Area control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Trend Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Timed override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Variable-air-volume air system (VAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Indoor air quality control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Custom programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Managing multiple facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Advanced alarming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Time-of-day scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Engineered smoke control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
System integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
System architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Operator interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
PC Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Operator display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Tracer Summit WebOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Tracer ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Building control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Unit control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Trane chillers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Trane airside equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Trane unitary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Trane field-installed controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Companion products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Tracer Summit Energy Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
PC Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
BCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
BACnet PICS—BCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
BACnet PICS—PC Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Features and benefits

The Tracer Summit system is designed These tasks include: MyTraneControls.com

to provide solutions needed by building • Viewing the status of the building MyTraneControls.com is a free online
owners and daily operators. The system Web site designed to assist Tracer
can be quickly installed, programmed, • Changing setpoints
• Viewing and modifying schedules Summit system owners and operators.
and commissioned to run reliably. A Members log on to
user-friendly interface combined with a • Responding to alarms www.MyTraneControls.com to learn
series of pre-engineered system • Viewing historical report information more about their Tracer Summit system
applications makes this possible. • Viewing trended information through articles, frequently asked
The applications work together to • Performing timed overrides questions (FAQs), webinars, and access
maximize the comfort of people in the • Troubleshooting to GCS technical support resources and
building, while minimizing energy use. training opportunities. Members can
A daily operator can perform these tasks update their system with service packs
Ease of operation by clicking a toolbar button located at the by downloading them from
The daily operator is the most critical top of the Tracer Summit system MyTraneControls.com.
user of the system. Extensive usability window (see Figure 1).
testing helps make Tracer Summit PC Daily operator training
Workstation software intuitive and easy Online help Daily operator training (part # 4151-0105)
to use. PC Workstation software includes a provides up to four hours of training,
End-users in a laboratory environment powerful online help system for complete with user evaluations and
test preliminary software. If software assistance with system functions and certification. This program can be used
functions prove difficult to use, they are editor and dialog windows. for offline training and can also be
refined until testers can more easily accessed from within Tracer Summit
perform daily tasks. software as a user tutorial. Additional
training is available from the College of
Building Automation.
Figure 1. View building status in Tracer Summit

Ease of service long time periods. Trend data is stored applications, including static pressure
The optional Rover service tool can be on a database on the PC Workstation. optimization and ventilation optimization,
launched from Tracer Summit software Note: The PC Workstation must be online are available as standard VAS control
to identify problems, test functionality, and connected to the BCU to capture features for LonTalk systems.
continuous data from the BCU. The BCU
change configuration, create and edit temporarily caches trended values, so if a Indoor air quality control
programming, and monitor status connection is lost for a short amount of time,
information for LonTalk unit controllers no gaps will be seen in the data. Indoor air quality is an issue of rising
on the system. From an operator on site, importance from the perspectives of
to a technician several miles away using Timed override comfort as well as governmental
a remote connection, the combination of As a part of the Area Control application, regulation and liability. A Tracer Summit
Tracer Summit software and a Rover the timed override feature enables system intelligently monitors indoor air
service tool provide the data and building occupants and management quality to make maintaining it easy.
functionality required to fully and staff to temporarily override HVAC and When used in conjunction with Trane
conveniently service the building lighting equipment. Traq dampers, Tracer Summit software
automation system. Users can perform overrides from the can adjust the intake of outdoor air to
zone sensor, the BCU operator display, ensure compliance with ASHRAE
Chiller plant control the Tracer Summit PC Workstation standards.
The Tracer Summit chiller plant control software, or the Tracer Summit
application provides intelligent control WebOPS. Custom programming
and comprehensive monitoring of A powerful custom programming
system components, including: Variable-air-volume air language (CPL) allows system
• Multiple chillers system (VAS) customizing for specific applications.
Typically, CPL routines are created to
• Related pumps and valves The Tracer Summit variable-air-volume sequence equipment, calculate
• Cooling towers and ice tanks air system (VAS) control coordinates air- setpoints and values, and perform
handling units and VAV boxes within a shutdown sequences.
The chiller plant control application building. VAV units are assigned to the
balances system efficiency and
equipment runtime to optimize system
air-handling unit that supplies air to Managing multiple facilities
them. A VAS control starts up and shuts To assist in managing multiple facility
performance. down the system to assure proper static locations, the Tracer Summit Enterprise
The application also provides status pressure control. Energy-saving Management Package includes utilities
information that can help with that help the daily operator work more
troubleshooting. The status information
indicates what is happening in the chiller Figure 2. Trend Viewer
plant as well as what to expect next,
based on current operating conditions.
The chiller plant control program is
suitable for both comfort and industrial
applications, as well as control
sequences including thermal storage
and dual-fuel chiller systems.

Area control
Area control coordinates HVAC
equipment and lighting for a specific
area of the building.
Unit controllers and binary outputs are
assigned as members of a common
area, which makes it easy to change
setpoints, do scheduling, and perform
overrides at the PC Workstation.

Trend Viewer
The Trend Viewer (see Figure 2) allows
the user to track data over time; to
overlay alarms, events, and overrides;
and to collect trended data that spans

efficiently. For example, a typical task is • Pop-up messaging: Alarm categories to assist in troubleshooting any
making the same or similar changes to can be configured to trigger pop-up equipment or system issues with the
time-of-day schedules across multiple messages. Comments can be entered particular facility in question.
locations. The Enterprise Management in a pop-up message that show up in The Building Management Package and
Package offers the ability to perform the event log. the Enterprise Management Package
global schedule changes, which means • Event log: A column has been added allow flexible scheduling of system
that one simple schedule change can be to the event log for the new alarm cat- administrative tasks to occur during
duplicated across an entire enterprise or egories and for the comments field. times when the normal system operator
group of facilities. Event log columns can be hidden and is not at work, for instance, at night.
widths can be expanded. The event Certain tasks such as gathering report
Advanced alarming log configuration is automatically and alarm data from the remote facilities
The advanced alarming features of a saved after set up. can be scheduled to occur at a
Tracer Summit system include the • Cell phone: Text messages can be convenient time or when the telephone
following: routed from a Tracer Summit system rates are the lowest if dial-up
• Alarm categories: Five optional, con- to a cell phone. connections are used.
figurable alarm categories have been
With either the Building Management Time-of-day scheduling
added. Alarms can be categorized
Package option or the Enterprise
according to their severity, for exam- Time-of-day scheduling (see Figure 3) is
Management Package option added to a
ple. Alarm filtering allows alarms one of a facility’s most important energy-
Tracer Summit system, after-hours
within a category to be viewed at one saving strategies. Making sure that
forwarding of alarms can be scheduled
time. A button appears on the task bar equipment runs only when it is needed
to be sent to various people by e-mail.
for each category that has been con- ensures that energy usage is minimized.
This function closely models how an
figured. The number of alarms for that Schedules for equipment serving a
after-hours and weekend call center is
category is shown on the button (see specific area of the building are
scheduled. Once the alarm message has
Figure 3.) accessed by viewing the graphic for that
been received, the on-call person can
use the powerful filtering features of the area, and then clicking the Schedule
Tracer Summit alarm and event log button on the task bar.
Figure 3. Scheduling editor

Schedules can be used for: System integration to Tracer controllers, any LonTalk-
• Keeping the equipment running at Tracer Summit systems provides open compatible controller can be included on
minimal energy-use levels on week- system options that provide the a LonTalk link. These devices must use
ends and holidays following capabilities: FTT-10A or FT-X1 transceivers and
support LonTalk standard network
• Creating exception schedules for • Allows easy integration of equipment variable types (SNVTs). This allows for
times in which the schedule needs to and auxiliary systems into a single easy integration of devices such as
deviate from the standard one system, or multiple buildings into a variable frequency drives, lighting,
• Performing optimal start and stop of single network, which can be oper- security, humidifiers, and boilers.
equipment to optimize energy use ated from a single location.
while maintaining comfort Trane is a sponsor of the LonMark®
• Assures competitive bidding for sys- Interoperability Association. For more
requirements tem additions and modifications. details on LonMark, refer to
• Changing setpoints at specific times • Provides an easy method to connect www.lonmark.org.
of day Trane equipment and Tracer Summit
systems into other BAS or Other protocol support
Engineered smoke control Supervisory Control and Data While support for open standard
Tracer Summit software can be used to Acquisition (SCADA) systems. protocols is the preferred method of
control an automatic smoke-control integrating systems and system
system. When used with a fire alarm The goal of any interoperable system is
to provide an economical, reliable, and components, gateways are another
control panel (provided by other method that can be used for this
suppliers), Tracer Summit software can repeatable solution. By basing Tracer
Summit technology on open standard purpose. A gateway translates one set
help protect occupants by controlling the of communication rules to another,
flow of smoke in an emergency. protocols, this goal is easily accom-
plished. The use of open standard allowing devices that use different
In addition to smoke control, with a protocols assures long-term support protocols to pass data to each other. The
firefighter’s control panel, the firefighter across a broad number of suppliers. use of these gateways is the ideal
can see the status of smoke control and solution to:
implement overrides as required. Trane has experience in providing
integrated, interoperable solutions on • Interface with controllers such as
For details, see the Engineered Smoke thousands of installations. These range meters, variable frequency drives, fire
Control System for Tracer Summit from simple HVAC solutions that alarm systems, and security
applications guide, BAS-APG001-EN. combine Tracer controllers with variable • Provide HVAC data out to a proprietary
frequency drives, to sophisticated BAS, or to a SCADA system for
Migration installations that combine many building industrial applications
Existing Tracer systems can easily sub-systems. For more information, see
migrate to the current technologies of The Tracer Summit communications
the Interoperable Solutions brochure bridge is a gateway that enables a wide
Tracer Summit systems. Upgrading a (BAS-SLB004-EN) and the Connections
Tracer 100 system provides benefits variety of devices that use the MODBUS
CD (BAS-CMC002-EN). RTU protocol to connect to a Tracer
including network communications,
state-of-the-art user interface, and the BACnet support Summit building automation system
ability to connect to multiple generations using BACnet. The bridge can also be
An open, standard protocol is essential programmed to interface to other
of controllers. for building control system integration. common communication protocols.
For facilities where system upgrades are The Tracer Summit system uses the
prohibitive, Tracer Summit systems also BACnet protocol to facilitate
allows integration of Tracer 100 and communication between Tracer Summit
legacy Tracker systems. A Tracer BCUs and PC Workstations as well as a
Summit system can communicate with means to integrate products and
most of the controllers in Tracer 100 and systems, including fire panels, fume
Tracker systems. The integration of hoods, and non-Trane BAS or HVAC
legacy systems into the Tracer Summit equipment. Trane is a member of the
workstation allows the facility or BACnet Manufacturers Association. For
enterprise operator to manage all more details on BACnet, refer to
facilities with a single workstation. www.bacnet.org.

LonTalk® support
The BCU includes native support for
LonTalk-based controllers. The Trane
implementation of LonTalk utilizes
twisted-pair physical media. In addition

System architecture

The Tracer Summit system architecture The three levels of control are:
is highly distributed (Figure 4). Control • Operator interface
can occur at the appropriate system
level to ensure integrity. • Building control
• Unit control

Figure 4. A typical example of Tracer Summit system architecture

Operator interface

Operators have four interface options for Graphics

managing their building automation Tracer Summit uses graphics as a
systems: means of viewing and navigating
• PC Workstation through the system, much like walking
• Operator display through the building. Graphics show
• Tracer Summit WebOPS data related to building environments,
including climate, lighting, and other
• Tracer ES controllable operations. Graphics can be
PC Workstation used to change setpoints and override
equipment operation.
The Tracer Summit PC Workstation
software provides a graphical user Putting graphics in groups makes it
interface for setting up, operating, and possible to move logically from place to
modifying the building automation place within a building. Target buttons
system. This interface along with the can be added to graphics to provide links
use of Microsoft Windows and Internet to related sources.
Alarm processing and event log
Explorer make building operation as The navigation tree—a hierarchical, tree-
easy as surfing the World Wide Web. The daily operator must be able to deal style representation showing the
effectively with abnormal conditions. relationship of all graphics for a facility
Tracer Summit PC Workstation software
When the system detects such a (see Figure 1 on page 4)—provides a
can be run on a PC located at the
condition, it routes the alarm to the way to move between graphics and
building site or from a remote location.
appropriate PC Workstation(s), pagers, buildings. The navigation tree is a
The software can also be used to
cell phones, and e-mail addresses. standard part of every system and can
connect to and monitor operations for
multiple building sites. For example, a At the PC Workstation, alarms and other be easily modified.
user can view the status of a chiller system events are stored in the alarm Forward, Back, and Home buttons on
located in the next room, while and event log. The alarm and event log the menu bar provide another way to
modifying the schedule for a building have five optional, configurable alarm move among graphics.
that is across the city or around the categories that can be used to filter and
world. sort the alarms. Sorting can be based, Graphics library and graphics editing
for example, on severity level. A library of standard graphics
Tracer Summit PC Workstation software
runs with Microsoft Windows 2000 If another application is in use when an representing all Trane equipment and
Professional or Windows XP abnormal condition occurs, an alarm is applications is included in the Tracer
Professional operating systems. indicated in the task bar at the bottom of Summit software. In addition, standard
Operating with Windows offers the the screen. Pop-up messages can also 3D graphics provide a better visual
flexibility of running other popular be associated with alarms, to alert the representation of equipment along with
applications for communications and user of the abnormal condition. relevant equipment information. These
office productivity. See Hardware standard graphics have been tested to
The event log displays critical data about
requirements on page 15 for more PC provide a consistently high level of
the alarm including which building it is
Workstation details. quality and usability.
from, whether it requires an
The Tracer Summit PC Workstation is acknowledgment, and any comments Custom graphics can also be created by
the most common interface for that may have been entered in the pop- incorporating visual elements from the
accessing building automation systems. up dialog box. building, such as floor plans or exterior
The primary features are described in views from CAD drawings, into standard
Critical alarms can be set up with
this section. graphics. Custom graphics can also
messages and graphics that can aid in
include digital photography and
troubleshooting problems.
animated images such as a rotating fan.
A series of easy-to-use filters can be
Graphics can include the following
used to show only desired events: For
example, a filter can be used to view
alarms only from a specific building, to • Any data available in the system as a
view alarms received only at a specific numerical or text value
time, or only alarms from a specific • Analog values that can change colors
alarm category. based on deviation from a desired
value for quick recognition of opera-
tional issues

• User-defined static text in a wide Standard reports for each piece of Trane restore, abnormal condition monitoring,
choice of fonts and colors equipment provide a valuable source of network routing, and BACnet support.
• Animation using images to represent record-keeping and troubleshooting • Configuring controllers
binary and analog values, animated data.
The Tracer Summit PC Workstation
GIF, or video (AVI) files In addition, standard reports are software can be used to configure and
• Hyperlinked text and images that can provided for ASHRAE Guideline 147, troubleshoot controllers found on Trane
be added to move between graphics Monitoring of large tonnage chillers. equipment. This setup consists of
• Hyperlinks to any Windows-compati- Finally, custom reports can be defined setpoints, minimum on and off times,
ble files or applications (for example, for any desired values, such as energy and other user-defined parameters.
Adobe Acrobat documents, Excel usage or run-time reporting.
spreadsheets, and external Web sites) PC Workstation additional
PC Workstation system utilities capabilities
• Multiple graphic images that conform
to the industry standard JPEG, GIF, or In addition to operations and Tracer Summit PC Workstation software
BMP formats, in addition to the library configuration, the Tracer Summit PC has four add-on software packages that
of HVAC equipment images included Workstation software also provides provide additional capabilities.
with the Tracer Summit software utilities for management of the system. With the Tracer 100/Tracker Communica-
package • Save and restore tion package, the PC Workstation can
• Charting of historical trends or real- When connected to a network of BCUs, communicate with, and receive alarms
time values the PC Workstation software constantly from, Trane’s legacy system controllers.
• User controls including push buttons, analyzes database status and updates The Building Management package
check boxes, drop-down list boxes, information on the PC hard drive. makes it easy to schedule site
and entry fields communication and database back-ups
Database changes made by other
• A hand icon appearing on override but- workstations are automatically reflected during after-hours operation. This
tons when controls are overridden at each PC without the need for a central package also allows scheduling of
• Representation of equipment status, server. If a BCU goes offline, the PC alarms, in the form of e-mail messages,
for example, a thermal storage tank at Workstation software automatically to appropriate personnel. E-mails can be
40% of its capacity reloads its database without the need sent to any device that can receive e-
for intervention. mail messages.
Data, text, setpoint overrides, and other
information can be added to graphics by The system database can be archived or The Enterprise Management package
using the Graphics editor that is part of backed up for local or offsite storage of includes all of the features of the other
the software package. This editor allows data in case it is needed for restoring the two add-on packages and also allows
any user with proper security to create system in the event of a problem. changes to be applied across multiple
or modify graphics. locations. In addition, the package
• Security allows multiple PCs to share data, the
Tools available in the Graphics editor can A sophisticated password system event log, and graphics with a central
align graphical elements, determine protects the Tracer Summit system from PC.
which elements appear on top, and unauthorized access. Each operator logs
perform cut, copy, and paste functions. The Tracer Summit Critical Control
on to the system and has access to only System package is an enhanced version
Reports and trends the applications, editors, objects, and of Tracer Summit software that provides
properties to which access rights are complete environment management for
Viewing current, as well as previous assigned.
system operations, provides invaluable FDA-regulated areas, from research to
information. The Tracer Summit reports An operator with proper security can distribution. For more information, see
and trends feature provides this ability. access all levels of the system and has the Tracer Summit Critical Control
the ability to alter passwords. System product catalog (BAS-PRC017-
Trends can present a variety of data EN).
samples at defined intervals to show at • Diagnostics
a glance the historical and current status Tracer Summit constantly evaluates all
of the facility. These trends can be of the system parameters and reports
graphically viewed on the screen, abnormal conditions to the operator.
printed out, and stored on disk. Problems ranging from a communication
To create a new trend, the user right- failure due to a broken wire to the failure
clicks on a status or control point (for of a sensor are automatically detected
example, space temperature) on a and reported.
graphic, and then selects Create Trend • Network management functions
Viewer. Additional points can be added The Tracer Summit PC Workstation
to the trend in a similar manner. software includes field panel reset and

10 BAS-PRC001-EN
Operator display Tracer Summit WebOPS Tracer ES
The optional Tracer Summit BCU The Tracer Summit WebOPS provides Tracer ES is web-based, building
operator display provides an easy-to-use the ability to operate a Tracer Summit automation software that works
interface for: building automation system (BAS) from seamlessly with existing Tracer Summit
• Viewing equipment and system status any PC using a Web browser, such as systems. It dramatically simplifies
information Internet Explorer. WebOPS accesses managing and operating multiple
real-time system data from the Tracer facilities, letting owners and operators
• Making changes to time-of-day sched- Summit system and sends it to the Web have an enterprise management view of
ule browser interface. This allows access to all of building control systems. Tracer ES
• Changing system setpoints system information from within a facility allows access to information about any
• Viewing the alarm and event log or from a remote location anywhere in building from any secure PC that is
• Performing timed overrides the world using a Web browser rather connected to the Internet.
than Tracer Summit software. Tracer ES provides easy integration and
The operator display is an intuitive,
touch-screen display that is located on With a WebOPS installed on a Tracer compatibility with a Tracer Summit
the front of the Tracer Summit BCU. The Summit system, any PC with a Web system:
operator display can also show graphical browser can be used to: • Easily connects with existing IT infra-
images indicating the type of equipment • View graphical information about a structure
or area that is being controlled by the facility, change setpoints, and perform • Runs on a central server with SQL
Tracer Summit system. overrides database
The BCU operator display offers a way to • View and change schedules • Seamlessly works with an existing
make daily operation changes to the • View and acknowledge alarms Trane Tracer Summit system
system without the need for a PC • View historical information • Integrates with any non-Trane BACnet
Workstation at the facility. For a facility building system
with multiple BCUs, information for the WebOPS can be easily added to a new
entire Tracer Summit system can be or existing Tracer Summit installation. It
accessed through a single operator is compatible with Tracer Summit
display. installations Version 13 and higher with
Ethernet, BACnet/IP, or ARCNET

BAS-PRC001-EN 11
Building control

The Tracer Summit BCU is an intelligent subsystems such as chiller plants. A site The BCU is housed in a protective
field panel that communicates with unit can have multiple BCUs and PC enclosure that allows for easy access to
controllers. Unit controllers provide Workstations connected over a local the termination and main circuit boards
stand-alone control of HVAC equipment. area network (LAN). The LAN allows (see Figure 5).
The BCU scans all unit controllers to these varied components to be
update information and coordinate managed as one system.
building control, including building

Figure 5. BMTX BCU board components

Address DIP
24 Vac power Seven-segment
connector LED display

BACnet port

Modem card
Isolated Comm3
Modem, phone
line connector

{ Operator
Binary inputs
{ Ethernet

12 BAS-PRC001-EN
Unit control

The Tracer Summit system provides Trane unitary equipment

centralized control for Trane HVAC and • Voyager rooftop air-conditioning unit
other unit-level equipment. Tracer
Summit software supports the following • IntelliPak air-conditioning units
Trane equipment: • Water-source heat pump with a Trane
terminal unit controller (TUC),
Trane chillers Tracer ZN510 controller, or Tracer
• CenTraVac chiller with a UCP2 or a ZN524 controller
Tracer CH530 chiller controller • Precedent rooftop air-conditioning
• Series R CenTraVac chiller with a units with ReliaTel controls
UCP2 or a Tracer CH530 chiller con-
troller Trane field-installed
• Scroll chiller with an IntelliPak, classic, controllers
or Scroll Manager Module (SMM) con- • Programmable control module (PCM)
troller • Universal programmable control mod-
• Absorption chillers with a UCP2, clas- ule (UPCM)
sic, or Horizon controller • Thermostat control module (TCM)
• Series R air-cooled and water-cooled • Trane terminal unit controller (TUC)
chillers • Tracer loop controller
Trane airside equipment • Tracer MP581 programmable
• VariTrane with a Trane variable-air-vol- controller
ume controller (VAV II, III, and IV) or • Tracer MP501 multi-purpose controller
Tracer VV550 VAV controller • Tracer MP503 input/output module
• VariTrac II changeover VAV system • Tracer ZN511 zone controller
• Fan coil with a Trane terminal unit con- • Tracer ZN517 zone controller
troller (TUC) or Tracer ZN510 or ZN520 • Tracer ZN521 zone controller
controller • Tracer ZN523 zone controller
• Classroom unit ventilator with a Trane • Tracer ZN524 zone controller
terminal unit controller (TUC) or Tracer
ZN520 controller • Tracer AH541 air-handler controller
• Air handler with a PCM, UPCM, Tracer • Tracer VV551 VAV controller
MP580, or Tracer AH540 controller • Tracer CH531 chiller controller

BAS-PRC001-EN 13
Companion product

Tracer Summit Energy Two options of Tracer Summit Energy applications or multi-site applications
Services are available: Energy Manager that have a central energy manager
Services and Energy Analyst. Energy Manager station. The enterprise package is best
Tracer Summit Energy Services is an provides a basic platform to enable suited for multi-site applications or sites
energy management and advanced tracking, analysis, cost allocation, with multiple users.
reporting software product that is used benchmarking, and invoicing of energy
with the Tracer Summit building For more information, refer to the Tracer
meters and sub-meters as well as Summit Energy Services product
automation system. It provides tools to nonenergy points such as weather data.
monitor, analyze, trend, benchmark, and catalog (BAS-PRC015-EN).
Energy Analyst provides more
allocate both energy consumption and comprehensive energy management
energy costs for your business along tools to enable in-depth analysis,
with the means to create reports from reporting, and plant analysis.
this data. Its purpose is to help you
manage energy operations and Both the Energy Manager and the
expenses more efficiently so that your Energy Analyst options are available as
organization can improve its productivity desktop packages or as enterprise
and profitability. It is designed for both packages, depending on customer
the technical and non-technical user. requirements. The desktop package is
Figure 6 shows an example of Energy best suited for single-site Tracer Summit
Services software.

Figure 6. Example of Tracer Summit Energy Services software

14 BAS-PRC001-EN

PC Workstation SQL Server Immunity EN61326:1998 Commercial

If the Tracer Summit Enterprise Safety EN61010-1:2001
Hardware requirements Management Package is used with a Processor
Tracer Summit for Windows software Microsoft SQL Server, the server Motorola MCF5272 Cold Fire
runs on an IBM-compatible PC. For hardware must meet the following
Tracer Summit standard software, the minimum hardware and software Memory
Tracker 100/Tracker Communications requirements: FLASH 16 MB
Package, and the Building • Windows 2000 or 2003 Server EEPROM 512 KB
Communications Package, the PC must SRAM 1 MB
have the following minimum hardware: • Windows SQL 2000 (Standard or SDRAM 8 MB
Enterprise) database
• Pentium 233 MHz processor • Pentium 933 MHz processor Battery
• 128 MB RAM for Windows XP Profes- • 256 MB RAM No battery is required. The clock is
sional or Windows 2000 Professional maintained for a minimum of three days
• 10 GB hard drive free space
• 2 GB hard drive space with 300 MB by the super capacitor. All other
free space • UPS recommended programs are backed up by nonvolatile
• 32X CD-ROM drive needed to run memory.
Tracer Summit Daily Operations Tuto-
Operator display (optional)
rial Power requirements
¼ video graphics adapter (VGA) backlit
• 15-inch SVGA monitor, 800 x 600 reso- Nominal rating: 120/230 Vac; liquid crystal display (LCD) with touch
lution, 16-bit color 50 or 60 Hz; 1 pH screen
• Keyboard and mouse Maximum current: 1.0 A at 120 Vac 4.5 in. × 3.4 in. (115.2 mm × 86.4 mm)
• Parallel port for printer (optional) dedicated circuit breaker 5.7 in. (144.8 mm) diagonal
• 16-bit sound card with speakers Operating environment Resolution of 320 × 240 pixels
• UPS is recommended Temperature: From 32°F to 120°F (0°C
In addition, at least one of the following to 50°C) Communications
is required for establishing a connection:
Relative humidity: From 10% to 90%, BACnet
• One PCI or ISA slot (for an Ethernet non-condensing
network adapter) Tracer Summit systems communicate
Storage environment with devices that support:
• One minimum 33.6 Kbaud modem for
remote workstation (option) Temperature: From –50°F to 150°F • Communications based on the BAC-
(–46°C to 66°C) net ASHRAE/ANSI 135 standard
The minimum hardware requirements
for a PC Workstation running Tracer Relative humidity: From 10% to 90%, • ENV-1805-1/ENV-13321-1
Summit Enterprise Management non-condensing • 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX dedicated
Package are as listed in the previous Enclosure Ethernet (ISO/IEC 8802-3) or
section for Tracer Summit standard Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
software, with the following exceptions: Protocol (TCP/IP) compatible network
• Pentium 700 MHz processor LonTalk
• 56 Kbaud modem 15 lb (7 kg) Tracer Summit systems communicate
Mounting with devices that support:
Software requirements
Wall-mounted with #10 (5 mm) screws • Communications based on the EIA-
The PC Workstation must have the 709.1 (LonTalk) standard
following software installed: Mounting surface must be able to
support 60 lb (28 kg) • LonTalk standard network variable
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional types (SNVTs)
or Windows XP Professional UL listing
• FTT-10A or FT-X1 transceivers
• Internet Explorer Version 5 or higher UL-916-PAZX—energy management
UL-864-UUKL—engineered smoke • Twisted-pair physical media
• Microsoft Data Access Components
(MDAC) Version 2.8 Service Pack 1 or control MODBUS
higher (this is usually automatically CUL-C22.2—signal devices—Canada Tracer Summit systems communicate
installed with Microsoft Windows) FCC with devices that support the MODBUS
FCC part 15, Class A Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) protocol
using the Tracer Summit
CE Communications bridge.
Emissions EN61326:1998 Class B

BAS-PRC001-EN 15
Figure 8. Minimum clearances for the BMTX BCU enclosure

12 in. (30 cm)

24 in. (60 cm) 12 in. (30 cm)

to fully open door

12 in. (30 cm)

50 in. (130 cm) recommended

36 in. (90 cm)

16 BAS-PRC001-EN
Figure 9. BMTX BCU enclosure dimensions

Top view

Left view Front view

Right view

Note: Six of the twelve knockouts are

dual-sized knockouts for 1-inch (25 mm) Bottom view
and 0.75-inch (19 mm) conduit.

BAS-PRC001-EN 17
BACnet PICS—BCU Standard object types
Basic information
Object types Support
Vendor name Trane
Analog input Creatable
Product name Tracer Summit BCU Deletable

Product description Tracer Summit Analog output Creatable

Building Control Unit Deletable

Binary input Creatable

BACnet standard application services Deletable
Binary output Creatable
Application service Initiate Execute
Device Supported
CreateObject X X

DeleteObject X X Data link layer option

ReadProperty X X BACnet/IP (Annex J)

ReadPropertyMultiple X X Ethernet (ISO/IEC 8802.3), 10-BASE-T

WriteProperty X X Ethernet (ISO/IEC 8802.3), 100-BASE-TX

WritePropertyMultiple X X Point to point, EIA-232

ConfirmedPrivateTransfer X X

UnConfirmedPrivateTransfer X X Other
ReinitializeDevice X BACnet/IP (Annex J)
TimeSynchronization X X BBMD
Who-Has X Supports foreign device registration
I-Have X
Special functions
Who-Is X X
Maximum APDU size in 474
I-Am X X

Segmented requests 1
supported, window size

Segmented responses 1
supported, window size

Character sets supported

ANSI, X3.4

18 BAS-PRC001-EN
BACnet PICS—PC Workstation Standard object types
Basic information
Object types Support
Vendor name Trane
Device Supported
Product name Tracer Summit PC
Data link layer option
Product description Tracer Summit PC
Workstation Ethernet (ISO/IEC 8802.3), 10-BASE-T

Ethernet (ISO/IEC 8802.3), 100-BASE-TX

BACnet standard application
services supported Point to point, EIA-232

Application service Initiate Execute

CreateObject X
BACnet/IP (Annex J)
DeleteObject X
ReadProperty X
Supports foreign device registration
ReadPropertyMultiple X

WriteProperty X Special functions

WritePropertyMultiple X
Maximum APDU size in 474
ConfirmedPrivateTransfer X X
Segmented requests 1
UnConfirmedPrivateTransfer X X
supported, window size
ReinitializeDevice X
Segmented responses sup- 1
ported, window size
TimeSynchronization X

Who-Is X X
Character sets supported
I-Am X X
ANSI, X3.4

BAS-PRC001-EN 19
Literature Order Number BAS-PRC001-EN
File Number PL-ES-BAS-000-PRC001-0706
Supersedes BAS-PRC001-EN-0704
Stocking Location Inland
An American Standard Company
For more information contact
your local district office or Since Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement, it reserves the right to
e-mail us at comfort@trane.com change design and specifications without notice.

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