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Phase 1 Refined Problem Statement

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Phase 1

• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts (which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: S S biradar Interviewer(s): Date:

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

Are combined  Currently farmers having large area of  The machine should efficient and
harvesting machines lands are using combined harvesting fodder must not be converted into
good for sorghum machines and for small scale farming powder form.
harvesting? manual labour are used. But combined
harvesting machines are not efficient
for sorghum harvesting as fodder is
turned into powder form.

What are the  Best suitable for small scale farming  Product should be used for small and
current likes of large scale farming.
What are the  High labour charges  Fully automated risk free machine
current dislikes of  Time consuming
traditional  More labour required
techniques?  Risk factor is high for labour

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Farmers, labours Fully automated machine.
Highly adaptable for small and large scale farming.
Machine should be risk free and efficient.
Phase 1
• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts (which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: Dr Geeta Interviewer(s): Date:

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

What type of hybrid  Farmers are nowadays using SP1883  Product must be small and compact.
crops are farmer hybrid crops which are having more
growing nowadays? yield, high fibre content and are more
profitable for farmers. These crops are
pathogen resistant and early maturing
plants and farmers adapt for small and
compact machine.

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Farmers  Product must be compact and adaptable.
Phase 1
• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts (which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: Deepak.B Interviewer(s): Date:

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

How are landlords  Landlords usually does rental business  Product must be effective and cost
taking advantage of of agriculture tools and equipment's so efficient.
combined machine should be effective and cost  Product must be user-friendly and
harvesting machine? efficient. provide acceptable levels of safety
 Also the machine should be user-
friendly and provide acceptable levels
of safety

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Farmers Product must be effective and cost efficient
Phase 1
• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: Basappangowda Patil Interviewer(s): Date:

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

Is there a decreasing  Jowar plants nowadays are less  The product must motivate farmers to
trend of sorghum cultivated because of high labour grow sorghum crops by increasing the
cultivation? charge and less profits,so they are productivity of machine ultimately
preferring maze cultivation over increasing their profits.
sorghum.Hence many farmers grow
jowar only for household needs.

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Farmers The product must be fully automated without any human
• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: advesh dalwavi Interviewer(s): shanthveer and kartik


Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

Do you face any As far as the yield of jowar, harvesting is Designed product must provide acceptable
problems regarding done twice in the year. amount of safety.
disease for If the seed gets diseased in the early
plants?Explain? Harvesting, whole crop will be spoiled or
turned to be waste.

As we do not have any proper effective

facilitation machine to cut the jowar The product must have varying altitudes for
(fodder),which it is relayed on labours it cutting of crops
would be great to design the machine for
betterment of fodder cutting in agriculture

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Machine should be designed with higher safety
• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts (which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: Devangowda Interviewer(s):shanthveer and kartik


Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

How farmers are The product must extract/cut the crop
concerned regarding Few farmers is concerned as there are no without damaging the seed
jowar harvesting machine to cut the crop, to save the time it
machine? would be great privilege
To provide the machine for the farmers.

Hybrid crop is good as it is better to yield Easily yield by the machine without
easily and there is less chance to be affected manhandling.
by the disease. The use of pesticides
requirement is not to extent
Machines can be purchased to avoid labour

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Machine to be built witout any wastage of fodder and seeds
• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts (which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: dilip kamble Interviewer(s):

Date: 08/02/2022

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

What are the The harvesting takes a lot of man work and Machine should be automated.
problems faced availability of labors becomes task Machine should be efficient and less time
during consuming.
Labors are not prompt to their work hence
monitoring is required.

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
A system with less man intervention must be built

• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Phase 1

Customer: Doddbasangowda Interviewer(s):

Date: 08/02/2022

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

Availability of labors becomes task Man intervention must be lowered
What are the In the field sometimes, plants fall one over Product must able to recognize the leftover
problems faced the other due to wind so, machine can’t and indicate to farmers.
during harvesting? tackle these kind of problem

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
The product must be efficient in terms of yield and time

• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts (which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: Dundappa basaligundi Interviewer(s):

Date: 08/02/2022

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

How crops are The jowar corns are not organized in single Solution should work with all plants in feild
organized in the line they varies depending on height.
Why combined Combined harvester does not yield the Develop machine just to reach only
harvesting is not fodder as per the requirement and there requirement of jawor harvest
prefered? are no machines present for specially
harvesting the jowar.
Maintenance of machine should not Product should be maintenance free
become task

What are the Manual harvesting provides a large fodder

current likes of
techniques? Low yield loss

What are the Lack of availability of labour

current dislikes of
techniques Time consuming

Suggested machine must contains easily replaceable

Improvements part

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements (write the customer expectations in engineering
A intelligent machine should be ready
Machine with easy maintenance should built
Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: Girish uppar Interviewer(s):

Date: 08/02/2022
Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations
The harvesting of jowar becomes very Cost of design should be minimized
What are the costly
problems faced Harvesting consumes more time Machine must be efficient comparing with
during harvesting? time

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Automatic machine should be ready
Machine should lower the cost of harvesting
Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: Govindappa gowda Interviewer(s):


Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

How time and Yes, Time and climatic restriction are there If machine is being introduced then no time
climatic for harvesting the crop. restriction.
restrictions are
faced? What happens if we try to harvest at Machine can use at any time.
afternoon? In afternoon the crop dries fully
due to which small pores irritates the skin.
1.4 Requirements List
Customer Requirements
There should be no climatic restriction.
No damage to the crops.

• Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.
1.3Analyzing the needs
Customer: Mahesh uppar Interviewer(s):

Date: 08/02/2022

Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations

Harvesting takes lots of time Atomization of harvesting must saves a lot
What are the of time to farmer
problems faced The harvesting of jowar becomes very Cost of product must considered as a
during harvesting? costly constrain

What are the Manual harvesting saves a lot of amount, if

current likes of they themselves does the work
traditional (for less than ½ acre)
What are the Cost of harvesting becomes expensive when
current dislikes of they go for hiring
techniques? Time consuming

Requirements List
Customer Requirements
Automatic and intelligent machine should be ready
Machine should lower the cost of harvesting

Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.

1.3Analyzing the needs

Customer: MD shab nadaf Interviewer(s):

Date: 08/02/2022
Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations
Why don’t you Jowar crop provides fodder for cattle The plant bodies must kept uncrushed
prefer harvesting
machine? Harvesting machines are very costly. Should be cost friendly

Likes-current Harvesting losses will be monitored

Dislikes-current It will take lot of patience and potential

Requirements List
Customer Requirements
A intelligent machine should be ready
Machine must meet a financial requirement

Refined problem statement

1.1 Identifying end users (Customers)

• Farmers
• Landlords
• Agricultural labourer

1.2 Identify customer needs

• The conventional way of sorghum/jowar harvesting is risky and labour is
intensive. Since each plant has to be chopped with the help of sickle, the risk
factor of the labour increases that is fully automated risk free machine.
• Ease in harvesting and collecting of food grains.
• Separating of jowar corn and plant parts(which acts like a fodder).
• Separating of jowar grains from corn.
1.3Analyzing the needs
Customer: Shivappa kembavi Interviewer(s): shanthveer and kartik
Question/Prompt Customer Statement Interpreted Need/ Expectations
How jowar The workplace without any shortage of
production is Most of the farmers concerned about jowar labour machine to be introduced without
affecting for cutting due to inadequate requirement of the any trouble
farmers? labour for the jowar cutting
Due to the less labour there is concern over There is a requirement of automated
declining quality jowar production. machine/product which must be user

1.4 Requirements List

Customer Requirements
Machine should be efficient enough to harvest the seeds

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