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International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-5, Iss-1, Spl. Issue-2 Feb.

1, 2, 3
B.Tech.Student (Swami Vivekanand University), 4Guide H.O.D (Swami Vivekanand University)
E-mail: nitinmishra495@gmail.com, shashwat408@gmail.com, sumitsagarjisingh@gmail.com, mithundabur@gmail.com

Abstract-“Energy - demand” is one the major need for our country. Finding solutions, to meet the “Energy - demand” is the
great challenge for Social Scientist, Engineers, Entrepreneurs and Industrialist of our Country. Applications of Non-
conventional energy are the only alternate solution for conventional energy demand. Like other development activities,
agriculture sector is one of the major areas, which finds number applications of making it work using non-conventional
sources. Solar energy plays an important role in agriculture products and for irrigation purpose for pumping the well water in
remote villages without electricity. Mechanization involves the use of a hybrid device between the power source and the
work. The paper deals with multi-purpose agriculture machine for seed feeding, spraying pesticides, fungicides, and
fertilizers and cutting. Thus paving way for a more economical and multi-usable equipment for farmer which is also easy to
clean and maintain, easy to handle and do not require fuel, hence cost gets reduced and helping farmers to a great extent in
their fields.

Keywords- Variable length sprayer, Twin end blower, High torque DC cutter, Control box.


Agriculture is the backbone of India. Paddy and The economic contribution of agriculture in India’s
Wheat is one of the new targets in agriculture where GDP is continuously decreasing with the country’s
still, not many researchers and manufacturers broad-based economic growth. Still, agricultural
participate. This field faces some problems such as research and development (R&D) in India has made
how to maximize the profit, how to increase impressive contribution in the past. But the system is
productivity and how to reduce the cost. In India, two under significant stress today due to lack of clarity on
types of agricultural equipment are used, manual focus and inefficient use of financial resources. Links
method (conventional method) and mechanized type. among sister institutions have weakened and
Mechanization involves the use of a hybrid device accountability has declined over time.
between the power source and the work. This hybrid Ramesh D; This research paper present “Agriculture
device usually transfers motion, such as rotary to Seed Sowing Equipment: A Review”. The present
linear, or provides ample of mechanical advantages review provides brief information about the various
such as increase or decrease or leverage of velocity. types of innovations in seed sowing equipment. The
Agricultural machinery is machinery used basic objective of sowing operation is to put the seed
in farming or other agriculture. Mechanized and the fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to
agriculture is a process of using agricultural seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide
machinery to mechanize the work of agriculture, proper compaction over the seed. Kannan A: This
greatly increasing farm worker productivity. In research paper presents design modification in
modern times, powered machinery has replaced many multipurpose sowing machine which describes the
farm jobs formerly carried out by manual labour or sowing purpose and the import of the machinery,
by working animals such as oxen, horses, and mules. which are bulk in size having more cost. To prevent
The entire history of agriculture contains many this they design multipurpose sowing machine which
examples of the use of tools, such as the hoe and consists of hopper, seed metering mechanism, ground
the plough. But the ongoing integration wheel, power transmission system, seed distributor,
of machines since the Industrial Revolution has and tiller. It is designed on PRO-E software.
allowed farming to become much less labour- Backpack sprayer which can be carried on the
intensive. The biggest profit of automation is that it operator back, having tank capacity as large as 20
saves the labour. However, it also saves energy and liters. A hand lever is continuously operated to
materials and to improve the quality, accuracy, and maintain the pressure which makes the backpack
precision. sprayers output more uniform than that of a handheld
The seed feeding,pesticides sprinkling and crop sprayers. Basic low cost backpack sprayer will
cutting are the important stages in the agriculture generate only low pressure and lack feature such as
field.The design of multipurpose agro equipment high-pressure pumps, pressure adjustment control
machine will help Indian farmers in rural side and (regulator) and pressure gauge found on commercial
small farm. It will reduce the cost of seed feeding, grade units. The engine operated sprayers typically
pesticides sprinkling and crop cutting the field and produce more consistent sprayer’s outputs, covers the
will help to increase economic standard of an Indian sprays swath more uniformly, operate at constant
farmer. speed and results in much more uniform coverage

Multi-Purpose Agriculture Machine

International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-5, Iss-1, Spl. Issue-2 Feb.-2017
than the hand spraying. Motorized sprayers are also III. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS &
capable of higher pressure spray useful to provide a SPECIFICATIONS
better coverage. There are many other types of hand
operated sprayer that are not widely used throughout Components of multipurpose agro equipment
the agriculture. Some may be used wide extensively • Spraying fluid tank
for the productions of specific commodities. • Spraying pipe
Jeremy, in 2005 designed and fabricated solar • Solar panel
charged cutter machine. The machine was dependent • Batteries
on weather since the battery would be charged using • Pump
solar panel. The common drawback was that the • Motor
engine runs slowly and the production cost was high • Switch & Toggle
for an average individual to purchase. Victor and • Frame
Vern’s, (2003) designed and developed a power • Ground wheel
operated rotary weedier for wet land paddy. The • Cutter
complex nature of the machine makes its • 3 axis attachments
maintenance and operation difficult for the peasant • Front and Bottom LED
farmers. • Twin end blower
In India, the conventional methods for agriculture are • Conical plastic flask
generally involved which are more complicated and • Charging circuit
time and labour intensive. The usage of agriculture • Blower and seed frame chamber
equipment in the world is increasing. In the usage of A frame is made up of carbon steel which gives the
agriculture tools, India contributes only 16% desired strength and lightness, it includes all the three
according to the survey conducted in the year 2011. equipment together i.e. Seed feeder, pesticide sprayer,
Seed feeder (high speed twin end blower) and crop cutter. In this frame, a retractable link is
The aim of seed feeder is to reduce seed plantation fixed to the top end of which a solar photovoltaic
time and increase the productivity. More time is panel is fixed that converts solar power into
required for the plantation on fields as seed feeding is electricity. This electricity is then provided to the
a skilled job. The necessity for even distribution of battery via a charging circuit and is used for charging
seeds in the farm also exits. So this project helps to the battery. Electric power from this battery is given
minimize the human efforts involved in plantation to an electric motor via control switches, by
and saves time. This will give perfect plantation with controlling which entire device can be operated. The
less effort; a twin end blower is installed for this job, pump is connected spray pipe.
which consist of two different ends and two different
seed chambers, so that two different seeds can be feed
at the same time.

Pest Management (3 Axis spraying mechanism)

“Pest” is defined as any species, strain, or biotype of
plant, animal, or pathogenic agent injurious to plants
or plant products. In a simple way, the pest includes
insects, pathogens, and weeds. There is growing
concern over the effective use of pesticide and other
pest control techniques for higher farm production.
The inclusion of sprayer in multipurpose agro
machine using spraying pipe and fluid tank which is Figure1.1: The side-view of multi- purpose agro equipment
also easy to handle. The spray pipe can move in all
the three axis i.e. X, Y, &Z also the pump solar
powered Making the spraying pollution free and

Crop Cutter
Harvesting crop includes removing crop by hand by
small farmers. The agro equipment includes the crop
cutter which focuses on easy of cutting operation for
cutting variety of crops in less time and at low cost by
considering different factors as power requirement
,the cost of equipment , ease of operation in the field
. The operating, adjusting and maintaining principle
are made simple for easy and properly handling by
unskilled operators. Figure 1.2: The front view of multi-purpose agro equipment

Multi-Purpose Agriculture Machine

International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-5, Iss-1, Spl. Issue-2 Feb.-2017
the electricity could be stored; to be used at night or
in no sun condition.
• A more with greater efficiency could be used
• More equipment like soil testing tasks could be
added to this project.


The top concentration of our design is the cost and

operational ease in case of small farm units. This
multipurpose ago equipment is thus designed to
reduce the cost of harvesting, spraying and seed
feeding. In the development of multipurpose ago
equipment we utilize the past data and techniques. In
this way the design of multipurpose agro equipment
is safe. Such human powered machine systems will
Figure1.3: The top view of multi- purpose agro equipment
help to a great extent in improving the production per
acre and increase profitability of small and middle
Liquid insecticide is sprayed on the crops using Spray class farmers. A new type of multipurpose
pipe, which receives liquid from a reservoir with the mechanism is fabricated which is different from other
help of a pump. This pump is driven by another DC machines and will work on non-conventional energy
motor that receives power from the same battery. source which is purely human operated. Such systems
Thus insecticide in liquid form is sprayed. are of much importance in Asian countries, as almost
A separate chamber for seeds has been made, which all Asian countries are facing electricity and power
is used for feeding the seeds to the farm field. The scarcity which results in twelve to fourteen hours load
multipurpose agro machine equips a crop cutter for shedding in rural areas especially in India. Therefore,
cutting out the crops. The handle casing on it makes it there is the need to develop a locally, fabricated
more comfortable. It consists of a cycle wheel in the multiple multipurpose agro equipments.
front. The equipment thus serves as a friendly tool for
the farmer and also making it economical. REFERENCES

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Multi-Purpose Agriculture Machine


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