Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru - 572 103: Usn 1 S I OE02
Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru - 572 103: Usn 1 S I OE02
Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru - 572 103: Usn 1 S I OE02
3 a) What a C program to perform PUSH and POP operations for STACKS using arrays. 6
b) Evaluate the following postfix notation using stack 8, 5, 2, *, +, 4, 2, /, - and also write the
algorithm for evaluation of a postfix expression. 6
c) What is the limitation of ordinary queue? Develop insertion and display modules for circular
queues using arrays. 8
4 a) Write C functions to perform the following operations on singly linked list. (i) To insert a
new node after a node. (ii) To delete the last node. 10
b) Write a C program to implement a queue using singly linked list. 10
5 a) Develop a C program to implement ascending priority queues using singly linked list. 10
b) What are the benefits of lists with a header node? 2
c) Write a C function to search for a key element in a doubly linked list. 4
d) Develop C module to create circular singly linked list. 4
Fig. 6a 4
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b) Write recursive function for counting the number of leaf nodes in binary tree. 3
c) What is the meaning of traversing a tree? Write C functions to traverse the tree using
preorder, post order and inorder traversal. 7
d) Explain the following with appropriate examples.
(i) Threaded Binary tree (ii) Strictly Binary tree. 6