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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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Model Question Paper

Course Name: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course the student should be able to:

1. Discuss features of algorithms and analyze the differences between recursive and
iterative algorithmic structure.
2. Analyze the role of design structures in structuring and manipulating solutions
and implement respective programs.
3. Discuss the properties, operations, applications, strengths and weaknesses of the
different algorithmic design approaches and their analysis.
4. Analyze, interpret and compare various problem solving strategies and their
efficiency analysis
5. Discuss the storage management for efficient access of data

Model Question Paper for End Semester Examination

Course Code:BCST603 Course Title: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer five questions; any Four questions from each unit-I and unit-II and Two full
question from unit-III, IV & V


Q.No Questions Marks CO PI B L

1 (a) Suppose we wish to search a linked list of length n, discuss best, 5 CO3 L3 1.4.4
worst and average case of searching a random element.

(b) 5 CO2 L2 1.4.4

With the help of suitable code discuss travelling salesman problem.

(c) Differentiate between Linear and non-linear data structures with 5 CO1 L3 1.4.4
suitable example.

(d) Write an algorithms to print the nth node from end of a singly linked 5 CO2 L3 1.4.4
(e) 5 CO1 L3 1.4.4
Complete the function described below:
Function Name: welcome
Input Params: base address of string
Return Type: base address of welcoming string
Description: A manager wants to generate welcoming notes for its
employees.For inputstring “Parker”, the function should produce
“Welcome Parker”. Do not use any inbuilt string handling functions
Model Question Paper

2 5 CO3 L4 1.4.4
You have been invited to a post-exam party.
i) You walk in and shake everyone’s hand. As the number of
attendees Nincreases, what is the order of growth to shake everyone’s
hand? Justify.
You meet everyone else and during each meeting, you talk about
everyone else in the room. To what efficiency class does this belong
to? Justify.
(b) 5 CO3 L3 1.4.4
Create a AVL Tree for:
50, 60, 80, 30, 20, 40, 70
Can you perform the three tree traversals on AVL tree? Justify
(c) Bring out the differences between BFS and DFS algorithm. Also 5 CO4 L2 1.4.4
compare with respect to efficiency analysis.
(d) 5 CO3 L3 1.4.4
Write a algorithm for given below
// Recursively counts the number of leaf nodes in the tree T
(e) 5 CO4 L2 1.4.4
Which algorithm design technique is used for the given below
i) Merge Sorting
ii) Binary Search
iii) Fractional knapsack problem
iv) 0/1 knapsack problem
v) Travelling salesman problem
vi) N-Queen’s Problem
vii) Graph coloring problem
viii) Matrix chain multiplication
ix) Job sequencing with deadline
Prim’s algorithm


3(a) 10 CO4 L3 1.4.4

Apply Quick Sort on the following:
Write the efficiency analysis of quick sort (Best, Worst, and Average).
(b) Write a function to delete a node from a Binary Search Tree. 10 CO3 L3 1.4.4
Suitablycomment the code explaining each of the cases.
(c) 10 CO5 L3 2.1.2
A file consists of t e x t data. Write a program to read and count
number of appearances of ‘is’, ‘am’, ‘are’ .Write the individual count
in a separate file.Also find the size of the file.


4(a) 10 CO5 L3 1.4.4

With a help of a suitable program explain the concept of divide
and conquer strategy and how it can be used to minimize the time
Model Question Paper

(b) 10 CO4 L3 1.4.4

Apply Dijkstra’s Algorithm on the given graph.

How is Bellman-Ford different from Dijkstra’s Algorithm?

To what design technique does the algorithm belong to? Explain.
(c) 10 CO3 L3 1.4.4
Write the modules to implement the following using appropriate data
1. Check if the given string is palindrome
2. Sort the given set of integers


5(a) 10 CO1 L2 1.4.4

Using state space tree prove that:
1. There is no solution for a 2 queen problem
2. There are multiple solutions for a 4 queen problem
(b) 10 CO2 L3 1.4.4
Consider the circular list given below with string data:

Write a function which will display the output in following fashion:

think i can
i think i can

At each line, the function should display data from all the nodes
present.After printing each line, an appropriate node has to be
After printing the last line, “last” pointer should be holding the
(c) 10 CO5 L2 1.4.4
Describe NP –Hard and NP complete problems with example. Also
differentiate among them.
Model Question Paper

BL – Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (1- Remembering, 2- Understanding, 3 – Applying, 4 – Analysing, 5 –

Evaluating 6 - Creating)
CO – Course Outcomes
PO – Program Outcomes;
PI Code – Performance Indicator Code
Model Question Paper

Competency addressed in the Course and corresponding


Competency Performance Indicators

1.4: Demonstrate competence in computer 1.4.4 Apply machine dependent/independent
science engineering knowledge features to build system modules.

2.1: Demonstrate an ability to identify and 2.1.2: Identify processes, modules, variables, and
characterize an engineering problem. parameters of computer based system to solve
the problems.

Eg: 1.2.3: Represents Program Outcome „1‟, Competency „2‟ and Performance Indicators

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