Anxiety Disorders: HCS 3041 Mental Health Education
Anxiety Disorders: HCS 3041 Mental Health Education
Anxiety Disorders: HCS 3041 Mental Health Education
Sheung-Tak Cheng
(eg, Cortisol)
Symptoms of Anxiety
Somatic Emotional Cognitive Behavioral
• Kindling model
– Poor regulation in the locus ceruleus causes panic attacks,
stimulates and kindles the limbic system, lowering the threshold
for stimulation of diffuse and chronic anxiety
• Cognitive theories
– People prone to panic attacks (1) pay very close attention to
their bodily sensations, (2) misinterpret these sensations, and (3)
engage in snowballing, catastrophizing thinking
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Biological theories
Genetic vulnerability predisposing negative affectivity
and stress reactivity
Cognitive theories
Attentional biases leading to threat recognition
Worry used to cope with perceived threat by lowering
emotional reactivity (i.e., cognitive avoidance theory)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or
images that are experienced as intrusive and
unwanted and that cause anxiety or distress
Thoughts, impulses, or images that are not simply
excessive worries about real life problems
Thoughts, impulses or images that the person
attempts to ignore or suppress or to neutralize with
some other thought or action
Obsessive thoughts, impulses or images that the
person recognizes are a product of his or her own
Contamination Cleaning
Doubts Checking
Sins Confession
Aggression ??
Sexual ??
Mediated by the cortico-striatal-thalamo-cortical circuitry
(Paul et al., 2014, Nat Neurosci Rev)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
– Tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, fires
Common Traumatic Events
– Car accidents, sudden deaths of loved ones
Combat and War-Related Traumas
– 911
– Physical, emotional, sexual
DSM-5 vs. DSM-4
OCD in a separate “chapter” called Obsessive-
Compulsive and Related Disorders to include body
dysmorphic disorder, skin picking disorder, hair pulling
disorder …
PTSD in a new chapter called Trauma- and Stress-
Related Disorders to include Reactive Attachment
Disorder, Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, Acute
Stress Disorder, Adjustment Disorder …
Anxiety disorders to include selective mutism
Panic disorder and agoraphobia separated