Chapter 13: Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders, and Stress-Related Illness
Chapter 13: Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders, and Stress-Related Illness
Chapter 13: Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders, and Stress-Related Illness
Anxiety Vague feeling of dread or apprehension Different from fear (feeling afraid or threatened by identifiable stimulus representing danger) Anxiety disorders: key feature of excessive anxiety with behavioral, emotional, cognitive, physiologic responses Stress: wear and tear of life on the body
Anxiety as a Response to Stress General adaptation syndrome (physiologic aspects of stress; identified by Selye)
Alarm reaction stage (preparation for defense) Resistance stage (blood shunted to areas needed for defense) Exhaustion stage (stores depleted; emotional components unresolved)
Levels of Anxiety Mild: special attention; increased sensory stimulation; motivational Moderate: something definitely wrong; nervousness/agitation; difficulty concentrating; able to be redirected
Levels of Anxiety (contd) Severe: trouble thinking and reasoning; tightened muscles; increased vital signs; restless, irritable, angry Panic: fight, flight, or freeze response; increased vital signs; dilated pupils; cognitive processes focusing on defense
Working with Anxious Clients Self-awareness of anxiety level Assessment of persons anxiety level Use of short, simple, easy-to-understand sentences Lower persons anxiety level to moderate or mild before proceeding
Working with Anxious Clients (contd) Low, calm, soothing voice Safety during panic level Short-term use of anxiolytics
Question Tell whether the following statement is true or false: Anxiety and fear are considered to be two different things.
Answer True Anxiety is different from fear. Anxiety is a vague feeling of dread or apprehension. Fear is a feeling of being afraid or threatened by an identifiable stimulus representing danger.
Anxiety Disorders Agoraphobia with or without panic disorder Panic disorder Specific phobia; social phobia Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Generalized anxiety disorder Acute stress disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder
Anxiety Disorders (contd) Incidence: most common psychiatric disorders in United States More prevalent: women; people under 45 years old Onset, clinical course are variable
Psychodynamic theories
Intrapsychic/psychoanalytic theories (Freud and defense mechanisms) Interpersonal theories (Sullivan, Peplau) Behavioral theory
Cultural Considerations Each culture has rules for expressing, dealing with anxiety Asian cultures: often with somatic symptoms; koro Hispanics: susto (high anxiety as sadness, agitation, weight loss, weakness, heart rate changes); due to supernatural spirits or bad air from dangerous places and cemeteries invading body
Question Tell whether the following statement is true or false: The neurotransmitter dopamine is associated with anxiety disorders.
Answer False The neurotransmitters, GABA, and serotonin are thought to play a role in anxiety disorders.
Mental Health Promotion Anxiety as warning of not dealing with stress effectively
Panic Disorder Discrete episodes of panic; no stimulus for panic response Avoidance behavior Primary, secondary gain
Question Which of the following would a nurse expect to assess in a client with a panic disorder? A.Rational thinking B.Blaming of others C.Automatism D.Organized thoughts
Answer C. Automatism A client with panic disorder would demonstrate automatisms, irrational thinking, self-blame, and disorganized thoughts.
Phobias Intense illogical persistent fear Categories: agoraphobia; specific phobia; social phobia (social anxiety disorder) Categories of specific phobia: natural environment; blood-injection; situation; animal; other types
OCD Obsessions: recurrent, persistent, intrusive, unwanted thoughts, images, impulses causing marked anxiety Compulsions: ritualistic or repetitive behaviors or mental acts carried out continuously to neutralize anxiety
Data analysis
Question Tell whether the following statement is true or false: A client with OCD believes that the obsessions are rational but he cant stop them.
Answer False A client with OCD knows that the obsessions are irrational but he cant stop them.
Self-Awareness Issues Need to understand how, why anxiety behaviors work Nurses as vulnerable as others to stress, anxiety Everyone occasionally suffers from stress, anxiety Avoid trying to fix clients problem Use techniques to manage stress, anxiety in personal life