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Recruitment Process Study As Part of The Talent Management Process (Comparative Case Study of PT. Astra Indonesia Tbk. and PT. Garuda Indonesia)

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Zahra, Aulia & Fachriansyah


Recruitment Process Study as Part of the Talent

Management Process
(Comparative Case Study of PT. Astra Indonesia
Tbk. and PT. Garuda Indonesia)

Nusantara Journal of
Current Economics
and Business
Issue 1: 2021

Alyza Zahra

Universitas Brawijaya
Malang, Indonesia

Email: chacaalyza@student.ub.ac.id

Lenggo Syifa Aulia

Universitas Brawijaya
Malang, Indonesia

Email: lenggosyifa157@student.ub.ac.id

Rayhan Layadi Fachriansyah

Universitas Brawijaya
Malang, Indonesia

Email: rayhanlayadi@student.ub.ac.id

Human Resources is one of the important factors in an organization, both in private
organizations (private sector) and in public organizations (public sector). Human Resources
are the backbone for the movement of the organization's wheels. Apart from Human
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Resources, another factor that is not less important is how to manage these Human
Resources. In an era of talent war like this, skills are needed to manage talented employees
(Talent Management). Company adaptation through talent management is needed in the
global era, given the fast and continuous flow of information and changes. HR with new talents
for the organization is needed to achieve organizational success / performance. Organizations
must add time and effort to improve the performance of these new talents. Talents will compete
to do the best for the organization if the organization appreciates their work.

Keywords: human resources, talent, recruitment, talent management

Global competition demands company management to be more concerned with managing its
human resources. Spector (2012) states that currently companies not only need human
resources who only fill the company needs, but also human resources who do have adequate
competence and highly committed (Spector, 2012). The process of managing human
resources generally includes recruitment and selection, training and development,
remuneration, termination, as well as various employee behaviors that can have an impact on
the work process (Landy & Conte, 2013).

Good employee management starts with good management of the recruitment process (Mello,
2015). Recruitment is at the crucial part of the human resource management process. The
decision to recruit new employees is an important decision for any company (Bilsberry, 2007).
The company must be able to recruit candidates who are not only suitable for the job but also
the employee must fit the company culture. Currently recruiting the best candidates according
to company needs has become a challenge in itself. The company must be able to attract the
attention of a number of potential people to fill vacant positions that need to be filled
immediately by the right employees (Chapman et al., 2005).

Recruitment is the process of capturing potential new employee candidates so that they apply
for jobs in accordance with existing vacancies, while selection is determining which candidates
are ultimately selected based on existing criteria (Snell & Bohlander, 2010). Recruitment and
selection can be carried out after the relevant manager takes advantage of job analysis to
determine the character and criteria of the individuals they want to hire (Landy & Conte, 2013).

Recruitment and selection go hand in hand because in fact these two things are processes
that run in a cycle. However, researchers decided to focus on recruitment even though it is
possible that later facts about the selection will be obtained in the data findings (Wiroko, 2017).

Regarding the methods that commonly used in the process of attracting the attention of
prospective candidates, Schultz and Schultz (2006) stated that a number of common methods
include posting job vacancies on job portals, mass media, job fairs, campus recruitment, and
can also be done by doing referral program. All of these methods are classified as external
recruitment. Meanwhile, the method included in internal recruitment is basically the transfer of
employees either by promotion, transfer or transfer. Each company has different recruitment
techniques depending on the needs and conditions of each company (Schultz & Schultz,

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In order to facilitate the recruitment process for prospective workers, the company must have
a large number of candidate data sets (Spector, 2012). When the company has a data store
that contains many choices of potential candidates, recruiters will easily select candidates from
the data set. Ideally, a recruitment process is aimed at gathering data on candidates that are
considered prospective for further selection (Wiroko, 2017), so that the company represented
by the recruiter can easily select prospective candidates at any time as needed.

Various tools and methods used in recruitment must be tailored to the characteristics of the
prospective candidates who are targeted so that they are interested in reading the job
advertisements that have been made. Furthermore, of course, it is hoped that prospective
candidates are willing to apply for positions that are currently needed (Wiroko, 2017).

The topic of research on recruitment has started to be discussed since 2 decades ago
(Bilsberry, 2007), but the authors feel that its development in Indonesia has not yet been
seen. As far as the author's knowledge, research in Indonesia rarely touches the recruitment
and selection area. Based on the facts above, the author is interested in exploring more
comprehensively the current picture of recruitment in companies in Indonesia. As far as the
author's knowledge, until this research was conducted, there was no information regarding
the picture of recruitment in Indonesia. Therefore, the significance of this descriptive study is
to fill in the information gaps in order to become the basis for future research.

Literature Review
Definition of Talent Management
The term of Talent Management was first introduced by McKinsey & Company through one of
its studies in 1997. In the following year, talent management became one of the titles of books
co-authored by Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, and Beth Axelrod. Talent management
or talent management is an HR management process related to three processes. First,
developing and strengthening new employees during the process of entering the company for
the first time (onboarding). Second, maintain and develop employees who are already in the
company. Third, attracting as many employees as possible who have competence,
commitment and character to work at the company (Endratno, 2011). Companies that use
talent management as one of their human resource management strategies do their best to
link the process of finding, engaging, selecting, training, developing, maintaining, promoting,
and moving employees so that they are related to the main business of the company

Talent Management Objectives

Initiatives in implementing talent management in business have many objectives. According to
Smilansky (2008), the main objective is to develop the best top management in facing business
competition, find good external candidates to fill key jobs, replenish talents between different
units, retain a talented person through career development opportunities, expand the internal
talent group by focusing on a number of different employees, and building a shared need to
have the best players as the key to future business success (Smilansky, 2006).

Talent Management Process

In general, the company will carry out a talent management process which consists of
(Endratno, 2011):
1. Rigorous Recruitment and Selection Process: This is the initial career process for a talent
to enter a company. By taking this step, the company will get quality talents.
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2. Talent Mapping: Finding talented employees in the company is not an easy job. Many
organizations, or human resources, use assessment tools, pscyhometrics or talent
questionnaires to determine employees who have talent. However, if these methods are
not socialized properly, it will cause an unfavorable response from employees. Talent
mapping is carried out so that talents can be grouped into their respective competencies
and expertise. The company will easily monitor the development of each talent.
3. Talent Pool: Talent Pool is a result of screening from the best talents in each group. The
“best of the best” talents who are included in this talent pool will be promoted in order to
continue the company's business leadership. Generally, this talent pool contains 3% of
each unit's employee population.

Research Method
The research method used in this research is the comparative studies method of Talent
Management models in several large companies in Indonesia. The data collection technique
is through desk research on Talent Management models in several large companies in
Indonesia through internet searches. Several things are contained in the Talent Management
model and are the focus of this research, including the Talent Management approach used,
the purpose of the Talent Management model, the dimensions contained in the Talent
Management model, and the stages / processes contained in the Talent Management model.

Results and Discussion

Talent Management at PT Astra International, Tbk.
Martono (2011) explains that PT Astra International, Tbk. Focuses on developing its
employees on the continuity of the regeneration process of leadership and expertise. The
focus set must be filled with competencies to achieve the company's short and long term goals.
For this reason, the values owned by the company need to be instilled in employees as a fence
so that activities can run in harmony (Martono, 2011).

In order to prepare future leaders the strategy implemented by PT Astra International, Tbk. is
"make" or "buy". The make strategy is used to develop potential leaders within the company,
while the buy strategy is used to get the human resources the company needs from outside.
In carrying out the make strategy, the inculcation of company values is highly emphasized and
becomes the character of every management line. Therefore, development is the key word for
this make strategy (Rejeki, 2016).

The purpose of this development is to form talented employees who are professionally
competent and in accordance with the company culture. What is interesting here is that Astra
believes that cultural compatibility with leadership competence is the main consideration, after
that only functional competency. This conformity is important because Astra has many
subsidiaries that must be properly controlled so that irregularities do not occur (Martono, 2011).

Here are two ways Astra is capturing talent. First, the choice of Astra development by selecting
candidates (identification) from the tens of thousands of prospective employees who are
printed each year or picking up the ball directly from public or private university candidates.
Second, to select a higher level, rotations and transfers are carried out based on mapping of
potential and performance. This mapping will be used as the basis for determining the ranking
of whether an employee can be promoted or not. In addition to the mapping, Astra also has a
standard employee performance management process that becomes a tool for development

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and review of its development results, in the form of an annual cycle assessment, People
Performance Management (Martono, 2011).

In order to monitor employees, at the beginning of each year employees are required to
prepare an Individual Performance Plan (IPP). In this IPP, what is targeted to be achieved by
each employee will be reviewed in June. If the results are not satisfactory, they are given the
opportunity to improve through Coaching and Counseling from their superiors. Furthermore,
the Performance Appraisal will be held in June and December. If the assessment has ended,
a final review will be conducted at the same time on its performance for one year (Rejeki,

In selecting and preparing talents, Astra determines leadership competencies. This is

necessary so that the leadership has harmonious cultural values because Astra believes that
if the leadership and employees have the same values, the company will grow and develop in
the long term. So in order to elect a leader, candidates must have leadership competencies,
including Vision and Business Sense, Customer Focus, Interpersonal Skills, Analysis and
Judgment, Planning and Driving Action, Leading and Motivating, Teamwork, Drive, Courage
and Integrity (Martono, 2011).

Astra believes that the company will be successful in implementing policies to achieve its goals
if the corporate culture is inherent and accompanies all company activities (Rejeki, 2016).

Talent Management at PT Garuda Indonesia

Achirina (2011) states that there are seven leadership values in PT Garuda Indonesia. The
seven leadership values are enthusiasm and energy; have professional and personal integrity;
tough and of high standard; honorable and dare not to be popular; fair, namely treating
employees differently individually at the same time fairly; warm and human, listening and
empathizing; confident, and dare to express opinions openly. To have competent employees
with leadership qualities and values as expected, Garuda Indonesia considers it very
necessary to carry out a Talent Management process (Achirina, 2011).

The main requirement that is needed in its implementation is a work culture that is oriented
towards high work. A good talent management process is also needed to produce a cadre of
high quality company leaders and employees, which includes the process of identifying,
selecting, developing and retaining talents. The Talent Management process is continuous, so
that the next leader in Garuda Indonesia who meets the qualifications and pays attention to
Talent Management will be the key to the company's continued success (Achirina, 2011).

In practice, Garuda Indonesia is a strategy towards achieving the High Performance

Organization, which is a highly working organization. Two fundamental pillars of this strategy
are a positive culture and effective and quality employees. This is where Human Capital
transforms its role so that the Human Capital Management unit does not only play an
administrative or personnel role as before, but must take a strategic role as a corporate partner
in formulating a talent strategy and its relationship with the company's business strategy
(Achirina, 2011).

In line with the company's goal of becoming a High Performance Organization, Garuda
Indonesia re-evaluates the organization and job profiles of all divisions. Furthermore, this job

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profile is simplified so that employees have a higher work speed and are not associated with
an overly complex profile. This job profile is the basis for recruiting and selecting employees,
as well as developing competitions in terms of both technical skills and soft skills.

Prior to 2005, Garuda Indonesia still had a positive work culture, was not oriented towards
innovation and final results, and performance targets were not applied to every job. Therefore,
in 2006, the Balance score Card began to be applied, starting from the Corporate Balance
score Card which was passed down to each section until each employee had their own Key
Performance Indicator target.

The existing business processes are mapped, and each existing process is made a job
description. Furthermore, each target is determined according to their respective functions. At
the beginning of each year a performance plan is carried out for each employee, followed by
tracking every three months, and at the end of the year a review is carried out on each
employee's work. Through this annual review, Garuda Indonesia has begun to implement a
performance culture, where the provision of performance incentives is tailored to the
performance and achievement of existing targets. The targets given are real, achievable, and
assessable targets. This target must also be detailed, planned and reviewed together with
superiors (Rejeki, 2016).

Communication to employees is carried out continuously so that the system that has been
created can be applied. Communication on targets and their achievements is carried out in an
annual review by entering the agreed KPIs, as well as assessing whether the performance
and development of the individual concerned has gone according to plan. If there is a gap, a
mutually agreed improvement plan is carried out (Rejeki, 2016).

Careers include managerial or functional, which are structured to follow the quality of employee
development. Every career change is carried out through tests and education to increase the
application if it does not pass, the employee concerned has not been able to increase his level,
or in other words, remains in his current position for a long period of time. After the Balance
Score Card mechanism was started and the job profile was clearly mapped out, a work culture
began to form. The next step is to conduct assessment and development of hard and soft
competencies. In the past, when the company experienced a crisis, costs were always a target
to be cut, including costs for employee training. No exception Garuda Indonesia has also cut
costs. However, training programs related to employee development programs are still carried
out even though the company is in a cost reduction program, especially for mandatory
technical competency development training. Soft competence and leadership development is
also being carried out, so that the budget for this is still provided for the importance of the
program to prepare leaders. Joint commitment to carry out leadership development is very
important so that this program can still be run (Rejeki, 2016).

Furthermore, it is also necessary to map the competence and potential of each employee so
that the position of the employee can be found in the company's talent map. Based on the map
of the employee's potential, a development program is made in accordance with the position
of the candidate and the needs of the company. All of these programs must be carried out in
line and in line with other company programs. At work, so that the relationship with ordinary
companies is maintained and enables them to show high performance (Achirina, 2011).

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The Talent Management program carried out by Garuda Indonesia is one of the company's
efforts to establish itself as a high-performing organization. Through employee development,
it is hoped that a center of expertise will be formed in the company. With this center of
expertise, the company will have competitive abilities and become a strong organization
(Rejeki, 2016).

Effective talent management is crucial in business competition. This is because HR is a
competitive advantage for every company. With the talent management program, it is hoped
that companies can find and improve the talents and skills of the workforce one of the main
means of keeping them competitive. The most important challenge in talent management is to
find, attract, build and nurture that talent. The Talent Management program carried out by
Garuda Indonesia is one of the company's efforts to establish itself as a high-performing
organization. Through talent recruitment and talent development, it is hoped that a center of
expertise will be formed within the company. With this center of expertise the company will
have competitive abilities and become a strong organization. Likewise in Astra Indonesia, they
believe that the company will be successful in implementing talent management policies that
will help to achieve its goals if the corporate culture is inherent and accompanies all existing
company activities.

Limitation of the Study

This study limits the things studied regarding the recruitment process as part of the Talent
Management process at PT Astra Indonesia Tbk and PT Garuda Indonesia. That way, the
company will have competitive capabilities and become a strong organization.

Declaration of conflicting interest

As the researcher who compiled this journal article entitled, "Study of Recruitment Process as
Part of Talent Management Process (Study at PT Astra Indonesia Tbk and PT Garuda
Indonesia)" in the preparation of this journal article using the comparative studies method.
Thus, all statements and conclusions made are the result of our research studies. We, as
researchers, state that there is no conflict of interest in it.

In this study, no funding was required from any party. This study used the comparative
studies method, so that no funding was spent. The sources we use are based on journals,
books, scientific articles, previous research and literature studies that can support the data
needed for this journal article.

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