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Effect of Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Program Phase 1 Atasp 1 On Farmers' Performance in Southeast, Nigeria

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 6, September-October 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Effect of Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Program

Phase 1 (Atasp-1) on Farmers’ Performance in Southeast, Nigeria
Johnpaul Chimnedum Onyekineso, Nwankwo Frank
Department of Cooperative Economics and Management, Faculty of Management Sciences,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Johnpaul

This study examined the effect of Agricultural Transformation Chimnedum Onyekineso | Nwankwo
Agenda Support Programme Phase 1 (ATASP-1) on Farmers' Frank "Effect of Agricultural
Performance in Southeast, Nigeria. It used a well-structured Transformation Agenda Support
questionnaire to collect data from a cross-section of randomly Program Phase 1 (Atasp-1) on Farmers’
Performance in Southeast, Nigeria"
selected 730 respondents. A combination of analytical tools such as
Published in
descriptive statistics, Tobit and multiple regression analysis and International
inferential statistics were used for analysis. The study found that Journal of Trend in
56.6% of the farmers are males with an average age of 44 years, who Scientific Research
are 87.8% married and have 10 years of formal schooling. Apart from and Development
over 19 years farming experience, the average 6 people per (ijtsrd), ISSN:
household is large enough to supply cheap family labour to the 2456-6470, IJTSRD46407
farmers. The study found out that the programme interventions are Volume-5 | Issue-6,
classified into three important components, which are infrastructure, October 2021, pp.349-360, URL:
financial/market and commodity value chain development. It was www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd46407.pdf
also revealed that farmers adopted the following agricultural
Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
technologies: the use of improved seed varieties, the use of ICT
International Journal of Trend in
extension facilities, and keeping a good farm/processing record to Scientific Research and Development
track changes, among others. The study, therefore, recommended Journal. This is an
among others, that the programme implementers need to be Open Access article
transparent in their disbursement and implementation of the project distributed under the
mandates and that there is a need to improve the literacy level of the terms of the Creative Commons
farmers, as this will go a long way to improve their possibilities of Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
technology adoption. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

KEYWORDS: Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Program

Phase 1 (atasp-1), Farmers, Performance, Technology Adoption and
Southeast Nigeria

Agriculture plays an important role in the achieve this aim through agricultural programme
enhancement of food security, poverty reduction, interventions (Muzari et al., 2012; Shao, 1996). These
rural development and economic growth (Mwangi & smallholder farmers are equally faced with a low
Kariuki, 2015). It is the main source of income for level of income, high cost of inputs, poor access to
rural people especially in the developing world irrigation facilities, pest and diseases that reduce
(World Bank, 2008). Agricultural practice in yield, and high cost of labour among others which
developing economies is majorly at the subsistence had affected the agricultural sector (Oluwadamilola,
level, revolving around smallholder farmers who rely 2018).
on traditional methods of production and this has
There is a need to increase agricultural production in
lowered the level of agricultural productivity. Muzari,
order to meet expected rising demand and, as such, it
Gatsi and Muvhunzi (2012) note that around 70% of
is instructive to examine the recent performance of
agricultural production in developing countries is in
the agricultural sector through the assistance of
the hand of smallholder farmers using traditional
programme intervention that encourages the use of
methods of production. Hence, triggering the need to
modern agricultural technologies (Challa, 2013).
increase productivity and sustainability in agriculture
These technologies aided by agricultural programme
globally with much emphasis on specific means to

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interventions include all kinds of improved Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA),
techniques and practices which affect the growth of Specialized Universities for Agriculture, Root and
agricultural output (Jain et al., 2009). According to Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP) and rural
Loevinsohn, Sumberg and Diagne (2013), the most banking scheme, National Economic Empowerment
common areas to improve agricultural performance and Development Strategy (NEEDS) 2004 among
through modern technology use and promotion for others (Salami, 2007; Jibowo & Ajayi, 2011)
crops production include new varieties and Other programmes created by the Federal
management regimes; soil as well as soil fertility Government include; FADAMA 1999; Value Chain
management; weed and pest management; irrigation Development Programme (VCDP) 2013, and
and water management. By virtue of improved Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support
input/output relationships, new technology tends to Programme Phase One (ATASP-1) 2014. These
raise output and reduces the average cost of programmes are expected to; reduce rural poverty,
production which in turn results in substantial gains in increase Food security, accelerate incomes and shared
farm income (Challa, 2013). All these are been wealth of the farmers on a sustainable basis, reduce
addressed through government intervention post-harvest losses, attract private sector investment
programmes in agriculture. in agriculture, adapt research-extension transfer, input
Nigeria as a nation, being blessed with numerous supply and rural infrastructure, facilitate land
national resources cannot play down on the development and ensure efficient water resource
importance of the agricultural sector, before the management, provide portable water; provide rural
discovery of oil in the 60(s), agriculture was the electrification, transportation and communication
highest employer of labour; employing over 70% of development among others.
the rural population and earning about 60% of her The focus of this study however is on Agricultural
gross domestic product (GDP) from agricultural Transformation Agenda Support programme phase
sector sub-divided into crop production, livestock, one (ATASP-1). The major objective of ATASP is to
fisheries, and forestry. This GDP earning declined move from subsistence production to commercial
tremendously to only witness an all-time maximum of production and improve the value chain, reduce
29.15% in the fourth quarter of the year 2018 due to wastage, increase productivity, and how to attract the
the recent government approach to the sector necessary investments and entrepreneurial skills to
(Obianefo, Okafor, Bola-Audu and Umebali, 2019). the sector. It aims to contribute to food and nutrition
Anuba (2018) attributed these contributions to the security, employment generation and wealth creation
Federal Government efforts to revive the ailing and along rice, cassava and sorghum value chains in the
moribund agricultural sector. Thus, suggesting the country. The extent to which these lofty goals and
need to increase farmer's access to agricultural objectives of the programme have been achieved is
finance through various programme interventions that still largely unknown, hence the need to undertake
will help to meet the food need of the increasing this study, with the major objective of evaluating the
human population. effect of Agricultural Transformation Agenda
Government has over the years introduced many Support Program Phase 1(ATASP-1) on farmers’
programmes and policies geared towards enhancing performance in Southeast, Nigeria. Specifically, the
agricultural activities. These programmes include the study seeks to:
farm settlement scheme, the National Accelerated 1. identify and discuss the socio-economic
Food Production Programme (NAFPP) 1972, The characteristics of participating farmers, with the
World Bank-funded Agricultural Development view of determining the appropriateness of their
Projects (ADP) 1975, River Basin and Rural background to the programme,
Development Authorities (RBDA) 1976, National 2. explore the effect of ATASP-1 interventions on
Seed Service (NSS), National Centre for Agricultural agricultural technology adoption by participants,
Mechanization (NCAM), Agricultural And Rural
Management Training Institute (ARMTI) and
Conceptual Framework
Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund
Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support
(ACGSF), Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and
Program (ATASP-1)
Rural Development Bank (NACRDB), Operation ATASP-1 was established in 2015 to achieve the
Feed the Nation(OFN) 1976, Green Revolution desired objectives that Agricultural Transformation
Programme 1980, Directorate Of Foods Roads and Agenda (ATA) fail to achieve and to overcome the
Rural Infrastructure (DFFRI) 1987; Nigerian limitations of ATA which was part of the Federal
Agricultural Insurance Company (NAIC), National Government of Nigeria’s effort to revamp the

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Agricultural Sector, ensure food security, diversify components of implementation for the promotion
the economy and enhance foreign exchange earnings activities namely;
(Agricultural Development Bank Group (ADBG), A. Infrastructure Development
2013). The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural B. Commodity Value Chain Development (Advisory
Development (FMARD), embarked on Agricultural Services, Agro input supply and capacity
Transformation Agenda support programme-1 with a building)
focus on the development of agricultural value chains, C. Program Management
including the provision of improved inputs such as
The environmental and social impacts and benefits of
seeds, fertilizer, increased productivity and
the Project have been analyzed through a detailed
production, as well as the establishment of Staple
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment
Crop Processing Zones. It also aimed at addressing
(SESA) in line with the requirements of the Nigerian
the reduction in post-harvest losses, improving
environmental regulations, and the Bank's
linkages with industry with respect to backward
Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures
integration, as well as access to financial services and
(ESAP, 2001). The expected impact of the
markets (Alhassan et al., 2019). The Agricultural
Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support
Transformation Agenda Support Programme-1 targets
Program Phase 1 (ATASP-1) is to contribute to the
rural communities particularly women, youth and
private-sector-led agricultural growth for food
farmers associations as well as improving rural
security, creation of jobs and shared wealth. Its
institutions and infrastructure (Federal Government of
specific objective is to increase on a sustainable basis
Nigeria (FGN), 2015).
the income of smallholder farmers and rural
1. Agricultural Intervention Activities of ATASP- entrepreneurs that are engaged in the production,
1 processing, storage and marketing of the priority
According to Agricultural Development Bank Group commodity value chains. ATASP-1 aims to improve
(ADBG, 2013), Agricultural Transformation Agenda agricultural production and productivity. To achieve
Support Program Phase 1(ATASP-1) has three this, the Program will comprise the following
components for the promotional activities in Table 1.
Table 1: ATASP-1 Intervention Activities.
Total Costs
Component Component Description
(UA million)
Rehabilitation of agricultural and ancillary social infrastructure including
1,300km of irrigation water conveyance canals (Kebbi, 280km; Sokoto,
175km; Niger, 220km; Kano, 230km; Enugu, 125km; Anambra, 75km
and Jigawa, 195km). 1,007 units of various hydraulic structures (Kebbi,
167; Sokoto, 120; Niger, 229; Kano, 104; Enugu, 182; Anambra, 100 and
Infrastructure 71.56 Jigawa, 105). 1,330km of feeder roads (Kebbi, 265km; Sokoto, 55km;
Development (55.0%) Niger, 235km; Kano, 330km; Enugu, 115km; Anambra, 80km and
Jigawa, 250km). Rehabilitation of 35 primary schools (5 per state), 14
health centres (2 per state), 70 potable water supply and sanitation
schemes (10 boreholes and accessories per state). 21 demonstration and
technology centres (3 per state), 21 community markets and storage
facilities (3 per state).
Capacity development for public (agricultural research, extension,
relevant ministries’ development such as Rural Development and
FMARD, Monitoring and Evaluation for efficient external supervision),
private (MFIs, agro-dealers, etc) and community-based (producers'
organizations, cooperatives, inter-professional bodies, etc.) institutions,
Commodity training value chain actors in technical and managerial skills, promoting
Value Chain the use of science and technology, training in post-harvest reduction
Development methods including food processing, business and entrepreneurship
training, training of communities and health workers on prevention and
management of common diseases as well as good nutrition, sanitation
and hygiene practices, development of market information system (MIS),
management of environmental and social impacts, implementation of
policies to promote private investment in agriculture.

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Coordination and supervision of program activities and program day to
day management based on adequate results measurement framework,
Program 20.43
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) implementation
Management (15.7%)
and supervision, program procurement, disbursement, financial
management, audit and reporting.
Total 130.09
Source: African Development Bank Group (ADBG, 2013).
ATASP-1 is implemented in four Staple Crops Processing Zones (SCPZs) of Adani-Omor, Bida-Badeggi, Kano-
Jigawa and Kebbi-Sokoto, and it covers 21 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in seven states: Anambra (Ogbaru
and Orumba North LGAs), Enugu (Uzo Uwani LGA), Jigawa (Hadejia LGA), Kano (Bunkure, Kura and Rano
LGAs), Kebbi (Argungu, Bagudo, Birnin Kebbi, Dandi, Ngaski, Shanga and Suru LGAs), Niger (Agaie, Gbako,
Lapai, Lavun, Katcha and Mokwa LGAs) and Sokoto (Kware LGA). The Processing Zones are specially
surrounded by expanses of land in areas of high agricultural production and potential where the localized
provision of a well-developed physical infrastructure such as access roads and energy, as well as water, are
necessities to support production, processing and marketing activities for selected commodities. The selected
areas in the processing zones are 39,560 hectares that have a high potential for rice, cassava, and sorghum
production and are among the 13 processing zones identified in the country's ATA (ADBG, 2013).
The direct beneficiaries are the 45,300 farmers and rural entrepreneurs participating in commercial agriculture
production and value chains. This number is expected to increase significantly when other economically active
value chain entrepreneurs enlist in the Program. The indirect beneficiaries include existing or potential small,
medium and large-scale entrepreneurs and business associations who provide services to rural households.
Among the target group, women and youth play a major role in crop and animal production, processing, small
enterprises operation and marketing. They will be specifically targeted for Program activities and benefits. The
Government of Nigeria has designated thirteen sites as Staple Crop Processing Zones (SCPZ), which should be
the entry points for any agricultural interventions in the country. Out of the thirteen, the African Development
Bank (ADB) has elected to work in four zones; Binda–Badeggi (Middle belt), Adani–Omor (East), Kebbi (North
West), and Kano (North).
The proposed intervention will complement the existing bank assisted programme and complement IFAD's
Community-Based Agriculture and Rural Development Project (CBARDP) and Community-Based Natural
Resource Management Program (CBNRMP) as well as the World Bank (WB) Fadama III, Sustainable Land
Management (SLM) and the West Africa Agricultural Productivity (WAAP) projects. The ATASP Phase 1
(2014-2019) would entail a multi-sectoral operation that would lead to the development of agricultural value
chains for selected crops. The project would contribute to poverty reduction and food security by enhancing the
income of smallholder farmers and small or medium-scale processors that are engaged in the production,
processing, storage and marketing of rice and cassava on a sustainable basis. The Bank's involvement will help:
1. complement and support the Government’s efforts for enhanced food security in the country.
2. support the ATA, a top priority program of the Government.
The main ATASP-1 project looks at constructing or rehabilitating agricultural and value addition infrastructure,
including conservation works. The complementary initiatives that are proposed to improve the ATASP-1
project's environmental or social performance according to ADBG (2013) include the following:
A. Capacity building
B. Reforestation
C. Catchment management of the facility or scheme hinterland
D. Production of organic manure from agro-processing waste
E. Health and HIV/AIDS mainstreaming
F. Agro-forestry
G. Stream bank stabilization and river training
H. Enhancing communication.
Performance and Farm Performance
Performance is the act or process of performing a task, an action and so. Performance is defined as the
accomplishment of a given task measured against pre-set known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and
speed. In a contract, performance is deemed to be the fulfilment of an obligation in a manner that released the

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performer from all liabilities under the contract business. Avram and Rus (2000) had the opinion that the term
performance has a Latin origin, where the verb performance had the meaning of finalizing a predetermined
activity. Now a day the significance of performance comes from the English Language from the verb to perform
which signifies the regular accomplishment of a thing that requires ability or a certain skill. The noun
performance denotes the manner of achieving the objectives predetermined by an entity.
The concept of performance has been based on many criteria. It has been posited that the performance of a
business founder is measured by the performance of the organization. This in turn is influenced by the
environment in which the organization emerges. Among the frequently used measures of performance are annual
sales, number of employees, growth in sales and growth in employee number (Mohammed and Abu, 2012).
Oforegbunam and Okorafor (2010) and Akinnawo (2003) measured SME performance using four basic
parameters critical to their operations. These include the ability to meet planned output quantities, the ability to
meet market demand for product/service, the ability to deliver quality products/service to customers, and, above
all, the ability to meet planned profit levels.
Farm Performance
It is not an overstatement to assert that the growth and development of any nation depend to a large extent on the
development and performance of agriculture (Ehigiamusoe, 2012). Unlike traditional development economists
such as Arthur Lewis who believed that agriculture plays a passive and supportive role, modern development
economists have come to realize that the agricultural sector in particular and the rural economy, in general, must
play an indispensable part in any overall strategy of economic progress, especially in developing countries. More
importantly, the majority of the world's poor live in rural areas, depends upon agriculture for their livelihood.
Agriculture is, therefore, critical both for poverty reduction and economic development (Abayomi, 1997). The
agricultural sector continues to play a crucial role in development, especially in low-income countries where the
sector is large both in terms of aggregate income and total labour force. Stagnation in agriculture is the principal
explanation for poor economic performance while rising agricultural productivity has been the most important
concomitant of successful industrialization. Generally, the sector contributes to the development of an economy
in four major ways namely; product contribution, factor contribution, market contribution and foreign exchange
contribution (Abayomi, 2002). Agricultural production continues to rise around the world, broadly keeping pace
with the rising population. The ability of agricultural production to keep pace with world population growth has
been impressive, defying some neo- Malthusian predictions that global food shortages would have emerged by
now. And it has been output gains in the developing world that have led the way.
Farm Technology Adoption
The traditional approach of the food industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. The first technology
revolution in agriculture made an impressive stride between 1961 and 2004; cereal yield rose by 2.8 percent a
year. This was made possible by modern farming practice which includes the use of irrigation, use of fertilizer
and pesticides while lowering the level of greenhouse gas (GHG) and coping with climate change (World Bank,
2008). Old technologies must be maximized and a new one generated since there is a need for the world to
produce 70 per cent more food for the world by 2050 (De-Clercq et al., 2018). Corroboratively, Abdullahi et al.
(2015) noted that AT is the solution to meet the food demand of the growing population in a rapidly changing
world with the prospect of decreasing arable land due to urbanization and industrialization. Some of the AT
needed to increase food production by 70 percent in 2050 includes; information communication technology
gadgets (ICT), farm management software, wireless sensors, a global positioning system (GPS), agricultural
machinery, among others.
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Retrieved 6 June 2020) referred to agricultural technologies (AT) as
a shift from the traditional or old system of farming operations. The introduction of AT has innovatively reduced
the demand for water use, fertilizer and pesticides application, a reduced impact on the ecosystem increased food
production, among other things. AT allows agricultural business to be more profitable, efficient, safer and more
environmentally friendly (De-Clercq et al., 2018). AT plays a pivotal role in sustaining both the expanding
population and their current and future prosperity, yet a profound ignorance of the importance of these
technologies at all level of the society has led to the regulatory regime that limits or prevent their application at a
time of increasing need for their benefit (Bartholomaeus, 2018). Thus, Nhamo and Chikoye (2017) assert that
AT is mainly to increase production, resolve biological, physical and socioeconomic issues related to farming
systems. Therefore, there is a need to tailor AT to a specific need or circumstance as well as future sustainability
and climate change projection. Future food production will rely heavily on the successful integration of a range
of technologies. The specific need like Edward and Duffy (2014) who assert that the use of GPS to pinpoint the

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exact spot on the farm will help the farmers collect very precise data about the crop yield, moisture and
incidence of pests. Therefore the application of fertilizer, pesticides and irrigation can be modified to fit the very
small area to improve the efficiency with which farm resources are used.
No matter how good AT is, it needs to be transferred, diffused and adopted by the farmers who needs it for
meaningful improvement for the preparation of the 70 percent increase in world food production by 2050. This
AT transfer is being facilitated by extension services, thus, Loevinsohn et al. (2012); Obianefo (2019) opined
that adoption is the process of accepting a new system or ways of doing things (planting, processing, etc.)
different from what the people are traditionally used to. These affirmed Bonabana-Wabbi (2002) who asserted
that adoption is the integration of new technology into an existing practise that is usually proceeded by a period
of trying and some degree of adaptation. This technological adoption was insinuated by Bonabana-Wabbi
(2002); Obianefo (2019) s a mental process an individual passes from the first time they heard about the
innovation to the time of final utilization of it.
A survey research design was adopted for the study. The study area is ATASP-1, Adani-Omor Zone made up of
Anambra and Enugu States, Nigeria. Based on the information supplied from the programme database, a total of
8,585 (Rice 3248 and Cassava 5337) farmers are participating in the programme from Anambra and Enugu
constitute the population for the study. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed by the researcher for the
selection of the study representative. Taro Yamane sample size determination was further used to derive the
sample size (730) of the study. R. Kumaison formula was adopted to allocate sample stratum for the study.
Primary and secondary data were collected and used in the study. The instrument was validated by ATASP-1
programme Coordinator in Anambra and Enugu State, and two experts from the Department of Cooperative
Economics and Management. A test-retest method was used to establish the reliability of the research
instrument. Copies of the questionnaire for the study were administered to forty (40) ATASP-1 farmers twice
after a fortnight and their responses were subjected to Crombach’s Alpha test of reliability, where their internal
consistency was determined at 5% Alpha level of significance and a 91% consistency level was established. The
study utilized a combination of descriptive, regression and inferential statistics in data analysis. Objective one
was achieved using descriptive statistics such as means score from five-point Likert scale while objective two
was achieved with a two-stage regression of probit and marginal effect (dy/dx). The hypotheses were tested at
5% of significance.
Discussion of the Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Participants with the view of determining the
appropriateness of their background to the programme
Table 1a: Socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents (n = 666)
Sn. Variables Frequency Percentage (%) Mean
1 Sex:
Female 289 43.4
Male 377 56.6
2 Age (years):
< 39 years 204 30.6
40 – 59 years 417 62.6 44.01
60 years and above 45 6.8
3 Marital status:
Married 585 87.8
Otherwise 81 12.2
4 Level of education:
0 ( no formal education) 89 13.4
1 – 6 years (primary) 312 46.8
7 – 12 years (secondary) 253 38.0 10.04
13 – 18 years (tertiary) 7 1.1
Above 18 years (postgraduate) 5 0.8

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5 Primary occupation:
Civil servants 132 19.8
Trading 132 19.8
Unemployed 112 16.8
Farmers 283 42.5
Retired 7 1.1
6 Farming experience (years):
1 – 5 years 50 7.5
6 – 10 years 150 22.5 19.92
11 – 15 years 83 12.5
above 15 years 383 57.5
7 Household size (people):
1 – 3 people 76 11.4
4 – 7 people 430 64.6 5.82
above 7 people 160 24.0
Above 300,000 14 2.1
Source: Field Survey Data, 2021.
Table 1a shows the socioeconomic characteristics of the participants. It revealed that the majority (56.6%) of the
participants are male, while the remaining are female. The table shows that 62.6% of the participants are within
the age of 40 – 49 years, 30.6% are within < 39 years and 6.8% are 60 years and above. The study revealed that
the average age of the farmers was approximately 44 years. Also, the majority (87.8%) of the farmers are
married, while others fall into other categories which means that they are either single or separated. The table
shows that a greater proportion (46.8%) of the farmers had primary education, while others had secondary
(38.0%), no formal education (13.4%), tertiary (1.1%) and post graduate education (0.8%). The average years
spent in the formal institution was approximately 10 years. The table shows that 42.5% of the participants are
primarily farmers, while 19.8% of them are civil servants and traders, 16.8% of them are unemployed and 1.1%
of them are retired from active service. It was also shown in the Table that the majority (57.5%) of the farmers
had above 15 years of farming experience, while others had 6 – 10 years (22.5%), 11 – 15 years (12.5%) and 1 –
5 years (7.5%) farming experience. The average farming experience was 19.9. On household size, the table
shows that the majority (64.6%) of the farmer’s household size was 4 – 7 people, while others had above 7
people (24.0%) and 1 – 3 people (11.4%) respectively. The average household size was 5.82.
Table 1b: Socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents continued
Sn. Variables Frequency Percentage (%) Mean
8 Farm size (ha):
0 – 2 ha 468 70.3
3 – 4 ha 170 25.5 2.43
Above 4 ha 28 4.2
9 Commodity type:
Cassava 341 51.2
Rice 325 48.8
10 Enterprise type:
Production 570 85.6
Processing 45 6.8
Marketing 51 7.7
11 Pre output (tons):
< 10 tons 528 79.3
11 – 20 tons 96 14.4 8.49
Above 20 tons 42 6.3
12 Post output (tons):
< 20 tons 509 76.4
21 – 30 tons 87 13.1 17.40
Above 30 tons 70 10.5
Source: Field Survey Data, 2021.

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Table 1b is a continuation of the socioeconomic characteristics of the participants. For farm size, it was revealed
that the majority (70.3%) of the farmers had 0 – 2 ha farmland, while others had 3 – 4 ha (25.5%) and above 4 ha
(4.2%). The mean farmland was 2.43 ha. 51.2% of the farmers are cassava farmers while 48.8% of them are rice
farmers. In an attempt to deliver the project mandate, the majority (85.6%) of the farmers are producers, while
7.7% are marketers and 6.8% are processors. The table shows that before the programme intervention, 79.3% of
the farmer's annual output was < 10 tons, while 14.4% are from 11 – 20 tons and 6.3% are above 20 tons. The
study also revealed that the majority (76.4%) of the farmers recorded < 20 tons per annum since joining the
programme, while others recorded 21 – 30 tons (13.1%) and above 30 tons (10.5%). The findings revealed that
the annual farm output as a result of programme participation was 17.40 tons.
ATASP -1 Intervention Projects
Table 4.2a: ATASP -1 Intervention projects
Strongly Somewhat Strongly
S/N ATASP -1 Intervention projects Agree Disagree Total Mean
agree agree disagree
A. Infrastructure development:
i Construction of feeder roads 265 288 372 398 218 1541 2.31
ii Land development 245 620 483 512 45 1905 2.86
iii Construction Market Store and Stall 760 736 537 126 88 2247 3.37
Drilling of borehole and pipe-borne
iv 270 300 381 326 247 1524 2.29
water projects
v Construction of canals/irrigation 175 608 513 404 106 1806 2.71
vi Establishment of Aggregation Centre 765 680 633 154 55 2287 3.43
vii Provision of Toilets 710 644 501 176 108 2139 3.21
viii Upgrading of milling centres 775 596 537 212 77 2197 3.30
Cluster mean 2.94
B. Financial/market development
Provision of financial grants to
ix 1175 792 429 112 34 2542 3.82
Purchase of micro-enterprises equipment
(Threshers, parboiling drum, Tricycles,
x 800 744 342 246 83 2215 3.33
Harvesters, Planters, power tiller, De-
stoner, Knapsack sprayer)
Provision of startup capital to artisan and
xi 1265 880 354 88 31 2618 3.93
petty traders
Giving welfare and upkeep funds to
xii widows, elderly people and vulnerable 1290 792 384 90 37 2593 3.89
Provision of Input
xiii 575 412 402 296 166 1851 2.78
For quality measure: Provision of weight
xiv 670 700 666 162 54 2252 3.38
and measure (scales)
xv Linkages to off-takers 585 632 453 290 95 2055 3.09
xvi Formation of commodity alliance forum 520 512 447 354 108 1941 2.91
Cluster mean 3.39
C. Commodity value chain development
Youth and women empowerment
xvii 765 696 588 110 88 2247 3.37
xviii Linkages to Agro dealers 850 804 546 152 37 2389 3.59
Training on Good Agronomic Practices
xix 895 780 543 106 58 2382 3.58
Capacity building and skills acquisition
Training (Training of Fabricators/Input
xx 885 696 498 118 90 2287 3.43
dealers/women on crop processes,
business model development)

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xxi Capacity building on conflict resolution 855 712 549 154 57 2327 3.49
Provision of soil laboratory for soil
xxii 1045 836 609 66 12 2568 3.86
xxiii Gender equality campaign 885 736 597 138 37 2393 3.59
xxiv Capacity building on learning routes 515 592 648 346 26 2127 3.19
Training on Smart tractor and Power
xxv 925 696 342 284 51 2298 3.45
tiller operation
Cluster mean 3.51
Source: Field Survey Data, 2021.
The programme intervention and participants agree to the existence of the projects is presented in table 4.2a. The
researcher used five points Likert scale to capture information on the project intervention, a benchmark of 3.0
was set as the mean threshold upon which decision on whether the farmers are in agreement or disagreement
with the project under view was accepted. Projects with a mean score of 3.0 and above were accepted while
those below the threshold of 3.0 were rejected. These projects interventions were classified into three
(infrastructure, financial/market and commodity value chain development).
Based on the eight items of infrastructure development projects listed, four had a mean threshold of 3.0 which
implies that the infrastructure development interventions completed and in agreement with the farmers are
construction market store and stall (m = 3.37), the establishment of aggregation centre (m = 3.43), provision of
toilets (m = 3.21) and upgrading of milling centres (m = 3.30). The cluster mean of 2.94 is an indication that
most of the projects are still ongoing or are yet to be completed and put into use by the farmers or beneficiaries.
Equally, for the financial/market development interventions, based on the eight items of financial or market
development interventions identified, six had a mean threshold of 3.0 which are the provision of financial grants
to cooperatives (m = 3.82), purchase of micro-enterprises equipment (threshers, parboiling drum, tricycles,
harvesters, planters, power tiller, de-stoner, knapsack sprayer) (m = 3.33), provision of startup capital to artisan
and petty traders (m = 3.93), giving welfare fund and upkeep fund to widows, elderly people and vulnerable
groups (m = 3.89), for quality measure: provision of weight and measure (scales) (m = 3.38) and linkages to off-
takers (m = 3.09). The cluster mean of 3.39 implies that the programme beneficiaries agreed to most of the items
Furthermore, table 4.2a revealed that out of the nine items of commodity value chain development intervention
listed, nine of them had a mean threshold of 3.0 which are youth and women empowerment programme (m =
3.37), linkages to agro-dealers (m = 3.59), training on good agronomic practices (gap) (m = 3.58), capacity
building and skills acquisition training (training of fabricators/input dealers/women on crop processes, business
model development) (m = 3.43), capacity building on conflict resolution (m = 3.49), provision of soil laboratory
for soil testing (m = 3.86), gender equality campaign (m = 3.59), capacity building on learning routes (m = 3.19),
training on smart tractor and power tiller operation (m = 3.45). The cluster mean of 3.51 is an indication that the
beneficiaries accented to the intervention under view.
2. Agricultural Technology Adoption
Table 4.2b: Agricultural technology adoption
strongly moderately not Strongly not
Sn. Technology adopted adopted Total Mean
adopted adopted adopted adopted
i Use of improved seed variety 820 560 471 188 111 2150 3.23
Use of climate-smart
ii 35 200 783 514 91 1623 2.44
Use of ICT extension facility
iii 375 688 840 236 21 2160 3.24
(android, etc.)
iv Soil test 240 1192 450 200 70 2152 3.23
v Seed/germination test 70 456 624 472 94 1716 2.58
Use of tractor for land
vi 400 420 426 472 103 1821 2.73
Observing best practices in
vii 25 0 396 564 247 1232 1.85
farming and processing

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Keeping good
viii farm/processing record to 620 628 609 232 66 2155 3.24
track changes
Observing planting/sowing
ix 50 48 564 530 191 1383 2.08
depth and distance
x Use of fertilizer 615 516 531 246 114 2022 3.04
xi Use of agro-chemical 635 580 429 244 129 2017 3.03
Purchase of input from
xii 550 452 582 334 82 2000 3.00
certified agro-dealer
use of global positioning
xiii 465 852 717 180 31 2245 3.37
system (GPS)
xiv Use of planter 990 976 231 186 54 2437 3.66
xv Use of harvester 830 1132 168 194 64 2388 3.59
Cluster mean 2.95
Source: Field Survey Data, 2021.
Table 4.2b shows the agricultural technology adoption of the respondents. Five points Likert scale was equally
used to capture information on technology adoption by the programme participants, a benchmark of 3.0 was set
as the mean threshold upon which decision on whether the farmers adopted or did not adopt a particular
technology. Technology with a mean score of 3.0 and above was adopted while those below the threshold of 3.0
was not adopted. Based on the fifteen (15) technology disseminated to the farmers, ten (10) had a mean
threshold of 3.0 which are use of improved seed variety (M = 3.23), use of ICT extension facility (android, etc.)
(M = 3.34), soil testing (M = 3.23), keeping good farm/processing record to track changes (M = 3.24), use of
fertilizer (M = 3.04), use of agro-chemical (M = 3.03), purchase of input from certified agro-dealer (M = 3.00),
use of global positioning system (GPS) (M = 3.37), use of planter (M = 3.66) and use of harvester (M = 3.59).
The cluster mean of 2.95 is an indication that the farmers have not completely adopted the technology
disseminated in the programme.
Effect of ATASP-1 Interventions on Agricultural Technology Adoption by Participants.
Table 4.2c: Tobit estimation of the effect of ATASP-1 intervention on agricultural technology
Promotional activities Coefficient Std. Err. t-ratio
Infrastructure development 0.033 0.003 12.74***
Financial/market development 0.018 0.004 4.63***
commodity value chain development 0.011 0.004 2.87**
Constant 1.360 0.162 8.4***
Diagnostic statistics
Pseudo R2 0.805
Likelihood ratio (LR) 401.18***
Log-likelihood ratio -48.624
N 666
Source: Field Survey Data, 2021. (*) Sig. @ 10%, (**) Sig. @ 5%, (***) Sig. @ 1%
The study adopted a censured regression analysis to The coefficient of infrastructure development (0.033)
investigate the effect of the programme intervention was positive and significant at a 1% level of
on the adoption behaviour of the farmers. The Pseudo significance, this implies that a marginal increase in
R2 which is the same as the coefficient of multiple the number of infrastructure interventions will
determinants had the value of 0.805 implying that the increase or aid farmer's technology adoption by 3.3%.
project interventions explained 80.5% variation in Again, the coefficient of financial/market
farmer's technology adoption, while the remaining development (0.018) was positive and significant at a
19.5% unexplained was as a result of external noise 1% level of significance, this implies that a marginal
or error beyond the project implementation. The increase in the number of financial/market
likelihood ratio (401.18***) was significant at a 1% development interventions will increase or aid
level of significance which implies that programme farmer's technology adoption by 1.8%.
intervention had a significant effect on the general
Furthermore, the coefficient of commodity value
model and was a good fit.
chain development (0.011) was positive and

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