Training and Development As A Tool For Enhancing Employee's Productivity: A Case Study of Ashaka Cement Company, Nigeria Plc.
Training and Development As A Tool For Enhancing Employee's Productivity: A Case Study of Ashaka Cement Company, Nigeria Plc.
Training and Development As A Tool For Enhancing Employee's Productivity: A Case Study of Ashaka Cement Company, Nigeria Plc.
6 765
2 authors, including:
Ibrahim Ahmed
Gombe State University
All content following this page was uploaded by Ibrahim Ahmed on 07 September 2020.
Abstract: This research work is embarked upon to give practical knowledge of “Training and Development as
a tool for enhancing employee’s productivity: A Case study of Ashaka Cement company Plc.” It aims at
examining the instrumentality of training and development in enhancing employee productivity. A simple
random sample was adopted in selecting 50 respondents from the company and responses obtained through
interview and administration of questionnaires. The data was analysed using tables and percentages and found
that training and employee productivity correlates positively, training is a necessity and tribalism, undue
favouritism, Sectionalism, and costs of training are problems associated with training and development. Base on
this, the researcher recommended that, Ashaka Cem. Plc should understand that training and employee
productivity have a positive relationship. They should also see training and development as a necessity and also
not to tolerate tribalism, undue favouritism, religious bias, sectionalism when selecting staff for training. 17 | Page
Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity” A Case Study ….
Sources of Data:
Primary sources of data collection in which personal interview and questionnaire will be used and Secondary
sources of data collection; in which textbooks, journals, newspapers and other similar sources will be used. 18 | Page
Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity” A Case Study ….
to the examination and analysis of training and development as a tool for enhancing employees’ productivity
with Ashaka Cement Company Plc. as a case study. However, certain factors that pose limitations to the study
such as finance will be the major constraint to this study which is involved in sourcing relevant materials, time
and costs of transportation to Ashaka Cement factory.
Moreover, due to the increasing demand for cement in northern Nigeria in 1972, the federal
government in its effort and concern for economic growth and development invited experts to carry out a
feasibility study for establishing cement works at Ashaka. Results of the survey confirmed the potential viability
of the first Cement works in the North-Eastern Zone of Nigeria.
Consequently, in 1974, Ashaka Cement Company was established as part of the initiative of the
Nigerian Industrial Development Bank (NIDB), the Federal Government of Nigeria, the Nigerian Bank for
Commerce and Industry (NBCI), the Northern Nigeria Investment, , limned and the North-Eastern Zone of
Nigeria in collaboration with the Blue Circle Industry of UK.
The principal shareholders then were the Nigerian federal government, the government of the North-
Eastern States and the Blue circle. Blue circle was the one given the responsibility of designing and building the
new works and also participating as management partners.
In July, 2000, as a result of worldwide acquisition of Blue Circle industries plc. by Lafarge SA France;
West African Portland Cement Plc. and Ashaka Cement Company became subsidiaries of Lafarge. The
integration of WAPCO and Ashaka into Lafarge group was concluded in 2002.
Presently, the company has a shareholding structure of 50.16% by Lafarge France and 49.84% was
owned by the Nigerian public under the privatization and commercialization policy of the Federal Government.
Drainage System: The area is drained principally by rivers and its tributaries which are dominated by a major
drainage system and river Maza. This river raises through a number of faults controlled tributaries from the
highlands employing into the north-south flowing river Gongila in the south-east of the state.
Topography: The terrain has a gentle gradient from the west of the factory site, a high relief and this form a
very steep scarp as exemplified in the Gongila village map of the northern part of the factory. Approaching the
North-South ward of Ashaka village, the gradient is very gentle. The Southward of the company is gentle
undulating, but rising gently from about 280m above the sea level in the South-Eastern part.
Climate: The climate of this area is typical of the Northern belt of Nigeria; with a mean annual rainfall of 75-
112cm; mean annual temperature of about 24-27oC. 19 | Page
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training and development? a more pertinent question would be, can we afford "not" to spend on training and
Management development consist of all activities by which managers learn to improve their behaviour and
performance. It is designed to prepare them for higher jobs in the future.
Chhabra, Ahuja & Jain as cited in Chhabra (2006), "management development is the process by which mangers
acquire not only skills and competencies in their present jobs but also capabilities for future managerial tasks of
increasing difficulty and scope". Thus management development is a planned, systematic and continuous
process of learning and growth designed to induce behavioural change in individuals by cultivating their mental
abilities and inherent qualities through the acquisition, understanding and use of new knowledge, insights and
skills as they are needed for effective managing.
Development of managers takes place not only by participating in formal courses of instruction drawn
by the organization, but also through actual job experience in the organization. It should be recognized that it is
for the organization to provide development opportunities for its managers and other employees. But an equal,
perhaps more important, counterpart to the efforts of the organization are those of the individuals. Self-
development is an important concept in the whole program of management of development. The participants
must have the capacity and motivation to learn and develop themselves. 20 | Page
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5. Training specifically focuses on making the employee learn about a new technology or new advancements in
his routine process; whereas development is done for the enhancement of the personal qualities of an employee.
In a nutshell, training is a narrow term; whereas development is a broad term.
Education: Education will be taken to mean any long-term learning activity aimed at preparing individuals for
a variety of roles in society. It relates to the basic instruction in knowledge and skills designed to enable people
to make the most of life in general, it is personal and broadly based. Closely related to fulfilling organizational
goals and objectives improving productivity and providing quality products and services. Long before any actual
training occurs, the training manager must determine who, what, when, where, why and how of training by
conducting needs assessment.
The need which is being assessed is generally described as a gap between what is currently in place and
what is needed, now and in the future. Gaps can include difference between what the organisation expects to
happen and what actually happens, current and desired job performance, existing and desired competencies and
skills etc.
Once the needs assessment is completed and training objectives are clearly identified, the design phase
of the training and development process is initiated, then implementation and evaluation. 21 | Page
Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity” A Case Study ….
Apprenticeship programmes: in this system, a learner works alongside an experienced employee to master the
skills and procedures of a craft. Sometimes, it involves classroom training. Many skill works such as plumbing,
electrician, mechanics, etc, require apprenticeship training.
Vestibule training (near the job training): it is done in classrooms where employees are taught on equipment
similar to that used on the job. The trainees are trained off their regular work area but in an environment closely
resembling their workplace. Trainee practices with identical equipment that he/she uses at his/her regular
workplace. They learn proper methods and safety procedures before assuming a specific job assignment in an
Job rotation: this is a training device that make it necessary to move the trainee from one department or unit to
another to master what goes on in that section. The essence is to broaden his experience in different jobs.
Employee orientation: is the activity that initiates new employees to the organisation to fellow employees, to
their immediate supervisors and to the policies, practices, and objectives of the firm. Orientation programmes
include everything from informal talks to formal activities that last a day or more and include schedule visits to
various departments and require reading of hand books.
Online training: In this training method employees “attend” classes through the internet. Such programmes are
sometime called distance learning because the trainees are separated by distance from the trainer or content
source. 22 | Page
Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity” A Case Study ….
suggest solutions. These solutions are then compared to the actual solutions that were previously developed in
solving such problems.
iii. Role playing: Includes people to assume the role of a specific individual under specific organisational
conditions. 23 | Page
Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity” A Case Study ….
It decreases 1 2.86
It increases 34 97.14
Total 35 100.00
Analysis: Table 4.8 above show that 1 respondent representing 3% responded that training and development
decreases productivity; while 34 respondents representing 97% are of the view that it increases productivity.
This shows that training and development increases productivity and it is a commonly held view among the
Table 2: Relationship between training and employee productivity.
Responses No. Of respondents Percentage (%)
Positive 33 94.29
Negative 1 2.86
Undecided 1 2.86
Total 35 100.00
Analysis: table 4.10 above indicate that 33 employees of Ashaka representing 94% responded that the
relationship that exists between training and employee productivity is positive and an employee representing 3%
also did not respond accordingly.
Excellent 10 28.57
Good 13 37.14
Fair 11 31.43
Bad 0 0.00
Undecided 1 2.86
Total 35 100.00
Analysis: Table 4.12 above shows that 10 respondents representing 29% and 13 respondents representing 37%
comment that the company’s training and development policies are excellent and good respectively; while 11
respondents representing 31% comment that they are fair; none responded that it is bad and one representing 3%
did not respond. Based on this result, we can conclude that Ashaka cement has good training and development
policies and programmes. 24 | Page
Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity” A Case Study ….
Frequently 6 17.14
Occasionally 27 77.14
Undecided 1 2.86
Total 35 100.00
Analysis: Table 4.13 above shows that 6 respondents representing 17% responded that the company use to send
its staff for training and development frequently. 27 respondents representing 77% agreed that the company
sends their staff for training and development occasionally, while one respondent is of the view that the
company is not sending at all; and one did not respond.
Table 5: Necessity of employee training and development in Ashaka Cement Company Plc.
Responses No. Of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 34 97.14
No 1 2.86
Total 35 100.00
Analysis: from table 4.14, 34 respondents representing 97% opined that training and development is necessary
in the company, while 1 respondent representing 3% responded that training is not necessary. This implies that
training and development in the organisation is necessary.
Yes 14 40.00
No 21 60.00
Total 35 100.00
Analysis: Table 4.15 above shows that 14 respondents representing 40% are of the view that cost of training
may reduce the level of training activity in Ashaka Cement company, while 21 respondents representing 60%
are of the view that cost of training not reduce the level of training and development in Ashaka. Base on this
result; cost of training and development any not reduce the level of training and development in Ashaka Cement
Company. Three respondents representing 9% mention cost of training as problems associated with training and
development in Ashaka Cement Company, which a little bit contradicts this result.
IV. Summary
Central to this project work is to advance the frontiers of knowledge empirically on, “training and
development as a tool for enhancing employee’s productivity; with Ashaka Cement Plc as case study”.
Therefore, with respect to this research work, the researcher found that the idea of training and
development is common to almost all employees. Most of the workers in Ashaka Cem. Plc have received
training and that there is a positive relationship between training and employee productivity. However, it is 25 | Page
Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity” A Case Study ….
occasionally that Ashaka Cem. Plc sends its staff for training development, we discovered that training and
development is necessary. Problems associated with training and development are tribalism, interest
(subjectivity), religious bias, high cost of training, undue favouritism, corruption, poor management policies,
failure to evaluate and receive training feedback, etc.
V. Conclusions
Base on the findings of this research, we acknowledged the importance of training and development,
the need to make efforts in planning, training and development, policies and programmes considering that a
positive relationship exist between training and employee productivity. But yet, problems and challenges exists
which hinder the effectiveness of training and development.
VI. Recommendations
In the first place, Ashaka Cement Plc and other organizations in general, should understand that
training and employee productivity has a positive relationship. Organisations should have a well established
training and development policies and programme and see training and development as necessary. Thus,
managers should provide training and development opportunities for their workers.
Moreover, organisations should evaluate and receive feedback and shun tribalism, undue favouritism,
religious bias and sectionalism among others for not only the betterment of employees themselves but the entire
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