Pavement Materials and Construction (PM&C)
Pavement Materials and Construction (PM&C)
Pavement Materials and Construction (PM&C)
Flexible Pavements:
Specifications of materials, Construction method and field control checks for various types of
flexible pavement layers.
Cement Concrete Pavements:
Specifications and method of cement concrete pavement construction (PQC, importance of
providing DLC as sub base and polythene thin layer between PQC and sub base). Quality
control tests, Construction of various types of joints.
This chapter provides a general overview of construction procedures such as specification
of materials, surface preparation, compaction and quality control tests are also discussed
Granular sub base layer
a. Specification of material
The materials to be used for the work shall be natural sand, moorum, gravel, crushed stone or
combination depending on grading requirement.
The materials shall be free from organic or deleterious constituents & should conform to one
of the three grading given in table below are in respect of close graded granular sub base
Table shown below is for coarse graded materials.
b. Physical requirements
a) The material shall have 10% finer value of 50KN or more.
b) If the water absorption value for coarse aggregates exceeds 2%, soundness test is carried
c) The material passing 425 micron sieve for all 3 gradings shall have liquid limit & plasticity
Index not more than 25 & 6%.
c. Construction Operations –
a) Preparation of sub grade –
Before laying sub base, the sub grade should be prepared by removing vegetation &
extraneous matter, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary & rolled with two passes of 80 –
100KN smooth wheeler roller.
b) Spreading & Compacting –
i. The sub base material should be spread on prepared sub grade with help of motor
grader, its blades having controls for maintaining the required slope & grade.
ii. When sub – base material have combination of materials, mixing is done
iii. Manual mixing is permitted where the width of laying is small for mechanical
iv. The equipment used for min – in place construction is rotavator.
v. Moisture control of loose material shall be checked with IS – 2720 & suitably
adjusted by sprinkling water from truck mounted or trailer mounted water tank.
vi. At the time of compaction, water content should be from 1% above to 2% below the
optimum moisture content.
vii. After adding water it is processed by horrows, rotavators until the layer is uniformly
viii. Immediately rolling will start, if the thickness of compacted layer does not exceed
100mm, a smooth wheeled roller is used. For a compacted single layer upto 225mm,
vibratory roller or heavy pneumatic tyred roller of min 200 to 300KN wt is used.
ix. Rolling will start from lower edge & proceed towards upper edge longitudinally to
achieve super elevation & unidirectional cross fall & should start at both edges &
progress towards centre for portions having cross fall on both sides.
x. Each pas of roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one third of track made in
preceding pass. The speed of roller shall not exceed 5km per hour.
xi. Rolling is continued till the density is achieved at least 98% of MDD for the material
xii. The surface of any layer of material on completion of compaction shall be will closed,
free from movement under compaction equipment & from compaction planes, ridges,
cracks or loose materials. If so happens it should be re – compacted.
Surface Finish & Quality control of work – The surface finish of construction & control on
the quality of materials & works shall be in accordance with section 900, the tests to be
conducted are as below –
i. Crushed Slag – It is made from air cooled blast furnace slag. It should be angular shape,
reasonably uniform in quality & density. The weight of crushed slag shall not be less than
11.2 kN/m3& percentage of glossy material shall not be more than 20 water absorption
should not be more than 10% sulphur content should not exceed 2%.
ii. Crushed or Broken Stone – It should be hard, durable & free from excess flat, elongated,
soft & disintegrated particles, dirt & other deleterious material.
iii. Over burnt (Jhama) bick aggregates – It should be made from over burnt bricks or
brick bats & be free from dust & deleterious materials.
iv. Grading requirement of coarse aggregates – The coarse aggregates shall conform to
one of the grading given in table, the use of Grading No – 1 shall be restricted to sub – base
courses only.
The compacted thickness for a layer with Grading – I shall be 100mm while for layer with
other gradings 2 & 3 should be 75mm.
v. Screenings – It is used to fill voids in coarse aggregates which consists of same material as
the coarse aggregate. Such as non plastic materials like moorum or gravel is used provided
liquid limit & plasticity Index are below 20 & 6 respectively & fraction passing 75 micron
sieve does not exceed 10%. Screenings should conform to the grading serial in table given
below. It should be omitted in case of soft aggregates such as brick metal, kankar, laterites etc
as they get crushed under rollers.
vi. Binding Material – It is used as a filler material for WBM having PI value less than 6,
the quantity of binding material to be used depend on type of screening. Generally, the
quantity required for 75 mm compacted thicknesses will be 0.06 – 0.09m3/10m2 & for
100mm compacted thickness it will be around 0.08 – 0.10m3/10m2.
II. Construction Operations –
a) Preparation of Base –
The surface of subgrade / sub base to receive WBM coarse shall be prepared to specified
lines & cross fall & made free of dust & other materials. Levelling course is used to correct
the irregularities in the profile.
Laying of WBM over thick bituminous layer is avoided due to the internal drainage of the
pavement at the interface of 2 courses.
Where the intensity of rain is low & the interface drainage facility is efficient WBM can be
laid over the existing thin bituminous surface by cutting 50mm X 50mm furrows at an angle
of 45o to the centre line at one metre interval.
b) Invented Choke –
If WBM is to be land directly over subgrade, a 25mm coarse of screening B or coarse sand is
spread before application of aggregates.
In case of find sand or silty or clayey subgrade, it is advisable to lay 100mm of screening or
coarse sand on top of fine grained soil.
As an alternative to inverted choke, geo synthesis are used for separation & drainage over the
prepared subgrade.
c) Spreading Coarse Aggregates –
The coarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly & evenly upon the prepared subgrade in
thickness not more than 100mm for Grading – I & 75mm for Grading – II & III.
The spreading shall be done from stockpiles along the side of road way or directly from
vehicles. No segregation between aggregates is allowed & it must be of uniform gradation
with no fine material.
The surface of the aggregates shall be checked carefully by removing or adding aggregates at
high or low spots & it is checked with a straight edge.
The coarse aggregates should not normally be spread more than 3 days.
d) Rolling –
Rolling is started immediately after spreading by three wheeled power rollers, or tandem or
vibratory rollers 80 to 100KN static weight.
Except on super elevated portions where the rolling will proceed from inner edge to outer &
it begins from edges gradually progressing towards centre.
During rolling, slight sprinkling of water may be done if necessary.
Rolling is not done when subgrade is soft or yielding or when it cause a wave like motion
in the subgrade or sub base course.
The rolled surface shall be checked transversely & longitudinally with templates & corrected
or re – rolled to derived camber & grade.
Materials getting crushed during compaction should be removed & replaced. Shoulders are
built up simultaneously along with WBM courses.
e) Application of Screenings –
After the coarse aggregate has been rolled, screenings are applied to fill the voids.
There shall not be damp or wet at the time of application. Dry rolling shall be done while the
screenings are being spread so that it will settle into voids.
The screenings are spread uniformly in thin layers by hand shovels or by mechanical
spreaders or from dipper.
The screening is applied at a slow & uniform rate so as to ensure filling of voids
accompanied by dry rolling & brooming with mechanical or hand brooms or both.
These operations shall continue until no more screenings fills voids of aggregates.
The spreading, rolling & brooming of screenings could be completed in one day.
f) Sprinkling of water and grouting –
After the screenings are applied, the surface should be sprinkled with water, swept & rolled.
Hand brooms are used to sweep & distribute wet screenings evenly. It is continued until
coarse aggregate has been thoroughly keyed, well bonded & firmly set in full depth & a grout
has been formed of screenings.
g) Application of Binding Material –
After application of screening, binding material is applied in 2 or more thin layers at a slow &
uniform rate. After each application water is sprinkled & swept with brooms to fill the voids
& rolled. This is continued till a wave head of the wheels of the moving roller is formed on
h) Setting & drying –
After final compaction of WBM course, the pavement is allowed to dry overnight Next
morning spots be filled with screenings or binding materials & lightly sprinkled with water &
No traffic shall be allowed on the load until the macadam has set.
The compacted WBM course should be allowed to completely dry & set before the next
pavement course is laid over it.
III. Quality control tests on Water Bound Macadam Course –
The evaluation of density results & acceptance criteria for compaction control shall be on
lines similar to those subgrade / embankment as we discussed earlier.
If the water absorption value of aggregates is greater than 2%, soundness test is carried out.
b) Grading requirements for WMM is given in table below.
Materials finer than 425micron shall have plasticity Index not more than 6.
II. Construction Operations –
a) Preparation of base – It is done us the same as WBM layer as we have discussed earlier.
b) Provision of lateral confinement of aggregates – while constructing WMM, arrangement
shall be made for lateral confinement of wet mix. This shall be done by laying in adjoining
shoulders along with WMM.
c) Preparation of mix – WMM is prepared in mixing plant where pug mill or pan type mixer
of concrete batching plant is used. Optimum moisture for mixing is determined at the time of
compaction, water in the WMM should not vary from optimum value. The mixed material
should be uniformly wet & no segregation is permitted.
d) Spreading of mix –
Immediately after mixing it is spread uniformly & evenly on prepared subgrade /
subbase / base. In no case it should be dumped in heaps.
The mix may be spread by paver finisher or motor grader.
The motor grader is cable of spreading the material uniformly so as to achieve the specified
slope & grade.
No segregation of large & fine particles should be allowed.
e) Compaction –
After the mix has been laid to required thickness, grade & crossfall the same shall be
compacted uniformly to the full depth by roller.
If the thickness is 100mm single layer, smooth wheel roller is used. For compacted single
layer upto 200mm vibratory roller is used.
Same kind of rolling as in WBM is done as we discussed before.
Along forms, kerbs, walls or other inaccessible places for rollers, mechanical tampers or plate
compactor is used.
Rolling should not be done when the subgrade in soft.
If irregularities develop during rolling which exceed 12mm when tested with 3m straight
edge, the surface should be loosened & premixed material added or removed.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is atleast 98% of the max dry density for
the material.
After completion, the surface of any finished layer is well closed, free from movement under
compaction equipment or any compaction planes, ridges, cracks & loose material.
All loose, segregated area shall be made good to the full thickness of layer &
f) Setting & Drying – After final compaction of wet mix macadam course, the rolad shall be
allowed to dry for 24 hours.
g) Opening to traffic – Preferably no vehicular traffic or any kind should be allowed on
finished WMM surface till it has dried & the wearing course is laid.
bitumen spread & extent of penetration, it is called „full grout‟ & „semi grout‟ when depth is
full or half & is adopted in heavy & moderate rain fall regions respectively.
The quantity of aggregates required for 10m2 of BM are 0.60 to 0.75m3 & 0.9 to 1m3
respectively for 50 & 75mm compacted thickness.
II. Construction Procedure –
a) Preparation of existing layer – The existing layer is properly profiled & even & cleaned.
b) Tack Coat or Prime Coat application – A tack coat is applied of thin layer of bitumen
binder using sprayer or pouring can.
c) Premix Preparation – The bitumen binder & aggregates are separately heated and then
placed in mixer & is mixed till a homogenous mixture is formed & carried to site by
transporter or wheel borrow.
d) Placement – Paving mixture is placed in a desired location & is spread with rakes to pre –
determined thickness. The camber profile is checked with template.
e) Rolling & finishing the Paving Mix – The rolling is done using tandem roller. The rolling
is commenced from edge of pavement to centre. The finished surface should not show
separate lines of markings the roller wheels are kept damp. A variation of 6mm over 3m
length is allowed in the cross profile. The number of undulations exceeding 10mm should not
be less than 30 in 300m length of pavement.
Construction Procedure –
a. Preparation of Base – The surface should be swept clean using mechanical broom & is
prepared to uniform grade. Prime coat may be used & tack coat are applied over base.
Preparation of mix is same as BM as discussed earlier.
b. Spreading – It is spread by self propelled paver for spreading, tamping & finishing the mix
to desired grade, lines.
In restricted areas & narrow widths, manual laying of mix or mechanical paver are used.
Temperature is 120o– 160oC at the time of laying.
c. Rolling –
It is compacted initially by smooth wheeled roller, intermediate rolling by vibratory roller or
pneumatic roller & finishing rolling is done by tandem roller.
The rollers shall not be allowed to stand on pavement which has not been full compacted
& temperature is more than 70oC.
The wheels of roller shall be kept moist to prevent adhesion.
Rolling with start from edge to centre line of pavement, both directions.
Each pass of roller shall overlap one by half the width of rear wheel.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is atleast 98%.
It is completed in all respects before the temp of mix falls below 100oC.
d. Opening to traffic –
Traffic may be allowed after completion of the final rolling is done.
DBM is provided with proper wearing course before opening to normal traffic or rain.
Bituminous Concrete –
I Specification of Materials –
1) Bitumen – Same as DBM
Bitumen, Fine aggregates, Filler, Coarse aggregate are all same as DBM but Grading
Mix Design –
1) Marshall Stability 820Kg (Min)
2) Marshall Flow 2–4
3) % air voids 3–5
4) VMA 11 – 13%
5) VFB 65 – 75
6) Binder Content Min 45
7) Water Sensitivity Min 75%
8) Swell Test 1.5% Max
II. Construction Operations –
Preparation of Base – The base on which bituminous concrete is to be laid shall be prepared,
shaped & conditioned to the specified levels, grade and crossfall (Camber).
The surface shall be thoroughly swept clean free from dust and other matter using mechanical
broom and dust removed by mechanical means or blown off by compressed air. In portions
where mechanical means cannot reach, other approved method is used.
Applying tack coat, preparation of mix, spreading, rolling are same as DBM layer as we have
discussed earlier.
Opening to Traffic – Traffic may be allowed immediately after completion of final rolling
when the mix has cooled down to surrounding temperature.
Seal Coat
a) Scope – This work shall consist of application of seal coat for sealing the voids in
bituminous surface.
b) Specification of Materials –
Binder – Suitable grade appropriate to region, traffic, rain fall & other environmental
Stone chippings for type (A) & type (B) seal coat – It should consists of angular fragments of
clean, hard, durable, tough and free from dust, soft or flaky elongated material, organic
matter. It should be 6.7mm size and 0.18mm size respectively.
c) Purpose –
a) To seal the surfacing against the ingress of water.
b) To develop skid resistance texture.
c) To enliven an existing dry or weathered bituminous surface.
Surface Dressing –
a) Scope – This work shall consists of the application of one coat or 2 coats of surface
dressing, each coat consisting of a layer of bituminous binder sprayed on base followed by
cover of chippings rolled to form wearing course.
b) Specification of Materials -
Binder – It should be of suitable grade appropriate to region, traffic, rainfall.
Stone Chipping – The stone polishing value should not be less than 55 & water
absorption restricted to 1%.
Quantities of Materials – For single coat or the first coat of 2 coat surface dressing,
13.2mm size where it passes 100% 22.4mm & retained on 11.2mm IS Sieve. For second coat,
11.2mm passing 100% 13.2mm Sieve & retained on 5.6mm Sieve.
c) Purpose –
To serve as a thin wearing course of pavement & to protect the base course.
To water proof the pavement surface and to prevent infiltration of water.
To provide dust – free pavement surface in dry weather & mud – free pavement in wet
Mastic Asphalt –
It is a mixture of bitumen, fine aggregates & filler in suitable proportions which yields a
voidless & impermeable mass. Though the ingredients in mastic asphalt when cooled results
in hard,stable & durable layer suitable to withstand heavy traffic. This material also can
absorb vibrations and has a property of self – healing of cracks without bleeding. It is suitable
surfacing materials for bridge deck slap. The filler, bitumen binder & aggregate are taken in
suitable proportion & to make the mix.
Construction method
a) Preparation of subgrade and sub base –
No soft pots are present in subgrade or sub base.
It should extent atleast 30cm on either side of width to be connected.
Subgrade is properly drained; minimum modulus of subgrade reaction is 5.54Kg/Cm2.
The layers should be kept moist when cement concrete is placed.
Initial curing – The surface of pavement is entirely covered with burlap cotton or jute mats
prior to placing it is saturated with water and wet side is placed on pavement.
Final curing – Curing with wet soil exposed edges of slabs are banked with soil berm.
A blanket of sandy soil free from stones is placed. The soils is thoroughly kept saturated with
water for 14 days.
In impervious membrane method, use of impervious membrane which does not impart a
slippery surface to the pavement is used. Liquid is applied under pressure with a spray nozzle
to cover the entire surface with a uniform film. It hardness within 30 minutes after its
The liquid applied immediately after surface finishing.
When the concrete attains the required strength or after 28days of curing the concrete road is
opened to traffic.