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Medisquad Classes - Emi Cws 1,2, 3

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1. A magnet NS is suspended from a spring and while it of 104 T/s. The resistance of the coil is 20 . The current
oscillates, the magnet moves in and out of the coil C. in the coil will be
The coil is connected to a galvanometer G. Then, as the (A) 10 A (B) 20 A
magnet oscillates (C) 0.5 A (D) 1.0 A
10. A coil having an area of 2 m2 placed in a magnetic field
which changes from 1 to 4 weber/m2 in 2 seconds. The
N e.m.f. induced in the coil will be
S (A) 4 volt (B) 3 volt (C) 2 volt (D) 1 volt
11. If a coil of metal wire is kept stationary in a non-
uniform magnetic field, then
(A) An emf is induced in the coil
(B) A current is induced in the coil
(A) G shows deflection to the left and right but the (C) Neither emf nor current is induced
amplitude steadily decreases (D) Both emf and current is induced
(B) G shows no deflection 12. Initially plane of coil is parallel to the uniform magnetic
(C) G shows deflection on `one side field B. In time t it becomes perpendicular to magnetic
(D) G shows deflection to the left and right with field, then charge flows in it depend on this time as
constant amplitude (A)  t (B)  l/t (C)  (t)0 (D)  (t)2
2. The magnetic flux through a circuit of resistance R 13. A coil of area 100 cm2 has 500 turns. Magnetic field of
changes by an amount  in a time t . Then the total 0.1 weber/metre2 is perpendicular to the coil. The field is
quantity of electric charge Q that passes any point in the reduced to zero in 0.1 second. The induced emf in the coil
circuit during the time t is represented by is
  (A) 1 V (B) 5 V
(A) Q  (B) Q  R  (C) 50 V (D) Zero
t t
14. S.I. unit of magnetic flux is
1   (A) Weber m–2 (B) Weber
(C) Q   (D) Q 
R t R (C) Weber per m (D) Weber per m4
3. The magnetic flux linked with a coil, in webers, is given 15. A coil of 100 turns and area 5 square cm is placed in a
by the equations  = 3t2 + 4t + 9. Then the magnitude magnetic field B = 0.2 T. The normal to the plane of the
of induced e.m.f. at t = 2 second will be coil makes an angle of 60o with the direction of the
(A) 2 volt (B) 4 volt magnetic field. The magnetic flux linked with the coil is
(C) 8 volt (D) 16 volt (A) 5 × 10–3 Wb (B) 5 × 10–5 Wb
4. The magnetic flux linked with a coil at any instant ‘t’ is (C) 10–2 Wb (D) 10–4 Wb
given by   5 t 3  100 t  300 , the emf induced in the 16. A coil of 40  resistance has 100 turns and radius 6 mm
coil at t = 2 second is is connected to ammeter of resistance of 160 ohms. Coil
(A) – 40 V (B) 40 V (C) 140 V (D) 300 V is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field. When coil
is taken out of the field, 32 C charge flows through it.
5. The magnetic flux linked with a vector area A in a
The intensity of magnetic field will be
uniform magnetic field B is (A) 6.55 T (B) 5.66 T
B (C) 0.655 T (D) 0.566 T
(A) B  A (B) AB (C) B A (D)
6. The magnetic flux linked with a circuit of resistance 100 17. A coil of copper having 1000 turns is placed in a
ohm increases from 10 to 60 webers. The amount of magnetic field (B = 4 × 10–5) perpendicular to its plane.
induced charge that flows in the circuit is (in coulomb) The cross-sectional area of the coil is 0.05 m2. If it turns
(A) 0.5 (B) 5 through 180o in 0.01 second, then the EMF induced in the
(C) 50 (D) 100 coil is
7. The formula for induced e.m.f. in a coil due to change in (A) 0.4 V (B) 0.2 V
magnetic flux through the coil is (here A = area of the (C) 0.04 V (D) 4 V
coil, B = magnetic field)
dB dA 18. The instantaneous magnetic flux  in a circuit is
(A) e   A (B) e   B.
dt dt   4 t 2  4 t  1 . The total resistance of the circuit is 10
d d 1
(C) e   ( A.B) (D) e   ( A  B) . At t  s , the induced current in the circuit is
dt dt 2
8. Faraday’s laws are consequence of conservation of (A) 0 (B) 0.2 A
(A) Energy (C) 0.4 A (D) 0.8 A
(B) Energy and magnetic field 19. A thin circular ring of area A is held perpendicular to a
(C) Charge uniform magnetic field of induction B. A small cut is
(D) Magnetic field made in the ring and a galvanometer is connected
9. In a coil of area 20 cm2 and 10 turns with magnetic field across the ends such that the total resistance of the
directed perpendicular to the plane changing at the rate
circuit is R. When the ring is suddenly squeezed to zero Wire
area, the charge flowing through the galvanometer is
(A) (B)
(A) e0 sin  t (B) e0 cos  t
B2 A
(C) ABR (D) (C) Zero (D) e0
20. As shown in the figure, a magnet is moved with a fast 28. A solenoid is 1.5 m long and its inner diameter is 4.0 cm.
speed towards a coil at rest. Due to this induced e.m.f., It has three layers of windings of 1000 turns each and
induced charge and induced current in the coil is e.q. carries a current of 2.0 amperes. The magnetic flux for a
and i respectively. If the speed of the magnet is cross section of the solenoid is nearly
doubled, the incorrect statement is (A) 2.5  10 7 weber (B) 6.31  10 6 weber
S N (C) 5.2  10 5 weber (D) 4 .1  10 5 weber
29. The graph gives the magnitude B(t) of a uniform
magnetic field that exists throughout a conducting loop,
G perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Rank the five
(A) e increases (B) i increases regions of the graph according to the magnitude of the
(C) q increases (D) q remain same emf induced in the loop, greatest first
21. A uniform electric field E exists between the plates A
and B and a uniform magnetic field B exists between B
the plates C and D. A rectangular coil X moves with a
constant speed between AB and CD with its plane
parallel to the plates. An emf is induced in the coil when
it t
C a b c d e
(A) b > (d = e) < (a = c) (B) b > (d = e) > (a = c)
Uniform E Uniform B (C) b < d < e < c < a (D) b > (a = c) > (d = e)
30. Two concentric and coplanar circular coils have radii a
and b (>> a) as shown in figure. Resistance of the inner
(A) Enters and leaves AB coil is R. Current in the outer coil is increased from 0 to
(B) Enters and leaves CD i, then the total charge circulating the inner coil is
(C) Moves completely with in CD
(D) Enters and leaves both AB and CD
22. To induce an e.m.f. in a coil, the linking magnetic flux
(A) Must decrease b
(B) Can either increase or decrease a
(C) Must remain constant
(D) Must increase
23. A magnetic field of 2  10 2 Tesla acts at right angles to
0ia 2 0 iab
a coil of area 100 cm 2 with 50 turns. The average emf (A) (B)
2Rb 2R
induced in the coil is 0.1 V, when it is removed from the
field in time t. The value of t is 0 ia b 2 0ib
[CBSE PMT 1992]
(C) (D)
(A) 0.1 second (B) 0.01 second 2a R 2R
(C) 1 second (D) 20 second
31. A rectangular loop of sides 8 cm and 2 cm having
24. A cylindrical bar magnet is kept along the axis of a resistance of 1.6 is placed in a magnetic field of 0.3 T
circular coil. If the magnet is rotated about its axis, then directed normal to the loop. The magnetic field is
(A) A current will be induced in a coil gradually reduced at the rate of 0.02 T s –1. How much
(B) No current will be induced in a coil power is dissipated by the loop as heat
(C) Only an e.m.f. will be induced in the coil (A) 1.6  10 10 W (B) 3.2  10 10 W
(D) An e.m.f. and a current both will be induced in the
coil (C) 6.4  10 10 W (D) 12.8  10 10 W
25. The flux per turn through a coil having the number of
turns 40 is 6  10 4 weber. If in 0.02 second, the flux 32. Some magnetic flux is changed from a coil of resistance
decreases by 75%, then the induced emf will be 10 ohm. As a result an induced current is developed in
(A) 0.9 V (B) 0.3 V (C) 3 V (D) 6 V it, which varies with time as shown in figure. The
magnitude of change in flux through the coil in webers is
26. The magnetic field normal to a coil of 40 turns and area
3 cm2 is B = (250 – 0.6t) millitesla. The emf induced in the
i (amp)
coil will be
(A) 1.8  V (B) 3.6 V
(C) 5.4  V (D) 7.2  V
27. A long straight wire lies along the axis of a straight
solenoid as shown in figure the wire carries a current i = t (sec)
i 0 sin  t. The induced emf in solenoid is
(A) 2 (B) 4
(C) 6 (D) 8 (C) 0.015 V, zero
(D) 0.015 V, 7.5  10–3 V
37. A horizontal loop abcd is moved across the pole pieces
33. The magnetic flux linked with a coil is  and the emf of a magnet as shown in fig. with a constant speed v.
induced in it is e When the edge ab of the loop enters the pole pieces at
(A) If  = 0, e must be zero time t = 0 sec. Which one of the following graphs
represents correctly the induced emf in the coil
(B) If   0, e cannot be zero
(C) If e is not 0,  may or may not be 0 N
c b
(D) None of the above is correct a v
34. The figure shows a straight wire lying in the plane of
the paper and a uniform magnetic field perpendicular S
to the plane of the paper. The ends C and D are slowly
turned to form a ring of radius R so that the entire e
magnetic field is confined in it. The emf induced in the e
ring is given by

t t
(A) O

B 
(B) O
 
 

e e
C D (C) (D)
R 2 B
(A) (B) R 2 B O t
(C) Zero (D) None of these O t
35. A small coil is introduced between the poles of an
electromagnet so that its axis coincides with the 38. Shown in the figure is a circular loop of radius r and
magnetic field direction. The number of turns is n and resistance R. A variable magnetic field of induction
the cross sectional area of the coil is A. When the coil B  B0 e  t is established inside the coil. If the key (K) is
turns through 180o about its diameter, the charge closed, the electrical power developed right after
flowing through the coil is Q. The total resistance of the closing the switch is equal to
circuit is R. What is the magnitude of the magnetic R
 B 
induction 
  
QR 2QR 
(A) (B)  
nA nA  K
(C) (D)
2 RA 2nA B02r 2 B0 10r 3
36. A conducting loop of area 5.0 cm2 is placed in a (A) (B)
magnetic field which varies sinusoidally with time as
B02 2r 4 R B02 2r 4
B  B0 sin t where B0  0.20 T and   300 s 1 . The (C) (D)
5 R
normal of the coil makes an angle of 60o with the field.
Find the maximum emf induced in the coil and emf
induced at t = (/900 sec.)
(A) 0.15 V, 7.5  10–3 V
(B) 0.15 V, zero


1. When a bar magnet falls through a long hollow metal (D) First anticlockwise then clockwise
cylinder fixed with its axis vertical, the final 8. Two circular, similar, coaxial loops carry equal currents
acceleration of the magnet is in the same direction. If the loops are brought nearer,
(A) Equal to g what will happen
(B) Less than g but finite (A) Current will increase in each loop
(C) Greater than g (B) Current will decrease in each loop
(D) Equal to zero (C) Current will remain same in each loop
2. Lenz’s law is based on (D) Current will increase in one and decrease in the
(A) Conservation of charge other
(B) Conservation of momentum 9. The current flows in a circuit as shown below. If a
(C) Conservation of energy second circuit is brought near the first circuit then the
(D) Conservation of mass current in the second circuit will be
3. A magnet is dropped down an infinitely long vertical
copper tube Obser
(A) The magnet moves with continuously increasing
velocity and ultimately acquires a constant 2
terminal velocity 1
(B) The magnet moves with continuously decreasing
velocity and ultimately comes to rest + –
(C) The magnet moves with continuously increasing G
velocity but constant acceleration (A) Clock wise
(D) The magnet moves with continuously increasing (B) Anti clock wise
velocity and acceleration (C) Depending on the value of Rc
4. An aluminium ring B faces an electromagnet A. The (D) None of the above
current i through A can be altered 10. The two loops shown in the figure have their planes
A B parallel to each other. A clockwise current flows in the
loop x as viewed from x towards y. The two coils will
repel each other if the current in the loop x is
x y
i+ –

(A) Whether i increases or decreases B will not

experience any force
(B) If i decrease, A will repel B
(C) If i increase, A will attract B (A) Increasing
(D) If i increases, A will repel B (B) Decreasing
5. Lenz’s law is expressed by the following formula (C) Constant
(here e = induced e.m.f.,  = magnetic flux in one
(D) None of the above cases
turn and N = number of turns)
dN d 11. Two different loops are concentric and lie in the same
(A) e   (B) e   N plane. The current in the outer loop is clockwise and
dt dt
increases with time. The induced current in the inner
d   d loop then is
(C) e     (D) e  N
dt  N  dt (A) Clockwise
6. When the current through a solenoid increases at a
(B) Zero
constant rate, the induced current
(A) Is a constant and is in the direction of the inducing (C) Counterclockwise
current (D) In a direction that depends on the ratio of the loop
(B) Is a constant and is opposite to the direction of the radii
inducing current 12. As shown in the figure, when key K is closed, the
(C) Increases with time and is in the direction of direction induced current in B will be
inducing current
(D) Increases with time and is opposite to the direction
of inducing current
+ –
7. A metallic ring is attached with the wall of a room. K
When the north pole of a magnet is bought near to it, A
the induced current in the ring will be (A) Clockwise and momentary
(A) First clockwise then anticlockwise
(B) Anti-clockwise and momentary
(B) In clockwise direction
(C) In anticlockwise direction (C) Clockwise and continuous
(D) Anti-clockwise and continuous 17. As shown in the figure, P and Q are two coaxial
13. When a sheet of metal is placed in a magnetic field, conducting loops separated by some distance. When the
which changes from zero to a maximum value, induced switch S is closed, a clockwise current iP flows in P (as
currents are set up in the direction as shown in the seen by observer) and an induced current i Q1 flows in
diagram. What is the direction of the magnetic field Q. The switch remain closed for a long time. When S is
N opened, a current i Q2 flows in Q. Then the directions of
i Q1 and i Q2 (as seen by observer) are

(A) Into the plane of paper
s Observer
(B) East to west
(C) Out of the plane of paper + –
(D) North to south
(A) Respectively clockwise and anticlockwise
14. Figure shows a horizontal solenoid connected to a (B) Both clockwise
battery and a switch. A copper ring is placed on a
(C) Both anticlockwise
frictionless track, the axis of the ring being along the
axis of the solenoid. As the switch is closed, the ring (D) Respectively anticlockwise and clockwise
will 18. Two identical circular loops of metal wire are lying on a
table without touching each other. Loop A carries a
current which increases with time. In response the loop
(A) Remain stationery
(B) Is attracted by the loop A
(A) Remain stationary
(C) Is repelled by the loop A
(B) Move towards the solenoid
(D) Rotates about its CM with CM fixed
(C) Move away from the solenoid
19. A magnet is moved in the direction indicated by an
(D) Move towards the solenoid or away from it arrow between two coils AB and CD as shown in fig.
depending on which terminal (positive or negative) What is the direction of the induced current in each coil
of the battery is connected to the left end of the
15. A square loop PQRS is carried away from a current
carrying long straight conducting wire CD (figure). The C D A B
direction of induced current in the loop will be

(A) A to B in coil X and C to D in coil Y

(B) A to B in coil X and D to C in coil Y
(C) B to A in coil X and C to D in coil Y
(A) Anticlockwise (D) B to A in coil X and D to C in coil Y
(B) Clockwise 20. Figure shows two coils placed close to each other. When
(C) Some times clockwise sometimes anticlockwise the current through one coil is increased gradually by
shifting the position of the rheostat
(D) Current will not be induced
16. An electron moves along the line AB, which lies in the Rheostat
same plane as a circular loop of conducting wires as
shown in the diagram. What will be the direction of
current induced if any, in the loop

(A) A current flows along ABC in the other coil

(B) A current flows along CBA in the other coil
A B (C) No current flows in the other coil
(A) No current will be induced (D) An alternating current flows in the other coil
(B) The current will be clockwise 21. The figure shows three situation in which identical
(C) The current will be anticlockwise circular conducting loops are in uniform magnetic field
that are either increasing or decreasing in magnitude at
(D) The current will change direction as the electron identical rates. In each, the dashed line coincides with a
passes by diameter. Rank the situations according to the

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696
magnitude of the current induced in the loops, greatest plane of the figure. The magnetic field starts
first diminishing. Then the induced current

                  P
    
                 
Inc Inc Dec
                  Q
    
                 
Inc Dec Inc R
                      
                 
(B) (C)     
(A) At point P is ACW (B) At point Q is CW
(A) i A  iB  iC (iC  0) (B) i A  iB  iC (iC  0) (C) At point Q is zero (D) At point R is Zero
26. A conducting loop having a capacitor is moving
(C) i A  iB  iC (iC  0) (D) i A  iB  iC (iC  0)
outward from the magnetic field then which plate of the
22. An observer O stands in between two coaxial circular capacitor will be positive
loops along the common axis as shown in figure. As     v
seen by the observer, coil A carries current in clockwise
   
direction. Coil B has no current. Now, coil B is moved A
towards coil A. Find the direction of induced current in B
   
B as seen by the observer
A B    

(A) Plate – A (B) Plate – B

(C) both (D) None
27. A conducting ring is placed around the core of an
electromagnet as shown in fig. When key K is pressed,
the ring
(A) Clockwise (B) Anticlockwise Ring

(C) No induced current (D) Information insufficient

23. Two circular coils A and B are facing each other as
shown in figure. The current i through A can be altered
A B + –
(A) Remain stationary
(B) Is attracted towards the electromagnet
(C) Jumps out of the core
(D) None of the above
(A) There will be repulsion between A and B if i is 28. The north and south poles of two identical magnets
increased approach a coil, containing a condenser, with equal
speeds from opposite sides. Then
(B) There will be attraction between A and B if i is
(C) There will be neither attraction nor repulsion when S S
i is changed v 2 v
(D) Attraction or repulsion between A and B depends
on the direction of current. If does not depend
whether the current is increased or decreased (A) Plate 1 will be negative and plate 2 positive
24. The radius of the circular conducting loop shown in (B) Plate 1 will be positive and plate 2 negative
figure is R. Magnetic field is decreasing at a constant (C) Both the plates will be positive
rate . Resistance per unit length of the loop is . Then (D) Both the plates will be negative
current in wire AB is (AB is one of the diameters) 29. An aluminium ring hangs vertically from a thread with
   
its axis pointing east-west. A coil is fixed near to the
   
ring and coaxial with it. What is the initial motion of the
    aluminium ring when the current in the coil is switched
A B on
   

   
R R N
(A) from A to B (B) from B to A
2 2 Common
axis W E
2R 
(C) from A to B (D) Zero Coil Rin S

25. Figure shows plane figure made of a conductor located (A) Remains at rest (B) Moves towards S
in a magnetic field along the inward normal to the (C) Moves towards W (D) Moves towards E

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696
30. A bar magnet is dropped in a vertical copper tube,
considering the air resistance as negligible, the magnet Area 
acquires a constant speed. If the tube is heated, then the A
terminal velocity will be x y
(A) Decrease (B) Increase d
(C) Remain unchanged (D) Data is incomplete (A) X, A (B) X R2
31. Three identical coils A, B and C are placed coaxially (C) Y, A2 (D) Y, R 2
with their planes parallel to each other. The coils A and
35. The induced e.m.f. in a circular conducting loop is E,
C carry equal currents in opposite direction as shown.
when placed in a magnetic field decreasing at a steady
The coils B and C are fixed and the coil A is moved
rate of x Tesla/sec. If two such loops identical in all
towards B with a uniform speed, then
respect are cut and connect as shown in figure then the
A B C induced e.m.f. in the combined circuit will be
   

   

1   
Observer    

   

(A) There will be induced current in coil B which will (A) E (B) 2E
be opposite to the direction of current in A
(B) There will be induced current in coil B in the same E
(C) (D) 0
direction as in A 2
(C) There will be no induced current in B 36. Plane figures made of thin wires of resistance R = 50
(D) Current induced by coils A and C in coil B will be milli ohm/metre are located in a uniform magnetic field
equal and opposite, therefore net current in B will perpendicular into the plane of the figures and which
be zero decrease at the rate dB/dt = 0.1 m T/s. Then currents in
32. A wire is bent to form the double loop shown in the the inner and outer boundary are. (The inner radius a =
figure. There is a uniform magnetic field directed into 10 cm and outer radius b = 20 cm)
the plane of the loop. If the magnitude of this field is       
decreasing, current will flow from    b   
×A × × B ×    a   
     
× × × ×
C D  D   C  
× × × ×

× × × ×
(A) 10– 4 A (Clockwise), 2  10– 4 A (Clockwise)

× × × × (B) 10– 4 A (Anticlockwise), 2  10– 4 A (Clockwise)

(A) A to B and C to D (B) B to A and D to C (C) 2  10– 4 A (clockwise), 10– 4 A (Anticlockwise)

(C) A to B and D to C (D) B to A and C to D (D) 2  10– 4 A (Anticlockwise), 10– 4 A (Anticlockwise)
33. The plane figures shown are located in a uniform 37. A square coil AECD of side 0.1 m is placed in a
magnetic field directed away the reader and magnetic field B  2t 2 . Here t is in seconds and B is in
diminishing. The direction of the current induced in the Tesla. The magnetic field is into the paper. At time t =
loops is shown in figure. Which one is the correct choice 2sec induced electric field in DC is
  A     
      
      
      
  D   C  
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(A) A (B) B (A) 0.05 V/m (B) Along DC

(C) C (D) D (C) Along CD (D) 0.2 V/m

34. A highly conducting ring of radius R is perpendicular 38. A coil having n turns and resistance R  is connected
to and concentric with the axis of a long solenoid as with a galvanometer of resistance 4 R . This
shown in fig. The ring has a narrow gap of width d in its combination is moved in time t seconds from a
circumference. The solenoid has cross sectional area A magnetic field W1 weber to W 2 weber. The induced
and a uniform internal field of magnitude B0. Now current in the circuit is
beginning at t = 0, the solenoid current is steadily W2  W1  n W2  W1 
increased to so that the field magnitude at any time t is (A)  (B) 
Rnt 5 Rt
given by B(t) = B0 + t where  > 0. Assuming that no
charge can flow across the gap, the end of ring which W2  W1  n W2  W1 
(C)  (D) 
has excess of positive charge and the magnitude of 5 Rnt Rt
induced e.m.f. in the ring are respectively

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696



1. A horizontal straight conductor (otherwise placed in a (A) Zero (B) RvB
closed circuit) along east-west direction falls under (C) vBl/R (D) vBl
gravity; then there is
(A) No induced e.m.f. along the length 6. A coil of N turns and mean cross-sectional area A is
(B) No induced current along the length rotating with uniform angular velocity  about an axis
(C) An induced current from west to east at right angle to uniform magnetic field B. The induced
(D) An induced current from east to west e.m.f. E in the coil will be
2. The wing span of an aeroplane is 20 metre. It is flying in a (A) NBA sint (B) NB  sint
field, where the vertical component of magnetic field of (C) NB/A sint (D) NBA  sint
earth is 5  10–5 Tesla, with velocity 360 km/hr. The
potential difference produced between the blades will be
7. A conducting rod of length 2l is rotating with constant
(A) 0.10 V (B) 0.15 V angular speed  about its perpendicular bisector. A
(C) 0.20 V (D) 0.30 V 
uniform magnetic field B exists parallel to the axis of
rotation. The e.m.f., induced between two ends of the
3. A metal rod of length 2 m is rotating about it's one end rod is
with an angular velocity of 100 rad/sec in a plane

perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T. The B
potential difference between the ends of the rod is
(A) 30 V (B) 40 V
(C) 60 V (D) 600 V

4. A conducting square loop of side L and resistance R 1

(A) Bl2 (B) Bl 2
moves in its plane with a uniform velocity v 2
perpendicular to one of its sides. A magnetic induction
B constant in time and space, pointing perpendicular (C) Bl 2 (D) Zero
and into the plane of the loop exists everywhere. The 8
current induced in the loop is 8. Two rails of a railway track insulated from each other
and the ground are connected to a milli voltmeter. What
 B   C  
B is the reading of voltmeter when a train travels with a
   
v speed of 180 km/hr along the track. Given that the
   
vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is 0.2 × 10–4
   
weber/m 2 and the rails are separated by 1 metre
   
(A) 10–2 volt (B) 10–4 volt
 A   D 
(C) 10–3 volt (D) 1 volt
Blv Blv
(A) CW (B) ACW
R R 9. A 10 m long copper wire while remaining in the east-
west horizontal direction is falling down with a speed
2Blv of 5.0 m/s. If the horizontal component of the earth’s
(C) ACW (D) Zero
R magnetic field = 0.3 × 10–4 weber/m2, the e.m.f.
developed between the ends of the wire is
5. A conducting square loop of side l and resistance R (A) 0.15 volt (B) 1.5 volt
moves in its plane with a uniform velocity v
(C) 0.15 milli volt (D) 1.5 milli volt
perpendicular to one of its sides. A magnetic induction
B constant in time and space, pointing perpendicular
and into the plane at the loop exists everywhere with 10. A wire of length 1 m is moving at a speed of 2 ms –1
half the loop outside the field, as shown in figure. The perpendicular to its length and a homogeneous
induced e.m.f. is magnetic field of 0.5 T. The ends of the wire are joined
   to a circuit of resistance 6 . The rate at which work is

B    being done to keep the wire moving at constant speed is
1 1
   (A) W (B) W
l v 12 6
  
   (C) W (D) 1 W
  

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696
11. Consider the situation shown in the figure. The wire AB (A) A current from P to Q
is slid on the fixed rails with a constant velocity. If the (B) A current from Q to P
wire AB is replaced by semicircular wire, the magnitude (C) No current, because the e.m.f. in the disc is
of the induced current will opposed by the back e.m.f.
    A (D) No current, because no radial e.m.f. induced in the

B disc
   
    17. In a uniform magnetic field of induction B a wire in the
form of a semicircle of radius r rotates about the
    B diameter of the circle with an angular frequency . The
(A) Increase axis of rotation is perpendicular to the field. If the total
(B) Remain the same resistance of the circuit is R the mean power generated
(C) Decrease per period of rotation is
(D) Increase or decrease depending on whether the
semicircle bulges towards the resistance or away (A)
B r   2 (B)
B r  
2 2

from it 2R 8 R

12. A straight line conductor of length 0.4 m is moved with (C)

Br 2
B r   2 2

a speed of 7 m/sec perpendicular to a magnetic field of 2R 8 R

intensity 0.9 weber/m2. The induced e.m.f. across the
conductor is
18. The figure shows four wire loops, with edge lengths of
(A) 5.04 V (B) 1.26 V
either L or 2L. All four loops will move through a
(C) 2.52 V (D) 25.2 V 
region of uniform magnetic field B (directed out of the
13. A metal rod moves at a constant velocity in a direction page) at the same constant velocity. Rank the four loops
perpendicular to its length. A constant uniform according to the maximum magnitude of the e.m.f.
magnetic field exists in space in a direction induced as they move through the field, greatest first
perpendicular to the rod as well as its velocity. Select      
the correct statements from the following     
(A) The entire rod is at the same electric potential     
a b
(B) There is an electric field in the rod
    
(C) The electric potential is highest at the centre c d
(D) The electric potential is lowest at the centre of the (A) (e c  e d )  (e a  e b )
rod and increases towards its ends
(B) (e c  e d )  (e a  e b )
14. A conducting rod AB moves parallel to X-axis (fig) in a
(C) e c  e d  e b  e a
uniform magnetic field, pointing in the positive z-
direction. The end A of the rod gets positively charged (D) e c  e d  e b  e a
is this statement true
 B  
19. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length l =
   1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 2T
 
v  perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance of
connector is r = 2. Two resistance of 6 and 3 are
  
A connected as shown in figure. The external force
required to keep the connector moving with a constant
(A) Yes (B) No
velocity v = 2m/s is
(C) Not defined

(D) Any answer is right  B

15. There is an aerial 1 m long in a car. It is moving from 6 v

east to west with a velocity 100 km/hr. If the horizontal
component of earth's magnetic field is 0.18  10–4
weber/m 2, the induced e.m.f. is nearly
(A) 6 N (B) 4 N
(A) 0.50 mV (B) 0.25 mV
(C) 0.75 mV (D) 1 mV (C) 2 N (D) 1 N

16. A metal disc rotates freely, between the poles of a

20. In the circuit shown in figure, a conducting wire HE is
magnet in the direction indicated. Brushes P and Q
moved with a constant speed v towards left. The complete
make contact with the edge of the disc and the metal 
axle. What current, if any, flows through R circuit is placed in a uniform magnetic field B
perpendicular to the plane of circuit inwards. The current
R in HKDE is


201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696
 A   H   K  (A) emf induced in AB is equal and opposite to emf
     
induced in AC
R C (B) emf induced in AB is greater than emf induced in
 
v    
     
(C) Induced emf in BC is zero
      (D) The net induced emf in the loop is zero
(A) Clockwise (B) Anticlockwise
(C) Alternating (D) Zero 25. A straight wire of length L is bent into a semicircle. It is
moved in a uniform magnetic field with speed v with
diameter perpendicular to the field. The induced emf
21. The spokes of a wheel are made of metal and their
between the ends of the wire is
lengths are of one metre. On rotating the wheel about its
× × × × × × × ×
own axis in a uniform magnetic field of 5 × 10–5 Tesla
× × × × × × × ×
normal to the plane of wheel, a potential difference of
× × × × × × × ×
3.14 mV is generated between the rim and the axis. The
× × × × × × × ×
rotational velocity of the wheel is
× × × × × × × ×
(A) 63 rev/s (B) 50 rev/s
(C) 31.4 rev/s (D) 20 rev/s
(A) BLv (B) 2BLv
22. A wire cd of length l and mass m is sliding without
friction on conducting rails ax and by as shown. The (C) 2BLv (D)
vertical rails are connected to each other with a 
resistance R between a and b. A uniform magnetic field 26. A copper ring of radius R moved with speed v. A
B is applied perpendicular to the plane abcd such that cd uniform magnetic field B exists in a direction
moves with a constant velocity of perpendicular to the plane of the ring. The induced emf
between diametrically opposite point a, b as shown is
× × × a× × × × ×
a b
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
c d × × × × × × × v×
× × × × × × ×
x y
mgR mgR b
(A) (B) 2 2 (A) 0 (B) 2BRv
Bl B l
(C) 4BRv (D) BRv
mgR mgR
(C) 3 3
B l B 2l 27. A conducting bar pulled with a constant speed v on a
smooth conducting rail. The region has a steady
magnetic field of induction B as shown in the figure. If
23. Figure (i) shows a conducting loop being pulled out of a
the speed of the bar is doubled then the rate of heat
magnetic field with a speed v. Which of the four plots
dissipation will
shows in figure (ii) may represent the power delivered
by the pulling agent as a function of the speed v (A) Remain constant
(B) Become quarter of the initial value
(C) Become four fold
(D) Get doubled
28. A rectangular loop on which a connector EF of length l
slides, is lying in a perpendicular magnetic field. The
induction of magnetic field is B. The resistance of the
(A) a (B) b connector is R. If the connector moves with a velocity v
(C) c (D) d then the current flowing in it will be
24. A right angled wire loop ABC is placed in a uniform A E D
magnetic field B perpendicular into the plane of the
loop. The loop is moved with speed v. Which of the
following statements is not true R1 l R v R2

× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × A× ×
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
Blv Blv(R1  R2 )
× × × × × × × × (A) (B)
R1  R2 R1 R2

Blv (C) 0.1 amp (D) 2 amp
(C) (D) None of these
R 1 2 32. A conducting rod AC of length 4l is rotated about a point
R1  R2 
O in a uniform magnetic field B directed into the paper.
AO = l and OC = 3l. Then
29. A wheel with N spokes is rotated in a plane
perpendicular to the magnetic field of earth such that
× × × × ×  ×
an emf e is induced between axle and rim of the wheel.
In the same wheel, number of spokes is made 3 N and B
× × O × × ×
the wheel is rotated in the same manner in the same A C
× × × × × ×
field then new emf is 
× × × × × ×

     
B l 2 7
(A) VA  VO  (B) VO  VC  Bl 2
      2 2
      9
(C) VA  VC  4 Bl 2 (D) VC  VO  Bl 2
      2
     
33. A thin wire AC shaped as a semicircle of diameter D =
3 20 cm rotates with a constant angular velocity  = 100
(A) 3e (B) e rad/s. in a uniform magnetic field of induction B = 5 mT
2  
with  || B about the axis passing through A and
(C) (D) e perpendicular to AC. Find the voltage developed
3 between A and C
30. A rectangular loop is being pulled at a constant speed v,
through a region of certain thickness d, in which a × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
uniform magnetic field B is set up. The graph between
× × × × × × × ×
position x of the right hand edge of the loop and the
induced emf E will be × × × × × × × ×

× × × × × × × ×
d A
× × × × × ×
× × × B× ×
× × × × × (A) 100 mV (B) 10 mV
× × × × × × (C) 1 mV (D) 1 volt
× × × × × ×
34. Figure shows a square loop of side 5 cm being moved
towards right at a constant speed of 1 cm/sec. The front
E edge enters the 20 cm wide magnetic field at t = 0. Find
the emf in the loop at t = 2s and t = 10 s
O x O x    
B = 0.6T
   
(A) (B) 5 cm
   
E    

O x 20 cm
O x

(C) (D) (A) 3 × 10–2 V, zero (B) 3 × 10–2 V, 3 × 10–4

31. A plane loop shown in the figure is shaped in the form (C) 3 × 10–4 V, 3 × 10–4 (D) 3 × 10–4 V, zero
of figure with radii a = 20 cm and b = 10 cm is placed in a
uniform magnetic field perpendicular into the loop's 35. A metal rod of resistance R is fixed along a diameter of
plane. The magnetic induction varies as B = B0 sin t. a conducting ring of radius r. There is a magnetic field
where B0 = 10 mT and  = 100 rad/sec. Find the of magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the ring.
amplitude of the current induced in the loop if its The ring spins with an angular velocity  about its axis.
resistance per unit length is equal to  = 50 m/metre. The centre of the ring is joined to its rim by an external
The inductance of the loop is negligible wire W. The ring and W have no resistance. The current
      in W is
     
b Br 2
      (A) Zero (B)
  a    

     
Br 2 v 2Br 2 
(C) (D)
(A) 10 amp (B) 1 amp R R

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

a d d b c a c a a b c c b b a d a a b c
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

b b a b A d c b b a c a c c d d d d


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

d C a d b b c b b a c b c c b d d c d b
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

b A a d d a c b d b a c d a b a d b


1. 2.

c a
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

c d d d d c d b b c b a a a b b c d d b
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

b b d b c c d b b c b d d

201 - Mahasagar Corporate, 10/4, Manormaganj, Geeta Bhawan, Indore. Mob.96302 05696

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