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Electromagnetic Induction 1303

Faraday's and Lenz's Law

1. In electromagnetic induction, the induced e.m.f. in a coil
is independent of [CPMT 1984]
(a) Change in the flux (b) Time
(c) Resistance of the circuit (d) None of the above
2. Lenz's law is consequence of the law of conservation of
[JIPMER 1997; CPMT 1990; RPMT 1997;
MP PET 1999; MP PMT 2000, 03; RPET 2003; AFMC 2004]
(a) Charge (b) Momentum
(c) Mass (d) Energy
3. In electromagnetic induction, the induced charge in a coil
is independent of
(a) Change in the flux (b) Time
(c) Resistance in the circuit (d) None of the above
4. The magnetic flux through a circuit of resistance R
changes by an amount | A in time t A , Then the total
quantity of electric charge Q , which passing during this
time through any point of the circuit is given by
[Haryana CEE 1996; CBSE PMT 2004]
(b) R

(c) R
Q +
| A
5. A cylindrical bar magnet is kept along the axis of a
circular coil. If the magnet is rotated about its axis, then
[CPMT 1983; BCECE 2004]
(a) A current will be induced in a coil
(b) No current will be induced in a coil
(c) Only an e.m.f. will be induced in the coil
(d) An e.m.f. and a current both will be induced in the
6. A metallic ring is attached with the wall of a room. When
the north pole of a magnet is brought near to it, the
induced current in the ring will be
[AFMC 1993; MP PMT/PET 1998; Pb PET 2003]

(a) First clockwise then anticlockwise
(b) In clockwise direction
(c) In anticlockwise direction
(d) First anticlockwise then clockwise
7. A coil having an area
A is placed in a magnetic field
which changes from
B to
4B in a time interval t. The
e.m.f. induced in the coil will be [MP PET 1990]
0 0
0 0

t A
t A

8. The magnetic flux linked with a coil is given by an
equation | (in webers) = 5 3 8
+ + t t . The induced e.m.f.
in the coil at the fourth second will be [MP PET 1990]
(a) 16 units (b) 39 units
(c) 67 units (d) 145 units
9. The current flowing in two coaxial coils in the same
direction. On increasing the distance between the two, the
electric current will [MP PMT 1991]
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remain unchanged
(d) The information is incomplete
10. A copper ring is held horizontally and a bar magnet is
dropped through the ring with its length along the axis of
the ring. The acceleration of the falling magnet while it is
passing through the ring is
[CBSE PMT 1996; MP PET 1990, 99;
CPMT 1991, 99; JIPMER 1997; CPMT 2003;
MP PET/PMT 2001; KCET 2001; Kerala (Engg.) 2001]
(a) Equal to that due to gravity
(b) Less than that due to gravity
(c) More than that due to gravity
(d) Depends on the diameter of the ring and the length of
the magnet
11. A square coil
2 2
10 m

area is placed perpendicular to a

uniform magnetic field of intensity
2 3
/ 10 m Wb . The
magnetic flux through the coil is [MP PMT 1990, 2001]
(a) 10 weber (b)

10 weber (d) 100 weber
12. A magnet is brought towards a coil (i) speedly (ii) slowly
then the induced e.m.f./induced charge will be
[RPMT 1997; MP PMT 2003]
(a) More in first case / More in first case
(b) More in first case/Equal in both case
(c) Less in first case/More in second case
(d) Less in first case/Equal in both case
13. The direction of induced e.m.f. during electromagnetic
induction is given by [MP PET 1994, 96]
(a) Faraday's law (b) Lenz's law
(c) Maxwell's law (d) Ampere's law

1304 Electromagnetic Induction
14. In a coil of area
10 cm and 10 turns with a magnetic
field directed perpendicular to the plane and is changing
at the rate of
10 gauss/second. The resistance of the coil
is 20 ohm. The current in the coil will be [CPMT 1976]
(a) 5 amp (b) 0.5 amp
(c) 0.05 amp (d) amp
10 5
15. As shown in the figure, a magnet is moved with a fast
speed towards a coil at rest. Due to this induced
electromotive force, induced current and induced charge
in the coil is I E, and Q respectively. If the speed of the
magnet is doubled, the incorrect statement is [MP PET 1995]

(a) E increases (b) I increases
(c) Q remains same (d) Q increases
16. A coil having 500 square loops each of side 10 cm is
placed normal to a magnetic flux which increases at the
rate of 1.0 tesla/second. The induced e.m.f. in volts is
[CPMT 1989, 90; DCE
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.5
(c) 1 (d) 5
17. When a magnet is pushed in and out of a circular coil C
connected to a very sensitive galvanometer G as shown in
the adjoining diagram with a frequency v , then

(a) Constant deflection is observed in the galvanometer
(b) Visible small oscillations will be observed in the
galvanometer if v is about 50 Hz
(c) Oscillations in the deflection will be observed clearly
if 1 = v or 2 Hz
(d) No variation in the deflection will be seen if 1 = v or 2
18. A coil of area
100cm has 500 turns. Magnetic field of
/ 1 . 0 metre weber is perpendicular to the coil. The field is
reduced to zero in 0.1 second. The induced e.m.f. in the
coil is [MP PMT 1991; MH CET (Med.) 1999]
(a) 1 V (b) 5 V
(c) 50 V (d) Zero
19. A 50 turns circular coil has a radius of cm 3 , it is kept in a
magnetic field acting normal to the area of the coil. The
magnetic field B increased from 0.10 tesla to 0.35 tesla
in 2 milliseconds. The average induced e.m.f. in the coil is
[MP PET 1994]
(a) volts 77 . 1 (b) volts 7 . 17
(c) volts 177 (d) volts 177 . 0
20. A coil having an area
2m is placed in a magnetic field
which changes from
/ 1 m Wb to
/ 4 m Wb in a interval of
2 second. The e.m.f. induced in the coil will be
[DPMT 1999; MP PET
(a) 4 V (b) 3 V
(c) 1.5 V (d) 2 V
21. A coil has 2000 turns and area of
70cm . The magnetic
field perpendicular to the plane of the coil is
/ 3 . 0 m Wb and takes 0.1sec to rotate through
180 . The
value of the induced e.m.f. will be
[MP PET 1993; Similar to AIIMS 1997]
(a) V 4 . 8 (b) V 84
(c) V 42 (d) V 2 . 4
22. Two different loops are concentric and lie in the same
plane. The current in the outer loop is clockwise and
increasing with time. The induced current in the inner
loop then, is
[MP PET 1993]
(a) Clockwise
(b) Zero
(c) Counter clockwise
(d) In a direction that depends on the ratio of the loop
23. According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
[MP PET 1994]
(a) The direction of induced current is such that it
opposes the cause producing it
(b) The magnitude of induced e.m.f. produced in a coil is
directly proportional to the rate of change of
magnetic flux
(c) The direction of induced e.m.f. is such that it opposes
the cause producing it
(d) None of the above
24. The unit of magnetic flux is
[MP PMT 1994; MP PET 1995; AFMC 1998]
/ m Weber (b) Weber
(c) Henry (d) Ampere/m
25. The north pole of a long horizontal bar magnet is being
brought closer to a vertical conducting plane along the
perpendicular direction. The direction of the induced
current in the conducting plane will be [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Horizontal (b) Vertical
(c) Clockwise (d) Anticlockwise

Electromagnetic Induction 1305
26. The magnetic field in a coil of 100 turns and 40 square
cm area is increased from 1 Tesla to 6 Tesla in 2 second.
The magnetic field is perpendicular to the coil. The e.m.f.
generated in it is [MP PMT 1994]
(a) V
10 (b) 1.2 V
(c) 1.0 V (d) V

27. The dimensions of magnetic flux are
[MP PMT 1994; CBSE PMT 1999]
2 2
A MLT (b)
2 2 2
2 1 2
A T ML (d)
1 2 2
28. Lenz's law gives [MP PMT 1994]
(a) The magnitude of the induced e.m.f.
(b) The direction of the induced current
(c) Both the magnitude and direction of the induced
(d) The magnitude of the induced current
29. The north pole of a bar magnet is moved swiftly
downward towards a closed coil and then second time it is
raised upwards slowly. The magnitude and direction of
the induced currents in the two cases will be of[MP PET 1996]
First case Second case
(a) Low value clockwise Higher value
(b) Low value clockwise Equal value anticlockwise
(c) Higher value clockwise Low value clockwise
(d) Higher value anticlockwise Low value clockwise
30. A metallic ring connected to a rod oscillates freely like a
pendulum. If now a magnetic field is applied in horizontal
direction so that the pendulum now swings through the
field, the pendulum will

(a) Keep oscillating with the old time period
(b) Keep oscillating with a smaller time period
(c) Keep oscillating with a larger time period
(d) Come to rest very soon
31. A circular coil of 500 turns of wire has an enclosed area of
1 . 0 m per turn. It is kept perpendicular to a magnetic
field of induction 0.2 T and rotated by 180 about a
diameter perpendicular to the field in 0.1 sec. How much
charge will pass when the coil is connected to a
galvanometer with a combined resistance of 50 ohms [MP PET 1997]
(a) 0.2 C (b) 0.4 C
(c) 2 C (d) 4 C
32. A coil of 100 turns and area 5 square centimetre is placed
in a magnetic field B = 0.2 T. The normal to the plane of
the coil makes an angle of 60 with the direction of the
magnetic field. The magnetic flux linked with the coil is
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) Wb
10 5

(b) Wb
10 5

(c) Wb

(d) Wb

33. In a circuit with a coil of resistance 2 ohms, the magnetic
flux changes from 2.0 Wb to 10.0 Wb in 0.2 second. The
charge that flows in the coil during this time is
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) 5.0 coulomb (b) 4.0 coulomb
(c) 1.0 coulomb (d) 0.8 coulomb
34. The direction of induced current is such that it opposes
the very cause that has produced it. This is the law of
[MP PMT/PET 1998]
(a) Lenz (b) Faraday
(c) Kirchhoff (d) Fleming
35. To induce an e.m.f. in a coil, the linking magnetic flux
[KCET 1994]
(a) Must decrease
(b) Can either increase or decrease
(c) Must remain constant
(d) Must increase
36. A solenoid is 1.5 m long and its inner diameter is 4.0 cm.
It has three layers of windings of 1000 turns each and
carries a current of 2.0 amperes. The magnetic flux for a
cross-section of the solenoid is nearly [AMU 1995]
(a) 2.5 10
weber (b) 6.31 10
(c) 5.2 10
weber (d) 4.1 10
37. A coil of 40 O resistance has 100 turns and radius 6 mm is
connected to ammeter of resistance of 160 ohms. Coil is
placed perpendicular to the magnetic field. When coil is
taken out of the field, 32 C charge flows through it. The
intensity of magnetic field will be [RPET 1997]
(a) 6.55 T (b) 5.66 T
(c) 0.655 T (d) 0.566 T
38. Faraday's laws are consequence of conservation of
[CBSE PMT 1993; BHU 2002]
(a) Energy
(b) Energy and magnetic field
(c) Charge
(d) Magnetic field
39. A magnetic field of 2 10
T acts at right angles to a coil
of area 100 cm
with 50 turns. The average emf induced
in the coil is 0.1 V, when it is removed from the field in
time t. The value of t is [CBSE PMT 1992; CPMT 2001]
(a) 0.1 sec (b) 0.01 sec
(c) 1 sec (d) 20 sec
40. The total charge induced in a conducting loop when it is
moved in magnetic field depends on

1306 Electromagnetic Induction
[CBSE PMT 1992; ISM Dhanbad 1994]
(a) The rate of change of magnetic flux
(b) Initial magnetic flux only
(c) The total change in magnetic flux
(d) Final magnetic flux only
41. A rectangular coil of 20 turns and area of cross- section
25 sq cm has a resistance of 100 ohm. If a magnetic field
which is perpendicular to the plane of the coil changes at
the rate of 1000 Tesla per second, the current in the coil is
[CBSE PMT 1992;
Very Similar to MHCET 2002; DPMT 2004]
(a) 1.0 ampere (b) 50 ampere
(c) 0.5 ampere (d) 5.0 ampere
42. The north pole of a magnet is brought near a metallic
ring. The direction of the induced current in the ring will
[AIIMS 1999]
(a) Clockwise (b) Anticlockwise
(c) Towards north (d) Towards south
43. Lenzs law applies to [DCE 1999]
(a) Electrostatics
(b) Lenses
(c) Electro-magnetic induction
(d) Cinema slides
44. If a coil of metal wire is kept stationary in a non-uniform
magnetic field, then [BHU 2000]
(a) An e.m.f. is induced in the coil
(b) A current is induced in the coil
(c) Neither e.m.f. nor current is induced
(d) Both e.m.f. and current is induced
45. The magnetic flux linked with a coil, in webers, is given by
the equations 9 4 3
+ + = t t | . Then the magnitude of
induced e.m.f. at t = 2 second will be
[KCET 2000; CPMT 2003; MP PET 2005]
(a) 2 volt (b) 4 volt
(c) 8 volt (d) 16 volt
46. A coil has an area of 0.05 m
and it has 800 turns. It is
placed perpendicularly in a magnetic field of strength
, / 10 4
2 5
m Wb

it is rotated through
90 in 0.1 sec. The
average e.m.f. induced in the coil is [CPMT 2001]
(a) 0.056 V (b) 0.046 V
(c) 0.026 V (d) 0.016 V
47. A moving conductor coil in a magnetic field produces an
induced e.m.f. This is in accordance with
[AFMC 1993; MH CET 2001, 03]
(a) Amperes law (b) Coulomb law
(c) Lenzs law (d) Faradays law
48. In the diagram shown if a bar magnet is moved along the
common axis of two single turn coils A and B in the
direction of arrow [Kerala (Engg.) 2001]

(a) Current is induced only in A & not in B
(b) Induced currents in A & B are in the same direction
(c) Current is induced only in B and not in A
(d) Induced currents in A & B are in opposite directions
49. Magnetic flux | (in weber) linked with a closed circuit of
resistance 10 ohm varies with time t (in seconds) as
1 4 5
+ = t t |
The induced electromotive force in the circuit at t = 0.2
sec. is [MP PMT 2001]
(a) 0.4 volts (b) 0.4 volts
(c) 2.0 volts (d) 2.0 volts
50. The formula for induced e.m.f. in a coil due to change in
magnetic flux through the coil is (here A = area of the coil,
B = magnetic field) [MP PET 2002]
A e . = (b)
B e . =
(c) ) . ( B A
e = (d) ) ( B A
e =
51. Lenzs law is expressed by the following formula (here e =
induced e.m.f., | = magnetic flux in one turn and N =
number of turns) [MP PET 2002]
e | = (b)
N e
(c) |

N dt
N e
52. A magnet is dropped down an infinitely long vertical
copper tube [KCET 2002]
(a) The magnet moves with continuously increasing
velocity and ultimately acquires a constant terminal
(b) The magnet moves with continuously decreasing
velocity and ultimately comes to rest
(c) The magnet moves with continuously increasing
velocity but constant acceleration
(d) The magnet moves with continuously increasing
velocity and acceleration
53. An aluminium ring B faces an electromagnet A. The
current I through A can be altered [Kerala PET 2002]


Electromagnetic Induction 1307

(a) Whether I increases or decreases, B will not
experience any force
(b) If I decrease, A will repel B
(c) If I increases, A will attract B
(d) If I increases, A will repel B
54. The magnetic flux linked with a coil at any instant t is
given by | = 5t
100t + 300, the e.m.f. induced in the
coil at t = 2 second is [KCET 2003]
(a) 40 V (b) 40 V
(c) 140 V (d) 300 V
55. A coil has 1,000 turns and 500 cm
as its area. The plane of
the coil is placed at right angles to a magnetic induction
field of
2 5
/ 10 2 m Wb

. The coil is rotated through

in 0.2 seconds. The average e.m.f. induced in the coil, in
milli-volts, is [EAMCET 2003]
(a) 5 (b) 10
(c) 15 (d) 20
56. When a bar magnet falls through a long hollow metal
cylinder fixed with its axis vertical, the final acceleration
of the magnet is [BVP 2003]
(a) Equal to zero
(b) Less than g
(c) Equal to g
(d) Equal to g in to beginning and then more than g
57. The magnetic flux linked with a vector area A in a uniform
magnetic field B is [MP PET 2003]
(a) A B (b) AB
(c) A B (d)

58. The magnetic flux linked with a circuit of resistance 100
ohm increases from 10 to 60 webers. The amount of
induced charge that flows in the circuit is (in coulomb)
[MP PET 2003]
(a) 0.5 (b) 5
(c) 50 (d) 100
59. A magnet NS is suspended from a spring and while it
oscillates, the magnet moves in and out of the coil C. The
coil is connected to a galvanometer G. Then as the magnet
oscillates, [KCET 2004]
(a) G shows deflection to the left and
right with constant amplitude
(b) G shows deflection on one side
(c) G shows no deflection.
(d) G shows deflection to the left and right but the
amplitude steadily decreases.
60. A coil having n turns and resistance R O is connected
with a galvanometer of resistance O R 4 . This
combination is moved in time t seconds from a magnetic
field W1 weber to W2 weber. The induced current in the
circuit is [AIEEE 2004]
1 2

W W n
) (
1 2

W W ) (
1 2

W W n ) (
1 2

61. If a copper ring is moved quickly towards south pole of a
powerful stationary bar magnet, then [Pb. PMT 2004]
(a) Current flows through the copper ring
(b) Voltage in the magnet increase
(c) Current flows in the magnet
(d) Copper ring will get magnetised
62. The magnetic flux linked with coil, in weber is given by
the equation, 16 3 5
+ + = t t | . The induced emf in the
coil in the fourth second is [Pb. PMT 2004]
(a) 10 V (b) 30 V
(c) 45 V (d) 90 V
63. The coil of area 0.1 m
has 500 turns. After placing the
coil in a magnetic field of strength
2 4
/ 10 4 m Wb

, if
rotated through 90
in 0.1 s, the average emf induced in
the coil is
[Pb. PET 2002]
(a) 0.012 V (b) 0.05 V
(c) 0.1 V (d) 0.2 V
64. Magnetic flux in a circuit containing a coil of resistance
O 2 changes from 2.0 Wb to 10 Wb in 0.2 sec. The charge
passed through the coil in this time is [DPMT 2003]
(a) 0.8 C (b) 1.0 C
(c) 5.0 C (d) 4.0 C
65. The diagram below shows two coils A and B placed
parallel to each other at a very small distance. Coil A is
connected to an ac supply. G is a very sensitive
galvanometer. When the key is closed [CPMT 1986]

(a) Constant deflection will be observed in the
galvanometer for 50 Hz supply
(b) Visible small variations will be observed in the
galvanometer for 50 Hz input
(c) Oscillations in the galvanometer may be observed
when the input ac voltage has a frequency of 1 to 2 Hz
(d) No variation will be observed in the galvanometer
even when the input ac voltage is 1 or 2 Hz
66. An infinitely long cylinder is kept parallel to an uniform
magnetic field B directed along positive z axis. The
direction of induced current as seen from the z axis will be
[IIT-JEE (Screening) 2005]
(a) Clockwise of the +ve z axis
(b) Anticlockwise of the +ve z axis
(c) Zero
(d) Along the magnetic field

1308 Electromagnetic Induction
67. In a magnetic field of 0.05T, area of a coil changes from
101cm to
100 cm without changing the resistance
which is 2O. The amount of charge that flow during this
period is
[Orissa PMT 2005]
10 5 . 2

coulomb (b)
10 2


coulomb (d)
10 8

68. If a coil of 40 turns and area 4.0 cm
is suddenly removed
from a magnetic field, it is observed that a charge of
10 0 . 2

flows into the coil. If the resistance of the coil
is O 80 , the magnetic flux density in
/ m Wb is[MP PET 2005]
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0
(c) 1.5 (d) 2.0

Motional EMI

1. A rectangular coil ABCD is rotated anticlockwise with a
uniform angular velocity about the axis shown in diagram
below. The axis of rotation of the coil as well as the
magnetic field B are horizontal. The induced e.m.f. in the
coil would be maximum when
[Haryana CEE 1996; MP PMT 1992, 94, 99]

(a) The plane of the coil is horizontal
(b) The plane of the coil makes an angle of 45 with the
magnetic field
(c) The plane of the coil is at right angles to the magnetic
(d) The plane of the coil makes an angle of 30 with the
magnetic field
2. A 10 metre wire kept in east-west falling with velocity
5 m/sec perpendicular to the field
2 4
/ 10 3 . 0 m Wb

. The
induced e.m.f. across the terminal will be [MP PET 2000]
(a) 0.15 V (b) 1.5 mV
(c) 1.5 V (d) 15.0 V
3. An electric potential difference will be induced between
the ends of the conductor shown in the diagram, when the
conductor moves in the direction
[AIIMS 1982; DPMT 2001]
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) L
(d) M
4. Two rails of a railway track insulated from each other and
the ground are connected to a milli voltmeter. What is the
reading of voltmeter, when a train travels with a speed of
180 km/hr along the track. Given that the vertical
component of earth's magnetic field is
2 4
/ 10 2 . 0 m weber

and the rails are separated by 1

[IIT 1981; KCET 2001]
(a) volt

(b) volt

(c) volt

(d) 1 volt
5. A conductor of 3 m in length is moving perpendicularly to
magnetic field of

tesla with the speed of s m / 10

then the e.m.f. produced across the ends of conductor will
be [MP PET 1990]
(a) 0.03 volt (b) 0.3 volt
(c) volt
10 3

(d) 3 volt
6. When a wire loop is rotated in a magnetic field, the
direction of induced e.m.f. changes once in each
[MP PMT 1991, 04]
revolution (b)
(c) 1 revolution (d) 2 revolution
7. An aeroplane in which the distance between the tips of
wings is 50 m is flying horizontally with a speed of 360
km/hr over a place where the vertical components of
earth magnetic field is
2 4
/ 10 0 . 2 m weber

. The
potential difference between the tips of wings would be
[CPMT 1990; MP PET 1991]
(a) 0.1 V (b) 1.0 V
(c) 0.2 V (d) 0.01 V
8. A copper disc of radius 0.1 m is rotated about its centre
with 10 revolutions per second in a uniform magnetic
field of 0.1 Tesla with its plane perpendicular to the field.
The e.m.f. induced across the radius of disc is [MH CET (Med) 2001]
(a) V
(b) V

(c) V

t (d) V
10 2

9. A metal conductor of length 1m rotates vertically about
one of its ends at angular velocity 5 radians per second. If
the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is
10 2 . 0

, then the e.m.f. developed between the two
ends of the conductor is [MP PMT 1992; AIEEE
(a) mV 5 (b) V
10 5

(c) mV 50 (d) V 50
10. A conducting square loop of side L and resistance R
moves in its plane with a uniform velocity v perpendicular
to one of its sides. A magnetic induction B constant in
time and space, pointing perpendicular and into the plane
of the loop exists everywhere. The current induced in the
loop is
[IIT 1989; MP PET 1997; MP PMT 1996, 99; MP PMT 2002]



Electromagnetic Induction 1309
Blv 2
(d) Zero
11. A player with 3 m long iron rod runs towards east with a
speed of 30 km/hr. Horizontal component of earth's
magnetic field is
2 5
/ 10 4 m Wb

. If he is running with
rod in horizontal and vertical positions, then the potential
difference induced between the two ends of the rod in two
cases will be [MP PET 1993]
(a) Zero in vertical position and V
10 1

in horizontal
(b) V
10 1

in vertical position and zero is horizontal
(c) Zero in both cases
(d) V
10 1

in both cases
12. A coil of area 80 square cm and 50 turns is rotating with
2000 revolutions per minute about an axis perpendicular
to a magnetic field of 0.05 Tesla. The maximum value of
the e.m.f. developed in it is [MP PMT 1994]
(a) volt t 200 (b) volt

(c) volt
13. A conducting rod of length l is falling with a velocity v
perpendicular to a uniform horizontal magnetic field B.
The potential difference between its two ends will be
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) 2Blv (b) Blv
(c) Blv
2 2 2
v l B
14. A conducting wire is moving towards right in a magnetic
field B. The direction of induced current in the wire is
shown in the figure. The direction of magnetic field will be
[MP PET 1995]

(a) In the plane of paper pointing towards right
(b) In the plane of paper pointing towards left
(c) Perpendicular to the plane of paper and down-wards
(d) Perpendicular to the plane of paper and upwards
15. The current carrying wire and the rod AB are in the same
plane. The rod moves parallel to the wire with a velocity v.
Which one of the following statements is true about
induced emf in the rod

(a) End A will be at lower potential with respect to B
(b) A and B will be at the same potential
(c) There will be no induced e.m.f. in the rod
(d) Potential at A will be higher than that at B
16. A long horizontal metallic rod with length along the east-
west direction is falling under gravity. The potential
difference between its two ends will [MP PMT 1997]
(a) Be zero (b) Be constant
(c) Increase with time (d) Decrease with time
17. A two metre wire is moving with a velocity of 1 m/sec
perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.5 weber/m
. The
e.m.f. induced in it will be
[MP PMT/PET 1998; Pb PET 2003]
(a) 0.5 volt (b) 0.1 volt
(c) 1 volt (d) 2 volt
18. A metal rod moves at a constant velocity in a direction
perpendicular to its length. A constant uniform magnetic
field exists in space in a direction perpendicular to the rod
as well as its velocity. Select the correct statement(s) from
the following [IIT JEE 1998]
(a) The entire rod is at the same electric potential
(b) There is an electric field in the rod
(c) The electric potential is highest at the centre of the
rod and decreases towards its ends
(d) The electric potential is lowest at the centre of the rod
and increases towards its ends
19. A conducting wire is dropped along east-west direction,
[RPMT 1997]
(a) No emf is induced
(b) No induced current flows
(c) Induced current flows from west to east
(d) Induced current flows from east to west
20. The magnetic induction in the region between the pole
faces of an electromagnet is 0.7 weber/m
. The induced
e.m.f. in a straight conductor 10 cm long, perpendicular to
B and moving perpendicular both to magnetic induction
and its own length with a velocity 2 m/sec is[AMU (Med.) 1999]
(a) 0.08 V (b) 0.14 V
(c) 0.35 V (d) 0.07 V
21. A straight conductor of length 0.4 m is moved with a
speed of 7 m/s perpendicular to the magnetic field of
intensity of 0.9 Wb/m
. The induced e.m.f. across the
conductor will be
[MH CET (Med.) 1999]
(a) 7.25 V (b) 3.75 V
(c) 1.25 V (d) 2.52 V
22. A coil of N turns and mean cross-sectional area A is
rotating with uniform angular velocity e about an axis at
right angle to uniform magnetic field B. The induced
e.m.f. E in the coil will be [MP PMT 2002]
(a) NBA sinet (b) NB e sinet
(c) NB/A sinet (d) NBA e sinet
23. A conducting square loop of side l and resistance R moves
in its plane with a uniform velocity v perpendicular to one
of its sides. A magnetic induction B constant in time and
space, pointing perpendicular and into the plane at the
loop exists everywhere with half the loop outside the field,
as shown in figure. The induced e.m.f. is [AIEEE 2002]

i B
i A



1310 Electromagnetic Induction
(a) Zero
(b) RvB
(c) VBl/R
(d) VBl
24. A wheel with ten metallic spokes each 0.50 m long is
rotated with a speed of 120 rev/min in a plane normal to
the earths magnetic field at the place. If the magnitude of
the field is 0.4 Gauss, the induced e.m.f. between the axle
and the rim of the wheel is equal to [AMU (Med.) 2002]
(a) V
10 256 . 1

(b) V
10 28 . 6

(c) V
10 256 . 1

(d) V
10 28 . 6

25. A metal rod of length 2 m is rotating with an angular
velocity of 100 rad/sec in a plane perpendicular to a
uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T. The potential difference
between the ends of the rod is [MP PET 2003]
(a) 30 V (b) 40 V
(c) 60 V (d) 600 V
26. The wing span of an aeroplane is 20 metre. It is flying in a
field, where the vertical component of magnetic field of
earth is 5 10
tesla, with velocity 360 km/h. The
potential difference produced between the blades will be
[CPMT 2003]
(a) 0.10 V (b) 0.15 V
(c) 0.20 V (d) 0.30 V
27. A horizontal straight conductor kept in north-south
direction falls under gravity, then [MP PMT 2003]
(a) A current will be induced from South to North
(b) A current will be induced from North to South
(c) No induce e.m.f. along the length of conductor
(d) An induced e.m.f. is generated along the length of
28. A rectangular coil of 300 turns has an average area of
average area of . 10 25 cm cm The coil rotates with a
speed of 50 cps in a uniform magnetic field of strength
10 4

about an axis perpendicular of the field. The
peak value of the induced e.m.f. is (in volt) [KCET 2004]
(a) t 3000 (b) t 300
(c) t 30 (d) t 3
29. A rod of length 20 cm is rotating with angular speed of
100 rps in a magnetic field of strength 0.5 T about its one
end. What is the potential difference between two ends of
the rod
[Orissa PMT 2004]
(a) 2.28 V (b) 4.28 V
(c) 6.28 V (d) 2.5 V
30. A circular metal plate of radius R is rotating with a
uniform angular velocity e with its plane perpendicular
to a uniform magnetic field B. Then the emf developed
between the centre and the rim of the plate is [UPSEAT 2004]
BR te (b)
BR e
(c) 2 /
BR te (d) 2 /
BR e
31. A circular coil of mean radius of 7 cm and having 4000
turns is rotated at the rate of 1800 revolutions per minute
in the earth's magnetic field (B = 0.5 gauss), the
maximum e.m.f. induced in coil will be [Pb. PMT 2003]
(a) 1.158 V (b) 0.58 V
(c) 0.29 V (d) 5.8 V
32. One conducting U tube can slide inside another as shown
in figure, maintaining electrical contacts between the
tubes. The magnetic field B is perpendicular to the plane
of the figure. If each tube moves towards the other at a
constant sped v then the emf induced in the circuit in
terms of B, l and v where l is the width of each tube, will
[AIEEE 2005]

(a) Zero
(b) Blv 2
(c) Blv
(d) Blv

33. The magnitude of the earths magnetic field at a place is
B and the angle of dip is o . A horizontal conductor of
length l lying along the magnetic north-south moves
eastwards with a velocity v. The emf induced across the
conductor is
[Kerala PET 2005]
(a) Zero (b) o sin
v l B
(c) v l B
(d) o cos
v l B

Static EMI

1. The back e.m.f. induced in a coil, when current changes
from 1 ampere to zero in one milli-second, is 4 volts, the
self inductance of the coil is [MP PET/PMT 1988]
(a) 1 H (b) 4 H

H (d)
10 4

2. An e.m.f. of 5 volt is produced by a self inductance, when
the current changes at a steady rate from 3 A to 2 A in 1
millisecond. The value of self inductance is
[CPMT 1982; MP PMT 1991; CBSE PMT 1993; AFMC 2002]
(a) Zero (b) 5 H
(c) 5000 H (d) 5 mH
3. A 50 mH coil carries a current of 2 ampere. The energy
stored in joules is [MP PET/PMT 1988; MP PET 2005]
(a) 1 (b) 0.1
(c) 0.05 (d) 0.5
4. The current passing through a choke coil of 5 henry is
decreasing at the rate of 2 ampere/sec. The e.m.f.
developing across the coil is
[CPMT 1982; MP PMT 1990; AIIMS 1997; MP PET 1999]
(a) 10 V (b) 10 V
(c) 2.5 V (d) 2.5 V
5. Average energy stored in a pure inductance L when a
current i flows through it, is [MP PET/PMT 1988]
Li (b)


Electromagnetic Induction 1311
6. A solenoid has 2000 turns wound over a length of 0.30
metre. The area of its cross-section is
2 3
10 2 . 1 m

Around its central section, a coil of 300 turns is wound. If
an initial current of 2 A in the solenoid is reversed in 0.25
sec, then the e.m.f. induced in the coil is
[NCERT 1982; MP PMT 2003]
(a) V
10 6

(b) V
10 8 . 4

(c) V
10 6

(d) 48 mV
7. A coil is wound as a transformer of rectangular cross-
section. If all the linear dimensions of the transformer are
increased by a factor 2 and the number of turns per unit
length of the coil remain the same, the self inductance
increased by a factor of [AIIMS 1980]
(a) 16 (b) 12
(c) 8 (d) 4
8. Two coils of self inductance
L and
L are placed closer
to each other so that total flux in one coil is completely
linked with other. If M is mutual inductance between
them, then
[DCE 2002]
2 1
L L M = (b)
2 1
/ L L M =
2 1
L L M = (d)
2 1
) ( L L M =
9. The equivalent quantity of mass in electricity is
(a) Charge (b) Potential
(c) Inductance (d) Current
10. The momentum in mechanics is expressed as v m . The
analogous expression in electricity is [MP PMT 2003]
(a) Q I (b) V I
(c) I L (d) Q L
11. In what form is the energy stored in an inductor or
A coil of inductance L is carrying a steady current i. What
is the nature of its stored energy [CBSE PMT 1990, 92;
MP PMT 1996, 2000, 02; Kerala PMT 2002]
(a) Magnetic
(b) Electrical
(c) Both magnetic and electrical
(d) Heat
12. The coefficient of self inductance of a solenoid is 0.18 mH.
If a crode of soft iron of relative permeability 900 is
inserted, then the coefficient of self inductance will
become nearly
(a) 5.4 mH (b) 162 mH
(c) 0.006 mH (d) 0.0002 mH
13. In a transformer, the coefficient of mutual inductance
between the primary and the secondary coil is 0.2 henry.
When the current changes by 5 ampere/second in the
primary, the induced e.m.f. in the secondary will be
[MP PMT 1989]
(a) 5 V (b) 1 V
(c) 25 V (d) 10 V
14. When the current in a coil changes from 8 ampere to 2
ampere in
10 3

second, the e.m.f. induced in the coil is
volt 2 . The self inductance of the coil (in millihenry) is
[MNR 1991; UP SEAT 2000; Pb PET 2004]
(a) 1 (b) 5
(c) 20 (d) 10
15. The mutual inductance between two coils is 1.25 henry. If
the current in the primary changes at the rate of 80
ampere/second, then the induced e.m.f. in the secondary
[MP PET 1990]
(a) 12.5 V (b) 64.0 V
(c) 0.016 V (d) 100.0 V
16. A coil of wire of a certain radius has 600 turns and a self
inductance of 108 mH. The self inductance of a 2

similar coil of 500 turns will be [MP PMT 1990]
(a) 74 mH (b) 75 mH
(c) 76 mH (d) 77 mH
17. When the number of turns in a coil is doubled without
any change in the length of the coil, its self inductance
[MP PMT 1986; CBSE PMT 1992; Pb PET 2000]
(a) Four times (b) Doubled
(c) Halved (d) Unchanged
18. The average e.m.f. induced in a coil in which the current
changes from 2 ampere to 4 ampere in 0.05 second is 8
volt. What is the self inductance of the coil ?
[NCERT 1984; CPMT 1997; MP PMT 1999, 2003;
UPSEAT 2000; RPMT 2000; Pb. PMT 2002; RPET 2003;
DPMT 2005]
(a) 0.1 H (b) 0.2 H
(c) 0.4 H (d) 0.8 H
19. If a current of 3.0 amperes flowing in the primary coil is
reduced to zero in 0.001 second, then the induced e.m.f.
in the secondary coil is 15000 volts. The mutual
inductance between the two coils is [MP PMT 1989, 91]
(a) 0.5 henry (b) 5 henry
(c) 1.5 henry (d) 10 henry
20. An e.m.f. of 12 volts is induced in a given coil when the
current in it changes at the rate of 48 amperes per
minute. The self inductance of the coil is [MP PMT 2000]
(a) 0.25 henry (b) 15 henry
(c) 1.5 henry (d) 9.6 henry
21. A closely wound coil of 100 turns and area of cross-
1 cm has a coefficient of self-induction 1 mH.
The magnetic induction in the centre of the core of the
coil when a current of 2A flows in it, will be [MP PET 1992]
022 . 0

Wbm (b)
4 . 0

m Wb
8 . 0

m Wb (d)

m Wb

1312 Electromagnetic Induction
22. Two circuits have coefficient of mutual induction of 0.09
henry. Average e.m.f. induced in the secondary by a
change of current from 0 to 20 ampere in 0.006 second in
the primary will be [MP PET 1992]
(a) 120 V (b) 80 V
(c) 200 V (d) 300 V
23. In the following circuit, the bulb will become suddenly
bright if [CBSE PMT 1989]

(a) Contact is made or broken
(b) Contact is made
(c) Contact is broken
(d) Won't become bright at all
24. Two pure inductors each of self inductance L are
connected in parallel but are well separated from each
other. The total inductance is
[MP PET 1991; Pb. PMT 1999; BHU 1998, 05]
(a) L 2 (b) L

25. A coil and a bulb are connected in series with a dc source,
a soft iron core is then inserted in the coil. Then
[MP PMT 1990; RPET 2001]
(a) Intensity of the bulb remains the same
(b) Intensity of the bulb decreases
(c) Intensity of the bulb increases
(d) The bulb ceases to glow
26. Self induction of a solenoid is [MP PMT 1993]
(a) Directly proportional to current flowing through the
(b) Directly proportional to its length
(c) Directly proportional to area of cross-section
(d) Inversely proportional to area of cross-section
27. Mutual inductance of two coils can be increased by
[MP PET 1994]
(a) Decreasing the number of turns in the coils
(b) Increasing the number of turns in the coils
(c) Winding the coils on wooden core
(d) None of the above
28. The self inductance of a coil is 5 henry, a current of 1 amp
change to 2 amp within 5 second through the coil. The
value of induced e.m.f. will be [MP PET 1994;
Similar MP PET/PMT 1998; CBSE PMT 1990]
(a) 10 volt (b) 0.10 volt
(c) 1.0 volt (d) 100 volt
29. The unit of inductance is [MP PMT 1994, 95;
MP PET 1997; MP PMT/PET 1998; RPET 2001]
(a) Volt/ampere (b) Joule/ampere
(c) Volt-sec/ampere (d) Volt-ampere/sec
30. The current flowing in a coil of self inductance 0.4 mH is
increased by 250 mA in 0.1 sec. The e.m.f. induced will be
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) + 1 V (b) 1 V
(c) + 1 mV (d) 1 mV
31. 5 cm long solenoid having 10 ohm resistance and 5 mH
inductance is joined to a 10 volt battery. At steady state
the current through the solenoid in ampere will be
[MP PET 1995]
(a) 5 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) Zero
32. When current in a coil changes to 2 ampere from 8
ampere in ond sec 10 3
, the e.m.f. induced in the coil
is 2 volt. The self inductance of the coil in millihenry is
[MP PET 1995]
(a) 1 (b) 5
(c) 20 (d) 10
33. An ideal coil of 10 henry is joined in series with a
resistance of 5 ohm and a battery of 5 volt. 2 second after
joining, the current flowing in ampere in the circuit will
[MP PET 1995]
e (b) ) 1 (
(c) ) 1 ( e (d) e
34. The number of turns of primary and secondary coils of a
transformer are 5 and 10 respectively and the mutual
inductance of the transformer is 25 henry. Now the
number of turns in the primary and secondary of the
transformer are made 10 and 5 respectively. The mutual
inductance of the transformer in henry will be [MP PET 1995]
(a) 6.25 (b) 12.5
(c) 25 (d) 50
35. The inductance of a coil is H 60 . A current in this coil
increases from 1.0 A to 1.5 A in 0.1 second. The magnitude
of the induced e.m.f. is [MP PMT 1995]
(a) V
10 60

(b) V
10 300

(c) V
10 30

(d) V
10 3

36. A circular coil of radius 5 cm has 500 turns of a wire. The
approximate value of the coefficient of self induction of
the coil will be [MP PET 1996; Pb PET
(a) 25 millihenry (b)
10 25

10 50

millihenry (d)
10 50

37. An e.m.f. of 100 millivolts is induced in a coil when the
current in another nearby coil becomes 10 ampere from
zero in 0.1 second. The coefficient of mutual induction
between the two coils will be
[MP PET 1996; Kerala PMT 2004]
(a) 1 millihenry (b) 10 millihenry
(c) 100 millihenry (d) 1000 millihenry
38. In a coil of self inductance 0.5 henry, the current varies at
a constant rate from zero to 10 amperes in 2 seconds. The
e.m.f. generated in the coil is [MP PMT 1996]
(a) 10 volts (b) 5 volts
(c) 2.5 volts (d) 1.25 volts
39. A coil of self inductance 50 henry is joined to the
terminals of a battery of e.m.f. 2 volts through a

Electromagnetic Induction 1313
resistance of 10 ohm and a steady current is flowing
through the circuit. If the battery is now disconnected, the
time in which the current will decay to 1/e of its steady
value is [MP PMT 1996]
(a) 500 seconds (b) 50 seconds
(c) 5 seconds (d) 0.5 seconds
40. The self inductance of a solenoid of length L, area of
cross-section A and having N turns is
[MP PET 1997; MP PET 2003]


(c) LA N
(d) NAL

41. The self inductance of a coil is L. Keeping the length and
area same, the number of turns in the coil is increased to
four times. The self inductance of the coil will now be
[MP PMT 1997]
(a) L
(b) L
(c) 4 L (d) 16 L
42. The mutual inductance between a primary and secondary
circuits is 0.5 H. The resistances of the primary and the
secondary circuits are 20 ohms and 5 ohms respectively.
To generate a current of 0.4 A in the secondary, current in
the primary must be changed at the rate of[MP PMT 1997]
(a) 4.0 A/s (b) 16.0 A/s
(c) 1.6 A/s (d) 8.0 A/s
43. The energy stored in a 50 mH inductor carrying a current
of 4 A will be [MP PET 1999]
(a) 0.4 J (b) 4.0 J
(c) 0.8 J (d) 0.04 J
44. The average e.m.f. induced in a coil in which a current
changes from 0 to 2 A in 0.05 s is 8 V. The self inductance
of the coil is [CPMT 1999]
(a) 0.1 H (b) 0.2 H
(c) 0.4 H (d) 0.8 H
45. If the current is halved in a coil, then the energy stored is
how much times the previous value [CPMT 1999]

(c) 2 (d) 4
46. The SI unit of inductance, the henry, can be written as
[IIT JEE 1998]
(a) Weber/ampere (b) Volt-second/ampere
(c) Joule/(ampere)
(d) Ohm-second
47. A varying current in a coil changes from 10 amp to zero in
0.5 sec. If average EMF is induced in the coil is 220 volts,
the self inductance of coil is
[EAMCET 1994; MH CET (Med.) 1999]
(a) 5 H (b) 10 H
(c) 11 H (d) 12 H
48. Which of the following is wrong statement [AMU 1995]
(a) An emf can be induced between the ends of a straight
conductor by moving it through a uniform magnetic
(b) The self induced emf produced by changing current
in a coil always tends to decrease the current
(c) Inserting an iron core in a coil increases its coefficient
of self induction
(d) According to Lenz's law, the direction of the induced
current is such that it opposes the flux change that
causes it
49. A coil has an inductance of 2.5 H and a resistance of 0.5 r.
If the coil is suddenly connected across a 6.0 volt battery,
then the time required for the current to rise 0.63 of its
final value is [AMU 1995]
(a) 3.5 sec (b) 4.0 sec
(c) 4.5 sec (d) 5.0 sec
50. When the number of turns and the length of the solenoid
are doubled keeping the area of cross-section same, the
inductance [CBSE PMT 1993; MH CET 2000]
(a) Remains the same (b) Is halved
(c) Is doubled (d) Becomes four times
51. A 100 mH coil carries a current of 1 ampere. Energy
stored in its magnetic field is[CBSE PMT 1992; KCET 1998]
(a) 0.5 J (b) 1 J
(c) 0.05 J (d) 0.1 J
52. The mutual inductance of an induction coil is H 5 . In the
primary coil, the current reduces from A 5 to zero in

. What is the induced emf in the secondary coil [RPET 1996]

(a) V 2500 (b) 25000V
(c) 2510V (d) Zero
53. The self inductance of a straight conductor is [KCET 1998]
(a) Zero (b) Very large
(c) Infinity (d) Very small
54. What is the coefficient of mutual inductance when the
magnetic flux changes by Wb
10 2

and change in
current is 0.01A [BHU 1998; AIIMS 2002]
(a) 2 henry (b) 3 henry
(c) henry
(d) Zero
55. The current in a coil changes from 4 ampere to zero in 0.1
s. If the average e.m.f. induced is 100 volt, what is the self
inductance of the coil [MNR 1998]
(a) H 5 . 2 (b) H 25
(c) H 400 (d) H 40
56. Pure inductance of 3.0 H is connected as shown below.
The equivalent inductance of the circuit is
[MNR 1998; AIEEE 2002]

(a) 1 H (b) 2 H
(c) 3 H (d) 9 H
57. A varying current at the rate of 3 A/s in a coil generates an
e.m.f. of 8 mV in a nearby coil. The mutual inductance of
the two coils is [Pb. PMT 2000]

1314 Electromagnetic Induction
(a) 2.66 mH (b) mH
10 66 . 2

(c) 2.66 H (d) 0.266 H
58. If a current of 10 A flows in one second through a coil, and
the induced e.m.f. is 10 V, then the self-inductance of the
coil is [CPMT 2000; Pb. PMT 2001; MHCET 2003]
(a) H
(b) H

(c) H
(d) 1 H
59. The inductance of a closed-packed coil of 400 turns is 8
mH. A current of 5 mA is passed through it. The magnetic
flux through each turn of the coil is [Roorkee 2000]
(a) Wb

t 2
(c) Wb

(d) Wb
4 . 0
60. When the current through a solenoid increases at a
constant rate, the induced current [UPSEAT 2000]
(a) Is constant and is in the direction of the inducing
(b) Is a constant and is opposite to the direction of the
inducing current
(c) Increases with time and is in the direction of the
inducing current
(d) Increases with time and opposite to the direction of
the inducing current
61. If in a coil rate of change of area is 5 m
/milli second and
current become 1 amp from 2 amp in . 10 2

magnitude of field is 1 tesla then self inductance of the
coil is
[RPET 2000]
(a) 2 H (b) 5 H
(c) 20 H (d) 10 H
62. The inductance of a solenoid 0.5 m long of cross-sectional
area 20 cm
and with 500 turns is [AMU (Med.) 2000]
(a) 12.5 mH (b) 1.25 mH
(c) 15.0 mH (d) 0.12 mH
63. The equivalent inductance of two inductances is 2.4 henry
when connected in parallel and 10 henry when connected
in series. The difference between the two inductances is
[MP PMT 2000]
(a) 2 henry (b) 3 henry
(c) 4 henry (d) 5 henry
64. An e.m.f. of 12 volt is produced in a coil when the current
in it changes at the rate of 45 amp/minute. The
inductance of the coil is [MP PET 2000]
(a) 0.25 henry (b) 1.5 henry
(c) 9.6 henry (d) 16.0 henry
65. An average induced e.m.f. of 1V appears in a coil when the
current in it is changed from 10A in one direction to 10 A
in opposite direction in 0.5 sec. Self-inductance of the coil
[CPMT 2001]
(a) 25 mH (b) 50 mH
(c) 75 mH (d) 100 mH
66. A coil of resistance 10 O and an inductance 5H is
connected to a 100 volt battery. Then energy stored in the
coil is
[Pb. PMT 2001; CPMT 2002]
(a) 125 erg (b) 125 J
(c) 250 erg (d) 250 J
67. If a change in current of 0.01 A in one coil produces a
change in magnetic flux of Wb
10 2 . 1

in the other coil,
then the mutual inductance of the two coils in henries is
[EAMCET 2001]
(a) 0 (b) 0.5
(c) 1.2 (d) 3
68. Energy stored in a coil of self inductance 40mH carrying a
steady current of 2 A is [Kerala (Engg.) 2001]
(a) 0.8 J (b) 8 J
(c) 0.08 J (d) 80 J
69. A solenoid of length l metre has self-inductance L henry.
If number of turns are doubled, its self inductance
[MP PMT 2001]
(a) Remains same (b) Becomes 2L henry
(c) Becomes 4L henry (d) Becomes
70. Two coils A and B having turns 300 and 600 respectively
are placed near each other, on passing a current of 3.0
ampere in A, the flux linked with A is weber
10 2 . 1

and with B it is weber
10 0 . 9

. The mutual inductance
of the system is [MP PMT 2001]
(a) 2 10
henry (b) 3 10
(c) 4 10
henry (d) 6 10
71. In a circular conducting coil, when current increases from
2 A to 18 A in 0.05 sec., the induced e.m.f. is 20 V. The
self inductance of the coil is [MP PET 2001]
(a) 62.5 mH (b) 6.25 mH
(c) 50 mH (d) None of these
72. Find out the e.m.f. produced when the current changes
from 0 to 1 A in 10 second, given L = 10 H [DCE 2001]
(a) 1 V (b) 1 V
(c) 1 mV (d) 0.1 V
73. Which of the following is not the unit of self inductance
[AMU (Med.) 2001]
(a) Weber/Ampere (b) Ohm-Second
(c) Joule-Ampere (d) Joule Ampere

74. A coil of 100 turns carries a current of 5 mA and creates a
magnetic flux of 10
weber. the inductance is
[Orissa JEE 2002]
(a) 0.2 mH (b) 2.0 mH
(c) 0.02 mH (d) None of these
75. In circular coil, when no. of turns is doubled and
resistance becomes th
of initial, then inductance

Electromagnetic Induction 1315
[AIEEE 2002]
(a) 4 times (b) 2 times
(c) 8 times (d) No change
76. The current in a coil of inductance 5 H decreases at the
rate of 2 A/s. The induced e.m.f. is [MH CET 2002]
(a) 2 V (b) 5 V
(c) 10 V (d) 10 V
77. The self-induced e.m.f. in a 0.1 H coil when the current in
it is changing at the rate of 200 ampere/second is
[DPMT 2002]
(a) V
10 8

(b) V
10 8

(c) V 20 (d) V 125
78. Two circuits have mutual inductance of 0.1 H. What
average e.m.f. is induced in one circuit when the current
in the other circuit changes from 0 to 20 A in 0.02 s
[Kerala PET 2002]
(a) 240 V (b) 230 V
(c) 100 V (d) 300 V
79. An air core solenoid has 1000 turns and is one metre
long. Its cross-sectional area is 10 cm
. Its self inductance
[JIPMER 2002]
(a) 0.1256 mH (b) 12.56 mH
(c) 1.256 mH (d) 125.6 mH
80. The coefficient of mutual inductance of two coils is 6 mH.
If the current flowing in one is 2 ampere, then the
induced e.m.f. in the second coil will be [BVP 2003]
(a) 3 mV (b) 2 mV
(c) 3 V (d) Zero
81. An L-R circuit has a cell of e.m.f. E, which is switched on
at time t = 0. The current in the circuit after a long time
will be
[MP PET 2003]
(a) Zero (b)

2 2

82. Two coils are placed close to each other. The mutual
inductance of the pair of coils depends upon [AIEEE 2003]
(a) The currents in the two coils
(b) The rates at which currents are changing in the two
(c) Relative position and orientation of the two coils
(d) The materials of the wires of the coils
83. When the current change from + 2A to 2A in 0.05
second, an e.m.f. of 8 V is induced in a coil. The
coefficient of self-induction of the coil is [AIEEE 2003]
(a) 0.1 H (b) 0.2 H
(c) 0.4 H (d) 0.8 H
84. A coil resistance 20O and inductance 5H is connected
with a 100V battery. Energy stored in the coil will be
[MP PMT 2003]
(a) 41.5 J (b) 62.50 J
(c) 125 J (d) 250 J
85. Why the current does not rise immediately in a circuit
containing inductance [EAMCET 1994]
(a) Because of induced emf
(b) Because of high voltage drop
(c) Because of low power consumption
(d) Because of Joule heating
86. Two circular coils have their centres at the same point.
The mutual inductance between them will be maximum
when their axes [MP PMT 2004]
(a) Are parallel to each other
(b) Are at 60
to each other
(c) Are at 45
to each other
(d) Are perpendicular to each other
87. The current in a coil decreases from 1 A to 0.2 A. In 10sec.
Calculate the coefficient of self inductance. If induced emf
is 0.4 volt. [BCECE 2004]
(a) 5 H (b) 3 H
(c) 4 H (d) 2 H
88. The current through choke coil increases form zero to 6A
in 0.3 seconds and an induced e.m.f. of 30 V is produced.
The inductance of the coil of choke is [MP PMT 2004]
(a) 5 H (b) 2.5 H
(c) 1.5 H (d) 2 H
89. The resistance and inductance of series circuit are O 5
and 20H respectively. At the instant of closing the
switch, the current is increasing at the rate 4A-s. The
supply voltage is
[MP PMT 2004]
(a) 20 V (b) 80 V
(c) 120 V (d) 100 V
90. A coil of N = 100 turns carries a current I = 5 A and
creates a magnetic flux
2 5

= Tm | per turn. The value
of its inductance L will be [UPSEAT 2004]
(a) 0.05 mH (b) 0.10 mH
(c) 0.15 mH (d) 0.20 mH
91. Two identical induction coils each of inductance L joined
in series are placed very close to each other such that the
winding direction of one is exactly opposite to that of the
other, what is the net inductance [DCE 2003]
(a) L
(b) 2L
(c) L/2 (d) Zero
92. If the current 30 A flowing in the primary coil is made
zero in 0.1 sec. The emf induced in the secondary coil is
1.5 volt. The mutual inductance between the coil is [Pb PMT 2003]
(a) 0.05 H (b) 1.05 H
(c) 0.1 H (d) 0.2 H
93. Eddy currents are used in [AFMC 2004]
(a) Induction furnace (b) Electromagnetic brakes
(c) Speedometers (d) All of these
94. The adjoining figure shows two bulbs B1 and B2 resistor R
and an inductor L. When the switch S is turned off
[CPMT 1989]

1316 Electromagnetic Induction

(a) Both B1 and B2 die out promptly
(b) Both B1 and B2 die out with some delay
(c) B1 dies out promptly but B2 with some delay
(d) B2 dies out promptly but B1 with some delay
95. In L-R circuit, for the case of increasing current, the
magnitude of current can be calculated by using the
[MP PET 1994]
L Rt
e I I

= (b) ) 1 (
L Rt
e I I

(c) ) 1 (
L Rt
e I I = (d)
L Rt
e I I
96. An inductance L and a resistance R are first connected to
a battery. After some time the battery is disconnected but
L and R remain connected in a closed circuit. Then the
current reduces to 37% of its initial value in [MP PMT 1994]
(a) RL sec (b) sec

(c) sec
(d) sec

97. In an LR-circuit, time constant is that time in which
current grows from zero to the value (where
I is the
steady state current) [MP PMT/PET 1998; MP PET 2002]
63 . 0 I (b)
50 . 0 I
37 . 0 I (d)
98. In the figure magnetic energy stored in the coil is
[RPET 2000]

(a) Zero (b) Infinite
(c) 25 joules (d) None of the above
99. A capacitor is fully charged with a battery. Then the
battery is removed and coil is connected with the
capacitor in parallel, current varies as [RPET 2000; DCE 2000]
(a) Increases monotonically (b) Decreases
(c) Zero (d) Oscillates indefinitely
100. A coil of inductance 40 henry is connected in 0series with
a resistance of 8 ohm and the combination is joined to the
terminals of a 2 volt battery. The time constant of the
circuit is [MP PET 2000]
(a) 40 seconds (b) 20 seconds
(c) 8 seconds (d) 5 seconds
101. A solenoid has an inductance of 60 henrys and a
resistance of 30 ohms. If it is connected to a 100 volt
battery, how long will it take for the current to reach
% 2 . 63

of its final value [MP PET 2000]
(a) 1 second (b) 2 seconds
(c) e seconds (d) 2e seconds
102. An inductor, L a resistance R and two identical bulbs,
B are connected to a battery through a switch S as
shown in the figure. The resistance R is the same as that
of the coil that makes L. Which of the following
statements gives the correct description of the happenings
when the switch S is closed [AMU (Med.) 2002]

(a) The bulb B2 lights up earlier than B1 and finally both
the bulbs shine equally bright
(b) B1 light up earlier and finally both the bulbs acquire
equal brightness
(c) B2 lights up earlier and finally B1 shines brighter than
(d) B1 and B2 light up together with equal brightness all
the time
103. The time constant of an LR circuit represents the time in
which the current in the circuit [MP PMT 2002]
(a) Reaches a value equal to about 37% of its final value
(b) Reaches a value equal to about 63% of its final value
(c) Attains a constant value
(d) Attains 50% of the constant value
104. A LC circuit is in the state of resonance. If F C 1 . 0 = and
25 . 0 = L henry. Neglecting ohmic resistance of circuit
what is the frequency of oscillations [BHU 2003; MP PMT 2005]
(a) 1007 Hz (b) 100 Hz
(c) 109 Hz (d) 500 Hz
105. An oscillator circuit consists of an inductance of 0.5mH
and a capacitor of 20 F . The resonant frequency of the
circuit is nearly [Kerala PET 2002]
(a) 15.92 Hz (b) 159.2 Hz
(c) 1592 Hz (d) 15910 Hz
106. A coil of inductance 300 mH and resistance O 2 is
connected to a source of voltage V 2 . The current reaches
half of its steady state value in [AIEEE 2005]
(a) 0.15 s (b) 0.3 s
(c) 0.05 s (d) 0.1 s
107. A coil having an inductance of 0.5 H carries a current
which is uniformly varying from zero to 10 ampere in 2
second. The e.m.f. (in volts) generated in the coil is
[Kerala PET 2005]
(a) 10 (b) 5
(c) 2.5 (d) 1.25
108. The square root of the product of inductance and
capacitance has the dimension of [KCET 2005]
(a) Length (b) Mass
(c) Time (d) No dimension

Application of EMI (Motor, Dynamo, Transformer...)
10 V 2 O

Electromagnetic Induction 1317

1. Which of the following does not depend upon the
magnetic effect of some sort
(a) Moving coil galvanometer
(b) Hot wire ammeter
(c) Dynamo
(d) Electric motor
2. Use of eddy currents is done in the following except
(a) Moving coil galvanometer
(b) Electric brakes
(c) Induction motor
(d) Dynamo
3. Plane of eddy currents makes an angle with the plane of
magnetic lines of force equal to
40 (b)
90 (d)
4. Which of the following is constructed on the principle of
electromagnetic induction [MP PMT 2002]
(a) Galvanometer (b) Electric motor
(c) Generator (d) Voltmeter
5. A transformer is based on the principle of
[AIIMS 1998; AFMC 2005]
(a) Mutual inductance (b) Self inductance
(c) Ampere's law (d) Lenz's law
6. Which of the following is not an application of eddy
[CBSE PMT 1989]
(a) Induction furnace
(b) Galvanometer damping
(c) Speedometer of automobiles
(d) X-ray crystallography
7. The core of a transformer is laminated to reduce energy
losses due to
[CBSE PMT 1990; Karnataka CET (Med.) 2001]
(a) Eddy currents (b) Hysteresis
(c) Resistance in winding (d) None of these
8. The pointer of a dead-beat galvanometer gives a steady
deflection because [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Eddy currents are produced in the conducting frame
over which the coil is wound
(b) Its magnet is very strong
(c) Its pointer is very light
(d) Its frame is made of abonite
9. The device that does not work on the principle of mutual
induction is [KCET 1994]
(a) Induction coil (b) Motor
(c) Tesla coil (d) Transformer
10. Eddy currents are produced when
[CBSE PMT 1993; AFMC 2002]
(a) A metal is kept in varying magnetic field
(b) A metal is kept in the steady magnetic field
(c) A circular coil is placed in a magnetic field
(d) Through a circular coil, current is passed
11. If rotational velocity of a dynamo armature is doubled,
then induced e.m.f. will become [MP PMT 1991; AIIMS 2000]
(a) Half (b) Two times
(c) Four times (d) Unchanged
12. Dynamo is a device for converting
(a) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
(b) Mechanical energy into electrical energy
(c) Chemical energy into mechanical energy
(d) Mechanical energy into chemical energy
13. The working of dynamo is based on principle of
[CPMT 1984]
(a) Electromagnetic induction
(b) Conversion of energy into electricity
(c) Magnetic effects of current
(d) Heating effects of current
14. Choke coil works on the principle of [MP PET/PMT 1988]
(a) Transient current (b) Self induction
(c) Mutual induction (d) Wattless current
15. When the speed of a dc motor increases the armature
current [CPMT 1984, 85; MP PMT 2004]
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Does not change
(d) Increases and decreases continuously
16. The output of a dynamo using a splitting commutator is
(a) dc
(b) ac
(c) Fluctuating dc
(d) Half-wave rectified voltage
17. Which of the following statement is incorrect
(a) Both ac and dc dynamo have a field magnet
(b) Both ac and dc dynamo have an armature
(c) Both ac and dc dynamo convert mechanical energy
into electrical energy
(d) Both ac and dc dynamo have slip rings
18. The coil of dynamo is rotating in a magnetic field. The
developed induced e.m.f. changes and the number of
magnetic lines of force also changes. Which of the
following condition is correct [MP PET 1993]
(a) Lines of force minimum but induced e.m.f. is zero
(b) Lines of force maximum but induced e.m.f. is zero
(c) Lines of force maximum but induced e.m.f. is not
(d) Lines of force maximum but induced e.m.f. is also

1318 Electromagnetic Induction
19. Dynamo core is laminated because [MP PET 1995]
(a) Magnetic field increases
(b) Magnetic saturation level in core increases
(c) Residual magnetism in core decreases
(d) Loss of energy in core due to eddy currents decreases
20. Armature current in dc motor will be maximum when
[CPMT 1986, 88; MP PET 1995]
(a) Motor has acquired maximum speed
(b) Motor has acquired intermediate speed
(c) Motor has just started moving
(d) Motor is switched off
21. The armature of dc motor has O 20 resistance. It draws
current of 1.5 ampere when run by 220 volts dc supply.
The value of back e.m.f. induced in it will be[MP PMT 1999]
(a) 150 V (b) 170 V
(c) 180 V (d) 190 V
22. In an induction coil, the secondary e.m.f. is [KCET 1994]
(a) Zero during break of the circuit
(b) Very high during make of the circuit
(c) Zero during make of the circuit
(d) Very high during break of the circuit
23. The number of turns in the coil of an ac generator is 5000
and the area of the coil is
25 . 0 m . The coil is rotated at
the rate of 100 cycles/sec in a magnetic field of
/ m W . The peak value of the emf generated is nearly [AMU 1995]
(a) 786 kV (b) 440 kV
(c) 220 kV (d) 157.1 kV
24. In a dc motor, induced e.m.f. will be maximum
[RPMT 1997]
(a) When motor takes maximum speed
(b) When motor starts rotating
(c) When speed of motor increases
(d) When motor is switched off
25. Work of electric motor is [RPMT 1997]
(a) To convert ac into dc
(b) To convert dc into ac
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) To convert ac into mechanical work
26. In an induction coil with resistance, the induced emf will
be maximum when [RPMT 1996]
(a) The switch is put on due to high resistance
(b) The switch is put off due to high resistance
(c) The switch is put on due to low resistance
(d) The switch is put off due to low resistance
27. An electric motor operating on a 60 V dc supply draws a
current of 10 A. If the efficiency of the motor is 50%, the
resistance of its winding is [AMU (Engg.) 2001]
(a) O 3 (b) O 6
(c) O 15 (d) O 30
28. A device which converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy is [KCET 2001]
(a) Dynamo (b) generator
(c) Electric motor (d) Induction coil
29. An electric motor operates on a 50 volt supply and a
current of 12A. If the efficiency of the motor is 30%, what
is the resistance of the winding of the motor [Kerala PET 2002]
(a) O 6 (b) O 4
(c) O 9 . 2 (d) O 1 . 3
30. A motor having an armature of resistance O 2 is designed
to operate at 220 V mains. At full speed, it develops a
back e.m.f. of 210V. When the motor is running at full
speed, the current in the armature is [UPSEAT 2002]
(a) 5A (b) 105A
(c) 110A (d) 215A
31. Fan is based on [AFMC 2003]
(a) Electric Motor (b) Electric dynamo
(c) Both (d) None of these
32. A transformer is employed to
[MP PET 1985; MP PMT 1993; RPET 1999]
(a) Obtain a suitable dc voltage
(b) Convert dc into ac
(c) Obtain a suitable ac voltage
(d) Convert ac into dc
33. What is increased in step-down transformer
[MP PMT/PET 1998; CPMT 1999]
(a) Voltage (b) Current
(c) Power (d) Current density
34. The core of a transformer is laminated so that
[CPMT 1985; MP PMT 1994, 2000, 02, 03; BHU 1999]
(a) Ratio of voltage in the primary and secondary may be
(b) Rusting of the core may be stopped
(c) Energy losses due to eddy currents may be reduced
(d) Change in flux is increased
35. In transformer, core is made of soft iron to reduce
[AIIMS 1998; UPSEAT 2001; AFMC 2005]
(a) Hysteresis losses
(b) Eddy current losses
(c) Force opposing electric current
(d) None of the above
36. The transformation ratio in the step-up transformer is
(a) 1

Electromagnetic Induction 1319
(b) Greater than one
(c) Less than one
(d) The ratio greater or less than one depends on the
other factors
37. In a transformer 220 ac voltage is increased to 2200 volts.
If the number of turns in the secondary are 2000, then
the number of turns in the primary will be [MP PET/PMT 1988]
(a) 200 (b) 100
(c) 50 (d) 20
38. The ratio of secondary to the primary turns in a
transformer is 3 : 2. If the power output be P, then the
input power neglecting all loses must be equal to
[MP PMT 1984; KCET 2003]
(a) 5 P (b) 1.5 P
(c) P (d) P

39. The primary winding of a transformer has 100 turns and
its secondary winding has 200 turns. The primary is
connected to an ac supply of 120 V and the current
flowing in it is 10 A. The voltage and the current in the
secondary are
[MP PMT 1991; DPMT 2004]
(a) 240 V, 5 A (b) 240 V, 10 A
(c) 60 V, 20 A (d) 120 V, 20 A
40. A step-down transformer is connected to 2400 volts line
and 80 amperes of current is found to flow in output load.
The ratio of the turns in primary and secondary coil is 20 :
1. If transformer efficiency is 100%, then the current
flowing in primary coil will be [MP PMT 1991]
(a) 1600 A (b) 20 A
(c) 4 A (d) 1.5 A
41. A loss free transformer has 500 turns on its primary
winding and 2500 in secondary. The meters of the
secondary indicate 200 volts at 8 amperes under these
conditions. The voltage and current in the primary is[MP PMT 1996]
(a) 100 V, 16 A (b) 40 V, 40 A
(c) 160 V, 10 A (d) 80 V, 20 A
42. An ideal transformer has 100 turns in the primary and
250 turns in the secondary. The peak value of the ac is 28
V. The r.m.s. secondary voltage is nearest to [MP PMT 1992]
(a) 50 V (b) 70 V
(c) 100 V (d) 40 V
43. A transformer is employed to reduce 220 V to 11 V. The
primary draws a current of 5 A and the secondary 90 A.
The efficiency of the transformer is [MP PMT 1992, 2001, 04]
(a) 20% (b) 40%
(c) 70% (d) 90%
44. In a step-up transformer, the turn ratio is 1 : 2. A
Leclanche cell (e.m.f. 1.5V) is connected across the
primary. The voltage developed in the secondary would be
[MP PET 1992, 99; AIIMS 2000; MP PMT 2000; RPET 2001]
(a) 3.0 V (b) 0.75 V
(c) 1.5 V (d) Zero
45. The alternating voltage induced in the secondary coil of a
transformer is mainly due to[MP PET 1992; MP PMT 1996]
(a) A varying electric field
(b) A varying magnetic field
(c) The vibrations of the primary coil
(d) The iron core of the transformer
46. We can reduce eddy currents in the core of transformer
[MP PET 1993]
(a) By increasing the number of turns in secondary coil
(b) By taking laminated core
(c) By making step-down transformer
(d) By using a weak ac at high potential
47. A 100% efficient transformer has 100 turns in the primary
and 25 turns in its secondary coil. If the current in the
secondary coil is 4 amp, then the current in the primary
coil is [MP PMT 1990]
(a) 1 amp (b) 4 amp
(c) 8 amp (d) 16 amp
48. The efficiency of transformer is very high because
[MP PET 1994]
(a) There is no moving part in a transformer
(b) It produces very high voltage
(c) It produces very low voltage
(d) None of the above
49. In a lossless transformer an alternating current of 2 amp
is flowing in the primary coil. The number of turns in the
primary and secondary coils are 100 and 20 respectively.
The value of the current in the secondary coil is
[MP PMT 1994]
(a) 0.08 A (b) 0.4 A
(c) 5 A (d) 10 A
50. A transformer connected to 220 volt line shows an output
of 2 A at 11000 volt. The efficiency is 100%. The current
drawn from the line is [MP PMT 1995]
(a) 100 A (b) 200 A
(c) 22 A (d) 11 A
51. The coils of a step down transformer have 500 and 5000
turns. In the primary coil an ac of 4 ampere at 2200 volts
is sent. The value of the current and potential difference
in the secondary coil will be [MP PET 1996]
(a) 20 A, 220 V (b) 0.4 A, 22000 V
(c) 40 A, 220 V (d) 40 A, 22000 V
52. A power transformer is used to step up an alternating
e.m.f. of 220 V to 11 kV to transmit 4.4 kW of power. If the

1320 Electromagnetic Induction
primary coil has 1000 turns, what is the current rating of
the secondary ? Assume 100% efficiency for the
[MP PET 1997]
(a) 4 A (b) 0.4 A
(c) 0.04 A (d) 0.2 A
53. A step up transformer connected to a 220 V AC line is to
supply 22 kV for a neon sign in secondary circuit. In
primary circuit a fuse wire is connected which is to blow
when the current in the secondary circuit exceeds 10 mA.
The turn ratio of the transformer is [MP PET 1997]
(a) 50 (b) 100
(c) 150 (d) 200
54. In a transformer the primary has 500 turns and
secondary has 50 turns. 100 volts are applied to the
primary coil, the voltage developed in the secondary will
be [MP PMT 1997]
(a) 1 V (b) 10 V
(c) 1000 V (d) 10000 V
55. A transformer is used to [MP PET 1999]
(a) Change the alternating potential
(b) Change the alternating current
(c) To prevent the power loss in alternating current flow
(d) To increase the power of current source
56. A step-up transformer operates on a 230 V line and
supplies a load of 2 ampere. The ratio of the primary and
secondary windings is 1 : 25. The current in the primary is
[CBSE PMT 1998]
(a) 15 A (b) 50 A
(c) 25 A (d) 12.5 A
57. The number of turns in the primary coil of a transformer
is 200 and the number of turns in the secondary coil is 10.
If 240 volt AC is applied to the primary, the output from
the secondary will be [BHU 1997; JIPMER 2000]
(a) 48 V (b) 24 V
(c) 12 V (d) 6 V
58. The primary winding of transformer has 500 turns
whereas its secondary has 5000 turns. The primary is
connected to an ac supply of 20 V, 50 Hz. The secondary
will have an output of [CBSE PMT 1997; AIIMS 1999]
(a) 200 V, 50 Hz (b) 2 V, 50 Hz
(c) 200 V, 500 Hz (d) 2 V, 5 Hz
59. A step-up transformer has transformation ratio of 3 : 2.
What is the voltage in secondary if voltage in primary is
30 V [BHU 1998; Pb. PMT 2004]
(a) 45 V (b) 15 V
(c) 90 V (d) 300 V
60. In a transformer, the number of turns in primary coil and
secondary coil are 5 and 4 respectively. If 240 V is applied
on the primary coil, then the ratio of current in primary
and secondary coil is [AFMC 1998; CPMT 2000; Pb. PET 2002]
(a) 4 : 5 (b) 5 : 4
(c) 5 : 9 (d) 9 : 5
61. A step-down transformer is connected to main supply
200V to operate a 6V, 30W bulb. The current in primary
[AMU (Engg.) 1999]
(a) 3 A (b) 1.5 A
(c) 0.3 A (d) 0.15 A
62. The number of turns in primary and secondary coils of a
transformer are 100 and 20 respectively. If an alternating
potential of 200 volt is applied to the primary, the
induced potential in secondary will be [RPET 1999]
(a) 10 V (b) 40 V
(c) 1000 V (d) 20,000 V
63. The ratio of secondary to primary turns is . 4 : 9 If power
input is P, what will be the ratio of power output (neglect
all losses) to power input [DCE 1999]
(a) 4 : 9 (b) 9 : 4
(c) 5 : 4 (d) 1 : 1
64. Voltage in the secondary coil of a transformer does not
depend upon. [BHU 2000]
(a) Voltage in the primary coil
(b) Ratio of number of turns in the two coils
(c) Frequency of the source
(d) Both (a) and (b)
65. A transformer has turn ratio 100/1. If secondary coil has
4 amp current then current in primary coil is [RPET 2000]
(a) 4 A (b) 0.04 A
(c) 0.4 A (d) 400 A
66. In a step-up transformer the turn ratio is 1:10. A
resistance of 200 ohm connected across the secondary is
drawing a current of 0.5 A. What is the primary voltage
and current
[MP PET 2000]
(a) 50 V, 1 amp (b) 10 V, 5 amp
(c) 25 V, 4 amp (d) 20 V, 2 amp
67. Large transformers, when used for some time, become hot
and are cooled by circulating oil. The heating of
transformer is due to [MP PET 2001]
(a) Heating effect of current alone
(b) Hysteresis loss alone
(c) Both the hysteresis loss and heating effect of current
(d) None of the above
68. In a step-up transformer the voltage in the primary is 220
V and the current is 5A. The secondary voltage is found to
be 22000V. The current in the secondary (neglect losses)
[Kerala PMT 2002]
(a) 5 A (b) 50 A

Electromagnetic Induction 1321
(c) 500 A (d) 0.05 A
69. In a transformer, number of turns in the primary are 140
and that in the secondary are 280. If current in primary is
4A then that in the secondary is [AIEEE 2002]
(a) 4 A (b) 2 A
(c) 6 A (d) 10 A
70. A transformer has 100 turns in the primary coil and
carries 8 A current. If input power is one kilowatt, the
number of turns required in the secondary coil to have
500V output will be
[MP PET 2002]
(a) 100 (b) 200
(c) 400 (d) 300
71. An ideal transformer has 500 and 5000 turn in primary
and secondary windings respectively. If the primary
voltage is connected to a 6V battery then the secondary
voltage is
[Orissa JEE 2003]
(a) 0 (b) 60 V
(c) 0.6 V (d) 6.0 V
72. In a primary coil 5A current is flowing on 220 volts. In the
secondary coil 2200V voltage produces. Then ratio of
number of turns in secondary coil and primary coil will be
[RPET 2003]
(a) 1 : 10 (b) 10 : 1
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 11 : 1
73. A step up transformer has transformation ration 5 : 3.
What is voltage in secondary if voltage in primary is 60 V
[Pb. PET 2000]
(a) 20 V (b) 60 V
(c) 100 V (d) 180 V
74. In a step up transformer, 220 V is converted into 200 V.
The number of turns in primary coil is 600. What is the
number of turns in the secondary coil [DCE 2004]
(a) 60 (b) 600
(c) 6000 (d) 100
75. The output voltage of a transformer connected to 220 volt
line is 1100 volt at 1 amp current. Its efficiency is 100%.
The current coming from the line is [Pb. PET 2003]
(a) 20 A (b) 10 A
(c) 11 A (d) 22 A
76. Quantity that remains unchanged in a transformer is
[MP PMT/PET 1998; AIIMS 1999; J & K CET 2005]
(a) Voltage (b) Current
(c) Frequency (d) None of the above
77. In a region of uniform magnetic induction tesla B

= ,
a circular coil of radius 30 cm and resistance t
ohm is
rotated about an axis which is perpendicular to the
direction of B and which forms a diameter of the coil. If
the coil rotates at 200 rpm the amplitude of the
alternating current induced in the coil is [CBSE PMT 1990]
(a) 4t
mA (b) 30 mA
(c) 6 mA (d) 200 mA
78. In a transformer, the number of turns in primary and
secondary are 500 and 2000 respectively. If current in
primary is 48 A, the current in the secondary is
[Orissa PMT 2004]
(a) 12 A (b) 24 A
(c) 48 A (d) 144 A
79. In an inductor of inductance L = 100 mH, a current of
A I 10 = is flowing. The energy stored in the inductor is
[Orissa PMT 2004]
(a) 5 J (b) 10 J
(c) 100 J (d) 1000 J
80. The turn ratio of a transformers is given as 2 : 3. If the
current through the primary coil is 3 A, thus calculate the
current through load resistance [BHU 2005]
(a) 1 A (b) 4.5 A
(c) 2 A (d) 1. 5 A
81. Core of transformer is made up of [AFMC 2005]
(a) Soft iron (b) Steel
(c) Iron (d) Alnico
82. The induction coil works on the principle of [KCET 2005]
(a) Self-induction (b) Mutual induction
(c) Ampere's rule (d) Fleming's right hand
83. A transformer with efficiency 80% works at 4 kW and 100
V. If the secondary voltage is 200 V, then the primary and
secondary currents are respectively [Kerala PMT 2005]
(a) 40 A, 16 A (b) 16 A, 40 A
(c) 20 A, 40 A (d) 40 A, 20 A
84. In a step up transformer, if ratio of turns of primary to
secondary is 1 : 10 and primary voltage is 230 V. If the
load current is 2A, then the current in primary is
[Orissa PMT 2005]
(a) 20 A (b) 10 A
(c) 2 A (d) 1 A
85. If a coil made of conducting wires is rotated between
poles pieces of the permanent magnet. The motion will
generate a current and this device is called [CPMT 2005]
(a) An electric motor (b) An electric generator
(c) An electromagnet (d) All of above
86. A step-down transformer is used on a 1000 V line to
deliver 20 A at 120 V at the secondary coil. If the
efficiency of the transformer is 80% the current drawn
from the line is .
[Kerala PET 2005]
(a) 3 A (b) 30 A
(c) 0.3 A (d) 2.4 A

1322 Electromagnetic Induction
1. An electron moves along the line AB, which lies in the
same plane as a circular loop of conducting wires as
shown in the diagram. What will be the direction of
current induced if any, in the loop
[MP PET 1989; AIIMS 1982, 2001; KCET 2003;
UPSEAT 2005]

(a) No current will be induced
(b) The current will be clockwise
(c) The current will be anticlockwise
(d) The current will change direction as the electron
passes by
2. A copper rod of length l is rotated about one end
perpendicular to the magnetic field B with constant
angular velocity e . The induced e.m.f. between the two
ends is
[MP PMT 1992; Orissa JEE 2003]
l Be (b)
l Be
l Be (d)
2 l Be
3. Two different coils have self-inductance 8
= L mH,
mH L 2
= . The current in one coil is increased at a
constant rate. The current in the second coil is also
increased at the same rate. At a certain instant of time,
the power given to the two coils is the same. At that time
the current, the induced voltage and the energy stored in
the first coil are
1 1
, V i and
W respectively. Corresponding
values for the second coil at the same instant are
2 2
, V i
W respectively. Then [IIT JEE 1994]
(b) 4
(c) 4

4. An e.m.f. of 15 volt is applied in a circuit containing 5
henry inductance and 10 ohm resistance. The ratio of the
currents at time = t and at t = 1 second is [MP PMT 1994]
2 / 1
2 / 1


e (d)
5. Two conducting circular loops of radii
R and
R are
placed in the same plane with their centres coinciding. If
2 1
R R >> , the mutual inductance M between them will be
directly proportional to [MP PMT 1994; MP PET 2001]
2 1
/ R R (b)
1 2
/ R R
/ R R (d)
/ R R
6. A thin semicircular conducting ring of radius R is falling
with its plane vertical in a horizontal magnetic induction
B. At the position MNQ, the speed of the ring is V and the
potential difference developed across the ring is [IIT JEE 1996]

(a) Zero
(b) 2 /
R Bvt and M is at higher potential
(c) RBV t and Q is at higher potential
(d) 2RBV and Q is at higher potential
7. At a place the value of horizontal component of the earth's
magnetic field H is
2 5
/ 10 3 m Weber

. A metallic rod AB
of length 2 m placed in east-west direction, having the
end A towards east, falls vertically downward with a
constant velocity of 50 m/s. Which end of the rod
becomes positively charged and what is the value of
induced potential difference between the two ends [MP PET 1996]
(a) End A, mV
10 3

(b) End A, 3 mV
(c) End B, mV
10 3

(d) End B, 3 mV
8. Consider the situation shown in the figure. The wire AB is
sliding on the fixed rails with a constant velocity. If the
wire AB is replaced by semicircular wire, the magnitude of
the induced current will [MP PMT 1999]
(a) Increase
(b) Remain the same
(c) Decrease
(d) Increase or decrease
depending on
whether the
semicircle bulges
towards the
resistance or away from it
9. A circular loop of radius R carrying current I lies in x-y
plane with its centre at origin. The total magnetic flux
through x-y plane is [IIT-JEE 1999]
(a) Directly proportional to I
(b) Directly proportional to R
(c) Directly proportional to
(d) Zero
10. Two identical circular loops of metal wire are lying on a
table without touching each other. Loop-A carries a
current which increases with time. In response, the loop-
[IIT JEE 1999; UPSEAT 2003]
(a) Remains stationary
(b) Is attracted by the loop-A
(c) Is repelled by the loop-A
(d) Rotates about its CM, with CM fixed
(CM is the centre of mass)



Electromagnetic Induction 1323
11. Two coils have a mutual inductance 0.005 H. The current
changes in the first coil according to equation
t I I e sin
= , where A I 10
= and e = 100 t radian/sec.
The maximum value of e.m.f. in the second coil is
[CBSE PMT 1998; Pb. PMT 2000]
(a) 2t (b) 5t
(c) t (d) 4t
12. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed inside a
large square loop of wire of side L (L > l). The loop are
coplanar and their centre coincide. The mutual
inductance of the system is proportional to [IIT JEE 1998]
(a) l / L (b) L l /

(c) l L / (d) l L /

13. A wire of length 1 m is moving at a speed of 2ms
perpendicular to its length and a homogeneous magnetic
field of 0.5 T. The ends of the wire are joined to a circuit
of resistance 6 O. The rate at which work is being done to
keep the wire moving at constant speed is [Roorkee 1999]
(a) W
(b) W

(c) W
(d) 1W
14. A uniform but time-varying magnetic field B(t) exists in a
circular region of radius a and is directed into the plane of
the paper, as shown. The magnitude of the induced
electric field at point P at a distance r from the centre of
the circular region [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2000]
(a) Is zero
(b) Decreases as

(c) Increases as r
(d) Decreases as

15. A coil of wire having finite inductance and resistance has
a conducting ring placed coaxially within it. The coil is
connected to a battery at time t = 0, so that a time-
dependent current ) (
t I starts flowing through the coil. If
) (
t I is the current induced in the ring. and ) (t B is the
magnetic field at the axis of the coil due to ), (
t I then as a
function of time (t > 0), the product I2 (t) B(t)
[IIT-JEE (Screening) 2000]
(a) Increases with time (b) Decreases with time
(c) Does not vary with time (d) Passes through a
16. Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the three
situations shown in the figure. Their mutual inductance will be
[IIT JEE (Screening) 2001]

(a) Maximum in situation (A) (b)Maximum in situation (B)
(c) Maximum in situation (C) (d)The same in all situations
17. A metallic square loop ABCD is moving in its own plane
with velocity v in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular
to its plane as shown in the figure. An electric field is
induced [IIT JEE (Screening) 2001]

(a) In AD, but not in BC
(b) In BC, but not in AD
(c) Neither in AD nor in BC
(d) In both AD and BC
18. A conducting rod of length 2l is rotating with constant
angular speed e about its perpendicular bisector. A
uniform magnetic field B exists parallel to the axis of
rotation. The e.m.f. induced between two ends of the rod
[MP PET 2001]
(a) Bel

l Be
l Be
(d) Zero
19. An inductor of 2 henry and a resistance of 10 ohms are
connected in series with a battery of 5 volts. The initial
rate of change of current is [MP PMT 2001]
(a) 0.5 amp/sec (b) 2.0 amp/sec
(c) 2.5 amp/sec (d) 0.25 amp/sec
20. As shown in the figure, P and Q are two coaxial
conducting loops separated by some distance. When the
switch S is closed, a clockwise current
I flows in P (as
seen by E) and an induced current
I flows in Q. The
switch remains closed for a long time. When S is opened,
a current
I flows in Q. Then the directions of
I and
I (as seen by E) are [IIT JEE (Screening) 2002]

(a) Respectively clockwise and anticlockwise
(b) Both clockwise
(c) Both anticlockwise
(d) Respectively anticlockwise and clockwise
21. A short-circuited coil is placed in a time-varying magnetic
field. Electrical power is dissipated due to the current
induced in the coil. If the number of turns were to be
quadrupled and the wire radius halved, the electrical
power dissipated would be [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2002]
(a) Halved (b) The same
(c) Doubled (d) Quadrupled
22. A physicist works in a laboratory where the magnetic field
is 2 T. She wears a necklace enclosing area 0.01 m
such a way that the plane of the necklace is normal to the

- - - - - -

- - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - -


- - - -
- - - - - -

(A) (B) (C)

1324 Electromagnetic Induction
field and is having a resistance R = 0.01 O. Because of
power failure, the field decays to 1 T in time 10
Then what is the total heat produced in her necklace ? (T
= Tesla)
[Orissa JEE 2002]
(a) 10 J (b) 20 J
(c) 30 J (d) 40 J
23. A coil of inductance 8.4 mH and resistance 6 O is
connected to a 12 V battery. The current in the coil is 1.0 A
at approximately the time
[IIT-JEE (Screening) 1999; UPSEAT 2003]
(a) 500 sec (b) 20 sec
(c) 35 milli sec (d) 1 milli sec
24. As shown in the figure a metal rod makes contact and
complete the circuit. The circuit is perpendicular to the
magnetic field with . 15 . 0 tesla B = If the resistance is
3 , force needed to move the rod as indicated with a
constant speed of sec m / 2 is [MP PET 1994]

10 75 . 3

(b) N
10 75 . 3

(c) N
10 75 . 3
(d) N
10 75 . 3

25. Two identical coaxial circular loops carry current i each
circulating in the clockwise direction. If the loops are
approaching each other, then [MP PMT 1995, 96]
(a) Current in each loop increases
(b) Current in each loop remains the same
(c) Current in each loop decreases
(d) Current in one-loop increases and in the other it
26. In the following figure, the magnet is moved towards the
coil with a speed v and induced emf is e. If magnet and
coil recede away from one another each moving with
speed v, the induced emf in the coil will be
(a) e
(b) 2e
(c) e/2
(d) 4e
27. A current carrying solenoid is approaching a conducting
loop as shown in the figure. The direction of induced
current as observed by an observer on the other side of
the loop will be

(a) Anticlockwise (b) Clockwise
(c) East (d) West
28. A conducting wire frame is placed in a magnetic field
which is directed into the paper. The magnetic field is
increasing at a constant rate. The directions of induced
current in wires AB and CD are

(a) B to A and D to C (b) A to B and C to D
(c) A to B and D to C (d) B to A and C to D
29. A square metallic wire loop of side 0.1 m and resistance of
1O is moved with a constant velocity in a magnetic field of
2 wb/m
as shown in figure. The magnetic field is
perpendicular to the plane of the loop, loop is connected
to a network of resistances. What should be the velocity of
loop so as to have a steady current of 1mA in loop

(a) 1 cm/sec (b) 2 cm/sec
(c) 3 cm/sec (d) 4 cm/sec
30. A conductor ABOCD moves along its bisector with a velocity
of 1 m/s through a perpendicular magnetic field of 1 wb/m
as shown in fig. If all the four sides are of 1m length each,
then the induced emf between points A and D is

(a) 0 (b) 1.41 volt
(c) 0.71 volt (d) None of the above
31. A conducting rod PQ of length L = 1.0 m is moving with a
uniform speed v = 2 m/s in a uniform magnetic field
T . B 0 4 = directed into the paper. A capacitor of capacity
C = 10 F is connected as shown in figure. Then

(a) qA = + 80 C and qB = 80 C
(b) qA = 80 C and qB = + 80 C
(c) qA = 0 = qB
(d) Charge stored in the capacitor increases
exponentially with time
32. The resistance in the following circuit is increased at a
particular instant. At this instant the value of resistance is
10O. The current in the circuit will be now


v l





v = 2m/s
B = 0.15 T
50 cm

Electromagnetic Induction 1325

(a) i = 0.5 A (b) i > 0.5 A
(c) i < 0.5 A (d) i = 0
33. Shown in the figure is a circular loop of radius r and
resistance R. A variable magnetic field of induction
e B B

is established inside the coil. If the key (K) is
closed, the electrical power developed right after closing
the switch is equal to

r B
2 2
r B

4 2 2
R r B t
r B
4 2 2

34. A conducting ring is placed around the core of an
electromagnet as shown in fig. When key K is pressed, the
(a) Remain stationary
(b) Is attracted towards the electromagnet
(c) Jumps out of the core
(d) None of the above
35. The north and south poles of two identical magnets
approach a coil, containing a condenser, with equal
speeds from opposite sides. Then

(a) Plate 1 will be negative and plate 2 positive
(b) Plate 1 will be positive and plate 2 negative
(c) Both the plates will be positive
(d) Both the plates will be negative
36. A highly conducting ring of radius R is perpendicular to
and concentric with the axis of a long solenoid as shown
in fig. The ring has a narrow gap of width d in its
circumference. The solenoid has cross sectional area A
and a uniform internal field of magnitude B0. Now
beginning at t = 0, the solenoid current is steadily
increased to so that the field magnitude at any time t is
given by B(t) = B0 + ot where 0 > o . Assuming that no
charge can flow across the gap, the end of ring which has
excess of positive charge and the magnitude of induced
e.m.f. in the ring are respectively
(a) X, Ao
(b) X tR
(c) Y, tA
(d) Y, tR
37. Plane figures made of thin wires of resistance R = 50 milli
ohm/metre are located in a uniform magnetic field
perpendicular into the plane of the figures and which
decrease at the rate dB/dt = 0.1 m T/s. Then currents in
the inner and outer boundary are. (The inner radius a =
10 cm and outer radius b = 20 cm)

(a) 10
A (Clockwise), 2 10
A (Clockwise)
(b) 10
A (Anticlockwise), 2 10
A (Clockwise)
(c) 2 10
A (clockwise), 10
A (Anticlockwise)
(d) 2 10
A (Anticlockwise), 10
A (Anticlockwise)
38. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length l =
1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 2T
perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance of
connector is r = 2O. Two resistance of 6O and 3O are
connected as shown in figure. The external force required
to keep the connector moving with a constant velocity v =
2m/s is
(a) 6 N
(b) 4 N
(c) 2 N
(d) 1 N
39. A wire cd of length l and mass m is sliding without friction
on conducting rails ax and by as shown. The vertical rails
are connected to each other with a resistance R between a
and b. A uniform magnetic field B is applied perpendicular
to the plane abcd such that cd moves with a constant
velocity of

2 2
l B

3 3
l B

l B

40. A conducting rod AC of length 4l is rotated about a point O
in a uniform magnetic field B

directed into the paper. AO

= l and OC = 3l. Then
l B
l B V V
e =
4 l B V V
e =
10 mH
5 V RH





Rear side
Front side

1326 Electromagnetic Induction
l B V V
e =
41. How much length of a very thin wire is required to obtain
a solenoid of length
l and inductance L






42. What is the mutual inductance of a two-loop system as
shown with centre separation l
a t

a t

a t

a t

43. The figure shows three circuits with identical batteries,
inductors, and resistors. Rank the circuits according to
the current through the battery (i) just after the switch is
closed and (ii) a long time later, greatest first

(a) (i) ) 0 (
1 1 3 2
= > > i i i i (ii)
1 3 2
i i i > >
(b) (i) ) 0 (
1 1 3 2
= < < i i i i (ii)
1 3 2
i i i > >
(c) (i) ) 0 (
1 1 3 2
= = = i i i i (ii)
1 3 2
i i i < <
(d) (i) ) 0 (
1 1 3 2
= > = i i i i (ii)
1 3 2
i i i > >
44. The network shown in the figure is a part of a complete
circuit. If at a certain instant the current i is 5 A and is
decreasing at the rate of s A / 10
V V is
(a) 5 V
(b) 10 V
(c) 15 V
(d) 20 V
45. A 50 volt potential difference is suddenly applied to a coil
10 5

= L henry and ohm R 180 = . The rate of
increase of current after 0.001 second is [MP PET 1994]
(a) 27.3 amp/sec (b) 27.8 amp/sec
(c) 2.73 amp/sec (d) None of the above
46. The current in a LR circuit builds up to
th of its steady
state value in s 4 . The time constant of this circuit is
[Roorkee 2000]
(a) s
2 ln
(b) s
2 ln

(c) s
2 ln
(d) s
2 ln

47. A conducting ring of radius 1 meter is placed in an
uniform magnetic field B of 0.01Telsa oscillating with
frequency 100Hz with its plane at right angles to B. What
will be the induced electric field [AIIMS 2005]
(a) m volt / t (b) m volt / 2
(c) m volt / 10 (d) m volt / 62
48. A simple pendulum with bob of mass m and conducting
wire of length L swings under gravity through an angle
u 2 . The earths magnetic field component in the
direction perpendicular to swing is B. Maximum potential
difference induced across the pendulum is [MP PET 2005]
2 / 1
) (
sin 2 gL BL |


(b) ) (
sin gL BL |


2 / 3
) (
sin gL BL |


) (
sin gL BL |


l >>a
15 V 5mH 1O

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