Critical Thinking Type Questions: Moving Charges and Magnetism
Critical Thinking Type Questions: Moving Charges and Magnetism
Critical Thinking Type Questions: Moving Charges and Magnetism
× × × × ×
0 qf 0q × × × × ×
(a) (b)
2R 2f R
(a) When the block moves to right the machine shows
0q 0 qf more reading and when to left, less reading.
(c) 2 fR
2 R (b) When the block moves to right the machine shows less
A current i ampere flows in a circular arc of wire which reading and when to left, more reading.
subtends an angle (3 /2) radians at its centre, whose radius (c) The machine shows same reading which is less than
is R. The magnetic induction B at the centre is the actual weight of the block in both cases.
(a) 0 i/R (b) 0 i/2R (d) The machine shows same reading which is more than
(c) 2 0 i/R (d) 3 0 i/8R the actual weight of the block in both cases.
A steady current flows down a hollow cylindrical tube of A proton and a deuterium nucleus having certain kinetic
radius a and is uniformly distributed around the tube. Let r energies enter in a uniform magnetic field with same
be the distance from the axis of symmetry of the tube to a component of velocity in the direction of magnetic field.
given point. What is the magnitiude of the magnetic field B Which of the following is correct ?
at a point inside the tube? (a) Proton has greater pitch of helical motion.
(a) 0 (b) 2 I/r c (b) Deuterium nucleus has greater pitch of helical motion.
(c) 2 I r/a2c (d) 4 (r – a) /r2 (c) Both particles have same pitch of helical motion.
A current i ampere flows along an infinitely long straight (d) Which particle has greater pitch depends on the fact
thin walled tube, then the magnetic induction at any point that which particle has greater component of velocity
inside the tube is perpendicular to magnetic field.
(a) infinite (b) zero A charged particle goes undeflected in a region containing
electric and magnetic fields. It is possible that
0 2i 2i
(c) . tesla (d) tesla
4 r r (a) E ||B, v || E
A conducting circular loop of radius r carries a constant (b)
current i. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field such that E is not parallel to B
B is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The magnetic (c) v || B but E is not parallel to B
force acting on the loop is
(a) i r B (b) 2 r i B (d) E || B but v is not parallel to E
(c) zero (d) riB A positively charged particle moving due east enters a region
If a charged particle has a velocity component in a direction of uniform magnetic field directed vertically upwards. This
parallel to magnetic field in addition to the component particle will
perpendicular to magnetic field then charged particle moves (a) get deflected in vertically upward direction
in magnetic field in a (b) move in circular path with an increased speed
(a) circular path (b) parabolic path (c) move in a circular path with decreased speed
(d) move in a circular path with uniform speed
(c) helical path (d) straight line
A proton moving with a constant velocity passes through a (a) helix (b) straight line
region of space without any change in its velocity. If E and (c) ellipse (d) circle
B represent the electric and magnetic fields respectively, A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field are acting
this region of space may not have along the same direction in a certain region. If an electron is
(a) E = 0, B = 0 (b) E = 0, B 0 projected along the direction of the fields with a certain
(c) E 0, B = 0 (d) E 0, B 0 velocity then
A charged particle enters into a magnetic field with a velocity (a) its velocity will increase
vector making an angle of 30º with respect to the direction of (b) its velocity will decrease
magnetic field. The path of the particle is (c) it will turn towards left of direction of motion
(a) circular (b) helical (d) it will turn towards right of direction of motion
(c) elliptical (d) straight line Under the influence of a uniform magnetic field a charged
If a charged particle goes unaccelerated in a region particle is moving in a circle of radius R with constant
containing electric and magnetic fields, then speed v. The time period of the motion
(a) (a) depends on both R and v
E must be perpendicular to B
(b) is independent of both R and v
(b) v must be perpendicular to E (c) depends on R and not v
(c) E must be perpendicular to v B (d) depends on v and not on R
(d) None of these If an electron describes half a revolution in a circle of radius
Two long wires are hanging freely. They are joined first in r in a magnetic field B, the energy acquired by it is
parallel and then in series and then are connected with a
battery. In both cases which type of force acts between the (a) zero (b) mv 2
two wires? 2
(a) Attraction force when in parallel and repulsion force 1
when in series (c) mv 2 (d) r Bev
(b) Repulsion force when in parallel and attraction force A cell is connected between two points of a uniformly thick
when in series circular conductor and i1 and i2 are the currents flowing in
(c) Repulsion force in both cases two parts of the circular conductor of radius a. The magnetic
(d) Attraction force in both cases field at the centre of the loop will be
A charged particle with charge q enters a region of constant,
uniform and mutually orthogonal fields E and B with a (a) zero (b) ( I1 I 2 )
velocity v perpendicular to both E and B , and comes out
without any change in magnitude or direction of v . Then 0 0
(c) (I1 I 2 ) (d) ( I1 I2 )
2a a
(a) v B E / E2 (b) v E B / B2
Two straight long conductors AOB and COD are
2 2 perpendicular to each other and carry currents 1 and 2. The
(c) v B E / B (d) v E B / E
A uniform electric field and uniform magnetic field are acting magnitude of the magnetic induction at a point P at a distance
along the same direction in a certain region. If an electron is a from the point O in a direction perpendicular to the plane
projected in the region such that its velocity is pointed along ABCD is
the direction of fields, then the electron
0 0
(a) will turn towards right of direction of motion (a) (I1 I 2 ) (b) (I1 I 2 )
2 a 2 a
(b) speed will decrease
(c) speed will increase 1
I1 I 2
(d) will turn towards left direction of motion (c)
( I12 2 2
I2 ) (d)
2 a 2 a I1 I 2
If an electron and a proton having same momenta enter
perpendicular to a magnetic field, then A current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field
(a) curved path of electron and proton will be same experiences maximum force when angle between current and
(ignoring the sense of revolution) magnetic field is
(b) they will move undeflected (a) 3 /4 (b) /2
(c) curved path of electron is more curved than that of the (c) /4 (d) zero
proton A current of 3 A is flowing in a linear conductor having a
(d) path of proton is more curved length of 40 cm. The conductor is placed in a magnetic field
In a region, steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields of strength 500 gauss and makes an angle of 30º with the
are present. These two fields are parallel to each other. A direction of the field. It experiences a force of magnitude
charged particle is released from rest in this region. The path (a) 3 × 10–4 N (b) 3 × 10–2 N
(c) 3 × 10 N (d) 3 × 104 N
of the particle will be a
A current of 10 A is flowing in a wire of length 1.5 m. A carry current of 2.5 amp. and 5 amp. respectively in the same
force of 15 N acts on it when it is placed in a uniform direction, then the magnetic field at a point half-way between
magnetic field of 2 T. The angle between the magnetic field the wires is
and the direction of the current is
(a) 30° (b) 45°
(a) 0 / (b) 0 /
(c) 60° (d) 90° (c) 0 / (d) 0 /
An 8 cm long wire carrying a current of 10 A is placed
Through two parallel wires A and B, 10A and 2A of currents
inside a solenoid perpendicular to its axis. If the magnetic
are passed respectively in opposite directions. If the wire A
field inside the solenoid is 0.3 T, then magnetic force on
is infinitely long and the length of the wire B is 2m, then
the wire is
force on the conductor B, which is situated at 10 cm distance
(a) 0.14 N (b) 0.24 N
from A, will be
(c) 0.34 N (d) 0.44 N
(a) 8 × 10–7 N (b) 8 × 10–5 N
A 10eV electron is circulating in a plane at right angles to a –7
uniform field at a magnetic induction 10–4 Wb/m2 (= 1.0 (c) 4 × 10 N (d) 4 × 10–5 N
gauss). The orbital radius of the electron is A circular loop of area 0.02 m2 carrying a current of 10A, is
(a) 12cm (b) 16cm held with its plane perpendicular to a magnetic field induction
(c) 11 cm (d) 18 cm 0.2 T. The torque acting on the loop is
An electron (mass = 9 × 10 kg, charge = 1.6 × 10–19 C)
–31 (a) 0.01 Nm (b) 0.001 Nm
moving with a velocity of 106 m/s enters a magnetic field. If it (c) zero (d) 0.8 Nm
describes a circle of radius 0.1m, then strength of magnetic A coil carrying a heavy current and having large number of
field must be turns is mounted in a N-S vertical plane. A current flows in
(a) 4.5 × 10–5 T (b) 1.4 × 10–5 T the clockwise direction. A small magnetic needle at its centre
(c) 5.5 × 10 T –5 (d) 2.6 × 10–5 T will have its north pole in
A charged particle with velocity 2 × 10 3 m/s passes (a) east-north direction (b) west-north direction
undeflected through electric and magnetic field. Magnetic (c) east-south direction (d) west-south direction
field is 1.5 tesla. The electric field intensity would be A galvanometer having a resistance of 80 ohms is shunted
(a) 2 × 103 N/C (b) 1.5 × 103 N/C by a wire of resistance 2 ohms. If the total current is 1amp.,
3 the part of it passing through the shunt will be
(c) 3 × 10 N/C (d) 4/3 × 10–3 N/C
(a) 0.25 amp (b) 0.8 amp
What is cyclotron frequency of an electron with an energy
(c) 0.02 amp (d) 0.5 amp
of 100 e V in the earth's magnetic field of 1 × 10–4 weber / m2 if
A moving coil galvanometer has a resistance of 900 . In
its velocity is perpendicular to magnetic field?
order to send only 10% of the main current through this
(a) 0.7 MHz (b) 2.8 MHz galvanometer, the resistance of the required shunt is
(c) 1.4 MHz (d) 2.1 MHz (a) 0.9 (b) 100
The orbital speed of electron orbiting around a nucleus in a (c) 405 (d) 90
circular orbit of radius 50 pm is 2.2 × 106 ms–1. Then the A galvanometer of resistance 5 ohms gives a full scale
magnetic dipole moment of an electron is deflection for a potential difference of 10 mV. To convert the
(a) 1.6 × 10–19 Am2 (b) 5.3 × 10–21 Am2 galvanometer into a voltmeter giving a full scale deflection
(c) 8.8 × 10 Am–24 2 (d) 8.8 × 10–26 Am2 for a potential difference of 1V, the size of the resistance that
A helium nucleus makes a full rotation in a circle of radius 0.8 must be attached to the voltmeter is
meter in 2 sec. The value of the magnetic field induction B in (a) 0.495 ohm (b) 49.5 ohm
tesla at the centre of circle will be (c) 495 ohm (d) 4950 ohm
19 19
A galvanometer of resistance 100 gives a full scale
(a) 2 10 0 (b) 10 / 0 deflection for a current of 10–5 A. To convert it into a ammeter
19 20 capable of measuring upto 1 A, we should connect a
(c) 10 0 (d) 2 10 / 0 resistance of
Two long parallel wires P and Q are held perpendicular to the (a) 1 in parallel (b) 10–3 in parallel
plane of paper with distance of 5 m between them. If P and Q (c) 10 5 in series (d) 100 in series