Electrostatics: Electrostatics Jee - Advanced Vol - Vi
Electrostatics: Electrostatics Jee - Advanced Vol - Vi
Electrostatics: Electrostatics Jee - Advanced Vol - Vi
Jr Chemistry E/M
2. Annular disc of inner radius R and outer 6. In the following diagram ‘q’ is a fixed point
radus 2R carries surface charge density charge, A is small block of mass ‘m’ and
carying a +ve charge ‘Q’. The
given by 0 r 2 where ' r ' is the distance coefficient of static friction between A and
from cenre and R r 2 R . The total charge inclined plane is 0.1 . The minimum and
on the disc is maximum values of ‘q’ required for ‘A’ to
be in static equilibrium are
13 0 R 4 2 0 R 4 1
A) B)
2 15 respectively_____(Take K 4 )
15 0 R 4 17 0 R 4 (Assume wedge is fixed to ground)
C) D)
2 2
3. Annular disc of inner radius ‘R’ and outer A
radius ‘2R’ carries surface charge density q
0 d 370
given by 2 where ‘r’ is the distance
from the centre and R r 2 R the total 370
charge on the disc is
A) 0 ln 2 B) 2 0 ln 2
26mgd 2 34mgd 2
R A) ,
C) 0 D) 0 R 2 43KQ 37KQ
4. A spherical region of space radius R has 26mgd 2 29 mgd 2
distriution of charge such that volume B) ,
charge density varies with radial distance 43KQ 37 KQ
‘r’ as 0 r 2 . The charge enclosed by the 34 mgd 2 34mgd 2
C) ,
surface is 43 KQ 37 KQ
2 5 4 5
A) 0 R B) 0 R 26mgd 2 34mgd 2
5 5 D) ,
4 43KQ 43 KQ
C) 0 R5 D) 0 R
44 NISHITH Multimedia India (Pvt.) Ltd.,
7. A thin glass rod is bent into a semi circle of 10. Three identical particles each of mass 1 g
radius ‘R’. A charge -Q is distributed along and carrying a charge ‘q’ are suspended
the right hand side half and a charge +Q is from a common point by insulated three
uniformly distributed along the left hand side threads of negligible mass each 100cm long.
half as shown in the figure the electric force If the particles are located at the corners of
on a point charge ‘q’ placed at centre of an equilateral triangle of side length 3cm in
semi-circle is equillibrium the charge on each particle will
be g 10ms
A) 1010 C B) 108.5 C
C) 1010.5 C D) 109 C
11. Two charge ' q1 ' and ' q2 ' are placed on an
Qq Qq inclined plane with q1 fixed at the bottom of
A) 4 R 2 B) 8 R 2 plane as shown in figure. When q1 is 10 c
0 0
' q2 ' goes up with uniform velocity and when
Qq Qq
C) D) ' q1 ' is 5 c ' q2 ' comes down with unifrom
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4 2 0 R 2 2 0 R 2
velocity. If mass of q2 is 66.5 mg and
8. Two similar point charges q1 and q2 aree
placed at a separtion ‘r’ in air. A dielectric coefficient of friction between q2 and plane
slab of thickness t r / 2 is placed
is 0.5, the charge q2 is _____ g 10ms
between the charges, the coulombs repulsive
force now reduced to th of the previous 1m
value. The dielectric constant of slab is
A)8 B)10 C) 6 D)4 q1
9. Two positive point charges q1 and q2 aree
located at points 1 and 2 with position A) 5 109 C B) 10 109 C
C) 2.5 109 C D) 3 109 C
vectors r and r . a negative charge q3 is
1 2 12. Two small and equally charged spheres,each
of mass ‘m’ are suspended from the same
placed at a point 3 with position vector r3
point by light silk threads of length ' l ' each.
so that the force acting on each of the three The separation between the spheres is
( x l ). Charge leaks off each sphere
charges is zero. Then r3 =____
and their relative velocity of approach varies
q1 r1 q2 r2 q1 r2 q2 r1 as v ( is positive constant) then the
A) B) x
q1 q2 q1 q2
rate at which the charge leaks is
q1q2 dt
q1 q2
r r
1 2
3 2 0 mg 3 2 0 mg
A) B)
2 3l 2 l
q1q2 r r
1 2 3 0 mgd 2 0 mg
D) C) D)
q1 q2 2 2 l 2 l
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Jr Chemistry E/M
13. A particle ‘A’ having a charge fixed on 16. A small point mass ‘m’ has a charge ‘q’ which
vertical insulated wall. A second particle ‘B’ is constrained to move inside a vertical
of mass ‘m’ charge‘Q’ is narrow frictionless cylinder. At the base of
suspended by a silk theread of length the cylinder there is a fixed point charge ‘Q’
' l ' from a point ‘P’ on the wall at a distance having the same sign as ‘q’ . If mass ‘m’ is
' l ' above ‘A’. The angle made by the string displaced by a small amount from its
with vertical when the particle B stays in equllibrium position and released, it exhibits
equillibrium is SHM with angular frequency given by ( l
is equillibrium separation between them)
g 2g g 3g
A) B) ) D)
l l 2l l
17. Two identical positive point charges each
having a charge +Q are fixed at a
separation 2a. A point charge ‘+q’ lies
midway between the fixed charges. For a
Qq small displacement along the line joining the
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A) 2 cos 3
2 fixed charges ‘+q’ executes SHM, its time
32 0 mgl
period is
B) 2sin 3
2 2 0 ma 3 0 ma3
32 0 mgl A) 2 B)
Qq Qq
C) 2 cos 3 D) / 2
16 0 mgl 0 ma3 0 ma 3
C) 2 D) 2
14. Two identical balls each having a density ' ' Qq Qq
are suspended from a common point by two 18. In the above question if +q is replaced by ‘-
insulating threads of equal length. Both the q’and is given small displacement
balls have equal mass and charge. In perpendicular to the line joining the fixed
equillibrium each string makes an angle ' ' charges, it excutes SHM with a time period
with vertical. If the experiment is repeated given by
in a liquid of density ' ' , the angle
' ' doesnot change. The dielectirc constant 2 0 ma 3 0 ma3
A) 2 B)
of the liquid is Qq Qq
A) B) C) D) 0 ma 3 0 ma 3
C) 2 D) 2
15. A ring of radius 0.1m is made out of a thin Qq Qq
metallic wire of area of cross-section
19. Four equal charges each of charge ‘Q’ are
106 m2 . The ring has a uniform charge of
arranged at the comes of a square of side
3.14 coulomb. If another charge of 108 C is
placed at the centre of the ring, the change ' l ' . A unit positive charge of mass ‘m’ is
placed at a point ‘P’ at height ‘h’ above the
in radius of the ring is Y 2 10 Nm
centre of the square. The value of ‘Q’ so
A)1.25mm B)2.50mm
that the unit positive charge remains in static
C) 2mm D) 2.25mm
equillibrium is
46 NISHITH Multimedia India (Pvt.) Ltd.,
2 1/2 1 12
0 mg 2 l 12 l
A) h A) 2 2 B) ln 1
h 2 0 r0 2 0 r0
0 mg 2 l 2 12 l 12 l
B) h C) ln 1 D) ln
h 2 2 0 r0 2 0 r0
0 mg 2 l 2 23. A system consists of a thin charged wire ring
C) h of radius ‘R’ and a very long uniformly
h 2
charged thread oriented along the axis of
0 mg 2 l 2 the ring with one of its ends coinciding with
D) 2h centre of the ring . The total charge on the
h 2
ring is Q . The linear charge density of
20. Two equal positive point charges Q are
separated by a distance ‘2a’. A point test thread is . The force of interaction
charge ' q0 ' is located in plane normal to between them is
the line joining the two charges and mid-way
between them. If we imagine a circle of R
radius ‘r’ symmetrically in this plane so that
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l mg
A) B)
q q 1 2
mg 1 2 mg
C) 2 D)
q 1 q
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Jr Chemistry E/M
25. Four equal positi ve charges are fixed at the 28. The electric field inside a sphere which
vertices of a square of side L. Z-axis is carries a charge density proportional to the
perpendicular to the plane of the square. The distance from the origin = r ( is a
point z = 0 is the point where the diagonals constant) is :
of the square intersect each other. The plot
r3 r2 r2
of electric field due to the four charges, as (A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
40 40 30
one moves on the z-axis.
29. Two identical beeds each have a mass ‘m’
and charge ‘q’ when placed in a hemi-
spherical bowl of radius ‘R’ with fricitionless
(A) (B) and non-conducting walls, the beads move
and at equillibrium they are at a separation
‘R’ as shown in figure. The charge on each
bead is
(C) (D)
26. The direction (q) of E at point P due to
uniformly charged finite rod will be
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4 0 mgR 2 4 0 mgR 2
A) B)
3 3
4 0 mgR 2 4 0 mgR
C) D)
3 3
30. A charged particle having some mass is
resting in equilibrium at a height H above
(A) at angle 300 from x-axis the centre of a uniformly charged
(B) 450 from x - axis non-conducting horizontal ring of radius R.
(C) 600 from x-axis (D) none of these The force of gravity acts downwards. The
27. The charge per unit length of the four equilibrium of the particle will be stable
quadrant of the ring is 2l, – 2l, l and – l
respectively. The electric field at the centre (A) for all values of H (B) only if H >
is 2
(C) only if H < (D) only if H =
2 2
31. In a regular polygon of n sides, each corner
is at a distance r from the centre. Identical
(A) – 2 R î (B) 2 R ĵ charges are placed at (n – 1) corners. At the
0 0 centre, the intensity is E and the potential is
V. The ratio V/E has magnitude.
(C) î (D) None (A) r n (B) r (n – 1)
4 0R (C) (n – 1)/r (D) r(n – 1)/n
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32. Figure shows a solid hemisphere with a
charge of 5 nC distributed uniformly through
its volume. The hemisphere lies on a plane + B
and point P is located on the plane, along a +
radial line from the centre of curvature at + a
distance 15 cm. The electric potential at point +
P due to the hemisphere, is : + C a A
P +
15cm + 2a
(A) 150 V (B) 300 V (C) 450 V (D) 600 V +
33. An inf inite dielectric sheet having surface
charge density has a hole of radius R in
q2 2 q 3
it. An electron is released on the axis of the A) ln B) 2 ln 2
2 0 3 0
hole at a distance 3R from the centre. If
mass of electron is m and magnitude of q 2 q 2
charge on electron is e, speed with which the C) 2 ln 3 D) 2 ln 5
0 0
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magnitude at , 0 is
9Qq 7Qq
A) B)
4 0 ml 4 0 ml
q2 q2
Qq 5Qq A) B)
C) D) 16 0 l 8 0 l
4 0 ml 4 0 ml
q 2 q 2
54. The following figure shows a small ball ‘A’ C) D)
of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘q’ connected at one 4 0 l 2 0 l
end of the light rod of length ‘l’ . Another
identical ball ' B ' having same charge is ELECTRIC DIPOLE
placed at a distance ' l ' from the point ' O ' 56. Two short electric dipoles are placed as
where the rod is clamped. A slight jerk on shown. The energy of electric interaction
ball A makes the rod start rotating between these dipoles will be
clockwise. At the instant when when the ball
‘A’ strikes the ground, the ball ‘B’ is moving
with a velocity ‘u’ towards right and is at
position '2l ' from O . The kinetic energy of
A when it strikes the floor is 2kP1P2 cos 2kP1P2 cos
A (A) 3 (B)
r r3
2kP1P2 sin 4kP1P2 cos
l B (C)
r 3 (D)
57. An electric dipole of dipole moment ‘p’ is
l placed at a distance ' x ' from infinitely long
wire of uniform linear charge density ' '
52 NISHITH Multimedia India (Pvt.) Ltd.,
such that the dipole moment is perpendicular figure. The left edge of the closed surface is
to wire. The force on the dipole is located at position x a . The electric field
p p through out the region is non-uniform and
A) 2 B)
4 0 x 2 0 x given by E 3 2 x i Nc where ' x ' is
2 1
A) E 2 RH cos R
B) E 2 RH cos R sin
A) 2 R B) 2 R
C) 2 R D)
C) E 2 RH cos R sin
60. A closed surface with dimensions
a b 0.4 m and c 0.6 m is as shown in D) E 2 RH cos
A) 2.34kNm2C 1 Q
B) 2.34 103 Nm2C 1 Q
uniform field ‘E’ penetrates the cone as
shown in the figure. The flux that enters the b b a a
A) Q B) Q C) Q D) Q
left hand side of cone is a a b b
68. Three identical conducting plates are kept
parallel to each other at separations a and b
E as shown in figure. The outer plates are
connected by a thin conducting wire and a
h charge ‘Q’ is placed on the central plate. The
charge on faces numbered 2 and 4 are
qR qR 3 qR 4qR
A) v B) v C) vv D)
2 2 2
x 2x 2x 3x 2
71. Three shells are as shown carrying charges
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b1 b c the work done by the electric
field in this process will be
A) q 11nC B) q 12nC
C) T 5.55mN D) T 4.55mN
73. Two infinite plane sheets A and B of positive
charge have surface charge densities K
b and respectively. A metallic ball of mass
c m and charge q is attached to a thread
and the thread is tied at point P on sheet A.
Initially ball is in equilibrium at plate P when
abc sheets are uncharged. Find the correct
options: (K is a constant)
1 q 1 1
A) q2 q1 2
4 0 2 b b1
1 q 1 1
B) q2 q1 1 1
4 0 2 b b
1 q 1 1
C) q2 q2 1
4 0 2 b b1
1 K g
1 q 1 1
q2 q2 1 A) If K 1, angle tan
4 0 2 b b1 2 0 mg
B) If K 1, the ball will not leave its equilibrium
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Jr Chemistry E/M
C) If K 1, the angle 45 shell B with A inside it, potential of A now is
1 k 1 g
V . Find the correct options.
D) If K 1, the angle tan 2 mg 3
74. A ball at O is in equillibrium as it is attached
with two strings AO and DO which are tied
at A and D. AO DO a 5 . The charges
at A,B,C and D are q, Q, 2Q and q
respectively. Find the correct options. The
ball at O is positively charged:
A) If the radius of A is 2 cm, then radius of B will
be 6 cm
B) If the radius of A is 2 cm, then the radius of B
will be 3 cm
C) The minimum charge on the shell B will be
8 0V
D) The minimum charge on the shell B will be
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A) The ball O cannont remain in equilibrium 77. In the following diagram shown, A,B and C
B) If the charge at C is Q, the ball will remain are identical large conducting plates, the
in equilibrium switches S1 and S 2 are initially open. A
C) The ball O will remain in equilibrium charge +Q is given to the plate B. It is
D) If the charges at A and D and charges at B observed that a charge of amount
and C are interchanged, the ball will remain in
103. Statement I: For a non-uniformly charged thin particle, match the following:
circular ring with net charge zero, the electric field Column - I Column - II
at any point on the axis of ring is zero.
Statement II: For a non-uniformly charged thin
circular ring with net charge zero, the electric
potential at each point on the axis of ring is zero. A)Curve between V and E p)
104. Statement I: Electric field is always is directed
perpendicular to an equipotential surface.
Statement II: Equipotential surface is a surface
on which at each point potential is same.
105. Statement I : A dipole always tends to align in B)Curve betwen V 2 and E q)
the direction of electric field
Statement II : In this direction, torque acting
on the dipole is zero
106. Statement I : The electric field due to a dipole
on its axial line at a distance r is E. Then, electric C)Curve between E and U r)
field due to the same dipole on the equatorial
and the same distance will be
2 D)Curve between V 2 and U s) none of the above
Statement II: Electric field due to dipole varies
inversely as the square of distance. 108. Charges q1 and q2 are placed at the centres
Column - I
A) At a distance r from centre of cavity
A r r1 E at a point P due to induced charge
on the surface of cavity A is q)
B) E at a point Q inside the conductor at a
distance r0 from outside charge q due to charge
on outer surface of the conductor is
C) If the potential of the conductor is V0 and R r)
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dicular to plane and released. The time origin and the other end at . The rod has
period of oscillation is found to be a uniform linear charge density ' 'Cm 1 .
mR The electric field at a point on the y axis
2 . find
at y b is found out to be find P?
p 0b
116. On a half ring a charge q is distributed
uniformly and another equal negative
charge q is placed at the centre of ring. In
this system negative charge is a point charge
and positive charge is distributed on the
ring. The dipole moment of this distributed
dipole is found to be find a ?
117. A thin non-conducting ring of radius ‘R’ has
113. A charged cork ball of mass ‘m’ is a linear charge density 0 cos
suspended by means of light string in the where 0 is the value of at 0 . The
presence of a uniform net electric dipolemoment of this charge
electric field E 3 i 3 j Nc 1 as shown in 4 R 20
distribution is found to be find y ?
figure. The ball attain equillibrium making y
an angle 30 with vertical. The charge on
the ball is found to be find ' a ' ? Take
g 10ms 2