C) Full-Scale IQ Below 70. C) Major Neurocognitive Disorder Due To Traumatic Brain Injury
C) Full-Scale IQ Below 70. C) Major Neurocognitive Disorder Due To Traumatic Brain Injury
C) Full-Scale IQ Below 70. C) Major Neurocognitive Disorder Due To Traumatic Brain Injury
37. A 10-year-old boy demonstrates 40. Which among the following was a
hand-flapping and finger flicking, diagnosis in DSM IV pertaining to a
and he repetitively flips coins and high functioning ASD? *
lines up his trucks. He tends to
“echo” the last several words of a
question posed to him before a) Autistic Disorder
answering, mixes up his pronouns b) Childhood Disintegrative
(refers to himself in the second Disorder
person), tends to repeat phrases in c) Rett’s Disorder
a perseverative fashion, and is d) Asperger Syndrome
quite fixated on routines related to
dress, eating, travel, and play. He 41. What is the counterpart of
spends hours in his garage playing Cyclothymia in Schizophrenia
with his father’s tools. What do Spectrum Disorders, that is
these behaviors represent? * currently a condition for further
study? *
a) Prototypical manifestations of
obsessive-compulsive a) Dysthymia
personality. b) Attenuated Psychosis
b) Symptoms of pediatric acute- Syndrome
onset neuropsychiatric c) Schizophrenia
syndrome (PANS). d) Schizotypal Personality
c) Restricted, repetitive patterns Disorder
of behaviors, interests, or
activities characteristic of
autism spectrum disorder. 42. How long should psychotic
d) Symptoms of obsessive- symptoms be manifested without
compulsive disorder. mood symptoms to rule out the
possibility of a Bipolar/ Depressive
Disorder with Psychotic features? *
38. A child is brought to your clinic
because of problems with gross
motor and fine motor functioning. a) 2 months
Which among the following b) 1 week
diagnosis would you most likely c) 1 month
consider? * d) 2 weeks