Key Reading Multiple Choice and True False Not Given
Key Reading Multiple Choice and True False Not Given
Key Reading Multiple Choice and True False Not Given
Question 1
Chilies became popular as soon as they were brought into Europe - True
After their introduction to Europe they were an immediate sensation and were quickly
incorporated into the diet.
There two statements are clearly saying the same thing. Notice the use of synomyms:
All large chilies grow high off the ground - Not Given
The smaller chilies tend to be the hottest. This may reflect the fact that they tend to grow closer
to the ground and are therefore more vulnerable to animals.
We are told here that small chilies grow closer to the ground. It can be assumed then that many of the
large ones are higher off the ground.
However, it says 'all large chilies'. We are not given any information to say all of them grow high off
the ground. It's possible some don't, so we don't know which means it is Not Given.
Question 5
But these are just descriptions about how they are hot. We are not told specifically that this is the
reason they are breeding them.