Biology S4 SB
Biology S4 SB
Biology S4 SB
Student book
First Edition
Dear Student,
Rwanda Education Board is honoured to present to you this Biology Book for
Senior Four which serves as a guide to competence-based teaching and learning to
ensure consistency and coherence in the learning of Biology subject. The Rwandan
educational philosophy is to ensure that you achieve full potential at every level
of education which will prepare you to be well integrated in society and exploit
employment opportunities.
I wish to express my appreciation to all the people who played a major role in
development of this Biology textbook for Senior Four. It would not have been
successful without active participation of different education stakeholders.
I owe gratitude to different Universities and schools in Rwanda that allowed their
staff to work with REB in the in-house textbooks production project. I wish to extend
my sincere gratitude to lecturers, teachers and all other individuals whose efforts in
one way or the other contributed to the success of writing of this textbook.
Special acknowledgement goes to the University of Rwanda which provided experts
in design and layout services, illustrations and image anti-plagiarism.
Finally, my word of gratitude goes to the Rwanda Education Board staff particularly
those from the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Resources Department (CTLRD)
who were involved in the whole process of in-house textbook writing.
Head of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning R esources Department
3.1 Compound Light Microscope 43
3.2 Magnification and resolution of a compound light microscope. 46
3.3 Electron microscopes 49
Self-assessment 1.2
1. Define the term Extinction.
2. Suggest the causes of extinction of species in Rwanda.
3. Discuss the benefits of biodiversity to humans
4. Discuss the major factors leading to the degradation of ecosystems in
5. Discuss the contribution of ecosystems to cultural traditions in Rwanda.
6. In Rwanda different plants are used in traditional medicine to treat different
diseases. Conduct a research and list at least 20 medicinal plants and the
diseases they treat. From the list above describe at least one medicinal
plant and get ready to present your work. The project work should include:
written content of 2 pages in minimum and 4 pages in maximum, a
testimony of people that have used plant species.
7. Pollution is one of the causes of aquatic biodiversity loss.
a. What do you understand by water pollution?
b. Outline human activities that contribute to water pollution
c. Discuss how polluted water affects aquatic living organisms?
There are many ways to measure diversity. The Simpson diversity index among
indices used to measure diversity. It is expressed in three related indices namely
Simpson index, Simpson index of diversity and Simpson reciprocal index.
a. Simpson index D
Simpson index D can be expressed in two ways and takes into consideration the
total number of organisms of a particular species and the total number of organisms
of all species. It is calculated as follows: D =1-∑ (n/N) 2 or D = , with n: the total
number of organisms of a particular species and N: the total number of organisms
of all species. When the index equals or is nearby 0 there is an infinite diversity
of considered species. When it equals or is nearby 1, this means that there is no
diversity. The bigger the value of D, the lower the diversity and small is D, the bigger
is the diversity.
b. Simpson index of diversity 1 – DThe value of this index ranges between 0 and
1, but now, the greater the value, the greater the sample diversity. This makes
more sense. In this case, the index represents the probability that two individuals
randomly selected from a sample will belong to different species.
c. Simpson reciprocal index 1 / D
Another way of overcoming the problem of the counter-intuitive nature of Simpson’s
index is to take the Simpson’s reciprocal index 1 / D. The value of this index starts with
1 as the lowest possible figure. This figure would represent a community containing
only one species. The higher is the value of Simpson reciprocal index, the greater the
Solution: Putting the figures into the formula for Simpson’s Index:
Based on the meaning of Simpson index, the quadrat presents a low diversity
because the value of D is near zero and zero and below 0.5.
2. Calculate the value of Simpson’s Diversity Index (D) for a single quadrate sample
of ground vegetation in woodland from which the following sampling date was
Collected specimens Number of individual species (n)
Woodrush 2
Holly (seedlings) 8
Bramble 1
Yorkshire Fog 1
Sedge 3
Collected specimens Number (n) n/N (n/N) 2
Woodrush 2 0.13 0.017
D = 1 – (0.017+0.284+0.004+0.004+0.04)
D = 1- 0.35 = 0.65
Because 0.65 is above 0.5 the area of study presents a moderate diversity.
Self-assessment 1.3
1. Differentiate between species richness and species evenness
2. Suggest precautions taken when measuring populations of aquatic animals
or plants.
3. Explain why a habitat with high diversity tends to be more stable than one
with lower diversity.
4. In a survey of trees in a tropical forest, students identified five tree species
(A to E).
They counted the numbers of trees in an area 100 m × 100 m and found
these results:
Tree species Number of individual species
A 56
B 48
C 12
D 6
E 3
Calculate the Simpson’s Index diversity for identified species and explain the
advantage of using data on species diversity and abundance when calculating an
index of diversity.
5. The Simpson’s Index of diversity for vegetation in an open area inhabited
by grasslands was 0.8. For a similar sized area of vegetation beneath some
conifer trees it was 0.2. What do you conclude from these results?
Self-assessment 1.4
1. Explain the advantages of the random sampling techniques.
2. Use suitable methods, such as frame quadrats, line transects, and belt
transects, to assess the distribution and abundance of insect species in a
school garden. Record your data and use the Simpson index ofdiversity (D)
to calculate the diversity of collected insects.
3. Suggest the benefits of using the following sampling techniques:
a. Quadrats
b. Transect
c. Mark-capture-recapture
4. State the conditions in which quadrats, transect and mark recapture are
suitable sampling methods.
r is the correlation coefficient
x is the number of species in a quadrat
y is the number of species in the same quadrat
n is the number of readings (From1 to n)
x is the mean number of species
y is the mean number of species
sx is the standard deviation for x
sy is the standard deviation for y
Self-assessment 1.5
Use Pearson’s linear correlation to analyze the relationships between the
distribution and abundance of species and abiotic or biotic factors.
a. Plot the graph for the date provided and describe the shape of the
b. From the graph, determine the appropriate time to have the most
6. What do you understand by term endangered species?
7. Describe how diversity is threatened by climate change and human
Introductory activity
Collect different fruits such as oranges, lemons, avocado, green paper, red paper,
bananas, mangoes and tomatoes.
1. Observe each of the above fruits and group them based on their external
2. Based on groups made, which fruits are most closely related?
For more than 3.5 billion years, life on earth has been constantly changing. Natural
selection and other processes have led to a staggering diversity of organisms. A
tropical rain forest, for example, may support thousands of species per meter square.
Recall that a species is a population of organisms that share similar characteristics
and breed with another to produce fertile offspring. Biologists have identified and
named about 1.5 million species so far, and they estimate that between 2 and 100
million additional species have yet to be discovered.
Taxonomy is the study and practice of classification, which involves placing organisms
in a series of taxonomic units, or taxa (singular: taxon). In biological classification,
these taxa form a hierarchy. Each kind of organism is assigned to its own species, and
similar species are grouped into a genus (plural: genera). Similar genera are grouped
into a family, families into an order, orders into a class, classes into a phylum (plural:
phyla) and phyla into a kingdom. The domain is at the top of this hierarchical system.
The hierarchy classification starts from the largest group, the domain. The eight
levels of classification are known as taxa (taxon in singular), these include: Domain,
Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. As one moves down the
taxonomic hierarchy, it follows that the number of individuals decreases but the
number of common features increases. For example, there are numerous individuals
in the domain Eukarya, with very few features in common.
Binomial nomenclature
When precision is not required one generally reverts to common names. The trouble
is that an organism may be known by different common names, and sometimes the
same name may be given to two quite different organisms because common names
are not internationally recognized and they change from one region to another one,
or from one country to another one. To solve this problem, the binomial system
also known as scientific name was introduced and it was pioneered by the Swedish
naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778).
In this system, each organism is given two Latin names: a generic name beginning
with a capital letter and a specific name beginning with a lowercase letter based on
the physical characteristics of studied species. The scientific name is in italic when
printed otherwise it is underlined, when hand written.
For example, many cats belong to the genus Felis but there are many species of cats:
A wild cat is Felis sylvestris while a domestic cat is Felis domesticus. These names are in
italic because this book was written by the use of computer. Hierarchy taxonomy of
human, earthworm and hibiscus plant are given in the table 2.1.
Three domains are used by biologists to divide organisms into three large groups
based on their cell structure. The domain is the highest taxon in the hierarchy. The
prokaryotes are divided between the domains Bacteria and Archaea, while all the
eukaryotes are placed into the domain Eukarya.
b. Domain Archaea
This contains bacteria that live in extreme environments where few other organisms
can survive. They are classified according to the environments they live in;
–– Methanogenic bacteria that live in habitats deprived of oxygen and give off
methane as a product of metabolism for example those that live in the guts of
ruminant animals
–– Halophilic bacteria live only in salty conditions
–– Thermoacidophilic bacteria tolerate extreme acid and temperature that
exceed boiling point of water and a pH below 2.
c. Domain Eukarya
All the organisms classified into this domain have cells with nuclei and membrane-
bound organelles. Their characteristic features are:
–– Cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
–– linear DNA associated with histones arranged within a chromosome in the
–– Ribosomes (80S) in the cytosol are larger than in prokaryotes, while chloroplasts
and mitochondria have 70S ribosomes, like those in prokaryotes.
–– Chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA is circular as in prokaryotes suggesting an
evolutionary relationship between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
–– A great diversity of forms: unicellular, colonial and multicellular organisms
–– Cell division is by mitosis
–– Many different ways of reproduction including asexually and sexually.
There are different ways of classifying the living world into kingdoms but the most
common and recommended is the five kingdom classification.
According to Kent (2000) the kingdoms are:
–– Kingdom Monera or prokaryote
–– Kingdom Protoctista
–– Kingdom Fungi or kingdom mycota
–– Kingdom Plantae
–– Kingdom Animalia
2.3.1 Kingdom Protoctista
This kingdom is made up of a very diverse range of eukaryotic organisms, which
includes those that are often called protozoans and algae. Any eukaryote that is not
a fungus, plant or animal is classified as a protoctist. The characteristic features of
protoctists are listed according to the different phyla due to their diverse range:
–– Rhizopods that have pseudopodia for locomotion. Example, amoeba
–– Flagellates which are hereorophic organisms with at least one flagellum for
locomotion. Example, trypanosoma.
–– Sporozoans which are mainly parasitic organisms that reproduces by multiple
fission. Example plasmodium.
Figure 2.1 Structures of some of the examples of organisms in protoctista showing some common
features: (a) paramecium (b) Amoeba (c) Euglena.
Activity 2.3
Which feature do all animals (except sponges) have that distinguishes them
from plants and fungi?
Figure 2.4 (a) Structure of a typical bacterial and (b) bacterial features
Bacteria are economically important because they are essential in many beneficial
biological and industrial processes. There exist some examples of bacteria that
arepathogens as they cause disease and spoilage of food..
2.4.1 Useful bacteria
a. Biotechnology
Bacteria are used in biotechnology and industry. They are used to manufacture
products such as ethanol, acetone, organic acid, enzymes, and perfumes. In the
chemical industry, bacteria are most important in the production of pharmaceuticals.
For example, E. coli is used for commercial preparation of riboflavin and vitamin K.
b. Genetic engineering
Bacteria are used in genetic engineering through the manipulation of genes, also
called recombinant DNA technology. In this case, bacterial cells are transformed and
used in production of commercially important products for example, production of
human insulin used in treatment of diabetes.
c. Decomposition
In addition, bacteria are important in decomposition of dead organisms and animal
wastes such as feces to form organic matter. This process improves soil fertility and
plays an important role in mineral recycling in an ecosystem.
The bacteria that cause diseases are harmful to humans and other animals and are
referred to as pathogenic bacteria. The body is a home to many millions of bacteria
both useful and harmful to humans.
A bacterial disease is caused by entry of bacteria into a host where theycan
grow, flourish then causing harm to the host. Bacteria e diseases include cholera,
tuberculosis (TB), typhoid fever, pneumonia, tetanus, and diphtheria, and bacterial
meningitis, tooth decay in humans and anthrax in cattle.
Self-assessment 2.5
Mr. Green lives in one of the slums in a certain city. He prepares and sells chapattis
on street. He is usually very clean, but one morning, he is late for work so he does
not bother to wash his hands after visiting the toilet. That day he prepares 400
chapattis all of which are sold. Few hours later, his customer Sandra suffered from
a disease with the following signs and symptoms: severe diarrhea, excessive loss
of water leading to dehydration, and vomiting. Five dayslater, all his customers
were rushed and admitted in hospital due to the same problem.
1. Suggest the disease that Mr. Green’s customers were suffering from and
what caused the disease
2. Name three ways this disease might be spread around city.
3. After reading this scenario, what message do you have for people who are
like Mr. Green?
4. Suppose you were the health officer for the area in town with such a
problem. What steps would you take to prevent the disease from spreading
5. House flies are described as vectors. Describe how houseflies transmit
diseases to humans.
Viruses are microorganisms whose structure is only visible with electron microscopes.
Viruses are acellular and lack cellular structure. Viruses have none of the features that
we traditionally use for classification. They are particles made of proteins and nucleic
Activity 2.8
Construct and interpret a dichotomous key of arthropods listed below.
–– Collect the following litter arthropods: honey bee, spider, millipede, butterfly,
sugar ant, centipede and mosquito and label each specimen as A, B, C, D, E, F
and G respectively
–– Observe and familiarize yourself with the specimens before starting the
–– Use sharply contrasting external features of collected specimens /diagrams
to construct a dichotomous key.
Introductory activity
Point out scientific activities that require the use of microscope in our daily lives.
A microscope is used to produce a magnified image of an object or specimen.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) was the first to invent a microscope powerful
enough to explore the world of microbes. His discoveries stimulated an explosion
of interest in scientific use of microscopes. Since the 18th century, many new types
have been invented of which the most commonly used today are the compound
light microscope and the electron microscope.1 (Kent, 2000, p. 58)).
Fig.3.1. Monocular light microscope (1) and Binocular light microscope (2) both have two lens systems;
the objective lens and the ocular or eye piece lens that are used in combination to view an image
The different parts of light microscope are described below:
–– Base: supports and stabilizes the microscope on the table or any other working
–– Light source: It is made by lamp or mirror which provides light for viewing the
–– Stage: is a platform used to hold the specimen in position during observation.
–– Stage clips: are pliers used to fix and hold tightly the slide on stage.
–– Arm: supports the body tube of microscope
–– Body tube: maintains the proper distance between the objective and ocular
–– Arm: used for holding when carrying the microscope and it holds the body
tube which bears the lenses.
–– Coarse focus adjustment: moves stage up and down a large amount for
coarse focus
–– Fine focus adjustment: moves stage up and down a tiny amount for fine focus
–– Objective lenses: focuses and magnifies light coming through the slide
a. Magnification
Magnification refers to increase in the apparent size of the object, while resolution
of a microscope is the ability to show two close objects as separate. The maximum
magnification of an ordinary light microscope is about x1500. Magnification must
be written on the right side and below the biological drawing and it does not have
units. The size of the image is measured in mm but converted into micrometres or
nanometres to work out the actual size. It is calculated as follows:
Magnification =
Calculate the magnification if the actual size is 5μm and the measured image of the
specimen has the size of 40mm.
–– Make the size of the image and the actual size in the same units by converting
mm in μm. This is done by multiplying 40mm by 1000 so that 40mm = 40000 μm
–– Magnification = = (40000 μm)/5μm
= x8000
Note that the magnification of the specimen under a light microscope is calculated
by multiplying the magnification of the objective used to that of the eyepiece. For
example: 10x (objective) 10x (eyepiece) = x100.
For this experiment, light microscope allows to observe organisms of small size
including bacteria, amoeba and paramecium. Some other parts of macroscopic
organisms such as cells and tissues of plants and animals or some parts of these living
organisms such as stems and roots can also be observed under light microscope.
Some specimens can be observed directly after collection and preparation.
However, some of the details might not be clearly observed because specimens are
not colored. Also, some material distorts when you try to cut the specimen into thin
sections. To overcome this challenge, slides can be prepared in advance by the use
of the following steps:
–– Staining: colored stains are chemicals that bind to chemicals on or in the
specimens. This allow the specimen to be seen. Some stains bind to specific
cell structures. For example, acetic orcein stains DNA dark red, while gentian
violet stains bacterial cell walls.
–– Sectioning: specimens are embedded in wax, where thin sections are then
cut without distorting the structure of the specimen. This is particularly useful
for making sections of soft tissue, such as brain. Safety measures might be
taken. Make sure that hands are washed with soap and warm water after the
c. Measuring cells
Cells and organelles can be measured with a microscope by means of an eyepiece
called graticule. This is a transparent scale, usually having 100 divisions (Figure 3.4,
A). The eyepiece graticule is placed in the microscope eyepiece so that it can be seen
at the same time as the object to be measured (Figure 3.4, B). At this figure (Figure
3.4, B), the cell lies between 40 and 60 on the scale, so that it measures 20 eyepiece
units in diameter (60 – 40 = 20).
Fig. 3.3. A transmission electron microscope showing how a beam of electrons is emitted and processed
to form an electron micrograph on a florescent screen
Self-assessment 3.3
1. How is magnification varied in;
a. A light microscope
b. An electron microscope?
2. Why is the resolving power of an electron microscope such better than
that of a light microscope?
3. Make a comparison between light and electron microscope, highlighting
the advantages and disadvantages for each type of microscope.
Summarise the similarities and differences between light and electron microscopes
a. 4 only
b. 1 and 2 only
c. 2 and 3 only
d. 3 and 4 only
2. The figure below shows a mitochondrion drawn from an electron micrograph.
Study it carefully and answer the following questions.
If the length of the mitochondrion line X Y is 3000 nm. What is the magnification
of the drawing of the mitochondrion?
a. ×100
b. ×1000
c. ×10 000
d. ×100 000
3. A light microscope is used to observe two membranes that are 200 nm apart.
How far apart are the membranes when the objective lens is changed from low
power (×40) to high power (×400)?
a. 2 μm
b. 20 μm
c. 200 nm
d. 2000 nm
4. The electronmicrograph below is that of a chloroplast.
Which represents the same cell, seen under a light microscope at ×400
When viewed under light microscope, the most obvious features observed are the
very large nucleus and a clear cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. However,
under electron microscope, it is possible to identify a range of organelles in plant
and animal cells. Ultrastructure is the detailed of cell as revealed by the electron
Figure 4-1: Ultrastructure of a typical plant cell (Adapted from Cambridge International AS and A Level
Biology Course Book Fourth Edition)
Figure 4.3: Structure of a typical prokaryotic cell. © Mariana Ruiz Villarreal, ladyofHats.
A typical bacterial cell has a cell surface membrane enclosing the cytoplasm that
contains enzymes, ribosomes and food granules. The membrane is surrounded by
the cell wall and this may in turn be enclosed in a capsule. A bacterial cell lacks high
level of organization compared to animal or plant cell. It has no Golgi apparatus
or endoplasmic reticulum. The genetic material is a single strand of DNA usually
coiled up into the center of the cell to form a nucleoid. This nucleoid has no double
membraned nuclear envelope so is often described as an ‘ill-defined nucleus’.
–– Some bacterial cells contain plasmids with additional DNA.
–– Respiration generally takes placein mesosomeswhich is an in-folding of the
cell surface membrane but lack mitochondria
–– Photosynthesizing bacterial cells such as cyanobacteria(blue green
algae) have a special form of chlorophyll but it I not enclosed in a double
membraned chloroplast
Self-assessment 4.2
Organisms such as bacteria are known as prokaryotes.
1. Which structure in a bacterial cell resembles a nucleus?
2. How does it differ from the nucleus of eukaryotic cells?
Figure 4.15 An illustration of the fluid mosaic model of the cell surface membrane
Self-assessment 4.4
1. What is meant by the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane?
2. State at least three properties of the cell membrane.
3. Describe at least 4 types of the proteins in the cell membrane and their
4. What is a partially permeable membrane?
Smooth muscle cells Lack striation and located in blood Involuntary contraction
vessels, cavities.
Figure 4.20: A section of the leaf showing a variety of specialized cells. Main focus is on palide and
spongy mesophyll. {Adapted from: Higaki, T.; Rasmussen, H.P.; Carpenter, W.J. (1984).}.
Palisade cells are in leaves, right below the upper epidermis. They are vertically
elongated, a different shape from the spongy mesophyll cells beneath them in
the leaf. Their large numbers of chloroplasts allow them have several chloroplasts
used in photosynthesis.
Parenchyma cells
Parenchyma is composed of relatively simple and undifferentiated parenchyma
cells. They function in storage, photosynthesis. In most plants, metabolic activity
such as cell division, respiration, and photosynthesis occurs in these cells because
they retain their active cytoplasm. . Guard cells
Figure 4.21: Open and closed stoma showing the shape of the guard cells.© 2003-2018 Shutterstock, Inc.
Self-assessment 4.5
1. Explain why differentiation to produce erythrocytes involves a change in
2. Red blood cells cannot divide as they have no nucleus. State two other
biological processes that red blood cells cannot carry out.
3. Describe how the following are specialized for their roles:
a. Neutrophil
b. Sperm cellRoot hair cell
3. Explain why photosynthesis is carried out in palisade mesophyll more than
in spongy mesophyll.
4. In what kinds of organisms is cell specialization pronounced characteristic?
5. Discuss the advantages of cell specialization in living things
Introductory activity
Read the following passage and use it to answer the following questions:
In an anthill, there are different groups of termites such as a queen, workers and
soldiers. Each group has a specific role to play in the colony. The structure termites
of each group is related to their role for example soldiers that protect the colony
have mouth parts shaped like a pair of scissors building and a slightly larger
abdomen for storing water. The queen is the largest of all and has a role of laying
eggs. Workers have mouth parts for cutting and chewing food or soil particles.
Some members of workers are in charge of caring for the young while others find
food and defend the colony or remove dead members. Their specialization and
division of labor bring about efficiency in the colony.
1. Specify the message addressed by the above paragraph.
2. Explain how is the structure of termites related to their functions?
3. What is the significance of specialized tissues in multicellular organisms
like plants and animals?
Plant tissues can be divided into two main groups, Meristematic tissues (apical, lateral,
and intercalary meristems) and Permanent tissues (ground tissues and vascular tissues).
5.1.2. Meristem tissues
Meristem tissue is a group of cells which retain the ability to divide by mitosis.
Meristematic tissues are specialized to carry out specific functions such as
reproduction, growth, photosynthesis and replacement of old or damage tissues.
The cells making a meristem tissue are small, have a central large nucleus and dense
cytoplasm, thin-walled, with no or small vacuole, and no specialized features. The
cells are rectangular and closely packed with no intercellular air spaces.
Collenchyma Sclerenchyma
Made of living cells Made of dead cells
Tapering ends do not overlap Tapering ends overlap and interlock
Ensure mechanical support and flexibility Ensure mechanical support only
Cell wall is not lignified. Cell wall is lignified.
Figure 5.6: Phloem tube cells showing sieve plates that are reinforced cell walls between.Modified
Table 5.2: Comparison between Xylem and Phloem tissues
Xylem Phloem
Self-assessment 5.1
1. State where in a flowering plant you would find:
a. Lateral meristem
b. Intercalary meristem
c. Apical meristem
2. Give characteristics of meristematic cells.
3. What do you understand by the following terms?
a. Differentiation
b. Cambium
c. Wood
d. Meristem
4. Differentiate between Collenchyma and sclerenchyma
5. State the main structures (components) that make up a xylem and phloem
6. Explain how the structure of Parenchyma and Xylem tissues are suitable to
their functions.
7. The diagram below shows a longitudinal section of two cells of phloem tissue
in a plant stem.
f. Transitional epithelium
In this type of stratified epithelium, the surface cells change their shape from round
to squamous. Transitional epithelium lines urinary bladder. When the bladder is
empty, the surface cells are rounded. As the bladder fills urine, these cells become
flattened. Transitional epithelium enables the bladder to fill and stretch without
tearing the lining.
A typical neuron has three main parts: Cell body, dentrites and axon.
a. The cell body or soma
–– It is the main part from which, extensions derive (Axon and Dendron).
–– It is made of a great spherical nucleus, granular cytoplasm and controls
all nerve cell activities.
b. Dendrites (Dendron when single): small branches attached to the cell body
and receive nerve impulse from other neurons
c. Axon or cylindrax:
–– It is the thinner nerve fibre that carries messages away from the cell
body and can be as long as 1 m. In some neurones, the axons have a
fatty myelin sheath formed by Schwann cells which wrap themselves
around the axon to increase the speed of impulse transmission.
5.2.5. Connective tissues
Connective tissue is made up of many different types of cells that are all involved in
structure and support of the body. Bone, blood, fat, and cartilage are all connective
tissues. Connective tissues can be densely packed together, as bone cells are or
loosely packed, as adipose tissue (fat cells) are. A connective tissue is made up of a
variety of cells embedded in a large amount of intracellular substance called matrix
and fibers which are non-living products of the cells.
a. Common functions of connecting tissues:
–– Connective tissues protect and support the body and internal organs.
–– They act as connecting systems, binding all other tissues together.
–– They also form surrounding sheaths to separate the various organs.
Activity 5.2.3
You are provided with photomicrographs or slides of different plant and animal
tissue. Study them carefully and answer questions that follow.
Identify the different tissues provided and where they are located.
One of the images is a blood smear. Draw a well labeled diagram of this tissue
5.3.1 Cells
The smallest structural and functional living units of living things are cells. There are
many different types of human cells, though they all have certain similarities. Each
type of cell is made of chemicals and carries out specific chemical reactions.
5.3.2 Tissues
A tissue is a group of cells with similar structure and function. There are four groups
of tissues (Epithelial tissues, Connective tissues, Muscle tissues, Nerve tissue)
5.3.3 Organs
An organ is a group of tissues precisely arranged so as to accomplish specific
functions. Examples of organs are the kidneys, individual bones, the liver, lungs, and
stomach. The kidneys contain several kinds of epithelial or surface tissues, for their
work of absorption. The stomach is lined with epithelial tissue that secretes gastric
juice for digestion. Smooth muscle tissue in the wall of the stomach contracts to
mix food with gastric juice and propel it to the small intestine. Nerve tissue carries
impulses that increase or decrease the contractions of the stomach.
5.3.4 Organ systems
An organ system is a group of organs that all contribute to a particular function.
Examples are the urinary system, digestive system, and respiratory system. For
example, the urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and
Self-assessment 5.4
1. Give the advantages and disadvantages of being Unicellular organisms.
2. Describe how unicellular organisms perform their functions.
Figure 6.2: Color change during the test for reducing and non-reducing sugar
If the color of Benedict reagent persists, the sugar tested is not a reducing sugar.
Note that there is no special reagent to test for non-reducing sugar, but by the
addition of HCl, non-reducing sugars can be hydrolyzed to reducing sugars. To
test the presence of reducing sugars, a solution of sodium hydroxide is needed to
neutralize the acidity because Benedict reagent works better in neutral solution
Self-assessment 6.1
A student prepared carbohydrate solution labeled C. Perform the following
experiment to confirm whether C1 is starch, reducing sugar, or non-reducing
1. In a test tube 1:
–– Pour 4 drops of the solution C1
–– Add 2-3 drops of Iodine solution
–– Note down your observation and
conclusion in the following columns
2. Carry out the same experiment using the substance A and compare your
findings with M.
3. Which of the substance A and M contain proteins?
The presence of lipids can be determined by using Sudan III indicators, which are fat-loving
molecules that are colored. During the test for a solution containing lipids, two results are
likely to be found: there is either the separation of layers indicating the levels of water and
a. Why was it necessary to boil solutions A and B with solution C in test (3)
and (6)?
b. Why was solution D added to test tubes 3 and 6?
Self-assessment 7.1
1. What are some examples of polymers and monomers?
2. How are monomers, polymers and macromolecules related?
a) b) c)
Figure 7.1: Structural formula of glucose(a), galactose(b) and fructose(c)
One important aspect of the structure of pentoses and hexoses is that the chain
of carbon atoms is long enough to close up on itself and form a more stable ring
structure. This can be illustrated using glucose as an example. When glucose forms
a ring, carbon atom number 1 joins to the oxygen on carbon atom number 5 (Figure
Self-assessment 7.2
1. How do we call the monosaccharide with 3, 5 and 6 carbon atoms?
2. Differentiate between α and β glucose
3. What are the properties of glucose?
7.3.1 Monosaccharides
Monosaccharides may combine together in pairs to give a disaccharide (double-
sugar). The union involves the loss of a single molecule of water and is therefore a
condensation reaction. The bond which is formed is called a glycosidic bond. It is
usually formed between carbon atom1of one monosaccharide and carbon atom 4
of the other, hence it is called a -1, 4- glycosidic bond. Any two monosaccharides
may be linked together to form a disaccharide of which maltose, sucrose and lactose
are the most common.
Disaccharides Monomers
Maltose(malt sugar) Glucose + glucose
Sucrose(cane sugar) Glucose + Fructose
Lactose(milk sugar) Glucose + galactose
Figure 7.8: Structures of starch molecule. The long chains of alpha glucose molecules are coiled into a
helix with most of the hydroxyl groups pointing inwards. © Mader, S. S., et al (2010). Biology 10th Edition.
b. Glycogen
Glycogen is often called animal starch because it is a major polysaccharide storage
material in animals and fungi. The brain and other tissues require constant supply of
blood glucose for survival. Some tissues particularly the liver and skeletal muscles
store glycogen in the form that can be rapidly mobilized to form glucose. Like starch,
glycogen is made up of α-glucose and exists as granules. It is similar to amylopectin in
structure but it has shorter chains (10-20 glucose unit) and is more highly branched.
Lipids are a broad group of naturally occurring molecules which include fats,
waxes, sterols, fat soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E and K), monoglycerides,
diglycerides, Phospholipids and others. Lipids are grouped into fats which are solid
at room temperature and oils which are liquid at room temperature. Lipids are
made by carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but the amount of oxygen in lipids is much
smaller than in carbohydrates. Lipids are made by two components namely glycerol
and fatty acids. The chemical formula for glycerol is C3H8O3 with structural formula
as shown in the figure 7.11
Figure 8.1: The generalized structure of amino acid. R is a variable group that changes from one amino
acid to another and so determines the type of amino acid
Amino acids are divided into two categories: essential amino acid and non-essential
amino acid. Essential amino acids are those amino acids which cannot be synthesized
by the body. Non –essential amino acids are synthesized by the organism. All 20
amino acids can be found in diet from plant and animal tissues.
Figure 8.6: The formation of the dipeptide by condensation reaction resulting in a peptide bond
A peptide bond is formed between two amino acids to form a dipeptide molecule.
If three amino acids are assembled togetherthey form a tripeptidewhile four
amino acids form a tetrapeptide and so on. A long chain of amino acid it is called a
polypeptide. The polypeptide chain or oligopeptide comprise more than 50 amino
acids joined together by peptide bonds.
During digestion, proteins are hydrolyzed to give amino acids that can be diffuse
across the wall of intestine into blood stream. In hydrolysis the peptide bond breaks
down by the addition of a water molecule (Figure 8.5).
Self-assessment 8.1
1. Explain what are essential amino acids?
2. Describe the formation of a peptide bond?
3. At physiological pH, the amino acid exists as zwitterions. What is a zwitterion?
4. Alanine is an amino acid with -CH3 as a side chain. Write its structural
5. Most plants lack one or more of the essential amino acids needed by the
body. Explain how a vegetarian can obtain the essential amino acids.
Figure 8.8: A alpha(α) helix and beta (ß)pleated sheet of the secondary structure of proteins. The
hydrogen bond at different locations of the molecule determines the shape of the structure.© www.
Globular protein
These are polypeptide chains that are tightly folded to form a spherical shape. Many
globular proteins are folded so that their hydrophobic groups are on the inside
of the molecule and the hydrophilic groups face outwards making these proteins
soluble in water.
Properties of globular protiens:
–– They are spherical in shape
–– Physiologically active
–– Soluble in water.
–– May contain prosthetic group for example the iron (haeme)
–– Examples include hemoglobin and enzymes.
Figure 8.11: Denaturation and renaturation of a protein. ©Jackson, B.R. (2008). Biology. 8th Ed.
8.3 Water
Activity 8.3
1. What is the medium of reaction in the organisms?
2. If two people are boiling the same quantity of cooking oil and water, which
one could evaporate first? Explain your choice.
Living organisms contain between 60% and 90% of water, the remaining being the
dry mass. The function of water is defined by its physical and chemical properties
that differ from those of most liquids and make it effective in supporting life.
Functions of water
–– Turgidity of plant cell which increases their size is due to the availability of
–– The transport of substances (minerals, nutrients in plant and animals) that are
dissolved in water.
–– Excretion of waste product
–– Support for hydrostatic skeleton.
–– Temperature regulation in plant and animals
–– Seed germination by breaking down the seed coat
–– Medium for biochemical reaction.
Self-assessment 8.3
1. State the functions of water in animals
2. What do you understand by heat capacity?
3. Relate the high heat capacity of water to its biology functions.
4. Describe and explain how aquatic organisms live below frozen water
4. Construct a three column table and relate the following terms with arrows to
indicate the correct match.
Phosphodiester linkages Monosaccharide Polypeptides
Peptide bonds Nucleotides Triacylglycerol
Glycosidic linkages Amino acids Polynucleotides
Ester linkages Fatty acids Polysaccharides
5. Explain what happens during protein denaturation?
Mineral nutrients are sometimes called mineral salts or just minerals. Mineral salts
are essential nutrients that our body needs. They are called essential not because
they are more important than other substances in our body but because our
bodiescannot produce them. They include the inorganic substances found in daily
diet. They are dissolved in body fluids.
They are found in human body as ions (cations and anions). Organic food like proteins,
carbohydrates and fats provide the body with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
sulfur and phosphorus. Butthere are several more elements that the body needs
and occur as salts in the food we eat. They constitute about 1% of an organism by
weight. Even though they are required in a very small amount, they are nonetheless
essential for body processes.
The classification of minerals is based upon their requirement rather than on their relative
importance. Mineral nutrients are needed in a precise small amount. The five major minerals
needed in human body include calcium (Ca2+),phosphorus (H2PO-4), potassium (K+), sodium
(Na+) and magnesium (Mg2+). Mineral nutrients are grouped into two groups: the macronu-
trients or major elements and the micronutrients or trace elements.
Macronutrient or major elements are minerals needed by humans in a relative
large amount (greater than 200 mg/day). Their examples include nitrogen(NO3-)
, phosphorus (H2PO-4), sulfur(SO2-4) , calcium (Ca2+), sodium (Na+), chlorine (Cl-),
magnesium (Mg2+), and iron (Fe2+ or Fe3+).Micronutrients or trace elements are
those which are needed in minute amount (a few parts per million). Examples
include manganese (Mn2+), iodine (I-), zinc (Zn2+), molybdenum(MoO-4)and fluorine
Self-assessment 9.2
1. Categorize mineral nutrients according to their amount in human body.
2. Distinguish the two categories of mineral nutrients needed by the human
3. From the minerals listed here, identify the five major minerals in the human
body: Sulfur (S), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg),
Iodine (I), Chloride (Cl), zinc (Zn), Cobalt (Co), chromium, Calcium (Ca),
phosphorus (P), Nitrogen (N).
Activity 9.3
9.3 Sources, functions and deficiency symptoms of mineral
Use your textbook to answer
nutrients the following questions:
in humans
is a variety
9.3 of food stuffs: Banana, cassava, wholegrain, oranges, pumpkin, potato,
beans, water
Use melon, green to
your textbook leafy vegetables,
answer poultry,
the following eggs, liver, and milk. Choose the food
stuffs which are goodis sources
Hereunder a varietyof
of minerals.
food stuffs: Banana, cassava, wholegrain, oranges,
pumpkin, potato, beans, water melon, green leafy vegetables, poultry, eggs,
liver, and milk. Choose the food stuffs which are good sources of minerals.
uman body requires mineral nutrients to survive and to carry out daily functions and proces
inerals keep body requires
humans healthymineral
and havenutrients
key to survive
roles and to carry
in several bodyout daily functions
functions. Humans rece
and processes. Minerals keep humans healthy and have key roles in several body
inerals by eating plants
functions. Humans thatreceive
absorb minerals
minerals from the
by eating soilthat
plants andabsorb
by eating meatfrom
minerals and the
other produ
om animals, which
soil and graze on
by eating meat plants. The deficiency
and other products from of mineral
animals, nutrients
which grazeresults into body
on plants. The functio
sorders and diseases.
deficiency Most are
of mineral found results
nutrients in the blood
into bodyandfunctional
of cells,andwhere they assist ba
nctions. Most are foundcalcium
For example, in the blood
andand cytoplasm
potassium of cells,nerve
regulate whereand
assist basic functions.
For example, calcium and potassium regulate nerve and muscle activity
Figure 9.1:
9.1: Examples of some
of some foods
foods rich inrich in minerals
Table 9. 1 Minerals required in humans and their sources
able 9. 1 Minerals required in humans and their sources
Mineral deficiency
Major dietary
Mineral Mineral
Major dietary Some
Some major functions
major diseasesdeficiency
Mineral and their diseases
sources functions and their symptoms.
Iron Meats, eggs, Component of hemo- Iron-deficiency anemia,
ron Meats, eggs,
legumes, whole Component
globin and ofofelectron Iron-deficiency
weakness, impairedanemia,
(Fe) legumes, whole
grains, green hemoglobin and of
carriers in energy weakness, impaired immunity
vegetables metabolism; enzyme
grains, green electron
carriers in
Fe) Calciumvegetables
Milk, soy milk, energy
for nerve and Retarded growth,
(Ca) green leafy enzyme cofactorbuilds
muscle action; possibly loss of bone
vegetables, bone and teeth; helps mass and bone
sardines blood clot deformation called
Phosphorus Meat, poultry, Component of Phosphorus deficiency
(P) pumpkin seeds, bones, teeth, lipids, results in a form of Bone
sunflower seeds, cell membrane, and malformation known as
water melon, nucleotides. rickets
whole grains
Sodium Table salt, most Needed for muscle and cramps, reduced
(Na) processed foods nerve function; helps appetite
maintain salt-water
balance in body fluids,
and assists active trans-
port of certain material
across the cell
Potassium (K) Meats, soy, beans, Assists active transport Muscular weakness,
orange juice, of certain material paralysis, nausea, heart
tomato, potatoes, across the cell failure
bananas membrane Needed
for muscle and nerve
function; helps maintain
salt-water balance in
body fluids
Sulfur (S) Whole grains, Necessary component Symptoms of protein
meats, of amino acids many deficiency
seafood, eggs proteins and some
coenzymes, e.g. acetyl
coenzyme A
Nitrogen (N) Is a component of Digestion problem, skin
amino acids, proteins, disorders, defective
coenzymes, vitamins bone growth.
Chlorine (Cl) Table salt, most Helps maintain water Muscle cramps, reduced
processed foods and pH balance; helps appetite
to form stomach acid
Fluorine (F) Drinking water, tea, Component of certain Tooth decay
seafood digestive enzymes,
component of teeth and
Magnesium Whole grains, Needed to form several Nervous system
(Mg) green leafy enzymes disturbances
vegetables, nuts,
Self-assessment 9.3
1. Match the mineral nutrients with its function
a. Iodine 1. make bones hard
b. Fluorine 2. maintains the immune system stronger
c. Phosphorus 3. component of hemoglobin
d. Iron 4. prevents tooth decay
e. Copper 5. used in synthesis of thyroid hormone (thyroxin)
2. In a tabular form, identify the major dietary sources, the functions in human
bodies and the deficiency diseases of the following minerals: Ca, I, P, zinc, and
148 Biology Senior Four Student’s Book
3. Choose the best answer.
i. They are the minerals we need a lot in every day diet. How are they called?
a. Macronutrents
b. Micronutrients
c. Giant minerals
d. Monster minerals
ii. This mineral helps to build up strong teeth and bones. How is it called?
a. Calcium
b. Iron
c. Zink
d. potassium
iii. What are foods that are natural good source of iron?
a. Roast Beef
b. Macaroni and cheese
c. Baked beans
d. Water melon
iv. Select 2 that are natural good sources of calcium?
a. Milk and cheese
b. Whole-wheat bread
c. Iceburg lettuce
d. Scanned salmon
v. The mineral that helps in oxygen transport to lungs is?
a. calcium
b. iron
c. zinc
d. potassium
vi. Which foods are good sources of zinc?
a. Milk and cheese
b. Lamb and pork
c. Macaroni and cheese
d. Peanuts and lentils
vii. Bananas are great source of this mineral, which helps our muscles and nervous
system to maintain your right water levels. What is it called?
a. Calcium
b. Iron
c. Zinc
d. Potassium
Like minerals, vitamins are also essential for the human body. They are required
for metabolism, protection health and growth. Vitamins also assist in formation of
hormones, blood cells and genetic material. Vitamins are directly absorbed from
the small intestine into the blood stream. Water –soluble vitamins are absorbed in
the ileum while fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed in jejunum. Features shared by all
Self-assessment 9.4
1. How many vitamins does the human body needs to function properly?
2. Describe the classification of vitamins.
Some vitamins, including some vitamin B complex and Vitamin K are produced by
bacteria that normally live in the intestines, where they help to digest food. Vitamin
D is synthesized in the skin when it is exposed to UV radiation in sunlight.
Vitamins and their derivative are coenzymes; note that a coenzyme is an organic
molecule that combines temporaly with enzymes making them more efficient.
For example, Niacin or vitamin B3 is an essential component of coenzymes NAD
and NADP involved in lipid metabolism. It inhibits production of cholesterol and
catabolism of triglyceride. Thiamin or vitaminB1 is a coenzyme for many different
enzymes that break complex molecules such as carbohydrates to produce ATP.
Thiamin deficiency results into Beriberi anemia and stunted growth in children.
Vitamin K is an essential coenzyme for synthesis of several blood clotting factors.
Several vitamins, including vitamins C and E, act as antioxidants. An antioxidant is a
compound that neutralizes chemicals called free radicals. Free radicals are produced
naturally during cellular activities and may cause some types of cancer. Neutralizing
free radicals makes them harmless.
Major dietary Function in our
Vitamins symptoms of
sources lives
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) Whole-grain Helps break down Beriberi: anemia,
products, eggs, peas, macronutrients; nerve disorders
fish, yeast, beans, essential for proper (such as confusion,
peanuts, meats functioning of paralysis,
nerves atrophy of limbs,
hallucinations), and
stunted growth in
Vitamin Milk, liver, green Helps the body Hair loss, insomnia,
B2(riboflavin) leafy vegetables, process amino acids skin lesions such as
beef, eggs, Whole- and fats; acts as cracks at corners of
grain products antioxidants mouth, dermatitis
peanuts, yeast and blurred vision.
soybeans, lamb. Cataracts, lesion of
intestinal mucosa,
and one type of
vitamin B9 Folic acid Liver, green leafy Needed for normal Anemia,
(folate or folacin) vegetables, citrus production of red gastrointestinal
fruits, legumes, and blood cells and problems.
fortified bread. white blood cells.
Also is needed
in DNA and RNA
Vitamin B3 Niacin Meat, liver, fish, Essential coenzyme Pellagra
or Whole-grain in lipid metabolism. characterized by
products, nuts, peas, dermatitis, diarrhea
(nicotinic acid)
beans. and psychological
Vitamin B5 Kidney, liver, A coenzyme in Neuromotor
sunflower seeds, cellular respiration disorders, fatigue
broccoli, avocado, and muscle cramps
(Pantothenic acid)
edible mushrooms,
(d) (e)
Figures 9. 39.(a)
Figures Pellagra
3 (a) causedbyby
Pellagra caused niacin
niacin (Vitamin
(Vitamin B3), (b) B3), (b)caused
Beriberi Beriberi
by thecaused by the lack of
lack of thiamin
thiamin (vitamin B1), (c) Rickets due to the vitamin D or calcium deficiency, (d)Scurvy
(vitamin B1), (c) Rickets due to the vitamin D or calcium deficiency, (d)Scurvy due to the lack of vitamin due to
the lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid),(e)(e)
C (ascorbic acid), Goiter caused
Goiter by iodine
caused by deficiency.
iodine deficiency.
Introductory activity
Discuss in pair the following questions and share with another pair your findings.
1. What do you understand by the term enzyme?
2. Two individuals want to reach the last floor of Kigali city tower. One climbs
up using the ladder but another one uses a lift. What advantage the lift
gives over the ladder?
3. Why is it easy to digest hot foods than cold ones?
Enzymes are biological catalysts produced by a living organism to control the rate of
specific biochemical reactions by lowering the activation energy of reactants
First of all, individual enzymes are named by adding -ase to the name of the substrate
with which they react. The enzyme that controls urea decomposition is called urease;
those that control protein hydrolyses are known as proteases.
A second way of naming enzymes refers to the enzyme commission number (EC
number) which is a numerical classification scheme for enzymes based on the
chemical reactions they catalyze. In a system of enzyme nomenclature, every EC
number is associated with a recommended name for the respective enzyme
catalyzing a specific reaction. They include:
–– Oxidoreductases: catalyze redox reactions by the transfer of hydrogen,
oxygen or electrons from one molecule to another. Example: Oxidase catalyzes
the addition of oxygen to hydrogen to form water.
Glucose + oxygen gluconic acid +water
Figure 10.3: Induced fit hypothesis model. Entrance of the substrate into active site cause a change in the
configuration of the active site of the enzyme finally allowing the reaction to occur.
Self-Assessment 10.3
The key and lock hypothesis is a model that explain the mode of action of an
enzyme on the substrate. In the same context, analyse the diagram below and
then answer question that follow.
This means that the rate of the reaction doubles if the temperature is raised from
30°c to 40°c
Be aware that not all enzymes have an optimum temperature of 40°c. Some bacteria
and algae living in hot springs (e.g. Amashyuza in Rusizi) are able to tolerate very
high temperatures. Enzymes from such organisms are proving useful in various
industrial applications because they do not denature up to 70oc
Enzyme Optimum pH
Pepsin and rennin 2.0
Salivary amylase 6.8
Trypsin 7.8
Lipase 9.0
Figure 10.8: Competitive inhibition. An inhibitor has a shape resembling that of the substrate and so
relatively compete with each other for the active site depending on the concentration of either substrate
or inhibitor
ii. Non-competitive inhibitors are molecules that can be fixed to the other part
of enzyme (not to the active site) so that they change the shape of active site,
Figure 10.9: Non-competitive inhibition. Anon competitive inhibitor attaches to the site other than the
active site and changes the shape of the active site eventually preventing the formation of enzyme
substrate complex.
iii. End product inhibitor, Allosteric inhibitor or Allostery.
This is a chain enzymatic metabolic pathway where the final end product acts as
an allosteric reversible inhibitor for the first, the second or the third step in the
metabolic pathway. The shape of an allosteric enzyme is altered by the binding of
the end product to an allosteric site. This decreases enzymatic activity. By acting
as allosteric inhibitors of enzymes in an earlier metabolic pathway, the metabolites
can help to regulate metabolism according to the needs of organisms. This is an
example of negative feedback.
This often happens when few enzymes are working on a large number of substrate
e.g. ATP is an end-product inhibitor of the enzyme PFK (Phosphofructokinase) in
glycolysis during cell respiration. The end-product inhibitor leads to a negative
–– V is a substrate
–– W, X and Y are intermediate compounds
–– Z is a product
–– e1, e2, e3, and e4 are enzymes
a. Name the type of control mechanism which regulates production of
compound Z
b. Explain how an excess of compound Z will inhibit its further production.
Self-Assessment 10.5
1. Fill the blank with appropriate terms:
Enzymes are biological ____________________ produced by
___________________________ cells. Enzymes reduce the amount of
____________________ energy required for reactions to occur. They consist of
globular ____________________ with _______________________ structure.
2. Answer the following questions:
a. What is the main role of enzymes?
b. What would happen if there are no enzymes in the cell?
Self-Assessment 10.6
1. What is the role of alcohol or ammonium sulphate during the extraction of
2. Why is thermostability of enzymes so important for many industrial
Self-Assessment 11.1
Determine the surface area to volume ratio of a sphere having a diameter of 4 mm
a. Insects
The spiracles are openings of small tubes running into the insect’s trachea system
that terminates into small fluid-filled tracheoles in which the gases are dissolved.
The fluid is drawn into the muscle tissue during physical exercise, and this increases
the surface area of air in contact with the cells.
Ventilation movements of the body during exercise may help this diffusion. The
spiracles can be closed by valves and may be surrounded by tiny hairs. The later help
to keep humidity around the opening to ensure that there is a lower concentration
gradient of water vapour, and so less is lost from the insect by evaporation.
Figure 11.3: Structure of the trachea system showing the tracheoles that are fluid-filled and make contact
with individual tissues to exchange gases
– – Place the dissecting board on the newspaper and lay the lungs on the board.
– – Use a scalpel to cut the lungs in half in longitudinal section.
– – Identify the trachea, right lung, left lung, cartilage rings, bronchus, larynx, alveoli,
and bronchiole. You can use a magnifying hand lens to observe structures in
the lungs.
– – Inflate the lungs by blowing through the CPR (cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)
mouth piece to see how the lungs expand.
– – Feel the slippery inside of trachea, press the lung with your finger and look at
cartilaginous rings.
– – Remember to wash your hand s with soap as you finish your experiment.
1. Explain what it feels like as you press the lungs with your fingers.
Table 11.1: Parts of the human gas exchange system and their respective functions
Part Functions
Nasal The hairs in the nostrils trap dust and other small particles.
passages The mucus that lines the nasal passages traps germs.
Warms and moistens the air entering the lungs as the air passes over blood
Epiglottis Stops food and liquids from going into the trachea during swallowing.
Trachea Provide an open passage for air to enter and leave the lungs.
and The mucus that lines the inside walls traps dust and germs.
Move mucus, which contains dust and germs, to the pharynx, using hair-
like structures (cilia) that line the inside walls.
Enable the exchange of gases between the blood passing through the
lungs and the air in the lungs
Cartilage is a rigid, but flexible supporting material. Its incomplete rings
support the smooth muscle of these tubes, keeping them in an open
position. It prevents the trachea from collapsing when the air inside them
is lowered when breathing in.
Elastic They are flexible fibres that recoil if stretched when the smooth muscle
fibres contracts. As the smooth muscle relaxes, the elastic fibres spring back to
their original positions and the bronchiole dilate. They therefore control
the air-flow to and from the alveoli.
They produce the mucus that forms the thin layer over the whole inner
Goblet cells surface of these structures. Mucus acts as barrier, preventing pathogens
from entering the cells.
Self-Assessment 11.2
1. List the adaptations of the gills for gaseous exchange
2. List the structures through which air passes on its way from the nose to the
3. Give two reasons why mammals need lungs, rather than exchanging gases
through the skin.
Between the lungs of individuals, A and B, which one is most likely that of the
cigarette smoker?
Read the notes below to identify at least three risks related to smoking cigarette.
Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases, and
reduces the health of smokers in general (Figure 11.6). Quitting smoking lowers the
risk for smoking-related diseases and can increase the longevity. Inhaling cigarette
smoke is called passive smoking and presents a health hazard to people nearby who
inhale it. Of the thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke three important ones are:
Self-Assessment 11.4
Analyze the photograph and share ideas with your group members.
1. Between the baby and the parent who will suffer more the effects of
tobacco? Give reasons
2. Discuss any side effects of smoking.
3. Design a sign post to advocate against smoking.
Biology Senior Four Student’s Book
Describe structures of gaseous exchange organs in plants
Learning objectives
By the end of this unit I should be able to:
–– Describe the structure of the stoma.
–– Explain how stomata, lenticels and breathing roots are adapted to their
–– Explain the theories of opening and closure of stomata stating limitations of
–– Relate the differences between the structures of aquatic and terrestrial leaves
to a habitat.
–– Draw and label a diagram of stoma as observed under alight microscope.
–– Compare gaseous exchange structures of aquatic and terrestrial plants
–– Relate the structure and function of aquatic and terrestrial plants
–– Defend the relationship between structure and function in aquatic and
terrestrial plants
Introductory activity
Suggest the different parts of a plant that are used in gaseous exchange
Stomata (stoma in singular) are microscopic pores in epidermis of the leaves and
ta (stoma in singular) are microscopic pores in epidermis of the leaves and stems of terr
stems of terrestrial plants. They function in gas exchange between plant and the
They function in gas
atmosphere andexchange between plant and the atmosphere and in transpiration.
in transpiration.
Figure 12.2. Scanned Electron Micrograph (left) and structure of stomata (right).
Figure 12.2. Scanned Electron Micrograph (left) and structure of stomata (right).
Each stoma is bordered by two saucer shaped cells called guard cells, which are
specialized epidermis cells whose movements control the size of the aperture
(pore). Unlike other epidermis cells, guard cells have kidney shape and have many
chloroplasts. Their inner cell wall is thick and less elastic while the outer cell wall is
thin and more elastic. Guard cells shrink ϭϴϴwhen the plant has too little water. This
closes the stomata. When the plant has enough water, the guard cells swell up
again. This opens the stomata. In this way, the guard cells enable gaseous exchange.
Oxygen in the atmosphere diffuses through the stomata into the air spaces between
the cells of the spongy mesophyll tissue while carbon dioxide diffuses through the
stomata out to the atmosphere.
12.2 Theories used to explain the mechanism of opening and
12.2 Theories used to explain the mechanism of opening and closure of stomata
closure of stomata
Thediagram below
diagram below shows
shows a closed
a closed and
and an anstoma.
open open stoma.
photosynthesis, the
In light, guard cells areconcentration
stimulated. Theyof CO2 falls
absorb and
K+ ions thethepH
from rises. Elaborated
neighbouring starch
cells. K+ ions make
therefore splitsmore
the guard cells intopermeable
malate. to The
2 . As concentration
the guard cells of malate
perform and the
photosynthesis, rise
the of pH in
of COcells
guard 2 fallsdevelop
and the pH a rises. Elaborated
decrease in waterstarch therefore splits
potential. Hence, intothe
high withdraw
of malate
water fromandthe
rise of pH in guard
and develop
extend a decrease
backward in water potential.
leaving Hence,
an open the guard
pore in
cells withdraw water from the neighbouring
between whereby water is lost by evaporation. cells and extend backward leaving an open pore in
between whereby water is lost by evaporation.
During the night, there is no light to stimulate neither the absorption of K+ ions nor the
photosynthesis. Guard cells undergo cell respiration using photosynthetic products
as source of energy (carbohydrates: malate, glucose). Therefore, the concentration
of malate decreases making the guard cells hypotonic than neighbouring cells. As
guard-cells lose their water content, they shrive and the pore in between closes.
Stomatal transpiration ceases.
Self-assessment 12.2
Self-assessment 12.2
1) According to the ionic theory of opening and closing stoma, what is the role of
1. According to the ionic theory of opening and closing stoma, what is the role
potassium ions in the guard cell?
of potassium ions in the guard cell?
2) What would happen to guard cells if the concentration of malate doubled?
3) What
Whatwould happen
is meant to guard cells
by compensation point?if the concentration of malate doubled?
3. What is meant by compensation point?
12.3 Structural adaptations and function of stomata, lenticels and breathing roots.
12.3 Structural adaptations and function of stomata, lenticels
and breathing roots.
adaptations of these
adaptations plantsplants
of these for gasfor
gas exchange.
Adaptations forforgas
Adaptations gasexchange inplants:
exchange in plants:(a)(a) Salicornia
Salicornia europaea
europaea in asaline
in a highly highly saline
environment environment (b) Pneumatophores above the ground (c) Lenticels on stems
(b) Pneumatophores 12.3the ground (c) Lenticels on stems
What features are common to plants living in desert and saline soils?
Self-assessment 12.3
What features are common to plants living in desert and saline soils??
End of
Endunit assessment
of unit 12 12
Section A: Objective questions
Section A: Objective questions
1. You are provided with the diagram below. Analyze it and then chose the correct
1) You are provided
answer. with the
Transpiration in diagram
the leaf below.
depends Analyze
on theit transport
and then chose the corrections
of potassium answer.
into: in the leaf depends on the transport of potassium ions into:
a) IntoInto
a. O O
b) Into P
b. Into P
c) From M to L
c. From M to L
d) From M to Q
d. From M to Q
e) From P to L.
e. From P to L.
2) The theory that says than during the light time, potassium pumps open and this brings
about diffusion of CO2 from the atmosphere to Biology
the guard
Seniorcells Book 197
for photosynthesis
Four Student’s is
2. The theory that says than during the light time, potassium pumps open and
this brings about diffusion of CO2 from the atmosphere to the guard cells for
photosynthesis is called:
a. Theory of photosynthesis in guard cells
b. Theory of starch sugar inter-conversion
c. Theory of glycolate metabolism
d. Theory of active Potassium Pump.
3. What is the main difference between the guard cells and the other epidermal
a. Guard cells have chloroplast while the remaining epidermal cells have no
b. Guard cells have oval shape while other cells have cubic shape
c. Guard cells are beneath the spongy mesophyll
d. Guard cells are covered by a transparent cuticle
4. Water lily is:
a. Xerophytes
b. Halophyte
c. Hydrophyte
d. Heleophyte
5. Mangroves are plants adapted to estuaries or marine region with high salinity.
What statement does not describe the adaptations of mangroves?
a. The presence of lenticels that help in gas exchange and evaporation
b. Presence of large number of stomata on the upper side of the leaves
c. The presence of pneumatophores which are breathing roots
d. Presence of succulent tissues that have high concentration of salt
Section B
6. Explain how gaseous exchange occurs in the leaf.
7. How does gaseous exchange occur in woody stems?
8. Describe how roots get oxygen.
9. a. Draw a labelled diagram of a stoma
b. Draw arrows on the diagram to show how gaseous exchange occurs.
10.The drawing shows a 24-hour cycle for the opening and closing of stomata from
the same plant.
i. Explain how the movement
of K+ ions accounts for the opening of
i. Explain how the
stomata.movement of K ions accounts for the opening of stomata.
Figure 13. 1: (a) Dicot seed structure (b) Monocot seed structure
Figure 13. 1: Dicot seed structure (a) Monocot seed structure (b)
Dormancy is a period of cells’ inactivity due to a very low metabolism to prevent
a period of cells’ inactivity
environmental due
conditions aretounfavorable.
a very lowThe
be forgrowth w
environmental conditions
fruit, bud or seed. are unfavorable. The dormancy can be for fruit, bud or seed.
a)a. Bud
Bud dormancy
Bud dormancy is a suspension
is a suspension of most
of most physiological
physiological activities
activities andand growth
growth thatthat
can can
be reactivate
be reactivated. It may be a response to environmental conditions such as seasonality
may be a response to environmental conditions such as seasonality or extreme heat, drought, or
or extreme heat, drought, or cold. The exit from bud dormancy is marked by the
The exit from bud dormancy is marked by the resumed growth of the bud. Bud dormancy
proceed to dormancy of the whole plant.
Biology Senior Four Student’s Book 203
resumed growth of the bud. Bud dormancy may proceed to dormancy of the whole
b. Seed dormancy
Seeds exhibit dormancy to avoid growth during unfavorable conditions. During the
last stages of its maturation, the seed dehydrates until it gets dry. The embryo which
is surrounded by a food supply (cotyledons, endosperm or both), enters dormancy.
Most seeds are enough durable that can last a year or two until conditions are
favorable for germinating. However, the length of time a dormant seed remain
viable and capable of germinating varies from a few days to years depending on the
plant species and environmental conditions. This may justify the reason why after
a bushfire or other environmental disruption, vegetation reappears as their seeds
have accumulated and stayed for longer in the soil. Many plants are easily grown
from seeds. Although its embryo is alive, a dormant seed cannot germinate until
it is exposed to certain environmental conditions to break the dormancy. Thus, it
germinates and starts to grow.
Conditions needed for seed germination
Germination is the process by which a seedling develops from a seed embryo. There
are requirements for germination to be successful. Environmental conditions such as
water, oxygen, and temperature trigger seed germination. For a seed to germinate,
it must be found in place where all these conditions are available. If one condition is
not available, germination becomes impossible. These conditions include:
a. Water
For a seed to germinate, it requires water. Mature seeds are very dry and must absorb
water by imbibition to germinate. Water softens the seed coat for embryo sprouting
and provides a medium for reactions during hydrolysis. Enzymes breakdown
macronutrients such as starch, proteins and fats stored in the cotyledons and the
endosperm to simple sugars such as glucose, amino acids which provides energy
for the embryo to grow.
b. Oxygen
This is needed for needed for cellular respiration by oxidizing glucose to liberate ATP
to provide energy for embryo development.
c. Temperature
Seeds germinate only if exposed to their optimum temperature varying between
5 to 40 0c depending on the seed species. Enzymes are sensitive to temperature
because enzymes need a favorable temperature to work efficiently. Burying seeds
too deeply in the soil prevents them from germinating as they are cut off from
temperature and air.
Figure 13.4:
Figure 13.4:Epigeal germination
Epigeal germination
b. Hypogeal germination
) HypogealIn germination
this type of germination, the cotyledons remain in soil or just above the surface.
n this typeHere
of germination,
the epicotyltheelongates,
remain inplumule
soil or just above the
upwards. surface. Here
Cotyledons the epicotyl
do not turn
longates, green
pushingand gradually
plumule dry up
upwards. and fall off
Cotyledons do. not
An turn
this type of dry
gradually germination
up and fallisoff.
b) Hypogeal germination
found in type
pea, of
mango, and groundnut
An example of this germination is found inseeds.
pea, mango, and groundnut seeds.
n this type of germination, the cotyledons remain in soil or just above the surface. Here the epicoty
elongates, pushing plumule upwards. Cotyledons do not turn green and gradually dry up and fall off
An example of this type of germination is found in pea, mango, and groundnut seeds.
13.5: Hypogeal germination
Hypogeal germination
Self-assessment 13.2
1. Usetodiagrams
1) Use diagrams to demonstrate
demonstrate and distinguishand
types of seedthe types of seed germination.
Figure 13.5: Hypogeal germination
2) Describe2.the three stages
Describe the of seedstages
three germination.
of seed germination.
1) Use diagrams to demonstrate and distinguish the types of seed germination.
2) Describe the three stages of seed germination.
Biology Senior Four Student’s Book 207
13.3 Primary and secondary growth
Learning activity 13.3
Move around the school garden or anywhere in your surroundings, then collect
two plant species in which one is a monocotyledon and another is a dicotyledon.
1. By examining their physical characteristics, describe similarities and
differences between collected plants.
2. Predict the reason why all plants grow in length.
3. From your observation, suggest/ predict the reasons justifying why
monocotyledons do not grow in width while dicotyledons do.
Self-assessment 13.3
1. In the table list the differences between primary growth and secondary
2. Describe briefly what the wood is and its major function.
3. What is the name given to a substance that makes the cork to resist plant
4. Identify the importance of apical and lateral meristems in plant growth.
1. On the basis of the period of time indicated in the above table, count the
number of leaves. What do you notice?
2. Among the two given plants, predict the one with an increased volume of
protoplasm and dry mass.
1. A sign is hammered into a tree 2 m from the tree’s base. If the tree is 10 m tall
and elongates 1m each year, how high will the sign be after 10 years? A mark
is hammered into a tree 2 m from the tree’s base. If the tree is 10 m tall and
elongates 1m each year, how high will the mark be after 10 years
2. What features would enable you to conclude that this organism has grown?
3. Would you expect a tropical tree to have distinct growth rings? Why or why
4. If a complete ring of bark is removed around a tree trunk (a process called
girdling), the tree usually dies. Explain why?
13.5 Phytohormones
Activity 13.5
The immature avocado fruits often fall down without being mature as well as
sunflower plant which grows faster when young flourish in the opposite direction
to the sun. Have you ever think and wonder about this? From your point of
view, brainstorm the cause of the situations described above. Use internet and
textbooks, to outline roles played by cytokinines, Gibberellin and ethylene plant
Plant growth is influenced by both external and internal factors. External factors
–– light,
–– moisture
–– Temperature, while internal factors include phytohormones or plant growth
Internal factors are chemical substances that are produced in the plants or
artificially synthetized for regulating plant growth. Those substances are capable
of accelerating, inhibiting or modifying growth in plants. If two hormones work
together to reinforce an effect, they are synergist but if the presence of one
Self-assessment 13.5
1. What are the plants hormones?
2. Describe the role played by each plant hormone.
3. Explain why some plants develop lateral shoots when the apex is cutoff.
Stimulus Tropism
Light Phototropism
Gravitropism or geotropism
Chemical Chemotropism
Water Hydrotropism
a. Phototropism
Phototropism is a directional growth depending on the direction of the light source.
Growth towards a light source is a positive phototropism, while growth away from
light is called negative phototropism. It is believed that light destroys auxin where it
strikes the stem, causing an imbalance in which the side of the stem that receives less
light has more auxin. This causes the plant to have elongated cells on the farthest
side from the light. Because more auxin is present, the cells on the darker side are
able to elongate more than the cells on the lighted side, causing the plant to bend
toward the light.
Figure 13.6:
Figure 13.7:Gravitropism
(a) (b)
13.9: Climbing plants
Figure 13.10: grow
Climbing plantsaround the
grow around the support
support usingusing tendrils
tendrils (a) (a)stem
or the whole or(b)the whole s
c movement2. Nastic movement
Nastic movements are non-directional responses to stimuli such as temperature,
humidity, light and irradiance. An example of such a response is the opening and
closing of flowers known as photonastic ϮϭϮ
response and the opening and closing of
carnivorous plants known as thigmonastic response. The folding and unfolding of
some sensitive plants like Mimosa pudica when touched, is a nastic response which
protects them from insect damage or water loss during winds. They are named with
the suffix “-nasty” and have prefixes that depend on the stimuli:
–– Photonasty (response to light),
–– nyctinasty (movements at night or in the dark),
–– chemonasty (response to chemicals or nutrients),
–– hydronasty(response to water),
–– thermonasty (response to temperature).
a. Illustrate the expected shape of the shoot and that of the root after a week.
b. Suggest names (of what) for the expectations in the above experiment.
c. Based on the above experiment, draw a diagram illustrating the shape and
size of cells of both upward and downward side of the root.
d. Suggest a technique that can be used to minimize the effect of the stimulus
in this experiment.
2. a. What is the difference between ‘antagonistic’ and ‘synergistic’ when referring
to plant growth substances?
b. What are the two plant growth substances that act antagonistically and
which act synergistically?
3. Copy and complete the following table
Abscisic acid
Activity 13.6
Most of plants grow toward the sunlight direction. The few which have been
observed respond to external stimuli like touching and temperature.
1. From your experience, brainstorm what will happen to the plant when:
–– it is exposed to the direction of the sunlight
Self –assessment13.6.1
1. What role does phytochrome play in photoperiodism?
2. What is the difference between a short-day plant and a long-day plant?
3. What could happen if a short-day plant is grown in the long days of summer?
Complete metamorphosis
develop Importance
into wings and ofother
tissues of the adult: imago stage, the pupa becomes sexually mature.
In Butterflies, moths,
life cycle based onmosquitoes, beetles, bees, housefly.
complete metamorphosis, the larval and adult stages often
fulfill different functions, live in different habitat and eat different foods. Example:
Egg larva (caterpillar)
mosquitoes. pupa imago (adult)
Importance of metamorphosis
Metamorphosis also enhances insect survival by helping insects survive harsh
period. Example: butterflies (caterpillars feed on leaves, but adult butterflies feed on
- In life cycle based on complete metamorphosis, the larval and adult stages often fulfill different
nectar from flowers).
functions, live in different habitat and eat different foods. Example: mosquitoes.
- b. Metamorphosis
Metamorphosis and growth
also enhances patterns
insect survival byinhelping
insects survive harsh period. Example:
butterflies (caterpillarsspecies
Many amphibian feed on leaves,
like thebutfrog
adult butterflies
breed feed on
in water andnectar
theirfrom flowers).
eggs are fertilized
b) Metamorphosis and fertilized
externally. The growth patterns in amphibians
eggs hatch into swimming, tailed larvae called tadpoles.
Tadpoles, which usually live in water, look somewhat like small fish. A tadpole has an
Many amphibian
oval body,species
gills forlike the frogand
breathing, breed in water
a long, and their
muscular eggsfins
tail with are along
fertilized externally.
the upper and The
eggs edges
hatch into swimming, tailed larvae called tadpoles. Tadpoles, which usually live in
for swimming.
water, look somewhat like small fish. A tadpole has an oval body, gills for breathing, and a long,
Then the tadpole grows legs—the hind legs appear first—and resorbs its tail. It
muscular tail with fins along the upper and lower edges for swimming.
loses its gills and grows lungs, and the structure of the heart, digestive system, and
Then theskeleton changes.
tadpole grows The horny
legs—the hindbeak
legs and other
appear mouthparts
first—and adapted
resorbs its tail.for
It eating
loses itsalgae
gills and
grows lungs, and theand are replaced
structure by the
of the heart, long, sticky,
digestive projectile
system, tongue
and skeleton that helps
changes. adult beak
The horny
and other mouthparts adapted for eating algae disappear and are replaced by the long, to
frogs catch insects. Frogs reach reproductive age anywhere from several months sticky,
several years after metamorphosing.
projectile tongue that helps adult frogs catch insects. Frogs reach reproductive age anywhere from
several months to several years after metamorphosing.
FigureFigure 13.14
13. 12. Metamorphosis inin
Metamorphosis frogs
Activity 14.1
From your experience and knowledge from books and the internet:
1. Give details about the concept of locomotion
2. How do different animals move?
3. Explain why animals need to move from one place to another?
a. Amoeba
b) Paramecium
b) Paramecium
b. Paramecium
c. Euglena
c)c) Euglena
Biology Senior Four Student’s Book 227
Self-assessment 14.2
Self-assessment 14.2
1) Describe the type of locomotion found in:
1. Describea) the type of locomotion found in:
a. Amoeba
b) Paramecium caudatum
b. Paramecium caudatumgambiense
c) Trypanosoma
c. Trypanosoma
d) Trypanomagambiense
d. Trypanoma vaginalis
e) Giardia intestinalis
2) How dointestinalis
e. Giardia cilia differ from flagellum?
2. 3)
do ciliapicture showing
differ from the locomotion of amoeba
3. Produce picture showing the locomotion of amoeba
14.3 Support and locomotion in fish
14.3 Support and locomotion in fish
Activity 14.3
Activity 14.3
1) Observe the freshly collected fish or the figure, to label fins and lateral line.
1. Observe the freshly collected fish or the figure, to label fins and lateral line.
2. Dissect a fresh fish or observe the above given diagram. Redraw and show
the swim bladder and the arrangement Figure 14.3:ofFish
2)3. Dissect a fresh
If you have fish
a live orput
fish, observe the above
it in water given diagram.
and observe Redraw and show the swim
its locomotion.
bladder and the arrangement of muscles
4. From what you have observed, draw and label the external and internal
3) Iffeatures
you have a live
that fish, puttoit fish
contribute in water and observe its locomotion.
4) From what you have observed, draw and label the external and internal features tha
Fish likecontribute to fish
other aquatic locomotion.
animals are adapted to such habitat in terms of locomotion
to its structural adaptive features particularly skeleton which gives shape as well
as muscles arrangement and swim-bladder.
Fish features
like other aquaticofanimals
fish forare
locomotion in water
adapted to such habitat in terms of locomotion due to its structu
adaptive features particularly
The streamlined body shape skeleton
of thewhich gives shape
fish reduces as well
friction as muscles
between arrangement
water and fish. and swi
The body of fish is mostly covered by scales which overlap one another and point
backwards and lie close to the body. The scales are covered by mucus which reduces
the drag.features of fish for locomotion in water
All animals living on land move due to the musculoskeletal system. The rigid nature
of bone also gives a structure for muscles to pull, by their contraction, to create a
movement as they act as levers. The synovial joints also allow certain movements.
The support and movement differ from specimen to another. Thus, animals can
walk and run on land for moving from one place to another. This is possible by their
endoskeleton and its muscles. By its muscles, flexor (a muscle whose contraction
bends a limb or other part of the body) and extensor (a muscle whose contraction
extends or straightens a limb or other part of the body or any or a muscle that
increases the angle between members of a limb, as by straightening the elbow or
knee or bending the wrist or spine backward); contractions of those muscles cause
the limbs act as levers for them which result to the foot being pressed downwards
and backwards against the ground. For example, flexor and extensor work as
illustrated below:
Bird can fly either by flapping their wings or gliding by spreading its wings. Like
in animals moving on land, locomotion by flying in birds is brought about by the
action of flexor and extensor muscles as well some other structures given diagram
below like pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and keel of sternum.
Figure 14.6:
Figure 14.8:Muscles forjumping
Muscles for jumping in grasshopper
in grasshopper
Self-assessment 14.6
1. What are the muscles that contribute to high jumping in a grasshopper?
2. How do muscles (flexor and extensor) behave when toads and grasshopper
are resting?
3. Draw a leg of grasshopper and the one of toad when are jumping
Introductory activity
a. Suggest measures to be taken for addressing issues related to eating without
washing hands.
b. Discuss on different communicable diseases got from eating without washing
Robert Koch
Very first direct
Showed that Bacillus causes evidence of a
anthrax. microbe causing a
First technique
Louis Pasteur for production
Discovered how to weaken chick- of a vaccine by
en cholera so that it could be deliberately
used as a vaccine without causing weakening a
infection bacterium. Idea
of preventative
medical care.
Robert Koch
confirmation of the
1882 Discovered the TB bacillus
bacterial cause of
& Guerin Application of
Pasteur’s approach
1921 Produced BCG vaccine against TB to a vaccine against
a disease which
killed many people
Period Description
The pathogen grows and multiplies in the host’s
Incubation period body.
There are no symptoms yet.
The host is usually tired, lacks appetite and begins to
Prodromal period
feel ill
The host shows typical symptoms of the particular
Clinical symptoms’ Period
disease, for example, spots and fever.
The host usually recovers from the disease and the
Convalescence period
symptoms disappear
Some diseases cause further complications. For
Complications ‘Period example, a pregnant women who has a Measles may
give birth to a deformed baby.
d. Epidemiology
The study of patterns of disease and of the various factors that affect the spread of
disease is called epidemiology.
Epidemiologists try to discover the factors that cause a disease and develop methods
to prevent its spread. The main clue they use come from data about the number of
people in a particular area affected by specific diseases, and the number of death
The data are commonly expressed as incidence or morbidity and mortality rates.
The incidence rate is the number of new cases of disease in a given population
occurring during a specific period (a week, month or a year). It is calculated as:
Incidence = x 100
Example: among 900 students at a given school, 50 suffer from malaria and 4 deaths
were recorded. Calculate the morbidity or the incidence of malaria at that school.
Solution: Incidence = x 100 = 5.5%
Examples of
Categories of diseases Comments
15.3.1 Measles
Measles is a contagious acute viral disease with symptoms that include a bright red
rash of small spots that spread to cover the whole body. Small white spots, known
as Koplik’s spots, appear in the mouth on the inside of the cheeks a few days before
the rash appears and can be used in diagnosis.
c. Treatment of cholera
The primary cause of death from cholera is dehydration i.e. loss of water with its
minerals salts. For that, it is obligatory to rehydrate with oral serum which contain
mineral salts and sugar.
The loss fluid may be replaced by administration of a drip food into a vein.
Various antibiotics, such as tetracycline’s and chloramphenicol, are used to treat
cholera. Chloramphenicol is effective against tetracycline-resistant Vibrios.
d. Prevention of cholera
–– Use clean drinking water,
–– Proper treatment of sewage and sanitation
–– High standards of public and personal hygiene, particularly in relation to food
(such as washing hands after defecation)
–– Health education
–– Vaccination is recommended for people visiting areas where cholera is
endemic and for those living in such areas. But the vaccine lasts few months.
–– Isolation of patients and hygienic disposal of feces and vomit from patients.
18.3.7 Tinea
Tinea is a skin infection due to a fungus. Often, there are several patches of ringworm
on the skin at once. Tinea is also known as Ringworm.
a. Cause of Tinea
–– Tinea is caused by a tiny fungus known as dermatophyte. These tiny organisms
normally live on the superficial skin surface, and when the opportunity is right,
they can induce an infection.
–– The disease can also be acquired by person-to-person transfer usually via
direct skin contact with an infected individual. Animal-to-human transmission
is also common.
–– Ringworm commonly occurs on pets (dogs, cats) and the fungus can be
acquired while petting or grooming an animal.
–– Ringworm can also be acquired from other animals such as horses, pigs, ferrets
and cows.
–– The fungus can also be spread by touching inanimate objects like personal
care products, bed linen, combs, athletic gear, or hair brushes contaminated
by an affected person.
Figures 15.5:Ringworm on human skin
The following are Sign and symptoms of Tinea:
–– Enlarging raised red rings with a central area of clearing (ringworm).
–– The edge of the rash appears elevated and is scaly to touch.
–– Sometimes the skin surrounding the rash may be dry and flaky.
–– There will be hair loss in areas of the infection.
c. Diagnosis
Superficial scrapes of skin examined under a microscope may indicate the presence
of a fungus. Diagnostic method called KOH Test is used, where the skin scrapings
are placed on a slide and immersed on a drop of potassium hydroxide solution
to dissolve the keratin on the skin scrapings thus leaving fungal elements such
as hyphae, septate or yeast cells viewable. If the skin scrapings are negative and
a fungus is still suspected, the scrapings are sent for culture. Because the fungus
grows slowly, the culture results do take several days to become positive.
d. Prevention
Basic prevention measures include:
–– Serious washing of hands after handling animals, soil, and plants.
–– Avoiding touching characteristic lesions on other people.
–– Put on loose-fitting clothes.
–– Promoting good hygiene when participating in sports that involve physical
contact with other people.
e. Treatment
Application of topical antifungals creams to the skin. In extensive or difficult
cases, systemic treatment with oral medication may be required. Among the
available prescription drugs are tolnaftate, terbinafine, naftifine, itraconazole.
Figure 15.7: Grass thatched houses, examples of poor housing quality nowadays eradicated from
countrywide land.
The public health community is aware of the importance of social determinants
of health (including housing) in recent years. Yet defining the role of public health
practitioners in influencing housing conditions has been challenging. Responsibility
for social determinants of health is seen as lying primarily outside the scope of public
health. The quality and accessibility of housing is, however, a particularly appropriate
area for public health involvement.
An evolving body of scientific evidence demonstrates solid relations between
housing and health. The public health community is developing, testing, and
implementing effective interventions that yield health benefits through improved
housing quality.
Criteria for good housing
–– Good housing must be well equipped.
–– Good housing must be well localized
–– Water and electricity
–– Big size and ventilated
Figure 15.8: Model village well equipped, with water and electricity
An increasing body of evidence has associated housing quality with morbidity from
infectious diseases, chronic illnesses, injuries, poor nutrition, and mental disorders.
Self-assessment 15.4
What measures are taken by Rwanda government to ensure high quality of
housing conditions?
16.2.1 Fission
An important form of fission is binary fission. In binary fission, the parent organism
is replaced by two daughter organisms, because it divides in two, i. e: Unicellular
Fungi. Another type of fission is multiple fission that occurs in many algae. The
nucleus of the parent cell divides several times by mitosis, producing several nuclei.
The cytoplasm then separates, creating multiple daughter cells.
16.2.2 Budding
Some cells split via budding resulting in a ‘mother’ and ‘daughter’ cell. The offspring
organism is smaller than the parent. Budding is also known on a multicellular level.
16.2.5 Fragmentation
Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where a new organism grows
from a fragment of the parent. The fragment develops into a mature and fully
grown individual. Fragmentation is seen in many organisms such as fungiplants
and gemma in liverworts. Most lichens, which are a symbiotic union of a fungus
and photosynthetic algae, reproduce through fragmentation to ensure that new
individuals contain both symbionts. These fragments can take the form of soredia,
dust-like particles consisting of fungal hyphen wrapped around photobiont cells.
Self-assessment 16.4
1. Discuss on the methods of artificial vegetative propagation.
2. Cassava produces flowers, fruits and seeds. Why people prefer to grow
cassava by cutting rather than using seed?
3. Describe the characteristics of vegetative reproductive parts in a flowering
Self-assessment 16.5
Explain the application of artificial propagation in production of improved
varieties of plants.
Mosses Ferns
Have no vascular system Have vascular system
No leaves, stems and roots True leaves (fronds), stems, and roots
Gametophyte is dominant generation Sporophyte is dominant generation
Spores in sporangia do not form clusters Sporangia form clusters called sori
Self-Assessment 17.1
1. Explain the meaning of the term alternation of generation
2. Why is water essential in the life cycle of a bryophyte?
3. What are the archegonium and antheridium?
4. Why are these structures important in the life cycle of a moss plant?
5. What is the dominant stage of the fern life cycle?
6. Explain the relationship between gametophyte and sporophyte phases of
the fern.
7. Compare gametophyte and sporophyte stages of the plant cycle. Which is
haploid? Which is diploid?
8. How do bryophytes reproduce asexually?
Plant ovule
Each ovule is attached to the ovary wall by a short stalk called funicle.
The main tissue in the ovule is the nucellus which is enclosed and protected by
the integuments. At one end of the ovule, there is a small pore called micropyle. A
single diploid megaspore mother cell in the nucellus undergoes meiosis, producing
four megaspores. Three of the four megaspores degenerate, while the remaining
cell, called the embryo sac, grows to many times its original size. The nucleus of the
embryo sac divides mitotically three times, resulting in eight haploid nuclei which
are arranged in groups of four nuclei at the two poles. At this point, the contents of
the embryo sac may be regarded at the female gametophyte.
One nucleus from each pole migrates to the centre of the embryo sac. These
two nuclei are called polar nuclei, and they fuse to form a single diploid nucleus.
Meanwhile, cell walls form around the remaining six nuclei and they form the
synergids, antipodals and the egg (ovum). Only the egg functions as the female
On the other hand, the ovule or embryonic sac contains eight nuclei:
–– Three antipodal nuclei/cells at one end
–– Two polar nuclei/cells in the middle of ovule
–– Two synergids (non-functional nuclei)
–– One big egg cell.
Self-Assessment 17.4
1. Describe the structure of a drupe
2. Differentiate between a drupe and a berry
3. What would happen to the fruit if ovules in the flower did not develop?
4. Compare the typical structure of seeds that are dispersed by animals to
those dispersed by wind and water.
20. Explain why the relationship between bees and flowers is described as
mutually beneficial.
21. What is the main advantage of cross-pollination?
22. Why are the stamens of wind-pollinated plants and insect-pollinated plants
23. Differentiate wind-pollinated flowers from insect-pollinated flowers.
24. Give one example of a plant that uses each of the following dispersal
a. An explosive device which works by being inflated with water.
b. A winged seed lifted by air currents
c. A buoyant seed carried by sea currents
d. A gluey substance which sticks the seed to an animal.
The term “microbiology” comes Greek words: ‘micros’ which means small, ‘bios’
which means life and ‘logos’ which means science. Microbiology is the study of
microorganisms which are too small organisms to be seen with the unaided eye and
require a microscope to be seen. They are also referred to as microbes. They include
bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses,they are useful to humans and they play
The term “virus” was first used in the 1890s to describe agents smaller than bacteria
that cause diseases. The existence of viruses was established in 1892, when, Russian
scientist, Dmitry Ivanovsky discovered later microscopic particles known as the
tobacco mosaic virus
There are at least 3,600 types of virus. Hundreds of which are known to cause
diseases in animals, bacteria, and plants. Viruses consist of an inner core of either
ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) plus a protein protective
coat called capsid made of protein or of protein combined with lipid or carbohydrate
components. An entire virus particle is called vibrios?
The core confers infectivity, and the capsid provides specificity to the virus. In some
virions, the capsid is further enveloped by a fatty membrane. The later may cause
virion inactivation by exposure to fat solvents such as ether and chloroform.
18.4 Moulds
Activity 18.4
Using text books or computer aided materials to describe the life cycle of bread
Moulds pervade our world, living wherever moisture is present. Some are of great
benefit to humans, providing antibiotics, acting as decomposers so that nutrients
can be recycled, or taking part industrial processes. Other moulds cause diseases
which lead to serious damage.
Moulds have cells arranged in long thread-like filaments, the hyphae, that form a
mass called Mycelium. Moulds are usually considered as fungi, but mould may also
be formed by filamentous bacteria, slime moulds, and water moulds. Therefore,
there are two main types of moulds: fungal moulds and non-fungal moulds
18.4.1 Fungal moulds
All fungi that produce mycelia can be called moulds, but the term is usually used for
an organism in which the mycelium forms the main body of the fungus. In the black
bread mould Rhizopus and the pin mould Mucor, the mycelium consists of a tangled
mass of hyphae with many nuclei. These hyphae are called coenocytic because the
fungal tissue is not separated by cell walls.
Fungal hyphae have an outer cell wall made of chitin and inner lumen which contains
the cytoplasm and organelles. A cell surface membrane surrounds the cytoplasm
and sticks tightly to the cell wall.
Rhizopus and Mucor are Saprotrophic, obtaining their nutrients from dead organic
material. Rhizopus nigricans and Mucor mucedo can live on bread but some species
of Rhizopus feed on living plants, and Mucor commonly grows on rotting fruits and
vegetables, in the soil or on dung.
Rhizopus and Mucor secrete hydrolytic enzymes onto their food source and digest
1. How are the cell walls of fungi similar to exoskeleton of insects?
2. Distinguish between hyphae and mycelium.
3. What are conditions necessary for fungal spores to germinate?
4. Explain the basis of classification of fungi.
5. Why do many biologists think that Penicillium evolved from an ascomycete?
6. Briefly describe sexual and asexual reproduction in fungi.
7. The antibiotic penicillin is a natural secretion of a certain kind of fungus-
green mould called Penicillium, penicillin kills bacteria. Why might a mould
species have evolved way of killing bacteria?
18.4.1 Saccharomyces
a. Definition and characteristics
–– Saccharomyces is a genus of yeasts which include all unicellular fungi that
reproduce asexually by budding.
–– They occur commonly on faeces, in the soil, and on the surfaces of plants and
–– The most familiar and industrial important yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
–– The tiny cells of this yeast are very active metabolically. They are usually aerobic
but in the absence of oxygen they use anaerobic metabolism, producing
carbon dioxide and ethanol (alcohol) as waste products which are industrially
–– Each cell of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a single nucleus and is usually egg
–– Cells contain most of organelles of a typical eukaryote.
c. Symptoms
Many Entamoeba histolytica infections are asymptomatic and Trophozoites remain
in the intestinal lumen feeding on surrounding nutrients. About 10–20 % of the
infections develop into amoebiasis which causes 70 000 deaths each year. Minor
infections (luminal amoebiasis) can cause symptoms that include:
–– Gas (flatulence) intermittent
–– constipation loose stools
–– stomach ache
–– Stomach cramping.
Severe infections inflame the mucosa of the large intestine causing amoebic
dysentery. The parasites can also penetrate the intestinal wall and travel to organs
such as the liver via bloodstream causing extra-intestinal amoebiasis. Symptoms
of these more severe infections include: Anemia, Appendicitis (inflammation of
the appendix), bloody diarrhea, fatigue, fever, gas (flatulence), genital and skin
Role of Microbes
Microorganisms are usually associated with major diseases such as AIDS,
uncomfortable infections, or food spoilage.
However, the majority of microorganisms make crucial contributions to the welfare
of the world’s inhabitants by maintaining balance of living organisms and chemicals
in our environment. Therefore, microorganisms are essential for life on earth. They
have important beneficial biological functions such as:
1. Photosynthesis: Marine and freshwater microorganisms (Algae and some
bacteria) capture energy from sunlight and convert it to food, forming the
basis of the food chain in oceans, lakes, and rivers and generates oxygen which
a. Name A, B, C, and D.
b. HIV/AIDS is under retroviruses. What is meant by retroviruses?
c. What type of leucocytes (white blood cells) are destroyed by HIV/AIDS?
6. Discuss the methods of reducing the risk of food poisoning by pathogenic
7. Why the hyphae of Mucor is called coenocytic?
a. Which is the name of the microorganism having the life cycle represented
on this diagram of?
b. Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E and F
8. Identify the following groups of bacteria
Introductory activity.
Is it necessary to culture microorganisms? Why are cultures not incubated at 370C
in a school lab?
Self-assessment 19.1
1. What is meant by the term culturing bacteria?
2. What do bacteria need to grow?
3. Why do we culture microorganisms in the lab?
4. Explain why cultures are not incubated at 370 c in a school laboratory.
Self-assessment 19.2
1. How would you isolate from the soil an organism which could use
atmospheric nitrogen as its only source of nitrogen (a nitrogen-fixing
2. What is meant by nutrient agar?
3. Distinguish between liquid media and solid media.
4. Distinguish between enriched media and specific media.
Aseptic technique is using sterilized equipment and solutions and preventing their
contamination. Sterilization is the removal or destruction of all living microorganisms,
including spores (inactive structures that enable some microorganisms to
survive unfavorable periods). Bacterial and fungal spores are abundant in most
environments including laboratories. A range of special techniques and apparatus
are designed to prevent contamination of nutrients media. Autoclaves are used
to sterilize equipment and culture media before experiments and also to sterilize
equipment and specimens before disposal.
In addition, after sterilization, a great care is taken during experiments to ensure that
there is no infection.
19.3.1 Spread plate technique
This is one of the most basic and useful of microbiological techniques. Petri dishes
are specially designed as shallow circular dish made of glass or plastic. The shape
of the lid allows avoiding contamination, but gas molecules can diffuse between
the inside of the dish and the environment through where the base meets the lid.
Oxygen can therefore reach the culture and carbon dioxide can escape.
19.3.2 19.3.2
MethodsMethods of inoculation
of inoculation
The introduction
The introduction of a small
of a small number number of microorganisms
of microorganisms into aisnutrient
into a nutrient medium medium is
called inoculation.
Asepticcalled inoculation.
technique must be usedAseptic
to avoidtechnique mustThe
contamination. be procedure
used to avoid
for solid and liquidThe
media. procedure differs for solid and liquid media.
Activity: 19.3.2
– Boil a mixture of 50 ml of water and 20g of agar-agar powder for 15 minutes
asyou are stirring
– Pour the jelly mixture into four pre-sterilized glass Petri-dishes. Then allow
the broth to coagulate at room temperature.
– Number the dishes; 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively; on the bases.
– Place a nail scarping from between the teeth onto thejelly in dish 1 and 2,
wave the dish 3 on latrine for 1minute and do not put anything on dish 4.
– Warm the dishes 2 and 4 on the top of water vapour stream for 15 minutes
and then cool them (do not open them)
– Then fix the lids tightly to the bases of the four Petri-dishes with clear adhesive
tape and place them upside down in an oven/incubator at 37 ˚C for 3 days.
– Record and interpret your results.
Figure 19.5:5:Graph
Figure 19. Graph of population
of population growth growth of bacteria.
of bacteria.
19.4.1Measuring population
population growth of growth
bacteria of bacteria
The typical growth curve of a population of bacteria is similar to the growth curve
The typical growth
expected forcurve of aa population
yeast, unicellularoffungus
similar to theofgrowth
growth curve expected
any population. When
for yeast, a unicellular
measuring the fungus
growthorofthe growth of any
a population of population.
bacteria or When
yeast, measuring
we can carry the out
counting of
of a population of bacteria
the numbers of cells
or yeast, or indirectly
we can carry outby measuring
direct countingsomeof theindication
cells ornumber
indirectlyofbycells such as the
measuring somecoldness of aofsolution,
indication the numberor production
of cells suchofasathegas.
of a solution, or production
It is usual to inoculate of aa small
gas. sample of the microorganisms in a sterilized nutrient
medium and to place the culture in an incubator at the optimum temperature for
It is usual inoculate a small sample
Other conditions are pH,ofoxygen
the microorganisms
concentrationinand a sterilized
ionic and nutrient
medium and to place
balance. Growth thecan
culture in an incubator
be measured from theat the optimum
time temperature
of inoculation. Twofortypes
of cell
Other conditions are pH, oxygen concentration and ionic and osmotic balance.
count are possible, namely viable count and total count. The viable count is the total Growth can
be measured
of livingfrom
cellsthe time
only andof total
count isTwo typesnumber
the total of cell count
of both areliving
and namely
dead cells
viable and
countis and total
easier count. The viable count is the total of living cells only and total
to measure.
count is the total number of both living and dead cells and is easier to measure.
Self-assessment 19.4
1. A culture of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, had been carried out in the banana
juice for 7 days at 30°C.The table below shows the change in number of yeasts
within that time:
Time/days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of yeast 2 2 6 16 20 20 8
a. Draw a curve showing the growth of the yeast population
b. What is the role of banana juice in that experiment?
c. State any two conditions that should be maintained constant during that
d. Describe the trend of the graph you have drawn in a
2. Design an experiment to test the hypothesis that contact of an agar plate with a
finger results in more bacterial growth than exposing the plate to classroom air.
Activity19. 5
“Staining bacteria for practical purpose is important”. Discuss the validity of the
The microorganisms or parts of microorganisms that pick up the stain are clearly /
distinctively observed from the rest of the background.
In simple staining, all the cells and structures in general stain the same colour. In
positive staining, cells structures take in the stain e.g. methylene blue while in
negative staining the cells repel the stain and it is taken by the background e.g. Indian
ink. Negative staining is mostly useful in viewing capsules and such structures that
surround the bacteria.
Differential staining on the other hand, multiple staining reactions are used to
take advantage of the fact that particular types of microorganisms and/or specified
structures of microorganism display varied staining reactions that are readily
distinguishable by different colours. The stain must be fixed immediately and the
dyed specimen is treated in some ways, e.g. by chemicals or heat to tightly bind the
stain to the organism or its structures.
Figure 19.6:
Figure 19.6: Gram
Gram positive
positive andnegative
and Gram Gram negative
19.5.1The purposepurpose
19.5.1The of stainingofbacteria
staining bacteria
The purpose
The purpose of staining
of staining bacteriabacteria is tofor
is to see, see,example,
for example,
how how
thick thick
of a oflayer
a layer
of of
peptidoglycan their celltheir
has.wall has.Gram
In the In thestain,
stain, gram-negative
bacteriabacteria will
will stain redstain
red or pink because the rinse took out the primary dye and the Safrinin
or pink because the rinse took out the primary dye and the Safrinin (secondary dye) took (secondary
over thedye) took over
coloring as thethe coloring asInthe
counterstain. counterstain.
gram-positive In gram-positive
bacteria, since it has bacteria, since it
a thick-layer
of peptidoglycan, not all of the Crystal violet color will be rinsed out of the cell wall, so it out
has a thick-layer of peptidoglycan, not all of the Crystal violet color will be rinsed
will be blue or purple. The following are reasons to explain why stained:
Biology Senior Four Student’s Book 341
- It’s for helping classifying and determining what the bacteria are composed of.
- It’s very useful tool to help identify bacteria without necessarily killing the cell.
of the cell wall, so it will be blue or purple. The following are reasons to explain why
–– It’s for helping classifying and determining what the bacteria are composed of.
–– It’s very useful tool to help identify bacteria without necessarily killing the cell.
–– Gram staining is performed to distinguish between gram positive and negative
–– To enable the person to visualize its physical features- shape, size, arrangement,
etc the bacterial cells are stained with specific dyes or stains
19.5.2 Procedure of staining and their corresponding stains.
Activity 19.5.1:
carry out an experiment to stain bacteria for examination under the light
In staining bacteria, we use various staining
procedures each having specific set of
stains or dyes. Some of them are:
1. Gram’s Staining - Crystal violet, Iodine and Safrinin
3) Spore2.
staining - Malachite
Capsule staining -Green andSafrinin
Nigrosin, Safrininor India Ink, Safrinin
4) PHB staining
3. Spore- staining
Sudan black.
- Malachite Green and Safrinin
5) Using4.
decolorizer –
PHB staining - Sudanwash
Alcohol black.
5. Using decolorizer – Alcohol wash
Observe and identify some of the staining methods on figure19.6 as shown below:
Observe and identify some of the staining methods on figure19.6 as shown below:
Figure 19.6:
Figure different
19.7: strainsof of
different strains bacteria
Figure 20.1 Immobilizing
Immobilizing enzymes in alginate.
enzymes in alginate.
The enzyme is held in the bead, or immobilized. These beads can be packed gently
a held
Milkin the bead,
is then or immobilized.
allowed to run through These
the beads
column canofbe packed gently into a colum
then allowed
beads. to run through
The lactase the column
hydrolyses of lactase-containing
the lactose beads. and
in the milk to glucose The galactose.
lactase hydrolyses
The the la
milktois glucose andlactose-free,
therefore galactose. Theandmilk
can isbetherefore
used to lactose-free,
make lactoseand candairy
free be used to make lactos
for peoplefor people who cannot
who cannot digestdigest lactose.
lactose. The product
The product continues
continues to trickledown
to trickledown the column
from emerging
the bottom, from the in
as illustrated bottom, as illustrated
the diagram below,
in theitdiagram
where below, where
can be collected it
and purified. Not
can be collected and purified. Not only would you lose the lactase,
you lose the lactase, but also you would have milk contaminated with the enzyme. but also you
would have milk contaminated with the enzyme.
For example: Blood contain the red protein Haemoglobin (Hb). The Proteases in
biological washing powder break Hb molecules into smaller molecules, which
are not colored and which dissolve in water and can be washed away. This makes
the washing powder more effective than detergent alone, especially at lower
temperatures. This save energy (no need to boil water), but if the temperature is
too high, the enzyme will be denatured.
iv. Fruit juices
Fruits contain pectin, carbohydrates found in the cell wall that holds the plant
together. Immobilized pectinase enzyme can be used to break down this pectin,
loosening the connections between cells. This increases the amount of juice you can
get from the fruit, makes the juice runnier and gets rid of the cloudiness that pectin
can cause.
Self-assessment 20.3
1. Explain the application of enzymes in brewing.
2. Explain the application of enzymes in cheese and yoghurt.
3. Discuss the steps involved in bread making.
advantages disadvantages
–– Suitable for producing –– Turnaround time between
secondary metabolites whose batches can be prolonged,
production is not associated wasting possible production
with growth. E.g. antibiotics time
–– Can use stains which are –– Environment changes in the
too unstable for continuous fermenters as the fermentation
culture. progresses. Nutrients get
used up and products build
–– Easier to set up and run than
Batch culture up. Nutrients get used up
continuous culture.
and products build up. Heat
–– Fermenters are less specialized out, acid or alkali production,
and may be used for a Oxygen consumption increase
greater variety of processes, in a rate as growth progresses.
depending on demand. Therefore, conditions
gradually become unfavorable
and growth rate become
unfavorable and growth rate
gradually declines.
The industrial production of penicillin was generally classified into two processes:
Upstream processing and downstream processing. Upstream processing
encompasses any technology that leads to the synthesis of a product and includes
the exploration, development and production. Downstream processing refers as the
extraction and purification of a biotechnological product from fermentation or at
the end of culture process. Usually the contents of fermenter are first separated into
liquid component and a solid component which contain the cells. This is usually
done by filtration or centrifugation. The liquid may contain the desired product in
solution or it may be the cells or some products inside the cells that it needs.
Penicillin is produced commercially by growing the fungus Penicillium chrysogenumin
large stirred fermenters. A solution of essential salts and a nitrogen source are put
into the fermenter together with an inoculum of the fungus. All procedures are
performed aseptically. The PH of the medium is regulated with ammonium salts
Activity 20.5
Using addition resources to your textbook available in your school such as the
books from the school library and search further information from the internet:
Brainstorm on the antibiotic resistance and implications of antibiotic use.
Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight certain infections by either stopping
bacteria from reproducing or by destroying them. Before bacteria can multiply
and cause symptoms, the body’s immune system can usually kill them. The word
antibiotic means “against life.” Any drug that kills germs in your body is technically
an antibiotic.
How do antibiotics work?
Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. Some are highly specialized and are
only effective against certain bacteria. Others, known as broad-spectrum antibiotics,
attack a wide range of bacteria, including ones that are beneficial to us.
There are two main ways in which antibiotics target bacteria. They either prevent
the reproduction of bacteria, or they kill the bacteria, for example by stopping
the mechanism responsible for building their cell walls. There are now hundreds
of different types of antibiotics, but most of them can be broadly classified into six
groups. These are outlined below.
Penicillin – widely used to treat a variety of infections, including skin infections,
chest infections and urinary tract infections.
Cephalosporins – can be used to treat a wide range of infections, but are also
effective for treating more serious infections, such as septicaemia and meningitis.
Aminoglycosides – tend to only be used to treat very serious illnesses such as
septicaemia, as they can cause serious side effects, including hearing loss and kidney
damage; they break down quickly inside the digestive system, so they have to be
given by injection, but are also used as drops for some ear or eye infections.
Tetracyclines – can be used to treat a wide range of infections; commonly used to
treat moderate to severe acne and rosacea, which causes flushing of the skin and
Formula %
Methane CH4 50-75
Carbone dioxide CO2 25-50
Nitrogen N2 0-10
Hydrogen H2 0-1
Hydrogen sulphide H2S 0-3
Oxygen O2 0-0.5
In some cases, biogas contains siloxanes. They are formed from the anaerobic
decomposition of materials commonly found in soaps and detergents. During
combustion of biogas containing siloxanes, silicon is released and can combine with
free oxygen or other elements in the combustion gas.
Biogas can be used for electricity production on sewage works, in a combined heat
and power (CHP) gas engine, where the waste heat from the engine is conveniently
used for heating the digester; cooking; space heating; water heating; and process
heating. If compressed, it can replace compressed natural gas for use in vehicles,
where it can fuel an internal combustion engine or fuel cells and is a much more