Midterm 2021
Midterm 2021
Midterm 2021
A 24 years’ young lady who is currently breast feeding her first born child, develops an
increasing erythematous indurated area of her right breast with overlying skin edema, pain
and hectic fever of 5 days’ duration. Which of the following statements is true concerning
her management?
a) Open surgical drainage under general anesthesia
b) Breast feeding should be discontinued
c) Treatment with antibiotics till complete resolution
d) True cut needle biopsy for malignancy
4. A10 year old female presented with accidently discovered swelling of the front of neck of
few months’ duration. The swelling was slowly increasing in size. She didn’t receive any
treatment. General examination was unremarkable. On local exam; there was a solitary
cystic swelling moving with deglutition & protrusion of the tongue. The swelling was neither
tender nor pulsating. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Cystic hygroma
b) Thyroglossal cyst
c) Cyst of the thyroid gland
d) Sequestration dermoid cyst
7. All of the following are considered an increased risk factor of cancer in a patient with
thyroid mass EXCEPT:
a) Rapid growth
b) Family history
c) Hard in consistency
d) Hot nodule on thyroid uptake scan
e) Solid solitary nodule in U/S scan
9. The most precise diagnostic screening procedure for differentiating benign solitary thyroid
nodule for a malignant one is:
a) Thyroid hormone essay
b) Thyroid ultrasonography
c) Thyroid scintiscan
d) Fine needle aspiration (FNAB)
e) Tumor marker
10. A 25 years old female presented with graves’ disease. She received medical treatment for
one year and went into remission. Few months later she complains of insomnia & rapid
palpitation. T4 was high. What is the best definitive treatment?
a) Antithyroid drugs
b) Antithyroid drugs, propranolol & Lugol’s iodine
c) Total thyroidectomy
d) Radioactive iodine
e) None of the above
12. The most appropriate treatment for Barrett’s Esophagus with low grade dysplasia is:
a) Medical treatment with proton pump inhibitors
b) Fundoplication (antireflux operation) only
c) Endoscopic mucosal resection of endoscopic submucosal dissection followed by
d) Esophagectomy
14. A case of gastric carcinoma of the body staged T2N1M0 is best treated by:
a) R1 (D1) gastrectomy
b) R1 (D1) gastrectomy with chemoradiation therapy
c) R2 (D2) gastrectomy
d) R2 (D2) gastrectomy with chemoradiation therapy
19. Nephron sparing surgery for treatment of renal cell carcinoma is indicated for tumors up to
the size of:
a) 8 cm
b) 7cm
c) 6 cm
d) 5 cm
e) 4 cm
22. A neonate born with high anorectal malformation. The 1st line of management is:
a) Defunctioning colostomy
b) Invertogram
c) Iv fluids
d) Abdominal US
23. VATER syndrome include the following anomaly
a) Intestinal atresia
b) Epispadias
c) Anorectal atresia
d) Biliary atresia
e) Congenital dislocation hip
24. Which of the following statements is correct about the definitive treatment of
Hirschsprung’s disease?
a) Permanent colostomy is indicated in most cases
b) It is indicated above 6 years’ age
c) The commonest complication of surgery is bladder & ureters injury
d) The main aim of surgery is to excise the aganglionic segment and restore continuity
e) The posterior sagittal approach can be used
29. Which of the following clinical findings has the priority for operation in hernia patients?
a) Recent irreducibility
b) Patient presenting with vomiting and abdominal distention
c) Tense tender hernia sac
d) Hernia reaching the scrotum
e) Bilateral inguinal hernia