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Computational Thinking

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Computational Thinking

What is computational thinking?

Computers can be used to help us solve problems. However, before a problem

can be tackled, the problem itself and the ways in which it could be solved need
to be understood.

Computational thinking allows us to do this.

The four main parts of computational thinking are:

• decomposition - breaking down a complex problem or system into

smaller, more manageable parts
• pattern recognition – looking for similarities among and within problems
• abstraction – focusing on the important information only, ignoring
irrelevant detail
• algorithms - developing a step-by-step solution to the problem, or the
rules to follow to solve the problem
Each cornerstone is as important as the others. They are like legs on a table - if
one leg is missing, the table will probably collapse. Correctly applying all four
techniques will help when programming a computer.

A complex problem is one that, at first glance, we don't know how to solve easily.

Computational thinking involves taking that complex problem and breaking it

down into a series of small, more manageable problems (decomposition). Each
of these smaller problems can then be looked at individually, considering how
similar problems have been solved previously (pattern recognition) and
focusing only on the important details, while ignoring irrelevant information
(abstraction). Next, simple steps or rules to solve each of the smaller problems
can be designed (algorithms).

Thinking computationally is not programming. It is not even thinking like a

computer, as computers do not, and cannot, think.

Simply put, programming tells a computer what to do and how to do it.

Computational thinking enables you to work out exactly what to tell the
computer to do.

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For example, if you agree to meet your friends somewhere you have never been
before, you would probably plan your route before you step out of your house.
You might consider the routes available and which route is ‘best’ - this might be
the route that is the shortest, the quickest, or the one which goes past your
favorite shop on the way. You'd then follow the step-by-step directions to get
there. In this case, the planning part is like computational thinking, and
following the directions is like programming.

Being able to turn a complex problem into one we can easily understand is a skill
that is extremely useful. In fact, it's a skill you already have and probably use
every day.

For example, it might be that you need to decide what to do with your group of
friends. If all of you like different things, you would need to decide:

• what you could do

• where you could go
• who wants to do what
• what you have previously done that has been a success in the past
• how much money you have and the cost of any of the options
• what the weather might be doing
• how much time you have
From this information, you and your friends could decide more easily where to go
and what to do – in order to keep most of your friends happy. You could also use
a computer to help you to collect and analyze the data to devise the best solution
to the problem, both now and if it arose again in the future, if you wished.

Another example might occur when playing a video-game. Depending on the

game, in order to complete a level you would need to know:

• what items you need to collect, how you can collect them, and how long you
have in which to collect them
• where the exit is and the best route to reach it in the quickest time possible
• what kinds of enemies there are and their weak points
From these details you can work out a strategy for completing the level in the
most efficient way.

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If you were to create your own computer game, these are exactly the types of
questions you would need to think about and answer before you were able to
program your game.

Both of the above are examples of where computational thinking has been used
to solve a complex problem:

• each complex problem was broken down into several small decisions and
steps (eg where to go, how to complete the level – decomposition)
• only the relevant details were focused on (eg weather, location of exit –
• knowledge of previous similar problems was used (pattern recognition...
• ...to work out a step by step plan of action (algorithms)


Decomposition is one of the four cornerstones of Computer Science. It involves

breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller parts that are
more manageable and easier to understand. The smaller parts can then be
examined and solved, or designed individually, as they are simpler to work with.

If a problem is not decomposed, it is much harder to solve. Dealing with many

different stages all at once is much more difficult than breaking a problem down
into a number of smaller problems and solving each one, one at a time. Breaking
the problem down into smaller parts means that each smaller problem can be
examined in more detail.

Similarly, trying to understand how a complex system works is easier using

decomposition. For example, understanding how a bicycle works is more
straightforward if the whole bike is separated into smaller parts and each part is
examined to see how it works in more detail.

We do many tasks on a daily basis without even thinking about – or

decomposing – them, such as brushing our teeth.

Example 1: Brushing our teeth

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To decompose the problem of how to brush our teeth, we would need to

• which toothbrush to use

• how long to brush for
• how hard to press on our teeth
• what toothpaste to use
Example 2: Solving a crime

It is only normally when we are asked to do a new or more complex task that we
start to think about it in detail – to decompose the task.

Imagine that a crime has been committed. Solving a crime can be a very
complex problem as there are many things to consider.

For example, a police officer would need to know the answer to a series of
smaller problems:

• what crime was committed

• when the crime was committed
• where the crime was committed
• what evidence there is
• if there were any witnesses
• if there have recently been any similar crimes
The complex problem of the committed crime has now been broken down into
simpler problems that can be examined individually, in detail.

Pattern Recognition

When we decompose a complex problem we often find patterns among the

smaller problems we create. The patterns are similarities or characteristics that
some of the problems share.

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Pattern recognition is one of the four cornerstones of Computer Science. It
involves finding the similarities or patterns among small, decomposed
problems that can help us solve more complex problems more efficiently.

What are patterns?

Imagine that we want to draw a series of cats.

All cats share common characteristics. Among other things they all have eyes,
tails and fur. They also like to eat fish and make meowing sounds.

Because we know that all cats have eyes, tails and fur, we can make a good
attempt at drawing a cat, simply by including these common characteristics.

In computational thinking, these characteristics are known as patterns. Once

we know how to describe one cat we can describe others, simply by
following this pattern. The only things that are different are the specifics:

• one cat may have green eyes, a long tail and black fur
• another cat may have yellow eyes, a short tail and striped fur
If we want to draw a number of cats, finding a pattern to describe cats in general,
eg they all have eyes, tails and fur, makes this task quicker and easier.

We know that all cats follow this pattern, so we don’t have to stop each time we
start to draw a new cat to work this out. From the patterns we know cats follow,
we can quickly draw several cats.

Suppose we hadn’t looked for patterns in cats. Each time we wanted to draw a
cat, we would have to stop and work out what a cat looked like. This would slow
us down.

We could still draw our cats - and they would look like cats - but each cat would
take far longer to draw. This would be very inefficient, and a poor way to go
about solving the cat-drawing task.

In addition, if we don’t look for patterns we might not realize that all cats have
eyes, tails and fur. When drawn, our cats might not even look like cats. In this
case, because we didn’t recognize the pattern, we would be solving the problem

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To find patterns among problems we look for things that are the same (or very
similar) for each problem.

For example, decomposing the task of baking a cake would highlight the need
for us to know the solutions to a series of smaller problems:

• what kind of cake we want to bake

• what ingredients we need and how much of each
• how many people we want to bake the cake for
• how long we need to bake the cake for
• when we need to add each ingredient
• what equipment we need
Once we know how to bake one particular type of cake, we can see that baking
another type of cake is not that different - because patterns exist.

For example:

• each cake will need a precise quantity of specific ingredients

• ingredients will get added at a specific time
• each cake will bake for a specific period of time
Once we have the patterns identified, we can work on common solutions
between the problems.

Patterns within problems

Patterns may also exist within the smaller problems we have decomposed to.

If we look at baking a cake, we can find patterns within the smaller problems, too.
For example, for ‘each cake will need a precise quantity of specific ingredients’,
each ingredient needs:

• identifying (naming)
• a specific measurement
Once we know how to identify each ingredient and its amount, we can apply that
pattern to all ingredients. Again, all that changes is the specifics.

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Abstraction is one of the four cornerstones of Computer Science. It involves

filtering out – essentially, ignoring - the characteristics that we don't need in order
to concentrate on those that we do.

In computational thinking, when we decompose problems, we then look for

patterns among and within the smaller problems that make up the complex

In pattern recognition we looked at the problem of having to draw a series of


We noted that all cats have general characteristics, which are common to all
cats, eg eyes, a tail, fur, a liking for fish and the ability to make meowing sounds.
In addition, each cat has specific characteristics, such as black fur, a long tail,
green eyes, a love of salmon, and a loud meow. These details are known as

In order to draw a basic cat, we do need to know that it has a tail, fur and eyes.
These characteristics are relevant. We don't need to know what sound a cat
makes or that it likes fish. These characteristics are irrelevant and can be filtered
out. We do need to know that a cat has a tail, fur and eyes, but we don't need to
know what size and color these are. These specifics can be filtered out.

From the general characteristics we have (tail, fur, eyes) we can build a basic
idea of a cat, ie what a cat basically looks like. Once we know what a cat looks
like we can describe how to draw a basic cat.

Why is abstraction important?

Abstraction allows us to create a general idea of what the problem is and how to
solve it. The process instructs us to remove all specific detail, and any patterns
that will not help us solve our problem. This helps us form our idea of the
problem. This idea is known as a ‘model’.

If we don’t abstract we may end up with the wrong solution to the problem we are
trying to solve. With our cat example, if we didn’t abstract we might think that all
cats have long tails and short fur. Having abstracted, we know that although cats

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have tails and fur, not all tails are long and not all fur is short. In this case,
abstraction has helped us to form a clearer model of a cat.

When baking a cake, there are some general characteristics between cakes. For

• a cake needs ingredients

• each ingredient needs a specified quantity
• a cake needs timings
When abstracting, we remove specific details and keep the general relevant

General patterns Specific details

We don't need to know what tho
We need to know that a cake has ingredients
ingredients are
We need to know that each ingredient has a specified We don’t need to know what tha
quantity is
We need to know that each cake needs a specified We don't need to know how long
time to bake is

Creating a model

A model is a general idea of the problem we are trying to solve.

For example, a model cat would be any cat. Not a specific cat with a long tail and
short fur - the model represents all cats. From our model of cats, we can learn
what any cat looks like, using the patterns all cats share.

Similarly, when baking a cake, a model cake wouldn’t be a specific cake, like a
sponge cake or a fruit cake. Instead, the model would represent all cakes. From
this model we can learn how to bake any cake, using the patterns that apply to all

Once we have a model of our problem, we can then design an algorithm to

solve it.

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Algorithms are one of the four cornerstones of Computer Science. An algorithm

is a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem. If you can tie
shoelaces, make a cup of tea, get dressed or prepare a meal then you already
know how to follow an algorithm.

In an algorithm, each instruction is identified and the order in which they should
be carried out is planned. Algorithms are often used as a starting point for
creating a computer program, and they are sometimes written as a flowchart or
in pseudocode.

If we want to tell a computer to do something, we have to write a computer

program that will tell the computer, step-by-step, exactly what we want it to do
and how we want it to do it. This step-by-step program will need planning,
and to do this we use an algorithm.

Computers are only as good as the algorithms they are given. If you give a
computer a poor algorithm, you will get a poor result – hence the phrase:
‘Garbage in, garbage out.’

Algorithms are used for many different things including calculations, data
processing and automation.

Making a plan

It is important to plan out the solution to a problem to make sure that it will be
correct. Using computational thinking and decomposition we can break down
the problem into smaller parts and then we can plan out how they fit back
together in a suitable order to solve the problem.

This order can be represented as an algorithm. An algorithm must be clear. It

must have a starting point, a finishing point and a set of clear instructions in

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There are two main ways that algorithms can be represented – pseudocode
and flowcharts.

Most programs are developed using programming languages. These

languages have specific syntax that must be used so that the program will run
properly. Pseudocode is not a programming language, it is a simple way of
describing a set of instructions that does not have to use specific syntax.

Writing in pseudocode is similar to writing in a programming language. Each step

of the algorithm is written on a line of its own in sequence. Usually, instructions
are written in uppercase, variables in lowercase and messages in sentence

In pseudocode, INPUT asks a question. OUTPUT prints a message on screen.

A simple program could be created to ask someone their name and age, and to
make a comment based on these. This program represented in pseudocode
would look like this:

OUTPUT 'What is your name?'

INPUT user inputs their name
STORE the user's input in the name variable
OUTPUT 'Hello' + name
OUTPUT 'How old are you?'
INPUT user inputs their age
STORE the user's input in the age variable
IF age >= 70 THEN
OUTPUT 'You are aged to perfection!'
OUTPUT 'You are a spring chicken!’

Representing an algorithm: Flowcharts

A flowchart is a diagram that represents a set of instructions. Flowcharts

normally use standard symbols to represent the different instructions. There are
few real rules about the level of detail needed in a flowchart. Sometimes
flowcharts are broken down into many steps to provide a lot of detail about
exactly what is happening. Sometimes they are simplified so that a number of
steps occur in just one step.

Flowchart symbols

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A simple program could be created to ask someone their name and age, and to
make a comment based on these. This program represented as a flowchart
would look like this:

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Sequencing in algorithms

An algorithm is a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem.

There are three basic building blocks (constructs) to use when designing

• sequencing
• selection
• iteration
These building blocks help to describe solutions in a form ready for

For example, a very simple algorithm for brushing teeth might consist of these

• put toothpaste on toothbrush

• use toothbrush to clean teeth
• rinse toothbrush
Each step is an instruction to be performed. Sequencing is the order in which the
steps are carried out.

Why is sequencing important?

It is crucial that the steps in an algorithm are performed in the right order -
otherwise the algorithm will not work correctly. Suppose the steps for the
teeth-cleaning algorithm were in this sequence:

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• use toothbrush to clean teeth
• put toothpaste on toothbrush
• rinse toothbrush
A toothbrush would still be used to clean the teeth and toothpaste would still be
put on the brush. But because steps 1 and 2 are in the wrong sequence the teeth
wouldn’t get cleaned with the toothpaste, and the toothpaste would be wasted.

A human would realise they had forgotten to add toothpaste at the start of the
process, but a computer would not know that anything was wrong.

Sequencing in practice: Drawing a square

An algorithm to get a computer to draw a square on the screen might consist of

these steps:

• draw a 3 cm line
• turn left 90 degrees
• draw a 3 cm line
• turn left 90 degrees
• draw a 3 cm line
• turn left 90 degrees
• draw a 3 cm line
The steps in this algorithm are in the correct sequence. This algorithm would
result in a perfect square:

If there was a mistake when designing the algorithm, and the steps in this
sequence were placed like this:

• draw a 3 cm line
• turn left 90 degrees
• draw a 3 cm line
• turn left 90 degrees
• draw a 3 cm line
• draw a 3 cm line

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• turn left 90 degrees
This algorithm would create this shape, rather than a perfect square:

Because step 6 is in the wrong sequence (it should switch with step 7), this
algorithm failed. However, fixing the algorithm - and the square - is easy,
because there are only seven steps to look through for the error.

Representing sequencing

There are two ways of representing algorithms:

• pseudocode
• a flowchart
Representing sequencing in pseudocode

Writing in pseudocode is rather like writing in a programming language. Each

step of the algorithm is written on a line of its own, in sequence.

Consider this simple algorithm for calculating how old a dog is in dog years. It
contains three steps, all in sequence:

• ask how old the dog is in human years

• multiply human years by seven to find out how old the dog is in dog years
• print the answer on the screen
In pseudocode, the algorithm would look like this:

OUTPUT 'How old is your dog?'

INPUT user inputs their dog's age in human years
STORE the user's input in the human_years variable
dog_years = human_years * 7
OUTPUT 'In dog years, your dog is aged' + dog_years
Representing sequencing in a flowchart

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Selection in algorithms

An algorithm is a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem.

There are three basic building blocks (constructs) to use when designing

• sequencing
• selection
• iteration
These building blocks help to describe solutions in a form ready for

What is selection?

Selection is a decision or question.

At some point in an algorithm there may need to be a question because the

algorithm has reached a step where one or more options are available.
Depending on the answer given, the algorithm will follow certain steps and ignore

election in practice: How old are you?

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Algorithms consist of a set of instructions that are carried out (performed) one
after another. Sometimes there may be more than one path (or set off steps) that
can be followed. At this point, a decision needs to be made. This point is known
as selection.

For example, a simple algorithm can be created to determine correct bus fares.
The steps could be:

• ask how old you are

• if you are under 16, pay half fare
• otherwise pay full fare
The decision comes in step 2. If you are aged less than 16, one fare is charged.
Otherwise, a different fare is charged.


Selection allows several paths to be included in an algorithm. In algorithms (and

in programming), selection is usually represented by the instructions IF, THEN
and ELSE.

• IF represents the question

• THEN points to what to do if the answer to the question is true
• ELSE points to what to do if the answer to the question is false
Using this method, the fare-related algorithm now reads like this:

• ask how old you are

• IF you are under 16, THEN pay half fare
• ELSE pay full fare
If you try this algorithm using 15 as your age, the answer to the question at step
2 is true, so the algorithm tells you to pay half fare.

If you try the algorithm using 16 as your age, the answer to the question at step 2
is false, so the algorithm tells us to pay full fare.

Two different paths are followed according to the answer given to a particular

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Representing selection

There are two ways of representing algorithms:

• pseudocode
• a flowchart
Representing selection in pseudocode

Writing in pseudocode is rather like writing in a programming language. Each

step of the algorithm is written on a line of its own, in sequence.

Look at this simple six-step algorithm for comparing your dog’s age with your

• ask how old the dog is in human years

• multiply human years by seven to find out how old the dog is in dog years
• print the answer on the screen
• ask how old you are
• if the dog’s age in dog years is older than your age, say ‘Your dog is older than
• otherwise, say ‘Your dog is not older than you.’
In pseudocode, the algorithm would look like this:

OUTPUT 'How old is your dog?'

INPUT user inputs their dog's age in human years
STORE the user's input in the human_years variable
dog_years = human_years * 7
OUTPUT 'In dog years, your dog is aged ' + dog_years
OUTPUT 'How old are you?'
INPUT user inputs their age
STORE the user's input in the user_age variable
IF dog_years > user_age THEN
OUTPUT 'Your dog is older than you!'
OUTPUT 'Your dog is not older than you.’

Representing selection in a flowchart

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A flowchart uses a diagram to explain the steps of an algorithm.

Consider this simple six-step algorithm for comparing your dog’s age with your

• ask how old the dog is in human years

• multiply human years by seven to find out how old the dog is in dog years
• print answer on the screen
• ask how old you are
• if the dog’s age in dog years is older than your age, say ‘Your dog is older than
• otherwise, say ‘Your dog is not older than you.’
In a flowchart, this sequence would look like this:

The ELSE IF instruction

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The ELSE IF instruction allows there to be more than two paths through an
algorithm. Any number of ELSE IF instructions can be added to an algorithm. It
is used along with other instructions:

• IF represents a question
• THEN points to what to do if the answer to the question is true
• ELSE IF represents another question
• THEN points to what to do if the answer to that question is true
• ELSE IF represents another question
• THEN points to what to do if the answer to that question is true
• ELSE points to what to do if the answer to the question is false
Using this method, the bus fare algorithm could be improved like this:

• ask how old you are

• IF you are under 5, THEN pay no fare
• ELSE IF you are under 16, THEN pay half fare
• ELSE IF you are an OAP, THEN pay no fare
• ELSE pay full fare
As this algorithm uses ELSE IF statements, a 14 year old would stop at step 3.
However, if the algorithm was made up of three different IF statements, the same
14 year old would have to check to see if they were an OAP (step 4) even though
they had already found the correct option for themselves.

ELSE IF is covered in more detail in Selection in programming.

Iteration in algorithms

An algorithm is a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem.

There are three basic building blocks (constructs) to use when designing

• sequencing
• selection

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• iteration
These building blocks help to describe solutions in a form ready for

Algorithms consist of instructions that are carried out (performed) one after
another. Sometimes an algorithm needs to repeat certain steps until told to stop
or until a particular condition has been met.

For example, a very simple algorithm for eating breakfast cereal might consist of
these steps:

• put cereal in bowl

• add milk to cereal
• spoon cereal and milk into mouth
• repeat step 3 until all cereal and milk is eaten
• rinse bowl and spoon
Why is iteration important?

Iteration allows algorithms to be simplified by stating that certain steps will

repeat until told otherwise. This makes designing algorithms quicker and
simpler because they don’t need to include lots of unnecessary steps.

Iteration in practice: Cleaning teeth

A simple algorithm can be created for cleaning teeth. Suppose a person has ten
top teeth. To make sure that every one of the top teeth is cleaned, the algorithm
would look something like this:

• put toothpaste on toothbrush

• use toothbrush to clean tooth 1
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 2
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 3
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 4
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 5
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 6

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• use toothbrush to clean tooth 7
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 8
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 9
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 10
• rinse toothbrush
Steps 2 through to 11 are essentially the same step repeated, just cleaning a
different tooth every time. Iteration can be used to greatly simplify the algorithm.
Look at this alternative:

• put toothpaste on toothbrush

• use toothbrush to clean a tooth
• move onto next tooth
• repeat steps 2 and 3 until all teeth are clean
• rinse toothbrush
This algorithm is much simpler. However, there is a problem – how do we know
when all teeth are clean (step 4)? A condition is needed to solve this problem.

Conditions and counters

A condition is a situation that is checked every time an iteration occurs.

The following is a 12-step algorithm for cleaning a person’s upper teeth, and
supposes that they have ten top teeth:

• put toothpaste on toothbrush

• use toothbrush to clean tooth 1
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 2
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 3
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 4
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 5
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 6
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 7

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• use toothbrush to clean tooth 8
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 9
• use toothbrush to clean tooth 10
• rinse toothbrush
The condition, in this case, will be to check if the number of teeth cleaned
equals ten. If that condition is False (the number of teeth cleaned is less than
ten), than another iteration occurs. If the condition is True (the number of teeth
cleaned equals ten), then no more iterations occur.

It is also important to keep a count of how many teeth have been cleaned.

The counter can be used to see if the condition has been met. This is known as
testing the condition. The test sees whether the condition is True or False.

If a condition and a counter are included, the algorithm would look like this:

• set number_of_teeth_cleaned to 0
• put toothpaste on toothbrush
• use toothbrush to clean a tooth
• increase number_of_teeth_cleaned by 1
• if number_of_teeth_cleaned < 10 then go back to step 3
• rinse toothbrush
The counter is called number_of_teeth_cleaned, and the condition is ‘if
number_of_teeth_cleaned < 10’. This is very similar to selection as two routes
are created. However, with iteration there is a loop back into the algorithm, rather
than creating and keeping two separate routes as would occur with selection.

Using iteration, the number of steps has reduced from 12 in the first teeth-
cleaning algorithm to just six in the algorithm with iteration.

Amending iteration

Most adults have 32 teeth in total. To amend the original algorithm to clean 32
teeth, another 22 steps (one for each additional tooth) would have to be added to
the first algorithm - making this algorithm 34 steps long. However, in the

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algorithm with iteration, all that is needed is to change the condition from ten
teeth to 32. The total number of steps in that algorithm remains unchanged:

• set number_of_teeth_cleaned to 0
• put toothpaste on toothbrush
• use toothbrush to clean a tooth
• increase number_of_teeth_cleaned by 1
• if number_of_teeth_cleaned < 32 then go back to step 3
• rinse toothbrush

Representing iteration

There are two ways of representing algorithms:

• pseudocode
• a flowchart
Representing iteration in pseudocode

Writing in pseudocode is rather like writing in a programming language. Each

step of the algorithm is written on a line of its own, in sequence.

Consider this simple six-step algorithm for cleaning your teeth:

• set number_of_teeth_cleaned to 0
• put toothpaste on toothbrush
• use toothbrush to clean a tooth
• increase number_of_teeth_cleaned by 1
• if number_of_teeth_cleaned < 32 then go back to step 3
• rinse toothbrush
With each iteration, a decision needs to be made as to whether to continue
iterating or not. Decisions are represented as selection.

In pseudocode, the algorithm would look like this:

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number_of_teeth_cleaned = 0
put toothpaste on toothbrush
procedure clean_tooth
number_of_teeth_cleaned = number_of_teeth_cleaned + 1
UNTIL number_of_teeth_cleaned = 32
rinse toothbrush
Representing iteration in a flowchart

A flowchart uses a diagram to explain the steps of an algorithm.

In a flowchart, the algorithm would look like this:

Designing an algorithm

An algorithm is a plan, a logical step-by-step process for solving a problem.

Algorithms are normally written as a flowchart or in pseudocode.

The key to any problem-solving task is to guide your thought process. The most
useful thing to do is keep asking ‘What if we did it this way?’ Exploring different
ways of solving a problem can help to find the best way to solve it.

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When designing an algorithm there are two main areas to look at:

• the big picture - What is the final goal?

• the individual stages – What hurdles need to be overcome on the way to
the goal?
Understanding the problem

Before an algorithm can be designed, it is important to check that the problem is

completely understood. There are a number of basic things to know in order to
really understand the problem:

• What are the inputs into the problem?

• What will be the outputs of the problem?
• In what order do instructions need to be carried out?
• What decisions need to be made in the problem?
• Are any areas of the problem repeated?
Once these basic things are understood, it is time to design the algorithm.


Most programs are developed using programming languages. These

languages have specific syntax that must be used so that the program will run
properly. Pseudocode is not a programming language, it is a simple way of
describing a set of instructions that does not have to use specific syntax.

Common pseudocode notation

There is no strict set of standard notations for pseudocode, but some of the
most widely recognised are:

• INPUT – indicates a user will be inputting something

• OUTPUT – indicates that an output will appear on the screen
• WHILE – a loop (iteration that has a condition at the beginning)
• FOR – a counting loop (iteration)

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• REPEAT – UNTIL – a loop (iteration) that has a condition at the end
• IF – THEN – ELSE – a decision (selection) in which a choice is made
• any instructions that occur inside a selection or iteration are usually
Using pseudocode

Pseudocode can be used to plan out programs. Planning a program that asks
people what the best subject they take is, would look like this in pseudocode:

OUTPUT 'What is the best subject you take?'
INPUT user inputs the best subject they take
STORE the user's input in the answer variable
IF answer = 'Computer Science' THEN
OUTPUT 'Of course it is!'
OUTPUT 'Try again!'
UNTIL answer = 'Computer Science’

A flowchart is a diagram that represents a set of instructions. Flowcharts

normally use standard symbols to represent the different types of instructions.
These symbols are used to construct the flowchart and show the step-by-step
solution to the problem.

Common flowchart symbols

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Using flowcharts

Flowcharts can be used to plan out programs. Planning a program that asks
people what the best subject they take is, would look like this as a flowchart:

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