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ECE2120 Electrical Engineering Laboratory II Lab 5: Parallel RC and RL Circuits Name: Date

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Electrical Engineering Laboratory II

Lab 5: Parallel RC and RL Circuits

The objective to perform this lab is to

 understand the KVL and KCL in parallel RC and RL circuits

 to draw and understand the basics of phasor diagram and power calculations.

Equipment Used
1. Analog Discovery 2
2. Digital Multimeter
3. Breadboard
4. Resistor
5. Capacitor
6. Inductor

Part (0)
Before coming to the lab, determine the voltages across and currents through each
resistor in the circuits of Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4. Record all of your calculated
results in Tables 5.2 and 5.4. Record the calculated values in polar form.

Table 5.2 Calculated Values for Figure 5.1

VS V R1 V RS 1 V RS 2 I1 I2 I total
( RMS) ( RMS) ( RMS ) ( RMS ) (mA ) (mA ) (mA )

0.019 7 0.012 2 0.19 7 0.12 2 0.2 317

Calculated 2 ∠0
1.9 7 ∠ 0
∠0.03 7o ∠90 o ∠ 0.003 7o ∠ 90 o ∠ 3 1.77o

Table 5.4 Calculated Values for Figure 5.2

VS V R1 V RS 1 V RS 2 I1 I2 I total
( RMS) (RMS) ( RMS ) ( RMS ) (mA ) (mA ) (mA )

o 4.008 0.053 0.035 1.822 2.431

Calculated 4 ∠0 o o o o 1.5947 ∠−89 o
∠ 0.496 ∠−40.48 ∠−89 ∠ 0.496 ∠−40.4
Part (1) – Parallel RC Circuit
This part of the experiment will give you experience making the
measurements with the digital multimeter (DMM). Because the electrodes of this
device are isolated from the circuit ground and the grounds in AD2, you may make
voltage measurements directly across any of the components, whether or not they
are grounded.
1. Before constructing the circuit in Figure 5.3, measure circuit components
using the DMM: one 10kΩ resistor, two 100Ω sense resistors, and one 0.01
µF capacitor. (Be sure to wait until the capacitance measurement stabilizes.)
Record the measured values in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1 Measured Values of RC Circuit Components

Q uantities Nominal Value Measured Value

R1 10 KΩ 9. 9 kΩ
RS1 100 Ω 98.5Ω
RS2 100 Ω 98.5Ω
C 0.01 µF 0.009 µF

From the above results, it can be seen that, there is a difference in the
nominal and calculated values, this is due to the tolerance of the component and the
material used for making the component. Overall, the difference is very small and

2. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 5.1. Set the function generator to
provide a sine wave with a voltage of 2.0 V rms at 1.0 kHz. Verify the voltage
and frequency with your oscilloscope while the circuit is connected and
operating; adjust if necessary.
3. Using the DMM voltmeter in AC mode [V∼], measure the voltage drop across
each resistor. The voltage drops are small, so measure as accurately as
possible and keep three significant figures in your measurement (use mV
mode of DMM if the displayed voltage is zero). Record the voltage drops in
Table 5.2.
4. Compute the current in each resistor using Ohm’s law, and record the
calculated currents in Table 5.2.

Figure 1 RC Circuit Implementation

Table 5.2 Measured and Calculated Values for Figure 5.1

VS V R1 V RS 1 V RS 2 I1 I2 I total
(RMS) ( RMS) ( RMS ) ( RMS ) (mA ) (mA ) (mA )

0.0197 0.0122 0.197 0.122 0.2317

Calculated 2 ∠0o 1.97 ∠ 0o o o o o o
∠ 0.037 ∠90 ∠ 0.037 ∠ 90 ∠ 31.77

1.97 9 0.02 3 0.0108 0.2 3 0.1 07 0.2 55

Measured 2 ∠0
o o o o o o
∠0 ∠0.12 ∠ 8 9 . 3 ∠0.12 ∠ 89 . 3 ∠ 2 4.9
Figure 2 Output voltage across VR1

Figure 3 Output voltage across VRS1

Figure 4 Output voltage across VRS2

5. Draw the current phasors I1, I2, and the total current Itotal in a plot similar to
that of Figure 5.1. Ignore the small effect of the sense resistors on the phasor
diagram. Note carefully the direction of the phasors. Label each of the
current phasors.

6. Compute XC for the 1.0 kHz frequency. Using this value and that of the sense
resistor, calculate the expected current, I C (i 2), through the capacitor. How
does this value compare to that found from the sense resistor (Table 5.2)?
1 1
X C =− j =− j =17.692kΩ
2 πfC 2× 3.14 ×1000 ×0.009 ×10−6
VS 2∠0
I C= = =0.113 ∠ 89.6 mA
− j X C + R s2 − j 17.692 k +0.09 8 k
Form the above results it can be seen that, there is a small difference in the
values measured and calculated from the above formula. The difference is
due to the consideration of significant figures in calculations
7. Using the value of − j X C for the 1.0 kHz frequency and the measured
resistance of R 1, find the total impedance, Ztotal (in polar form), of the circuit.
Remember that these impedances add like parallel resistors. Ignore the sense
resistors for this calculation. Show your work.
9.9 k ×− j 17.962 k
Ztotal =R1∨¿ X C = =8.6 70 k ∠−28. 8o
9. 9 k− j17.962 k
8. Using Ztotal and the applied voltage, VS, compute the total current, Itotal. Show
your work. The total current should reasonably agree with the value
determined in step 4.
VS 2∠0
I total= = =0.23 0∠ 28. 8 o
Z total 8.602∠−28.6 o

Probing Further Questions

Q1. Ignoring the effect of the sense resistors, compute the real, reactive, and
apparent power of the circuit in Figure 5.1 at 1.0 kHz.
For finding the real, reactive and apparent power, finding current across R1,
V R 1 1.97 9 ∠ 0 o o
I R 1= = =0.20 2∠ 0 mA
R1 9.8 k
Finding voltage across capacitor,
I C =I 2=0.1 07 ∠8 9 .3
V C =I C X C =( 0.107 ∠ 8 9. 3 o m ) ( j 17.962k )=1.9 21∠17 9 . 3o
Finding real power,

P=V R 1 I R 1=1.979 ∠0o ×0.202 ∠0o mA =0.399 ∠0o mW

Finding reactive power,

Q=V C I C =( 1.921 ∠179.3o ) ( 0.107 ∠ 89.3o m )=0.205∠−91.4o mVARs

Finding apparent power,

S= √ P +Q = √0.39 9 +0.2 05 =0.448 mVA

2 2 2 2

θ=tan −1 ( QP )=tan −1 0.2 05

0.39 9

Q2. If the capacitor C were made smaller, what would happen to the current phasor
If the capacitor is were made smaller, value of X C will increase and ultimately the
magnitude of current through capacitor will reduce.
Part (2)- Parallel RL Circuit
This part of the experiment will give you experience making similar
measurements using the oscilloscope. In this part of the experiment, record all
voltages and currents as peak-to-peak values.

1. Before constructing the circuit in Figure 5.4, measure circuit components

using the DMM and Impedance Analyzer. Record the measured values in
Table 5.3.
Table 5.4 Measured Values of RL Circuit Components

Nominal Value Measured Value

R1 2.2 kΩ 2.1 7 kΩ
RS1 22 Ω 22. 3Ω
RS2 22 Ω 22. 3Ω
L 100 mH 9 8 .6 mH

2. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 5.2. Using the oscilloscope’s CHANNEL 1
to monitor the function generator, set the source voltage to a sine wave with
a voltage of 4.0 VP P at 4.0 kHz. Verify both the voltage and the frequency
with the oscilloscope. Record the measured values in Table 5.4.
3. Using oscilloscope CHANNEL 2, measure the peak-to-peak voltage across RS
1. Apply Ohm’s law to calculate the peak-to-peak value of the total current,
Itotal. Record the measured values in Table 5.4.
Figure 5 RL Circuit Implementation
Table 5.4 Measured and Calculated Values for Figure 5.2

VS V R1 V RS 1 V RS 2 I1 I2 I total
(RMS) ( RMS) ( RMS ) ( RMS ) (mA ) (mA ) (mA )
4.008 0.051 0.037 1.822 1.58 2.43
Calculated 4 ∠ 0o o o o o o o
∠0.495 ∠−41.1 ∠0.49 ∠0.49 ∠−89 ∠−41.5
0.05 9 0.03 7 1.8 7 1. 6 3 2.5 6
Measured 4 ∠0
4.0 7 ∠0
∠−3 7 . 09 ∠−85.9 o
∠ 0o ∠−85.9o ∠−3 9.29o

Figure 6 Output voltage across VRS1

Figure 7 Output voltage across VRS2

∆T o 25.76 μs o o
ϕ= × 360 = ×360 =3 7.09
Total Time Period of wave 250 μs
Figure 8 Output voltage across VR1

4. Using the computed peak-to-peak currents from Table 5.4, draw the current
phasor diagram for the circuit. Ignore the effects of the sense resistors. Your
diagram should look somewhat similar to Figure 5.2(b).

5. The phasor diagram depicts visually the relationship between the total
current and the currents in each branch of the circuit. From the currents in
the phasor diagram, compute the phase angle between the total current
(Itotal) and the current in R 1 (IR 1). Then compute the phase angle between
the total current (Itotal), and the current in L (IL). Ideally, what should be the
sum of these angles?
From step 4
ϕ RT =37.09
ϕ RL=4 8.81

Ideally, the sum should be equal to 90 o.

6. On the oscilloscope, measure the angle between IL and IR 1. (The

oscilloscope’s leads were already connected to do this as a result of step 5).
Ideally, this measurement should be 90◦, but resistance in the inductor, may
reduce the angle. If necessary, adjust both scope channels to have the same
apparent height on the oscilloscope screen in order to make the

∆T 59.7 μs
ϕ= × 360o= × 360o=85.96o
Total Time Period of wave 250 μs

7. In step 4 you measured the phase angle φRT between IR 1 and Itotal. In step
8 you measured the phase angle φRL between IR 1 and Itotal. Compute the
phase angle φT L between Itotal and IL by subtracting φRT from φRL. That is,
o o o
ϕ TL=ϕ RL −ϕ RT =85.96 −37.09 =48.8
8. Compare the measured phase angles versus the computed phase angles in
Table 5.4. Discuss likely causes for any discrepancies.
From the above results, we observe that there is a significant difference in
the calculated and measured values. The difference is due to the difference in
the nominal and measured values.
Probing Further Questions

Q1. The currents IR1 and IL were measured in step 5. If those currents are 90◦ apart,
we can calculate the total current Itotal using the Pythagorean theorem.
a) Compare this calculated total current to the total current measured in
step 3.
The total current calculated in step 3 is smaller than measured in step 5,
because the value of inductor measured is smaller as compared to
nominal, so XL will be smaller than calculated and resultantly the current
measured in step 5 is greater than calculated in step 3.
b) What factors might cause any discrepancies observed between the
The factor that causes the discrepancies in above values is the difference
in nominal and measured values shown in Table 5.3.
Q2. What effect does the inductor’s coil resistance have on the phase angle
between the currents in the resistor and the inductor?
There will be no effect of inductive reactance on the phase angle, it will only
contribute in the magnitude change.

From this experiment we concluded that, the calculated values are different form
the measured values due to the tolerance in the components. From the above
experiment we observed the behavior of parallel RC and RL circuit. And observed the
changes in phase angle.

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