Nutrition Education Modules
Nutrition Education Modules
Nutrition Education Modules
IDRC Grant/ Subvention du CRDI: 108156-001-Improving food and nutrition security in the
Philippines through school interventions
Annex 10. Revised nutrition education modules
Learning objectives:
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F00!‘ can be anything edible or potable Nutrition is the science that relates
as defined by every culture that can food and its nutrients to health and
provide nourishment and has a nutritive disease. It includes the processes by
component or components such as which the human as an organism utilizes
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, essential food substances to be able to live and
vitamins and minerals. When ingested and function well.
utilixed by the body, it sustains life,
promotes growth, generates energy, and Nutrients are substances in rood that
provide overall health to the body. provide energy and structure to the body
and regulate body processes.
Diet pertains to the foods, including
beverages, a person usually eats. Essential Nutrients are nutrients a
quantity body.
Your Health Outlook
"The source and availability of food can
Any food you eat contains nutrients that
also dictate our food choices, which in
the body uses to perform daily tasks and
turn affect our health and nutritional
functions. However, to make your diet
status. We must create an environment
healthy, it is lmponant to choose
that can influence us to be healthier
nutrient—rich foods.Remember, every food
and provide us with better rood
you take contributes and reflects to your
choices." —
life-threatening diseases.
schoolchildren 912 years old was at m% -iviorbidity
Adult SIIE
2013: Among Filipino children 5-10-year-old:
tow intellectual ability
29% are underweight,
29.5% are stunted; and
Low economic producovity
8.5 '36 are waned
tovv reproductive perrormance
No development of metabolic and
cardiovascular perrormance
Balanced Diet
The body requires a full range of nutrients to maintain good health. At a glance, they are:
10 Kumairiments, ivuiriooncl Guidelines for Filipinos, National ivuirioon council, Z012
other half is composed of rice and fish or lean meat. The glass is filled with water to
show the importance of water for hydration.
pasta, bread, and other irieati Poultry, eggs. iruits and vegetables, everyday ror adequate
cgrpanyama. nap and dried beans and which are packed with hydration.
which nuts needed tor the vitamins, minerals and
roads, provide
energy to support growth and repair or «bar needed «or the Limit intake or
Health Tips!
./ Eat less salty, fried, fatty, and sugar—rich foods to prevent chronic diseases.
/ Prepare a good breakfast to have enough fuel to get through the day.
/ Get creative when cooking meals for kids.
/ serve healthy snacks.
/ Understand nutrition information on product labels to make smart food choices.
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Grow Veggies in
Your Home Garden!
Nutrition Education Module 2
Learning Objectives:
1. Descnhe the ldeal location in selecting srtes ror growlng vegetables;
2. Discuss different cultural practices and innovations in home gardening; and
3. Apply techniques of hanresting, processing and marketing home garden products
fTE5hr 5379 and "U”|fi°U5 Vefietablei appropriate for resource poor families. It
Vegetables are good sources of utilizes available matenals to sustain
micronuments. Micronument soil productivity and also responds to
dericrencies are a serious nutntional cnrnate Change i55ue5_
problem that affects poor households
in the Philippines.
rps. lo ĂW P@@ ĂW lo ĂW lo ĂW PD ĂW E many factors that make
Soil productivity condition
gardening challenging for many ' ' ' '
dry months/season
2. A well drained area to allow EXCESS
5. Good aircirculation
1. start by stating the need to lay out garden Meter stick Seedlings
beds in east west dlrectiorl. 3 bags ash
Demonstrate Proper lav outing oftrle garden.
3 bags farm yard
Show how to la‘/outa garden bed and how
Spade manure, leaves,
deerrdug raised bed is done.
Rake fertilizer trees
Allow Participants to narticinate. Divide the
egg shells, and drv leaves with the soil 1. show how intensive planting is done.
while preparing the bed. 2. oiscuss the dirrerent crop management
Instruct narticivarlts to plant borderline crops practices and why it's important to store
using lmeter by 1 meter spacing. seeds rorthe nextcropping season.
enter into the soil and the beds dry-out much later
than conventional ones. Thls results to lmproved
garden microclimate [lowersoll and air
Soil preparation is done only when the
Soll IS not too wet.
8. Dig a second trench [next 75 cms) adjacent
4. Divide the length ofthe garden had to the first one. Cover the first trench with
temnmrllv lute sesfierrsr 75 sm We "Sine the soil coming rrom this [second] trench.
wooden or oamhoo stake as guide.
5_ g,,,ea,, ..,.,..y 3,. gm, 0,; Mg, mick |a\/er 9. Double digthis trench as in the first trench.
of compost overthe had.
2.5 cm compost or decomposed manure
1 kgashwood
1 kg honemeal or dried leaves oftrees
1 kg ofany: crushed egg shells, snail shells,
nitrogen (mm the air) is highly recommended diverse garden than in a monocrop system.
as a borderline crop. Any leguminous tree can
serve as such. Aside from nitrogen fixation, crop rotation or the cultivation or ditrerent
planting them along the borderlines gives crops in the same part ofthe bed from season to
Crop Management
A. Diversification. Growdiffereht kinds of
vegetables, trees and other plants in one 1. wateryour plants thoroughly watering is one or
area. It is very important for various the most critical factors for successful gardening.
reasons: As a rule, plants should be watered thoroughly
but infrequently. Watering the soil to sufficiently
1. combination of short term, annuals and dampen it will promote development ofdeep
perennials results to availability of root system. This allows plants to absorb
vegetable all year round. moisture from subsoil when the topsoil dries up.
2. Diversity in vegetables available in the 2. Poor practices such as too much watering results
garden prevents taste fatigue in the to poor development of plant root system and
family. damagesthe crop.
fruiting season.
same age.
Roles and beneiits ofmulchingz
streams or drops of water from The extraction of seeds from the fruit depends on the
irrigation devices condition ofthe fruit and seedsthat will be
3. Mlrllmlles growth ofweeds ,,g,,,e5ye,y_
4. Aids in maintaining favorable condition
of the soil underneath, i.e. uniform soil ,0, we, seedsgum ,.,s,.,r,.,r _
7 MIL‘ I W
1, N
- F d d fr d f 't d:
Seed Production and i‘i’Lsa'Y—.f§Zxfr.§r'§aiiiaiii§f’.§a'L‘La‘aaaaiiaravaiy
while inside a sack or net bag to prevent them from
Storage loohW
pods will break or shatter easily, allowing 1. Do not allow seeds to come in contact with the soil
the seeds to contact with the soil and with or ground. Dry seeds above the ground by using a
seeds from fleshy fruits: 2. use drying materials with hole {example ck,
For dry ripe fruit are
dried before extracting the seeds. Examples: winnowing basket, mat) to allow the air to pass
and even.
during processing;
Seed Storage
2. Have reducedviabilltv;
stop the
growth and multiplication of pests are:
1. Moisture content of the seeds
I. Tempemture —
The life of vegetable seeds
weevils are sensitive to odorous pla prevents
during Storage is prolonged when the storage
them fromincreasing and may also kill them. The
temperature is low or cold (but not freezing). If
elfect of these plants depend on their preparation.
refrigerator or air conditioner is not available,
the amount applied and the tvpe ofseed and
choose a cold place (example: nearthe river.
weevils. Some ofthese plants affect the seeds so it is
undertrees, underground, inside a cla‘/larl.
important to test what is appropriate for a certain
Ensure that the seeds will not get wet.
kind of seed. Also make sure that the right amount is
i. Neem
4. Other factors —
Healthy Filipino
plan not :6
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the importance of food safety;
2. Apply proper food safety practices by:
/ and risks and hazards to food
Learning to identify classirythe safety;
Understanding the fundamentals to prevent food borne illness and food contamination;
Learning the various factors affecting microbial growth; and
Guiding food handlers and children the importance affclad safety and hygiene.
Fuodbnrne Illness, also called food poisoning, IS any Illness resulting from eating food
chemical or natural toxins such as poisonous mushrooms and various species of plants
that are not suited for human consumption.
will usually smell fine, look safe and taste good but
can still make someone very sick.
of food borne illness. These harmful may live in fish and meat Proper storage
organisms multiply very fast when fund is and freexing can destroy parasites.
kept in the "temperature danger zone".
4. Chemicals/ Detergents such as
Z. Viruses also cause food borne illness; cleaners and air fresheners or insect sprays
Hepatitis A is spread by a virus. A person can cause food borne illness. Keep them out
may have the virus and not know it. When a of preparation areas and have them properly
food worker does not wash their hands well, labeled.
viruses can be transferred to the fund.
Key Point 3
roods can have longershelr lire with acids such as citrus (e.g.
A Acidity kalamansi) or vinegar. Foods with little or no acidity are those where
bacteria or pathogens grow best.
Bacteria needs time to grow and reproduce on the rood. If roods are
T Time
not kept out orthe temperature dangerzone for 24: hours, bacteria
can grow and multiply at a higher rate.
T -rempe,am,e
At the temperature danger zone, bacteria grow best. Food should be
rood exposed to open air has higher chances or spoiling. There are
0 Oxygen bacteria that need oxygen to multiply. cover and store rood properly.
Moisture is water; like humans, most bacteria need water to grow and
M Moisture survive.Mo'lst food may readily develop road spoilage if not properly
stored or handled.
Key Point 4
Improper thawing allows
bacteria to rapidly grow in the
Understanding these six
outer layers of the food while
conditions (FA'|'|'0M) will
the core is still frozen. Do not
help prevent foodborne thaw food at room temperature
illnesses from occurring. or in warm water.
drying or build up on the sides of the room temperature for more than two
containers. hours.
available, ensure that foods will be sewed HOT. Ensure food is no longer hot
4. If the food will be stored, ensure the raw meat, fish, and poultry in separate
containers are clean, safe and covered. containers on the lowest shelves ofthe
Prevent iuices
l l
k D’
II A _
l l
::?::°:.:.:." ii looWW
ioods here
Keep lirflge smelling iiesii
USDA W... .,..a.a,..s w" by placing an opened box
—FoodSafety,gov— oi oakirig soda on a srieii
from one place to another, such as when raw or unclean food get into food that are
Page 5 of 11. road Safefyis linked to Nutrmari
Food Storage Limits Rehearing
Food should 1- Fwd that has been cocked and the"
1. always be used: according to
cooled may need to be reheated.
expiry dates or according to purchased dates.
ae conscious ofthe quality and the purchase
dates orthe that 2. Reheat foods ONLY when it is still while
perishable goods; ensure
fruits, vegetables and other goods are used quality and suited for human consumption.
accordingly to avoid or minimize wastages.
3. Reheating should be done quickly at 709C
2. rind ways to use leftover items oropened and above. Stirthe food during reheating
ingredients in your menu plans without process to make sure that all pans of the
feed heated-
compromising food safety. Keep opened or are
Inloiztod eyes,
Components of Good
Handle food items with caution. Make it a
/ Grow your own vegetables and crops using organic materials and methods.
x use clean water. if it is unavoidable to use sewage water in gardening, filter
it through sand before using on plants and ensure that harvest will be
washed thoroughly before food preparation.
/ Ensure that compost added to the plants is welldecomposed.
/Avoid storing hue, corn, and beans in high temperature areas to prevent increase of
bacteria population.
/ use clean and appropriately covered food storage containers. As much as possible,
Storage avoid using plastic wrappers.
¢ l<eep not roods hot by using not holding cabinee; keep cold roods cold by storing them
in refirgerators and freezers
¢ rhorougnly wash fruits and vegetables before storing as bacteria may come from the
/ Avoid using too much flavorings such as salt and M56 to prevent diseases oftne heart
rm coming
to help
3- .
"Everybody has a role to play in keeping food safe. Food satety is a shared responsi lity between
governments, industry, producers, academia, and consumers. everyone has a role to play. Achieving
food safety is a multi-sectoral eftort reauiring expertise from a range orditrerent disciplines -
toxicology, microbiolosv. parasitology, nutrition, health economics, and human and veterinary
medicine. local communities, women's groups and school education also play an important role."
rive kevstolaod saretv Manual,D2Dal1mento1Food sarettzaonases and Foddimme piseases, WHO zoos
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the importance of personal hygiene to health;
2. Enumerate the basic personal hygiene practices; and
3. ldentifvthree (3) types of worms and Its prevention.
common cause of
diarrhea and intestinal
worm infection.
Maintains a healthy smile
illnesses and make a person
Helps maintain strong and healthy gums
feels good. Make it a habit!
Minimizes the risk of infection
Prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses
organisms can enterthe digestive system and cause diarrhea, intestinal worm infection,
or inflammation ofthe intestines.
Page 2 11/ 5: Good Hyigerie Practices Help Fight Sizknesx and Malnutrition
Diarrhea is a disease characterized by Intestinal worm infection usually causes
drink are prepared with water contaminated 1. Poor absorption of nutrients because
with feces. worms compete with the body for
lfdiarrhea is Ielt untreated fortwo 2. Bleeding in the intestine resulting to
12) weeks or
cause of diarrhea and intestlnai worm infection. gut and then hatch and grow into
mawre W°"n5 that 3'50 lav mare
These health problems may not lrnmedlateiy
result to death but according to wno, so % or eggs- These eggs are then passed
undernutrition cases are related to repeated out in the feces. The adult worm
dlarrhea and lntestvlai worm infection. will continue to live In the gut and
Undernutrition may not only lead ta death; it also when it dies, it will also be passed
results to low intellectual ability and economic out in the stool,
productivity entrapplng its victims into a life of
with infected people. poor hygiene. and common in animals than humans
ineffective or lack of handwashing. The eggs can but transmission is still po55ib|e
lay underthe finger nails until passed on. They of
through consumption
cause itchy anus and genitals and can be seen in undercooked and infected meats
the feces or on the toilet paper after wiping. Tspewdrms are usually flat and
rlbbon—|lke made up of segments.
Figure 2 Roundworms
Page 4 af5. Goad Hwuene Pmmces Help Fight Slckrless and Ma/rll.Il’Ilt1l7rl
Other good hygiene
habits to maintain
health and good
1. Cook meatthoroughly.
Brush and H055
2. Wash all fruits and vegetables before serving.
Brush teeth after meals or twice a
3. Always use slippers or shoes.
day and floss daily. Brushing
4. a sanitary toilet and use this properly.
minimizes the accumulation of
5. As with all treatments for worms, all the family
bacteria, which can cause tooth
should be treated in case of cross—contamination
toeltgeinrtelfroedheesd anedefeadytofakres
o a .
Hygiene Habits
on the day every morning.
Poor hygiene is the most common cause of
1. These are very small white parasites that Iclnk
similarto a tiny piece ofwhite cotton. WWW-he“e'u$be“er'u|ure-cum
b Rnundwclrms
c. Tapeworms heillhmuip {um
wwwmmcoemuskakaheallh on;
a. Threadwmms
b. Rnundwclrms Figure: nun //www nhS.lAK/COIIGIIIOIIS/"IfeadW0lmS/
C_ Tapewmms
nun //stones-inrdooeom/resrze/seurdodnmages/-1/dr
3_ These warms are far more cummon m animals aii_lenscuasaozmoduleazssaavzphoiogzazimzvari
nun //IrvlnghetlmsnllaLcam/hlol/WD~Lnn(erlI/unloads
3- Th'eadW°"“5 /Zml/U3/vuuiidwurm in:
la. Roundworms Ha-re?
nun //lh3.lEDhI.oom/_NalDEAOcvZ|7/SKgwl>lu0kh|/AAA
c. Tapewnrms AAAAAAIIU/e5x‘3Vuiixbdlznewurm—humzn—\arge%5B3
“'59 III:
a. Hand washing
I3. Poor hygiene
c. Trimmed linger nails
Learning 0b]ECi.'IVESC
understand the importance of physical activity and exercise for optimum health.
Be able to encourage children to engage in physical activities and exercises;
Be able to differentiate exercise and physical activity;
Appreciate the benefits of physical activity and exercise; and
Learn suggested physical activities and exercises for school age children.
Quick Facts
In the 2013 National Nutrition Survey of the Food and
Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI-DOST), 3 out of 10
increasingly exposed to hand held devices on health can make an impact on their
causmethem to develop habits with very daily habits as early as now. And if paired
minimal rill‘/Sical activitv- ll i5 "OW "W3
with proper nutrition, children can
Page 1 on; simple Physical Acriwnes for Healthy Mind and Body
.n wall
What is Physical Activity? Exercise is Medicine!
Exercise IS indeed a medicine. Looking at the list above, these are the common diseases
among adults. Hence, it is crucial to avoid physical inactivity at the early age of school
children and fight one of the leading causes of ill-health. Otherwise, it can pose a greater
risk to individuals than other risk factors.
Page 2 on: Simple Physical Activities for Healthy Mind and Body
Be Active and Be Productive Physical Activity
Allow children to be physically active. Let them Re_c°mmendatl ons for
play or involving them to do some household Children (5-12 years)
tasks can he a good practice.
Active Travel:
Exercise may not only help in achieving overall _ _ A _ _
help maintain a healthy body weight. lfthese dog, rearranging household furniture,
oaseline activities are weightlaearing, they may or similar activities at home or school.
improve pone health as well.
/ Walking short distances instead oftaking a
Encourage children to hgipmt .,,
A ll) minute daily exercise is beneficial to health. It will improve your fitness level.
Enjoy quick breaks or short episodes of activities leading to complete daily physical
activity requirements for long—terrii health benefits.
Page 3 on; simple Physical Activities for Healthy Mind and Body
Active Travel:
Encourage children to choose their own
Walking, cycling, stair climbing
sport or physical game they truly enjoy.
This will help keep them be active.
strenginaiiacondinoniniiinc rm Dlries,20lS
Your Prescription Health series, Ex lSerlSrMEdlLIliEr
rriiiippines, 2015
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Feed your baby only breast milk during the first 6 months
Put the baby to your breast immediateiy aiter birth. A new born baby can suckie (feed) strongly.
Give the first miik (colostrum) to your baby. it Drotects him/her rrom many diseases.
vour breast miik has an the rood and water your baby needs. no not give any other water or roods in the
first 5 months, it couid make your baby sick iexambie: with diarrhea).
areastreed when the baby wants to feed, at ieast s»1o times during the day and night.
Regular breastreeding will heib your body to produce enough miik and keep your breasts rrom becoming
swoiien and painrui.
Never nmctice mixed reeding (which means combining breastreeding with infant formula or other roods).
niscuss with your heaith care centre which teeding method is suitabie for your baby.
Immediately go to the clinic if you have cracked nipples or swollen breasts, or if your baby has sores or
enough cooking iuel to prepare the food- the means? to prepare your baby's rood both day
and night
access to healthcare ioclllties
do not breastfeed your baby once you haye started giving lnrantronnula.
skin-to-skin contact between you and the baby is good for
you and your baby in many ways. it also helps you to
breastreeo your baby successfully.
when breastfeeding, you need more food than usual
because you haya to feed two —
Wash your hands after changing the babys clothing. This
ayoios soreaolng germs that can cause illness.
Sources of Iodine:
/Iodized Salt
diet to stay
healthy and prevent goiter.
/Poor school performance in children Pregnant women and breastfeeding
/Mental retardation women, and young children need
./ Impaired mental and physical development enough iodine to make sure the child
of the child during pregnancy (Cretinism) develops well, mentally and physically.
/Golter Iodine helps regulate nerve and muscle
1 large egg can provide 15-25 % of the recommended daily intake of iodine for Filipinos
(depending on age group).
1 cup of boiled mature patani beans has a little more than 10% ofthe recommended
iodine ror Filipinos (6 years old and above) and almost was for children 5 years and
/ Too much salt is not good for your heart and blood
sou rces of Vita m i n A; ‘/5 medium piece [or 1/2 cup) of boiled orange karnote can
1 cup Msdiuyot leaves lboiled) can ve more than most of
013039 and Yellow ‘NR5: the recommended daily vitamin A intake of children (6-9 years
Ripe mangoes, papaya old) and almost 99% tor 10-12 year old children.
("13 tg lnkcgcnpl
Ilkltqi ‘
ltl Mroflliuobexh miiipmoiiiian
Lack of Vitamin A results in:
¢ Poor growth
./ Eye sensitivity to bright light
/ Inability to see in dim light or "night blindness"
/ Dryness of the eye
/ Blindness (in severe deficiency)
./ Rough dry skin and membranes of nose and throat
/ Eat at least one vitamin-rich food per day. / Introduce leafy vegetables at an early
Alternately eat from variety of plant food age.Give plenty of vitamin A-rich foods
and animal sources of vitamin A Example, to children 6 months and older. It Will
one medium-sized boiled orange sweet prevent illnesses and night blindness.
potato with butter for snack or 1 serving
valzava or ripe mangoes after meals ./ Let children enjoytheir vegetables. Let
them learn or see how to cook
"Add green leafy vegetables to stews or vegetables. Tell them how it can make
soups or even in dishes like siniyuny. nilaga, them healthier or stronger every time
tinola, sopas and other soups. This will help they eat these vegetables.
add to your vitamin A intake at the same
time enjoy your regular dishes without / Vitamin A‘l’lCl'I food is recommended for
compromising flavor, most of the local pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to
green leafy vegetable have a neutral flavor stay healthy and ensure their child
Vitamin A supplements might be given
to young children and women within 6
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAD), 2009, Healthy Eating Resources
Stronger Bodies
with Iron
Red meat
Whole grain cereals: adlai, purple glutinous
Rice, brown rice
1 cup of boiled leaves of Japanese malunggay, katuray and saluyot can provide:
Around 20% ofthe daily recommended iron intake ofchildren aged 5-9 years old
Do not drink tea or coffee until 1 or 2 hours after meal to prevent reduction or iron absorption.
Drink fresh fruit mice for beverages ldolorioon, soritol, koloinorisi iuice, kornios shake) —
vegetables as source of nutrients. It helps them learn to eat green leafy vegetables laside from
meat) at an early age.