Week 1 Day2
Week 1 Day2
Week 1 Day2
1. The desire to make more income for oneself and his or her
2. To become more independent.
3. To continue the legacy of your family.
4. To try a unique and novel idea.
5. The desire for competition.
6. A genuine desire to help people in your small community.
7. You like it and you are attracted to the prospect.
To increase profits.
If you are an executive or manager of a firm,
remember that you are not the owner and that you are
hired for a purpose.
“ Business must be played within the rules of the game”
“There is one and only one social responsibility of
business- to use its resources and engage in activities
designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within
the rules of the game, which is, engages in open and
free competition without deception or fraud.
“Existing laws and moral codes of the society must be
consciously be considered by the business entity.
For Motor Company has its share of ethically
questionable decisions and practices such as the
famous Ford Pinto case in 1970s.
1. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Franz Giuseppe F Cortez, PhD ( Vibal )
2. Not Business As Usual
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Ibuka
7. The Origin of the World‟s Dumbest Idea: Milton Friedman ( Steve Denning )