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The Practice of No Problem

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The book explores the author's insights from his meditation practice and details an approach called 'The Practice of Having No Problem' which is presented as both simple and profound.

Chapter 2 details an approach to meditation based on consciously embracing having no problem. Each of the remaining chapters is dedicated to one of the most profound insights the author has gained from his meditative experiences.

The author has gained four profound insights from his meditation practice: liberation is possible, liberation is already yours, liberation is more than a feeling, and intention is not will power.

The Practice of No Problem

A Deceptively Simple Approach to Profound Meditation

By Jeff Carreira

Copyright © 2014
Emergence Education & Jeff Carreira

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this
publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored
in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN-13: 978-0615996585 (Emergence Education)

ISBN-10: 0615996582

Emergence Education
230 Stampers Street
Philadelphia, PA 01947

Photographs by Samara Anderson

Cover design by www.choosefreeagency.com

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 Meditation and Transformation 9

Chapter 2 The Practice of No Problem 21
Chapter 3 Insight #1: Liberation Is Possible 41
Chapter 4 Insight #2: Liberation Is Already Yours 53
Chapter 5 Insight #3: Liberation Is More Than a Feeling 69
Chapter 6 Insight #4: Intention Is Not Will Power 83

Epilogue 97
The soul should always stand ajar, ready
to welcome the ecstatic experience.

—Emily Dickinson
You are about to embark on a journey.

This book is an exploration of the four most valuable insights that my

own meditation practice has blessed me with. These insights are an
invitation to the profound possibility of inner freedom. Following them
carefully will support your own ongoing process of awakening.

The first chapter introduces the foundational premise upon which the
remainder of the book rests—meditation can initiate a process of
Jeff Carreira

profound spiritual transformation. The second chapter details an

approach to the practice of meditation based on the conscious embrace
of having no problem, a practice that is both simple and profound. Each
of the remaining four chapters is dedicated to one of the most profound
insights that I have gained through my many years of meditative

Before we begin this journey, I want you to consider the fact that this
book will take you as far as you are ready to go. What and how much
you experience as a result of reading it, will be largely dependent on how
much room you have in your heart for the miraculous.

No matter what your mind might tell you, you actually don’t know what
can happen during the reading of this book. It’s possible that you will

The Practice of Having No Problem

have an opening that will dramatically impact your life for the better.
You might even have an insight that will alter the course of your destiny
and place you on a new and magnificent trajectory. I know this is
possible because it has happened to me and I have’ seen it happen for

So please take a moment to notice whether you experience an inner

“yes,”‘’ or an experience of resistance or doubt.

You don’t need to do anything with the answer. Just being aware of how
much space there is inside you is enough. Then read the book, give it all
of your attention, and see what happens.

I’ve begun to realize that you can listen
to silence and learn from it. It has a
quality and a dimension all its own.

—Chaim Potok!!


As I said earlier, I dedicated my life to the exploration of the profound
potential for transformation that all human beings possess. In this
pursuit I have had the grace of not only experiencing transformation at
the core of my being but also having other pioneering souls with whom
I’ve been able to intimately explore the experience. All of that experience
has brought with it an unshakeable conviction that there is a profound
relationship between meditation and transformation. In this chapter I
share my understanding of how and why the experience of meditation
profoundly enhances our capacity to transform.
Jeff Carreira

Let me be clear that when I talk about meditation I am not referring only
to sitting with your eyes closed. I am talking about deep abidance in the
experience of who we are beyond the mind. The posture or form that
initiates that abidance doesn’t ultimately matter. All that matters is that
we move beyond the assumed limits of the mind.

You see, our minds have been profoundly conditioned to remain

relentlessly fixated on a certain range of thoughts, feelings, and sensory
perceptions within a much larger field of awareness. Because this range
is what we have become habituated to perceive, we assume that it is all
there is to be aware of. One of the miracles of meditation is the
discovery that we can perceive more than our minds can. In other words,
there is more to be conscious of than what your mind can know.

Meditation—whether it’s done sitting with your eyes closed or using

The Practice of Having No Problem

some other method or practice—occurs when you discover how to

remove your attention from anything in particular, allowing it to float
freely in consciousness.

When meditation occurs it is like realizing that you can fly. You live your
whole life anchored to a narrow range of thoughts, feelings and
sensations, and suddenly you find yourself floating in midair. Nothing is
more exhilarating or mind altering than the freedom you find in true

To understand the relationship between meditation and transformation

the first thing we have to realize is that the entirety of our current
experience of being human has been carved out of a much vaster field of
possible experience.

Jeff Carreira

We know that our eyes only perceive a narrow part of the electro-
magnetic spectrum, and our ears only hear a small range of sound
frequencies. In the same way our minds only experience a small part of
an immeasurable field of consciousness.

As I already stated, one of the great miracles that can be discovered

through meditation is that we have the ability to experience
consciousness beyond what the mind is capable of experiencing. We are
not our minds and our ability to experience is not limited by our minds.
This discovery is like seeing beyond what the eye can see, or hearing
beyond what the ear can hear. We have much more access to
consciousness than what the mind alone experiences.

The next thing that we have to realize in order to fully appreciate the
relationship between meditation and transformation is that all of reality

The Practice of Having No Problem

is in constant flux. We are born into an unintelligible rush of experience.

Slowly we learn how to filter our perception so that we stabilize in a

particular experience of being someone. Within an unceasing flow of
experience we have temporarily stabilized into the experience of being
“me.” By ceaselessly focusing on a limited part of the ever shifting field
of experience we are able to experience ourselves as a static being.

In order to stabilize into a particular identity we had to learn to remain

doggedly fixated on a narrow band of consciousness—the experience of
being me. That habit of riveting our attention on the experience of being
me is so strong that we have forgotten that there is any other possibility.
Most people live their lives, busy being whoever they learned to be in the
first place.

Jeff Carreira

Some of us become interested in transformation. We begin to feel stifled

by the fixed sense of self that we are. We begin to realize that we are
more than that, but we don’t know how to break the habit of mental
fixation that holds our identity in place.

If we want to transform, if we want to expand our experience of

consciousness and identity, we have to first unglue our attention from
the small band of possibility that we have become habitually adhered
to. Meditation is a practice for releasing our awareness.

The experience of freedom is the first miracle of meditation. The second

is the discovery that once our attention has been liberated from strict
adherence to our current sense of self we are available to enter into a
natural process of growth.

The Practice of Having No Problem

Once we discover the miracle of free-floating consciousness we begin to

realize something even more miraculous. Consciousness naturally

The transformation of consciousness is what we experience as soon as

we stop holding ourselves to only one spot in consciousness.

Suddenly it all makes sense. Growth is a natural part of life. Everything

grows and often without much force or effort. Trees don’t have to force
themselves to grow from seed to maturity, nor do flowers or animals or
birds. Growth is the essence of being alive.

Why wouldn’t consciousness grow in the same way?

As we enter into a process of growth we realize that at the very same

Jeff Carreira

time that we have been trying to change we have also been holding on to
who we are. Pushing off of the past is just another way of holding on to
it. The experience of meditation is the experience of letting go of who
we are. And as soon as we let go of who we are, we enter a natural
process of growth and evolution.

Deep meditation allows us to let go of who we habitually think we are so

that we are free to become more than that. That is why I see it as an
essential part of the transformative process.

Give up the notion that ‘I am so and so.’
All that is required to realize the Self is
to be still. What can be easier than that?

—Ramana Maharshi


The meditation practice that I am introducing is the simplest thing you
can possibly do. In fact it is so simple that you are already doing it right
now without realizing it. You have been doing it for as long as you’ve
been alive and will continue until the day you die. In fact, I believe that
you were doing it before you were born, and will continue after you die.
Jeff Carreira

The meditation instructions that I will share cannot be done wrong. You
literally can’t miss. That is why I sometimes describe them as a magic
archery range.

The magic archery range has no targets. You just shoot in any direction
and wherever you aim a target appears and you hit a bull’s eye…every
time. It’s an archery range where you can’t miss. That’s the magic.

What we discover in the magic archery range, is that only when we find
ourselves in a situation where we can’t lose, do we have the opportunity
to see how difficult it can be to always win. That is because our mind is a
problem-solving machine, and they will create a problem out of
anything—even not being able to lose.

The Practice of Having No Problem

As you approach this form of meditation you have to consider if you are
ready to live a life where you can’t miss, if you are truly ready to be
content, and if you are ready to give up the luxury of having a problem
to escape into.

It is an important contemplation because until we are ready to have no

problem we will continue to make problems for ourselves. As soon as
you’re ready to have no problem you will discover a new world.

The instruction for this mediation is simply to have no problem. You sit
still, up right and alert and no matter what you experience, you don’t
make a problem out of it. That’s it.

Jeff Carreira

No mater what you experience don’t make a problem out of it. Even if
your mind tells you that you have a problem, don’t have a problem with
that. If you feel like you have a problem, don’t have a problem with that.
If everything in you is saying you have a problem, don’t have a problem
with that either.

It is a tremendously easy meditation to do for a short amount of time.

When the time gets longer we find out how hard it can be to have no

You can try it right now. Time yourself for five seconds while you sit still
and follow the instruction to have no problem.

The Practice of Having No Problem

Having no problem is easy for five seconds because your mind doesn’t
have enough time to even start looking for a problem. As you extend the
time it gets more difficult.

If you are successful, eventually you will discover something miraculous.

You will realize that you don’t have to have a problem even if your mind
does. When you realize this you will discover a profound degree of
freedom from self-concern.

When you sit in meditation and your only instruction is to have no

problem, one of the problems your mind will tend to create is that you
don’t know what to focus on. “What do I focus on?” your mind will ask.
And then it will probably start arguing that not having a focus is a big

Jeff Carreira

No matter what problem your mind creates, you will find that it always
comes in the form of an argument your mind is making to convince you
that there is a problem. In this case it might go like this: “What am I
supposed to focus on? He didn’t tell me what to focus on. I don’t know
what to focus on. This is not fair. It won’t work. I can’t do this. It can’t
be done because there is nothing to focus on.”

That is not a problem. It is just a conversation happening in your mind.

And that conversation, no matter what form it takes, does not have to be
a problem.

Have you ever had a friend that complains all the time? No matter what
happens, they always seem to find a problem to complain about. For a
while, you might talk to them about their problems. But eventually it gets

The Practice of Having No Problem

exhausting. After a while you don’t want to be involved with their

problems. Your mind is a little like that friend. It always has a problem,
and after a while it gets exhausting.

Of course, sometimes your mind is your best friend. We all want to use
our mind for the thing it does best, but we don’t want to get involved
with all of its problems.

With your friend there are times when you just decide not to listen to
them. They may even keep talking to you. But you’re not really listening
anymore. The same thing can happen with your mind. It’ll keep saying,
“I don’t know what to focus on. I don’t know what to focus on. I don’t
know what to focus on.” And you just sit there.

Jeff Carreira

It’s like a radio playing in the next room. You hear the sound, but you’re
not listening.

Every problem you have will always be a conversation that your mind is
having with you. All you have to do is not listen to it, and then you’re
free. Eventually, your mind gets bored and stops talking, and that can be
wonderful, but it doesn’t matter. The point is that we don’t have to wait
for our mind to stop talking before we stop listening.

We might assume that once we decide to have no relationship to our

thoughts and problems, that they will stop, but they don’t. Imagine
driving a car down the highway with your foot on the gas. You may
decide to take your foot off the gas, but that does not mean the car will

The Practice of Having No Problem

stop. It keeps going. Just like your mind. You may decide to stop giving
it your attention, but that doesn’t make it stop.

It takes time for your mind to stop because it has a lot of momentum
behind it. But that is not a problem. You just let it go. It will coast to a
stop eventually, and if it doesn’t, who cares? It isn’t hurting anything. It
isn’t doing anything. It can’t touch you. So you’re free anyway.

One of the tricky things about the practice of no problem is that it has to
be done all at once. There is no gradual way to approach it. You have to
decide that from this moment forward you will not allow yourself to
relate to anything as a problem—at least during meditation. From that
point on you simply adopt the position that nothing is a problem—no
matter what. Simple.

Jeff Carreira

What often happens is that we keep catching ourselves in the middle of

believing that there is something wrong and then bringing ourselves back
to the recognition that nothing is wrong. Unfortunately the very act of
bringing ourselves back implies that there was something wrong with
wherever we were.

It is easy for this meditation practice to become all about remembering

that there is no problem. But the practice is not about remembering that
there is no problem; it is about having no problem. So we need to be
able to have no problem with the fact that we forget and fall back into
having a problem.

So what do you do when you realize that you have been lost in having a
problem? Nothing. Once you realize that you were lost, you aren’t lost

The Practice of Having No Problem

anymore and so there is nothing you have to do except have no problem

with having been lost.

Every problem is just another voice in your head telling you that you
have a problem. Those voices are often followed by other voices that tell
you not to listen to that voice. Then other voices might start having a
problem with all the voices. “You shouldn’t be thinking. You’re not
supposed to be thinking. You’re not really doing it. I knew you couldn’t
do it. You’ll never be able to do it.” Sound familiar?

Eventually, you realize that every problem is just another voice in your
head telling you that you have a problem. When you realize that those
voices are not you, that you are the one who hears the voices, something
completely different happens. At that point you stop caring about what

Jeff Carreira

any of the voices are saying. The voices may fall away, or they may not.
It doesn’t matter to you because you are free either way.

I once had the opportunity to do a meditation retreat for two months. I

was meditating from four in the morning until ten at night. I had always
had difficulty with falling asleep in meditation and during this retreat I
was determined not to fall asleep.

One day at the beginning of the second month, I was meditating and I
was very tired. It can be almost torturous to meditate when you’re very
tired. Your eyes burn, your head hurts, and you feel nervous tension
running through your body.

The Practice of Having No Problem

As I was sitting in this very difficult situation a thought went through my

mind. It said, “You’re not really tired.” And for some reason in that
instant something profound happened, I realized that I wasn’t tired. I
just happened to be looking through a tired body, but I was completely
awake anyway. In fact I had never been other than completely awake. It
is not possible to be less than completely awake.

Awareness is always on, and there is no dimmer switch. You can’t turn it
down. Sometimes what you are aware of is a very tired body, but no
matter what happens, I am always awake, even if what I am awake to is
being tired.

When I went to sleep that night, I felt my body fall asleep but I was still
there. Everything went black and I couldn’t feel my body. I was just

Jeff Carreira

floating in space. I thought, “This is cool. My body fell asleep and I’m
still awake.”

Then a dream happened. It was like someone turned the lights on and I
was in the middle of a dream. I thought, “I am dreaming and I am still
awake. This is so cool.” Then the dream went away as if the light had
been turned off again. There I was floating in space.

Then another dream appeared and disappeared. Then another. When my

alarm went off in the morning my body woke up and I thought, “ I’m
still here.” I started to wonder, Who was asleep? Who is awake now?
And what is the difference between meditating and just walking around
if I am here all the time anyway.

The Practice of Having No Problem

The next night, the same thing happened. My body fell asleep and I was
still here. I thought, “Oh, this is cool.” And I spent the whole next day
marveling at the fact that I am always here. I am always awake. The next
night my body fell asleep and I remained awake again. Then I started to
worry that this might not be healthy and the very next night I fell asleep
and I lost consciousness. I didn’t stay awake that night. When I woke up
in the morning I was relieved first and then disappointed.

What I realized from that experience will stay with me forever. We are
always awake no matter how it seems. We were awake before we were
born, and we will continue to be awake after we die. Whether we are
aware of it or not in any given moment doesn’t matter. It is still true
even when we don’t realize it.

Jeff Carreira

The practice of no problem is about being with everything exactly the

way it already is. Most of us live in a struggle with the way things are. As
long as our energy is wrapped up in a struggle with the way things are,
we are not available for anything more. As long as we are locked in a
struggle nothing changes.

If you learn to accept the way things are your energy is free, your
attention is free, and you are available to experience things that you
couldn’t imagine before. That is when you become profoundly available
to evolve. When we learn to stop struggling with the way things are, we
are available to be lifted into higher possibilities.

I, I myself, am the center that exists only
because the geometry of the abyss
demands it.
—Fernando Pessoa

This first insight that I want to share tells us that spiritual awakening
depends on the fact that we know in our heart of hearts that liberation is
possible. We all come to the spiritual path called by a possibility. In some
way, we have felt limited and know that limitation is not real. Usually, we
discover this because of some experience, some recognition, or some
insight that revealed something else—an unlimited, unbounded
Jeff Carreira

In the light of that insight or experience or realization, our normal

relationship to the world and to ourselves feels like it is stuffed into a
box much too small to reflect reality. So we embark on a spiritual path.
Today, you are here on the journey of exploration contained in this book
that is centered around the practice of meditation.

The key to attaining the awakening that we seek is knowing that it is

possible. In your heart of hearts, you must already know that it’s
possible. And even more you must know that it is possible now.

Thinking that it is possible in the future, even being certain that

awakening is possible in the future, is still predicated on an assumption
that it is not possible now. If I owe you money and you say, “Are you

The Practice of Having No Problem

going to pay me the money?” and I say, “I will definitely pay you
tomorrow.” What I am also saying is, “I am not or cannot pay you now.”

So, if we say, “I know that I can be free tomorrow. I know that

liberation will be possible tomorrow or at some point in the future, even
a few seconds from now.” You’re also saying, “I know it’s not possible

The journey that we are on together here has to start completely in the
deep end because the beginning of this journey is knowing that liberation
exists right now for all of us. This is a journey that starts at the

Jeff Carreira

Take a moment to scan your experience. Whatever you are experiencing

right now, whatever thoughts you are having, whatever you are looking
at, whatever your body feels like, whatever emotions might be arising,
the complete totality of your experience has to be what liberation is,
because that is what is here now.

The only place that you can find freedom is right here. Right here in the
middle of the experience you’re having right now. This is where freedom
exists. It doesn’t exist anywhere else. It doesn’t exist in some future
moment. It doesn’t exist in some memory of the past.

Right now, in the experience that you’re currently having, freedom is

already included. The fact that you may or may not feel free does not in
any way limit the possibility of being free now.

The Practice of Having No Problem

My intention in writing this book is to bring you to the direct recognition

that you are already always free, that you always have been already free,
and always will be.

The key to recognizing and experiencing and becoming aware of your

own liberation is knowing beyond doubt that nothing that you are
experiencing right now disqualifies this moment from being a moment
of freedom. Freedom is here no matter what your mind might be telling
you, no matter how many excuses it might be throwing at you.

“No, this couldn’t be it. This can’t be liberation. Liberation can’t include
this feeling. Liberation can’t include this experience. Liberation can’t
include this thought.”

Jeff Carreira

There may always be a part of us that will continuously attempt to

disqualify this moment, which is the only moment there is, from being
the one. It will always find a way to try to convince you that this could
not possibly be the moment, that liberation is not possible right now.

And that part of us will always conclude that something needs to

change—some feeling needs to be included or some other feeling
excluded, some thought needs to be extricated or some other thought
needs to be found. Whatever it is, that part of you will always believe
that the experience of this moment requires some amount of tinkering,
shifting, altering, or tweaking before freedom will be possible.

Ultimately, the only thing that keeps us from recognizing our inherently
liberated state is our belief in some thought that is trying to convince us

The Practice of Having No Problem

that freedom isn’t possible yet. If we believe that thought, we won’t feel
free and we won’t believe that freedom is here. Instead we will feel as
though we are stuck in a moment that isn’t the right moment, that we are
trapped in an experience that is not free.

If we don’t believe that part of our mind, if we realize that even the
thoughts that are trying to convince us that this is not the moment are
just thoughts that don’t in any way inhibit the possibility of freedom
now. We immediately realize that we do not know what is possible and
that means that anything is possible right now. And when we feel that
anything is possible right now, that’s as free as we can be.

Mysticism is the art of union with
Reality. !
—Evelyn Underhill

You can probably tell by the title of this chapter that we already began
the exploration of this insight in the last chapter. In this book I am
sharing with you the most powerful insights that my meditation practice
has blessed me with and as you can probably now see they are, in a
sense, more a set of different vantage points on one liberating insight
than they are four separate insights.
Jeff Carreira

The first insight is that spiritual awakening depends on the fact that we
know in our heart of hearts without doubt that liberation is possible now.
In the second session we will go further into this realization by exploring
the insight that tells us that liberation is already ours.

Once we know that liberation is already here. Once we know that

liberation is already possible, then there’s nothing left to do other than
accept that fact. In the context of meditation, liberation is simply the
state of being exactly here in the present moment where nothing is
missing, nothing is wrong, nothing needs to change, and nothing needs
to be different than it is. There is no tension around needing to be
anywhere other than here or needing anything to be anything other than
what it already is.

The Practice of Having No Problem

When I say that liberation is already yours, I mean that there is already a
place in your being, a part of your current experience, that is completely
at peace with the way things are, completely at one with whatever arises
in the present moment, and already has no need for anything to be other
than what it is.

This insight is crucial because it completely changes our relationship to

meditation. It is easy when we meditate to consciously or unconsciously
assume that we need to go someplace other than here in order to be free.

When we realize that there is a part of us that is always already free, and
that always already exists in this moment, as freedom, then we realize
that the only place that freedom can be found is here. The only place
that perfect contentment can be found is here.

Jeff Carreira

There is a part of you that will never feel perfectly content. No matter
what happens and no matter what your experience is, part of you will
experience whatever is happening as somehow wrong, deficient, or
simply “not it.” If your attention is on that deficient part of yourself,
then you will not experience perfect contentment.

And here is the whole point: The fact that you may have your attention
on a part of your experience that will never be contentment doesn’t
mean that some other place in your being, some other part of your
experience, is already perfectly content now.

The practice of meditation is not a practice of changing your experience.

It’s not a movement from an experience that is “not it” to an experience
that doesn’t exist yet. It’s not an altering of the experience you’re having

The Practice of Having No Problem

so that it can become the experience of freedom. It is simply allowing

yourself to know that perfect contentment is already yours even if your
attention happens to be somewhere else. Even if your attention is on a
part of yourself that feels discontent, unsettled, unresolved, incomplete,
uncomfortable, whatever it might be, freedom and perfect contentment
are already yours.

There is a part of you that has always been free, always been content,
and always been at peace with the way things are—even at peace with
the fact that your attention is often captivated on a part of your
experience that is not at peace.

The movement of meditation is not a movement from one

consciousness to another, or even a movement from one place in

Jeff Carreira

consciousness to another. Meditation is an acceptance of the totality of

who you already are regardless of what your experience might be.

Freedom is literally already here. This is so hard to truly get that it will be
a theme that we return to over and over again throughout the rest of this
book. The liberation you seek, the freedom you seek, the contentment
you seek is already here no matter how it seems. There is no reason to
try to understand that. There is no reason to try to convince yourself of
the truth of it. Your mind will probably never accept it. It is true anyway.

You simply surrender to the reality of it and then see what happens. You
place no demands that your experience needs to shift. Your experience,
whatever you’re experiencing right now, whatever it is, does not need to
change one single bit. Freedom is just as available in the experience

The Practice of Having No Problem

you’re having right now as it is in any other possible experience you

could be having. Freedom is always completely available. All we have to
do is be available to it.

Perfect contentment is always already yours regardless of what you’re

experiencing and regardless of what your attention may be focused on at
any given moment.

This reality is so difficult for us to accept—that freedom is already ours,

that that there is no reality other than that, that there is no place to go
and nothing to do, even with the experience you are having right now,
even with this feeling, even with that thought, even this experience, even
that, and even anything else that might possibly arise.

Jeff Carreira

None of it will make freedom less available than it is right now because
a part of you is already free, already perfectly content. So, meditation is
an expansion into the totality of who you are.

We are so conditioned and so trained to limit who we are by the sphere

of what we happen to be consciously aware of. It’s like being in a
darkened room, using only a narrow flashlight beam to see by, and
thinking the only thing that exists in that room is what that thin beam
can illuminate. Everything that remains in the darkness is outside of your
perception, as if it’s not there.

But the part of your experience that happens to be illuminated by the

light of your conscious attention is not the whole of your experience.

The Practice of Having No Problem

Your experience extends way beyond the edges of your conscious


If the experience that is currently illuminated by the light of your

conscious attention is not one of freedom and contentment, that doesn’t
mean that freedom and contentment are not already yours. It doesn’t
mean that freedom and contentment ’aren’t already a part of your

Just because the flashlight beam in the darkened room happens to be

illuminating only one wall, it doesn’t mean that the other walls aren’t
there. ’

Jeff Carreira

When you discover the freedom that exists outside of the bounds of
your conscious awareness you stop needing to manipulate your
conscious awareness. You know that freedom is already there and so you
don’t feel any need to locate it to be certain. It is like knowing that the
sun is still there on a cloudy day. You never fear that the sun is gone.
You know it is there and it will return to view when the clouds part. The
discovery of true freedom doesn’t mean that you will always feel free,
but you will never forget that you are.

Freedom will always be there. It will always be a part of your experience

because you have discovered the liberation that is, was, and will always
exist beyond the bounds of your conscious awareness. In this realization,
you finally realize that freedom and contentment is always already yours.

The Practice of Having No Problem

At that point, which is now, you are free from any need to have your
experience be anything other than what it is because you are already free
and content, totally awake and aware anyway. You realize that your
experience expands far beyond the illuminating light of your conscious
awareness. You relax into the totality of your being, needing to do
nothing, needing to go nowhere; then the miraculous reality of who you
are has the opportunity to unfold in whatever way it will.

I firmly disbelieve, myself, that our
human experience is the highest form of
experience existent in the universe.
—William James

The insight that we will explore now tells us that liberation is more than
a feeling. In order to fully accept that liberation is already ours we have
to find a way to embrace a freedom that exists outside of the sphere of
our conscious awareness.

That means we have to accept that perfect contentment is already part of

our experience, even though it may not be within our habitual range of
awareness. The challenge of this insight is to embrace the reality of an
Jeff Carreira

experience that lies outside of what we have been conditioned to

perceive, and how we have learned to define ourselves.

If we say that freedom is the perfect peace and contentment with being
exactly here with no need or desire for things to be any way other than
they are, then the primary message of this book is that freedom already
exists as part of who you are—which is ultimately why there is no

When we insist that freedom must be part of our consciously held

experience before we are willing to acknowledge its existence, what we
are saying is that we are only free when we feel free. Only when the
feeling of liberation appears in our conscious sphere of awareness do we
recognize it. We are in essence insisting that freedom only exists when

The Practice of Having No Problem

we are consciously aware of it. This insistence is so subtle that it is easily

missed and as many times as we see beyond it, it returns in an even more
subtle form to deceive us again.

We all live under the spell of a pervasive assumption we are only free
when we feel free, but a moment’s reflection will confirm that if you are
only free when you feel free, you are not free. You are bound by the
need to feel free. To go back to our analogy of a darkened room, it is like
saying that a particular piece of furniture only exists if it is illuminated by
my beam of light. If I don’t see it, if ’lies in the darkness, it doesn’t exist.

As long as we are consciously or unconsciously holding that relationship

to freedom then we will be forever trying to hold on to some feeling of
being free. We will try to manipulate our conscious sphere of awareness

Jeff Carreira

so that somehow a feeling of liberation always remains within its

borders. The only time we will be free is when we feel free.

When we accept, as we have been exploring already, that freedom always

exists as part of our being even if it is outside of our normal sphere of
conscious awareness, then we no longer demand that our experience has
to change in order for us to be free. This acceptance allows us to look
for freedom inside of the experience that we are already having in this
moment. It invites us to stop looking outside of the experience of this
moment to find liberation and instead to look beyond the edges of our
conscious awareness toward the freedom that exists already just beyond
what we can see. Rather than manufacturing freedom or going
somewhere else to find it we allow our attention to expand and extend

The Practice of Having No Problem

beyond the borders of our normal sphere of awareness. What we

discover is that freedom can always be found beyond the edges where
the mind can never go.

This discovery dissolves all tension. There is no fear of failure because I

already know that freedom is here. There is no need to experience it or
to ‘’”see” it in order to know that it is here. This recognition is the
source of true spiritual liberation. We no longer need to see or
experience a feeling of freedom in order to be completely assured that it
is already here.

By liberating ourselves from the compulsive need to feel free in order to

be free, we free ourselves to be available for a natural expansion of
consciousness that is always waiting for us.

Jeff Carreira

We are coming full circle to where we started. We began this exploration

by saying that in order for spiritual awakening to be possible, we have to
know in our heart of hearts that it is, indeed, possible. We have to know
that it is possible to be free now. For freedom to be possible now it must
already exist now. If freedom is not already here it would have to take
some amount of time, however small, to get to wherever it is, or to bring
it here. Any belief that there is some place we have to go, or something
we have to do, before we can be free, means we are still convinced that
freedom does not already exist here and now.

The first insight told us that our liberation depends on our knowing that
liberation is possible now. As we come back to that insight now we
realize that it requires us to give up any insistence that our experience

The Practice of Having No Problem

confirm our freedom. We have to know that freedom is already here

regardless of how we feel. We must be certain that illumination already
exists in our being, even when it is not within our current conscious
sphere of awareness.

We can relax because there is nothing wrong, there is nothing to

become, and there is no need to go anywhere. We can just relax into the
fullness of who we already are. The practice of meditation is not a
practice designed to transform us into someone different than who we
already are. Meditation is allows us to expand into the fullness of who we
are already.

Expanding more deeply into the totality of your being, whatever that is,
is the aim of meditation. Knowing that nothing is missing, nothing is

Jeff Carreira

wrong, and there is nowhere to go, allows us to effortlessly expand

beyond the borders of our normal sphere of conscious concern.

I want to be clear that I am pointing to something more than merely a

need to extend the borders of your normal sphere of conscious concern.
Ultimately the expansion of consciousness is not about not about
widening the light of the flashlight beam. Instead we simply realize that
the light of the flashlight beam and the seeing that it makes available to
us is only part of our experience. Expanding beyond that depends on
our knowing that we are already experiencing freedom outside of our
normal perceptual habits.

The goal is to be free and being free is not the same as feeling free.
When we feel free, it means that we are having some form of conscious

The Practice of Having No Problem

experience that we recognize as freedom. Having that experience in our

consciousness gives us confidence in the existence of freedom and
allows us to let go into the reality of the way things are. For most of us
the feeling of freedom is the only thing that alleviates the need to pursue

Being free means that even if we don’t have any particular conscious
experience of freedom, we still know that freedom is here somewhere
beyond the boundaries of our normal sphere of conscious awareness.

Knowing this allows us to relax into the reality of the way things are
without needing to feel free first. We can cease our pursuit of freedom in
spite of the fact that no feeling of it can be found in our current
conscious experience. This is when we are truly free because our

Jeff Carreira

liberation is independent of whether we feel free or not. Feeling free is

wonderful, but feeling free is not the same as being free.

The goal is to be free no matter how we feel because that is what

freedom is, and that is the only way for us to become truly available for
spiritual transformation. Spiritual liberation is spiritual availability. Being
free means being available—awake, aware, alert, receptive, and ready—
exactly as we are in a world exactly the way it is.

Freedom means being available for life and this is only true when we no
longer need to feel free in order to be free. One of the most profound
insights I could possibly share with you is that we do not need to have
any feeling of freedom in order to be free because free is what we
already are.

You road I enter upon and look around, I
believe you are not all that is here,
I believe that much unseen is also here.

—Walt Whitman

The final insight that we will be exploring together in this chapter is one
that tells us that intention is not willpower. The contemplation of this
insight is the key to awakening.

Many of the things we do in life involve willpower. Willpower is the

effort it takes to generate change. Willpower is something that you exert
over time. So, by the sheer force of our will, we can generate some kind
of change. The awakening of meditation is not something that can be
accomplished with willpower.
Jeff Carreira

Willpower is always associated with effort and effort is always something

that we make over some duration of time. The intention that we are
talking about in meditation is not an intention that requires any effort
and it is not something that requires any duration of time.

The intention to be free is a choice that happens instantaneously. The

intention to be free and the reality of being free, arise simultaneously.
There is no gap of time between the intention to be free and the
experience of being free.

Just allow yourself to embrace that, to embrace the fact that anything
that you might be doing, in the name of being free—that is, anything
besides already being free—is not the intention we are talking about.

The Practice of Having No Problem

When we decide to be free, we are deciding to be completely here.

Weare deciding to have no problem with the way things already are. We
are deciding to be content and at peace, no matter what we experience.
That intention can only happen instantaneously.

Anything at all that we are doing to try to be free or to try to be content

or to try to allow things to be the way they already are is inevitably some
form of trying to get somewhere other than here. We will undoubtedly
be trying to make things other than the way they already are.

The intention to be free is simply a choice to be free that takes no time.

Any activity that you place between you and freedom will be some form
of insistence on not being free now. It is my experience and my belief

Jeff Carreira

that everything of real value that can happen during meditation happens
only after we have already decided to be free.

Once we have decided to be free, once we have truly let go of making

any effort at all to be anywhere other than exactly here, once we have
given up trying to change, alter, or manipulate the experience we are
having right now, once we are completely surrendered to the way things
are, that is when we become truly available for the miraculous—and not
a moment before.

Once we let go of the steering wheel, take our feet off the gas and the
brake pedal, then are we available and ready for something amazing to
happen. Only then is it possible for something that is more than what we
thought we were to take over the driving.

The Practice of Having No Problem

When we make that instantaneous decision to let go and give up control,

we are making room for a process of spiritual growth and spiritual
evolution to begin within us, a process that cannot begin as long as we
are trying to control the show, as long as we insist on steering the car
ourselves, and as long as we will not take our feet off of the pedals.

But once we have surrendered to the way things are and have given up
on the struggle to make things different, made that instantaneous choice
to let thy will be done and not my will be done, then we become available
for a process that is directed by something, some intelligence, some
force, some reality that is bigger than us. At this point we allow our
entire being to become fully available for a process of transformation
that could never be enacted by any effort of our personal willpower.

Jeff Carreira

In the context of meditation, the intention that we are speaking about

has nothing to do with making effort. It has nothing to do with
maintaining will. It is an intention to surrender. It is an intention to
accept wholeheartedly and completely, exactly the way things are, so that
we become available for something to happen that is beyond us. It is an
intentional surrender into a transformative process that opens up inside
of us because we have made ourselves available to become a different
kind of human being.

We have been taught that freedom means freedom of choice, but that
kind of freedom is the freedom of our will. The freedom that I am
talking about now is the freedom of availability. It is the freedom that

The Practice of Having No Problem

comes when we have finally decided to be completely available for our

own spiritual transformation.

It means that we are ready to be transformed and transfigured. We are

ready to become something other than what we are. This transformation
will never be accomplished through an act of will, never through our
own effort alone.

The spiritual transformation of our being can only commence when we

have given up control and then allow the more subtle energies and
intelligences of profound processes of spiritual evolution to begin to act
upon us. The choice that we are pointing to is the instantaneous choice
to be free, to be surrendered to the way things are, to be available for a
process of transformation, and to be vulnerable to the higher spiritual

Jeff Carreira

energies and intelligence that have been calling us and guiding us

throughout our whole spiritual journey.

When I sit in deep meditation, and I am surrendered to the way things

are, and I am not in any way attempting to control anything, I feel a deep
and delicate process of evolution acting inside me and transforming
every level of my being.

When I have that experience, I simply allow it to be exactly the way it is.
I don’t try to control it in any way. I don’t try to make it diminish. I
don’t try to make it increase. I simply allow it to be what it is, not
knowing what it is, if it is anything at all.

The Practice of Having No Problem

My experiences of that level of surrender to the process of spiritual

transformation makes me want to spend as much time as I possibly can
in the state of being completely available, and totally at peace and
content with my experience exactly the way it is, no matter what it is. I’m
not in any way trying to control or struggle with the way things are, and I
am available for change, for evolution, and for transformation.

The intention that we are working with in meditation is the intention to

give up making any effort. It is the intention to unconditionally stop
doing anything, and to allow things to be exactly the way they are.

There is no active effort, and no amount of willpower that will ever help
you in making that choice. It’s an intention, and a choice that

Jeff Carreira

simultaneously, and instantaneously, leads to the realization that you are

already there.

This work does not take a long time to
complete for it is the shortest work that
one can imagine…it is neither longer or
shorter than one impulse of your will,
which is the principle active faculty of
your soul.
—The Cloud of Unknowing


In my late twenties I stepped out of a fairly traditional life and
reassembled myself around a spiritual commitment to a community and
a teacher. For twenty years I devoted myself more or less exclusively to
spiritual attainment with very little distraction. I devoted my energy
during those years to my own ever-deepening awakening, and to mentor
and teach others in support of their awakening. In the space of this
epilogue I cannot begin to share the full extent of the spiritual
experiences I was blessed with during that time. One of the foundations
of my spiritual practice was, and continues to be, meditation, and
Jeff Carreira

through that practice I experience energetic openings and spiritual

breakthroughs beyond my wildest dreams.

I have experienced the sacred grace of having a sense of limitation fall

away. This experience of spiritual liberation is like realizing that you’ve
been wearing a lead suit all your life, a mental straight jacket made up of
all your ideas about what is possible and what is not. In the instant of
liberation, the constraint and weight simply drop. Suddenly you find
yourself blissfully free of constraining beliefs, not knowing what is
ultimately possible but compelled by the call of a wide-open future.

During long retreats I have had the opportunity to spend days, weeks,
and even months absorbed in meditative unfolding. Many of the
awakenings I experienced had the power to dislodge the source of my

The Practice of Having No Problem

awareness, allowing me to abide for days in states of consciousness far

outside of my habitual sphere of awareness. I have felt energy coursing
through my body and white light pouring through the top of my head. I
have experienced free-floating awareness that left me completely
mystified by my attachment to my mind and body. I have experienced
the pure awareness that I was before I was born, will be after I die, and is
even now the ultimate source of my being.

Eventually it became clear that having one more spiritual experience

would not make any difference. I had already had more awakenings than
I could remember and I was beyond the point of needing any additional

Jeff Carreira

Having experiences is not the goal. None of them matter in and of

themselves. Their gift is that they awaken a deep appreciation for the
enormity of reality. They attest to the fact that we will never be able to
capture the mystery of our being in our minds. Knowing this leaves us
wide open, receptive, and available for whatever is next.

I am left with the firm conviction that reality will always be bigger than
we can imagine. We are not restricted by the limits and boundaries of
our minds and bodies. And as long as we continue to surrender, the
openings and awakenings of spirit will ceaselessly unfold to illuminate
the way forward.

There is no end to the mysteries of the inner life.


Jeff Carreira originally received an undergraduate degree in physics and

spent five years working as a research engineer before realizing that life’s
deepest questions could not be answered through science alone. He
decided to work in a more humanitarian field and received a master’s
degree in education and spent seven years working as a special-education
teacher and school administrator.

He embarked on a life devoted to awakening in 1992 when he met

spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen and embraced the perspective of
Evolutionary Enlightenment. A series of life-changing experiences led
him to become a prominent member of a global spiritual movement
where he created educational programs that supported the ongoing
spiritual growth of people around the world.

Currently he teaches with Patricia Albere co-leading the Evolutionary

Collective. In their collaborative work they explore the transformative
possibilities of a higher order of human relatedness. Together they
support the growth and development of an international community of
people who are committed to living on the emerging edge of Spirit’s

Jeff is the author of three books, The Miracle of Meditation, Philosophy Is Not
a Luxury, and Radical Inclusivity, and is co-author with Patricia Albere of
Mutual Awakening. For more information about Jeff visit:


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