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Considered The Conditions Under Which Multi-Grade Teaching Becomes A Necessity

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Commission on Higher Education


Gabi, Cordova Cebu
Module No. 1

Teaching Multi-Grade Classes


I. COURSE CONTENT: Introduction to Multi-grade Teaching

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

a) Considered the conditions under which multi-grade teaching becomes a necessity

b) Understand the meaning of multi-grade teaching
c) Differentiate between multi-grade, multiage and composite groups.
d) discuss the significant insights you have learned from the video about the function of Multi-grade

III. Online SOURCE: https://www.schoolapedia.com.au/news/i-need-to-know/composite-multi-age-

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRvlDUsOVeY


Introduction to Multi-grade Teaching

What is Multi-grade teaching?

It is important from the beginning to establish a common understanding of what Multigrade teaching is, and
what it involves. There are many different viewpoints and understandings of Multigrade teaching at present
amongst teachers in PNG schools. Availability of information is limited, so teachers may form their own ideas
on what Multigrade teaching involves, and they may not be consistent with each other.
● A Multi-grade class is made up of students in several (two or three) grade levels with one teacher for
an entire school year.
● Multi-grade schools are those which have classes that combine students of different ages and
different abilities in one classroom.
● A Multi-grade class involves students of different ages and developmental levels, with different skills
and learning abilities learning together with one teacher.
● Multi-grade should remain as a class for a minimum of two (2) years but often for three
(3) years. They should have the same classroom teacher for all those years.

What is the difference between Multi-grade, Multiage and Composite groups?

When you talk to teachers or read information about Multi-grade, you will come across these different terms.
Multigrade we have already defined as a class of more than one grade level taught by the same teacher in the
same room, but it is the way that the students are taught and the organization of the teaching program that
Composite classes are two or more classes working in the same room with one teacher, but
usually with separate programs . For example, the Grade 4 will be following the syllabus for Composite
their grade, and the Grade 5 likewise. The Curriculum is still structured and taught strictly in Classes
separate grades. This sort of teaching is syllabus driven; the teacher sticking rigidly to the
curriculum for that level.

Most classes in PNG are already multi-age. There can be a wide range of ages in anyone
class, varying by quite a number of years sometimes. In the traditional class, all students in Multiag
the class will be working on the grade e
Curriculum, despite their age differences. In this sense, the teaching is also syllabus driven,Classes
as there is no
special consideration for the differences in age or ability.

A composite (or split-year class) class is a combination of children from two or more grade levels in the same
classroom. While it can involve more than two years in the same class, the most common configuration is a split between
two consecutive grade years – so Years 1 and 2, 2 and 3, and so on. In many schools where it is used, it may not be an
intentional learning approach but a solution to enrolment patterns and available resources.
A multi-age class is similar but slightly different in application; it is more often the deliberate mixing of children from
various age groups of more than one year in the one class. Multi-age groupings are also known by other terms, e.g.
vertical, family and heterogeneous groupings. A big difference is the teacher and class often stay together for more than
one year; that is, they move through the learning process together unlike the composite class where the teacher stays but
the class changes each year.
In multi-age schools, children are grouped across ages without consideration for the grade to which they might
belong. For example, a child who is six years old but who is a very good writer may be included in a group with an
eight-year-old who is a typical writer for his age. Some multi-age schools group children by interest as well as by
ability level.

Multigrade teaching is different in two main ways: Multi-

● The curriculum for the grades being combined is integrated, that is,
common elements from the different year programs are combined into one program for the class.
There is not two or three separate programs operating, just one that provides different levels of
challenge to the students
● The learning is student centred, not grade level centred, so students have
 Make
sure students
the opportunity to work at their level of ability, through the different levels of understand the
activities provided by the teacher. The needs of the student determine the difference
teaching and learning; learning is student driven. between these
What Multigrade is Not
● Multigrade is not one teacher running between two classrooms to teach two separate grades with
separate programs.
● Multigrade is not two classes working in isolation in the same room, seated at each end of the
classroom and being taught separate programs by one teacher.
V. Summary
Key points

● combining students of different ‘ages and stages is common around the world
● “multi-age”, “multi-grade”, “split-grade”, “mixed-grade”, “combined” or “non-graded” classrooms are all terms to define
classes in which students of varying ages, abilities, or interests might be grouped together
● the structure doesn’t really matter, schools should be providing a “differentiated” curriculum anyway: one that caters to
all children as individuals, according to their needs
● a particular structure – single years, multi-age, etc – does not result in a better results over another
● negative perceptions are more likely due to school marketing – parents being told they are either good or bad
depending on the schools administrative need rather than a curriculum imperative

VI. Activity
Directions: Do the following.
1. Differentiate and discuss between composite class and Multi-age class (10 pts.)
- The term multi grade refers to classrooms of more than one grade, and frequently more than two
grades. As a result, composite classes are a sort of multigrade class. Multigrade, on the other
hand, usually refers to tiny rural schools and classrooms with more than two grades, as opposed
to composite courses at larger schools.

2. Compare your definition with what you have just read about Multi-grade. How was your definition similar or
different? (10 pts.)
- My definition of multi grade is somewhat similar to what I have just read about multi grade that
multi grade define as classes in which students of varying ages, abilities, or interests might be
grouped together and frequently more than two grades in a classroom.

VII. Evaluation

Directions: Watch the video about the function of a Multi-grade classroom so that you can answer the task below.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRvlDUsOVeY

1. Name and discuss the significant insights you have learned from this video.
- Upon watching the video about the function of a multi grade classroom with more than one grade, and
frequently more than two grades with one teacher. Students with different grade levels can learn from a
simple idea to a more advanced understanding and if a student does well on a certain subject, the student
will be able to move on to a more advanced understanding, he/she can group with other students who
write a similar level and continue to explore and learn about that topic or subject. Multi grade students
can enjoy more while learning new concepts because the teachers provide more individualized
instruction to what a student needs but there are also some classes that need more individualized
attention and instruction.

2. To what extent did this video reinforce your knowledge and understanding about Multi-grade teaching?

- I have learned that multi-grade classes provide many opportunities for students to collaborate and learn
from each other and the multigrade teacher is to teach students by imparting knowledge not just follow a

Prepared by:
Septer Pesidas

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