The Coffee Plant and Beans: An Introduction: Adriana Farah, Thiago Ferreira Dos Santos
The Coffee Plant and Beans: An Introduction: Adriana Farah, Thiago Ferreira Dos Santos
The Coffee Plant and Beans: An Introduction: Adriana Farah, Thiago Ferreira Dos Santos
The Coffee Plant and Beans: An Introduction
Adriana Farah, Thiago Ferreira dos Santos
Núcleo de Pesquisa em Café Prof. Luiz Carlos Trugo, Laboratório de Química e Bioatividade de Alimentos,
Instituto de Nutrição, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
TABLE 1.1 Botanical Classification of Coffee and Some of the TABLE 1.2 Examples of Commercially Relevant Coffee Varieties
Main Species in Genus Coffea4,5,15,16 and Their Main Characteristics5,9,11,17,18
Kingdom Vegetable Species Varieties Origins Main Characteristics
Species Coffea arabica; Coffea canephora; Coffea liberica; A natural S 795 India Growth habit: tall,
Coffea eugenioides; Coffea congensis; Coffea hybrid between upright, and open
salvatrix; Coffea racemosa; Coffea zanguebariae; Coffea arabica Rust resistance:
Coffea pseudozanguebariae; Coffea mongensis; and Coffea susceptible but more
Coffea humilis; Coffea kapakata; Coffea betrandi; liberica tolerant with careful
Coffea perrieri; Coffea pervilleana selection
Cup quality: excellent
FIGURE 1.1 The coffee plant. which comprises a fleshy pulp and, in ripe fruits, a slimy
pectinaceous layer of mucilage adhering to parchment;
(3) the parchment or parch (endocarp), which is a thin,
crumbly, paper-like polysaccharide covering; (4) the
because of its relatively distant position. This extra-
silverskin, which is the seed coat composed of mainly
axillary bud develops into a plagiotropic or lateral, hor-
polysaccharides, especially cellulose and hemicelluloses,
izontal branch. Lateral or plagiotropic branches grow
in addition to monosaccharides, proteins, polyphenols,
at almost right angles from the main stems. No other
and other minor compounds; and (5) two elliptical or
bud in the same axil can grow into a lateral branch,
egg-shaped seeds containing endosperm and embryos
which means that if such a branch is cut off, no lateral
(Figure 1.2).3,11,19
regeneration can occur on the node of a main vertical
stem. Laterals are commonly called primaries. Each
serial bud on a primary can develop into an inflores-
cence (flowers) or into a secondary branch, which has
a structure similar to that of the primary branch, with
serial buds that develop either into small bunches of
1.2.1 Harvesting
condensed cymose flowers or into tertiary branches. Harvesting is an important step to yield good-quality
If a secondary branch is cut or removed, another sec- coffee. The degree of maturation of the fruits is critical.
ondary on the same axil can replace it, so regeneration While coffee cherries (ripe fruits) tend to yield a better-
of secondaries on primaries is possible. A shallow root quality beverage, immature and overripe fruits yield
system comprises a main taproot and lateral and small defective, low-quality beans.21 Because coffee fruits on the
feeder roots. The feeder roots of C. arabica trees pen- same plant usually do not reach ripeness at the same time,
etrate relatively deep into the soil, whereas C. canephora harvesting usually begins when the majority of fruits are
trees have feeder roots concentrated very close to the ripe. This process can occur manually or mechanically.
soil’s surface.3,11 Manual harvesting may be performed by picking cher-
Coffee is a short day plant, and hence the floral initia- ries one by one or by stripping the twigs and collecting
tion takes place in conditions of 8–11 h of daylight. Tech- all fruits, including the ripe, immature, and overripe ones.
nically, the flowers form on the 1-year-old wood that is Mechanical harvesting is done either by shaking the trees
only slightly hardened. Pollination takes place within 6 h or by stripping the branches with an apparatus similar to
after flowering. The process of fertilization is completed a flexible comb.22,23 Compared to other methods, picking
within 24–48 h after pollination. After pollination, a fruit can be time-consuming and expensive in places where
develops into a 10- to 15-mm-long cherry containing two the required workforce is not readily available. However,
seeds (the coffee beans). The fruit comprises (1) the skin it tends to produce better-quality coffee beans compared
(epicarp or exocarp), which is a monocellular layer cov- to the other methods. The other methods yield a series
ered with a waxy substance that protects the fruit; it is of extrinsic and intrinsic defects derived from fruits at
usually red, dark pink, or yellow; (2) the pulp (mesocarp), different degrees of maturation as well as fermented or
oxidized fruits. Extrinsic defects are stones, husks, twigs, The wet processing is more sophisticated and tends
etc., that may be incorporated to the fruits during harvest- to generate a higher-quality beverage. There are many
ing. Intrinsic defects—considered to be the most relevant different versions of this method, but, in general, only
defects affecting cup quality—are immature beans, black ripe cherries are used. They can be selectively picked
beans, sour beans, black-immature beans, bored or insect- and separated mechanically or in flotation tanks. Sort-
damaged beans, and, less important, broken beans and ing is followed by mechanical (de)pulping, soaking,
other fruit tissues.21,23 and fermentation in a tank usually for 12–36 h. During
Not only is the degree of maturation of the coffee fermentation, which may occur naturally or with the
fruit important but avoiding undesirable contamination addition of microorganisms or enzymes, the remain-
with and growth of microorganisms, especially mold, ing pulp and silverskin are removed, acidity increases,
during harvesting, drying, and storage of the seeds is and pH may decrease to 4.5. The naked beans (parch-
critical as well. Such contamination may be detrimen- ment coffee) are then extensively washed in clean
tal not only to the sensory quality of the final bever- water tanks or in specific washing machines. Follow-
age but also—in the case of mycotoxin production—to ing this, the beans are dried in yards or on suspended
human health. Consequently, sweeping coffee (coffee (ventilated) tables; this is sometimes combined with
fruit found lying on the ground beneath coffee bushes, hot-air drying. After drying, the remaining part of the
detached during harvest or abscised during develop- hull often is mechanically removed [(de)hulled] after
ment) also is considered to be low quality and of lower washing. Wet processing frequently is used in places
market value because of contamination with and growth where coffee is harvested by manual picking, such as
of microorganisms.19,23 Colombia, Asia, and Central America,19,23,25–27 although
because of the higher market value various farms in
countries producing larger volumes, such as Brazil,
also have adopted it.
1.2.2 Processing The major difference between dry and wet process-
After harvesting, the fruits need to undergo primary ing is that in wet processing most of the material that
processing to separate the seeds from the rest of the fruit; involves the seeds is removed before drying, in addi-
then they are sorted according to the number and types tion to the silverskin, which is removed during and
of defects, size, etc., to assist in classifying and grading after the fermentation process. Alternatively, a method
the coffee lots.19 The most common methods for this pur- called semi-dry (or semi-washed), combining both dry
pose are known as the dry and wet methods. There are and wet methods, has been developed in Brazil. The
quite a few variations of both methods, depending on the method consists of washing and selecting the seeds
country and individual farm, but, in general, in the origi- in flotation tanks and (de)pulping as in the wet pro-
nal dry method (the first method ever used), harvested cess, excluding the fermentation step.19,23 Coffee seeds
seeds are parched by exposure to the sun in large yards treated by the dry and semi-dry processes, maintain-
(which may take from 1 to 2 weeks) and/or by air dryers ing the polysaccharide-rich silverskin, often are used in
until the moisture content is about 10–12% to avoid bac- espresso coffee blends because they tend to add more
teria and mold growth.23,24 Alternatively, seeds may be body and sweetness to the beverage than the wet pro-
washed and overripe seeds separated in floatation tanks. cessed seeds.23
Unless air dryers are available, low rainfall (or efficient After the beans are treated by either method, they are
protection from rain) during the harvesting period is stored or mechanically, manually, and/or electronically
very important to ensure a good-quality coffee.19,23 After sized and sorted to separate and count defective beans.
drying, fruits are cleaned and the dried pericarp, which This process may be followed by an additional sorting
consists of the endocarp, mesocarp, and epicarp (Figure with ultraviolet excitation to separate defects that may
1.2), is mechanically removed, leaving the mucilaginous be produced during both dry and wet processing and
material involving the seeds (silverskin) adhering to the that are very difficult to separate from healthy beans,
surface.19,20,23 Some authors suggest that the endocarp except for the fact that they show special fluorescence.
should not be peeled during this process. The dried peri- Figure 1.3 summarizes the steps in dry, semi-dry (or
carp is also popularly called the husk or dried cherry semi-wet/semi-washed) and wet methods used for the
pulp, and the name given to the process of mechanically primary processing of coffee.
removing the husk from dried coffee cherries is called Based on the results of the numbers and types of
(de)husking or (de)hulling. The product obtained after defects, sizes, etc., coffee lots are graded using various
the dry primary process is “natural” green coffee.19,23 international systems.19,23,25–27 After marketing, green
The dry method is commonly used in Brazil and Africa, coffee beans are ready to undergo roasting. They may
where sun and space are abundant and where stripping also be decaffeinated, steam-treated, or stored before
of the branches is also more common. roasting.
FIGURE 1.3 Coffee after harvesting: flow of the dry, wet, and semi-dry/semi-washed processes.
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