IQAC Committee NAAC
IQAC Committee NAAC
IQAC Committee NAAC
NSHM Knowledge Campus, Durgapur-Group of lnstitutions (College Code: 273)
lnternal Qualitv Assurancq Cel! {IQAG!
This is to notify to all concerned that the lnternal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for NSHM Knowledge
by following
Campus, Durgapur-Group of lnstitutions (College Code: 2lg) tor NAAC has been constituted
Dr. Pralay Ganguly, Asst. Prof., Dept. of BHMCT I QAC Director/ Co-ordinator
Mr. Sourav Banerjee, Executive Chef, The Oberoi Grand Nominee- EmPloYer
Mr. Subir Roy, NGO, Rotary Club, Durgapur Nominee- Local SocietY
Mr. Aishik Sarkar, CMO, Buycycle Pvt. Ltd., Durgapur Nominee- Alumni
CC to::
1. NKCDGOI Committee File