Question Bank CIT
Question Bank CIT
Question Bank CIT
Module - I
Computer Fundamentals: Generations of Computers, Definition, Block Diagram along with its
components, characteristics & classification of computers, Limitations of Computers, Human-Being
VS Computer, Applications of computers in various fields. Memory: Concept of primary & secondary
memory, RAM, ROM, types of ROM, Cache Memory, flash memory, Secondary storage devices:
Sequential & direct access devices viz. magnetic tape, magnetic disk, optical disks i.e. CD, DVD, virtual
1. What is a digital computer? Draw its block diagram and discuss its components.
2. List various computer generations along with key characteristics of computers of each generation.
3. List and explain some important characteristics of an electronic computer.
4. List key hardware and software technologies used in building computers of each of the five
5. Discuss the different applications of computers. Do you think computers can replace humans?
Justify your answer.
6. Discuss the different categories of computer based on their size and capacity.
7. What do you understand by memory hierarchy?
8. What is memory? Briefly discuss the concept of virtual memory.
9. What is the importance of secondary storage memory devices? Briefly discuss the working of any
two secondary storage devices.
10. Explain the difference between volatile and non-volatile memory. Write an example of each type
of memory.
11. Differentiate between static and dynamic RAMs. Which one does main memory of most
computers commonly use?
12. Differentiate among RAM, ROM, PROM, and EPROM.
13. What is flash memory? Why it is so called?
14. What is cache memory? How it is different from a primary memory?
15. Differentiate between
a. RAM and ROM
b. Primary memory and Secondary memory
c. Digital and analog computers
d. General purpose and special purpose computer
e. Micro and mini computer
Module – II
Computer hardware & software: I/O devices, definition of software, relationship between hardware
and software, types of software. Overview of operating system: Definition, functions of operating
system, concept of multiprogramming, multitasking, multithreading, multiprocessing, time-sharing,
real time, single-user & multi-user operating system. Computer Virus: Definition, types of viruses,
Characteristics of viruses, anti-virus software.
Module – III
Computer Languages: Analogy with natural language, machine language, assembly language, high-
level languages, fourth generation languages, Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler, Linker, Loader,
characteristics of a good programming language, Planning the Computer Program: Concept of
problem solving, Problem definition, Program design, Debugging, Types of errors in programming,
Documentation. Structured programming concepts, Programming methodologies viz. top-down and
bottom up programming, Advantages and disadvantages of Structured programming.
1. Machine language programs written for one computer will generally not run on another
computer. Explain why?
2. What is a translator? Briefly discuss different types of translators.
3. Differentiate between the following:
a. Compiler and interpreter
b. Low level language and high level language
c. Machine language and assembly language
4. Write short notes on the following:
a. Editor
b. Linker
c. Loader
5. Why is debugging important in programming?
6. What do you understand by program documentation? Elaborate on its advantages.
7. Explain the concept of problem solving with a diagram.
8. How is top-down approach different from bottom-up approach?
9. List the advantages and disadvantages of structured programming.
10. Discuss any 5 types of errors in programming. Support your answer with relevant examples.
Module – IV
Overview of Networking: An introduction to computer networking, Network types (LAN, WAN, MAN),
Network topologies, Modes of data transmission, Forms of data transmission, Transmission
channels(media), Introduction to internet and its uses, Applications of internet, Hardware and
Software requirements for internet, Intranet, Applications of intranet.
Module – V
Functions and features of Windows and hands on practical’s, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint,