Leucemia Acuta Mieloida
Leucemia Acuta Mieloida
Leucemia Acuta Mieloida
Precursor Neoplasms
1. What blast count should define AML? 20% Should the FAB terms (L1, 2, 3) be retained? There
• Eliminate RAEB-T was a consensus that these terms are no longer
2. Should cytogenetic/molecular categories be relevant, because L1 and L2 morphology do not
recognized as distinct diseases? Yes predict immunophenotype, genetic abnormalities,
• t(8;21)(q22;q22), AML1(CBF␣)/ETO or clinical behavior. L3 is generally equivalent to
• Acute promyelocytic leukemia t(15;17)(q22; Burkitt lymphoma in leukemic phase and should be
q11–12), PML/RAR␣ and variants diagnosed as such.
• Acute myeloid leukemia with abnormal bone Are lymphoblastic leukemias and lymphoblastic
marrow eosinophils (inv [16][p13q22] and lymphomas a single disease with different presenta-
variants, CBF/MYH11) tions? There was a consensus that the precursor
• 11q23, MLL abnormalities neoplasms presenting as solid tumors and those
3. Should severe multilineage dysplasia, prior presenting with marrow and blood involvement are
therapy, and/or prior MDS be included in biologically the same disease but with different
classification of AML? Yes clinical presentations The presence of bone mar-
4. Should MDS with multilineage dysplasia be a row and peripheral blood involvement are princi-
separate category? Yes pally prognostic factors/staging issues, not classifi-
cation issues, although the biologic basis for the
different clinical presentations is not fully under-
LYMPHOID NEOPLASMS stood. Most precursor lymphoid neoplasms present
The proposed WHO classification of lymphoid as leukemia, and thus it was agreed that the classi-
neoplasms adopts the Revised European-American fication should retain the term acute lymphoblastic
Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms (REAL), pro- leukemia, for the leukemic phase of precursor neo-
posed by the International Lymphoma Study plasms of T and B types (Table 6).
Group. This classification is based on the premise Should genetic abnormalities be included in the
that a classification should attempt to define dis- classification? Genetic abnormalities are important
tinct disease entities, using all available informa- prognostic factors within precursor B lymphoblas-
tion, including morphology, immunophenotype, tic neoplasms (t[9;22][q34;q11], BCR/ABL; 11q23,
genetic features, and clinical features. There is no MLL; t[1;19][q23;p13], E2A/PBX1; t[12;21][p12;q22];
one gold standard, and the importance of various ETV/CBF␣]), and pathologists who undertake to di-
criteria for both definition and diagnosis differs
among different diseases. On the basis of experi-
ence with using this classification for several years TABLE 6. Acute Lymphoid Leukemias
and on input from the committees, several changes Precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cytogenetic subgroups)
were proposed for the WHO version. These include t(9;22)(a34;q11); BCR/ABL
t(v;11q23); MLL rearranged
some changes in nomenclature, splitting some cat- t(1;19)(q23;p13) E2A/PBX1
egories that were believed to be heterogeneous, and t(12;21)(p12;q22) ETV/CBF␣
adopting some “provisional” entities as “real.” The Precursor T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Burkitt cell leukemia
proposed classification recognizes B-cell neo-
198 Modern Pathology
agnose these neoplasms should be familiar with the follicle center derivation, such as BCL2 rearrange-
types and significance of genetic abnormalities that ment or CD10 expression.
can be seen. The genetic analysis should be part of Should follicular lymphoma be graded by the
(or an addendum to) the pathology report when- number of large cells? The following points were
ever feasible. made. First, follicular lymphoma of Grade 1 (follic-
Summary ular small cleaved) and Grade 2 (follicular mixed)
are more closely related to each other than to Grade
1. Should the FAB terms (L1, 2, 3) be retained? 3 (follicular large cell [FLC]), because in sequential
No biopsies, transitions are seen from Grade 1 (follic-
2. Are acute lymphoblastic leukemias and lym- ular small cleaved) to Grade 2 (follicular mixed) and
phoblastic lymphomas a single disease with vice versa but rarely from Grade 1 to Grade 3 (FLC).
different clinical presentations ? Yes Second, patients with Grade 3 (FLC) tend to have
• Retain the term leukemia for all precursor T earlier relapses (worse freedom from relapse) than
and B types Grades 1 and 2 but similar overall survival, and this
3. Should cytogenetics be included in classifica- inferior freedom from relapse may be obliterated by
tion? Yes adriamycin-containing therapy. Third, Grade 3 fol-
• As prognostic factors within each subtype licular lymphoma is not the same disease as diffuse
• t(9;22)(q34;q11), BCR/ABL; 11q23, MLL; t(1; large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), because it has a
19)(q23;p13), E2A/PBX1; t(12;21)(p12;q22), higher relapse rate although slightly better overall
ETV/CBF␣ survival. Finally, pathologists discriminate poorly
between follicular lymphoma of Grades 1 and 2 but
Mature B and T/NK Neoplasms may be better able to discriminate between these
As for the precursor neoplasms, the proposed and Grade 3 cases. Several studies suggest that the
classification considers lymphomas and lymphoid “Berard” criteria (3) for the diagnosis of Grade 3
leukemias of the same cell type as one disease with follicular lymphoma (more than 15 centroblasts/
different clinical presentations or stages. For the high power field [HPF]) may best define the group
mature B and T/NK neoplasms, this question is of cases with a potential for early relapses that may
primarily relevant to B-cell chronic lymphocytic be prevented by adriamycin-containing chemo-
leukemia and B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma. therapy. There was no consensus on whether this is
Although patients in some locations may be seen by warranted as initial therapy for these patients. It
different physicians based on their presentation was also noted that other factors than histologic
(e.g., those presenting with peripheral blood in- grade affect outcome in patients with follicular lym-
volvement leukemias being seen by hematologists phoma, including clinical features summarized in
and those presenting with tissue involvement lym- the International Prognostic Index and potential
phomas by oncologists), there was a consensus that biologic markers such as BCL2 expression and p53
they are biologically the same disease (Table 7). mutations.
In summary, there was a consensus that follicular
Follicular Lymphoma lymphoma should be graded, at least into two
Should the nomenclature be changed to follicular grades, with what is currently recognized as Grade
lymphoma? The WHO committee proposed to 3 (FLC) being discriminated from lower grade cases.
change the nomenclature from “follicle center lym- Although there are minor differences in natural his-
phoma” to “follicular lymphoma.” The CAC over- tory and response to treatment between Grades 1
whelmingly approved this proposal. For the rare and 2 follicular lymphoma, there was a consensus
case of purely diffuse lymphoma that seems to be of that these did not mandate different approaches to
follicle center origin (predominance of centrocytes, treatment and thus were not of great clinical im-
rare centroblasts, BCL2 rearranged), the term folli- portance. Nonetheless, there was concern that
cle center lymphoma, diffuse will be retained as a changing the nomenclature would be potentially
separate category. This diagnosis should be made confusing and that a three-grade system should be
only when both small and large cells are B cells and retained. The pathologists were encouraged to de-
preferably with demonstration of some indicator of fine clinically relevant and reproducible criteria for
such grading. After discussion, the pathologists
concluded that because only the Berard cell-
TABLE 7. B-Cell Neoplasms, Predominantly
Disseminated/Leukemic Types: Variants counting method (Table 8) has been repeatedly
B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma
tested in the literature, it should be recommended
Variant: with monoclonal gammopathy/plasmacytoid differentiation for use (Grade 1: 0 –5 centroblasts/HPF; Grade 2:
Hairy cell leukemia 6 –15 centroblasts/HPF; Grade 3: more than 15 cen-
Variant: hairy cell leukemia variant
troblasts/HPF. Ten to 20 HPFs, within different fol-
WHO Classification of Hematological Malignancies (N.L. Harris et al.) 199
TABLE 8. Follicular and Mantle Cell Lymphomas: (⬎75% follicular), follicular and diffuse (25
Grading and Variants
to 75% follicular), predominantly diffuse
Follicular lymphoma
(⬍25% follicular).
Grade 1: 0–5 centroblasts/HPF • Areas of DLBCL should be classified sepa-
Grade 2: 6–15 centroblasts/HPF rately. Example of suggested terminology:
Grade 3: ⬎15 centroblasts/HPF
3a: ⬎15 centroblasts, but centrocytes are still present
follicular lymphoma, Grade 3/3 (75%), with
3b: Centroblasts form solid sheets with no residual centrocytes DLBCL (25%).
Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma Marginal Zone Lymphomas
Diffuse follicle center lymphoma
Grade 1: 0–5 centroblasts/HPF Should the term extranodal marginal zone B-cell
Grade 2: 6–15 centroblasts/HPF lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Mantle cell lymphoma
Variant: blastoid
(MALT) or MALT-type lymphoma be applied only to
a lymphoma composed mostly of small cells? What
HPF, high power field.
should be the terminology for large-cell lymphoma
in a MALT site? The term high-grade MALT lym-
phoma, which is used by some pathologists to de-
licles are counted; these are representative follicles, note either transformation of a low-grade MALT
not selected for those with the most numerous large lymphoma or any large B-cell lymphoma in a MALT
cells) (4). site, is confusing to clinicians, who have come to
Should diffuse areas be reported? Several oncolo- regard the term MALT lymphoma as synonymous
gists believed that diffuse areas in all grades of with a lesion that may respond to antibiotic therapy
follicular lymphoma do seem to have an impact on for eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Because ex-
prognosis. There was a consensus that diffuse areas perience indicates that patients with a component
should be reported and quantified according to the of large-cell lymphoma may not respond to antibi-
recommendations of the REAL classification: pre- otic therapy, the oncologists were concerned that
dominantly follicular (⬎75% follicular), follicular use of this term may result in undertreatment in
and diffuse (25 to 75% follicular), and predomi- cases of extranodal large-cell lymphoma. Further-
nantly diffuse (⬍25% follicular). However, it is not more, recent data show that the types of cytoge-
clear what the implications of these features for netic abnormalities seen in low-grade MALT lym-
treatment would be. In Grade 3 follicular lym- phomas differ from those seen in primary large-cell
phoma, diffuse areas represent areas of DLBCL and lymphoma of the stomach, raising the question of
should be reported as such (e.g., “follicular lym- whether these primary lymphomas are really re-
phoma, Grade 3/3 [75%] with diffuse large B-cell lated to low-grade MALT lymphomas. Therefore,
lymphoma [25%],” not “follicular lymphoma, Grade the oncologists preferred that the term MALT lym-
3, follicular and diffuse.”) The presence of DLBCL in phoma be used only for the low-grade lymphoma
any follicular lymphoma will dictate more aggres- originally described as “low-grade B-cell lymphoma
sive therapy. of MALT.” Areas of large-cell lymphoma, if present,
should be separately diagnosed as “DLBCL.” Pri-
mary large-cell lymphomas of MALT sites should be
1. Change nomenclature from “follicle center diagnosed as “DLBCL,” not as “high-grade MALT
lymphoma” to “follicular lymphoma”? Yes lymphoma.”
2. Should it be graded by the number of large Should marginal zone/MALT lymphoma be
cells? Yes graded by the proportion of large cells? The issue of
3. Are two grades adequate for clinical practice? grading MALT lymphoma has not been extensively
Yes studied. Several early reports suggested that cases
• But three grades will be used to avoid con- with up to 25% large cells did not have a worse
fusion. prognosis than cases with fewer large cells. How-
4. What should be method of grading? No con- ever, a recent report of patients treated primarily
sensus with antibiotics found that the presence of in-
• Pathologists recommend cell-counting creased transformed cells (5 to 10% with clusters of
method. fewer than 20 cells) conferred a slight but signifi-
• Grade 1 (1–5 centroblasts/HPF); Grade 2 cantly worse prognosis compared with cases with
(6 –15 centroblasts/HPF); Grade 3 (⬎15 cen- fewer than 5% large cells. Cases with high-grade
troblasts/HPF) areas consisting of sheets of blasts (⬎20 cells) be-
5. Should diffuse areas be reported? Yes haved similarly to large-cell lymphoma with no
6. How should they be quantified? No consensus low-grade component. In addition, it was reported
• Pathologists recommended criteria sug- at the meeting that the International Non-
gested in REAL classification: follicular Hodgkin’s Lymphoma classification project indi-
200 Modern Pathology
cated that the presence of more than 5% large cells B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small
in an extranodal marginal zone lymphoma con- Lymphocytic Lymphoma
ferred a worse prognosis, as did areas of DLBCL. Are B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
The consensus of the committee was that the data and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) one disease
available raise the concern that increased large cells at different stages? As for the precursor neoplasms
may be of prognostic importance in MALT lym- and Burkitt lymphoma, the committee agreed with
phoma and warrant further study. The WHO clas- the pathologists that B-CLL and SLL are one disease
sification should specify criteria for grading so that at different stages, not two separate entities,
its significance can be tested in future clinical stud- and should be listed together in the classification
ies. In cases of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (Table 7).
(low-grade MALT lymphoma) with coexisting Are cases of B-CLL with plasmacytoid differentia-
DLBCL, a separate diagnosis of DLBCL should be tion (lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma in the
made. The principle is therefore similar to that for Kiel Classification) a different disease from typical
follicular lymphoma: the tumors are graded accord- CLL? Data from several groups using the Kiel Clas-
ing to the number of large cells, but when confluent sification suggest that plasmacytoid differentiation
areas of large cells are present, this indicates trans- may be an adverse prognostic factor in B-CLL; the
formation to DLBCL. committee believed that the available data do not
Are marginal zone lymphomas of nodal and support calling it a different disease and that fur-
splenic type “real”? There was a consensus that re- ther study is needed to determine whether plasma-
cent data support the recognition that two other cytoid differentiation is an adverse prognostic fac-
types of lymphoma called “marginal zone lympho- tor in CLL. Therefore, recognition of this feature is
mas” are distinct both from MALT lymphoma and not required for diagnosis for clinical purposes, but
from each other. Splenic marginal zone lymphoma criteria for diagnosing plasmacytoid differentiation
seems to be the tissue counterpart of splenic lym- should be agreed on if possible for future studies.
phoma with villous lymphocytes. Patients typically
are older adults with bone marrow and blood in-
volvement and a very indolent clinical course. 1. Are B-CLL and SLL one disease at different
Nodal marginal zone lymphoma (which often has a stages? Yes
prominent monocytoid B-cell component) must be 2. Is plasmacytoid differentiation an indication
distinguished both from MALT lymphoma with of a different disease? No
lymph node involvement and from other lympho- 3. Is plasmacytoid differentiation a prognostic
mas (particularly follicular and mantle cell lym- factor? Research question
phoma) with a marginal zone pattern or a compo-
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
nent of monocytoid B cells. Nodal marginal zone
lymphoma seems to have a high rate of early re- Should mantle cell lymphoma be subclassified/
lapse and overall survival similar to or slightly graded for clinical purposes? A number of studies
worse than that of follicular lymphoma. have found morphologic heterogeneity in mantle
cell lymphoma (MCL) in both pattern and cytology
Summary and have suggested that some features may predict
outcome. For example, cases with a mantle zone
1. Should the term extranodal marginal zone pattern have been less aggressive in some studies
B-cell lymphoma of MALT, or MALT-type lym- but not in others, and cases with blastic or blastoid
phoma, be applied only to a lymphoma com- morphology have had a worse prognosis in some
posed mostly of small cells and not to large- reports. It was the consensus of the committee that
cell lymphoma in a MALT site? Yes because no effective therapy exists for any type of
2. Should the term high-grade MALT lymphoma MCL, stratification by morphologic features is not
be used? No required for clinical diagnostic purposes at this
• Suggested terminology: DLBCL (⫾areas of time. However, the different cytologic types and
marginal zone/MALT-type lymphoma) patterns will be included in the text of the classifi-
3. Should extranodal marginal zone B-cell lym- cation (2) so that variant cases will be recognized as
phoma of MALT type be further graded/strat- MCL for diagnosis and graded similarly for research
ified based on number of large cells? Research studies (Table 8).
• Criteria should be given so that additional
studies can be done. 1. Should MCL be subclassified/graded by cytol-
4. Are nodal and splenic marginal zone lympho- ogy for clinical purposes? No
mas distinct diseases that should be recog- 2. Should MCL be subclassified/graded by pat-
nized and defined in the classification? Yes tern for clinical purposes? No
WHO Classification of Hematological Malignancies (N.L. Harris et al.) 201
• Different cytologic types and patterns nonreproducible category, with only approximately
should be included so that they will be rec- 50% agreement among the pathologists; the major
ognized as MCL for diagnosis and graded areas of overlap were DLBCL and Burkitt lym-
similarly for research. phoma. The oncologists urged that the category of
Burkitt-like lymphoma be reserved for tumors that
Large B-cell Lymphoma and Burkitt-Like should be treated “like Burkitt lymphoma”—that is,
Lymphoma very high-grade tumors. The committee concluded
Should morphologic subclassification of DLBCL that Burkitt-like lymphoma should be listed as a
be required? There was a consensus of the CAC that morphologic variant of Burkitt lymphoma in the
neither biologic nor clinical data at present support WHO classification. The term atypical Burkitt lym-
a requirement for subclassification of DLBCL ac- phoma was proposed for this variant; however, the
cording to the criteria of the Working Formulation Steering Committee subsequently decided that the
or the Kiel Classification. Data from the Kiel group term Burkitt-like was preferable, because the rela-
suggest that immunoblastic lymphoma as defined tionship to Burkitt lymphoma is not known in all
in the updated Kiel Classification (⬎90% immuno- cases. Thus, the category of Burkitt lymphoma will
blasts) has a worse prognosis than centroblastic include classic Burkitt lymphoma and a variant,
lymphoma. Other data suggest that staining for Burkitt-like lymphoma. In addition, three subcate-
bcl-6 (centroblastic) and syndecan-1/CD138 (im- gories— endemic, nonendemic, and immunodefi-
munoblastic) or evidence of BCL6 rearrangement ciency associated—were proposed to reflect the
(centroblastic) may help to discriminate between major clinical and genetic subtypes of this disease.
them. Nonetheless, neither reliable pathologic or At present, there are no readily available immu-
biologic criteria for subclassification nor distinctive nophenotypic criteria that can be used in this dif-
therapies that can be recommended for clinical ferential diagnosis. However, participants observed
practice are available at this time. For these rea- that probably both the morphology and the biology
sons, the committee believed that these categories of Burkitt lymphoma are defined by the presence of
should remain optional at this time. However, there cMYC rearrangement and overexpression, which
was agreement that the pathologists should de- results in all cells being perpetually in cycle. The
velop criteria for subclassification so that these cat- gold standard for the diagnosis of Burkitt lym-
egories can be tested in future clinical studies (Ta- phoma should be the presence of the t(8;14)(q24;
ble 9). q32) and its variants or cMYC rearrangement. Cy-
Should “Burkitt-like” or “non-Burkitt” lymphoma togenetic analysis is recommended in all leukemic
be a subtype of DLBCL, a subtype of Burkitt lym- cases. If cytogenetic or Southern blot analysis is not
phoma, or a distinct category? What should be de- available in solid tumors, it seems likely that the
fining criteria? The pathologists proposed to define most reasonable surrogate for cMYC rearrange-
Burkitt-like lymphoma as a subtype of large B-cell ment is proliferation fraction. Therefore, it was sug-
lymphoma. However, there was a clear consensus gested that cases in which cytogenetic analysis is
among the oncologists that this would be a mistake. not available should not be diagnosed as Burkitt
There are abundant data indicating that in children, lymphoma or Burkitt-like lymphoma without a
cases classified as Burkitt-like (or non-Burkitt) be- Ki-67 fraction close to 100%. Thus, the definition of
have identically to Burkitt lymphoma and would be Burkitt-like lymphoma is a lymphoma that mor-
undertreated if treated as large B-cell lymphoma. In phologically resembles Burkitt lymphoma but has
adults, the biology of cases classified as Burkitt-like more pleomorphism or large cells than classical
is less clear, but this may reflect the heterogeneity Burkitt lymphoma and has a proliferation fraction
of the diagnostic criteria. In the International Non- of more than 99%.
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma study, Burkitt-like was a Do we need separate categories for clinical sub-
types of DLBCL? There are multiple distinct clinical
presentations of DLBCL, several of which have
TABLE 9. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Morphologic unique clinical behavior. These include mediasti-
Variants and Subtypes nal/thymic large B-cell lymphoma, primary central
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, morphologic variants nervous system (CNS) lymphoma, and primary ef-
Centroblastic fusion lymphoma. Of particular concern to pathol-
T-cell/histiocyte rich
ogists is the category of cutaneous B-cell lym-
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis type phoma, most of which have a very indolent clinical
Anaplastic large B-cell course. One category—marginal zone/MALT lym-
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, subtypes
phoma—is easily recognized by pathologists as a
Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma low-grade lymphoma. However, the other major
Primary effusion lymphoma category, called cutaneous follicle center lymphoma
Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma
in the recently proposed European Organization for
202 Modern Pathology
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) classi- in patients with HIV-positive status. The recently
fication, has a range of morphology, from a clearly described primary effusion lymphoma, which was
low-grade lesion resembling nodal follicular lym- initially thought to be unique to patients with HIV-
phoma to a diffuse proliferation with numerous positive status, has been reported in patients with
large cells that may be called DLBCL by patholo- HIV-negative status as well. T-cell lymphomas in
gists. This type of lymphoma, which typically is patients with HIV-positive status also do not seem
localized to the head and trunk, responds well to to be distinctive. A recently described plasmablastic
local therapy (excision or radiation), and typically lymphoma is distinctive, and its relationship to my-
does not disseminate to lymph nodes, composed eloma remains to be determined.
70% of cutaneous B-cell lymphomas in the EORTC The polymorphic posttransplant lymphoprolif-
study. There is concern that if its distinctive histo- erative disorders (PTLD) seem to be a unique form
logic and clinical features are not recognized by
of lymphoproliferation that does not occur in im-
both pathologists and oncologists, these patients
munologically normal individuals. It was suggested
will be overtreated with aggressive chemotherapy.
that EBNA-2 expression in these lesions indicates
The consensus of the committee was that sepa-
that the proliferation is EBV driven and may re-
rate classifications of lymphomas at specific extran-
spond to reduced immunosuppression.
odal sites were not needed for clinical purposes.
However, the site of involvement should be clearly In summary, the committee suggested that a
stated in the pathology report, and oncologists are separate classification was not needed for
obliged to understand the distinctive clinical fea- immunodeficiency-associated lymphomas but that
tures of lymphomas at various sites. Distinct enti- the specific types of lymphomas that occur in im-
ties such as primary mediastinal (thymic) B-cell munodeficiency states and their distinctive features
lymphoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and intra- in these conditions should be indicated both in the
vascular lymphoma will be described in the text as text and in a table. In addition, the pathologists
subtypes of DLBCL (Table 9). The committee rec- believed that a separate classification of PTLD
ommended that the distinctive clinical features of would be useful, because of their distinctive bio-
B-cell lymphomas in the skin be indicated in the logic and clinical features (Table 3).
text describing each lymphoma subtype.
Do we need a separate classification for lympho-
1. Should morphologic subclassification of
DLBCL be required? No mas in immunodeficiency states? No
• Criteria for subclassification should be stan- • Note the frequency of specific types in immu-
dardized for future studies. nodeficiency states.
2. Should the category of “Burkitt-like” be a sub- • PTLD are distinctive and need a separate clas-
type of large B-cell lymphoma? No sification.
• Burkitt-like lymphoma will be considered a • EBV status may be important in determining
variant of Burkitt lymphoma. prognosis/treatment.
• Major criteria include 1) morphology inter-
mediate between Burkitt lymphoma and Are Clinical Syndromes Integral to the Definition
large-cell lymphoma, 2) t(8;14)(q24;q32) of T/NK-Cell Neoplasms?
and variants, cMYC rearrangement, or 3)
Many distinct T- and/or NK-cell diseases have a
proliferation fraction (Ki-67) more than
range of cytologic composition (small to large to
anaplastic). Immunophenotypic variation exists
3. Do we need separate categories for clinical
within disease entities, and many antigens are
subtypes of DLBCL? No
• Location should be indicated in report. shared by different diseases. Specific cytogenetic
features are not defined for most entities, and even
Lymphomas in Immunodeficiency States: Do We T-cell receptor types (␣ versus ␥␦) or T versus NK
Need a Separate Classification? lineage is not sufficient to define distinct disease
Most lymphomas that occur in immunodefi- entities. To a greater extent than is appreciated for
ciency states are also seen in nonimmunosup- B-cell neoplasms, it seems that clinical syndromes,
pressed patients but have some distinctive features and particularly location (nodal versus extranodal
in patients immunodeficiency. For example, in pa- and specific extranodal sites), are important in de-
tients with HIV-positive status, primary CNS lym- termining the biologic behavior of the disease. The
phoma is always Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive, committee agreed that clinical syndromes seem to
in contrast to sporadic CNS lymphoma. Hodgkin be integral to the definition of T- and NK-cell neo-
disease is more aggressive and always EBV positive plasms.
WHO Classification of Hematological Malignancies (N.L. Harris et al.) 203
Should Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma, Unspecified, TABLE 10. Burkitt Lymphoma: Morphologic Variants
and Subtypes
Be Subclassified (According to the Kiel
Burkitt lymphoma, morphologic variants
Classification) for Clinical Purposes? Burkitt-like
On the basis of the available data, there seems to With plasmacytoid differentiation (AIDS associated)
be no immediate justification or clear criteria for Burkitt lymphoma, subtypes (clinical and genetic)
recognizing cytologic subtypes within this broad Sporadic
category. However, given the marked differences in Immunodeficiency associated
clinical behavior between primary extranodal
T/NK-cell lymphomas and primary nodal lympho-
mas, it is likely to be clinically relevant to subdivide
cutaneous lymphoproliferative disease on the pa-
the “unspecified” category into nodal and extra-
thology reports, with the understanding that clini-
nodal types. Both pathologists and oncologists will
cal criteria must be added to determine whether the
need to continue to address this area in further
patient has a locally progressive disease that re-
studies (Tables 13–15).
quires treatment (ALCL) or a relapsing condition
that needs no treatment (lymphomatoid papulosis).
What is the gold standard for defining ALCL?
1. Are clinical syndromes integral to the defini- Given the recent availability of an antibody to the
tion of peripheral T/NK-cell neoplasms? Yes ALK protein, which is highly associated with the
2. Is cytologic subclassification of peripheral t(2;5)(p23;q35), the question raised was whether
T-cell lymphoma required for clinical pur- this can be used as the defining criterion for ALCL.
poses? No Clinically, cases with the t(2;5) and/or ALK positiv-
ity seem to represent a homogeneous group with a
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma relatively good prognosis. However, others ob-
Should cutaneous and systemic anaplastic large served that experience with ALK antibodies is lim-
cell lymphoma (ALCL) be considered one disease or ited and they are only now becoming commercially
two? What should be the terminology for the cuta- available. In addition, there are cases with typical
neous type? There is evidence that most cases of morphology and immunophenotype that are ALK
ALCL of T-cell type presenting with disease local- or t(2;5) negative. The committee concluded that a
ized to the skin are a different disease from sys- single gold standard for the diagnosis of ALCL does
temic ALCL: the clinical course is indolent, they not exist; the diagnosis requires both morphology
lack the t(2;5)(p23;q35) and are ALK protein nega- and immunophenotype, and at least at present,
tive, and seem to form a spectrum with lymphoma- restricting the diagnosis to ALK-positive cases does
toid papulosis. Although some members of the not seem to be justified. It was suggested that ALK
committee believed that the clinical course was not staining be done in all cases to the extent possible
predictably indolent, there was general agreement and that cases be designated as ALCL, ALK positive,
that at least for the purposes of further study, cu- or ALK negative, at least for research purposes. In
taneous and systemic ALCL should be considered addition, pathologists need to be aware of the
distinct categories. There was significant concern, broad morphologic spectrum of ALCL.
however, about the proposed term primary CD30⫹
cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder—a term Summary
that includes lymphomatoid papulosis, cutaneous 1. Is cutaneous ALCL different from systemic
ALCL, and CD30⫹ cutaneous T-cell lymphomas ALCL? Probably
that do not have typical “anaplastic” morphology. • Distinction between them is not always
Oncologists believed that including lymphomatoid straightforward, and cutaneous type is not
papulosis in a classification of lymphomas would always indolent.
imply to patients and insurers that this is a malig-
nancy, whereas it typically has a benign clinical
course. TABLE 11. Plasma Cell Disorders: Subtypes and
In conclusion, the committee agreed that the en-
tity, primary cutaneous ALCL, should be included Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
Plasma cell myeloma variants
in the list of neoplasms and that a discussion of Indolent myeloma
CD30⫹ cutaneous lymphoproliferative diseases Smoldering myeloma
should be included in the text with a discussion of Osteosclerotic myeloma (POEMS syndrome)
Plasma cell leukemia
lymphomatoid papulosis and borderline lesions. Nonsecretory myeloma
Because of the difficulty in predicting by morphol- Plasmacytoma variants
ogy alone which disease the patient has, patholo- Solitary plasmacytoma of bone
Extramedullary plasmacytoma
gists will often be forced to use the term CD30⫹
204 Modern Pathology
TABLE 12. Immunosecretory Disorders (Clinical Manifestations of Diverse Lymphoid Neoplasms)
2. Should lymphomatoid papulosis appear in the Is anaplastic large cell lymphoma, Hodgkin like,
list of lymphoid neoplasms? No real? The pathologists proposed to drop this provi-
• It should be discussed in the text along with sional category from the REAL classification, believ-
borderline cases. ing that there is probably no true biologic border-
3. Is there a gold standard for the diagnosis of line between Hodgkin disease (in most cases a
ALCL? Not yet B-cell process) and ALCL (in most cases a T-cell
• The morphologic spectrum of ALCL needs process). Some cases of ALCL may have a nodular
to be better understood by pathologists. growth pattern and areas of fibrosis and thus re-
• Cases should be listed as ALK positive or semble Hodgkin disease of nodular sclerosis type.
ALK negative for research. Some cases of nodular sclerosis Hodgkin disease
may have increased numbers of malignant cells and
Hodgkin Disease therefore resemble ALCL. However, this resem-
Should grading of nodular sclerosis be required for blance does not indicate a biologic relationship.
clinical use? Data on the clinical impact of grading Pathologists should strive to resolve morphologi-
nodular sclerosis Hodgkin disease according to the cally difficult cases by immunophenotyping and, if
British National Lymphoma Investigation criteria necessary, molecular genetic studies. In a case that
(Grade 1 ⫽ few RS cells; Grade 2 ⫽ many RS cells) is morphologically on the borderline between
have shown conflicting results, with some studies Hodgkin disease and ALCL, expression of CD15
showing that Grade 2 cases are associated with a with or without B-cell antigens favors Hodgkin dis-
worse outcome and others showing no difference in ease, whereas absence of CD15 and expression of
outcome. The committee recommended that grad- T-cell antigens or ALK protein favor ALCL. Detec-
ing not be required for clinical purposes in routine tion of T-cell receptor gene or NPM/ALK rearrange-
diagnosis but that the classification include clear ment would confirm T-cell lymphoma, and absence
criteria so that this question can be tested in future of rearrangements would favor Hodgkin disease.
studies. Cases that cannot be resolved by a combination of
Nomenclature: Hodgkin disease or Hodgkin lym- morphology, immunophenotype, and genetic stud-
phoma? Because it is now clear that Hodgkin dis- ies should be considered unclassifiable. Clinical
ease is a clonal proliferation of (in most cases) B judgment should be used to determine whether to
cells and therefore qualifies as a lymphoma, the rebiopsy or to treat with a regimen that would be
pathologists proposed that the name be changed to suitable for both Hodgkin disease and ALCL.
Hodgkin lymphoma. Opinion of the committee was
divided on this score; some believed that patients
become confused as to whether they have a lym-
phoma or not when the term disease is used, and
1. Should grading of nodular sclerosis Hodgkin
others stood on tradition and resisted unnecessary
disease be required for clinical use? No
change. No consensus was reached.
• Criteria need to be clearly defined for future
Is lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin disease a
“real” subtype? Very few clinical data exist on this studies.
subtype, proposed as “provisional” in the REAL 2. Should lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin dis-
classification. The committee agreed that it was ease be a separate category? Yes
important to separate these cases from nodular • Clinical features need further study.
lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin disease for 3. Is ALCL-Hodgkin disease-like a real entity? No
clinical purposes and that it would be valuable to • Pathologists should use immunophenotyp-
separate them from other types of classical HD for ing and molecular genetic techniques to
clinical research purposes. classify morphologically borderline cases as
WHO Classification of Hematological Malignancies (N.L. Harris et al.) 205
either Hodgkin disease or ALCL; unresolved TABLE 14. Peripheral T-Cell Neoplasms, Primary
Extranodal Types: Variants and Subtypes
cases should be called unclassifiable.
Mycosis fungoides variants
4. Should we change the name from Hodgkin Pagetoid reticulosis
disease to lymphoma? No consensus Mycosis fundoides–associated follicular mucinosis
• Proposal: allow both (Hodgkin disease/ Granulomatous slack skin disease
Primary cutaneous CD-30 positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders
Hodgkin lymphoma) Lymphomatoid papulosis (type A and B)
Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Borderline lesions
Clinical Groupings of B- and T/NK-Cell
Are clinical groupings of B- and T/NK-cell lym- TABLE 15. Peripheral T-Cell Neoplasms, Predominantly
phomas useful for clinical practice? The committee Nodal Types: Variants
concluded that grouping the B- and T/NK-cell neo- Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (not otherwise categorized), variants
plasms into prognostic categories would serve no Lymphoepithelioid (Lennert’s)
clear purpose and could hamper understanding of Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T/null cell type, variants
the specific features of some of the diseases. There Lymphohistiocytic
are no groups of diseases that require identical Small cell