Day 1 - Solids Liquids
Day 1 - Solids Liquids
Day 1 - Solids Liquids
IV. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, new content)
A. Prerequisite Skills
● Work cooperatively in a small group.
● Understand and play the game I Have Who Has
B. Key Vocabulary
● Solid- a substance that takes up space and has its own shape
● Compare- to look at things to see how they are the same or different
C. New Content
V. Implementation
A. Introduction –
● Have students come to join you on the carpet in front of the whiteboard
● “Friends, this week we are going to be talking about states of matter.”
● “Matter is what is all around us and all matter comes in different forms.”
● “The two types of matter we are going to be talking about this week are
solids and liquids.”
● Display slide #2.
● “Friends look at these pictures, which one do you think is solid?”
○ A student responds, “chair.”
● Ask the same question for the liquid.
● “To learn more about different solids and liquids we are going to play the
game I Have Who Has.”
● “Friends, we have played this in math before with place value. Remember
we need to be quiet and pay attention so we know if someone says our
card. If you read your card remember to sit so we know you had your turn
● Remind students to look at the picture to help say the sentence.
● Model reading one card before playing.
● Have the students stand up and form a circle on the carpet.
● Hand out a card to each student.
● Tell the student with the card that reads, “I have the first card to read their
card first.” (the card has yellow stars on it too.)
● Tell students to notice if they think they have a solid or a liquid card.
● “Friends, you did an awesome job with this activity.”
● Send the students back to their seats.
● “Who would like to tell me if their card was a solid or a liquid?”
● Call on a few students to share.
● Display slide #3.
● Write their responses under each column (solids or liquids)
B. Development –
● Display slide #4.
● “Today we are going to start learning about solids.”
● “Each of you will be in a lab group and get a bag with these solids.”
○ Colored math square block, 2 math stacking cubes, white candy
chip, smarties candy, small white shell, wheat thin, blue circle
chip, white bead, googly eye, white ping pong ball, and a dice
● “Friends look at these objects, what do you notice about their shape?”
○ A student responds, “I see circles or I see squares.”
● If the students have trouble noticing the shape then prompt and support
● “Friends, what colors do you see?”
● Students should notice mostly white and black.
● “Okay friends, today you are going to each get a bag of these solids and
you can sort them by either color or shape.”
● Display slide #5.
● “I decided to sort my solids by shape. I put all of the circles in one pile and
all of the squares in another pile.”
● “When you do this you may sort yours like me or maybe you will sort it
by color.”
● “I will be assigning you a lab group to sort your solids and a meeting place
in the room.”
● “When I tell you your group and your spot please go there.”
● “You will also need to grab a clipboard and a pencil with you.”
● “I will walk around and hand each of you a bag then.”
● Hand each group a bag and a science notebook.
● Tell the students to write their name on their notebook.
● Give the students a few minutes to sort.
● Circulate to each group and have the students turn to page 1 of their
science booklet and ask them if they are sorted by color or shape. They
should circle the correct answer on their paper. The bottom will be
completed at the end of the lesson.
● Have the students return their clipboards and go back to their seats with
their science notebooks.
● “Friends, you did a great job sorting your solids today.”
● “Please open to page 1 in your science notebook. Let’s look at our two key
vocabulary words.
● Have the students put their finger on the first term. Read the definition then
have them repeat the definition after you.
● Repeat the same steps for the second vocabulary word.
C. Closure –
● “Friends, who can tell me one of the solids that was in your bag today?”
○ Responses will vary (many different objects were used in the bags)
● “If you look at the bottom of the page you will see a few pictures of
different things. I would like for you to use your pencil and circle all of the
● When the students are done circling they can place their science notebook
in the front bin labeled Grading.
● Review each exit slip as a formative assessment.
D. Accommodations / Differentiation -
● For students with reading difficulties, pictures are included on each card to
help the student figure out the words.
● For students with behavior concerns, have them work in a specialized lab
● For advanced learners, have them label the pictures on their exit slip.
VI. Reflective Response
● Chatterton, C. (2018). Awesome Science Experiments for Kids: 100+ Fun Stem /
Steam Projects and Why They Work (Awesome Steam Activities for Kids) .
Rockridge Press.
● National Science Resources Center. (2014). Solids & Liquids Science and
Technology Concepts.