Influence of Torque Variation On Stress of Timing Belt: December 2016
Influence of Torque Variation On Stress of Timing Belt: December 2016
Influence of Torque Variation On Stress of Timing Belt: December 2016
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All content following this page was uploaded by Blaza Stojanovic on 10 December 2016.
Abstract: The influence of torque variation on the stress value of the teeth of timing belt
is shown in the paper. Tests were performed on timing belt drive with trapezoidal
profile of teeth. Analysis of the results shows that the stress changes depending on the
position of the belt teeth on a wraparound arc. Also, the size of torque affects the value
of the stress. The highest stress values occur in the first teeth in the mesh, while the
lowest stress values occur on value of 6th and 7th tooth. Stress analysis was
performed using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using Autodesk Inventor Professional
2016 and Ansys Workbench 2013.
Key words: timing belt drives, Finite Element Analysis, torque, stress
Driving systems have very significant role in the mechanical industry thanks to
very extensive researches and experiences; nowadays, it is possible to perform an
optimal selection of the driving machine, as well as, the way of its adaptation to the
working machine. The transfer of the mechanical energy, from the driving machine to
the working one, is performed by means of transmission shafts, coupling and
transmissions [1-3].
A timing belt drive is a relatively young drive designed by Richard Case in
1946, as a drive for a sewing machine [4,5]. It was a rubber belt with trapezoidal teeth
profile which had replaced the belts with metal clips.
Timing belts drives where the torque is transmitted by meshing of the belt teeth
and belt pulley, causes the disability of elastic sliding, as well as, the need for previous
straining. They have a number of good features: small sliding, constant speed, small
mass, high degree of efficiency, cheap maintenance, small load of bearings, etc...
Timing belt drives are used starting with computing machines, computers, and
instruments, along with machine tools, pumps, and compressors, to heavy industrial
facilities. The best known application of the timing belt drives is in the automotive
Blaža Stojanović, Sandra Veličković, Marko Ristić, Saša Jovanović, Aleksandar Skulić
industry and the industry of IC engine’s camshaft drive. The popularity of the timing
belts in the automotive industry has accelerated their use in the other industries [6-9].
Figure 1. Layout of belt teeth entering the meshing with the teeth of the belt pulley
Influence of torque variation on stress of timing belt
The tests of tribological characteristics of this timing belt have been done on a
specially designed test workbench at the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac [11].
Input data of the timing belt drive for numerical analysis, correspond to the
testing conditions on the worktable:
Torque M1=7.504 Nm,
Input number of revolutions: n1=1400 min-1.
Timing belt, for its complex structure, consist of several elements (teeth,
backing surface, tensile member and outside fabric) which are made of different
materials. Considering these facts, and because that there is no corresponding data in
the software package, the new material has been made and its characteristics are
given in the Table 2 [12-14].
A steel, with characteristics given in the Table 3, has been selected for the
material of the timing belt.
Blaža Stojanović, Sandra Veličković, Marko Ristić, Saša Jovanović, Aleksandar Skulić
a) b)
Figure 2. a) Model of the timing belt drive, b) Model of the timing belt drive with the
network of finite elements
Influence of torque variation on stress of timing belt
Infliction of the load is done by placing the torque on the place of the driving
pulley. By calculation, the torque on the drive pulley is M 1 7,504 Nm . The stress
condition of the timing belt at the given torque value has been presented in the Figure
The analysis of the value of Von Mises stresses in the teeth of timing belt along
the wraparound arc has been performed for different torque values 5 Nm, 7.5 Nm, 15
Nm and 30 Nm.
The Figure 4 presents the values of Von Mises stresses for all teeth in the
meshing and different torque values [14].
Figure 4. The plot of influence of torque variation on the stress values in the belt teeth
Blaža Stojanović, Sandra Veličković, Marko Ristić, Saša Jovanović, Aleksandar Skulić
From the Figure it can be seen that the highest stress is in the tensile branch of
the first two teeth, and then the stress decreases at the transition towards the tensile
branch. However, the minimum values of stresses are in the 6th and 7th tooth.
Afterwards, the stress value increases again and the maximum values occur in the 9th
and 10th tooth. This stress distribution is in accordance with kinematic analysis by
which it is confirmed. The minimum stress value occurs in the teeth which are located
in the middle of wraparound angle (arc), primarily due to discharging, but also due to
difference in the deformation of certain teeth. The clearances, occurring due to
deformation, as well as, the values of normal and friction forces, change their
directions and values after half way of wraparound arc, which has been confirmed by
static analysis.
The values of Von Mises stresses increases with the increase of torque, as
expected. However, it has been noticed that the size of finite elements has very small
influence on the stress value (approximately 1.5%) (Figure 5) [14].
Based on conducted timing belt stress analysis with trapezoidal tooth profile by
using finite elements it has been noticed that the maximum stress values occur on the
first teeth in the mesh. It has also been noticed that the stresses change depending on
the position of the belt teeth or the minimum stress values occur on the teeth which are
located in the middle of wraparound angle. During the belt displacement along the
wraparound angle of the belt pulley, it come to bending and straining of the belt. Unlike
flat belts, where the bending of timing belts is done along the unified curve, the
bending of timing belts is done along the polygonal profile. The bending of the belt
leads to internal losses, as well as, the belt fatigue, or tensile member. The bending
and straining of the belt along the wraparound angle lead to belt deformation. In
addition, the load of the belt teeth decreases from entering of belt teeth in the mesh
with the belt pulley to its exit from the mesh. The first tooth in the mesh, where the
maximum deformations occur, is the most loaded one. Considering the different teeth
Influence of torque variation on stress of timing belt
loads, it comes to formation of uneven deformations of belt teeth along the wraparound
angle. The difference of deformations leads to relative displacement of the first row of
the belt toward tangential direction. Besides that, the belt enters the mesh maximally
strained, and it leaves the mesh with belt pulley unballasted. Due to these
displacements of the belt, it comes to a relative movement of the belt in comparison to
the belt pulley along the wraparound angle. The torque value affects the stress value in
the way that the stress value increases with the increase of torque. The size of the
finite elements has a small influence on the stress value.
This paper presents the results obtained during research within the framework
of the project TR 35021, supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
z teeth number (driving pulley),
p belt pitch, mm
b belt width, mm
М torque, Nm
n input number of revolutions, min-1
Greek symbols
angle of the teeth belt profile, °
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Blaža Stojanović, Sandra Veličković, Marko Ristić, Saša Jovanović, Aleksandar Skulić