IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures: All Financial Statements
IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures: All Financial Statements
IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures: All Financial Statements
This Standard shall be applied in:
(a) identifying related party relationships and transactions;
(b) identifying outstanding balances, including commitments, between an
All financial
entity and its related parties;
(c) identifying the circumstances in which disclosure of the items in (a) and (b)
is required; and
(d) determining the disclosures to be made about those items
Related party transactions and outstanding balances with other entities in a group
are disclosed in an entity’s financial statements because intra-group related party
transactions and outstanding balances are eliminated in the preparation of
consolidated financial statements of the group.
The knowledge of related party disclosures is important because:
(a) related party relationships and transactions are a normal feature of commerce and
(b) a related party relationship could have an effect on the profit or loss and financial position
of an entity. For example:
(i) Related parties may enter into transactions that unrelated parties would not. For
example, an entity that sells goods to its parent at cost might not sell on those terms
to another customer.
(ii) The mere existence of the relationship may be sufficient to affect the transactions of
the entity with other parties. For example, a subsidiary may terminate relations with
competitor of recent parent company.
(iii) A subsidiary may be instructed by its parent not to engage in research and
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IAS 24 Summary Notes
A related party is a person or entity that is related to the entity that is preparing its financial
statements (in this Standard referred to as the ‘reporting entity’).
(a) A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to a reporting entity if that
(i) has control or joint control over the reporting entity;
(ii) has significant influence over the reporting entity; or
(iii) is a member of the key management personnel of the reporting entity or of a parent
of the reporting entity.
Situation (a) (i)
Reporting Entity
Significant Influence
Reporting Entity
Reporting Entity
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IAS 24 Summary Notes
(b) An entity is related to a reporting entity if any of the following conditions applies:
(i) The entity and the reporting entity are members of the same group (which means
that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary is related to the others).
(ii) One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate or joint
venture of a member of a group of which the other entity is a member).
(iii) Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party.
(iv) One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other entity is an associate of the
third entity.
(v) The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either
the reporting entity or an entity related to the reporting entity. If the reporting entity is
itself such a plan, the sponsoring employers are also related to the reporting entity.
(vi) The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified in (a).
(vii) A person identified in (a)(i) has significant influence over the entity or is a member of
the key management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity).
Reporting Entity
Fellow subsidiary and its subsidiaries (RP)
Joint Venture
Reporting Entity
Associate (RP) Joint Venture (RP) Associate (RP) Joint Venture (RP)
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IAS 24 Summary Notes
Joint Control
Joint Control
Reporting Entity
Entity (RP)
Joint Control
Reporting Entity
Entity (RP)
Joint Control
Reporting Entity
Entity (RP)
Reporting Entity
All Related Entities
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Reporting Entity
Entity (RP)
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Significant Influence
Significant influence
Reporting Entity
Entity (NOT RP)
Significant Influence
Significant influence
Reporting Entity
Entity (NOT RP)
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Joint Venture
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related party is a transfer of resources, services or obligations between a reporting entity and
transaction a related party, regardless of whether a price is charged.
Key are those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and
management controlling the activities of the entity, directly or indirectly, including any director
personnel (whether executive or otherwise) of that entity.
Close are those family members who may be expected to influence, or be influenced
members of by, that person in their dealings with the entity and include:
the family of a (a) that person’s children and spouse or domestic partner;
person (b) children of that person’s spouse or domestic partner; and
(c) dependants of that person or that person’s spouse or domestic partner
Compensation includes all employee benefits.Employee benefits are all forms of consideration
paid, payable or provided by the entity, or on behalf of the entity, in exchange
for services rendered to the entity. It also includes such consideration paid on
behalf of a parent of the entity in respect of the entity.
Government refers to government, government agencies and similar bodies whether local,
national or international.
government- is an entity that is controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by a
related entity government.
Naeem Limited is a manufacturer of automobile spare parts. The business is conducted this way:
(a) Naeem Limited purchases everything it needs from Khurram Limited, a well-known supplier.
Due to the high quality of the material that Khurram Limited has provided over the last 10
years, Naeem Limited has never purchased from any other supplier. Thus it may be
considered economically dependent on Khurram Limited.
(b) Naeem Limited sells 70% of its output to a company owned by a director and the balance to
an entity that is its “associate” by virtue of Naeem Limited owning 35% of the share capital
of that company.
(c) Naeem Limited stores inventory in a warehouse that is leased from the wife of its director.
The lease rentals are at arm’s length.
(d) Naeem Limited has provided an interest-free loan to a company owned by the chief
executive officer (CEO) of Naeem Limited for the purposes of financing the purchase of
delivery vans which the company owned by the CEO is using for transporting goods from
the warehouse of the supplier to the warehouse used by Naeem Limited for storing
Identify which transactions would need to be disclosed as related party transactions.
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Relationship These are disclosed irrespective of any transaction during the year.
between Disclose the name of parent and ultimate controlling party.
parent and If parent or ultimate controlling party do not produce consolidated FS, the
subsidiaries name of next most senior parent that does so.
Compensation in total and for each of the following categories shall be
Short term employee benefits
to key
Post employment benefits
Other long term employee benefits
Termination benefits
Share based payments
For each related party (parent, Joint venturers, having significant influence,
subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures, key management personnel and others)
separately, the following shall be disclosed at a minimum:
For related Nature of related party relationship
party Amount of outstanding balance
transactions Commitments
during the Terms and conditions
period (for all Whether outstanding balances are secured
entities) Nature of consideration
Any guarantees given or received
Provision for doubtful debts related to the outstanding balance
Expense recognised for bad or doubtful debts
A government-related entity is exempt from the above disclosures for
For related transactions with government or related party which is also government-related
party entity.
during the However, the following shall be disclosed:
period (for Name of government
government- Nature of its relationship
related Nature and amount of each individually significant transactions
entities) Qualitative and quantitative indication of their extent, for other
transactions that are collectively (but not individually) significant
The following are examples of transactions that are disclosed if they are with a
related party:
(a) purchases or sales of goods (finished or unfinished);
(b) purchases or sales of property and other assets;
(c) rendering or receiving of services;
(d) leases;
(e) transfers of research and development;
Examples of
(f) transfers under license agreements;
(g) transfers under finance arrangements (including loans and equity
contributions in cash or in kind);
(h) provision of guarantees or collateral;
(i) commitments to do something if a particular event occurs or does not
occur in the future, including executory contracts; and
(j) settlement of liabilities on behalf of the entity or by the entity on behalf of
that related party.
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Tahir Limited is part of a major industrial group of companies. The entity is seeking advice from
IFRS specialists on whether the following transactions need to be reported under IAS 24 and, if
so, to what extent, and how the related-party transactions note should be worded.
1. Remuneration and other payments made to the entity’s chief executive officer (CEO) during
the year 2012 were
a. An annual salary of $ 2 million
b. Share options and other share-based payments valued at $1 million
c. Contributions to retirement benefit plan amounting to $ 1 million
d. Reimbursement of his travel expenses for business trips totaling $ 1.2 million
2. Sales made during the year 2012 to
a. Fayyaz Limited, parent company: $ 35 million
b. Noor Limited, associate: $ 25 million
3. Trade debtors at December 31, 2012, include
a. Due from Fayyaz Limited: Gross: $10 million, Net of provision: $7 million
b. Due from Noor Limited: $ 15 million (these receivables are fully backed by corporate
guarantees from Noor Limited)
Please advise Tahir Limited on related party transactions that need to be disclosed and draft a
sample related-party transactions note.
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IAS 24 Summary Notes
(a) Notwithstanding the fact that Naeem Limited purchases all its raw materials from Khurram
Limited and is economically dependent on it, Khurram Limited does not automatically
become a related party. Thus for the purpose of IAS 24, purchases made from Khurram
Limited are not considered related party transactions.
(b) Seventy percent of the sales are to an entity owned by a “director” (i.e., an entity controlled
by a key management person), and 30% of the sales are made to an entity that Naeem
Limited has “significant influence” over. Thus both sales are to related parties as defined in
IAS 24 and would need to be disclosed as such.
(c) The lease of the warehouse, although at arm’s length, has been entered into with the wife
(a “close member of the family”) of a “director” (a key management person) and thus needs
to be disclosed as a related party transaction.
(d) The interest-free loan to an entity owned by a director needs to be disclosed as a related
party transaction. The fact that it is interest-free may warrant disclosure because it may not
be construed as an “arm’s-length transaction” since Naeem Limited would not normally
provide unrelated parties with interest-free loans.
Furthermore, the rental expenses paid for hiring a delivery van belonging to an entity owned
by a director also would need to be disclosed as a related party transaction since these
charges are paid to an entity “controlled” by a key management person.
All the listed items are required to be disclosed in Tahir Limited’s financial statements prepared
under IFRS. The only exception is the reimbursement of the travel expenses of the CEO
amounting to $1.2 million; as this sum is not “compensation,” it is not required to be disclosed
under IAS 24.
Note: Related Party Transactions
Tahir Limited enters into related party transactions in the normal course of business. During the
year 2012, these related party transactions were entered into with related parties as defined under
IAS 24. The transactions resulted in balances due from those parties that, at December 31, 2012,
(1) With the parent company (Fayyaz Limited)
Sales $35 million
Included in trade debtors (due from parent company) $10 million
Provision for doubtful debts $ 3 million
(2) With an “associate”
Sales $25 million
Included in trade debtors (due from an associate)* $15 million
*Amount due from an associate is secured by a corporate guarantee given by the associate.
For the year ended December 31, 2012, Tahir Limited made these payments to its CEO, part of
the “key management personnel”:
Short-term benefits (salary) $ 2 million
Post employment benefits (retirement benefit plan contribution) $ 1 million
Share-based payments (stock options, etc.) $ 1 million
Total $ 4 million
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