7 Sn-Ifrs-16
7 Sn-Ifrs-16
7 Sn-Ifrs-16
IFRS 16 Leases
A contract or part of a contract that conveys the right to use an asset (the underlying asset)
for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
A lessee is required to recognise a right-of-use asset representing its
General right to use the underlying leased asset and a lease liability
representing its obligation to make lease payments.
Those having a term of 12 months or less, including the effect of
Short term
extension options. The election for short term leases is by class of
The leases for which the underlying asset is of low value (eg telephones,
Low value
laptop computers, and office furniture). The election for low value leases
can be made on a lease-by-lease basis.
A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
Finance lease
ownership of an underlying asset is known as finance lease.
A lease that does not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards
Operating lease incidental to ownership of an underlying asset is known as operating
The earlier of the date of a lease agreement and the date of commitment
by the parties to the principal terms and conditions of the lease.
Inception date
of the lease
[The type of lease is identified on this date].
The date on which a lessor makes an underlying asset available for use
Commencement by a lessee.
date of the
lease [The accounting treatment is applied from this date]
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
Unguaranteed residual value is that portion of the residual value of the
underlying asset, the realisation of which by the lessor is not assured or
residual value
is guaranteed solely by a party related to the lessor.
Residual value guarantee is a guarantee made to a lessor by a party
Residual value
unrelated to the lessor that the value (or part of the value) of an
underlying asset at the end of a lease will be at least a specified amount.
Part of residual value guaranteed by: For lessee For Lessor
Lessee GRV GRV
Related party of lessee GRV GRV
Third party unrelated to lessee and lessor - GRV
Related party of lessor - UGRV
None - UGRV
Class Notes
The residual value at end of lease term is estimated to be Rs.15,000. C Limited guaranteed
L Limited to purchase the asset at the end of lease term at Rs.10,000 if L Limited so desire.
M Limited (manufacturer of machine) has guaranteed L Limited to purchase the machine at
the end of lease term at Rs.13,000 if L Limited so desire.
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
Time Description Cash flow PV Factor PV
0 Down payment 10,000 1.0000 10,000
1-5 Rentals 20,000 3.7908 75,816
5 GRV 10,000 0.6209 6,209
5 UGRV 5,000 0.6209 3,105
Class Notes
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
Lease Liability
At the commencement date of the lease, a lessee recognises a lease liability for the unpaid
portion of payments (and guaranteed residual value, if any), discounted at the rate implicit in
the lease or, if this is not readily determinable, the incremental rate of borrowing.
Class Notes
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
A lessee shall disclose information about its leases for which it is a
lessee in a single note or separate section in its financial statements.
However, a lessee need not duplicate information that is already
presented elsewhere in the financial statements, provided that the
information is incorporated by cross-reference in the single note or
92| separate section about leases.
A lessee shall disclose the following amounts for the reporting period:
(a) depreciation charge for right-of-use assets by class of underlying
(b) interest expense on lease liabilities;
(c) the expense relating to short-term leases. This expense need not
include the expense relating to leases with a lease term of one
month or less;
(d) the expense relating to leases of low-value assets. This expense
Specific shall not include the expense relating to short-term leases of low-
disclosures value assets;
(e) the expense relating to variable lease payments not included in
the measurement of lease liabilities;
(f) income from subleasing right-of-use assets;
(g) total cash outflow for leases;
(h) additions to right-of-use assets;
(i) gains or losses arising from sale and leaseback transactions; and
(j) the carrying amount of right-of-use assets at the end of the
reporting period by class of underlying asset.
A lessee shall provide the disclosures specified in a tabular format,
unless another format is more appropriate. The amounts disclosed shall
Tabular format
include costs that a lessee has included in the carrying amount of
another asset during the reporting period.
A lessee shall disclose the amount of its lease commitments for short-
term leases accounted if the portfolio of short-term leases to which it is
committed at the end of the reporting period is dissimilar to the portfolio
and portfolio
of short-term leases to which the short-term lease expense disclosed.
When If a lessee measures right-of-use assets at revalued amounts applying
revaluation IAS 16, the lessee shall disclose the information specified in relevant
model is used disclosure of IAS 16 for those right of use assets.
Under IFRS 16 the financial liability of lessee under lease arrangement
requires a maturity analysis that is dealt by IFRS 7. According to IFRS 7,
the lessee is required to disclose maturity analysis of lease liability for
remaining contractual maturities. The contractual maturities are the
future lease payments (without discounting).
Moreover, application guidance (B11) of IFRS 7, Financial Instruments:
Disclosures requires that in preparing the maturity analysis, a lessee
uses its judgment to determine an appropriate number of time bands.
Class Notes
Non-current liabilities
Lease liability 6,503 3,478 - -
Current liabilities
Lease liability 2,630 3,025 3,478 -
Interest payable - - - -
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
Statement of comprehensive Income 2011 2012 2013 2014
(extracts) Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Depreciation expense 17,434.5 17,434.5 17,434.5 17,434.5
Interest expense 4,974 3,471 1,817 -
Non-current liabilities
Lease liability 34,712 18,183 - -
Current liabilities
Lease liability 15,026 16,529 18,183 -
Interest payable 4,974 3,471 1,817 -
Class Notes
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
Selling profit or loss
Finance income on the net investment in the lease
Income relating to variable lease payments not included in the
measurement of the net investment in the lease
Qualitative and quantitative explanation of the significant changes in the
96| Finance carrying amount of the net investment in the lease
lease Maturity analysis of undiscounted lease payment receivable for a minimum
of each of the first five years plus a total amount for the remaining years.
A lessor shall reconcile the undiscounted lease payments to the net
investment in the lease. The reconciliation shall identify the unearned
finance income relating to the lease payments receivable and any
discounted unguaranteed residual value.
Lease income, separately disclosing income relating to variable lease
payments that do not depend on an index or a rate.
Maturity analysis of undiscounted lease payments to be received for a
minimum of each of the first five years plus a total amount for the
remaining years
Disclosure requirements in IAS 36, IAS 38, IAS 40 and IAS 41 for assets
subject to operating leases
Disclosure requirements in IAS 16 for items of property, plant and
equipment subject to an operating lease
Nature of the lessor‘s leasing activities
Management of the risk associated with any rights that the lessor retains
in underlying assets.
all leases
Class Notes
| 97
Maturity analysis – contractual undiscounted cash flows Rs. in 000
Less than 1 Year 5,714
One to two years 5,714
Two to three years 5,714
Three to four years 5,714
Four to five years 5,714
More than 5 years 5,714
Total undiscounted lease receivable 34,284
Current assets
Gross Investment in lease 4,000 4,000 4,000 -
Unearned finance income (1,370) (975) (522) -
Net investment in lease 2,630 3,025 3,478 -
Working 1 Finance Lease (Receipt in arrears) Schedule
Receipt Receivable Interest Principal Receivable
time at beginning @ 15% Element after receipt
T Rupees
31.12.2011 11,420 1,713 4,000 (2,287) 9,133
31.12.2012 9,133 1,370 4,000 (2,630) 6,503
31.12.2013 6,503 975 4,000 (3,025) 3,478
31.12.2014 3,478 522 4,000 (3,478) -
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
Pass the journal entries.
The journal entries are:
Date Particulars Dr. Rs Cr. Rs
Inventory 200,000
Class Notes
The journal entries are:
Date Particulars Dr. Rs Cr. Rs
Cash 1,100
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
= 1,000,000 × = 577,263
1,500,000 865,895
( ) = [1,500,000 1,000,000] × = 211,368
Class Notes
Accounting in the books of seller-lessee (Transfer of asset is not a sale)
Cash 1,500,000
Financial liability 1,500,000
Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Cash 1,500,000
Right-of-use 110,789
Asset 1,000,000
Lease Liability 132,947
Financial liability (loan) 300,000
Gain 177,842
W1 – Calculations Rs.
PV of payments (PV of 100,000 p.a. for 5 years @ 5%) 432,947
Add/(less): Adjustment fair value – sales price (300,000)
NPV 132,947
= 1,000,000 × = 110,789
1,200,000 132,947
( ) = [1,200,000 1,000,000] × = 177,842
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Cash 5,500,000
Right-of-use asset 1,722,017
Equipment 3,000,000
Lease Liability (PV of Lease payments) 2,944,034
Gain 1,277,983
W1 – Calculations Rs.
PV of payments (PV of 400,000 p.a. for 10 years @ 6%) 2,944,034
Add/(less): Adjustment fair value – sales price 500,000
NPV 3,444,034
= 3,000,000 × = 1,722,017
6,000,000 3,444,034
( ) = [6,000,000 3,000,000] × = 1,277,983
Class Notes
Follow IFRS 15 guidance to determine if the transaction is a sale of the underlying asset or
Account for the purchase of the asset Do not recognise the transferred asset
applying the applicable IFRS. and recognise a financial asset equal to
Account for the lease under the the transfer proceeds. | 103
lessor accounting requirements of The financial asset is accounted for in
IFRS 16. accordance with IFRS 9.
Accounting in the books of buyer lessor (Transfer of asset is not a sale)
The buyer-lessor shall account for lease as a financial asset (in accordance with IFRS 9):
Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
Financial asset 1,500,000
Cash 1,500,000
Cash Rs.346,462 (Dr.)
Financial asset Rs.271,462 (Cr.)
Interest receivable Rs.75,000 (Cr.)
Lease amortisation schedule will need to be made to account for Principal (Financial asset)
and interest (income) over the useful life of a machine.
4th Edition
ICAP CAF 7 Financial Accounting and Reporting II
When the lessee make payment to lessor over ten month, the lessee shall account for the
payments in equal installments (straight line basis). The following entry will take place;
Expense 4,000
Cash 4,000
This entry is made for ten accounting periods
Sale and leaseback – Sales above Fair Value (Short term lease)
Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
Cash 200,000
Asset – Furntiture (CV) 160,000
Gain 40,000
When the lessee makes payments to lessor over ten months, the lessee shall account for
the payments in equal installments (straight line basis). The following entry will take place;
Expense 4,000
Cash 4,000
This entry is made for ten accounting periods by the lessee
End of Chapter