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Collateral Sources

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By Peter H.

Wayne IV and Charly Schell

Collateral Sources—Educate
Your Clients About Their Options

ith each passing day, we learn more about the the straight legal aspects of a case that they lose sight of
importance of Medicare and Medicaid and the long term planning issues that will directly affect his or
their respective interests in personal injury her client’s financial and healthcare future. Most attorneys
cases. Most recent discussions pertain to properly resolv- understand the impact of the collateral source rule and its
ing a Medicare or Medicaid lien or protecting Medicare’s current ability to ensure that the jurors are unlikely to learn
interest in a client’s future cost of injury related care.1 While of a client’s healthcare coverage, but they should also learn
it is imperative that we try to educate ourselves as much as that defendants are increasingly challenging this rule.
possible about these issues, this article is focused mainly While the results to these challenges are often unfavor-
on raising an additional reason for better understanding able for defendants, the end result is that defendants are mak-
Medicare and Medicaid, as well as other collateral sources ing it a priority to learn more and more about the important
that may be available to a client. details of a plaintiff’s available collateral sources, sometimes
When attorneys hear the term collateral sources they even more than the attorney or the plaintiff him or herself
often think of the collateral source rule as defined in KRS may even know. Not only are a plaintiff’s available collateral
§411.188, as well as how this statute was found to be uncon- sources invaluable to his or her future health and financial
stitutional in the 1995 case of O’Bryan v. Hedgespeth2 or the welfare, but it is also vitally important that the injured party
more recent 2005 Supreme Court case of Baptist Healthcare and his or her family fully comprehend how this coverage will
v. Miller3. Or, differently, an attorney may think of the col- affect the future costs associated with any future healthcare
lateral source rule as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary: needs. Rest assured that defendants will attempt to learn
If an injured person receives compensation for as much as possible about a plaintiff’s collateral sources in
his injuries from a source wholly independent of order to better understand the amount of money it will take
the tortfeasor, the payment should not be deducted to secure a settlement and avoid further litigation. Plaintiffs
from the damages [monetary compensation], which and their attorneys should place the same emphasis on ob-
he would otherwise collect from the tortfeasor. In taining this information. A settlement plan that does not fully
other words, a defendant tortfeasor may not benefit calculate how a collateral source will provide for an injured
from the fact that the plaintiff has received money party’s future needs is simply insufficient, not only for the
from other sources because of the defendant’s tort.4 plaintiff, but also for his or her family as well.

That said, it is simply not enough to understand that the n understanding of collateral sources can and
Kentucky Supreme Court found that wrongdoers should not will be effective in articulating to the plaintiff
be relieved of paying damages simply because the injured and his or her attorney when to decide between
party maintained health insurance.5 Instead, we must strive proceeding to trial or agreeing to a settlement offer. Not be-
to not only represent our clients to the best of our ability, but ing aware of a client’s available healthcare coverage options
also try and provide our clients with guidance and education make it extremely difficult to fully comprehend the impact of
about the various government benefits and/or private health a settlement offer. Becoming fully aware of a client’s options
insurance options (both of which fall under the category of cannot be learned quickly, as it takes weeks and a team of
collateral sources) that may be available to them now or in experts to obtain, verify and evaluate the information about
the future. a client’s future healthcare options. This is time well spent.
At times, plaintiff attorneys can become so focused on The ability to fully understand how certain settlement offers

36 The Advocate
can be used to protect a client’s future often just as important as securing the to the previously mentioned high de-
healthcare and financial needs cannot settlement money itself. mand for waiver program eligibility,
be overstated. the likelihood of becoming re-enrolled

It is imperative that attorneys loss of needs based ben- on a particular program is small, and
gather as much information about efits can be even more losing eligibility for a waiver program
their clients as possible at the begin- traumatic if a beneficiary can be far more costly to an injured
ning of their representation. Attorneys were enrolled in a Medicaid Waiver party and his or her family than the
must determine whether their client is Program, such as the Acquired Brain prospect of not receiving a settlement
receiving any Medicaid or other needs Injury (ABI) waiver.7 Waiver programs in the first place. It is only to an at-
based benefits.6 Failing to acknowledge are often in high demand due to the torney’s benefit that they partner with
a client’s eligibility for a needs based level of in home care services that are settlement planning professionals,
benefit could be devastating should available through the program. Unfor- special needs planning attorneys and
the client take receipt of a settlement tunately, there is never enough funding disability attorneys so they can help a
without fully evaluating the impact of available in a state’s budget for every client fully understand the benefits of
such receipt. person or family in need of such care using a special needs trust8 or other
to obtain access to it. Therefore, if a settlement planning vehicle. It is also

ost needs based benefits person becomes eligible for a waiver important that a plaintiff and his or
possess an income and program, it is critical that this eligibility her family understand how a special
resource test that must not be jeopardized. Should the receipt needs trust can be funded through
be satisfied every month in order for the of settlement money be poorly planned, both a structured settlement and lump
benefit recipient to remain eligible for a client could risk becoming ineligible sum payment. The combination of a
said benefit. Should a beneficiary re- for a waiver program indefinitely. Due structure and lump sum payment will
ceive a settlement, there is a very strong
possibility that this receipt of settlement
money will cause the beneficiary to
exceed the amount of income that the
benefit recipient can receive during a
given month, which in turn will cause
this individual to become ineligible for
that benefit. For example, if a child is
injured and receiving Kentucky Insur-
ance for Children (KCHIP) and the
child receives a $100,000 settlement,
it highly likely that this child will lose
his or her eligibility for the benefit. This
loss of eligibility will force the child’s
parents to use the settlement money
to pay for his or her healthcare needs.
Furthermore, using settlement money
to pay for an injured party’s entire
healthcare costs will often leave a plain-
tiff and his or her family in dire financial
straits. Generally speaking, settlement
monies are not intended to pay for a
plaintiff’s future health care needs, but
rather to supplement the injured party’s
current healthcare coverage. Ensuring
that a client maintains eligibility for his
or her current healthcare coverage is

July/August 2010 37
help maximize the return on settlement benefits work in conjunction with one nering or associating with settlement
monies initially placed in the trust and another and how their corresponding planning professionals, special needs
limit the management costs associated eligibility standards operate. Helping a planning attorneys, disability attor-
with the administration of the special client receive a settlement or judgment neys, life care planners and nurses that
needs trust itself. is truly the reward and driving force understand full comprehensive health
behind representing plaintiffs, but being and financial planning, an attorney will

client may be able to obtain able to help a client receive a settlement make him or herself a better and more
access and benefit from an and obtain healthcare coverage through complete legal counselor and client
entitlement benefit such as Medicaid, Medicare and/or additional representative. Further, the processes
Medicare or Social Security Disability income via SSI or SSDI makes an at- and services offered by special needs
(SSDI), in addition to needs based torney’s impact on a client’s life all that and settlement planning professionals
benefits. Unlike needs based benefits, much more powerful and everlasting. will not only serve to better educate a
one’s eligibility for an entitlement ben- Verifying a client’s collateral sources client about settlement options, but also
efit is not conditioned on the amount often assists a client, family member such services will provide the means by
of income they make or the number or spouse to focus on an injured party’s which to implement a settlement plan
of resources they own. In essence, the needs and helps to eliminate some of that maximizes each and every dollar
Federal Government extends Medi- the stress associated with ensuring that offered as part of a settlement. Ulti-
care9 coverage and SSDI payments there is enough money to simply pay for mately, when an attorney turns to his
to disabled10 individuals who are “in- future healthcare costs. or her client and asks if a set amount of
sured” under the Social Security Act money is enough or if he or she would

by virtue of their contributions to the n conclusion, it is critical that like to continue with litigation, they will
Social Security trust fund through the an attorney and his or her cli- possess a more complete understanding
Social Security tax on their earnings, as ent be aware of the impact of of their settlement options and be able
well as to certain disabled dependents all available collateral sources. By part- to evaluate the costs and benefits asso-
of insured individuals.11 In order to be
eligible for SSDI payments, the benefi-
ciary must possess the required number
of work credits12 that correspond with
his or her age. While planning for how
News and Notes
a certain amount of settlement money
might affect a client’s eligibility for an Attorney David E. sional Liability Attor-
entitlement benefit, the knowledge that Davidson joined neys (ABPLA.org ) at
a plaintiff is receiving such benefits, or the Strauss & Troy the Annual Meeting of
the ability to assist a client in becom- law firm. He will be the ABPLA in Atlanta,
ing eligible for such a benefit, will only located in the North- Georgia. He succeeds
serve to help a client and provide the ern Kentucky of- former Presidents,
opportunity for settlement monies to be fice and concentrate Tommy Malone, Har-
used to make his or her life more enjoy- his practice in the areas of civil vey Wachsman MD, JD, and Phillip
able. Instead of using settlement monies litigation, family law and criminal H. Corboy. The ABPLA, founded
to pay future medicals bills, the money defense. Mr. Davidson is admitted in 1972, is the only organization in
can be used to provide the plaintiff and/ to practice in Kentucky and Ohio. the US accredited by the American
or his or her family with better home He is past President and former Bar Association to “Board Certify”
accessibility and educational opportu- member of the Board of Directors specialists in the fields of medical
nities, among many other things. of the Northern Kentucky Bar As- malpractice and legal malpractice.
While it is vitally important that sociation. The ABPLA is comprised of awyers
attorneys understand a client’s benefits from around the country on both
to properly evaluate how those benefits On June 12, 2010, WILLIAM F. sides of the Bar. Mr. McMurry is
are affected, it is also just as important McMURRY was elected President Board Certified in both medical and
that attorneys fully understand how the of the American Board of Profes- legal malpractice.

38 The Advocate
ciated with such a decision. Protecting 10 The law defines disability as the inabil- http://www.ssa.gov/disability/profession-
our clients’ interests is the most impor- ity to engage in any substantial gainful als/bluebook/general-info.htm.
activity (SGA) by reason of any medi- 11 See http://www.ssa.gov/disability/profes-
tant aspect to representing plaintiffs,
cally determinable physical or mental sionals/bluebook/general-info.htm.
but don’t limit this to just the interests impairment(s) which can be expected 12 A work credit equals four months worth
involved in the litigation itself, rather to result in death or which has lasted or of employment in which the beneficiary
expand your practice to fully protect can be expected to last for a continuous paid social security taxes. See http://
all of your client’s future lifetime needs. period of not less than 12 months. See www.ssa.gov/pubs/10072.html.

­ Peter Wayne serves as Kentucky-

licensed settlement planning consultant
for FORGE Consulting and also as the
company’s general counsel. He may be
reached at pwayne@FORGEconsulting.
com or (502) 595-8600.

— Charly Schell is a Principal of

FORGE Consulting. He may be reached
at cschell@FORGEconsulting.com or
(502) 595-8600.

1 42 U.S.C. 1395(y)(b)(2); See 42 CFR

Part 411.
2 892 S.W.2d 571.
3 Baptist Healthcare v. Miller, 177 S.W.3d
676 (2005).
4 Black’s Law Dictionary (2003).
5 177 S.W.3d 676, 683 (2005) — The
wrongdoer should not receive a benefit
by being relieved of payment for dam-
ages because the injured party had the
foresight to obtain insurance. Second,
as between the injured party and the
tortfeasor, any so-called windfall by al-
lowing a double recovery should accrue
to the less culpable injured party rather
than relieving the tortfeasor of full re-
sponsibility for his wrongdoing. Third,
unless the tortfeasor is required to pay
the full extent of the damages caused,
the deterrent purposes of tort liability
will be undermined.
6 Some examples of needs based benefits
are Social Security income, Medicaid,
food stamps and Section 8 housing
7 http://chfs.ky.gov/dms/Acquired+
8 42 USC §1396p(d)(4).
9 One can become eligible for Medicare
coverage by reaching the age of 65 or
remaining eligible for SSDI benefits for
a period of two years. See www.ssa.gov.

July/August 2010 39

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