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Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key

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Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

The Q Classroom Answers may vary. Possible answer:

Activity A, p. 2 landscape architect, areas, spaces,
Answers will vary. Possible answers: working outdoors, plants, green space;
1. I think the Jeddah TV tower is urban planner, architects individual
attractive. I don’t like the plain buildings, urban planners = whole
apartment buildings. cities, needs of people; interior
2. It is very important for a city to look designers, attractive, safe, and
attractive. functional inside, space, trend
3. It is a modern-looking building. I
think it is an attractive building. LISTENING 1
Answers may vary. Possible answers: Activity A, p. 5
1. Sophy thinks modern architecture is 1. d
all skyscrapers. She thinks it’s 2. b
boring. 3. g
2. Marcus both agrees and disagrees 4. e
with Sophy. He says, yes, there are 5. h
lots of skyscrapers, but there are 6. c
also many interesting buildings, 7. f
especially “green” ones. 8. a


Activity A, iQ Online Resource Activity A, B, p. 6
Answers will vary. Answers may vary. Possible answer:
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Oscar Valerian, round ball, tiny
Answers will vary. Sample answer: windows, science fiction, latest trends,
Name of good design?, need bigger building,
building: Empire State Building people want a celebrity, design is
Features of important, journalists = honest
building: Antenna Activity C, p. 6
Shape: Tall, rectangular  2.
Style: Art-Deco  4.
Materials: Brick Activity D, pp. 6–7
Function: Office building 1. Ayisha says it looks like a big round
Other: Built in 1931 ball with windows. She says it looks
like something from a science fiction
Activity A, p. 4 2. About twenty people were at the
architect, creative, visual imagination meeting.
Activity B, p. 4 3. No, they took the plans seriously.
Yes, the word architect is repeated. 4. Ayisha thinks the plans are
Activity C, p. 4 ridiculous and not practical.

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

5. They think Oscar Valerian is a great LISTENING SKILL

architect. Activity A, p. 8
6. She thinks people are too concerned  2.
with trends and that the town needs Activity B, p. 9
a different sort of building for a 1. Answers will vary.
library. 2. It is possible to understand the main
7. Julia recommends that Ayisha idea without knowing these words
include some possible solutions with because you can identify the main
her critical comments. idea by noticing when the speaker
8. Yes, I think Ayisha will follow Julia’s repeats ideas or emphasizes
advice. She says “Good idea!” Also, sentences.
she interrupted Julia in order to ask 3. Answers may vary. Possible answers:
for advice, so it seems that Ayisha Example: Designers are using recycled
values Julia’s opinion. materials. Therefore, furniture design
Activity E, p. 7 is going “green.”; Example: Desks have
1. J ports for computers, and
2. A entertainment centers have a lot of
3. J space. Therefore, technology is having
4. A an impact on design.; Example: People
5. A are getting modern kitchens that have
6. J a “look” from the 1950s. Therefore,
7. J some people like older styles.
8. A
Say What You Think, p. 8 Activity A, pp. 9–10
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. economics
1. Yes, because current trends are 2. roof
what people want right now. No, 3. eco-friendly
because architects should follow 4. relationship
their own creative vision, no matter 5. benefit
what is trendy. 6. sustainable
2. I admire sleek, new glass 7. forest
skyscrapers. I dislike boxy, old 8. combination
concrete buildings.
3. It means that a building has to do WORK WITH THE LISTENING
what the people need it to do: Activity A, B, pp. 10–11
provide shelter or commercial space Answers may vary. Possible answer:
or whatever. People shouldn’t have sustainable architecture = relationship
to adapt their needs to the structure between architecture and the
of the building. environment, reuse materials,
sustainable also = energy used,

Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

example solar energy; economic 1. Building using sustainable materials

benefits = lower electrical bills; looks as in Listening 2.
like = creativity, example = building 2. The city I live in has a modern
with trees on balconies; green roofs section and an older section. The
Activity C, p. 11 older section is mostly built of mud
1. b and bricks. This architecture is
2. c sustainable, because there is always
3. b more mud to make bricks. The new
Activity D, pp. 11–12 section has skyscrapers made of
1. b steel and glass. This section is not as
2. a sustainable.
3. c 3. Our cities would be very boring. All
4. b the buildings would be plain cubes.
5. a
Activity E, p. 12 VOCABULARY SKILL
1. Green roof installations increased Activity A, p. 14
from less than 1 million square feet 1. start
in 2004 to about 20 million in 2012. 2. follow
2. The biggest increase occurred 3. set
between 2010 and 2011. 4. stop
3. Answers will vary. Students may 5. continue
note that green roofs are part of the
trend in sustainable architecture.
Activity A, p. 15
4. Answers will vary.
1. My cousin is studying architecture at
SAY WHAT YOU THINK university.
Activity A, p. 13 2. Sami is attending the conference on
Answers will vary. Possible answers: sustainability today.
1. Architects can use geothermal 3. We are discussing modern
energy for heating resources like architecture this week.
wood for building, or they can 4. Right now, Professor Martin is
recycle concrete from torn-down talking to some students.
buildings. Activity B, p. 16
2. Yes, because I want the earth to stay 1. HN
healthy for my children. / No, 2. AN
because I want to have the 3. AN
opportunity to build a new house 4. HN
and run it in a way that is 5. AN
convenient for me. 6. AN
Activity B, p. 13
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Activity A, p. 16–17
1. Speaker 2
Listening and Speaking 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

2. Speaker 1
3. Speaker 2
4. Speaker 1

Consider the Ideas, iQ Online Resource
1. The city council supports the
building because the city needs
more office space and the project
will create new jobs.
2. Critics are asking questions about
the size and design of the building.
For example, “Is this building right
for this community?”


Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.


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