Egypt: Gec08-Science, Technology & Society Modern Ages
Egypt: Gec08-Science, Technology & Society Modern Ages
Egypt: Gec08-Science, Technology & Society Modern Ages
A country
located in the
corner of
the Nile
River valley Egypt has a population of over 84 million
and delta, with the vast majority of Egyptians living in
was the home of one of the principal civilizations of 40,000 square kilometres (less than 4% of
the ancient Middle East and, like Mesopotamia the total land area) along the banks of the
farther east, was the site of one of the world’s River Nile, where the only arable land is
earliest urban and literate societies. Pharaonic found. The vast majority of the remaining
Egypt thrived for some 3,000 years through a land is made up of sparsely inhabited, arid
series of native dynasties that were interspersed desert.
with brief periods of foreign rule. After Alexander Egypt's capital is Cairo, in the north of the
the Great conquered the region in 323 BC, urban country, which has a population of
Egypt became an integral part of the Hellenistic approximately 12 million. Alexandria is the
(The period covers the period of Mediterranean history second largest city, with a population of
between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and over 4 million.
the emergence of the Roman Empire) ,world.
Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations of
Under the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty, an the world, established over 5,000 years ago.
advanced literate society thrived in the city Based around the River Nile, whose annual
of Alexandria, but what is now Egypt was flood was central to the country's
conquered by the Romans in 30 BC. It remained prosperity, various civilizations flourished.
part of the Roman Republic and Empire and then The Pharaohs reigned intermediately both
part of Rome’s successor state, the Byzantine in Memphis in the north and Thebes in the
Empire, until its conquest by Arab Muslim armies south, bringing a culture that has continued
in AD 639–642. to fascinate and inspire people the world
over with features such as the pyramids,
Egypt was called "The Gift of the Nile" by hieroglyphics and numerous awe inspiring
Herodotus, a Greek historian. temples and artefacts.
Without the Nile the area would be entirely desert
River Nile flooded every year during month of July Evidence of the Pharaohs and the Romans
and left rich soil. This rich soil was ideal for still exists at the Sukari Gold Mine today, as
planting crops. well as the remains of the British Mine
Manager's house from relatively recent
times (the 1950s).
industry. The Egyptian currency is the Egyptian Who were the farmers in Ancient Egypt?
The pharaoh got the rich peasants to do the
Prospectivity farm work on the rich lands.
Shemu (March-May): The Harvesting Season. The Animals were very important to Egyptian
fully grown crops had to be cut down (harvested) farmers. Animals helped them with jobs
and removed before the Nile flooded again. It was like trampling in the seeds, pulling the
also the time to repair the canals ready for the next plough, eating unwanted grain or wheat
flood. and providing the Egyptians with food and
drink. They kept animals such as cattle,
What farming tools did they have in Ancient goats, pigs, ducks, cows, and geese.
Egypt? Ancient Egyptian medicine
Ancient Egyptians had simple farming tools such as
Some of the earliest records of medical care
winnowing scoops, hoes, rakes, flint-bladed sickles
come from ancient Egypt.
and ploughs.
The ancient Egyptians believed in prayer as
a solution to health problems, but they also
had natural, or practical remedies such as
The ancient Egyptians thought that gods,
demons, and spirits played a key role in
causing diseases.
Doctors believed that spirits blocked
channels in the body and that this affected
How did they lift water from canals on to the the way the body worked. They looked for
land? ways to unblock these channels. They used
To lift the water from the canal they used a shaduf. a combination of prayer and natural — or
A shaduf is a large pole balanced on a crossbeam, a non-spiritual — remedies.
rope and bucket on one end and a heavy counter The fact that ancient Egyptians had systems
weight at the other. By pulling the rope it lowered of letters and numbers meant they were
the bucket into the canal. The farmer then raised able to record and develop ideas and make
the bucket of water by pulling down on the weight. calculations. Documented ancient Egyptian
He then swung the pole around and emptied the medical literature is among the oldest in
bucket onto the existence today.
Using the
power of
oxen to
pull the
revolutionised agriculture and modified versions of filled with water and easily raised then
this Egyptian invention are still used by farmers in emptied onto higher ground.
developing countries around the world.
The Sickle Surgical Instruments
The Egyptians would use the paper to write things 5. Which of the following is true about the
such as religious ideas and books. use of makeup in Ancient Egypt? (A) It
was used by both men and women. (B) It
Mummification protected their skin from the harsh sun. (C)
It was thought to have special healing
The Egyptians were so expert at preserving the powers. (D) All of the above
bodies of the dead that after thousands of years we
know of the diseases they suffered such as arthritis, 6. What was a Pharaoh? (A) A type of
tuberculosis of the bone, gout, tooth decay, bladder statue erected to the Egyptian gods (B)
stones, and gallstones; there is evidence, too, of the The leader of Egypt (C) A large structure
disease bilharziasis (schistosomiasis), caused by where the Egyptian kings were buried (D)
a. c.
b. d. AGRICULTURE.html#ixzz6ZaeyZYMp
9. What is the equivalent Egyptian
numeral for 1,025
a. perations/egypt/egypt-country-overview
b. egypt/farming.htm
c. les/323633#channel-theory
d. egyptian-inventions/