3is Class Note (Lesson 2)
3is Class Note (Lesson 2)
3is Class Note (Lesson 2)
Department of Education
General Reminders: Use this activity sheet with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the activity sheet. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises. Read the
directions carefully before doing each task. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator
once you are through with it.
I. Explore
Directions: Think and recall the parts of Chapter One in a research paper and
write them on the other circles.
A group of student-researchers from Jose C. Payumo Jr. Memorial High School intends to
conduct a study on the effectiveness of the Tobacco Free Generation (TFG) program in
Dinalupihan, Bataan. Medical doctors, nurses and volunteers in Singapore started the said
program in 2016 and was adopted by Bataan in the same year. TFG founder, Dr. Koong Heng
Nung, considered Bataan as the first province in the Philippines to adopt this campaign.
According to Koong (2018), TFG aims to educate and encourage the youths to be part of the
tobacco free generation.
II. Learn
As you write the background of the study or introduction, take into consideration the
following guidelines:
1. It should clearly state the reason for conducting the study.
2. It should move from broad to specific.
3. It should state the current condition of the research problem.
Prior to writing and reading various literature and studies, making an outline is a
helpful tip to facilitate the process. Here is an example of an outline of the
background of the study:
Source: Ceejay S. Mallari, et al, “Nami Plant Extract as Termite Repellent” paper
presented at Jose C. Payumo Jr. Memorial High School, 2020.
B. The next part to be accomplished is the Statement of the Problem. Aside from being
a tool in solving dilemmas in the society, another purpose of research is to guide people
towards a better understanding of phenomena, human behavior, human interactions
and other events in daily life. This premise indicates the importance of meticulously
crafting of the research questions as it sets the focus and drives the course of the study.
The purpose of this ethnographic study (type of study) is to describe (exploratory and
non- directional verb) the training (central phenomenon of the study) of Aeta teachers
from Castillejos, Zambales (participants) for the past ten years (when) to provide insights
into the formulation of a continuing education model for indigenous teachers (purpose).
(Creswell and Clark, 2014)
Title of the Study: Perpetuity of Family-owned Business in the Philippines: A Causal Model
1. What external factors in the enabling environment influence the family business perpetuity in
terms of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal?
2. What internal factors in the enabling environment influence the family business perpetuity in
terms of succession, planning, family stability, stewardship, family constitution, innovation,
flexibility, philosophy of commitment, productivity-based management, governance power, and
professional education?
3. What causal model best explains the perpetuity of family-owned business using the interplay and
external factors?
Source: Alaine Marc Goles, “Perpetuity of family-owned business in the Philippines: A causal model” Unpublished Doctoral
Dissertation, University of Sto. Tomas, 2016
C. A hypothesis is a preconceived idea, assumed to be true and is tested for its truth or
falsity. It has two types: the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The null
hypothesis indicates that there is no significant difference or relationship between
specified populations or variables. Significant difference is used when testing whether
there is difference between the means of two or more populations or variables while
significant relationship is used in situations where one is examining the association
between any two sets of variables (King’oriah, 2004). Null hypothesis is the hypothesis
the researcher will try to disprove or discredit. An alternative hypothesis, on the other
hand, is one that states that there is a significant difference or relationship between
specified populations or variables.
D. The significance of the study pinpoints the benefits certain groups of people will
gain from the findings of the study. It must start from the most to the least benefitted
Title of the Study: Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 9 Students
in Jose C. Payumo Jr. Memorial High School
Verbal bullying is one of the leading causes of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety
disorder and mood disorder. School, as studies reported, is one of the places this type of
bullying perpetuates in. Despite the many policies implemented to reduce the cases of verbal
bullying, still the problem continuously takes place.
This study focuses on the effects of verbal bullying to the academic performance of grade 9
students in Jose C Payumo Jr. Memorial High School S. Y. 2019-2020.
To the students, this will provide them knowledge about the forms of bullying and how to deal
with it once encountered.
To the school administrators, the result of this study may provide information and may serve
as a basis to encourage them to make regulations about the problem. In addition, this may
lead them to assuring the full and strong implementation of the existing policies on bullying.
To the teachers, the findings of this study may help them to spread awareness on how
destructive verbal bullying can be. Constant guidance from the teachers can also be an upshot
of this study. Moreover, teachers may conceptualize activities or other solutions to create a
positive and friendly atmosphere inside their classrooms.
To the parents, this study may inform them on the possible negative circumstances like
bullying that may happen to their children. As an effect, this may encourage them to guide
their children properly.
To the future researchers, this study will serve as a basis for related topics. A continuation of
this study may be done to fill in the gaps of this research that may result to proactive solutions
to counter any form of bullying.
Source: Jocelyn C. Gambas, et. al, “Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 9 Students in
Jose C. Payumo Jr. Memorial High School, School Year 2019 – 2020” paper presented at Jose C. Payumo Jr.
Memorial High School, 2020.
WHERE : This study was conducted in six Barangays of Pola, Oriental Mindoro, namely:
Barangay Calubasanhon, Barangay Malibago, Barangay Maluanlaun, Barangay Pahilahan,
and Barangay Pula. WHO: The population considered was limited to those households who
were directly affected by the constructed INFRES farm-to-market Road Project.
WHAT AND WHY: The study was concerned with (1) the impact of the constructed INFRES
Farm-to-Market Road Project on the respondents; and (2) the relationship between
construction of roads and its impact, only in terms of the answered Household Survey
Questionnaire and perception of respondents and key officials. The condition of the
respondents was to be described also in terms of their demographic profile and other
indicators included in the Impact Assessment Household Survey Questionnaire.
HOW: The study included an evaluation of the economic and social aspect of the beneficiaries
before and after the INFRES farm-to-market road project, as well as of the respondents’
demographic profile, income and employment, improved access, and perceived benefits after
the INFRES road was constructed. Key Informant Interview was also used to gather data,
especially unanswered items in the survey.
Source: Raynaldo Quitos, “An Assessment of Farm-to-Market Road Projects in Pola, Oriental
Mindoro” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Sto. Tomas, 2013.
2. Do a literature review. Go over relevant and updated studies related to your own
research. Use reliable sources of information and use appropriate documentation.
3. Isolate the important variables. Identify the specific variables mentioned in the
literature and show their interrelationships.
4. Generate the conceptual framework. Build your conceptual framework using the
variables studied in the scientific articles you have read. Your problem serves as a
reference in constructing the conceptual framework. In effect, your study will attempt to
answer a question that other researchers have not explained yet.
Here are examples of theories that can be used to form the theoretical framework of the
1. Macrotheory 4. Symbolic Interactionism 7. Marxist Theory
In order to enable better understanding of the study, the following terminologies were
operationally or conceptually defined:
Affixation. It is a morphological method whereby a bound morpheme, an affix, is
attached to a morphological base in order to create either a different form of the
morphological base or a new word with a different definition.
Coinage. It refers to the invention or creation of a new word or phrase. In this paper,
this word may refer to any process that involves making up of new terms, phrases and
expressions that are not usually found in the dictionary.
Contrastive Analysis. Conceptually, it is the systematic investigation of a pair of
languages with the purpose of identifying differences and similarities in their
Conversion. It is the process wherein the word’s function has been transformed into
another but with no overt change in form.
Facebook. It is an online social media or social networking service that makes easy for
people to connect and share with other people.
Source: Jan Adams D. Magtanong, “Morphological Analysis of the Language of the Netizens in
Social Media” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus,
Practice Exercises/Activity
A. Directions: Read the statements carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
Encircle your answer.
1. This refers to a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.
A. conceptual framework C. statement of the problem
B. significance of the study D. hypothesis
2. This is a structure that best explains the development of a study.
A. background of the study C. statement of the problem
B. conceptual framework D. hypothesis
3. This is an important part of a research paper where the key or important terms in the
study are clearly defined.
A. conceptual framework C. statement of the problem
B. significance of the study D. definition of terms
B. Directions: With your chosen research problem, formulate the general objective
consistent with the pattern given by Creswell and Clark (2014). Write your answers on
the space provided.
C. Directions: Develop at least two specific research questions that correspond to your
general statement of the problem. Write your answers on the space provided.
Research Question:
2: ____________________________________________________________________________________
C. Formulate a null and an alternative hypothesis for each of the following. Write your
answers on the space provided.
What I Learned
Based on the lessons discussed, answer each question in three or more sentences.
Write your answer on your answer inside the box. (5 points each)
What Can I Do
Directions: Accomplish the tasks below by following the instructions carefully. Base your
answers on your chosen research problem in the previous module. Write your answers
on the space provided.
Beneficiary 1:
Beneficiary 2:
Beneficiary 3:
Beneficiary 4:
5. How will your study be conducted? State the research design, instrument and
Post Test
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