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Unit 2: Love To Learn!

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Unit 2: Love to learn!

 Skills and abilities
Bake bread Cuinar/Coure pa
Build a robot Construir un robot
Catch a fish Caçar/Pescar un peix
Climb an indoor climbing wall Escalar una paret d’escalada interior
Do DIY (do it yourself) Bricolatge
Design (your own) clothes Dissenyar (la teva pròpia) roba
Drive a vehicle Conduir un vehicle
Learn a foregin Language Aprendre una llengua estrangera
Learn to knit Aprendre a teixir
Learn to sew Aprendre a cosir
Play in an orchestra Tocar en una orquestra
Ride a go-kart Muntar/anar (en) un kart
Ride a quad-bike Anar en quad
Sing in a choir Cantar en una coral
Swim 20 lenghts Nedar 20 llargades
Write computer code Escriure un codi informàtic/d’ordinador

 Learning techniques
Do a conversation exchange Fer un intercanvi de conversacions
Draw mind maps Dibuixar mapes mentals
Follow instructions Seguir les instruccions
Highlight key points Destacar/Subratllar punts importants
Keep practising Seguir practicant
Learn (sth) by heart Aprendre (alguna cosa) de memòria
Listen to podcasts Escoltar podcasts
Record yourself Gravar-se a sí mateix
Revise for a test Revisar per a una prova
Set up a study group Crear un grup d’estudi
Take a course (in sth) Fer un curs (en alguna cosa)
Take notes Prendre notes/fer apunts
Use apps Utilitzar aplicacions
Use sticky notes Utilitzar post-its
Watch video tutorials Veure vídeos de tutorials

 Grammar
 Past simple and present perfect
We use the past simple for an action completed at a specific time in the past.
Nuala went to Spain last summer.
Her school organised an exchange a year ago. Rashid started learning Mandarin
in September.

We use the present perfect for an action that happened at an unspecified time
in the past, or an action that started in the past and continues or is still
relevant now.
Have you ever done a conversation exchange?
Anya has already learnt ten songs by heart.
We've studied English for years.

 For, since and How long…?

We use since to talk about the point in time when an action starts.
How long has Ben enjoyed cooking?
He's enjoyed cooking since he was young.

We use for to talk about the duration of an action.

How long has Alice wanted to drive?
She's wanted to drive for years.

 Just, yet and already

We use just to talk about something that happened very recently.
Alice has just learnt to drive.

We use yet to say or ask whether something that we expected has happened or
She hasn't passed her test yet.
Has she bought a car yet?
We use already for something that happened previously or sooner than
Ben has already experimented with some new dishes.

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