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Corrosion Protection in Shipbuilding

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Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović



Damir Dražić, Ph.D. student

Siniša Stojan, Ph.D. student
Brodotrogir, HR - 21220 Trogir, Croatia
damir.drazic@brodotrogir.hr, sinisa.stojan@brodotrogir.hr,

Zlatan Kulenović, Ph.D.

University in Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies
Z. Frankopanska 38, HR - 21000 Split, Croatia


In the ship building process and its operational period, the ship is exposed to various chemical influences
of the environment that cause different corrosion damages. Severe structural material damage caused by
corrosion can affect both the safety and overall life of the ship. To slowdown or eliminate the corrosion process
on the ships they have to be protected by various measures and technological procedures.
The paper presents the technological processes of corrosion 1protection, starting from structural and
technological measures, application of protective coatings, the use of corrosion resistant materials, cathodic
protection and the employment of inhibitors. Consequently, the corrosion protection in shipbuilding is an
important technological process, which may ultimately and significantly affect not only ship’s service period, but
also the price of the ship building and maintenance costs.

Keywords: shipbuilding, ship corrosion, corrosion protection process

Methods of corrosion protection are based on the theory of corrosion processes.
Alterations of the material properties and external environmental characteristics are the
factors which can affect the slowing down or stopping of the corrosion process. Corrosion
protection in the shipbuilding industry is an important technological process devised to
protect the ship from corrosion effects. Figure 1. shows storage area of
plates, profiles and flats in a shipyard exposed to severe environmental conditions. This paper
describes the technological operations and methods of corrosion protection, starting from the
application of paint in the workshop process, cathodic protection, protection of the inhibitors,
as well as the use of corrosion resistant materials to the construction of technological

The results presented in the paper have been derived from the scientific research project „New Technologies in
Diagnosis and Control of Marine Propulsion Systems“ supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and
Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović

Figure 1: Storage area of plates, profiles and flats in a shipyard


2.1 Preparation of surface
Surface preparation is a demanding technological operation (figure 2. shows ballast
tanks sections) in the development of the ship’s hull from primary surface preparation of
plates, profiles, and flats performed in the automatic installation (clean steel surface under the
contract is defined as surface condition 2.5 according to ISO 8501-1, 1988). It also includes a
basic workshop procedure called coating. Shop primer in the film thickness 15-25 µm is used
for the protection of steel in the process of ship construction. However, mandatory control of
the thickness of the coatings for greater thickness may adversely affect the cutting speed and
quality of steel, as well as the occurrence of errors in welding [1]. Secondary surface
preparation is carried out in the halls for sand blasting and painting, whereby dirt and salt
should be removed from the surface of the section, rendering it and sandblasting according to
standard ISO 8501-1 (to remove any defects arising in the course of the volume section). Prior
to performing a secondary surface preparation, preparing the steel surface, figure 3. (referred
to as ballast space) is done, steel preparation according to ISO 8501-3 grade P2 that covers
repairs to finishing damage in the section. This technological operation implies extra work in
welding and grinding and represents the pre-assembly sockets.

Figure 2: Ballast sections Figure 3: Ballast section steel preparation

Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović

2.2 Temporary protection workshop

The first stage of corrosion protection in the shipbuilding industry consists of the
workshop coating (shop primer) on the plating profile and flats in a thin film, about of 15 to
25µm thick, as excessive film thickness may negatively affect the quality of welding (the
occurrence of porosity) and cutting steel. Shop primer represents fast-drying coatings which
are used for temporary protection of steel in the workshop during ship construction and
application of the final coating system. Temporary corrosion protection is performed in the
workshop of processing in automated plant starting from drying sheets, shot blasting and
coating according to the standard ISO 8501-1. Workshop coatings used are zinc silicate and
epoxy iron oxide shop primer. Epoxy iron oxide is applied to obtain a greater thickness,
demanding more paint, consequently resulting in higher coats and increased losses [2]. Today
in most shipyards zinc silicate is used as shop primer (with a share of 25-35 % zinc), which
provides a better quality welding and reduced occurrence of undesirable zinc salts (a
compound hardly soluble in water and difficult to clean from the surface),
Shop primer must meet the following requirements:
 must be suitable for automated staining procedures,
 have the shortest drying time (3 to 5 minutes),
 resistance to high temperatures,
 must not release toxic gases during welding and cutting,
 must not negatively affect the welding process,
 compatibility with other coating systems,
 must not affect the mechanical properties of welded joints.

2.3 Terms of coating

The technological process of preparing the surface hull is done by destroying the metal
surface in a stream of air under high pressure and abrasive sandblasting or shot blasting to
ISO 8.501. Surface preparation standards include several criteria, rules and guidelines for the
process of preparing hull metal surfaces. Surface conditions of steel structures are divided
into four stages:
 steel surfaces covered with mill scale and little corrosion,
 steel surfaces, which have begun to corrode and from which mill scale has started
to peel,
 steel surface exhibiting particles of rust or poorly applied fretting mill scale with
the first visible sings of pitting,
 steel surface that is visibly corroded and affected by pitting.
The process of preparing metal surfaces done by means of abrasives. Abrasives are
different types of materials suitable for the particular grit surface preparation, where the
abrasive particles using compressed air are applied to the surface which is to be cleaned. The
quality of the preparation of steel surfaces is shown by the following levels of ISO 8501 [3]:
 “Sa 2”: a thorough cleaning. The surface must be clean with no marking of oil,
grease, or dirt visible to the naked eye, and almost completely free of rust, old
paint and dirt. Any remaining residues should firmly adhere.
 “Sa 2.5”: a very thorough cleaning. The surface must be clean with no visible
traces of oil, grease and dirt, and almost completely free of mill scale, rust, paint
coatings and strange impurities, so the remaining tracks may seem like mild spots
or shadows.
 “Sa 3”: by abrasive blasting, all impurities are removed from the steel. The
surface must be clean with no visible traces of oil, grease or dirt and completely

Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović

free of mill scale, rust, paint coatings and strange impurities. The surface must
have a uniform metallic look.
 “St 3”: manual removal of rust by hand or mechanical tools for cleaning. The
surface has to be seen without a magnifying glass as free from traces of oil,
grease and dirt, without further residues of mill scale, rust, paint coatings, or
strange pollution, so it shows a mild metallic sheen.
Abrasives used for cleaning metal surfaces can be divided into two main groups: metal
and mineral abrasives. Basic characteristics of the abrasive are its hardness, size and shape.
For manual removal of rust, the following tools for cleaning are used: a scraper, a hammer to
remove the rust, a gun fitted with a needle, a steel brush (manually or mechanically driven),
and grinding wheels for grinding. For manual cleaning, as a rule , the degree of surface
preparation St 3 should be achieved.

2.4 Methods of applying coatings

The technological process of corrosion protection uses different methods of applying
coatings (figure 4. illustrates stripe coating method) by brush, roller or spraying (air or
airless), where the selection of the procedure affects the speed and quality of works.

Figure 4: Stripe coating section

 Paint brush is usually used for the procedure “touch-up” in the protection of areas
such as joints, transitions, edges, welds and other rough surfaces and pitting. In
these areas, dye penetration is achieved by applying the proper brushes: it can not
be achieved by any other method.
 Paint roller is rarely used because of its defects, formation of small bumpy layers,
usually with small gaps and holes, which is why penetration is very weak and it is
difficult to achieve high-quality layer thickness.
 Applying a coating by spraying is based on dispersing the paint in the form of tiny
droplets that settle on the working parts. Airless spraying is a method that is most
common in the shipbuilding industry because it enables rapid application of paint
onto large surface, high impact, the possibility of applying thicker layers, as well
as good penetration.

Cathodic protection of ship is an integral part of every ship on its underwater part and
the protection of coatings is the most common method of corrosion protection employed in

Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović

shipbuilding. The primary task of cathodic protection is an electrochemical method of

protecting metals from corrosion effects and is effective only if there is a conductive medium
between the anode and the structure that protects it [2]. There are two main types of cathodic
 cathodic protection by means of a sacrificial anode
 impressed current cathodic protection system

3.1 Cathodic protection by means of a sacrificial anode

When two metals come in contact with each other in the presence of water, the less
precious metal will have a lower potential than the precious one. This potential difference
between metals in contact generates an electric current between them. The current flows from
the precious metal (the cathode) to the less precious one (the anode). A continuous flow of
electricity to the less precious metal causes the release of more positive ions, which dissolve
in water. This leads to the slow dissolution of less precious metals in water. This metal
dissolution is called anodic reaction, while the metal that dissolves is called the anode.
Sacrificial anodes consists of pieces of metal that have a lower potential in sea water than the
metal of the hull being protected.
Anodes are made from non-precious materials and tend to corrode more easily than
iron. Sacrificial anode is typically made from zinc, aluminium, or in rare cases, magnesium.
Magnesium anodes were once used much more frequently than today, but were eliminated
because magnesium produces a lot of hydrogen in the process, thereby adversely affecting the
natural environment. Today the most widely used material for sacrificial anodes of zinc,
welded to different places on the ship’s plating (see figure 5.). The anode has a lower
potential compared to the steel plating, so that they "absorb power" beyond the exposed part
of the plating, thereby generating a circuit between the zinc anode and the parts of ships
made from copper or other precious metal alloys (e.g. the marine propeller). In this way the
zinc is consumed, and the steel hull is simultaneously protected. When the zinc anode wears
out, the circuit is established between the next less precious metal, resulting in its dissolution.
For the protection of steel in the sea about 140 mA/m2 , colored steel 10-15 Ma/m2. is
required. Therefore the cathodic protection is regularly used in combination with protective
coatings. If the layer of paint in the underwater part of the hull is damaged, it enables a flow
of electricity between sea water and metal. The more serious the damage, the higher the zinc
anode wear rate will be. When installing the anode it is important to achieve a good weld
between the hull and the anode, and the anodes must not be coated with paint. Anodes are
usually rectangular and flat, adapted to the particular part of the hull or the equipment
requiring protection.

Figure 5: Zinc plating anodes aboard ship

Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović

Cathodic protection systems using sacrificial anodes are very flexible, because the small
anodes can be arranged so that they can ensure an effective protection of the entire ship
structure. The only drawback in the application of sacrificial anodes is that it requires
frequent welding onto the hull, which can result in both external and internal traces of damage
to the external plating, also necessitating repeated repair works. The advantages of cathodic
protection anodes could be summed up as follows:
 between two overhauls the ship does not require particular maintenance,
 low cost,
 the availability throughout the world.
The disadvantages are:
 limited duration of 1-5 years, which is difficult to predict,
 damage to the outer plating caused by friction against flatting objects in the sea,
which can greatly accelerate anode wear.

3.2 Induced current cathodic protection system

In induced current cathodic protection system (figure 6.), a flow of electric current is
generated from an external source, protecting the parts of the hull which are in contact with
sea water, thereby causing a cathode reaction which, in turn, protects the steel from corrosion.
The hull is usually connected via amplifiers to the negative half of the power source, while the
positive pole is connected to the anode and due to possible damages, built into the bottom
shell. Anodes are made from precious metals such as platinum, conductive polyplastics, etc.
The area around the set of hull anodes should be protected by special coatings. Currents and
voltages of the cathode protection vary depending on the size of the ship, the damaged surface
of the ship, speed, sea water salinity, and the number and position of the anodes. The
advantages of this system consist in the minimum maintenance requirements, high reliability,
and continuous control of protection parameters. The initial high cost of this protection, as
compared to the method using sacrificial anodes, can be returned in six years. The
disadvantages include the following: the possibility of erroneous connection of the system,
potentially causing rapid and intense corrosion damage to the hull, while excessive protection
may damage the protective coatings [4].

Figure 6: Scheme of the applied cathodic protection current to 46,000 dwt chemical tanker

Corrosion inhibitors are substances defined as inorganic or organic in origin, which in a
very low concentrations assist in reducing the corrosion rate to technologically acceptable

Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović

levels. According to the mode of action, inhibitors are classified as anodic, cathodic and
mixed (anode-cathode). Due to the specific action, such as uniformly filling the space and
creating a protective to the metal surface, thereby preventing its contact with the environment
and the media, inhibitors are applied for the protection of marine structures in inaccessible
places such as the keel, rudder etc. Inhibitors evaporate and are adsorbed on all metal
surfaces, with the inhibited layer being continuously renewed, so that no regeneration of the
protective system during its life is necessary. Inhibitors are used in enclosed spaces on board
which are exposed to aggressive atmospheric influence, sea water containing a high level of
chloride, high humidity and frequent changes in temperature, all of which contributing to an
increased corrosion of the hull. In these conditions, poorly applied protection coatings due to
inaccessibility do not meet the necessary requirements of durability, thereby rendering
inhibitors the most suitable solution in the protection of such areas. In the Croatian shipyards
inhibitors are used for the protection of the interior parts of the rudder, where a simple
application offers a uniform quality of protection of the structure. Evaporating inhibitors are
blown into the rudder through the bores which are subsequently closed.


In the shipbuilding industry, in addition to standard shipbuilding steel and high strength
steels, stainless steels resistant to corrosion are being increasingly used [4]. Their use is most
frequent in the area of cargo tanks AISI 316 L (communication in cargo tanks and wells for
the cargo unloading system), as well as individual pipelines located on the main board (figure
7.). Corrosion resistant steel is a structural material with a high corrosion resistance, but in
certain circumstances it may often become prone to, potentially very dangerous, accelerated
local corrosion damages (e.g. pitting, contact, selective, and crevice corrosion). These
phenomena typically occur in places of connections, joints, or weld, where the prescribed
welding technology and procedures should be strictly adhered to.

Figure 7: Cargo pipes on the main deck


A particular challenge for the designer is creating quality classification drafts that could
affect the ship safety and its durability in service. It is therefore necessary and important that
the designers, ship-builders, and technologists should closely collaborate, with a view to
adjusting the construction and prescribing the required technology, thereby preventing any
future occurrence of corrosion processes that could prove potentially damaging to the life of
the ship.

Damir Dražić, Siniša Stojan, Zlatan Kulenović


The cost of the ship production can be significantly affected by a higher accuracy in the
construction of the hull sections, an adequate organisation of technological processes,
corrosion protection, as well as by a close monitoring of the construction of particular section
units (figure 8.). The control of sizes and shapes in shipbuilding industry is primarily aimed at
ensuring the accuracy of sections, which will simplify and facilitate the installation of the
ship, as well as reduce the amount of subsequent work (correction works in steel and
additional anticorrosive works). This will also result, during the mounting of the hull, in the
increase of its quality, a reduction of any amount of additional work, a reduction of overall
production costs, as well as a substantially shorter production cycle [4].

Figure 8: Erection joint between two sections

The technological process of corrosion protection in the manufacturing process of the
ship construction is an extremely important one because a well-designed corrosion protection
is a prerequisite for a long life of the ship and its service. The ship is exposed to highly
aggressive environments, particularly sea water. By a proper design of the structure, varied
design solutions and manufacture technologies, and quality of work regarding corrosion
protection, the quality of the ship can be increased and its life significantly extended.


1. Esih I. : Osnovne površinske zaštite, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 2003.

2. Juraga I., L. Linardon, V. Šimunović, I. Stojanović, Zaštita od korozije u brodogradnji,
Zavarivanje u pomorstvu, Hvar, 2004.
3. FROSIO, Radni materijali, Trogir, 2004.
4. BRODOGRADILIŠTE BRODOTROGIR, Dokumentacija gradnje broda, Trogir,

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