Programming Assignment 3: Paths in Graphs: Algorithms On Graphs Class
Programming Assignment 3: Paths in Graphs: Algorithms On Graphs Class
Programming Assignment 3: Paths in Graphs: Algorithms On Graphs Class
Paths in Graphs
Revision: July 27, 2020
Welcome to your third programming assignment of the Algorithms on Graphs class! In this and the next pro-
gramming assignments you will be practicing implementing algorithms for finding shortest paths in graphs.
Recall that starting from this programming assignment, the grader will show you only the first few tests.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this programming assignment you will be able to:
1. compute the minimum number of flight segments to get from one city to another one;
2. check whether a given graph is bipartite.
1 Computing the Minimum Number of Flight Segments 4
3 Appendix 8
3.1 Compiler Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Graph Representation in Programming Assignments
In programming assignments, graphs are given as follows. The first line contains non-negative integers 𝑛 and
𝑚 — the number of vertices and the number of edges respectively. The vertices are always numbered from 1
to 𝑛. Each of the following 𝑚 lines defines an edge in the format u v where 1 ≤ 𝑢, 𝑣 ≤ 𝑛 are endpoints of
the edge. If the problem deals with an undirected graph this defines an undirected edge between 𝑢 and 𝑣. In
case of a directed graph this defines a directed edge from 𝑢 to 𝑣. If the problem deals with a weighted graph
then each edge is given as u v w where 𝑢 and 𝑣 are vertices and 𝑤 is a weight.
It is guaranteed that a given graph is simple. That is, it does not contain self-loops (edges going from a
vertex to itself) and parallel edges.
∙ An undirected graph with four vertices and five edges:
4 5
2 1
4 3
1 4
2 4
3 2
4 3
1 2
2 5 4
1 3
2 5 4
1 3
Note that the vertices 1, 2, and 5 are isolated (have no adjacent edges), but they are still present in
the graph.
∙ A weighted directed graph with three vertices and three edges.
3 3
2 39
1 35
1 2 -2
5 9
1 2
1 Computing the Minimum Number of Flight Segments
Problem Introduction
You would like to compute the minimum number of flight segments to get from one city to another one. For
this, you construct the following undirected graph: vertices represent cities, there is an edge between two
vertices whenever there is a flight between the corresponding two cities. Then, it suffices to find a shortest
path from one of the given cities to the other one.
Problem Description
Task. Given an undirected graph with 𝑛 vertices and 𝑚 edges and two vertices 𝑢 and 𝑣, compute the length
of a shortest path between 𝑢 and 𝑣 (that is, the minimum number of edges in a path from 𝑢 to 𝑣).
Input Format. A graph is given in the standard format. The next line contains two vertices 𝑢 and 𝑣.
Sample 1.
4 3
1 2
Sample 2.
3 4 5
1 2
2 Checking whether a Graph is Bipartite
Problem Introduction
An undirected graph is called bipartite if its vertices can be split into two parts such that each edge of the
graph joins to vertices from different parts. Bipartite graphs arise naturally in applications where a graph
is used to model connections between objects of two different types (say, boys and girls; or students and
An alternative definition is the following: a graph is bipartite if its vertices can be colored with two colors
(say, black and white) such that the endpoints of each edge have different colors.
Problem Description
Task. Given an undirected graph with 𝑛 vertices and 𝑚 edges, check whether it is bipartite.
Sample 1.
4 3
1 2
This graph is not bipartite. To see this assume that the vertex 1 is colored white. Then the vertices 2
and 3 should be colored black since the graph contains the edges {1, 2} and {1, 3}. But then the edge
{2, 3} has both endpoints of the same color.
Sample 2.
3 4 5
1 2
This graph is bipartite: assign the vertices 4 and 5 the white color, assign all the remaining vertices
the black color.
What To Do
Adapt the breadth-first search to solve this problem.
3 Appendix
3.1 Compiler Flags
C (gcc 7.4.0). File extensions: .c. Flags:
gcc - pipe - O2 - std = c11 < filename > - lm
If your C/C++ compiler does not recognize -std=c++14 flag, try replacing it with -std=c++0x flag
or compiling without this flag at all (all starter solutions can be compiled without it). On Linux
and MacOS, you most probably have the required compiler. On Windows, you may use your favorite
compiler or install, e.g., cygwin.
C# (mono 4.6.2). File extensions: .cs. Flags:
3.2 Frequently Asked Questions
Why My Submission Is Not Graded?
You need to create a submission and upload the source file (rather than the executable file) of your solution.
Make sure that after uploading the file with your solution you press the blue “Submit” button at the bottom.
After that, the grading starts, and the submission being graded is enclosed in an orange rectangle. After the
testing is finished, the rectangle disappears, and the results of the testing of all problems are shown.
∙ Good job! Hurrah! Your solution passed, and you get a point!
∙ Wrong answer. Your solution outputs incorrect answer for some test case. Check that you consider
all the cases correctly, avoid integer overflow, output the required white spaces, output the floating
point numbers with the required precision, don’t output anything in addition to what you are asked
to output in the output specification of the problem statement.
∙ Time limit exceeded. Your solution worked longer than the allowed time limit for some test case.
Check again the running time of your implementation. Test your program locally on the test of max-
imum size specified in the problem statement and check how long it works. Check that your program
doesn’t wait for some input from the user which makes it to wait forever.
∙ Memory limit exceeded. Your solution used more than the allowed memory limit for some test case.
Estimate the amount of memory that your program is going to use in the worst case and check that it
does not exceed the memory limit. Check that your data structures fit into the memory limit. Check
that you don’t create large arrays or lists or vectors consisting of empty arrays or empty strings, since
those in some cases still eat up memory. Test your program locally on the tests of maximum size
specified in the problem statement and look at its memory consumption in the system.
∙ Cannot check answer. Perhaps the output format is wrong. This happens when you output
something different than expected. For example, when you are required to output either “Yes” or
“No”, but instead output 1 or 0. Or your program has empty output. Or your program outputs not
only the correct answer, but also some additional information (please follow the exact output format
specified in the problem statement). Maybe your program doesn’t output anything, because it crashes.
∙ Unknown signal 6 (or 7, or 8, or 11, or some other). This happens when your program
crashes. It can be because of a division by zero, accessing memory outside of the array bounds, using
uninitialized variables, overly deep recursion that triggers a stack overflow, sorting with a contradictory
comparator, removing elements from an empty data structure, trying to allocate too much memory,
and many other reasons. Look at your code and think about all those possibilities. Make sure that you
use the same compiler and the same compiler flags as we do.
∙ Internal error: exception... Most probably, you submitted a compiled program instead of
a source code.
∙ Grading failed. Something wrong happened with the system. Report this through Coursera or edX
Help Center.