Carbon Vol. 42 Iss. 7
Carbon Vol. 42 Iss. 7
Carbon Vol. 42 Iss. 7
Carbon/carbon and zeolite/carbon composites have been prepared by pyrolytic carbon infiltration of organic and inorganic
substrates with different porous structures. The chemical vapour infiltration kinetics of these substrates has been studied in a
thermogravimetric system at atmospheric pressure, using benzene as pyrolytic carbon precursor. The rate of pyrolytic carbon
infiltration seems to depend on the porosity of the substrate available to the pyrolytic carbon precursor, irrespective of the nature of
the substrate studied. Activation energy values of about 180 kJ/mol were found for the different substrates used in the temperature
range of 700–800 °C, where the cracking reaction of benzene takes place, predominantly, in a heterogeneous form. At higher
temperatures homogeneous reactions compete with heterogeneous ones and higher values of activation energies (280–380 kJ/mol)
were obtained. The oxidation of the pyrolytic carbon deposited on the different substrates studied takes place in the same range of
temperature, which suggests the presence of a similar pyrolytic carbon structure on substrates of different nature or a similar
accessibility to the deposited layer.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: A. Carbon composites, Pyrolytic carbon; B. Chemical vapor infiltration; D. Surface area; Porosity
graphite, a very narrow microporous char (C800), apparent surface areas (ABET and ADR , respectively) for
prepared by carbonisation of lignin and an activated AC, Z14US and C800 char, with higher values for those
carbon (AC), prepared by partial gasification with water derived from the CO2 adsorption data, can be attributed
vapour of C800 char, were used as carbon substrates. to the lack of achievement of true N2 adsorption equi-
Benzene (2 vol%) in a stream of He was used as the librium, due to restricted diffusion through the pores at
pyrolytic carbon precursor. The benzene cracking reac- the low temperature of adsorption ()196 °C). These
tion temperature ranged from 700 to 900 °C. The CVD results indicate the existence of very narrow micropores
experiments were carried out with about 5 mg of sub- in the structure of these substrates. An opposite
strate when the TGA system was used and 1 g of sub- behaviour is observed for MCM-41 zeolite, which
strate when the reaction took place in the tubular exhibits negligible adsorption of CO2 and adsorption of
reactor. A total flow rate of 150 cm3 (STP)/min was used N2 similar to that found in Z14US zeolite. This zeolite
in both cases. presents a much higher external surface area than
The oxidation behaviour of the carbonaceous sub- Z14US, due basically to a well-developed narrow mes-
strates and the composites materials was studied over oporosity, with total absence of narrow micropores.
the entire burn-off range using non-isothermal thermo- C800, a char with a narrow microporous structure,
gravimetric analysis (air, 150 cm3 (STP)/min; 1 atm) at a shows a relatively high value of the CO2 surface area
heating rate of 5 °C/min. and a low value of the BET one. SP1 graphite is a non-
The porous structure of the different substrate and porous substrate with a low external surface area. Heat
the resulting composites were analysed by adsorption of treatment of MCM-41 at 800 °C slightly reduced the
N2 at )196 °C and CO2 at 0 °C (Omnisorb, Coulter) and micropore volume, without causing a substantial change
their surface texture and chemistry by scanning electron of the mesopore volume (see MCM-41-800 in Table 1).
microscopy (JSM 840 JEOL) and by X-ray photoelec- A more drastic heat treatment of this zeolite to 1000 °C
tron spectroscopy (5700C model Physical Electronic), produced a non-porous zeolitic substrate (MCM-41-
respectively. From the N2 isotherm, the apparent sur- 1000), with an external surface area very similar to that
face area (ABET ) was determined applying the BET shown by SP1 graphite.
equation, the micropore volume (Vt ) and the external Fig. 1 shows the pyrolytic carbon deposited on the
surface area (At ) was calculated using the t-method and activated carbon substrate as a function of reaction
the narrow mesopore volume (Vmespo ) was obtained by
subtracting the micropore volume from the volume of 0.25
Pyrolytic carbon deposited (g Pc/g AC)
3. Results and discussion
Table 1 shows the surface properties of the different
substrates used in this study. AC and Z-14US zeolite
present a microporous structure, with high values of 0 50 100 150 200
t (min)
surface area derived from both N2 and CO2 adsorption
data. The differences observed between the N2 and CO2 Fig. 1. Pyrolytic carbon deposition on AC as a function of reaction
micropore volumes (Vt and VDR , respectively) and time at different temperatures.
Table 1
Surface properties of the different substrate used in this study
Substrates N2 isotherms CO2 isotherms
ABET (m2 /g) Vt (cm3 /g) At (m2 /g) Vmesopor (cm3 /g) ADR (m2 /g) VDR (cm3 /g)
AC 746 0.310 25 0.035 1025 0.386
C800 30 0.013 443 0.168
SP1 <1
Z14US 556 0.248 21 0.015 577 0.217
MCM-41 645 0.420 141 0.121 N N
MCM-41-800 539 0.308 138 0.118 N N
MCM-41-1000 1 0.008 N N
N: negligible.
J.M. Rosas et al. / Carbon 42 (2004) 1285–1290 1287
(g Pc/g Subs.)
chemical vapour deposition takes place below this Z-14US
temperature under the operation conditions used in this AC
study. MCM-41
The deposition proceeds initially at a high rate and
after certain mass gain it decreases considerably. The 0.05
MCM-41 1000
higher than those for SP1 graphite, C800 char and
MCM-41-1000. The nature of MCM-41 zeolite surface
(g Pc/g SP1)
N (E)/E
resistance. Its oxidation starts at 400 °C with a low accessibility to the deposited layer. The oxidation of the
reaction rate that increases considerably at temperatures pyrolytic carbon of SP1/carbon composite seems to in-
above 580 °C. The oxidation resistance for this activated crease the reactivity of SP1 graphite of SP1/carbon
carbon is enhanced by deposition of pyrolytic carbon. composite. This may be due to the formation of active
The oxidation of AC/carbon starts at about 550 °C, site on the surface of SP1 during the pyrolytic carbon
which indicates that the pyrolytic carbon deposited is oxidation of the composite.
less reactive than the substrate (AC). Once the pyrolytic
carbon is removed, the oxidation of the composite takes
place at the same rate as that of the AC, suggesting that 4. Conclusions
surface of the activated carbon is now been oxidised
[8,16–18]. The rate of pyrolytic carbon infiltration seems to
The oxidation reaction for the pyrolytic carbon of the depend on the porous structure of the substrate avail-
Z-14US/carbon and MCM-41/carbon start at a tem- able to the pyrolytic carbon precursor, irrespective of
perature similar as that for the AC/carbon composite. the nature of the substrate studied.
The pyrolytic carbon deposited on MCM-41 shows a Activation energy values of about 180 kJ/mol were
lower oxidation resistance than that deposited on Z- found for the substrates used in the temperature range
14US, likely due to the high surface area of MCM-41/ of 973–1073 K, where the cracking reaction of benzene
carbon composite (280 m2 /g). The fact that the Z- takes place, predominantly, in a heterogeneous form. At
14US/carbon exhibit a higher oxidation resistance than higher temperatures homogeneous reactions compete
MCM-41/carbon, both with the same amount of pyro- with heterogeneous ones and higher values of activation
lytic carbon deposited, suggests that only a small frac- energies (280–380 kJ/mol) were obtained.
tion of the total surface area of the carbon deposited on The oxidation of the pyrolytic carbon deposited on the
Z-14US is available to the oxidant gas. Most of the different substrates studied takes place in the same range
surface area of the carbon in this composite must be of temperature, which suggests the presence of a similar
blocked and becomes available to the gas as oxidation pyrolytic carbon structure on substrates of different nat-
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